Madness in Freeport (Revised)
Madness in Freeport (Revised)
Madness in Freeport (Revised)
for Levels 4 to 6
By William Simoni
- Credits -
Design: William Simoni Madness in Freeport Revised is ©2001-2005 Green Ronin
Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. Reference to other
Development, Metaplot, and Additional Material:
copyrighted material in no way constitutes a challenge to
Chris Pramas
the respective copyright holders of that material. Death
Editing: Matt Forbeck in Freeport Revised, Terror in Freeport Revised, Madness
in Freeport Revised, Tales of Freeport, Black Sails Over
3.5 Revision and Additional Material: Tim Emrick
Freeport, Freeport: The City of Adventure, the Freeport logo,
3.5 Development: Robert J. Schwalb Green Ronin, and the Green Ronin logo are trademarks of
Green Ronin Publishing, LLC.
Art Direction: Nicole Lindroos
Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are
Interior Art: Chris Keefe, Rob Hinds, Drew Baker,
registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and are
Toren Atkinson
used with permission.
Cartography: Todd Gamble
The Yellow Sign is ©1986 by Kevin A. Ross.
Graphic Design: Hal Mangold
‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are
Executive Producer: Chris Pramas trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are
used according to the terms of the d20 System
Green Ronin Staff: Steve Kenson, Nicole
License version 6.0. A copy of this License can
Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan
be found at
Sass, Marc Schmalz, and Robert J. Schwalb
The following text is Open Gaming Content:
William Simoni would like to thank Chris
All text after the Introduction, starting on
Pramas for having faith in a friend, the New
page 8.
York gaming group for being such good
friends, and Ann, Nick, and Antonio for fill- Green Ronin Publishing
ing my life with so much happiness. P.O. Box 1723
Renton, WA 98057-1723
Tim Emrick would like to thank Chris and
Nicole for the opportunity to work on this Email: [email protected]
project, and Erika and Naomi for keeping Web Site:
me sane for the duration.
- Table of Contents -
Introduction ......................................... 2 Important Guests Aftermath........................................... 49
Using This Adventure ........................ 2 at the Grand Ball .......................... 14 Adventure Hooks............................. 49
A Brief History of Freeport ............... 2 Part Two: Black Dog's Caves ........... 22 Appendix I: Statistics........................ 50
What Has Gone Before ..................... 2 Gareth, the Old Sea Dog ................. 22 Creatures.......................................... 50
The City of Freeport .......................... 4 Finding the Entrance ....................... 23 Named Opponents ........................... 52
Adventure Synopsis........................... 5 Location 2: Black Dog's Caves ....... 23 Appendix 2: Handouts ...................... 59
The Captains' Council ....................... 5 Part Three: Appendix III: New -Mechanics ........ 60
Part One: The Sunken Temple of Yig ........ 29 New Feats ........................................ 60
The Grand Lighthouse Ball ........ 8 Location 3: New Weapons .................................. 60
An Invitation ..................................... 8 The Sunken Temple of Yig .......... 29 New Spells....................................... 60
Location 1: Receiving the Jade Serpent ............. 39 New Magic Items ............................ 61
The Sea Lord's Palace .................... 8 Part Four: Milton's Folly ................. 40 The Jade Serpent of Yig .................. 62
Arriving at the Ball .......................... 10 Location 4: New Creatures ................................. 65
During the Ball ................................ 11 The Lighthouse of Drac ............... 40 Appendix IV:
Events .............................................. 12 Sample Player Characters ............ 67
- Introduction -
Welcome to Madness in Freeport Revised, the 3.5 update to the peaceful worship of Yig, the serpent god. Then
of the final installment of Green Ronin Publishing’s this great race vanished overnight, their world-spanning
Freeport Trilogy. This module has been designed for civilization destroyed by the hand of the Unspeakable One,
characters who made their way through the first two a loathsome deity born outside describable space. Most
adventures in the series (Death in Freeport Revised and of the serpent people degenerated into savagery—but a
Terror in Freeport Revised) and are ready to discover more few retained their sanity, including some of the cultists
about the mysteries they’ve uncovered so far. You need who had summoned the grotesque god. These apostates
the Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook, MM, and retreated to tunnels beneath the former Valossa, carrying
DMG to run this adventure. on their uncouth rites beyond the wholesome glimmer of
daylight and biding their time until the Unspeakable One
Freeport is a generic city that you can easily place in
could once again be persuaded to favor the world with its
your own campaign world. To make it easier to do so, all
fearsome attentions.
three adventures in this series have left certain details up
to your discretion. In addition, there are many adventure Centuries passed. The serpent people and their empire
threads spread throughout the story that you can expand were forgotten. Humans and other races rose to dominate
upon if you wish. For more information on the city, see the world, including the former Valossa, now reduced to
the Freeport: The City of Adventure sourcebook. Other a small chain of islands known as the Serpent’s Teeth.
available Freeport adventures include Hell in Freeport, Pirates were the first to inhabit the largest of the islands,
Tales of Freeport, and the epic 256-page mega-adventure A’Val, and founded a settlement they dubbed Freeport.
Black Sails Over Freeport. It became the buccaneers’ base of operations, until their
depredations on the high seas drew the attentions of
Using This Adventure the great naval powers. A cunning captain named Drac
realized the city didn’t stand a chance, so he struck a deal
Throughout the adventure, sections of text are printed in to scuttle the island’s pirates if the other nations recognized
shaded boxes. This is information for the players, which Freeport as an independent city-state, with himself as Sea
you can read aloud or paraphrase as you wish. Statistics Lord. The result: instant respectability.
for creatures and nonplayer characters (NPCs) are detailed
Freeport prospered for generations, becoming one of the
in Appendix I, with abbreviated information presented in
world’s key trading spots. There were rough spots over the
each encounter plus some new creatures created especially
years—poor leaders, bad decisions—but the city always
for this adventure. Appendix II presents a few handouts
landed on its feet . . . until now.
that can be photocopied for use during play. Appendix III
includes all the new mechanics, including a pair of feats, After one of the rough patches in city history, Anton
new spells, and new magic items, and details on the Jade Drac, a descendant of the city’s founder, took the reins of
Serpent of Yig. Finally, Appendix IV presents a set of government and got Freeport back on course. But he made
pregenerated characters. enemies. Powerful ones. Walking the docks one night he
was struck down by a single yellow-feathered arrow. The
Encounter Levels assassin was killed, and his body spirited away, before he
could be questioned. Thus was the stage set for the man
Madness in Freeport Revised is suitable for a party of who would bring Freeport to the brink of doom.
four 4th to 6th level characters of levels, though it could
be run with less or with characters up to 7th level if Milton Drac, a distant relative of Anton, connived his way
you strengthen the opposition. (Note that a party who into the Sea Lord’s chair and bent the Captains’ Council
lacks magic weapons or a cleric will be at a serious (the city’s administrative body) to his will. He poured the
disadvantage, especially in Part Two.) An encounter level resources of the island, and the goodwill of his office, into
(EL) precedes most entries and rates a given situation’s one bizarre goal: building the largest lighthouse in the
toughness for a typical party of four adventurers. world, supposedly as a symbol of Freeport’s dominance of
the seas. The grand inauguration is just a few days away . .
. and with it, the greatest danger Freeport has ever faced.
A Brief History
of Freeport
Thousands of years ago, serpent people ruled the world.
Their empire centered on a continent called Valossa—a
vast island of cyclopean cities, its population devoted
2 Madness in Freeport
- Introduction -
Madness in Freeport 3
- Introduction -
a book with a sketch of the lighthouse on the back. The of the richest men in Freeport. He quickly rose to power
page is marked with a “V.” This book is then promptly from obscurity in the early days of Milton Drac’s regime.
stolen from the heroes in the street. The PCs follow the He pushed Drac’s lighthouse agenda through the council,
thief, who leads them back to the ruined building that and he became wealthy doing so.
served as a front for the underground Temple of the Yellow
The PCs are confronted by Verlaine and his lackeys, who
Sign they uncovered in Death in Freeport Revised.
then try to run the heroes out of town. Before that can
In the underground temple, the PCs find the city is not happen, a Brotherhood cultist disguised as Brother Egil
exactly cleaning out the caverns as promised. After rescues the PCs. He leads them into the sewers and from
defeating some serpent people in the temple, the heroes there into a deathtrap.
discover some crates containing goods from the temple,
The PCs escape and discover a new temple of the Yellow
along with strange bricks marked with the Yellow Sign on
Sign under Councilor Verlaine’s home. Within, they
the inside. The bricks may have been destined for use in
find the real Brother Egil, wounded but alive. They also
the construction of the lighthouse.
discover documents pointing to an attack on the Temple of
The boxes are marked with an address that leads the the God of Knowledge.
PCs to the home of Verlaine, the head of the Captains’
Rushing to the temple, the PCs are able to thwart the
Council. It appears the cultists have been shipping artifacts
Brotherhood’s attack. After speaking to High Priest
from their abandoned temple to his home! The heroes
Thuron. The heroes discover Thuron is also a serpent
investigate Verlaine’s background and discover he is one
person—but not a member of the Brotherhood. Thuron
Freeport 0
500 Feet
Drac's End
Old City
Eastern District
Freeport Harbor
4 Madness in Freeport
- Introduction -
translates the documents the PCs have found and reveals a the Yellow Sign. Milton Drac, it seems, is a member of the
sinister plot hatched by Milton Drac. Brotherhood.
The Sea Lord planned to set the PCs up as the murderers The aftermath of Terror in Freeport Revised leaves many
of Verlaine and the destroyers of the Temple of the God of more questions unanswered. What does the Brotherhood of
Knowledge. At the same time, he tried to frame Verlaine as the Yellow Sign have to do with the lighthouse? If the Sea
the leader of the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign. Thuron’s Lord of Freeport is a member of the cult, has the Brotherhood
last revelation is that Milton Drac’s name appears at the corrupted the whole government? What is the true purpose of
bottom of a speech written in the serpent tongue, next to the lighthouse, now known as Milton’s Folly?
- Adventure Synopsis -
Madness in Freeport Revised details the final After finding four artifacts within the temple, they make a
confrontation between the PCs, the Brotherhood of the great personal sacrifice and are awarded the Jade Serpent.
Yellow Sign, and the Sea Lord Milton Drac. In Part One,
In Part Four, the PCs at long last pay a visit to Milton’s
Milton Drac invites the PCs to the Grand Lighthouse
Folly. Within the walls of the strange lighthouse, they
Ball. At the ball, they are drawn into the intrigues of
discover they may already be too late. A furious chase
the council and city politics. Through investigation and
ensues through the building, and a final confrontation
clever deduction, the heroes discover the secret behind
with Milton Drac and the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign
the lighthouse and the plans of the Brotherhood. To
brings the adventure to an exciting conclusion.
thwart these plans, the PCs must recover an ancient
artifact called the Jade Serpent of Yig. The general timeline of the adventure is as follows:
In Part Two, the PCs learn the artifact they must find is • Day 1: The Grand Lighthouse Ball.
located in a sunken temple that survived the destruction • Day 2: The journey to Black Dog’s Caves and the
of Valossa. Armed with the knowledge from an obscure Sunken Temple of Yig.
log entry uncovered by Thuron, the heroes hope to find • Day 3: The unveiling of Milton’s Folly.
the entrance to the temple within the hidden caves of the
You may, if you like, add more time between these
infamous pirate Black Dog. A journey to Black Dog’s Caves
events—especially if the PCs need time to heal and
uncovers a long-buried doorway leading to the sunken
prepare spells—but don’t be too generous. If you give your
players too much time to muck about, you risk losing the
Part Three finds the PCs within the sunken Temple of sense of urgency that drives the adventure. The players
Yig. There they discover undead shadows roaming the should realize on the night of the ball they have only two
halls, looking for release from their eternity of undeath. days to figure out Drac’s plan and stop it.
Madness in Freeport 5
- Introduction -
By the end of Drac’s life, the council had gained much much of the city’s navy. Freeport was in turmoil as food
power in the city. They had influence with the other and other essential supplies became scarce. Angry riots
captains, the merchants, and the tradespeople. Although were common. The Sea Lord Corliss and the council
the Sea Lord’s word was still law, Drac knew he could not could barely keep order in the streets. An ambitious and
blatantly defy their will. This—as much as his son being popular councilor named Antonio Grossette saw this as
unfit for the job—convinced Drac to empower the council an opportunity to increase the power and influence of
to approve anyone nominated for the title of Sea Lord. the council.
This was a defining moment for the Captains’ Council, as
Grossette proposed a plan to the Sea Lord to help him
it gave them some control over who would govern the city.
restore order. He asked Corliss to declare martial law
The council elected Drac’s nominee, Captain Cromey, in the city. Since most of the military was off honoring
who proved an excellent choice. He treated the members treaties on the continent, private forces would have to be
of the Captains’ Council as equals and thought of them as used. To keep peace on the streets, the size of the council
trusted advisors rather than lackeys. At the end of his rule, have to be temporarily increased to 12, Grossette argued.
Cromey followed in Drac’s footsteps by giving the council Each of the councilors would then be given an area of the
even more authority. Cromey issued an edict that the city to control and to keep order in by means of their own
Captains’ Council would not only approve nominations for forces. Once order was restored, martial law would be
Sea Lord but also for new council members. This would lifted and the council would return to its former size.
force the Sea Lord to work with the council to rule the city,
At first Corliss resisted. He knew the council would be a
and it provided a check to his absolute power.
threat to his power if it grew too large. More importantly,
endorsing private armies to roam the streets could
The Council become a problem itself if not watched carefully. But
the situation in the city was worsening. (Many believe
Grows Stronger Antonio and his fellow councilors intentionally allowed
things to deteriorate to force the Sea Lord’s hand.) In
About 30 years after the death of Drac, the city—which
the end, Corliss finally agreed to Antonio’s plan, but he
had almost doubled in size—faced a crisis. A war raged
insisted on personally choosing the men who would be
on the continent, disrupting trade and drawing away
added to the council.
6 Madness in Freeport
- Introduction -
Grossette’s plan worked. Order was restored in the city knew that the sting of Marten’s hideous regime was still in
within a few weeks. Food and supplies were rationed, everyone’s mind, so he settled on a compromise solution.
and the forces of the council kept the peace. When the The council would have the power to nominate councilors.
war ended six months later, the city was already on the In return for this power, the Sea Lord would cast two
road to recovering nicely. Now Antonio could make his votes for his nominee and break all ties. To elect their own
final gambit. nominee, at least seven councilors would have to vote
against the Sea Lord.
Corliss wanted to restore the council to its former size, as
per the original agreement with Antonio. The councilors At first, the councilors were not pleased with Anton’s
had other ideas. Grossette had convinced the councilors suggestion, holding out against it for many years. They
they did not have to give up their newfound power. changed their minds when Anton decided to go to war
Corliss was outraged and threatened to use the military to on the continent. The council feared he might die and
remove the councilors. Civil war was a real possibility. they would get no deal at all. Shortly before Anton’s
assassination, the councilors accepted his offer and gained
Into this impasse stepped Antonio Grossette. He offered
nominating power for the council members. This has come
Corliss a choice. He could wage a civil war to remove
to be known as “Anton’s Gift.”
the councilors, or if he left the councilors in power they
would put their private military forces under the Sea
Lord’s control. The Workings
With his military tired from a bitter war on the continent,
Corliss agreed to this compromise and enacted a law that
of the Council
the council would consist of 12 members henceforward. Although the Sea Lord is able to enact laws, the Captains’
The councilors then surrendered control of their forces to Council limits his powers. In four important areas, the
the Sea Lord, and a new era in Freeport began. Antonio Sea Lord must gain the approval of the council before
had increased the size of the council and at the same time proceeding: declaring war, entering into treaties with
diminished some of the Sea Lord’ s powers. foreign powers, allocating city funds, and levying taxes.
Councilors hold their posts for life—with the exception of
Drac's Return the privateer seat (see the description of Captain Xavier
Gordon on page 12 for details)—and can only be removed
About 50 years ago, Marten Drac—a direct descendant of
by vote of the council. Councilors are only removed if
the original Sea Lord—took over as the latest Sea Lord
they commit treason or other heinous crimes against the
by means of blackmail and assassination. Among his most
city. (Bribery, nepotism, and extortion are not considered
notorious deeds, he rammed a law through the council that
heinous crimes in Freeport.) If a council member is
required the Sea Lord of Freeport to count the original
murdered, a family member has the right to assume his
Drac as a blood ancestor.
Anton Drac assumed power in Freeport almost 30 years
Councilors are nominated by the Sea Lord or by the
ago. Fortunately, he was able to undo much of the damage
council itself. A vote is then held, with the councilors
done to the city by his older brother Marten. During
placing one vote each and the Sea Lord placing two. If
this time, the Captains’ Council pressured the Sea Lord,
there is a tie, the Sea Lord’s will prevails.
hoping to capitalize on his efforts to change public opinion
about the Drac family. First and foremost, they repeatedly The citizens of Freeport have no direct vote to elect
attempted to get Anton to repeal the succession law. councilors or the Sea Lord. This does not mean their
opinions on the matter are ignored. Both the councilors
When the councilors realized that Anton would not budge
and the Sea Lord understand electing unpopular officials
on the succession issue, they changed tactics. For decades,
can only lead to bad business and an unruly populace.
the Sea Lord had the power to nominate new members to
For this reason, most members of the Captains’ Council
the council. Although the council voted to confirm these
maintain influence and control over a faction of people.
nominees, they wanted to be able to put up their own
The current council is pushing this to the limit, as many
candidates as well.
councilors have been elected only because they support
Anton was initially against the idea. He knew this would Milton Drac. If this continues, the city may eventually
further diminish the powers of the Sea Lord. He also deteriorate into anarchy.
Madness in Freeport 7
- Part One: -
The Grand Lighthouse Ball
In which the adventurers discover that social occasions
are only warfare artfully concealed.
