Desertfall Digital Edition PF 19-7-21

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L e a d D esi g n er P ro o f re a der H e a d o f C re ati v e S erv ices

Nathan Dowdell Keith Garrett Jon Webb

C re ati v e L e a d P ro j ect M a n a g er V ide o C o n te n t P ro d u cer

Andrew Peregrine Chris Shepperson Steve Daldry

W riter B r a n d M a n a g eme n t S a les M a n a g er

Andrew Peregrine Joe LeFavi for Genuine Rhys Knight

L i n e E dit o r C u st o mer S erv ice
T ec h n ic a l A d v ice
Jason Durall Lloyd Gyan
Brian Herbert
E dit o rs Kimberly Herbert O f f ice M a n a g er
Byron Merritt
Keith Garrett Shaun Hocking
Kevin J. Anderson
Tim Gray
the Herbert Properties team
D at a A n a ly st
G r a p h ic D esi g n er
C h ie f C re ati v e O f f icer Benn Beaton
Chris Webb
Chris Birch
B o o k k ee p er
A rt D irect o r
C h ie f O p er ati o n s O f f icer Valya Mkrtchyan
Katya Thomas
Rita Birch
P l ay testers
C o v er A rtist
M a n a g i n g D irect o r Our thanks and appreciation to everyone
Bastien Lecouffe-Deharme who played and commented in the
Cameron Dicks
forums on the closed beta test. We hope
I n teri o r A rtists to see you again on the sands of Arrakis.
H e a d o f P ro d u ct
Carmen Cornet
Sam Webb
Victor Hugo Harmatiuk
LiXin Yin
Amir Zand

The 2d20 system and Modiphius Logos are copyright Modiphius Entertainment Ltd.
2020. All 2d20 system text is copyright Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. Any unauthorised
use of copyrighted material is illegal. Any trademarked names are used in a fictional
manner; no infringement is intended. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity with actual
people and events, past or present, is purely coincidental and unintentional except for
those people and events described in an historical context.

Dune © 2020 Legendary. Dune: Adventures in the Imperium is an officially sub-licensed

property from Gale Force Nine, a Battlefront Group Company. All Rights Reserved.,
except the Modiphius Logo which is Modiphius Entertainment Ltd.

Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. 2nd Floor, 39 Harwood Rd, London SW6 4QP, United
Kingdom, [email protected],

Modiphius Entertainment Product Number: MUH052161, ISBN: 978-1-912743-58-2

C o n te n ts
Desertfall........................................................... 5 Epilogue........................................................... 19
Prelude............................................................... 6 Adapting the Adventure................................... 20
Act 1 – Arrival on Arrakis.................................... 7 Pregenerated Characters................................ 21
Welcoming Committee.................................. 7 Sharah Fell – Mentat ........................................ 22
Arrakeen Market............................................. 8 Talia Carell – Criminal ...................................... 24
Water Bandits................................................. 9 Hassan Diago – Servant ................................... 26
Anna Margrave – Bene Gesserit Novice ......... 28
Act 2 – The Residency...................................... 10
Marcus Syn – Swordmaster Apprentice ........... 30
The Enemy Agents....................................... 10
Corbin Bralik – Reformed Spice Amuggler ..... 32
The Household Staff..................................... 11
Investigations............................................... 13 Residency Map............................................ 34
Act 3 – Confronting the Agents....................... 15
The Red Herrings......................................... 15
The Assassin................................................. 16
The Lover..................................................... 17

D E S E RT FA L L | D U N E : A DV E N T U R E S I N T H E I M P E R I U M 3
D esert f a ll
‘You do not beg the sun for mercy.’
— Maud’Dib’s Travail from The Stilgar Commentary

D E S E RT FA L L | D U N E : A DV E N T U R E S I N T H E I M P E R I U M 5
G a mem a ster ’ s E y es O n ly
This introductory adventure brings the player characters to Arrakis and introduces them to the harsh
problems of the desert planet as they try to unearth spies and assassins in their midst.

The adventure can be played using the pregenerated characters, but will work equally well with a new group of
player characters. Simply substitute House Atreides for your own House and assume the nobles of your House are
arriving to supervise a franchised spice harvesting operation under the Harkonnen. While they will not be staying
at the Residency, they will be taking over a similar building (run by Mara) instead that must be made safe.

P rel u de
On Caladan, the homeworld of House Atreides, the Duke Leto, Hawat underlines the fact that the lives of the
household is in a form of organized chaos. The news has noble family may be in the hands of the player characters.
broken to the staff, soldiers, and retainers that House Failure is unacceptable. He tells the player characters that
Atreides is to take over the spice mining operation from they are being provided with a cover story to assuage any
their old enemies, House Harkonnen. However, it is for suspicions that they are anything more than junior staff of
the noble family to worry about the politics and dangers the Atreides household. However, he warns that enemy
that might await on Arrakis. For the player characters, agents are not so naïve. The player characters need to
there is much to be done to move the entire household watch their backs, as the whole Residency could be rid-
to another planet. With only a few weeks to prepare, the dled with Harkonnen agents.
contents of every room in the castle must be itemized,
The mission is simple. Investigate the Arrakeen Residency
recorded, and packed. Every member of the Atreides
and root out any spies, traps, and assassins. As the Atreides
staff has been drafted in to help. It is so busy that the
cannot lose any time before taking over spice production,
player characters are grateful for the break when they
the player characters have only five days from landing on
are summoned to meet with Duke Leto himself.
Arrakis before the Duke and his family arrive. If they fail in
The Duke’s office is comfortable and hospitable, unlike the their mission Duke Leto, Lady Jessica, and their son Paul may
serious expression on the face of his trusted Mentat advisor, all be in danger. The player characters are taking passage on
Thufir Hawat. The Duke welcomes the player characters a Guild Heighliner in two days’ time, traveling as minor mem-
and tells them that he has a mission for them on Arrakis. bers of House Atreides. Here are their cover stories.

The situation on Arrakis is currently in flux. Technically, @ Sharah Fell is the leader of the group, charged with
the Atreides are now in control of the planet. However, making sure that all the mining documents are in order
the Emperor has insisted that spice production cannot be and ready for Thufir Hawat when he arrives.
interrupted, and so House Harkonnen has been allowed
@ Hassan Diago has been tasked to take stock of
to continue to manage spice production until the Atreides
the Residency servants and make sure there are
arrive. The Harkonnens are currently running the operation
enough to cope with the arrival of House Atreides
from the city of Carthag, but the Atreides are reestablish-
at the level of professionalism they expect.
ing the old Residency in the city of Arrakeen as their base.
While this should keep clashes to a minimum, the Duke @ Anna Margrave is a handmaid of the Lady Jessica.
expects the Harkonnens to leave a few ‘surprises’ waiting As such, she is there to ensure that Lady Jessica
for them. The longer the Atreides take to get to Arrakis, and the rest of the noble family have everything
the more time the Harkonnens have to plant traps and they need as they would want it.
sabotage spice production to make the Atreides look
@ Marcus Syn is officially and unofficially a bodyguard
incompetent when they take over.
entrusted to protect the rest of the group.
The Duke charges the player characters to travel ahead
@ Corbin Bralik has been brought in as a guide to
of their House and take an initial assessment of the Res-
help the group find their way around Arrakeen.
idency at Arrakeen where the Atreides family will stay.
The Duke makes it sound as if the assignment is only a @ Talia Carell is a mere all-purpose servant just in
formality, but it is clear that he fears for the safety of his case they need to lift anything heavy!
family and he is looking to take every precaution.
The player characters have a day to prepare for the mis-
Being exceptionally busy, Duke Leto leaves the rest of sion before a Heighliner is due to arrive at Caladan. The
the briefing to Thufir Hawat. Even more serious than gamemaster should ask each of them how they plan to

prepare. They might read up on spice production or Eventually, it is time to depart and the player
customs on Arrakis, or continue to train and sharpen characters board a standard Spacing Guild shuttlecraft
their skills. If they choose the latter, the gamemaster that takes them to the vast Guild Heighliner in orbit
may have them make some appropriate skill tests to around Caladan. After a few hours for the passengers to
represent these exercises, to get everyone used to roll- embark, the Heighliner enters foldspace. After several
ing dice and using the system. The players might even similar jumps to other destinations on the route, the
play out a combat, the characters sparring with each Heighliner arrives in orbit around the bleached bronze
other using non-lethal weapons. planet of Arrakis.

A rri va l o n A rr a k is
The player characters arrive at the Arrakeen spaceport on a
Spacing Guild shuttle with all manner of other passengers. W elc o mi n g
Most of the other passengers are looking to make new
lives as spice miners. Some of the wealthier passengers are
C o mmittee
returning to their business or looking to trade in spice or The player characters are met at the spaceport (little
water. Almost every passenger balks for a moment as they more than a huge courtyard for a Guild shuttle) by one of
step off the shuttle into the dry heat of Arrakis. Most scurry the Residency servants. Her name is Mara Naseel, a mid-
to get inside and out of the sun as quickly as they can. dle-aged woman who has worked at the Residency since
she was a young woman and now serves as the second
Each player should take a moment to describe how their
in command to the Housekeeper (Shadout Mapes, who
character reacts to the stifling heat, sand, dust, and burning
is currently busy). As one of the head servants, Mara feels
midday sun. They might also mention one thing they notice
that she has to meet the new arrivals, but has plenty of
about arriving on Arrakis and coming into the nearby Arra-
more important things that she’d rather be doing.
keen market. Those who have read a little about Arrakeen
note that they can see the Residency from the landing area, Mara greets the player characters tersely but pleasantly
as it is one of the tallest buildings in the city. and introduces herself, saying she is here to conduct
them to the Residency. She also tells them that it is Unless one of the player characters has thought to
expected that outlanders bring water upon entering the mention it when leaving the shuttle, they have not
Residency. A successful Communicate test (Difficulty 2) brought any water with them. While the player charac-
reveals this is partly a lie, but that she is also serious. ters have been told Arrakis is a desert world, they have
There is no tradition, but (as a Fremen) Mara wants to been used to having such basic needs provided. So,
see that the player characters treat water seriously. she suggests they visit the market on the way to the
If the Communicate test achieves 3 successes, it is
apparent that Mara may actually be one of the Fremen. If anyone did think to mention water and bring some
It is common knowledge that a few desert Fremen (perhaps by studying Arrakis before arrival), Mara is
mingle with the pyons, the native city folk of Arrakeen, impressed—she is used to privileged offworlders not
but that they rarely reveal their true identities. understanding its importance. But she still suggests
they buy water as a gift for the Residency, claiming
WHICH DRIVE? “The water of Arrakis is more precious than any in the
As this is the first ‘proper’ test required for the adventure, universe.”
it is a good opportunity to assist the gamemaster with a If they have brought water, the player characters may
little guidance with which drives the players might use. be tempted to offer Mara some to impress her. This
@ Duty is for characters who feel they are in charge of has the opposite effect. Doing so suggests that she
the group and that it is their responsibility to check is not responsible for her own water and must rely
everyone out as a potential enemy. on others, quite an insult to a Fremen (or any other
inhabitant of Arrakis). It also marks the Atreides envoys
@ Faith is for characters concerned for their friends in as soft fools to part with water so freely. However, if the
this new environment, or who wish to gauge whether player characters can make a successful Communicate
Mara is a woman of faith herself. roll she forgives the insult as a simple cultural
@ Justice is for characters who suspect Mara is more misunderstanding.
than she appears and might be trying to trick them.
A rr a k ee n M a r k et
@ Power is for characters who want to underline to this
If the player characters have not brought water, they
servant who is in charge.
need to buy some in the market on the way to the
@ Truth is for characters who think nothing is quite as it Residency. If they did, they may still buy some water as
seems and want to dig a little deeper. a gesture to gift to the Residency supply.



DU T Y: 6 B AT T L E: 6 Short Blades

The desert provides

FAI T H : 7 the faithful with what C O M M U N I C AT E: 4 Listening
they need.

JUST I CE : 5 D I S C I P L I N E: 5 Desert Survival,


POW E R : 5 M OVE: 5
TRU T H : 5 U N D ER S TA N D : 4
Traits: Fremen, Housekeeper

Talents: Direct

Assets: Crysknife, Servant of the Residency

The Arrakeen market is nestled in a huge courtyard,
under the vast shadow of the Arrakeen shield wall. The
market is a mixture of smells and colors, a crowded and Quality: 6 (use for all drives)
noisy street bazaar of many stalls and traders hawking
their wares. Chief among these wares is water, and water SKILL FOCUSES
sellers are everywhere. The player characters should use
Understand tests (Difficulty 2) to figure out which trader
looks the most honest and Communicate tests (Diffi-
B AT T LE: 6 Short Blades
culty 1) to get a good deal.

There is no need for currency to change hands; the C O M M U N I C AT E: 4

player characters have more than enough cash to
purchase water. The question is whether they get a
good deal by making a successful test. If they do, Mara
D I S C I P LI N E: 5
is impressed. If not, they confirm her suspicions that
outlanders are fools. M OVE: 5
To grant some character to the water sellers, the gamemas-
ter might use any or all as example non-player characters:
U N D ER S TA N D : 4
@ Manan, a wealthy water merchant who loves to flaunt
his wealth and over-charge his customers.
Traits: Criminal
@ Binda, an old lady who sells water as a sideline and
loves to gossip with her customers.
@ Nia, who is a low-grade informant for House
Harkonnen and on the lookout for secrets.
This conflict is a simple skirmish, with the player characters
Depending on how they do, the player characters either and bandits all in the same zone (unless the gamemaster
impress or annoy Mara. This can make her a helpful ally, is confident of the rules and fancies complicating the envi-
but otherwise leads her to do her best to ignore them. ronment). A successful test against any bandit kills them.
However, she is loyal to her employers, so the player However, bandits might be taken alive if they are given an
characters would have to be especially insulting to make opportunity to surrender, such as if the fight looks hope-
an enemy of her. less for them. Trying to take a bandit alive increases the
Difficulty by 1.
W ater B a n dits Not all the player characters have an available asset to use
Having bought water, Mara leads the player characters in the fight, making them unable to engage in the combat.
through the narrow streets of Arrakeen towards the However, if they can suggest a way they might arm
Residency. She eventually takes them down a very narrow themselves (such as picking up a rock or broken bottle, or
shortcut. Unfortunately, it turns out to be a great place for later taking a knife from a defeated bandit) they then have
an ambush. A group of ragged-looking criminals slip out the asset they need to engage in the combat. The same
of the shadows and demand the player characters hand applies for any form of conflict where an asset is required.
over their water.
The bandits are making the attack simply because the
Each of the bandits is armed with a knife, and there is player characters appear to be wealthy and new to the city.
one for each player character. Ideally this is an opportu- They’re not out to kill, just to steal from the newcomers.
nity for an exciting knife fight, although some cunning However, the player characters may wonder if Mara has led
player characters may manage to talk, bluff, or intimidate them here and the situation is more than simple coinci-
their way out of it. The gamemaster should give them a dence…
chance to do so before Mara attacks. As a Fremen, she is
After the fight, the player characters see a few of the
incensed that someone should try and steal water from
locals have arrived and are looking toward any dead
her and those in her care. If it looks like no blood will be
bodies. Mara nods to someone before the player char-
spilled, she draws her crysknife and attacks!
acters leave, granting permission for the locals to take
If the player characters do dive into combat, Mara steps the bandits’ water (using a death still). The player char-
back and observes (unless they get in real trouble). She acters can claim the water and the bodies if they wish.
does not want to reveal her crysknife unless necessary as But as the bandits were part of the local community,
it is a sacred Fremen weapon, and combat shows her the Mara does not think it right that the community doesn’t
measure of the player characters. get their water back.