Milton Drac is good at thinking on his feet. When the be your guide. The messenger can then happily inform the
PCs thwart his plan to frame them (see Terror in Freeport heroes as to when the ball is to be held.
Revised), he moves quickly to an alternate plan. Using
The chart below indicates what the PCs can discover by
the evidence that already incriminates Verlaine (the
asking about the ball around Freeport using the Gather
Brotherhood temple beneath Verlaine’s home, the artifacts
Information skill.
being shipped there from the old temple, and the letter
hiring the PCs to investigate the Temple of Knowledge),
Drac takes immediate steps to paint his former chief Ball Information
councilor as the true villain. DC Result
A very public “cleansing” is held as Verlaine’s home and 10 The Lighthouse Ball is being held to
the temple beneath it are destroyed by the militia. An celebrate the imminent completion of
edict is issued to remove Verlaine’s name forever from Milton’s Folly.
the rolls of the Captains’ Council, and all his former 15 Only the most influential people in Free-
holdings are seized. Drac also drafts a proclamation port have been invited to the ball.
explaining the treachery of Verlaine and his leadership
of the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign. At the same time, 20 Now that Verlaine is dead, many people
the PCs are hailed as heroes of Freeport for thwarting the are wondering who will replace him
Brotherhood’s plans. on the Captains’ Council.
25 Councilor Grossette plans to challenge
Since Drac’s agents have failed to eliminate the PCs, the Drac for control of the council. She
Sea Lord has decided to take matters into his own hands. will put up her own nominee for
He invites the heroes to the Grand Lighthouse Ball at his Verlaine’s vacant post.
palace. There he awards them the Order of Drac for their
role in defeating Verlaine. While the PCs are busy trying to
find out a way to sabotage his plans, Drac tries to set them Location 1:
up and be rid of them once and for all.
This section of the adventure consists mainly of
The Sea Lord's Palace
roleplaying. Although many rules exist for adjudicating The Sea Lord’s Palace is located in the center of the Old
conversations—such as using the Bluff, Sense Motive, City. At five stories high, it is by far the largest building in
and Diplomacy skills—reducing NPC and PC interaction the area. A 15-foot-high stone wall encloses the grounds of
to dice rolls can be unrewarding. A mixture of both the palace. Twin large, black, cast-iron gates face the street
conversation and dice rolls is best. Award PCs who do a and allow access to the courtyard. Four guards stand watch
good job roleplaying a +2 bonus to their rolls. This allows over the entrance, checking invitations. The landscaping
both the skills of the actual players and their alter egos to within is well tended, with tall trees and numerous gardens
affect the success of a given action. of flowers. A white stone path leads from the gates to the
palace beyond.
An Invitation The map of the palace only details those areas the PCs
are likely to visit during this portion of the adventure. It
A few days after the events detailed in Terror in Freeport essentially covers the ground floor of the palace, consisting
Revised, a messenger delivers a silver filigree scroll tube of the ballroom and the rooms that adjoin it. The room
to each of the PCs. Inside the scroll tube is a fine piece descriptions are deliberately brief. Feel free to detail the
of vellum held together with a red satin ribbon. Give palace as you see fit for your own campaign.
the heroes Handout A now. (You can find it yourself on
page 59.)
1. Guard Rooms
The timing of the ball is entirely up to you. Figure out
There are always two Sea Lord Guards in each of these
about how much time the heroes still need to recuperate
rooms, watching over the entrance to the palace. As
from the events in Terror in Freeport Revised, and let that
8 Madness in Freeport
- Part I: The Grand Lighthouse Ball -
guests arrive for the ball, a guard stands before each door,
inspecting invitations a second time. General statistics for
the Sea Lord Guards are in the appendix. Weapons Etiquette
Sea Lord Guards (2): 20 hp each; see Appendix I: Sta- at the Ball
tistics page 52 for details. Freeport is a town where carrying weapons in
public is not just acceptable, it’s good sense.
2. Entrance Hall However, for a high-society event like the
The floor of the entrance hall is covered in a mosaic Lighthouse Ball, being heavily armed is just
depicting a battle at sea between a pirate ship and a plain uncivilized. The most acceptable choices
giant, purple squid. Ornate, golden double doors stand are weapons that can be worn in a scabbard,
closed at the end of the hall leading to the ballroom. Two such as daggers and swords, especially if the
smaller doors sit in the right and left wall. Well-dressed gear is ornamental rather than merely functional.
guards stand before them, preventing access to the Light armor, so long as it is fashionable and
rooms beyond. clean, is permissible. The guards will politely
but firmly take custody of the more dangerous
items—especially projectile weapons—for the
3. Sitting Room duration of the party’s visit, and will refuse entry
This is a waiting area for people who have come to visit to any character who does not cooperate. Any
the Sea Lord. It is well decorated, and many paintings line character who succeeds at a DC 10 Knowledge
the walls. Two large couches sit in the center of the room, (Nobility) check will be familiar with the
and a number of chairs are spread throughout. etiquette involved. (Note that the low DC allows
untrained characters to make an Intelligence
4. Library check for this, as it’s “common knowledge”.)
Anton Drac had a passion for learning. During his rule,
he tore down the walls of two other sitting rooms to make
Madness in Freeport 9
- Part I: The Grand Lighthouse Ball -
this impressive library. Floor-to-ceiling bookcases line comfortable. The guests at the ball, including the PCs, can
the interior walls, and large windows in the exterior walls freely use these rooms. They may come in handy if private
let natural light in for reading. The library has fallen into conversations are necessary.
disuse during the reign of Milton Drac and dust is evident
on the bookshelves. There are no magical tomes here, but 10. Stairs Up
there are many mundane texts covering everything from
history to adventure stories. These stairs lead to the upper levels of the palace. Two
guards are stationed at the top and the bottom of the
stairs, and they refuse to let anyone but Drac pass. The
5. The Grand Ballroom layout and contents of the rooms on the upper floors
A description of the grand ballroom for the players are not important for this adventure. Detail them as
is given in the next section. The room is very large, you see fit if one of the PCs is hellbent on doing a little
exquisitely decorated, and impressive. It is generally unauthorized exploration.
used by the Sea Lord to receive important guests and
dignitaries. 11. Stairs Down
These stairs lead down to the kitchen and the larder.
6. Small Audience Chamber There are two guards stationed at the top and the bottom
Drac uses this room to receive minor guests and to conduct of the stairs. They refuse to let anyone but the cooks and
day-to-day business. For just this purpose, a small throne serving staff pass. The specifics of the basement are not
sits against the wall opposite the window. The walls of the important for this adventure, but you may detail them on
room are covered with wooden paneling to make it seem your own if you like.
as if the people in the room are aboard a ship.
10 Madness in Freeport
- Part I: The Grand Lighthouse Ball -
doors on either end of the room, in the middle The Price of Fame?
of each wall. The floor is covered with polished
black marble. At the far end of the room, a Induction into the Order gives the PCs a certain
semi-circle of windows, about half as wide as status around town. Dignitaries attending the ball
the room itself, juts out into the garden outside will recognize them on sight (unless disguised).
the palace. Other townsfolk may recognize them by name
or description on a successful DC 15 Knowledge
In front of the windows is a dais with 13 (local) check. Being recognized—or simply
polished oak chairs. One chair in the middle is wearing the medallion prominently—may
larger than the others. The chair directly to the give circumstance modifiers (either bonuses or
right of this chair is draped in black cloth. The penalties) to Charisma checks against certain
guests are spread out around the room, at round Freeport NPCs, at the GM’s discretion.
tables. The center of the room has no tables,
leaving room for dancing. A group of minstrels On the other hand, cynical PCs may decide
sits to the right of the dais. that their medals are only worth what they can
sell them for. Luckily, Freeport has several
Many colorful tapestries depicting various pawnshops, where a shrewd bargainer might get
maritime scenes cover the walls. Large glass up to 50% of a secondhand item’s full value.
spheres hang from the ceiling. They glow with a After the ball, the invitation is worthless except
yellow light that illuminates the room. to a collector. However, a PC can get about 20
Standing in the center of the dais is a tall man gp for the filigree tube, and the Order of Drac
with an angular face. He wears a long, light- medallion about 100 gp, due to their materials
green robe with a jeweled belt. He looks toward and workmanship.
you and then addresses the guests, “Thank you
all for coming to this grand ball to celebrate
the completion of the lighthouse. Soon all the There are two main topics of conversation at the party. The
world will speak of the greatness of Freeport. first is the political intrigue surrounding the nomination
As a glowing beacon, the lighthouse shall shine of a new councilor to replace Verlaine. The council is
forth to all peoples, proclaiming the unspeakable currently broken up into two different factions. Five
power of our glorious city. members are loyal to Drac, while six members are loyal
to Lady Elise, the leader of the opposition on the council.
“Tonight, however, we honor the heroes who
Lady Elise needs only one more councilor in her camp to
have saved us from the traitor Verlaine and the
be able to override Milton on the council. Of course, Drac
dark Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign. If not for
would like to maintain his control over the council by
their vigilance, our fair city might have fallen
getting his nominee elected.
under the domination of unfathomable evil.
Come forward, my friends, and accept the Order The nomination issue is an excellent way for the PCs to
of Drac and our sincerest gratitude.” get to know the people at the ball and where they stand
politically. The heroes now have status in the city, and
The room erupts in applause.
their support could be influential in the council’s vote
for a new nominee. If they support Lady Elise, they may
be better able gain the confidence of the members of the
Milton hands each hero a gold medal with a pirate ship
council who oppose Drac.
engraved on it, shaking the PC’s hand as he does. The
adventurers are then shown to a table near the dais, and The second topic is the lighthouse and its real purpose.
the music and merriment begins. Many of the people at the ball have seen or learned
interesting pieces of information about strange goings
During the Ball on at the lighthouse. When combined with what the PCs
themselves have learned, insight into the real purpose of
The Lighthouse Ball lasts for the entire evening and the lighthouse may be possible.
into the early morning. Food and wine are in abundance
Before the ball, the PCs have discovered or found the
throughout the event. The exact structure of the ball is left
up to you. Depending on the type of game you and your
group enjoys, you may want to end it quickly, or you can 1. Bricks used in the lighthouse have the Yellow Sign
take your time and enjoy the roleplaying possibilities. engraved inside them (Terror in Freeport Revised).
Madness in Freeport 11
- Part I: The Grand Lighthouse Ball -
Captain Lydon
The Purpose of the Milton Drac is a member of the Brotherhood of the Yellow
Sign by a tattoo Drac has on his inner thigh.
Lighthouse Revealed!
Captain Marcus Roberts
The Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign worships a
god known only as the Unspeakable One. The Melkior Maeorgan, a member of the council, went secretly
last time he was summoned, the entire Valossan to the mainland and returned with a cargo of candles used
civilization was destroyed in a great cataclysm. in magical summoning rituals.
The cultists have been living in obscurity for
centuries, doing the bidding of their inhuman Captain Xavier Gordon
patron. Now they are ready to strike. A mysterious ship was seen at the lighthouse. It was
Milton Drac has come up with a plan to unleash offloading cargo and a passenger that had a reptilian tail.
the power of this unholy god on the world. The
lighthouse has been specially constructed to
Dirwin Arnig
channel the energy of the Unspeakable One. A crystal was commissioned from gem cutters on the
During the gala unveiling of the lighthouse, mainland. It is magical in nature and is used to channel and
when the harbor is choked with ships from all the boost magical energy.
nations of the world, Drac and the Brotherhood
plan to enact a magical ritual. Tapping into Lady Elise Grosette
the power of the Unspeakable One, they hope The upper levels of the lighthouse have been closed off for
to focus this energy through a crystal in the the past two weeks, and the workers have gone missing.
lighthouse mechanism. This crystal should project
the image of the Yellow Sign high into the sky, Petra Flicke
where all the thousands of spectators can see it.
No local artisans received commissions to work on the
The mere sight of the Yellow Sign charged upper levels of the lighthouse.
with the Unspeakable One’s power will drive
the people in Freeport mad. All the ships in the Sister Gwendolyn
harbor will disperse around the world, spreading
Strange lights were seen at the lighthouse, and the next
madness and terror wherever they travel. So will
day, two dead creatures were found near the shore. They
the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign earn the favor
had the head of an owl and the body of a bear.
of their god.
Tomas the Chamberlain
2. A copy of a speech for Milton Drac was written in the “I saw a strange sign in a book that may have made a man
serpent tongue to set up the PCs (Terror in Freeport jump out of a window and kill himself.”
Torsten Roth
3. A letter from someone named N’tal mentions the
A strange, green metal called “serpent’s blood” was
Brotherhood and says that the preparations are almost
bought by Drac and used in the upper levels of the
complete (Death in Freeport Revised).
4. An architectural sketch of the lighthouse, which
revealed some strange features (Terror in Freeport
By and large, the PCs are free to interact with the guests.
The ball presents a good means for PCs to pick up
Give them enough room to mingle and talk to the
important information. Depending on whom they talk
important people present. It’s important they discover the
to, they are likely to discover any number of interesting
right clues, so don’t be afraid to have NPCs approach the
tidbits, shedding light on the intrigues at work. What
PCs too. The adventurers are supposed to be heroes after
follows are a list of NPCs (who are described in the
all, and Drac made everyone in the room aware of that
next section entitled “Important Guests at the Grand
with his ceremony.
Ball”) and important information the characters can
learn through roleplaying or succeeding on a DC 10 Two events must happen during the ball. First, Drac
Diplomacy check. attempts to frame the PCs and get them out of the way (see
12 Madness in Freeport
- Part I: The Grand Lighthouse Ball -
More Fun and Games
While Milton’s Folly is the talk of the ball, there is more going on than Drac’s sinister machinations. Below are
some optional events that you can introduce to the ball at your discretion. These little vignettes are meant to
flesh out the evening, and give the PCs a taste of life at the highest level of Freeport society.
Margaret Roth, more commonly known as Margy, is the daughter of Torsten Roth, the head of the Merchant’s
Guild. She is a young, vivacious woman and the PCs may take note of her raven-haired beauty as she mingles
with the crowd. She appears to be a spoiled rich girl and a fitting daughter for Torsten. PCs who listen to her
conversation may note she talks of nothing but jewelry, antiques, and money. Her shallowness, however, is
an act. Despite all the comforts her father’s money brings, Margy is a thrill-seeker at heart. She can’t stand
the phony world her father lives in, and her thirst for excitement has led her to a life of crime. At the ball,
she works her way through the crowd, finding out in innocent conversation what pricey items she can steal
from the mansions of Freeport’s elite. A few days after the ball, she plans to start her crime spree. Despite this
careful plan though, she can’t resist the urge to pick a few pockets during the ball itself. Alert PCs may notice
her shenanigans if they watch carefully. Even if they do nothing during the ball, the PCs may remember the
aristocratic pickpocket in the weeks to come, as a burglar dubbed “Nighthaunt” (human aristocrat 1/rogue 1)
starts an epic career. (If you use Freeport: The City of Adventure, have Margy join the Daughters of the Guild
once she learns that she is not alone.)
For Freeport!
The PCs may want to play down their decoration by Milton Drac for their “brave deeds.” While they know
that the honor is a sham, there are some youngsters in the audience swept away by the tales of their heroism.
One such is Bedwyr (human warrior 1), the nephew of Sister Gwendolyn. He thinks the PCs are the tops, and
he wants to be just like them. Throughout the night, he pesters each of the PCs in turn, praising their deeds
and thanking them on behalf of “Freeport’s pure of heart.” He is quick to add he aspires to heroism himself,
and he is willing to help out in any way he can. Although something of a boob, Bedwyr is genuine in his
feelings. Sister Gwendolyn is protective of her nephew, and the PCs may have to face her if they lead Bedwyr
to a bad end.
Madness in Freeport 13
- Part I: The Grand Lighthouse Ball -
Moving the heroes into one of the sitting rooms for
privacy, he explains. Drac is building the lighthouse as a
not be ignored. In the ancient scriptures of Yig, it
powerful, magical device. The Sea Lord plans to use it to
is written:
summon an army of monsters to attack the mainland and
bring glory to Freeport. “The Yellowed Sign once again shall appear.
Then the time for Yig’s revenge will be near.
Brock fears that the army of monsters may be
As the finger of evil rises toward heaven,
uncontrollable and destroy Freeport as well. He is also
One must pay heed to the calling of his
concerned something very large and powerful may be
summoned through the lighthouse, spelling certain doom
Search below the waves for that which was
for the city. When he tried to speak out about it, Drac
threatened to kill his whole family.
And return with the Serpent carved of Jade.
Brock plans to lure Drac into the sitting room (Location When the madness is unleashed upon the land,
9). The PCs are then to follow them in and kill Drac. They The icon of jade alone shall stand.
can then escape out of the windows in the room and climb The end of the creature from outside
over the wall. When things calm down, the truth about Contained within the Serpent deep inside.
Drac is sure to be revealed, and the PCs will be hailed as
“Remember these verses well, citizens of
heroes for thwarting his plan.
Freeport. The prophecies of Yig do not lie.”
The PCs should be smart enough not to attempt to kill
The old man then transforms into a small snake.
Drac at this gathering. Even heroes as savvy as they
A guard steps forward and stabs the serpent with
would probably not escape. If they talk to other people at
a spear. It vanishes in a puff of smoke.
the party they should realize that Brock has been acting
strangely lately, and they may not trust him.
If the heroes turn Brock down, he does not persist. If
This puts a damper on the festivities, but Drac asks the band
they take the bait, guards appear just as the PCs are
to strike up a tune and for the party to continue. A character
getting ready to attack Drac. The PCs can’t hope to fight
who makes a successful DC 25 Knowledge (arcana) check
them all off, but they can escape through the windows
learns the Jade Serpent of Yig was a great Valossan artifact
and over the wall into the city. Make it clear to the
said to be the earthly manifestation of the serpent god. (See
heroes that staying behind to fight will either lead to
Thuron, on page 15, for his reaction to the prophecy.)
death or capture.