D E S E RT FA L L | D U N E : A DV E N T U R E S I N T H E I M P E R I U M 9
T h e R eside n c y
After the fight, the player characters reach the Resi- The servants are mostly native Arrakeen city folk, with a
dency without any further trouble. Any other bandits or few outlanders who were not born on Arrakis but came
troublemakers think twice before attacking, given the looking for work. A few Fremen have infiltrated the staff,
fate of the water bandits. as the Residency is a good place to observe Arrakeen
and the actions of any visiting nobles. The servants have
The Residency is situated in the center of Arrakeen. While kept the place well and everything appears in order.
old, it is in good condition. It is a huge ziggurat whose As the Harkonnen rule Arrakis from the nearby city of
angled sandblasted walls remain strong to this day. Carthag, the Residency has been most recently occu-
For the purposes of investigation, the Residency can be pied by Count Fenring as the Imperial observer. But he
divided into several zones. and his household have moved to Carthag to oversee
the changeover (after which Fenring and his wife plan to
@ Main Foyer – A grand open space designed return to the Imperial Court on Kaitain).
to impress and/or intimidate guests. Stairs and
doorways lead from here into most other areas of the So, to many, the Residency is more a historical site than
a place of government. However, the Atreides have
chosen to rule from Arrakeen as the Harkonnen are so
@ Main Ballroom – Another vast and open space entrenched in Carthag that few people there can be
where balls and large dinner parties can take place. trusted. Arrakeen is considered by most to be a little
The area has several arches and nooks where backward and less civilized than Carthag. However, the
meetings might be conducted, and is overlooked by same ‘provincial’ nature that makes Arrakeen so abhor-
a balcony. rent to the Harkonnen is quite attractive to the less
industrial Atreides.
@ Kitchen – A vast yet cramped area on the ground
floor, full of tables, stoves, and cooking facilities. The Once they arrive at the Residency, the player characters
heat is oppressive here when the stoves are on, as can settle in and start seeing to their ‘official’ duties.
the air conditioning is barely adequate. The Residency is vast, with easily enough rooms for the
noble family, all their entourage, and several guests.
@ Linen Room – Connected to the kitchen, this room While the player characters are unofficially here to check
is where all the Residency linens, bedsheets, and for traps, poisons, and assassins before the noble family
clothes are washed and stored. This area is a maze of arrive, they each have another task as detailed previ-
towels, bedsheets, and clothes hung out to dry in this ously. While many servants (and especially the enemy
sealed room. A water extractor in the ceiling collects agents) can probably guess their true purpose, most of
evaporating moisture for the Residency tanks. the staff take the player characters at face value. It is not
@ Servants’ Quarters – Each servant has their own the servants’ place to start challenging the motives of
any of the Atreides anyway.
small room (although they share two communal
bathrooms) in one of the upper floors of the In this section, the player characters are free to explore
Residency. The area is sparse but well-kept, and the Residency and interview the staff as they like. They
accessed by several stairs to allow the servants to might just choose to get on with their cover missions and
move about the Residency without crossing the see what happens. Or they can start sneaking around the
guest areas. Any soldiers assigned to the Residency Residency looking for clues. Following are descriptions of
guard are quartered here as well (although there are the various members of staff and the enemy agents.
none at the moment).
@ Basement – The large basement of the Residency
T h e E n em y A g e n ts
is used for storage and contains the vast Residency Shalla Durain – Shalla is a Harkonnen agent, in deep
shield generator. With no important guests in cover as a housemaid. She joined the household just
residence, the shield is currently shut down. This area under a year ago, serving under Count Fenring, and has
has several cot beds where additional soldiers can be been a good employee ever since. She was placed here
barracked if needs be. as a form of sleeper agent and has recently received her
orders to kill as many Atreides as possible. As she has
@ Resident Bedrooms – The top floor (with the best been here awhile, she plans to kill a few of the player
views) and most of the upper floors contain private characters and then wait for more Atreides to arrive. She
rooms for the residents and guests. Each suite has a would rather die than allow herself to be taken prisoner,
bedroom, sitting room, and bathroom facilities. as she might reveal some of her still-active traps under

interrogation. She might also ‘confess’ that she is work- CHANGING ALLEGIANCE
ing for Count Fenring, to throw suspicion away from As agents of the Harkonnen, Shalla and Anton are as
the truth that she is a Harkonnen agent. Shalla does not dedicated to their House as are the player characters to
know about Anton and Jamelia. the Atreides. Each is prepared to kill and to die if required
to advance their plans. However, if the gamemaster wants
Anton Garris – Another Harkonnen agent, Anton is a
to switch things up, one or both agents might be working
reasonably recent arrival to Arrakis. He was dispatched
under duress. Harkonnens usually ensure loyalty with
as soon as the Harkonnen received word from their
threats and blackmail rather than love and respect. So,
spies that the Atreides were taking over on Arrakis. He
the agents might only be working for the Harkonnens to
knows about Shalla but has not made contact. Anton
ensure the safety of their family or friends. In such a case,
is a more long-term agent, placed to cause as much
they might actually hate the Harkonnens more than the
chaos as possible for as long as possible. As such, he
player characters do! They might be convinced to change
is an expert in working from a distance. To this end, he
sides if the player characters can ensure their loved ones
has seduced one of the housemaids in the Residency, a
are safe. Either of them might also claim to be planted
young woman called Jamelia Tellan. Jamelia has been
within the household by Count Fenring, to cast suspicion
passing information to Anton, thinking that Anton is a
onto the Emperor’s trusted friend, an action that would
spice trader looking to stay ahead of the competition.
also benefit the Harkonnens.
While Jamelia is in love with Anton, Jamelia means
nothing to Anton, who would sacrifice her in a moment. However, the agents might also use this idea as a
In fact, Anton already plans to sacrifice Jamelia if things double bluff if captured, each insisting they are really an
get too dangerous, by planting evidence that Jamelia is innocent victim. Kindhearted player characters may be
the Harkonnen agent, leaving Anton to find another way too quick to trust them, allowing them to gain the player
to continue his work. Unfortunately, Anton has asked characters’ confidence and renew their attack when they
a little too much of Jamelia recently. Jamelia is begin- least expect it. As such, there may be a fake group of
ning to realize the true nature of her lover; especially as loved ones in a Harkonnen prison to back up their story.
Anton has implied that he plans to take Jamelia down These prisoners might be the agents’ real families, some
with him if she backs out of their arrangement now. It random Carthag citizens being held to maintain the
may be enough for Jamelia to tell the right player char- pretense, or even more Harkonnen agents looking to kill
acter what is going on, if she finds one she can trust. unwary Atreides that rescue them!

D E S E RT FA L L | D U N E : A DV E N T U R E S I N T H E I M P E R I U M 11
Basimah (City Folk Cook, age 48)
H o u se h o ld S t a f f A rather lazy woman who has gotten used to only cook-
While the only two servants who really matter are the ing for the household staff. She resents that she will be
agents, having names and details for only those two busy when a full noble family arrives to stay. She tends
characters is a dead giveaway to the player characters to cook very spicy food, as she can handle spice that
looking for them. Following are details for the other would floor an elephant and finds plainer dishes rather
Residency servants, so as not to make the villains so bland. Basimah thinks all the other staff are lazy, but this
obvious. Some carry a few secrets of their own that is mainly because they refuse to do her work for her. She
make them suspicious and provide a few red herrings doesn’t think any of them are enemy agents.
and subplots for the player characters.
At some point the player characters should interview
The female servants are generally charged with laun-
some or all the staff. Some have secrets they only reveal
dry and cleaning. They also take turns to help in the
under interrogation. Others may have an accusation
kitchen and serve at dinner. There are seven in total:
they make if the player characters talk to them alone.
one is Fremen, three are City Folk, and the remaining
Many of these secrets only confuse the investigation,
three are from offworld who came looking for work
but some are actually clues.
some time ago.

Razi (Outlander, age 22)

The most recent recruit, who is rather sullen and difficult
to befriend. Her surly attitude might make the player
characters suspicious of her. She is having an affair with
Chakir the footman, even though she knows that he is
also seeing Umar. Chakir will end both relationships if
word gets out, so Razi is keeping this secret and seeking
other ways to remove her rival.