Drac’s gambit should occur after the PCs have had a
chance to gather some information about the lighthouse.
Important Guests
If they escape, this news can lead them to the next part of
the adventure. It may be necessary to have K’Stallo—in
at the Grand Ball
his guise as High Priest Thuron—find them and move This section details the key NPCs attending the ball. The
them in the right direction. format for the entries is as follows:
Name, Sex, Race, Age: Self-explanatory.
The Serpent Speaks
Faction: The faction the NPC is aligned with: Milton
Toward the end of the evening, a stranger appears to the Drac, Lady Elise, or neutral.
shock of all at the ball. He is the prophet of Yig, sent here
by the god to issue a warning to the people of Freeport. Appearance: A physical description of the NPC.
Quote: A typical phrase or sentence used by the NPC.
The music comes to a sudden halt as a man Description: A detailed overview of the NPC’s history,
wearing a long, brown robe tied by a dirty rope- personality, motivations, and attitudes.
belt shuffles into the room. He is unshaven, with It’s crucial to make the PCs feel that the 18 people
long hair and a beard. How he was able to get by detailed below are not the only people attending the ball.
the guards is a mystery. These entries only cover a small number of over 200
People move aside as the intruder reaches the guests, including wives, concubines, merchants, artisans,
center of the room. In a raspy voice, he speaks: performers, nobles, and so on. You can detail these others
“Heed me well! The words of an old man should as much as you like. This may also be a perfect time to add
in an enemy or friend that the PCs have made in your own
adventures in Freeport.
14 Madness in Freeport
- Part I: The Grand Lighthouse Ball -
and a serpent person named K’Stallo took on his identity.
Tomas Fleetfoot Thankfully, K’Stallo is not a worshipper of the Yellow
High Chamberlain of the Sea Lord's Palace Sign, and he has proven a good source of knowledge for
the PCs. Only the PCs know his secret.
Male halfling, age 85
Faction: Neutral. To the best of his ability, K’Stallo tries to imitate the
Appearance: Tomas is 4 feet 3 inches tall, with short, father-figure attitude of Thuron. He offers advice when
brown, curly hair and brown eyes. He has a rotund it is not asked for, and he is willing to share his pearls
figure with a large potbelly. He wears a pair of black of wisdom with anyone. K’Stallo can be tedious, but his
trousers and a fancy, black jacket with silver buttons. advice is rarely wrong.
Quote: “Right this way! Please hurry, the Sea Lord does
K’Stallo’s current goal is to stop the plans of Milton Drac.
not like to wait.”
He hopes to help the PCs accomplish this. He can be used
Description: The Fleetfoot family has been running things in to gently nudge the PCs in the right direction if they are
the Sea Lord’s Palace since the construction of the building floundering—or to give them a full-fledged push.
by Captain Cromey, the second Sea Lord of Freeport. Tomas
K’stallo is interested in the prophecy the old man recites in
grew up within the walls of the palace and took over the
front of the guests. After hearing it, he tells the PCs he has
operation of the castle from his father, who retired when
to go back to the temple. He thinks he might understand
Anton Drac was assassinated. He knows every detail of the
the prophecy, but he needs to do some research first. He
palace and the needs of the people who live there.
asks them to meet him there after they leave the ball.
Tomas always seems to be in a hurry. He is frequently out
of breath, and he talks very quickly. As the chamberlain, Milton Drac
he has to see to the needs of the Sea Lord and all of the
other staff, friends, and guests in the palace. The ball has Sea Lord of Freeport
been a nightmare of last-second preparations, and Tomas Male human, age 45 (middle-aged)
just hopes that everything goes over well. Faction: Milton Drac.
Tomas does not like the current Sea Lord, but he is Appearance: Milton Drac is 6 feet 5 inches tall, thin, and
dedicated to his job and strives at all times to keep up his wiry. He has a long, angular face with a penetrating
family’s tradition. He does not know of Milton Drac’s gaze and piercing eyes. He wears a long, light-green
involvement with the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign, robe with a jeweled belt. He is unarmed.
but he does suspect something strange is going on in the Quote: “Greetings, friends! You really ought to be more
palace. Last week, a visiting merchant ran screaming from careful. Being a hero can get you killed, you know.”
his room and jumped out of a third-story window. When Description: Milton Drac, the Sea Lord of Freeport, has
Tomas checked the room, a book was open on the desk a dark past. He is the bastard son of Marten Drac, one of
with a strange symbol on it. It took all of his willpower to the most brutal rulers Freeport has ever seen. His mother
leave the room. (The symbol was the Yellow Sign.) Annabel was a harlot that Marten bedded during a night of
drunken womanizing, long before his rise to power. Soon
Thuron after Marten became Sea Lord, Annabel paid him a visit
to let him know that he had a son. Marten was unwilling
High Priest of the Temple of the God of Knowledge
to share his money with an aging strumpet and her bastard
(actually K'Stallo)
son, so he ordered them killed.
Male serpent person (disguised as human), apparent
Annabel grabbed her child and fled Freeport ahead of the
age 60
assassins, but she knew that Marten would eventually
Faction: Lady Elise.
find them. She decided to entrust Milton to the priests
Appearance: Thuron is 5 feet 9 inches tall and has a stocky
of a monastery dedicated to the worship of the God of
build. He has shoulder-length gray hair and keen blue
Knowledge. He was only 10 years old, but she made
eyes. He wears a long, brown, velvet robe held at the
certain he knew his lineage so that someday he might
waist by a white, silk belt. He walks with the aid of a
claim his birthright. Annabel was caught soon after. She
gnarled quarterstaff with a rayed, gold sun mounted on
refused to give up the whereabouts of her son, and she died
the top. This is the symbol of the God of Knowledge.
during a particularly brutal torture session.
Quote: “You should consider the ancient texts. They may
aid you in your decision.” Of course, the monks Annabel had left her son with were
actually members of the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign,
Description: Thuron was the benevolent high priest of the
who believed that Milton was the answer to their prayers.
Temple of Knowledge for many years. As the PCs learned
They needed to gain control of Freeport to revive the
in Terror in Freeport Revised, Thuron died not long ago,
Madness in Freeport 15
- Part I: The Grand Lighthouse Ball -
worship of the Unspeakable One. What better way to do something has changed with Brock, but the people around
that then to have a member of the Drac bloodline assume him can’t put their finger on exactly what is wrong.
power in the city—under their control?
The priests of the Brotherhood trained Milton in the ways Arias Soderheim
of the Yellow Sign. They made certain he knew of the Captains' Council Member
circumstances behind his mother’s death. He became a
priest in the Brotherhood and began plotting his revenge. Male half-elf, age 105 (old)
Faction: Milton Drac.
Milton Drac has a disconcerting demeanor that tends to Appearance: Arias is 5 feet 11 inches tall and has a
make people uneasy. He enjoys mixing innuendo into medium build. He wears dark-green breeches with a
his conversation so those who speak to him are not sure black, tight-fitting shirt. His shoulder-length, blond
whether they have just been insulted or complimented. hair is held away from his angular face by a slim,
Milton also uses his penetrating stare to shake up those golden circlet. A rapier dangles by his side.
who talk with him. Quote: “Another tale? Have you heard of the saga of the
Milton Drac has one goal in all he does. He wants to five princes?”
ensure the completion of the lighthouse so that madness of Description: Arias has been on the council for 24 years.
the Unspeakable One can be spread throughout the world. He represents the shipping interests of the elven pirates of
Conveniently, this satisfies his desire to see Freeport Freeport. Ironically, his half-elven heritage has suited him
destroyed for the murder of his mother. perfectly for this job. The very prejudice that normally
haunts those of half-elven origin was exactly what was
Captain Brock Wallace needed for him to get elected to the council.
Captains' Council Member (actually Gorn) Arias is a bard who revels in telling stories and playing the
lyre. If given enough encouragement—and usually five
Male serpent person (disguised as human), apparent
minutes of attention is enough—he almost certainly breaks
age 55 (old)
into a heroic saga or an enchanting melody.
Faction: Milton Drac.
Appearance: Brock is 5 feet 10 inches tall and over- Arias and the elven pirates support Drac and his lighthouse
weight at well over 200 pounds. His bald head is because they have become very rich doing so. Arias was
usually covered with a black tricorn. He wears black one of the architects of Drac’s rise to power. The elven
pants with white hose and a white, ruffled shirt. Two pirates did not want to enter the war on the mainland that
daggers in fine leather scabbards are attached to his Anton, the previous Sea Lord, was pushing for. A war
belt at either hip. would disrupt trade, and that would cost the elven pirates
Quote: “I was wrong to oppose Drac. The lighthouse will money.
be the crowning achievement of this age.”
With the support of nations that wanted Freeport to remain
Description: The real Brock Wallace was the head of a neutral, Arias helped get Anton assassinated and bring
prosperous merchant family of Freeport. The Wallaces Drac to power. In return, Drac gave the elves exclusive
made their fortune securing numerous trading contracts rights to all of the shipping for material to build the
with important cities on the mainland. Brock was elected lighthouse. They do not know of the true purpose of the
to the council nine years ago in return for his support for lighthouse and are merely attempting to wait Drac out.
Milton’s Folly. His contacts on the mainland provide much After all, long life has its advantages. They plan to be
of the materials for the lighthouse project. enjoying his money long after he is dead.
About a year ago, Brock spoke out about the lighthouse
when Drac began to bring in other merchant families Melkior Maeorgan
to supply the project. He threatened to pull his support Captains' Council Member
and with it, the supplies needed for the lighthouse. Drac
responded by having a Valossan named Gorn kill Brock Male human, age 35 (middle-aged)
and assume his identity. Understandably, Brock is now Faction: Milton Drac.
very supportive of Drac and his policies. Appearance: Melkior stands 6 feet 5 inches tall and is
very muscular. He wears black leather pants and a
Gorn tries to act like Brock, who was always outspoken similar shirt covered with a gleaming breastplate. On
and ill tempered. Many of Brock’s family and closest his belt in a jeweled scabbard is a curved dagger. He
friends have noticed a change in him recently. He often has gray eyes and straight, jet-black hair cut short.
forgets important details from his past. Things that used to Quote: “Isn’t this dagger exquisite? Its beauty can only be
send him into a rage now evoke no response at all. Clearly, appreciated up close. Here, allow me to demonstrate.”
16 Madness in Freeport
- Part I: The Grand Lighthouse Ball -
Description: The Maeorgan family has been involved in motives. Even with proof, it would be hard to convince
the politics of Freeport for over a century. The Maeorgans Garth about the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign.
made their fortune in the shipbuilding business, and they
still lead the city in that field. Melkior rose to his position Captain Hector Torian
in the council 11 years ago, a few months before Sea
Lord Anton was assassinated under a cloud of suspicion. Captains' Council Member
His older brother, Councilor Armin Maeorgan, had Male human, age 42 (middle-aged)
been found murdered by an assassin’s blade. Under a Faction: Milton Drac.
centuries’ old rule of the council, Melkior assumed his Appearance: Hector Torian is a swarthy fellow, 5 feet 9
brother’s position on the council. inches tall with a curly, black beard, bushy eyebrows,
Although it has never been proven and he denies it to and long, curly, black hair. He wears a red frock coat
this day, Melkior killed his brother to take over the with a white shirt and black pantaloons. A gold earring
family business and gain a position on the council. He is in his right ear, and each of his fingers has a ring on
was urged to do so by Milton Drac, who helped him with it. A smile comes often to his face.
the murder. Melkior is ruthless but has a dark sense of Quote: “Come here, and let’s have a drink! Now, let me
humor. He knows he has an intimidating figure, and he tell you about the last time I faced certain death on the
uses this to his best advantage. high seas!”
Melkior is Milton Drac’s right-hand man. He is with Description: Hector has only recently retired from a life at
him so often many believe him to be Drac’s bodyguard. sea. At the age of 10, he took his first sea voyage, and by
He has recently converted to the Brotherhood of the the age 18, he was the captain of his own ship, the Silver
Yellow Sign, and he will stop at nothing to see that the Ghost. He gained a reputation among his men as being
lighthouse is completed. fun loving and generous. He was elected to the council
12 years ago with the financial backing of a then as-yet-
unknown Milton Drac.
Captain Garth Varellion
Hector is full of life and enjoys good food and good
Captains' Council Member
drink. He is loud and boisterous to the point of
Male human, age 45 (middle-aged) boorishness. He puts his foot in his mouth often because
Faction: Milton Drac. he is outspoken.
Appearance: Captain Garth is a 6 feet tall, well-dressed,
Hector supports Drac because he feels he owes him for
dashing figure with a lean and wiry build. He wears
his seat on the council. He knows nothing of the cult
a flowing, green cape, black pantaloons, and a white,
of the Yellow Sign. He genuinely cares for the people
silk shirt. An ornate scabbard on his belt holds a saber.
of Freeport, and he has voiced some concern that the
He has blue eyes and silver-gray hair.
lighthouse has been draining too much money from the
Quote: “Good evening, fair maiden. I would enjoy the
government’s coffers. Drac has assured him the money
pleasure of your company at my table.”
will be replaced with the increased trade the lighthouse
Description: Garth has been a member of the Captains’ should generate.
Council for the past 10 years. He earned his seat due to his
friendship with Milton Drac, who he sailed with for many Lady Elise Grossette
years. Unlike some of the other members of the council,
he is actually the master of a ship, the Christina. Every Captains' Council Member, Faction Leader
chance he gets, he sets out to sea aboard the vessel. He has Female human, age 55 (old)
many contacts among Freeport’s dockside denizens. Faction: Lady Elise.
Garth is conceited and vain. He believes most women are Appearance: Lady Elise is a plain-looking woman with
attracted to him, and he flirts with them constantly. Most a no-nonsense air about her. She uses little makeup
of the time he is successful, and he is unaccustomed to and wears a simple navy-blue gown with an exquisite
having a woman resist his advances. He is always cordial; pearl necklace. She has brown eyes and long, black
even when he insults someone it is with a backhanded hair down to the middle of her back. She is 5 feet 11
comment or subtle insinuation. inches tall.
Quote: “I understand your position on the matter, but have
Captain Garth has no idea that Milton Drac is a member you considered this?”
of the cult, and has no knowledge of the true purpose of
the lighthouse. He supports Drac because he owes the Sea Description: Lady Elise leads the faction on the council
Lord his position on the council. Garth has been briefed in opposition to Milton Drac. She is one of the council’s
by Drac on the PCs, he does his part to find out their real senior members, with over 25 years of service. Her family
Madness in Freeport 17
- Part I: The Grand Lighthouse Ball -
has long held positions of power in Freeport, and she is into the whole project. Through his contacts on the
an expert politician. When her father died with no male mainland, Dirwin has recently discovered that the Sea
heir, she took over his seat despite the fact that she was a Lord commissioned the cutting of a large crystal to be used
woman. Since then, she has been a voice of reason on an in the lighthouse. He finds it odd Drac chose not to use
often-chaotic council. any members of the Freeport guild to cut the gem. From a
sketch Dirwin obtained, the gem seems to look magical in
Lady Elise is patient and calculating. She keeps her
nature. Dirwin plans to have a wizard analyze the drawing
thoughts and feelings to herself until she is certain about
to see if its purpose can be determined.
what she wants to say and when she wants to say it.
Many of the opposition councilors have taken to calling If someone looks at the drawing of the crystal, a successful
her “Grandma,” but never to her face. She is an excellent DC 20 Spellcraft check reveals it is used to channel
public speaker and an accomplished negotiator. magical energy. Tarmon the High Wizard (see page 15) can
also give the PCs this information if they do not have the
Lady Elise is very concerned with the current situation
relevant skill to find it out on their own.
in Freeport. She is lobbying hard for her choice as a
replacement for Verlaine. Her choice is Petra Frick, the
leader of the artisan’s guild. This would give her veto Captain Xavier Gordon
power on the council over Drac. With that power, she Captains' Council Member
hopes to undo many of the poor policies of the Sea Lord.
Male human, age 49 (middle-aged)
Lady Elise has already started an investigation into the Faction: Lady Elise.
lighthouse. Her agents have learned that the upper levels of Appearance: Captain Xavier is 6 feet 3 inches tall, with
the lighthouse have been sealed off for the past two weeks. an average build, long, brown hair, and brown eyes.
No one has been allowed in, and workers who have been He wears tall, black leather boots, scarlet, skin-tight
assigned to that area have disappeared. leggings, a white, puffy shirt, and a black, velvet
jacket. A long scimitar rests at his side, within a golden
Dirwin "Nimblefingers" Arnig scabbard.
Quote: “Sailing the seas is where a man belongs. These
Captains' Council Member
land lubbers have no idea!”
Male gnome, age 175 (old)
Description: Captain of the Bloody Sea, Xavier has been
Faction: Lady Elise.
a member of the council for two years. He represents the
Appearance: Dirwin has short, gray hair and bushy, gray
many privateers that call Freeport their home when not at
eyebrows. He is 3 feet 6 inches tall, thin, and wiry.
sea. His is the only seat on the council that is restricted to
He wears a pair of brown trousers, green boots, and a
a specific type of candidate. By tradition, it must be filled
green, velvet jacket. Around his neck is a gold chain
by a privateer. It is also the only position on the council
with a large emerald on the end of it.
with a term limit (three years). This ensures the council
Quote: “Young one, let me show you how that is done.
always has on it a member who represents the pirates and
They don’t call me ‘Nimblefingers’ for nothing, you
privateers who originally founded the city.