Shadout Mapes (Fremen Housekeeper, age 62) Aisha (Outlander, age 47)
Mapes is the official head of the Residency servants. Always thinking she knows better than anyone else,
However, she leaves much of the running of the house- she enjoys chatting and sharing news. Aisha is popu-
hold to Mara, as she is often away from the Residency. lar among the servants, but dislikes anyone who isn’t
As the Residency is currently officially unoccupied, it interested in being part of the group. She might accuse
only has a skeleton staff. To serve House Atreides, they Razi as an agent for no better reason than she keeps to
need a lot of new staff, for which Mapes is recruiting and herself.
checking across Arrakeen.
Navah (Fremen, age 38)
Additionally, Mapes is an agent of the deep desert Constantly complaining that she does all the real work,
Fremen. As such, her main mission is to watch the and not entirely wrong about that either. Navah often
Atreides and determine whether they can be trusted. tidies up after servants who have not done their work
She considers this a holy mission as there are rumors properly. As such, she is often in places people do
that Paul Atreides may be the one foretold in several not expect her to be. She has overheard Chakir talk-
prophecies. ing furtively with at least two of the other servants (not
sure which). She has also noticed that Jamelia takes any
Mara Naseel (Fremen Head Housemaid, age 57)
opportunity to visit Arrakeen and she suspects she has
Mara oversees the housemaids and serves as a second
a lover. Navah is more forthcoming with this information
in command to Mapes. When Mapes is away, she is the
as she wants to deflect anyone from investigating her.
keeper of all keys and lock combinations. While very
She killed an outlander in a fight over water a few days
skilled in all the household tasks, she does few of them,
ago and she has so far evaded the authorities.
except to teach lazy servants how things should be done.
Her main responsibility is serving as an administrator and Shalla (Outlander, age 25)
bookkeeper for the house, as Mapes has little interest in A hardworking girl who gets on reasonably well with
paperwork. She presents any written records on request. the other servants. She is an assassin agent of House
Harkonnen. She suggests that Chakir is an enemy
If taken into the player characters’ confidence, Mara tells
agent if cornered, not only to evade suspicion, but also
them that no Fremen could be a Harkonnen agent as
because he offended her when he rather bluntly propo-
‘she would know about it’. As a head of the household,
sitioned her a while ago.
she also points out that it is her right to do any killing
that needs to be done (which may make her a prime Talora (City Folk, age 52)
suspect). She mentions that she will kill any Fremen who Longest working servant here, Talora believes herself
has betrayed their word to serve this house. second in command to Mara, but is the only one who

does. She is generally rather critical of the younger SERVANT
servants. This is especially true of Umar, who Talora
believes is having an affair with someone he shouldn’t
(but doesn’t know it is Chakir or that he is cheating on Quality: 6 (use for all drives)
him). However, she also tells the player characters to talk
to Navah, as she seems to see more than most. SKILL FOCUSES
Jamelia (City Folk, age 22)
A pleasant but nervous young woman, an unwitting B AT T LE: 4/6* Short Blades*
agent of House Harkonnen, and also a water thief.
Jamelia is a quiet and mostly decent young woman, but
sadly has a bad choice in lovers. She is in a relationship COMMUNICATE: 6/4*
with Anton Garris, the second Harkonnen agent. Jamelia
thought Anton was just another merchant, but she is
now beginning to realize that Anton is much more. How-
D I S C I P LI N E: 4
ever, Jamelia is frightened that the things she has done
will get her killed as an enemy agent, a fear Anton has M OVE: 5
stoked to keep her in line.

Wisal (City Folk, age 36)

Quiet and serious, dedicated to the Fremen faith. So
U N D ER S TA N D : 5
much so that Mapes is considering allowing her to join
her tribe. Wisal is a ‘red herring’, as her dedication to Traits: Servant
her faith has made her feel guilty about a lot of quite
The gamemaster shouldn’t need individual statis-
innocent things. She seems sneaky and might be caught
tics for each servant. Tests made to interrogate
spying on anyone at the Residency. However, this is
them should be made as simple tests against a
because Mapes has recruited her to ‘watch for the one’,
Difficulty based on how friendly or antagonistic
as the Fremen believe the new Atreides regime may
the servant being questioned is. But the above
bring the messiah they are waiting for.
may still be useful. Fremen servants use the sta-
tistics marked with an asterisk (*).
The four male servants are mostly used for heavy lifting
and building repairs. They are also used to serve at
dinner on occasion. While not combat trained, they are
also expected to act as bodyguards and porters to any Arvio is a dreadful servant but manages to look busy
nobles they accompany into town. when Mapes or Mara are about. He is another red herring
as he owes a lot of money to some shady characters,
Umar (City Folk, age 20)
having built up some gambling debts. He may try to play
The youngest footman who therefore gets most of the
cards with the player characters in the hopes he can scam
worst jobs. He is in a relationship with Chakir that he
some cash from an easy mark. Otherwise, his shady con-
badly wants to talk about. Yet Chakir has convinced him
tacts might make the player characters suspicious.
that they will lose their jobs if anyone finds out (which is
a lie). Umar does not get on well with Razi, who he feels Chakir (City Folk, age 25)
victimizes him at every opportunity. This is true, as Razi Rather attractive and secretly in a relationship with both
is his rival for Chakir, although Umar doesn’t know. Razi and Umar. Being a somewhat arrogant and selfish
person, Chakir rather enjoys being secretly involved
Korah (Outlander, age 37)
with two people. However, it is a situation that cannot
The largest of the servants, often considered a little stupid
last, and Umar will be deeply hurt to discover Chakir is
because of his size, but actually quite intelligent. Korah has
not being faithful to him. While Razi knows about the
sort of adopted Umar as the son he never had. He knows
other relationship, it will upset her to discover Chakir
Umar has recently got into a relationship but doesn’t know
has no real interest in her beyond their sexual relation-
it is Chakir. He does know that Umar is reticent to say who
ship. Chakir is also in trouble if Korah finds out he’s
he is with, which is already making Korah uneasy. Korah has
been cheating on Umar, who Korah is very protective
no problem with Umar being with Chakir, although thinks
of. Chakir also made a rather unpleasant pass at Shalla
Umar could do better. But he will have a big problem with
recently (wrongfully under the impression that no one
Chakir (the sort that leads to violence) if he finds out he’s
could resist him) but he denies it if asked, as he knows
been two timing Umar with Razi.
he was being rude to her. Given how many secrets he
Arvio (City Folk, age 32) is keeping, the player characters might pick up that
Lazy and shiftless, he avoids doing as much as possible. Chakir is lying and believe he is hiding more than he is.

D E S E RT FA L L | D U N E : A DV E N T U R E S I N T H E I M P E R I U M 13
I n v esti g ati o n s Upon investigating the reports, a player character can
make an Understand test (Difficulty 1) to notice some
The player characters are free to wander the Residency files are missing. The missing files are essentially sum-
and look for clues in any order they like. The gamemas- maries of the operation rather than anything specific.
ter should remind the players that their characters have All the information they contain should be in the other
only five days to make sure the Residency is safe. reports. The reports show spice production is good,
but corners are being cut to maximize profits. This is
Following are some of the sort of investigations they
harming production, as low pay and bad conditions are
might attempt.
making the workers less productive.

INVESTIGATING THE STAFF The summaries were stolen by Jamelia, so she could
There are two potential ways the player characters take them to Anton. When the player characters arrive,
might learn more about what is going on from the staff. she has a small safecracking device in her room that
The first is to take them each into a room separately Anton gave her. Jamelia tries to get rid of it at the first
and interrogate them. While they have every right to do opportunity, perhaps ditching it clumsily where it can be
so, it isn’t the most subtle approach. Once such a witch easily found.
hunt begins, some staff may try to run away out of fear, While the Harkonnens have most of this information,
and the actual agents escalate their plans. Shalla tries they want to know what is being passed to the Atreides.
to kill the player characters and Anton slips away from Anton also wanted to test how good Jamelia was at
Arrakeen and leaves Jamelia to take the fall. stealing documents so he can use her later for some-
So, the best option is to quietly chat to each of the staff thing more important when the Atreides arrive.
and see what they can learn. This can be done quite In terms of suspects, two servants regularly clean this
casually and requires a Communicate test. This test room (Razi and Aisha) and either might mention that
allows the player characters to build up Momentum, they saw Jamelia leaving it one day recently. If ques-
which they can use to interview the suspect. For the tioned, Jamelia says that she went to check the duty
spend of 1 Momentum the player can ask the gamemas- roster. Checking on this reveals that in fact the roster
ter a question about the interviewee, or even directly to never really changes. Most servants would find it easier
them, and expect a truthful answer. to ask Mara, who knows it intimately.