Captain Xavier is looking forward to ending his term so he
Description: Dirwin has seen many a year in Freeport.
can return to his true love, the sea. He speaks of his travels
He was born into a noble family of gnomish gemcutters
often and tells many tall tales of adventures he has had
who make their living off the spoils of pirates. He has
aboard sailing vessels. He resents being called a pirate and
been on the council for 50 years and has seen a few Sea
prefers the term privateer, as he feels he keeps the interest
Lords come and go. He is the head of the Jewelers and
of Freeport at heart.
Gemcutters Guild, and he also represents the gnomes and
halflings of Freeport on the council. Captain Xavier was initially supportive of Drac, but since
he learned about the suffering caused by the lighthouse, he
Dirwin’s attitude has not been negatively affected by his
has withdrawn his support. He feels it is an amazing waste
long term in office. He has a quick wit and loves to tell
of money that could have been spent elsewhere. Most of
jokes and engage in conversation. He is also very proud
his fellow privateers agree with him. He has joined the
of his skill with his hands, and he often shows off by
opposition led by Lady Elise, but he is reluctant to take a
performing card tricks at dinner parties.
serious stand against Drac until the majority of the council
Dirwin has been outspoken in his opposition to Drac makes a move.
and his policies. The city has suffered under the heavy
Captain Xavier has learned from his privateer contacts that
taxation forced upon it to build the lighthouse. He and
a mysterious ship was seen just two days ago in the harbor.
Lady Elise have been conducting a private investigation
It slipped into a secluded area near the lighthouse in the
18 Madness in Freeport
- Part I: The Grand Lighthouse Ball -
dark of night and offloaded cargo and some passengers. to tell her about their life, listening intently all the while.
One of the passengers had a long, reptilian tail. She can tend to be a flirt with men, but she almost never
follows through on any of it.
Liam Blackhammer Sister Gwendolyn has been helping Dirwin and Lady Elise
Captains' Council Member investigate the lighthouse. She has heard many strange
reports from the workers there. They claim to hear strange
Male human, age 50 (middle-aged) noises at night. A priest of her temple reported he saw
Faction: Lady Elise. flashes of magical light from the upper chambers one
Appearance: Liam is 5 feet 11 inches tall and muscular, night. The next morning, two horrible creatures with the
with short, gray hair and blue eyes. He wears an orna- head of an owl and the body of a bear were found dead
mental chainmail shirt of gleaming silver, with a dark, at the base of the lighthouse. No one had ever seen one
brown leather shirt and pants. of these creatures before, but a librarian at the Temple of
Quote: “Milton’s Folly—the project must end soon, or Knowledge told her that they are well-known monsters in
many more of our people will die.” places on the continent.
Description: Liam is a blacksmith by trade, who joined
the council 14 years ago to help fight the injustices Captain Marcus Roberts
inflicted on the poorer people throughout the city. Since
Captains' Council Member
then, he has been a champion of the common man of
Freeport, doing everything in his power to divert as much Male human, age 50 (middle-aged)
money as possible from the lighthouse project to city Faction: Lady Elise.
services. If not for his efforts, things in Freeport would be Appearance: Captain Marcus is 6 feet tall, with short,
much worse. blonde hair and blue eyes. He wears green pants, a
white shirt and a green jacket. He wears a short sword
Liam has always been headstrong and emotional. When
in a silver scabbard on his belt.
he first joined the council, he got into many arguments
Quote: “Another round for my good friend here. And give
with the other members. Over the years, he has learned to
us the good stuff, not that cheap bilge-water you serve
control his temper and be more diplomatic. Occasionally,
to everyone else.”
when he is pushed too far, he still loses his temper.
Description: Marcus Roberts has been on the council for
Liam is very upset with the situation in Freeport. He
12 years, having become a member shortly before Drac’s
knows the lighthouse has been slowly destroying the city
arrival. He spends as much time as possible aboard his
and that Milton Drac is to blame. In the past few weeks, he
ship, the Black Dragon, traveling back and forth to the
has spoken out about this more than ever.
mainland, serving as a quasi-ambassador for Freeport.
He created a vast spy network of informants within many
Sister Gwendolyn of the mainland governments. He also discovered a lot
Captains' Council Member of information about nobles and politicians in Freeport.
Luckily, Marcus is a discreet man with the interests of the
Female human, age 40 (middle-aged) city at heart. He tries to only use his information when it
Faction: Lady Elise. will benefit the city.
Appearance: Sister Gwendolyn is 5 feet 9 inches tall, with
shoulder-length, dark-green hair and green eyes. She Marcus is flamboyant and expressive. He tends to be the
wears a tight-fitting, aqua-colored, floor-length gown. life of the party. Whether it’s telling a joke or dancing a
Around her neck is a silver necklace with a jeweled jig, Marcus is always in the middle of things, having a
miniature trident charm on the end of it. She is very good time. This boisterous exterior hides a calculating and
attractive. sly mind. Marcus always has his eyes and ears open, and
Quote: “That is a very interesting sword. Is it a family he doesn’t miss much.
heirloom?” Marcus is not a vocal member of Lady Elise’s faction. In
Description: Sister Gwendolyn is a priestess of the God of the beginning, Marcus supported Drac to be Sea Lord.
the Sea. When her predecessor retired five years ago, she In the past few years, however, he learned about Drac’s
took over his seat on the council. Drac initially opposed manipulative nature and is frankly afraid of him. He tends
this, but he was not able to convince the council to break to vote against Drac when he can because he knows the
with tradition. A member of the Sea God’s church has been lighthouse is draining valuable resources away from the
sitting on the council for over 150 years. city.
Gwendolyn is practical and self-assured. She enjoys Marcus’s spy network has informed him that Drac recently
conversation and often asks people she does not know sent Melkior Maeorgan to the mainland. He returned with
Madness in Freeport 19
- Part I: The Grand Lighthouse Ball -
crates filled with strange candles made of yellow wax and Torsten is a snob who was born with a silver spoon in his
engraved with magical symbols. Anyone who makes a mouth. He thinks most people are beneath his station, and
successful DC 20 Spellcraft check knows these types of he looks down on them with disdain. In conversation, he
candles are used as the arcane focus for summoning spells. is annoying and condescending. He thinks he can secure a
nomination for councilor at this ball. He fawns all over the
Tarmon councilors to curry their favor.
High Wizard For many years now, Torsten has been supplying Drac with
some strange items for his lighthouse, most notably an
Male human, age 60 (old) exotic, soft metal called “Serpent’s Blood” from the jungles
Faction: Neutral. of the south. The metal is light green and is soft enough to
Appearance: Tarmon is 6 feet 5 inches tall and has short, be shaped by hand. When treated properly, it turns rock-
brown hair and brown eyes. He wears a long, flowing, hard. It took Torsten over two years to find the metal, but
red robe bound by a golden belt. He walks with the aid Drac told him where to look and then paid handsomely for
of a gnarled, old, wooden staff. it. For this favor, Drac promised to nominate Torsten to
Quote: “Do you know the history of that gem you are replace Verlaine on the council. The nomination has yet to
wearing? Let me tell you about it.” come, and Torsten is a little bitter about it.
Description: Tarmon is a lifelong resident of Freeport Torsten does not know that the Serpent’s Blood is a
and the leader of the Wizard’s Guild. Born an orphan, he necessary ingredient for the Brotherhood of the Yellow
was raised on the mean streets of the city. An adventuring Sign to use in the construction of the lighthouse. It has
wizard discovered his affinity for magic and took him been infused into the upper levels in many runes and
on as a pupil. After many adventures on the mainland, glyphs to channel the power of the Unspeakable One and
Tarmon returned to Freeport to establish a guild for aid in his summoning. When the PCs learn of the Serpent’s
wizards. Blood, have them make a DC 25 Knowledge (arcana)
Tarmon is energetic and quick-witted despite his check. A successful check reveals this type of metal was
advancing years. He enjoys conversation and has such a once used in rituals to summon demons.
breadth of knowledge he can talk long on many different
subjects. Captain Lydon
The Wizard’s Guild has tried to stay out of the fray with Captains' Council Nominee
regard to the lighthouse project. Although the wizards
Male human, age 50 (middle-aged)
realize the project has been draining the city’s coffers, they
Faction: Neutral.
do not want to go against the majority of the council that
Appearance: Captain Lydon is 6 feet 4 inches tall and
supports it. Tarmon is unaware of the involvement of the
weighs almost 300 pounds. He has long, scraggly,
Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign. If the PCs can gain his
black hair and a five-o’clock shadow. He wears a
confidence, he gives them whatever aid he can.
bright-red jacket with gold buttons, a black pirate hat,
and black pants. A saber hangs in a scabbard from
Torsten Roth his black leather belt. He also has horribly crooked,
Head of the Guild of Merchants yellow teeth.
Quote: “Arrrggghhh, a fine party this is. If this be the life
Male human, age 40 (middle-aged) of a councilor, count me in.”
Faction: Milton Drac.
Appearance: Torsten is 6 feet tall and has brown, short, Description: Captain Lydon was born and raised on a
curly hair. He wears dark-blue pants and a dark-blue pirate ship and has spent most of the rest of his life in the
jacket with brass buttons. A gold belt is around his streets of Freeport. He has had his own ship, The Gambit,
waist, and a golden pendant rests on his chest. for almost 20 years. For the past 10 years, he has been
Quote: “Really, don’t you have something better to do? trying to run a merchant shipping company to no avail.
Here’s my glass. I can use some more wine.” With his fortunes dwindling, he has made one last push
to influence the citizens of Freeport, mainly those on the
Description: Torsten is one of the richest men in Freeport. docks, and gain their support for the Captains’ Council.
He is the head of the powerful Roth merchant family as His recent sponsorship of the annual Swagfest celebration
well as the Guild of Merchants. His great-grandfather built was a great success, and it moved him close to his wish of
the family fortune by selling iron and copper ore to the joining the Captains’ Council.
Sea Lord from mines he purchased on the mainland. The
family has diversified since then and now sells fine wine Lydon is crass but lovable. He is a simple man who enjoys
and exotic goods as well as the ore. drinking, smoking, and just plain having fun. He laughs
20 Madness in Freeport
- Part I: The Grand Lighthouse Ball -
often, and he is trying hard to impress people at this ball. midnight blue gown with a fine silver belt at her waist.
He knows this may be his only shot at the big time. A single, golden ring adorns her right hand.
Quote: “There is nothing more pleasing then turning a
Captain Lydon is also a degenerate gambler. He owes a
piece of stone into a work of art.”
local underworld boss named Finn a boatload of gold that
he simply does not have. Drac has offered to pay off this Description: Petra is a sculptor, and much of her work
debt and nominate Lydon to the council. In return, Lydon appears in the temples of Freeport. She has been the leader
would have to be Drac’s puppet on the council. of the Guild of Craftsmen for the past four years. She has
submitted many petitions to the council concerning the
Drac does not know Lydon is aware of the Sea Lord’s
building of the lighthouse. The craftsmen have complained
involvement with the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign. He
they have not received any contracts for work on the
saw Milton Drac performing rituals to the unspeakable
project for the last three years. This all coincides with the
god in the small temple the PCs cleaned out in Death in
building of the upper levels of the lighthouse.
Freeport Revised. Lydon learned from watching that ritual
all members of the order are branded on their inner thigh Petra is a beautiful woman who seems to glow with an
with the Yellow Sign. Drac has the mark. Why Lydon was inner happiness. She loves sculpting and talks about it
in the temple is another story. often. She is polite and personable and freely converses
with the PCs. She also loves to dance, and her dance card
(For more about Swagfest and Finn, see Freeport: The
is usually full.
City of Adventure, as well as Focus on Freeport #5:
Holiday in the Sun, available as a free download on Green Petra is worried about the lighthouse and what it has done
Ronin Publishing’s website.) to the city. When Lady Elise approached her, she happily
accepted her nomination to the council for the express
Petra Fricke reason of opposing Drac. She does not know why no
contracts have been awarded for the lighthouse. At first,
Captains' Council Nominee many artisans and craftsmen worked on the project. Then,
Female human, age 45 (middle-aged) as the upper levels were nearing completion, all work for
Faction: Lady Elise. local craftsmen ended. Although this is strange, she does
Appearance: Petra is 5 feet 9 inches tall, slender, and not suspect that there is a cult involved in the lighthouse
beautiful, with short, blond hair. She wears a long, project.
Madness in Freeport 21
- Part Two: -
Black Dog's Caves
In which the adventurers explore the caves of an infamous pirate
and discover the entrance to the sunken temple of Yig.
After the ball, the PCs should have a good idea of the described in the log is of Valossan origin and could lead to
secret behind the Lighthouse of Drac. They should regroup the sunken temple.
at the Temple of the God of Knowledge and confer with
The PCs can ask around town about Black Dog and his
Thuron. If something has happened to Thuron in your
caves. There are many legends surrounding the pirate.
campaign, you can substitute the Loremaster Falthar. (See
Table 2–1: The Legend of Black Dog lists what the PCs
Falthar’s Curios in Green Ronin’s Tales of Freeport.)
can discover with a successful Gather Information check.
After the PCs have pieced their clues together, Thuron tells
If the PCs do not have a high enough Gather Information
them they must find the Jade Serpent of Yig to stop the
score or they roll poorly, you can simply allow them
Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign. Only the power of this
to discover the information after they spend some time
ancient Valossan artifact can overcome the Unspeakable
questioning people in the city about Black Dog, or after
One and prevent the world from degenerating into
they spend a substantial sum on bribes.
madness and chaos. Thuron tells them that the Jade
Serpent was kept in the Temple of Yig in ancient Valossa,
now sunk beneath the waves. Gareth, the Old Sea Dog
To locate the entrance to the sunken temple, the PCs must The exact location of Masthead Lane is not important for
conduct some research. Thuron can provide them with a the purposes of this adventure. Suffice it to say it is located
good start. During his studies at the Temple of Knowledge, somewhere in the Old City. The house is a two-story
he came across excerpts from the log of the infamous
pirate named Black Dog. Handout B is an excerpt from
that logbook of Black Dog. Thuron believes the doorway
Table 2-1:
The Legend of Black Dog
DC Information
10 Black Dog the pirate was the scourge
of the seas around Freeport over 50
years ago, until he mysteriously dis-
appeared. He is described as a hard-
drinking man with a deadly saber and
an even deadlier temper.
15 Black Dog stowed away a king’s ransom
in gold and jewels that was never
found. The caves where the treasure
is hidden are beset with all manner of
hideous traps to thwart any would-be
20 Black Dog haunts his caves from beyond
the grave and will suffer no man who
finds them to come back alive.
25 An old pirate named Gareth who served
under Black Dog over 50 years ago
still lives. He may know the location
of the treasure caves. He lives in the
Old City at 45 Masthead Lane.
22 Madness in Freeport
- Part II: Black Dog's Cave -
building made of wood, with three windows facing the
street on each floor. The knocker on the door is carved in Finding the Entrance
the shape of a three-masted ship. At the docks, the PCs can purchase a sturdy rowboat
Gareth is an elderly man in his seventies. He has a peg leg complete with oars for about 50 gp. Gareth has not led
and a huge scar across his left eye. He knows full well why the PCs astray. If they follow the coastline, they see the
the PCs have come to see him. In fact, he has been making a two stones just as he described. The journey takes about
living for years now by telling people the location of Black an hour.
Dog’s Caves—for a price. His usual style is to complain Low tide occurs at 4:00 am and 4:30 pm. At these times,
about an old back injury he got when he fell through the the cave entrance is accessible by boat. If a PC has
rigging of a ship. He then tries to get as much money for his the Profession (Boater) skill, he can use it to direct his
information as possible through sympathy. He tries for 250 comrades in the boat.
gp, but he settles for 200 gp. If it isn’t obvious, no one has
ever returned from Black Dog’s Caves. If no one has the Profession (Boater) skill, then standard
Wisdom checks apply. It may also be necessary to
When the PCs ask Gareth about Black Dog’s Caves, he consider Dexterity on some checks while in the boat. The
breaks into the following well-rehearsed speech. boat can be successfully navigated into the cave with a
successful DC 15 check.
Madness in Freeport 23
- Part II: Black Dog's Cave -
There are tunnels leading out of the chamber in
The Saber of Sorrow front of you and to either side. Two beaches flank
An evil wizard who wanted to exact revenge on his the tunnel to your left.
abusive employer created the Saber of Sorrow. It
gained its name after the wizard’s employer killed
his entire family because of the saber’s curse. The underground lake is the home of an adult tojanida. If
the encounter level is too low for your group, feel free to
Although the saber acts in most respects like a
add a second tojinida to increase the challenge to EL 7.
normal +2 scimitar in combat, it is cursed. Anyone
The tojanida sizes up the PCs before attacking. It knows
who owns the saber becomes incredibly protective
the entire cave complex, and it chooses a moment or place
of it, culminating in an insane paranoia that
to attack that is to its best advantage.
anyone who sees the weapon wants to steal it. This
paranoia is so strong that those who possess the The lair of the beast is located near the center of the lake,
saber eventually try to kill those close to them. 50 feet below the surface. A successful DC 25 Search
(reduce the DC to 20 if the PCs have some way of seeing
Once a day, a player who possesses the weapon
underwater) reveals the lair. The lair is littered with the
must make a DC 12 Will save to resist the effects
bones and the mostly useless equipment of the monster’s
of the saber. On a failed save, the owner succumbs
unfortunate victims. There are six gems scattered among
to the weapon’s curse and begins to become
the bones, each worth about 100 gp. There is also a
paranoid and protective of the weapon. One day
masterwork quarterstaff that has not yet begun to rot.
after the curse takes effect, the owner of the saber
attacks and tries to kill the person closest to him. Adult Tojanida: 45 hp; see Appendix I: Statistics page
52 for details.