The Difficulty of the test depends on how they approach

the person in question. A casual conversation is only
The player characters might decide to look over the
Difficulty 0, but if the player character attempts to
various rooms that have been earmarked for the
intimidate or interrogate the subject the Difficulty is 1.
Atreides family. Some of the player characters have an
The gamemaster should also add 1 (or even 2) to the
official remit to make sure the rooms are as the nobles
Difficulty if the player characters have been aggressive
would want them. However, it is also their unofficial
or abusive to any of the staff, or made threats against
task to ensure the rooms are safe.
their lives or jobs.
Shalla is mainly hoping to get close to an Atreides and
The gamemaster need not give things away too easily. assassinate them. However, she has prepared traps
No one is going to answer the question “Are you a in the rooms set aside for Duke Leto (and Lady Jes-
secret assassin?” without dissembling. At the same time, sica) and Paul Atreides. Each room has the same trap
the gamemaster should allow a few clues to slip past installed in the glowglobes above the bed. Anyone
if the player characters ask the right questions to the lying in the bed for over an hour springs the trap, a
right person. In this way the potential guilty party might shower of poison needles that scatter over anyone in
reveal any of their secrets. the bed.
The player characters should pick up enough informa- Searching each room requires an Understand or
tion to decide who they should keep an eye on or inves- Discipline test at Difficulty 3 to find the trap. If the
tigate further, building a short list of suspects. player character in question gets no successes (or
rolls a complication) they set off the trap. Evading it
THE MINING FILES requires a Move test at Difficulty 2. Failure to evade
These are held in an office in the Residency. As there is the trap means that the player character suffers the
currently no ‘lord or lady’ in residence, the office is not effects of a deadly poison. They pass out for the rest
officially in use. However, Mara Naseel often uses it as of the day and die if not given medical attention. For
a convenient place to do household accounts. She saw a week after they awaken, they gain the negative trait
to it the mining reports were delivered here and placed ‘Poisoned’, as they are weak and find it hard to con-
in the safe. She is the only person in the house with the centrate. Any non-player character triggering the trap
combination. is killed almost instantly.

If the player characters don’t think to search the rooms The shield generator looks old but serviceable. How-
or they are not being as proactive as the gamemaster ever, an Understand test at Difficulty 3 shows it has
would like, Chakir and Razi decide to secretly spend the been very cleverly sabotaged. A crossed relay ensures
night in the Ducal bedroom to spice up their relation- several components will be destroyed if the system is
ship. They set off the trap and are found dead in the powered up.
morning. This not only uncovers their affair, but also If the player characters make a general search of the
proves embarrassing to the player characters, given shield systems room (in the basement), they find a secret
the victims might easily have been Duke Leto and Lady workspace where someone is constructing an explosive
Jessica. device. The test to uncover the bomb is a Difficulty 2
Discipline test. The bomb is currently under construc-
THE RESIDENCY SHIELD tion, and when finished creates a power feedback
While it is not part of their official remit, the player char- through the Residency that causes several moderate
acters might investigate the Residency shield generator explosions across the whole building.
to make sure it is in working order. It is not operating at
Shalla is the one constructing the bomb. If the player
the moment, as no one important is in residence, and an
characters can find a way to ‘stake out’ the area, they
engineering team is among the next wave of Atreides to
may catch her coming down to complete it. However, if
make sure it is functional. But it won’t hurt for the player
her suspicions have been raised she avoids the base-
characters to take a look beforehand.
ment as she doesn’t want to get caught red-handed.

C o n f r o n ti n g t h e A g e n ts
After investigating the inhabitants of the Residency and Following Arvio leads the player characters to a gam-
the place itself, the player characters hopefully have a few bling den run by a loan shark called Dulan Tass. How
suspects to confront. Even if they have failed to uncover the player characters deal with the situation is up to
any suspects, they should have at least discovered the them. A violent approach may be more than the player
traps in the bedrooms and the missing mining report characters can handle (Dulan has at least four good
summary. It should be clear there is something going on. bodyguards in his establishment). However, a conversa-
tion might lead to the player characters making a valu-
T h e R ed H erri n g s able underworld contact. Settling Arvio’s debt means
After a string of interviews, the player characters should he owes them, but he won’t change his ways. The debt
discover that Chakir, Arvio, Jamelia, Razi, Shalla, Navah, is also too large for the player characters to settle on
and Wisal have something to hide. However, several of their own without House funds. They might enter an
these plots have nothing to do with the Harkonnens. intrigue conflict with Dulan to get him to reduce the
The complexities of Chakir’s relationships with Razi debt in return for Atreides favor (see the Conflict rules
and Umar, Wisal’s religious loyalties, Arvio’s debts, and for guidance on intrigue).
Navah’s crime are worth investigating, but they are not If the player characters make an ally of Tass, he tells them
much of a concern for the Atreides. However, dealing he also buys stolen water from Jamelia. It’s not much but
with them well earns the trust and respect of the people it’s an easy profit for him. Jamelia has been stealing from
involved, especially if the player characters choose to the House supply. However, she has only now begun to
keep any confidences they discover. This translates into realize just how repugnant this crime is to the natives of
a Difficulty bonus when dealing with some of them (at Arrakis, and how the Fremen servants may react.
the gamemaster’s discretion).
If the player characters watch Wisal they find she
Investigating the most suspicious servants leads to the attends prayer meetings for the most part. If they are
following; really paranoid, this might lead them to think she is
Watching Chakir or Razi might lead to uncovering the some form of religious terrorist. They see Wisal meet
secret relationships. It is up to the player characters what Mapes more often than the others and she seems to
to do with any information they discover, as it has no be reporting to her. If the player characters challenge
bearing on their mission. It should be noted that Umar Wisal or Mapes, they are told to mind their own busi-
actually is in love with Chakir. Razi is attracted to Chakir, ness. If they force the issue, they might be told what
but she is more in love with taking him from Umar Chakir the Fremen are watching for, but the Fremen are very
loves himself more than anyone and mostly enjoys being resistant to sharing this information unless the player
involved in two affairs. characters have gained their trust in some way.

D E S E RT FA L L | D U N E : A DV E N T U R E S I N T H E I M P E R I U M 15
Navah’s crime is better hidden, as the body of the out- Dune, the player characters don’t rank highly enough to
lander she killed has long since been passed through a overrule the local law enforcers, unless they can find a
deathstill. However, the outlander (Marcus Kharon) had way to convince them that they do.
a wife called Sarah who has been trying to follow up on
what happened to her missing husband. Her trail has led T h e A ss a ssi n
her to the Residency, as the only clue she has found is
If the player characters have made Shalla suspicious, she
that one of its employees, Navah, was seen arguing with
avoids doing anything that might lead to uncovering
him in the market. The next day her husband didn’t return
her loyalties and acts the model servant. But if they can
after setting off to look for work and later that day Sarah
received a set of water rings (tokens) from an anonymous watch her surreptitiously enough or make her believe
messenger. Sarah comes to the Residency to try to find she is not under suspicion she might be caught continu-
out more from Navah and to cause a scene. ing to build bombs and traps. Staking out the bomb she
is building in the basement is a good way to catch her.
What happened is that Marcus knocked into Navah But the player characters must somehow first put her
when she was collecting water and spilled some of what at her ease. They might do this by confiding to her that
she had bought. Not understanding the importance of they suspect someone else.
water, he was rather offhanded and rude to her when she
demanded recompense. She gave him a day to get the Otherwise, Shalla should be the simpler agent to uncover.
money or water to repay her. But when she found him the There are direct clues to her involvement, and if the player
next day, he had no money or water, so she reclaimed characters get close she may go on the offensive. If they
what she was owed the old way: she killed him. Then she know too much she tries to kill them all, one at a time,
took his body to a Fremen deathstill hidden in Arrakeen, once she has each of them alone. This should allow the
collected the water she was owed and sent the remainder player characters a blatant clue that she is an agent and
to his wife (in the form of water tokens for the community provides a chance for them to take her down. Note that
supply), as that belonged to her by right as next of kin. in any combat where they are trying to take her prisoner
versus killing her, the player characters increase their Dif-
Navah is not ashamed of her actions, as she acted
ficulty by 1, as Shalla has no intention of being taken alive.
according to Fremen custom. The local authorities (and
Sarah) may not see things the same way. The player If Shalla is captured, she admits that there are Harkon-
characters might hand Navah over to the authorities, nen agents everywhere, but she doesn’t actually know of
help hide her, or let her slip away to live in the desert any others. There is little she can reveal, and the player
sietches. While the Atreides are the final authority on characters have every right to execute her if they see fit.



DU T Y: 7 I serve the strongest

B AT T L E: 7 Short Blades

FAI T H : 6 C O M M U N I C AT E: 5
JUST I CE : 5 D I S C I P L I N E: 5
POW E R : 5 M OVE: 6
TRU T H : 5 U N D ER S TA N D : 4 Traps

Traits: Assassin, Harkonnen

Talents: Cautious (Battle) – When Shalla attempts a test using the Battle skill, and buys additional d20s by
spending Threat, she may re-roll a single d20 in that dice pool.