Moderate enchantment; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms
and Armor, creator must be 8th level and of evil
alignment; Price 6,000 gp. 3. The Shining Saber (EL 3)
Your boat is thrust out of the narrow tunnel The saber in the sand is named the Saber of Sorrow. It has
and into a large chamber. Stalactites dot the a long and sad history. It ended up buried here in Black
ceiling at least 50 feet above the surface of Dog’s Caves as the result of a horrible tragedy. The saber
a dark, underground lake. There are tunnels was found by Black Dog’s first mate Ironfoot. Due to the
leading out of the chamber on either side. You saber’s curse, Ironfoot killed his lover Isabella because he
can also just make out the far end of the cavern thought she coveted it.
where another tunnel lies. Two beaches flank Overcome with grief, Ironfoot killed himself on this
the tunnel to your left. On the beach closest to very beach by driving the saber through his chest. As
you, something glitters in the gloom as your a result, he has come back as an allip with an unholy
light hits it. hatred of the saber. Ironfoot remains hidden incorporeal
within the walls of the cavern until someone touches the
saber. At that point, he attacks until the saber is dropped.
Box B Ironfoot pursues anyone who has the saber, to the
exclusion of all others.
For specifics on the Saber of Sorrow, check out the sidebar
The current in the tunnel has carried you into on this page.
deeper water. You see that you are in a large
chamber, swimming in an underground lake. Ironfoot the Allip: 26 hp; see Appendix I: Statistics page
55 for details.
24 Madness in Freeport
- Part II: Black Dog's Cave -
4. Illusion Trap (EL 3) against it rhythmically. Near the shore off to the
right is a skeleton impaled by a large stake jutting
You emerge from a narrow tunnel to see a large, up out of the sand. As more of the chamber comes
natural cavern 25 feet long by 40 feet wide. A into view, you see at least two more skeletons
slim strip of beach lines the far wall. Ten large, impaled the same way.
ironbound chests sit on the sand. A skeleton lays
half in the water and half on the beach. Its arms
are stretched longingly toward the chests. The treasure room of Black Dog can be found if players
can detect the secret door in the wall on the right side of
the chamber by succeeding on a DC 20 Search check. For
This cave is a trap designed by a wizard loyal to Black Dog. that reason, Black Dog constructed hidden stake traps
The beach and the skeleton are real, but the chests are the throughout the room, to impale would-be looters. Each
result of a permanent image designed to draw would-be five-foot square of the chamber marked by an “X” on the
thieves toward the apparent treasure. Since the chests are map contains a stake trap. The best way to keep track of
an illusion, they show no signs of decay or water damage. this is to draw the room on a map and have the players tell
Characters who interact with the illusion are entitled to a DC you where the PCs are moving. Players setting off a stake
18 Will save to disbelieve the illusion. However, the first trap are considered flat-footed and gain no Dexterity bonus
player to step on the beach sets off a lightning blast trap, to Armor Class against the stake trap’s attack roll.
emanating from the wall behind the chests. Stake Traps (11): CR 2; mechanical; location trigger; no
Lightning Blast: CR 3; magic device; proximity trigger reset; Atk +15 melee (1d8/×3); Search DC 20; Disable
(alarm); no reset; spell effect (50-ft. line, 3d6 electric- Device DC 20; Market Price: 1,000 gp.
ity, DC 13 Reflex save half); Search DC 26; Disable
Device DC 25. Cost: 300 gp, 36 XP. 7. Treasure Chamber Door
5. The Healing Basin Moving through the secret door, you enter a
passage of worked stone. At the end of the
The underground waterway ends here in a passage, is a huge, wooden door bound in iron. A
circular chamber with frescoes painted on large lock is built into the center of the door. An
the walls. The frescoes depict scenes from inscription on the door reads: “Enter here and
the mythology of the God of the Sea. A large face the wrath of Black Dog.”
stalagmite in the center of the room has been
crafted into a basin. The sides of the stalagmite
are carved in the shape of a sea serpent winding The door is locked and requires a successful DC 25 Open
around the entire basin. Water fills the vessel. Lock check to open.
Iron-Bound Door: 3 in. thick; hardness 5; 40 hp; Break
DC 26.
Black Dog, in honor of the God of the Sea, created this
chamber. He never went out on a raid without first paying
homage to the Sea God. As a reward for his faithfulness,
8. Black Dog's Treasure (EL 7)
the Sea God magically enchanted the basin in the center of
the room. Although the water is briny, it cures 2d8 points When the huge door is opened, a low moan
of damage on anyone who can bear to drink from the seems to come from the walls of the chamber
basin. The water in the basin can only heal each drinker itself. The chamber is 25 feet wide by 20 feet
once per day, and any water removed from the basin long. There are nine chests lining the walls.
immediately loses its power.
The moaning continues until suddenly a figure
6. Deadly Spikes (EL 9) rises up through the floor, glowing with an eerie,
greenish light. He wields a saber, wears tall boots,
a long frock coat, and a hat with a feather in it.
A huge, natural chamber looms before you. Sand Floating in the center of the room, the
fills the floor of the chamber, and the water laps apparition points his saber at you and speaks in
Madness in Freeport 25
- Part II: Black Dog's Cave -
26 Madness in Freeport
- Part II: Black Dog's Cave -
Chest 3: Hail of Needles Trap: CR 3; mechanical; touch
a loud, booming voice: “Who dares disturb the trigger; manual reset; Atk +20 ranged (2d4); Search
treasure of Black Dog? You cannot hope to stand DC 22; Disable Device DC 22; Market Price: 5,400
before me! Leave now, and no harm will come to gp. This chest contains 2,000 sp, an elixir of swim-
you. Stay to seek your fortune, and you will be ming, a potion of spider climb, a potion of bear’s
doomed to everlasting damnation!” endurance, and a potion of cure light wounds.
Chest 4: Untrapped. It contains 100 pp and a potion of
cure serious wounds.
The apparition is the spectral form of Black Dog the pirate.
After his death, he was buried beneath the floor in his Chest 5: Untrapped. It contains 400 gp and a potion of
treasure room. He now haunts this chamber as a spectre for tongues.
eternity and refuses to allow anything to be removed from Chest 6: Arrow Trap: CR 1; mechanical; touch trigger;
it. As long as the heroes do not remove any treasure, Black manual reset; Atk +10 ranged (1d6/x3, arrow); Search
Dog allows them to leave unmolested. DC 20; Disable Device DC 20; Market Price: 2,000
The heroes can talk with the spectre of Black Dog. First, gp. This chest contains a masterwork scimitar and an
though, they have to leave the treasure chamber before arcane scroll (water breathing, caster level 5).
Black Dog can calm down enough for a conversation. He Chest 7: Untrapped. It contains 600 gp, two gems (100 gp
does know where the door described in his log is located, each), and two gems (250 gp each).
and he can tell the PCs how to get there. If they ask him,
Black Dog can also describe to them what happened to Chest 8: Untrapped. It contains two jeweled, golden goblets
Tom when he tried to open the serpent door. (100 gp each), 10 golden plates (25 gp each), one silver
necklace (250 gp), and one gold necklace (300 gp).
Chest 9: Poison Needle Trap: CR 1; mechanical; touch
“Tom was always doing crazy things. I told him trigger; manual reset; +8 ranged (1 plus poison);
to leave the door alone but he wouldn’t listen. poison (greenblood oil, DC 13 Fortitude save resists, 1
He stuck his hand in the serpent’s mouth and Con/1d2 Con); Search DC 22; Disable Device DC 20;
began to turn the knob. Market Price: 1,300 gp. This chest contains 2,000 sp
“Then he suddenly screamed and yanked his and a ring of protection +1.
arm free of the serpent. Immediately, a stream of
poisonous, green liquid shot out of the serpent’s 9. The Swift Current
mouth and hit him square in the chest. The
poison was so nasty he was unable to move for
over a week. Ten feet into this tunnel, the current sends your
boat careening forwarded at a dangerous speed!
“Even when he recovered, Tom was unable to
exert himself for the rest of his life. When we
asked him what happened, he said that the stone
Strong currents affect the water in the tunnels beyond this
serpent had bit down on his arm. We thought he
point. The PCs must make a DC 15 Profession (boater)
was crazy because we were all there and no one
check or Wisdom check to turn the boat or stop it in the
saw the thing move.”
current. Anyone who stands up in the boat must make
a DC 15 Balance check to avoid falling out of the boat.
Those who fail this check and fall into the water are
If any of the PCs annoy Black Dog in any way, he attacks.
carried to Location 10 or Location 11. These characters
Black Dog (Spectre): 45 hp; see Appendix I: Statistics must succeed DC 15 Swim checks to stay above the rough
page 53 for details. waters or be at risk of drowning.
The chests hold various traps and treasures as follows.
10. Possible Access
Chest 1: Poison Needle Trap: CR 1; mechanical; touch
trigger; manual reset; +8 ranged (1 plus poison); to Other Areas
poison (greenblood oil, DC 13 Fortitude save resists, 1 This watery passage can be used to expand this adventure
Con/1d2 Con); Search DC 22; Disable Device DC 20; if you so desire. If not, eliminate it from the map or simply
Market Price: 1,300 gp. This chest contains 700 gp. state the passage narrows and is too small to allow the PCs
Chest 2: Untrapped. It contains 2,000 sp. to continue.
Madness in Freeport 27
- Part II: Black Dog's Cave -
cataclysm. The writing under the cobra, which is Valossan,
11. Boarded-Up Tunnel can be read by anyone who has learned to read the
language or by any who succeed on a DC 20 Decipher
Script skill check. (Add +2 if he has deciphered any
The entrance to this tunnel is boarded up above
previous Valossan writing successfully.) The script reads,
the waterline. The boards are rotted from
“All those who would enter the temple must pass the
exposure to the seawater. Written across the
test of the fangs. Reach into the mouth of Yig, and your
wooden barrier in black ink and in the common
courage will be rewarded.”
tongue are the words: “DANGER! KEEP OUT!”
The mouth of Yig is a test of courage and mental strength.
To open the door, a PC must put his hand and arm into the
This is the boarded-up passage mentioned in Black Dog’s serpent’s maw to reach the doorknob. While reaching for
logbook. The boards are easily broken and cast aside. The the knob, it feels as if the jaws of the serpent are closing
current pulls the boat into the passage beyond. over his arm.
This is an illusion that only affects the PC who has his
12. The Serpent Portal (EL 9) arm in the mouth of Yig. If the PC tries to disbelieve the
illusion, he must make a DC 20 Will save. The illusion
causes the hero to experience extreme pain. If the PC can
Your boat lands on a beach facing a 30-foot wide, keep his arm in the mouth despite the pain (DC 20 Will
curved, jade wall covered by a mural depicting save to do so), the door opens. If at any point the character
two serpent men in red robes, standing on the removes his arm from the door before the door opens,
summit of a jade tower shaped in the form of a the pain stops, but a stream of poisonous green liquid
coiled snake. Their hands are raised to the sky, shoots from the serpent’s mouth. The poison in the mouth
and far below a throng of serpent people look on. is a supernatural effect that automatically resets on the
Between the two robed figures is an enormous, following round.
stone doorway 10 feet wide and 20 feet high. In Even if the trap itself is disabled, the illusion remains in
the center of the door, a bas-relief cobra is carved place. The PCs can to try to open the door any number
out of the green stone. The mouth of the cobra of times.
juts out further than the rest of the relief, its fangs
bared as if ready to strike. Beneath the cobra is Mouth of Yig: CR 9; mechanical; touch trigger; auto-
writing in some strange script. matic reset; Atk +13 ranged [+18 if hand is in the
mouth of Yig] (poison); multiple targets (all targets in
20-ft. line); poison (dragon bile, DC 26 Fortitude save
This is the top of the temple depicted in the mural. The resists, 3d6 Str/0); Search DC 25; Disable Device DC
remainder of the temple was buried during the great 28; Market Price: 54,300 gp.
28 Madness in Freeport
- Part Three: -
The Sunken Temple of Yig
In which the adventurers descend into the ancient Temple of Yig
and discover the price they must pay for the Jade Serpent.
Having discovered and navigated Black Dog’s caves, the
PCs have at last entered the lost Temple of Yig. The temple
depicting the construction of the temple and
is constructed of green jade and is spiral in shape, built to
its consecration. In many different locations,
resemble a coiled snake. Each level of the temple is 20 feet
someone has scribbled the same Valossan words
high and wider than the one above it. The temple is well
across the mural in red ink.
below sea level, and it would be completely flooded if not
for the magic that keeps it intact.
This room was a prayer and meeting chamber used
Location 3: The Sunken by the high priests of Yig. Under the sacred image of
their god, the priests made important decisions and
Temple of Yig communed with their god.
As the Valossan civilization was being destroyed, the god A priest named Sseth, who was trying to warn his
Yig was angered. He blamed his priests for not warning brethren that Yig was unhappy with them, wrote this
their people of the devastation that would come from warning on the walls: “Beware brethren, for Yig will
the worship of the Unspeakable One. Knowing his own abandon us.” He was thought to be insane and was placed
power would soon begin to wane, Yig used his remaining under house arrest in his quarters in the temple below.
strength to preserve his temple from the cataclysm. The PCs may meet his shade later.
Then, to punish his priests he turned them all into undead
Any PC who has learned the Valossan language can read
shadows. They have been doomed for centuries to
the phrase. A PC who succeeds on a DC 20 Decipher
wander the halls of the temple and contemplate how they
Script skill check can attempt to translate the writing.
failed Yig and the Valossan people.
Grant a +2 circumstance bonus to his roll if he has
Centuries of undead life have twisted the minds of most deciphered any Valossan writing previously.
of the priests left in the temple. They only seek to end
This is an excellent room for the PCs to rest in before they
their existence. To that end, they attack the PCs without
take on the temple. They can sleep here and prepare or
pray for spells without incident.
There are some, however, who still cling to the hope
that they can save their souls by helping to vanquish 2. The Water-Filled
the Unspeakable One. These priests see the PCs as their
possible salvation and ask them for help. If the PCs have Chamber (EL 3)
not learned the Valossan language, the priests switch This floor of the temple is filled with water. No other
to an archaic form of the common tongue. (All of the floors are flooded, and the water is contained on this
serpent people encountered in the temple are shadow floor. The magical enchantment that Yig placed on the
serpents, described in Appendix 1.) temple to keep it intact also allowed this odd condition to
persist after the cataclysm.
1. The Statue of Yig It should be easy for the PCs to get to the next floor.
They can swim down the ramp with a successful DC
The serpent door grinds open, sending dirt 10 Swim check. Once in the water, they notice a light
scattering across the floor. The chamber beyond coming from another ramp ahead of them. This ramp
is circular, 30 feet in diameter. A ramp along the brings them to the third floor.
far right wall leads down into murky water. In Read the following description to those who swim from
the center of the chamber is an enormous, 15- ramp to ramp.
foot-high, marble statue of a coiled snake. The
walls of the room feature a continuous mural
Madness in Freeport 29
- Part III: The Sunken Temple of Yig -
The Gifts of the Serpent
The items known collectively as the Gifts of the Serpent are as follows.
The priests used this room to prepare for services in The shadow serpent is incorporeal. He does not have to
the chapel below. It was once filled with numerous breathe and is not hindered moving through the water.
The PCs, on the other hand, may find it difficult to fight
30 Madness in Freeport
- Part III: The Sunken Temple of Yig -
underwater without drowning. (See the Underwater
Combat and Drowning in the DMG for details.)
The shadow attacks the bearer of the amulet and ignores
all others. It does not follow anyone who leaves the room.
Shadow Serpent: 19 hp; see Appendix III: New
Mechanics page 66 for details.
Madness in Freeport 31
- Part III: The Sunken Temple of Yig -
High Priest Alisstar (Shadow Serpent): 36 hp; see
Appendix I: Statistics page 52 for details. The eyes of the mosaic serpent glow with a green
light. In front of the head is a stone table on which
4. Acolytes Chambers (EL 7) a large book rests. The floor is covered with four
large piles of dust shaped like serpents.
32 Madness in Freeport
- Part III: The Sunken Temple of Yig -
The Eyes of Yig: CR 6; magic device; proximity trig-
ger (special); automatic reset; spell effect (dominate priests. Their barely visible hands motion for
person, 9th-level wizard, DC 15 Will save negates); you to come toward them. They seem to be
Search DC 20; Disable Device DC 10; Cost: 22,500 incapacitated.
gp, 1,800 XP.
6. Incense Room When the curse of Yig struck, these priests were receiving
treatment in the infirmary. They have been lying here,
waiting to die, for centuries. They want the PCs to kill
A pungent odor hangs in the air of this small them and beg them to do so.
room. The walls are lined with stone shelves that
These shadow serpents are willing to give the PCs
hold various jars and urns. A brazier stands at
information in exchange for their deaths. Here is what the
the far end of the room, unlit.
priests know:
1. Vrosh, the warrior priest, wears the Scales of the
The priests of Yig used this room to store the various type Serpent.
of incense they needed to perform their rituals. Most of the
2. The armor makes him invulnerable to attack unless
incense has long since lost its potency. A successful DC
you strike at the one weakness in the armor: a
20 Search check uncovers an urn containing two blocks of
discolored scale just under the right breast.
incense of meditation.
3. The Avatar of Yig is a giant serpent located in the
7. Ramp to the lowest level of the temple, inside a great pit used for
holy sacrifices.
Lower Levels (EL 5) The priests here may be incapacitated, but are still
incorporeal undead, and thus difficult to damage. If
This room is a mess. The floor is strewn with bits a cleric tries to destroy them with a turning attempt,
and pieces of decaying wood, moldy pillows, and treat them as 1 HD with no turn resistance due to their
smashed pottery. Opposite the door is a ramp weakened state. These priests are worth no XP unless
leading up into darkness. A pair of red, piercing the GM wishes to give a small story award for doing a
eyes sway back and forth in the shadows of the good deed.
ramp. After a few moments, they begin to move Among the jars on the shelf at the back of the room is one
toward you. container of Keoghtom’s ointment. The PCs can find the jar
on a successful DC 15 Search check.