Assets: Knife, Poison, Bomb Construction Materials

T h e L o v er cracking device if Jamelia was able to bring it here. If
he can, Anton destroys everything before making an
Following or watching Jamelia leads the player char- escape. If present when they are found, Anton ‘admits’
acters to the private home of Anton Garris, a small he was just using the information to help decide on
but well-appointed dwelling in Arrakeen. If the player where to invest as a spice trader. Insider trading is a far
characters are too obvious and give Jamelia cause to smaller crime than Harkonnen espionage. If cornered,
mention their attention to Anton, the agent makes a run Anton may try to convince the player characters he can
for it, possibly killing Jamelia to cover his tracks. be a useful asset, as the alternative is his interrogation
and execution as a spy.
If the player characters can catch Jamelia and Anton
together, the two are surprised at being under observation. Any of these encounters can be played out as an
If the player characters can succeed at a Communicate test intrigue conflict. Assets that allow the player characters
at Difficulty 3 they notice the two lovers did not intend for to apply pressure as agents of House Atreides are most
their relationship to be discovered. They try to brush this useful. But if they can talk to Jamelia beforehand and
off as being private individuals, or possibly that someone convince her to help them, the betrayed lover might
at the Residency disapproved of their relationship. But this also be an asset that they can use.
is all a lie (which is apparent on an opposed Communicate If the player characters win the conflict, they realize
test). The truth is that Anton wanted to remain unnoticed Anton is lying about everything, including his feelings for
as he is on a mission. Jamelia has also come to realize Jamelia. If they can win the conflict at Anton’s home, they
her small acts of espionage for her lover have far graver also uncover evidence that he is a Harkonnen agent.
consequences than she first thought.
If Anton cannot easily escape, winning the intrigue
After discovering the player characters are on to him, conflict starts a physical conflict! If Anton is captured, he
Anton may choose to cut his losses and escape as detailed knows there is another agent in the Residency. But all he
above. He takes the next Guild shuttle off-planet or knows is that it is one of the housemaids.
disappears into the back streets of Arrakeen. He has been
After dealing with Anton, the player characters must
ordered not to return to Carthag, leading back to the
decide what to do about Jamelia. Do they believe she is
Harkonnens. The player characters either need to preempt
innocent, or do they assume that she is another Harkon-
his escape or get help from the Fremen to track him down.
nen? Maybe they execute her anyway, just to be sure!
If the player characters search Anton’s home, they find Another intrigue conflict might be played out to see if
the missing mining summaries. They also find the safe- Jamelia can convince them that she is telling the truth.

D E S E RT FA L L | D U N E : A DV E N T U R E S I N T H E I M P E R I U M 17


DU T Y: 5 B AT T L E: 5
FAI T H : 7 Love is the most
important thing in life.
C O M M U N I C AT E: 6 Charm

JUST I CE : 6 D I S C I P L I N E: 4
POW E R : 5 M OVE: 7 Swift

TRU T H : 5 U N D ER S TA N D : 5
Traits: Fremen, Servant

Talents: Make Haste – When Jamelia attempts a Move test, she may choose to suffer one additional complica-
tion in exchange for scoring one automatic success on the test. During any conflict, she may add 1 to Momen-
tum to take the first action, regardless of who would otherwise act first.

Assets: Servant of the Residency (Intrigue)



DU T Y: 6 B AT T L E: 5
FAI T H : 5 C O M M U N I C AT E: 7 Deceit

JUST I CE : 5 D I S C I P L I N E: 5
POW E R : 7 Success will reward
me well.
M OVE: 4
TRU T H : 5 U N D ER S TA N D : 6 Data Analysis

Traits: Spy, Harkonnen

Talents: Cautious (Communicate) – When Anton attempts a test using Communicate, and buys additional d20s
by spending Threat, he may re-roll a single d20 in that dice pool.

Assets: Knife, Credentials as a Spice Trader, Friends in Carthag

The adventure ends when the player characters are dits statistics, page 9) to make a fight out of any attempt
convinced that they have rooted out all the Harkonnen to apprehend him.
agents, or when five days are up. Rather than telling the
If Shalla remains undiscovered, she becomes less subtle. She
player characters they have got them, the gamemaster
sets the timer on the bomb under the Residency to deto-
should ask the players if they now believe the Arrakeen
nate and then tries to kill the player characters in their sleep.
Residency is secure. If they believe they have rooted
They must kill her to stop her, and she dies laughing, saying
out any enemy agents, they should then report to
the Residency is doomed. The player characters either need
Thufir Hawat, telling him it is safe. When they arrive, the to evacuate the Residency or search for the bomb, which
Atreides land troops and equipment to fully secure the requires an Understand test at Difficulty 4 to defuse. If they
Residency with an armed force before finally bringing fail to find it, much of the Residency is destroyed.
Duke Leto and his family.
If the player characters uncovered both agents, the
Unfortunately, the player characters may be wrong. They Residency is secure enough to bring in the troops. Thufir
may execute the wrong people, and/or fail to discover Hawat hears their report and is pleased with their actions.
the real agents. If so, the epilogue may play out with a One detail they may choose to include or omit is Jamelia’s
few surprises for the player characters! involvement. While she is a mostly innocent victim, the
If Anton has remained undiscovered, he insists that player characters are within their rights to execute her
Jamelia continue spying for him. However, Jamelia ‘just in case’. If they leave the judgment to Thufir, he has
refuses, knowing it is only a matter of time before she Jamelia executed for the sake of security, unless the player
gets caught. Deciding Jamelia is now a loose end, characters choose to plead her case (a Communicate
test at Difficulty 4). Thufir Hawat is not known for taking
Anton tries to kill her. The player characters come across
chances where the safety of the Atreides is a concern.
the murder by chance before Anton has time to finish
the job. Jamelia uses her last breath to tell them Anton The adventure then concludes with the player characters
is an agent and that he is making a run for it. The player being personally thanked by Duke Leto and granted
characters might then catch up with Anton at either his greater status and responsibility as agents of the Atrei-
home or the Arrakeen spaceport before he escapes. He des. There is much work ahead, however, securing their
has by then recruited a few thugs (use the Water Ban- House’s future upon Arrakis.
A d a p ti n g t h e A d v e n t u re
If you are using Desertfall as part of an ongoing cam- The enemy agents can be used just as they are in
paign you will want to adapt it to suit your own noble this adventure. The only difference is that they work
House. This is easily done with a few amendments, for an enemy House of the players’ House. If the
mostly in terms of scale. players’ House has no especially hostile enemies,
there has been either a recent escalation in their
The player characters will still be agents of their
House, sent ahead to Arrakis to prepare the way for relationship, or they have a new enemy they did not
the arrival of their House ruler and family. The reason even know about. In this case, the discovery that
the family is travelling to Arrakis might be one of the Anton and Shalla work for a House the player char-
following: acters aren’t familiar with will lead to further adven-
tures. Who is this mysterious House and why are
@ Another noble House (perhaps even the they so dedicated to destroying the players’ House
governing Harkonnen or Richese depending and its noble family? If the gamemaster is feeling
on the era) is hosting a party and the player particularly mean, Anton and Shalla might even work
characters’ House is invited. As the party is
for two separate enemy Houses who are both trying
a formal one and will involve several days
to kill the players’ lord or lady.
of festivities, the noble family will need
accommodation. If your group has already played a few adventures on
Arrakis, Desertfall can still follow them. In this case
@ The players’ House is about to take over a
the player characters have done such a good job of
small spice mining operation under the current
establishing the House’s name and fortune in previ-
governor. They will be granted an area of the
ous adventures, the ruler themselves has decided to
desert to work their own mining operation, tithing
visit Arrakis to see for themselves. If previous adven-
a significant quantity of what they mine to the
governor. Even so, the potential for profit is vast tures went especially badly for the player characters,
and the House ruler has chosen to oversee this the ruler is arriving to decide how to punish them!
important operation personally. Either way, this visit could be of vital important for all
of them. In this version the gamemaster will not need
@ Having recently attained House Major status, the to run the player characters’ arrival on Arrakis. But
players’ House wishes to build a reputation among they might instead play out their attempts to locate
their new peers. As such the House ruler wants to and negotiate a suitable place for the ruler to stay.
make a definite presence on Arrakis, for at least
a while. They believe such a relocation, and the
pomp it will entail will cause gossip and speculation C o n ti n u i n g
among the Houses, at least until something more
t h e A d v e n t u re
interesting catches their attention.
There are many ways to continue this adventure; after
@ The ruler or ranking family member is coming to
all, it ends with the player characters established on
Arrakis to settle an old score or perhaps pursue
Arrakis. Both Wormsign (the Quickstart Guide) and
a vendetta under the rules of kanly. It might be
Harvesters of Dune (see Core Rulebook) can be run after
that both sides of the feud have chosen Arrakis
this one as they stand. But we also offer a few other
as the harsh environment will prove the mettle of
adventure seeds the gamemaster might like to expand
the victor. The grudge may be so bitter both sides
only feel safe on Arrakis. On Dune they can do
nothing so violent as to disrupt spice production, @ Sarah Kharon cannot let go of the disappearance
or they will feel the wrath of the Emperor and the of her husband. If she has only been fobbed off
entire Landsraad. In this way they can trust their she may stay on Arrakis to hunt his killer, possibly
enemy to hold back at least a little. even spending what little money she has to hire
The adventure to root out spies in the Residency runs a professional. If she tries to take on Nevah, it will
in just the same way. The accommodation the play- be a short fight. But her investigations may stir up
ers’ House has picked in Arrakeen may not be quite trouble with the Fremen. If the player characters
as large and grand as the Residency, but it is a vast can help her find peace, they might offer her a job
mansion nevertheless. It will have all the same areas at their residence. It is why she and her husband
as the Residency map. But, being smaller, it needs no came to Arrakis anyway and she has all the skills
more than the current staff to run it. Mara herself is the required of a servant. But she might also prove a
head Housekeeper, not Mapes, and there is no need talented spy or agent and become an asset of a
to recruit more staff. player character.

@ Jamelia may not be an enemy agent, but she has
made a lot of mistakes, and they will catch up
P re g e n er ated
with her. If the Fremen discover she was stealing C h a r a cters
water, they will want to punish her severely, and
The following characters are available to play the
she will need the player characters’ help if she is to adventure, but characters of the players’ own
survive. Even if that matter is settled, there is still design might also be used instead if you have
Dulan Tass. He has grown accustomed to Jamelia the Core Rulebook. No character is essential,
delivering some extra water and hates to lose any but Sharah and Anna are the most effective in
avenue of profit. Jamelia is rightly ashamed of her an investigation. Corbin as a ‘jack-of-all-trades’
actions, and as an outlander, didn’t realize how is the easiest to omit from the group if you have
bad her crime was until recently. She wants nothing fewer than six players. Each character begins with
more to do with Tass but will need help to get 1 point of Determination.
away from his influence.
@ Regardless of Jamelia’s crime, Dulan Tass is a force
Sharah is technically the leader of the group,
that will need to be dealt with. He could make a
although as a newly qualified Mentat she has little
useful ally or dangerous enemy. While he is mostly
experience of life outside the training center. She
small scale in his criminal operation, he is deeply
is looking forward to putting her skills to use in the
bedded in with the local community and knows the field and proving herself to her new House.
area well. He may be violent and something of a
thug, but he is not a fool and has built a business TALIA CARELL – CRIMINAL
by being both cleverer and more brutal than his House Atreides rescued Talia from the streets,
enemies. Making an ally of Tass will involve visiting but she never really left them behind. She has an
the underworld of Arrakis and removing some of amazing talent for finding where any troublemak-
Tass’ enemies. But while growing his power will ers are in an area. Luckily, she is good at making
make him more of an ally and more useful, if he friends with them, or beating them into submis-
gains too much power he may decide he doesn’t sion with her fists.
need the player characters anymore.
@ Wisal may get overexcited upon learning more
Hassan has served the Atreides for many years.
about the Fremen stories of the coming messiah.
From the shadows he has learned the rules of
Through willful thinking that she could be the
noble society and exactly how the nobility does
one to discover the Mahdi, and reading far too business.
much into the situation, she comes to believe the
player characters (or at least one of them) are the
one the Fremen have been waiting for. There is ANNA MARGRAVE –
no shortage of people who want to believe the BENE GESSERIT NOVICE
time of freedom and reward is upon them and Anna is a handmaid to the Lady Jessica, and
the rumor might gather momentum before the while not fully qualified as an adept of the Bene
Gesserit, she is a skilled agent.
player characters even know about it. It will place
the player characters in a very difficult position
as they cannot hope to fulfill the role they are MARCUS SYN –
being ascribed. But if they fail to do so, their new SWORDMASTER APPRENTICE
followers may see it as a betrayal, and feel like Marcus is not quite a master of the blade, but
fools. Things could turn very nasty, very quickly. that still puts him ahead of most of the rest.
While his training with the Swordmaster of the
@ Chakir is found dead one day, but who is the
House is not complete, he takes every opportu-
murderer? Have Razi or Umar decided to punish him nity to prove his skill with his sword.
for his infidelities? Maybe Korah took matters into
his own hands for Chakir’s betrayal of Umar? Perhaps
there is a third agent, and Chakir uncovered them by CORBIN BRALIK –
accident. This new agent is clearly deeply entrenched REFORMED SPICE SMUGGLER
and ready to play the long game. They might be While not Fremen, Corbin has spent most of his
life on Arrakis as a spice smuggler, until he crossed
one of the other servants, or perhaps a Face Dancer
the Harkonnens. Upon hearing of the Atreides’
who has replaced one of them. If so, what have the
move to Arrakis, he offered his services as some-
player characters done to warrant the attentions of
one who knows the planet… and the Harkonnens.
the Tleilaxu?
S h a r a h F ell
M e n t at
ou have just left the Mentat School and you are
eager to experience life in service to a noble
House. You may be a little naïve at times, but your
detachment also helps you see every situation with
a clarity unclouded with social mores and preconceptions.
You find serving alongside a Mentat like Thufir Hawat quite
intimidating. You are glad to be assigned somewhere you may
prove yourself, out from under his shadow.

Official Agenda: You are on Arrakis to make sure that

all the documents for current spice operations are up to
date and complete for perusal by Duke Leto Atreides
and Thufir Hawat.

Traits: Direct and Clinical, Mentat Conditioning

Ambition: To become the leading Mentat of my


T a le n ts DRIVE S TAT E M E N T
COOL UNDER PRESSURE (UNDERSTAND) D U T Y: 6 I have a duty to the truth.
When you attempt a test using the Understand skill,
before rolling you may spend a Determination point
to automatically succeed at that test, but you generate FA I T H : 5
no Momentum. The normal conditions for spending

Determination still apply.
JUSTICE: Justice isn’t always fair.
Once per scene, you may use your Understand skill on
a single skill test instead of any other skill, and you are
P OW E R : 4
counted as having a focus for that test.
T RU T H : 7 The truth is always
revealed eventually.
You have almost perfect recall, for even the most
complex data. When making an Understand test that
applies to recalling data, one of the D20s in your SKILL FOCUSES
pool may be considered to have rolled a 1 instead of
rolling it. B AT T L E : 4
S t a rti n g A ssets
@ A Knife marked with the crest of House Atreides
C O M M U N I C AT E : 6 Innuendo

@ A Contact within the spice mining community on

Arrakis DISCIPLINE: 7 Command

@ A Personal Shield
U N D E R S TA N D : 6 Data Analysis, Deductive

D E S E RT FA L L | D U N E : A DV E N T U R E S I N T H E I M P E R I U M 23
T a li a C a rell
C rimi n a l
ou were rescued from a life on the streets by
House Atreides. They gave you a home and had a
use for your skills and contacts; in return you gave
them your loyalty. While you have learned how to
act in more well-to-do company, your instincts have not left you
and you are quick to turn to violence when you feel threatened.

Official Agenda: As you are hiding the fact that you

have criminal connections, as far as anyone knows you
are simply here to fetch and carry as required by the

Traits: Dangerous Scum, Criminal

Ambition: To run the underworld on Arrakis.