The creature in the shadows is a wraith. In life, he was a Invalid Priests (2 Shadow Serpents): 3, 3 hp;
human prisoner of the temple who tried to escape from the noncombatants.
pit below. He made it as far as this room when the curse
of Yig struck him down and turned him into a wraith. He 9. The Serpent Scales (EL 5)
has been haunting this room ever since. The wraith cannot
leave this room.
This large room looks to have been a gymnasium
Wraith: 32 hp; see Appendix I: Statistics page 52 for of some sort. Rotted matting covers the floor, and
details. various combat dummies are scattered throughout
the area. The walls are lined with racks that hold
8. Infirmary rusting and tarnished weapons of all sorts.
Standing in the center of the room is a shadow
The walls on either side of this room are lined serpent holding a crackling spear and wearing
with rotting sedan chairs. Along the far wall a suit of green scale mail. In a loud, deep voice,
is a stone table with a shelf above it holding he speaks, “Come, young onesss. Come for your
various jars. lessson. You musst be sstrong to fight for Yig.”
Most of the chairs are empty, but two of them With that, he assumes a fighting stance,
contain the shadowy forms of Valossan serpent brandishing his spear.
Madness in Freeport 33
- Part III: The Sunken Temple of Yig -
34 Madness in Freeport
- Part III: The Sunken Temple of Yig -
This is Vrosh, a warrior priest of Yig. He was driven mad These shadow serpents have not come to terms with
after the curse. He waits here to train young priests in the the curse of Yig. They believe they are still alive, and
art of war. Vrosh refuses to respond to any questions and look for a fresh meal. The PCs can attempt to talk to the
speaks to the heroes as a teacher does to a student. He shadow serpents to convince them they have been dead for
wields a magical spear and wears the Scales of the Serpent. centuries (Diplomacy check opposed by Sense Motive). If
Although he is a shadow, he attacks the PCs with his this succeeds, the shadow serpents stand down and stagger
weapon—but only to the point of wounding them. about in bewilderment until the heroes leave. Otherwise,
they fight to the death.
While wearing the Scales of the Serpent, Vrosh is
immune to all forms of physical and magical attack, Shadow Serpents (4): 17, 22, 18, 16 hp; Sense Motive +1;
except for a single damaged scale (see The Gifts of the see Appendix III: New Mechanics page 60 for details.
Serpent sidebar on page 30 for details). If the PCs talked
to the wounded priests in Location 8, they can notice the 12. The Sealed Door
weak spot easily (DC 5 Spot check). If not, have anyone
fighting Vrosh make a DC 20 Spot check to notice the
damaged scale. The stone door to this room has been wedged shut
When Vrosh is killed, the scale armor falls to the ground by three iron spikes that have been driven into the
undamaged. The armor is useless to the PCs, but the spear floor. A tiny door has been carved into the portal
is a +1 ghost touch shock spear. at eye level. It is currently shut and locked.
11. Mess Hall (EL 7) The spikes keeping the door closed can be removed by
succeeding on a DC 10 Strength check.
Madness in Freeport 35
- Part III: The Sunken Temple of Yig -
Yesss! You mussst! No! Yesss! Yess, give it to you desk and a chair. Lying open on the desk is a
I sssshall. Only if they anssswer the riddle. Yesss! leather-bound tome with yellowed pages.
Only if they anssswer the riddle. No! Yessss!
Anssswer it they mussst!”
High priest Alisstar called these chambers home before the
cataclysm. Shortly before the end, he went up to the altar
Although Sseth wasn’t crazy before Valossa was (see Location 3) to try to appease Yig. He has been there
destroyed, he sure is now. The shadow serpent is quite ever since.
mad, and he asks the PCs to solve a riddle. If they
The glass case is the home of Alisstar’s pet snake. The
answer correctly, he tells them where they can find the
snake was not spared from the curse of Yig and has
vial containing the Venom of the Serpent. Sseth does
been transformed into a shadow constrictor snake (see
not respond to any questions and continually asks the
Appendix 1). The snake is currently in the chest; it attacks
PCs if they want to answer his riddle. As in the passage
anyone who opens the chest.
above, he vocally argues with himself throughout. Here is
Sseth’s riddle: The chest is locked and requires a DC 20 Open Lock
check to open. Besides the shadow constrictor snake, it
contains are 500 gp, two potions of lesser restoration, and
I create life and also nourish it. two potions of cure moderate wounds.
I contain life and the future for some. The book on the table is Alisstar’s journal. It is written in
Valossan and so can only be read by PCs who have learned
I am first, although some say I came last.
that language. A character who succeeds on a DC 25
I am fragile, yet strong enough to hold Decipher Script skill check can comprehend enough of the
precious cargo. text to learn general information.
What am I? The most recent journal entries express Alisstar’s concern
about the growing worship of the Unspeakable One. One
key passage reads, “It is clear that this Unspeakable God
The answer to Sseth’s riddle is: an egg. If PCs guess is not of this world. It is possible that he is from another
correctly, Sseth tells them that the vial of the Venom of the plane of existence altogether. To defeat him, it may be
Serpent can be found in a secret compartment within the necessary to send him back to his own plane or to imprison
statue of Yig at Location 14. The compartment is located him on this one.” Additionally, the journal contains a
in the middle of the statue’s tail. If they guess incorrectly, thorough history of Valossan life. To the right people, it
he hisses at them, but he still tells them they must search would be worth around 1,000 gp.
the likeness of Yig to find what they seek.
Shadow Constrictor Snake: 19 hp; see Appendix III:
If attacked, Sseth flees. He only fights if cornered (which New Mechanics page 65 for details.
is unlikely to occur, given his incorporeal state).
Sseth (Shadow Serpent): 19 hp; see Appendix III: New 14. Another Statue of Yig
Mechanics page 66 for details.
36 Madness in Freeport
- Part III: The Sunken Temple of Yig -
Conditions DC
The PCs answered Sseth’s riddle 15
The PCs failed to answer Sseth’s riddle 25
The PCs have yet to encounter Sseth 30
Madness in Freeport 37
- Part III: The Sunken Temple of Yig -
Priests of Yig were chosen before birth and brought to the
temple to hatch here and begin their lives in service of the
serpent god. Before the great cataclysm, Sseth—who knew Heat Stones
of the coming curse of Yig—destroyed most of the eggs A heat stone has been enchanted to continually
and their growing embryos. radiate heat in a 10-foot radius spread. Creatures
A character who succeeds on a DC 20 Spot check notices within this area are protected from cold
that one egg escaped the rampage and sits in the room environments, as if by endure elements (but gives
undisturbed. no protection against heat). The stone also radiates
light as a torch (bright light in a 20-foot radius and
Strangely, the curse of Yig froze the embryo in this egg shadowy illumination in a 40-foot radius).
in suspended animation. Once the curse is lifted, the egg
begins to mature again. If the PCs take it with them, you A heat stone deals 1 points of fire damage to
may use this as hook for a later adventure. They may need those who touch them, and deal an additional
to raise the young serpent or protect it from those who point of damage every minute thereafter that the
want to exploit it. (See the Hatching the Egg adventure stone is held. Creatures with the cold subtype take
hook in Appendix 3.) 1 point of damage each round spent within the
heated area, or 1d4 points of damage per round is
This room contains eight heat stones. Refer to the Heat touching the stone.
Stones sidebar if the PCs touch or remove a glowing stone.
Faint abjuration; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item,
endure elements or produce flame, Price 500 gp;
18. Yet Another Statue of Yig Weight 2 lb.
A 15-foot-tall statue of a coiled snake with its receiving room for the high priest. The jade serpent in
fangs bared is mounted here. Yellow light shines the center of the room is an exact replica of the actual
across the hallway from its eyes. The light falls on jade serpent the PCs seek. The statue is not magical in
a set of double doors with an elaborate carving of any way, but would be worth 5,000 gp to a collector. It
a snake upon it. weighs 10 lb.
20. Exit?
This statue was built to honor Yig, but it is also the only
way to open the set of double doors at the end of the hall.
Mysteriously, anyone standing in the path of the light A large set of double doors stands before you.
does not block its path to the doors. Close examination of Wet silt seeps under the doorjamb, and the doors
the statue, and by succeeding on a DC 15 Search check, appear to be warped. Two huge pull rings are
reveals the eyes have a pair of lids. If these lids are moved attached to the center of each door.
to cover the eyes, the doors to Location 21 open. Opening
these doors by other means requires a dispel magic spell
cast by a 15th level spellcaster—far beyond the means of The PCs should be discouraged to open these doors, since
heroes at this level! doing so would flood this level of the temple. You can
also use these doors to expand the adventure on your own.
19. Waiting Room They may lead to other undiscovered areas of the ruined
Valossan city that you can detail for your gaming group. If
not, consider these doors stuck and magically locked with
This is a large room that at one time must have an arcane lock spell cast by a 15th level caster.
appeared rich and inviting. Now all of the
furniture is rotting away, and the tapestries on 21. The Pit of
the walls are faded and torn. Many cushions
adorn the chamber, but they have fallen into the Great Serpent (CR 4)
ruin and decay. In the center of the room, upon a
marble pedestal, rests a serpent statuette carved
from jade. As the light from the serpent’s eyes is covered,
the huge double doors creak open to reveal a
large chamber beyond. Inside is a large, sunken
Visitors to the temple of Yig used this room as a waiting
area. It was richly decorated and sometimes served as a
38 Madness in Freeport
- Part III: The Sunken Temple of Yig -
amphitheater shaped like a half-moon. There ritual. One of you mussst sssacrifice sssome blood
are five tiers of steps leading down to a 20-foot- ssso that my people can be ssaved.
diameter, 10-foot-deep pit. The steps are covered
“I mussst warn you, however. This sssacrifice
with rotting cushions, and long faded tapestries
will be great. You will lossse a part of yourssself
adorn the walls.
permanently. It isss the only way. If you refussse,
At the center of the pit is a gigantic snake. Its skin we will be consigned to an eternity of sssuffering,
is yellow with decay. It rears it head as you enter, and you will never get the Jade Ssserpent.”
baring a set of gleaming white fangs.
Alisstar has just revealed the real price the PCs must pay
This serpent was believed to be the worldly manifestation to obtain the Jade Serpent. One of them must be willing
of the god Yig. The Valossans sacrificed slaves to it as a to give up her own blood! Doing so causes the character
way to pay homage to their god. The PCs must now kill to lose two point of Constitution permanently! Although
the undead form of the serpent to retrieve its fangs for the PCs may understandably balk at this idea, there is no
Alisstar’s ritual. Once the snake is slain, the Fangs of the other way for them to obtain the Jade Serpent. This may
Serpent (see The Gifts of the Serpent sidebar, page 30) be a good adventure hook for later in your campaign, as
can be removed from its jaws easily. there may be a way for the PC to regain the lost points
of Constitution.
Advanced Constrictor Snake Zombie: 81 hp; see
Appendix I: Statistics page 50 for details. Alisstar performs all of the extensive verbal and awkward
somatic portions of the ritual. The Scales of the Serpent are
Receiving laid on the altar as the chosen PC dons the Amulet of the
Serpent. The PC must take the Fangs of the Serpent and
the Jade Serpent use one on each wrist to draw blood. The PC’s blood must
then be mixed with the Venom of the Serpent. This mixture
After the PCs recover the four artifacts, they are ready to is then poured on the Scales of the Serpent.
return to the high priest in Location 3 so he can complete
At that moment Alisstar proclaims, “IT IS DONE!” The
his ritual. Alisstar is overjoyed to see the PCs and what
building begins to shake. Alisstar makes a motion with his
they retrieved for him. Motioning toward the altar, he
hands, and the Jade Serpent rises from the center of the
addresses them.
altar and floats before the PCs. As the high priest’s form
disperses, he waves a last “thank you” to the PCs.
“Thank you! Thank you for doing asss I asssked. The PCs should be able to escape from the temple the
Pleassse put the artifactsss there on the altar. same way they came in. As they go, the building will start
to collapse around them. Once the heroes are free of the
“I still need you help. Due to my ethereal nature,
temple it collapses to rubble behind them.
I cannot perform the physical partsss of the
Madness in Freeport 39
- Part Four: -
Milton's Folly
In which the adventurers rush to stop Milton Drac
from plunging the world into madness.
The boat the PCs used to navigate Black Dog’s Caves is approaching the island. Milton Drac has ordered the
still waiting for them on the beach in front of the serpent tight security to “keep agents of Freeport’s enemies
portal. They can use it to leave the caves at the next low from destroying the lighthouse.” His real reason for the
tide (5:00 am) and get back to Freeport. move is to stop the PCs from meddling in his plans. For
a further nudge in the right direction, a PC who makes
If your group has followed the time frame of the adventure
a DC 5 Knowledge (nature) skill check realizes this
as outlined in Part One, they arrive about 6:00 am as
evening there is no moon, which should make it dark
the sky is beginning to lighten with the coming of the
enough to approach the lighthouse in secret at night.
dawn. As the PCs row into Freeport harbor read them the
following passage.
Location 4: The
As the first light of dawn creeps over the horizon, Lighthouse of Drac
the harbor is illuminated, revealing an amazing
Milton’s Folly is over 200 feet tall and towers over the
number of ships and boats of every kind. Never in
harbor of Freeport. It is a square building that gradually
its history has the harbor been so crowded with
tapers up with sloping walls, from 145 feet wide at its
vessels. A dark shadow stretches across the water,
base to 45 feet at its summit. Open archways in the sides
growing longer and longer with the rising of the
of the building begin 20 feet off the ground and continue
new day’s sun.
up to the second floor. At this point, a sloped, stone ledge
Tracing the blackness back to its source, you juts out to prevent anyone from climbing on the outside
gaze upon Milton’s Folly, looming over Freeport to the levels above. The remaining floors have normal
Harbor. The scaffolding that encased its walls
is gone, and the white marble of the lighthouse
gleams in the sunlight. The waters around it are
kept clear by a patrol of four Sea Lord cutters A Note on Timing
filled with marines. The timeline of the adventure is set up so the PCs
enter the lighthouse on the very night Milton Drac
is completing his ritual. This may not work out
The coming christening of the lighthouse and the for your PCs, as they may have spent more time
ceremonial activation of the light are set to occur adventuring in the Sunken Temple than just one
at night on the day the PCs return to Freeport. The day. They may also want to enter the lighthouse
confusion and overcrowding in the city allows them to during the day before the ritual has begun.
easily avoid the city watch, which has been ordered to
arrest them on sight. Rather then hitting the heroes over the head with
some contrived solution, you may want to allow
If the heroes make their way to the Temple of the God of them to enter the lighthouse and find nothing. The
Knowledge, K’Stallo happily puts them up there, giving first two floors of the lighthouse show no outward
them sanctuary so they can rest and heal in preparation signs of being anything but a temple to the God
for their assault on the lighthouse. If K’stallo has been of the Seas.
killed, the PCs should still be able to find an inn to stay
in—if they are willing to all cram into one room. The Another option is that time may move much
impending celebration has the town crowded. If they do slower within the walls of the sunken temple due
so discreetly, they shouldn’t have any troubles from the to its peculiar, supernatural nature. Two days
city watch. within its walls may only be a single day in the
real world. Of course, you are free to come up
It should be made clear to the PCs that it is next to with your own method of moving the adventure
impossible to storm the lighthouse by day. The roving to its climax: chasing Milton Drac down within
patrols of the Sea Lord’s marines and lookouts stationed the lighthouse.
within the lighthouse would certainly see anyone
40 Madness in Freeport
- Part IV: Milton's Folly -
Madness in Freeport 41
- Part IV: Milton's Folly -
glass windows. The fourth floor of the lighthouse is a Four Brotherhood cultists are standing around the foot
square tower stretching 100 feet to the top level. Large, of the staircase. They are quite bored, having been here
10-foot-wide double doors face each of the cardinal for many hours. Depending on which archway the PCs
directions, allowing access to the building. have used to get in, they may or may not be able to see
the guards at first. Use standard Listen and Spot checks to
At night, the tower is guarded by a roving patrol of four
determine if they become aware of each other.
fast-moving ships full of marines, circling the island.
The lookouts that watch from within the lighthouse by If the guards are alerted to the PCs’ presence, three of
day are not on duty at night. If the PCs are careful, they them move to attack while the fourth charges up the
should be able to slip past the patrol and get onto the stairs to raise the alarm. The stairs are 50 feet long, so
island unseen. it takes two rounds for the guard to reach the top. The
cultists are armed with crossbows. They use the columns
In any case, the PCs should be careful about hiding their
for cover (gaining a +4 cover bonus to AC) and shoot at
light sources. On a dark night like this, torches can be seen
the PCs.
from a long way away.
Read the text below to the players if they enter through
1. The Great Doors one of the doors:
A set of stone double doors, each ten feet wide You open the door and see a huge square room,
and 15 feet high, stand closed in the center of 110 feet along each side at the base. The walls
the lighthouse wall. Through the darkness, you angle inward to the ceiling 50 feet above the floor.
can make out an intricate relief on their surface, Huge, five-foot-square, carved stone columns
depicting the lighthouse shining streaks of light support the structure above. In the center of the
over the harbor. room is a stone spiral staircase surrounded by
four burning braziers.
Two great, iron pull rings are fastened to the center
of each door. The walls of the lighthouse slope
inward and are smooth for the first 20 feet, until Depending on how much noise the PCs made and what
they reach open archways carved into the marble. door they used, the four guards react differently. If it took
A flickering orange light emanating from within the a few tries to open the doors, one of the guards has already
building dances within the stone of the archways. raced up the stairs to set up the ambush in Location 3. If
the heroes used a knock spell or broke through the door in
one try, three of the guards attack with their crossbows,
The doors to the lighthouse are identical on each side. The while the other starts running up the stairs.
guards within have barred all the doors so the PCs cannot
open them from outside the lighthouse without making The carvings on the columns depict various scenes from
lots of noise. To enter quietly, they must climb through the history and myth surrounding the Sea God. If the
the archways and into the building. Climbing the walls PCs look at the columns carefully, they may notice, on a
without proper equipment requires a successful DC 25 successful DC 20 Spot check, that each of the carvings has
Climb check. Tools can be helpful here. a subtle etching of the Yellow Sign hidden within it.
Barred Stone Doors: 4 in. thick; hardness 8; 60 hp; Break
2. The Hall of Columns (EL 7) DC 28.
Read the text below to the players if they enter through Brotherhood Cultist Guards (4): 21, 23, 26, 27 hp;
one of the archways. Listen +5, Spot +5; see Appendix I: Statistics page
50 for details.
42 Madness in Freeport
- Part IV: Milton's Folly -
columns run the length of the chamber. Opposite wielding a lance, and it is almost 20 feet tall.
the staircase, in the center of the far wall, is an The walls of the room are painted with scenes
altar of blue marble on a dais flanked by two depicting various forms of combat.
floor-to-ceiling windows that look out onto the
harbor. Enormous, 20-foot-tall statues of the Sea
God stand in the far corners of the room, their The statue in this room contains half of a switch that needs
tridents pointed toward the altar. There are two to be activated to open the secret door at Location 6. If the
small doors along the back wall, equally spaced PCs examine the statue closely and succeed on a DC 22
from the staircase. Search check, they notice the arm holding the lance moves
when touched. If the PCs pull the lance down, they hear a
grinding noise coming from the direction of Location 6.
What occurs in this room depends on whether or not a The door there doesn’t open until the switch on the statue
cultist from below was able to raise the alarm. If no warning in Location 5 is activated too.
was given, a ceremony is going on here as the cultists of the
The secret door in the corner of this room can be
brotherhood prepare for the coming power of their god. One
discovered on a successful DC 20 Search check.
priest stands on the dais, his back to four cultists chanting
unintelligible words. The PCs have a chance to sneak by
them undetected if they are careful. Have the PCs make 5. The Water Shrine
Move Silently checks against a DC 5 (the cultists’ Listen
check—they are busy with their ritual and aren’t paying
of the Sea God
attention to what’s going on around them).
If the alarm has been raised, the cultists set a trap for the A bas-relief on the door to this room depicts a
PCs. Two cultists remain in the temple, hiding behind pool of water with a mermaid bathing at its edge.
the statues in the corner of the room. The priest and one The room beyond is 45 feet square with 30-foot-
cultist wait in Location 4, while the two other cultists tall windows in the north and east walls. A dais
wait in Location 5. At an appropriate time, the cultists with a statue of the Sea God wielding a trident
attack from surprise, using their crossbows if possible sits in the corner opposite the door. To the right of
and then their spells. the door is a round, stone basin filled with water.
Four square, stone pillars spaced 10 feet apart
The cultists have desecrated the altar to the Sea God. flank the pool.
They have carved the Yellow Sign onto the top of the
altar. The grooves of the carving are filled with dried Draped over the lip of the basin is the body of a
human blood. woman. The shaft of a crossbow bolt protrudes
from her back. She is dressed in leather armor.
Brotherhood Cultist Acolytes (4): 10, 8, 9, 10 hp; Listen
+4, Spot +2; see Appendix I: Statistics page 50 for
details. The woman lying in the basin is a thief who slipped into
Priest of the Unspeakable One: 20 hp; Listen +5, Spot the temple to try to steal any valuables she could find.
+3; see Appendix I: Statistics page 51 for details. Unfortunately for her, the cultists found her here in this
room and killed her with a crossbow bolt in the back. A
4. The Shrine search of her body uncovers 100 gp, masterwork thieves’
tools, and a potion of fly.
of the Warrior God The statue on the dais contains the other half of the
switch to open the secret door in Location 6. If the PCs
examine the statue of the Sea God closely and succeed
The door to this room is decorated with a bas-
on a DC 22 Search check, they notice that the trident in
relief showing a warrior clad in plate mail,
the statue’s arm moves when touched. If the PCs pull
slaying a dragon with a lance. It opens into
the trident down, a grinding noise can be heard coming
a 45-foot-square room with floor-to-ceiling
from the direction of Location 6. The door there doesn’t
windows on the south and east walls. To the left
open until the switch on the statue in Location 4 is
of the door stand four square pillars arranged
activated too.
10 feet apart, around a marble statue. The statue
is carved in the likeness of the Warrior God The secret door in the corner of this room can be
discovered on a successful DC 20 Search check.
Madness in Freeport 43
- Part IV: Milton's Folly -
44 Madness in Freeport
- Part IV: Milton's Folly -
Nothing threatens the PCs in this room. At the top of the
6. Secret Door Room staircase, a trapdoor leads to Location 7.
Read the following description to the PCs if they enter this
room before activating the switches in Locations 4 and 5. 7. Lair of the
Gibbering Mouther (EL 5)
The secret door opens into a small room 10 feet
long and 10 feet wide. The room is completely
bare. On the wall in front of you, a small handle When you open the trapdoor, your senses are
juts from the wall, embedded about three feet off assaulted by the hideous stench of decaying flesh.
the ground. The floor is smeared with dried blood, and bones
lie scattered all around. The room is 65 feet
square and 20 feet high. There are four square
The handle opens the secret door in the wall from this side. stone pillars spaced 20 feet apart in the center of
The secret door in the west wall can be detected with a the chamber. A slurping noise emanates from the
successful DC 20 Search check, but it cannot be opened northwest corner of the room.
until the switches in Locations 4 and 5 are first activated.
Read the following if the PCs have activated both switches This room houses a rather nasty surprise: a gibbering
at Locations 4 and 5. mouther. It attacks anyone entering the room and not
marked with the Yellow Sign. The workers who built the
upper levels of the lighthouse were fed to this creature so
Moving through the secret door, you are now in a they could not reveal any of its secrets. The creature is
10-foot-wide by 10-foot-long room. In the center careful not to use its ground manipulation ability near any
of the west wall, a passage has opened, leading of the pillars that support the floor above.
to a long hallway beyond. The hallway is 10 feet
wide, 15 feet long, and ends in a five-foot-wide Once the creature is dispatched, the PCs must locate the
staircase leading up. secret trapdoor marked on the map. A PC with the Track
feat and succeeds on a DC 20 Survival check notices there
Madness in Freeport 45
- Part IV: Milton's Folly -
46 Madness in Freeport
- Part IV: Milton's Folly -
is a path leading from the stairs to the pillar marked on the
map. The tracks abruptly stop there.
On a successful DC 20 Search check, an investigation of
the pillar locates concealed ladder rungs inside the stone.
Once detected, the rungs can be pulled down to allow the
PCs to climb up the side of the column to the trapdoor
located in the ceiling.
Gibbering Mouther: 25 hp; see Appendix I: Statistics
page 50 for details.
Madness in Freeport 47
- Part IV: Milton's Folly -
armed with composite short bows, and they use them on
the PCs as they attempt to climb the stairs. appropriate. Which do you prefer? Being flayed
N’tal removes his robe and immediately cast a fly spell so alive or slowly bleeding to death as carrion pick
he can freely move about the tower. N’tal uses his spells at your bodies? Neither, I suppose. I guess we
to greatest effect and tries to keep the PCs from reaching shall just have to kill you now!”
the top of the staircase at all costs. If this means killing his
fellow cultists, then so be it.
Despite the bold rhetoric, Drac, Melkior, and Gorn know
Milton Drac heads for the top of the lighthouse (Location full well the PCs can still stop them from accomplishing
9) and bars the trap door to the upper level of the their goal. The crystal needs to project the Yellow Sign
lighthouse from the inside. over the harbor for at least 10 minutes to take full effect
(This encounter is EL 8 for N’Tal and his bodyguards over the people viewing it.
alone. Including Drac raises it to EL 10, but his business They plan to protect the crystal at all costs. If they discover
upstairs is too pressing for him to linger.) that the PCs have the Jade Serpent, they do all they can to
N’Tal: 35 hp; see Appendix I: Statistics page 55 for destroy it. They know that its power can be used against
details. the Yellow Sign.
N’Tal’s Bodyguards (4): 14, 15, 13, 14 hp; see Appendix If the crystal on the pedestal is removed but not replaced
I: Statistics page 51 for details. with the Jade Serpent, the power surging through the
tower is unleashed. This can be very bad.
Wooden Trapdoor: 2 in. thick; hardness 5; 20 hp; Break
DC 25. The first round after this occurs, the glass enclosure
explodes, dealing 1d6 points of damage to everyone in the
room. On the third round, the ceiling of the room begins
9. The Yellow Sign (EL 10) to crumble and collapse. Half of the material is carried
upward with the uncontrolled energy, while the other
half falls on those within the room dealing 1d8 points of
The door bursts open, and you have at last
damage (DC 20 Reflex save negates).
reached the summit of Milton’s Folly. The room
is a square, 45 feet long on all sides. The ceiling If the crystal or the Jade Serpent is not placed on the
is angled toward the center of the room and ends pedestal by the fifth round, the room is engulfed in magical
in a six-sided glass enclosure that sticks out energy, and everyone in the room takes 20d6 points of
four feet above the stone roof. A raised platform damage (no save). Drac and his fellow cultists do not have
supports a slender stone column upon which a death wish, so they do all they can to get the crystal back
rests a crystal that shines yellow light through onto the pedestal.
the glass and out into the night.
The Jade Serpent has power over servants of the Yellow
Milton Drac, Melkior Maeorgan, and a serpent Sign. If the PCs can remove the crystal and replace it
person stand in front of the platform. Before any with the Jade Serpent, Drac and his allies are in trouble.
of you can speak, the tower shakes ominously, The energy from the lighthouse surges through the idol of
and the platform and column begin to glow with Yig and bathes all of Freeport in a calming, green glow.
a bright, yellow light. The stone throbs with All those corrupted by the Yellow Sign are cured. The
magical power as a beam of light shoots through servants of the Unspeakable One who are caught in this
the crystal and out into the night sky. It blinds you glow wither and die as their skin is peeled away from their
for a moment, and you hear the voice of Drac: bones and they turn to dust—a most fitting end for Drac
and his cronies, should any of them still live when the Jade
“As I said, you are too late. The Yellow Sign is
Serpent does its work.
now corrupting the minds of all those fools in
the harbor below. Soon they will leave here and Milton Drac: 52 hp; see Appendix I: Statistics page 53
spread the glorious madness of the Unspeakable for details.
One throughout the world! Ha, ha, ha, ha!
Melkior Maeorgan: 49 hp; see Appendix I: Statistics
“Now, we can turn our attentions to you. Since page 55 for details.
I have been trying to kill you for many months
Captain Brock Wallace (a.k.a. Gorn): 37 hp; see Appen-
now, an agonizing death seems more than
dix I: Statistics page 58 for details.
48 Madness in Freeport
- Aftermath -
When the glow of the Jade Serpent fades away, Freeport, deal with Drac’s death and the repercussions—well, unless
perhaps for the first time, is utterly silent. Then cheers they are trying to kickstart careers in politics!
shatter the moment, as the crowd goes wild. The throngs
Foiling Drac’s plan is not without its rewards. For
on the ships below and jammed onto the streets have no
surviving all of Drac’s machinations and saving Freeport
idea how close they came to unending madness. They
and the world from a terrible fate, each PC receives a
don’t know exactly what they’ve just seen, but they know
special story award of 3,000 XP. Also, if the PCs managed
it was one hell of a show. Drac, for all of his evil intent,
to unearth Black Dog’s treasure, they should have a pile of
did give the people of Freeport something for the history
cash for their future ventures.
This concludes the Freeport Trilogy, the first campaign
The PCs, of course, are in an awkward position. They
series for the d20 System. Don’t retire to the countryside
could try to explain Drac’s plan and show how his death
just yet though--there are plenty more stories to tell
was justified to save the city. The remaining members of
in Freeport! Green Ronin’s Hell in Freeport, Tales of
Drac’s faction on the council, however, are likely to see it
Freeport, and the Origins award winning Black Sails
as murder, not heroism. The best thing for the PCs to do is
Over Freeport and Tales of Freeport all contain exciting
slip away from the lighthouse and let the Captains’ Council
adventures for the heroes of the Freeport Trilogy Revised.
- Adventure Hooks -
You can continue your Freeport adventures right away, to be heated. The succession law is still on the books,
with any of these handy adventure hooks. so many distant Drac relations are likely to show up as
claimants. There are also those on the Captains’ Council
Valossa Reborn? who want to abolish the office of Sea Lord altogether.
This succession crisis could tear the city apart, and the
It is possible the emanations of the Jade Serpent undid PCs may very well get caught up in the mess. (This
the hereditary madness of the degenerate serpent people. vacancy forms one of many plot threads to be found in
In fact, it is possible that K’Stallo knew this all along the mega-adventure Black Sails Over Freeport.)
and hoped the PCs would help him restore his race. With
a return to lucidity and the leadership of K’Stallo, the
serpent people could have a second chance to thrive. Since
The Jade Serpent
Freeport is built on the wreckage of Valossa, such a rebirth The Jade Serpent is a powerful artifact. (See Appendix 3
is not necessarily in the best interest of the city. What for an in-depth description of the its powers.) If the PCs are
would the PCs do if their erstwhile ally K’Stallo put the smart, they take it with them when they leave the lighthouse.
well-being of his people before that of Freeport? After Drac has been thwarted, however, what happens
to this artifact? Will the Wizard’s Guild requisition it for
Egil's Rising Star testing? Will K’Stallo demand it as his people’s birthright?
Or will an ancient dragon land on the docks of Freeport one
Following the events of the Freeport Trilogy Revised, day, demanding the artifact for himself?
K’Stallo begins grooming Brother Egil as his
replacement. As revealed in Freeport: The City of
Adventure, his immediate first step is to make the young
The Cult Avenged
cleric his personal assistant. At some time before the The Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign has been thwarted,
events of The Soul of the Serpent (in Tales of Freeport), but it has not been destroyed. True, Milton Drac was
Thuron appoints Egil his successor and retires. Egil a powerful cultist, but he was not in the leadership of
becomes the youngest high priest in the history of the organization. The Brotherhood still lurks in the
the Knowledge God’s temple. This gives K’Stallo the underbelly of society, preying on the weak, the vain, and
freedom to rebuild the sunken temple (which by Yig’s the ignorant.
grace did not collapse completely after all) and recruit
The Brotherhood’s leaders are sure to be most displeased
followers among his own kind.
with the PCs and may pursue a vendetta against them.
The PCs may find themselves beset with assassins,
A New Sea Lord bounty hunters, and crazed cultists. Rooting out the
source of the attacks isn’t going to be easy, since the
The Captains’ Council is in turmoil for weeks, if not
cult has cells the world over. How many heads does the
months. They not only must fill several seats, they must
serpent have? Only the Unspeakable One really knows.
also choose a new Sea Lord. The machinations are sure
Madness in Freeport 49
- Appendix I: Statistics -
NE, SV Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +1; Str 18, Dex 11, Con 17,
Creatures Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9.
Advanced Constrictor Snake Zombie Skills and Feats: Climb +2, Jump +1, Listen +5, Ride +1,
Spot +5; Alertness, Blind-Fighting, Far Shot, Improved
CR 4; Large undead; HD 12d12+3; 81 hp; Init +1; Spd 20 Initiative, Point Blank Shot.
ft. (can’t run), climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.; AC 17 (–1 size,
+1 Dex, +7 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 16; Base Atk Possessions: Chainmail, scimitar, light crossbow, 10 bolts,
+6; Grap +18; Atk +13 melee (1d4+12, bite) or +2 melee pouch with 10 gp, Yellow Sign gold pendant worth 50 gp.
(1d8+12, slam); Full Atk +13 melee (1d4+12, bite) or +2
melee (1d8+12, slam); SQ damage reduction 5/slashing, Gibbering Mouther
darkvision 60 ft., single actions only, undead traits; AL CR 5; Medium aberration; HD 4d8+24; 42 hp; Init +1;
NE; SV Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +8; Str 27, Dex 13, Con —, Spd 10 ft., swim 20 ft.; AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed
Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1. 18; Base Atk +3; Grap +3; Atk +4 melee (1, bite) or +4
Skills and Feats: —; Toughness. ranged touch (1d4 acid plus blindness, spittle); Atk +4
melee (1, 6 bites) and +4 ranged touch (1d4 acid plus
Single Actions Only (Ex): Zombies have poor reflexes blindness, spittle); SA blood drain, engulf, gibbering,
and can perform only a single move action or attack ground manipulation, improved grab, spittle; SQ
action each round. A zombie can move up to its speed amorphous, damage reduction 5/bludgeoning, darkvision
and attack in the same round, but only if it attempts a 60 ft.; AL N; SV Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +5; Str 10, Dex
charge. 13, Con 22, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 13.
Brotherhood Cultist Acolyte Skills and Feats: Listen +4, Spot +9, Swim +8; Lightning
Reflexes, Weapon Finesse.
Male human cleric 1: CR 1; Medium humanoid; HD
1d8+2; hp 10, 10, 9, 8; Init +4; Spd 20 ft.; AC 15, touch Gibbering (Su): As soon as a mouther spots something
10, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +0; Grap +2; Atk +2 melee edible, it begins a constant gibbering as a free action.
(1d6+2, light mace) or +0 ranged (1d8/19-20, light All creatures (other than mouthers) within a 60-foot
crossbow); Full Atk +2 melee (1d6+2, light mace) or +0 spread must succeed on a DC 13 Will save or be affected
ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); SA rebuke undead as though by a confusion spell for 1d2 rounds. This is
(4/day); AL CE; SV Fort +4, Will +4, Ref +4; Str 14, Dex a sonic mind-affecting compulsion effect. A creature
10, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 13. that successfully saves cannot be affected by the same
gibbering mouther’s gibbering for 24 hours. The save DC
Skills and Feats: Concentration +6, Knowledge (arcana) is Charisma-based.