T a le n ts
In a conflict, when you succeed at a Battle test to DRIVE S TAT E M E N T
remove an opponent’s assets, and you bought one
or more dice by generating Threat, you may spend D U T Y: 4
2 points of Momentum to remove a second enemy
FA I T H : 7 I can always rely on
After you spend a point of Determination, roll 1d20.
If you roll equal to or under your Discipline rating
(by itself), you immediately regain that point of
Determination. P OW E R : 8 Power comes at a knife’s
When you make an attack during dueling or a skirmish T RU T H : 6 I make my own truth.
using a melee weapon, and you buy one or more dice
by spending Momentum, you may choose one of the
enemy’s assets in the same zone as your attack; you
can ignore that asset during your attack. SKILL FOCUSES
S t a rti n g A ssets B AT T L E : 7 Dirty Fighting
@ A Knife with a poison reservoir
@ A Contact on Arrakis who leads a gang of criminal C O M M U N I C AT E : 6 Intimidation
@ A Friend within the Arrakeen underworld DISCIPLINE: 5
MOVE: 6 Stealth

U N D E R S TA N D : 4 Danger Sense

D E S E RT FA L L | D U N E : A DV E N T U R E S I N T H E I M P E R I U M 25
H a ss a n D i a g o
S erva n t
ou trained and worked hard to become a servant.
Working for a noble House is an honor you
strive hard to live up to. As a servant, you are
often overlooked, granting you the opportunity
to observe and overhear many things that House Atreides
would find useful. It has also granted you a far better
understanding of how to behave among the upper classes
than most noble-born.

Official Agenda: You are here to take stock of the

current servants and household organization at the
Residency. It may be adequate, but that might not be
good enough for House Atreides.

Traits: Loyal and Trustworthy, Servant

Ambition: To become a renowned spy for my house.

T a le n ts
Whenever you assist an ally and you use the D U T Y: 7 My place is to serve.
Communicate skill, the ally you assist may re-roll a
single d20 in their dice pool.
FA I T H : 8 I believe I have chosen
the right place to serve.
When you attempt a test using the Understand skill, If I serve, I will be
JUSTICE: rewarded.
and you buy additional d20s by spending Momentum,
you may re-roll a single d20 in that dice pool.

P OW E R : 5
When you attempt a Communicate test, and you buy
one or more dice by spending Momentum, you may T RU T H : 4
create a new trait for free upon the character you have
spoken to, which reflects your influence upon their
thoughts or mood.
S t a rti n g A ssets
@ A Contact among the servants of Arrakeen (outside B AT T L E : 5
the Residency)
@ A Friend among the merchants of Arrakis C O M M U N I C AT E : 7 Diplomacy
@ A merchant Contact on Arrakis who can supply
luxury goods DISCIPLINE: 4 Resolve

MOVE: 6 Unobtrusive

U N D E R S TA N D : 6 Etiquette

D E S E RT FA L L | D U N E : A DV E N T U R E S I N T H E I M P E R I U M 27
A n n a M a r g r av e
B e n e G esserit N o v ice
ou have spent most of your life training among
the Sisters of the Bene Gesserit. While their more
advanced skills still elude you, your control of
your body and ability to observe what is going on
around you in minute detail are incredible. While you continue
your training, you now serve House Atreides as one of their
agents, but do so as a simple handmaid of the Lady Jessica.
You report back to the Sisterhood, but no one who knows your
background expects you to do otherwise.

Official Agenda: As a handmaid, you are here to

make sure the family quarters meet the standard they
would expect and that all their creature comforts are
available at the Residency.

Traits: Quiet and Watchful, Bene Gesserit

Ambition: To become a Reverend Mother.

T a le n ts DRIVE S TAT E M E N T
HYPERAWARENESS D U T Y: 8 Duty can be owed to
many places.
Whenever you spend Momentum to Obtain
Information about the current situation, your current
FA I T H : 7 The Sisterhood is always
behind me.
location, or a person you can currently observe, you
may ask two questions for the first point of Momentum JUSTICE: 4
spent. Further, the limits of what others would be able
to notice do not apply to you for any questions.
P OW E R : 5
When you enter a scene, you may ask one question The greatest truths are the
T RU T H : most well-hidden.
of the gamemaster as if you’d spent Momentum to
Obtain Information.


Whenever you attempt a Move or Discipline test which
relies on your control of your body, you may re-roll a
single d20. You can perfectly control your breathing, B AT T L E : 6 Sneak Attack
heart rate, and your internal organs.

S t a rti n g A ssets C O M M U N I C AT E : 5 Deceit

@ A deck of Dune Tarot cards

@ A Contact among the Bene Gesserit Sisters on
DISCIPLINE: 6 Self-control

@ A small Knife that can easily be hidden
U N D E R S TA N D : 7 Physical Empathy

D E S E RT FA L L | D U N E : A DV E N T U R E S I N T H E I M P E R I U M 29
M a rc u s S y n
S w o rdm a ster a p p re n tice
ou joined House Atreides as a soldier, hoping to
find excitement and adventure. But your skill with
a blade singled you out for attention from Duncan
Idaho himself. He took you on as an apprentice
and you have learned more than you ever thought possible
from him. This is your first opportunity to test your skills in
the field.

Official Agenda: Your reason to be here is

straightforward. You are to keep the rest of your party
safe. The enemies of House Atreides target anyone
loyal to them.

Traits: Impetuous and Cunning, Swordmaster

Ambition: To become the Swordmaster of my House.

T a le n ts DRIVE
Justice is a keen blade.
BOLD (BATTLE) A blade that serves the
When you attempt a test using the Battle skill, and D U T Y: 6 wrong master has no
you buy additional d20s by generating Threat for the
gamemaster, you may re-roll a single d20 in that dice
FA I T H : 4
DELIBERATE MOTION JUSTICE: 7 Justice is a keen blade.
When you attempt a Move test and suffer one or more
complications, you may spend Momentum to ignore
some or all of those complications; this costs 1 point P OW E R : 5
of Momentum per complication ignored.

MAKE HASTE T RU T H : 8 The truth is always simple.

When you attempt a Move test, you may choose to
suffer one additional complication in exchange for
scoring one automatic success on the test. During
any conflict, you may add 1 to Threat to take the first
action, regardless of who would otherwise act first.
B AT T L E : 6 Dueling, Strategy
S t a rti n g A ssets
@ A Sword with the House Atreides crest C O M M U N I C AT E : 4
@ A Personal Shield
@ A Friend among the mercenary community on DISCIPLINE: 6 Precision

MOVE: 7 Stealth

U N D E R S TA N D : 5

D E S E RT FA L L | D U N E : A DV E N T U R E S I N T H E I M P E R I U M 31
C o rbi n B r a li k
R e f o rmed S p ice sm u g g ler
ou are the only member of the group whose
loyalty to House Atreides has not been tested
quite yet. You were brought up on Arrakis as part
of a spice smuggling family, and it was a good life
until the Harkonnens tracked you down. Then everything got
bad very fast. You used up every favor to get off the planet
and find sanctuary with the Atreides. Unfortunately, it looks
like now you are going home again. You really hope that none
of the Harkonnens got a good look at you before you ran.

Official Agenda: As a native of Arrakis you are

acting (officially and unofficially) as a local guide for
the group. What you are keeping secret is your old
smuggling career!

Traits: Survivor, Commoner, Smuggler

Ambition: To stay alive long enough to get rich.

T a le n ts DRIVE S TAT E M E N T
BOLD (MOVE) D U T Y: 6 You must watch out for
those who watch your back.
When you attempt a test using the Move skill, and
you buy additional d20s by generating Threat for the
gamemaster, you may re-roll a single d20 in that dice FA I T H : 5


Whenever an ally attempts a test using the Battle skill,
and you can communicate with them, you may spend
2 points of Momentum to allow them to use your score
P OW E R : 8 You can only rely on
for that skill, and one of your focuses (if applicable).
T RU T H : 7 Everything catches up to
you in the end.
When you attempt a Communicate test, and you buy
one or more dice by spending Momentum, you may
create a new trait for free upon the character you have SKILL FOCUSES
spoken to, which reflects your influence upon their
thoughts or mood. B AT T L E : 6
S t a rti n g A ssets
@ A small Safehouse in Arrakeen
C O M M U N I C AT E : 7 Bartering, Gossip

@ A Maula Pistol
@ A Contact among the spice smuggler community
MOVE: 6 Escaping

U N D E R S TA N D : 5 Smuggling

D E S E RT FA L L | D U N E : A DV E N T U R E S I N T H E I M P E R I U M 33
R eside n c y Z o n e M a p













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