+5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Listen +4; Combat Casting,
Improved Initiative. Spittle (Ex): As a free action every round, a gibbering
mouther fires a stream of spittle at one opponent within
Spells Prepared (3/3; save DC 12 + spell level): 0— 30 feet. The mouther makes a ranged touch attack; if it
inflict minor wounds (×2), guidance; 1st—cause fear*, hits, it deals 1d4 points of acid damage, and the target
protection from law, doom. must succeed on a DC 18 Fortitude save or be blinded for
*Domain Spell. Domains: Chaos (cast chaos spells at +1 1d4 rounds. Eyeless creatures are immune to the blinding
caster level); Death (1/day—touch kills target with less effect, but are still subject to the acid damage. The save
than 1d6 hit points). DC is Constitution-based.
Possessions: Chainmail, light mace, light crossbow, 10 Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a gibbering
bolts, pouch with 25 gp, Yellow Sign gold pendant worth mouther must hit with a bite attack. It can then attempt
50 gp. to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an
attack of opportunity.
Brotherhood Cultist Guard Blood Drain (Ex): On a successful grapple check
Male human fighter 3: CR 3; Medium humanoid; HD after grabbing, that mouth attaches to the opponent.
3d10+9; hp 27, 25, 23, 21; Init +4; Spd 20 ft.; AC 15, It automatically deals bite damage and drains blood,
touch 10, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +3; Grap +7; Atk +7 dealing 1 point of Constitution damage each round. A
melee (1d6+4/18-20, scimitar) or +3 ranged (1d8/19- mouth can be ripped off (dealing 1 point of damage) with
20, light crossbow); Full Atk +7 melee (1d6+4/18-20, a DC 12 Strength check or severed by a successful sunder
scimitar) or +3 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); AL attempt (the mouth has 2 hit points).
50 Madness in Freeport
- Appendix I: Statistics -
A severed mouth continues to bite and drain blood N'tal's Bodyguard
for 1d4 rounds after such an attack. A creature whose
Constitution is reduced to 0 is killed. Civilized serpent people fighter 2: CR 2; Medium
monstrous humanoid (shapechanger); HD 2d10–2; hp 15,
Engulf (Ex): A gibbering mouther can try to engulf a 14, 14, 13; Init +5; Spd 20 ft., swim 10 ft.; AC 17, touch
Medium or smaller opponent grabbed by three or more 11, flat-footed 16; Base Atk +2; Grap +4; Atk +4 melee
mouths. (2d4+3/18-20, falchion) or +3 ranged (1d6/×3, composite
The opponent must succeed on a DC 14 Reflex save shortbow); Full Atk +4 melee (2d4+3/18-20, falchion)
or fall and be engulfed. In the next round, the mouther or +3 ranged (1d6/×3, composite shortbow); SQ change
makes twelve bite attacks instead of six (each with a +4 shape, darkvision 60 ft.; AL NE; SV Fort +2, Ref +1,
attack bonus). An engulfed creature cannot attack the Will +1; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 8, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 13.
mouther from within. The previously attached mouths are Skills and Feats: Climb +2, Disguise +1 (+11 with
now free to attack others. The save DC is Strength-based change shape), Escape Artist +0, Hide +0, Jump +2,
and includes a +2 racial bonus. Listen +3, Spot +5, Swim +0; Alertness, Far Shot,
Ground Manipulation (Su): At will, as a standard action, Improved InitiativeB, Point Blank Shot.
a gibbering mouther can cause stone and earth in all Change Shape (Su): A civilized serpent person may
adjacent squares to become a morass akin to quicksand. assume the form of any Small or Medium humanoid. In
Softening earth, sand, or the like takes 1 round, while humanoid form, the serpent person loses its swim speed.
stone takes 2 rounds. Anyone other than the mouther in A serpent person can remain in its humanoid form until
that area must take a move-equivalent action to avoid it chooses to assume a new shape, but may only assume
becoming mired (treat as being pinned). a new shape up to three times per day. A change in form
Amorphous (Ex): A gibbering mouther is not subject to cannot be dispelled, but a serpent person reverts to its
critical hits. It cannot be flanked. natural form when killed. A true seeing spell or ability
reveals its natural form. When using its change shape
Gnome or Halfling Commoner Zombie ability, a civilized serpent person gets a +10 circumstance
bonus on Disguise checks.
CR 1/2; Small undead; HD 2d12+3; hp 16 (average); Init
+0; Spd 20 ft. (can’t run); AC 12, touch 10, flat-footed Possessions: Chainmail, falchion, composite short bow,
12; Base Atk +1; Grap–3; Atk +2 melee (1d4, slam); arrows (20), pouch with 35 gp, Yellow Sign gold pendant
Full Atk +2 melee (1d4, slam); SQ damage reduction worth 50 gp.
5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., single actions only, undead
traits; AL NE; SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3; Str 10, Dex Priest of the Unspeakable One
10, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1. Male human cleric 3: CR 3; Medium humanoid; HD
Skills and Feats: —; Toughness. 3d8; hp 21; Init +7; Spd 20 ft. (4 squares); AC 16, touch
13, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +2; Grp +2; Atk +2 melee
Single Actions Only (Ex): Zombies have poor reflexes and (1d8, heavy mace) or +5 ranged (1d4, dart); Full Atk +2
can perform only a single move action or attack action melee (1d8, heavy mace) or +5 ranged (1d4, dart); SA
each round. A zombie can move up to its speed and attack rebuke undead (4/day); AL CE; SV Fort +3, Ref +4, Will
in the same round, but only if it attempts a charge. +6; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 12.
Human Commoner Zombie Skills and Feats: Concentration +6, Knowledge (arcana)
+4, Knowledge (religion) +4, Listen +5; Combat Casting,
CR 1/2; Medium undead; HD 2d12+3; hp 16 (average);
Dodge, Improved Initiative.
Init –1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft. (can’t run); AC 11, touch 9, flat-
footed 11; Base Atk +1; Grap+2; Atk +2 melee (1d6+1, Possession: Hide armor, heavy mace, 4 darts, pouch with
slam); Full Atk +2 melee (1d6+1, slam); SQ damage 100 gp, Yellow Sign gold pendant worth 50 gp, potion of
reduction 5/slashing, darkvision 60 ft., single actions cure light wounds.
only, undead traits; AL NE; SV Fort +0, Ref –1, Will +3;
Spells Prepared (4/4/3; save DC 13 + spell level):
Str 12, Dex 8, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1.
0—inflict minor wounds (×2), resistance, virtue;
Skills and Feats: —; Toughness. 1st—cause fear*, obscuring mist, protection from law;
2nd—darkness, death knell*, summon monster II.
Single Actions Only (Ex): Zombies have poor reflexes and
can perform only a single move action or attack action *Domain spell. Domains: Chaos (cast chaos spells at +1
each round. A zombie can move up to its speed and attack caster level); Death (1/day—touch kills target with less
in the same round, but only if it attempts a charge. than 3d6 hit points).
Madness in Freeport 51
- Appendix I: Statistics -
Sea Lord Guard drain, create spawn; SQ darkvision 60 ft., daylight
powerlessness, incorporeal traits, +2 turn resistance,
Male human fighter 2: CR 2; Medium humanoid; HD undead traits, unnatural aura; AL LE; SV Fort +1, Ref +4,
2d10+4; hp 24 (elite); Init +6; Spd 20 ft.; AC 17, touch Will +6; Str —, Dex 16, Con —, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 15.
12, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +2; Grap +5; Atk +5 melee
(1d8+3/×3, battleaxe) or +4 ranged (1d8/19-20, light Skills and Feats: Diplomacy +6, Hide +11, Intimidate
crossbow); Full Atk +5 melee (1d8+3/×3, battleaxe) or +10, Listen +12, Search +10, Sense Motive +8, Spot +12,
+4 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); AL LN; SV Fort Survival +2 (+4 following tracks); AlertnessB, Blind-
+5, Ref +2, Will +2; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 11, Wis Fight, Combat Reflexes, Improved InitiativeB.
14, Cha 11. Constitution Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a
Skills and Feats: Climb +1, Jump +1, Listen +6, Ride wraith’s incorporeal touch attack must succeed on a
+3, Spot +6; Alertness, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Point DC 14 Fortitude save or take 1d6 points of Constitution
Blank Shot. drain. The save DC is Charisma-based. On each such
successful attack, the wraith gains 5 temporary hit points.
Possessions: Chainmail, battleaxe, light crossbow, 10
bolts, pouch with 10 gp. Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid slain by a wraith
becomes a wraith in 1d4 rounds. Its body remains intact
Tojanida, Adult and inanimate, but its spirit is torn free from its corpse
and transformed. Spawn are under the command of the
CR 5; Medium outsider; HD 7d8+14; hp 45; Init +1; Spd wraith that created them and remain enslaved until its
10 ft., swim 90 ft.; AC 23, touch 11, flat-footed 22; Base death. They do not possess any of the abilities they had
Atk +7; Grap +10; Atk +10 melee (2d8+3, bite); Full Atk in life.
+10 melee (2d8+3, bite) and +5 melee (1d6+1, 2 claws);
SA improved grab, ink cloud; SQ all-around vision, Unnatural Aura (Su): Animals, whether wild or
darkvision 60 ft., immunity to acid and cold, resistance to domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of a wraith
electricity 10 and fire 10; AL N; SV Fort +7, Ref +6, Will at a distance of 30 feet. They will not willingly approach
+6; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 9. nearer than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain
panicked as long as they are within that range.
Skills and Feats: Diplomacy +1, Escape Artist +11, Hide
+11, Knowledge (the planes) +6, Listen +11, Search Daylight Powerlessness (Ex): Wraiths are utterly
+14, Sense Motive +11, Spot +15, Survival +1 (+3 other powerless in natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell)
planes and following tracks), Swim +11, Use Rope +1 and flee from it.
(+3 with bindings); Blind-Fight, Dodge, Power Attack.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a tojanida must Named Opponents
hit with a bite or claw attack. It can then attempt to start
a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of Alisstar
opportunity. Underwater, a tojanida can tow a grabbed Male advanced shadow serpent: CR 3; Medium undead
victim of its own size or smaller at its swim speed (but it (incorporeal); HD 6d12; hp 36; Init +6; Spd fly 40 ft.
cannot run). A favorite tactic is to grab a single opponent, (good); AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11; Base Atk +3;
then withdraw, hauling the opponent away from its allies. Grap —; Atk +6 melee (1d6 Str, incorporeal touch); Full
Ink Cloud (Ex): A tojanida can emit a spherical cloud of Atk +6 melee (1d6 Str, incorporeal touch); SA Strength
jet-black ink with a radius of 30 feet once per minute as damage; SQ darkvision 60 ft., incorporeal traits, +4 turn
a free action. The effect is otherwise similar to fog cloud resistance, undead traits; AL N; SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will
(caster level 7). Out of water, the ink emerges in a stream +8; Str —, Dex 14, Con —, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 13.
up to 30 feet long, which a tojanida can squirt into an Skills and Feats: Hide +8*, Knowledge (Religion) +4,
opponent’s eyes. The affected creature must succeed on Listen +8, Search +5, Spot +8; Alertness, Improved
a DC 15 Reflex save or be blinded for 1 round. The save Initiative, Iron Will.
DCs are Constitution based.
Dirwin "Nimblefingers" Arnig
Male gnome expert 10 (gemcutter): CR 9; Small
CR 5; Medium undead (incorporeal); HD 5d12; hp 32; humanoid; HD 10d6+20; hp 55; Init +4; Spd 20 ft.; AC
Init +7; Spd fly 60 ft. (good); AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 15, touch 15, flat-footed 11; Base Atk +7; Grap +3; Atk
12; Base Atk +2; Grap —; Atk +5 melee (1d4 plus 1d6 +8 melee (1d3/19-20, Small masterwork dagger); Full
Con drain, incorporeal touch); Full Atk +5 melee (1d4 Atk +8/+3 melee (1d3/19-20, Small masterwork dagger);
plus 1d6 Con drain, incorporeal touch); SA Constitution SA gnome traits; SQ gnome traits, low-light vision; AL
52 Madness in Freeport
- Appendix I: Statistics -
NG; SV Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +11; Str 10, Dex 18, Con Sunlight Powerlessness (Ex): Spectres are powerless in
14, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 15. natural sunlight (not merely a daylight spell) and flee
from it. A spectre caught in sunlight cannot attack and
Skills and Feats: Appraise +11 (+13 gems), Bluff +12,
can take only a single move or attack action in a round.
Craft (gemcutting) +17, Diplomacy +18, Disguise +2
(+4 acting), Gather Information +11, Intimidate +4, Liam Blackhammer
Knowledge (history) +5, Listen +12, Perform (comedy)
+6, Sense Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +16, Spot +8; Male human expert 9 (blacksmith): CR 8; Medium
Dodge, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Skill Focus (Craft: humanoid; HD 9d6+18; hp 56; Init –2; Spd 30 ft.; AC
Gemcutting). 11, touch 8, flat-footed 11; Base Atk +6; Grap +9; Atk
+10 melee (1d8+3/×3, masterwork warhammer); Full Atk
Gnome Traits: +2 racial bonus on saving throws against +10/+5 melee (1d8+3/×3, masterwork warhammer); AL
illusions; +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds NG; SV Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +8; Str 16, Dex 6, Con 15,
and goblinoids; +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 15.
creatures of the giant type.
Skills and Feats: Appraise +13 (+15 armor, metalwork,
Spell-like Abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound weapons), Craft (armorsmithing) +13, Craft
(DC 13), prestidigitation (DC 12), speak with animals. (blacksmithing) +16, Craft (weaponsmithing) +13,
Caster level 1st. Diplomacy +16, Gather Information +14, Intimidate
Possessions: Small masterwork dagger, ring of mind +14, Sense Motive +14; Armor Proficiency (Medium),
shielding, cloak of resistance +2, emerald pendant worth Endurance, Great Fortitude, Martial Weapon Proficiency
5,000 gp. (Warhammer), Skill Focus (Craft: blacksmithing).
Possessions: Masterwork leather armor, masterwork
Black Dog silver chain shirt (ornamental, +3 armor bonus, 300 gp),
Spectre: CR 7; Medium undead (incorporeal); HD masterwork warhammer, masterwork blacksmithing tools.
7d12; hp 45; Init +7; Spd 40 ft., fly 80 ft. (perfect); AC
15, touch 15, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +3; Grp —; Atk Burkhart (Tarmon's Familiar)
+6 melee (1d8 plus energy drain, incorporeal touch); Toad: CR —; Diminutive magical beast; HD 12; hp 24;
Full Atk +6 melee (1d8 plus energy drain, incorporeal Init +1; Spd 5 ft.; AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 20; Base
touch); SA energy drain, create spawn; SQ darkvision Atk +6; Grap –11; Atk touch +10 melee (spell); Full
60 ft., incorporeal traits, +2 turn resistance, sunlight Atk touch +10/+5 melee (spell); SA deliver touch spells;
powerlessness, undead traits, unnatural aura; AL LE; SV SQ empathic link, grant Alertness and +3 hp, improved
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +7; Str —, Dex 16, Con —, Int 14, evasion, share spells, speak with amphibians, speak with
Wis 14, Cha 15. master, SR 17; AL CG; SV Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +10; Str
Skills and Feats: Hide +13, Intimidate +12, Knowledge 1, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 4.
(Religion) +12, Listen +14, Search +12, Spot +14, Skills and Feats: Concentration +15, Craft (alchemy)
Survival +2 (+4 following tracks); Alertness, Blind-Fight, +6, Diplomacy +2, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge
Improved Initiative. (history) +10, Knowledge (local) +4, Knowledge
Energy Drain (Su): Living creatures hit by a spectre’s (nobility and royalty) +5, Knowledge (the planes) +11,
incorporeal touch attack gain two negative levels. The Search +3, Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft +17, Spot +7,
DC is 15 for the Fortitude save to remove a negative Survival +2 (+4 other planes); Alertness.
level. The save DC is Charisma-based. For each such
negative level bestowed, the spectre gains 5 temporary Milton Drac
hit points. Male human cleric 8: CR 8; Medium humanoid; HD
Create Spawn (Su): Any humanoid slain by a spectre 8d8; hp 52; Init +7; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 16, flat-
becomes a spectre in 1d4 rounds. Spawn are under the footed 13; Base Atk +6; Grap +9; Atk +9 melee (1d6+3,
command of the spectre that created them and remain sickle) or +9 ranged (3d6, 20 ft. burst, exploding skull*);
enslaved until its death. They do not possess any of the Full Atk +9/+4 melee (1d6+3, sickle) or +9/+3 ranged
abilities they had in life. (3d6, 20 ft. burst, exploding skull*); SA rebuke undead
(7/day; +2 synergy bonus); AL CE; SV Fort +6, Ref +5,
Unnatural Aura (Su): Animals, whether wild or Will +10; Str 16, Dex 17, Con 11, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 18.
domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of a spectre
at a distance of 30 feet. They do not willingly approach *See page 61 for details.
nearer than that and panic if forced to do so; they remain Skills and Feats: Balance +4, Bluff +9, Concentration
panicked as long as they are within that range. +5, Diplomacy +18, Disguise +4 (+6 acting), Gather
Madness in Freeport 53
- Appendix I: Statistics -
Information +5, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (arcana) +17, Knowledge (local) +12, Listen +11, Perform
+10, Knowledge (religion) +10, Listen +11, Search +5, (Dance) +13, Search +12, Sense Motive +11, Spot +11;
Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +7, Spot +10; Alertness, Combat Expertise, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Skill
Combat Casting, Drac Bloodline*, Improved Initiative. Focus (Craft: sculpting), Skill Focus (Diplomacy).
*See page 60 for details. Possessions: +2 defending quarterstaff, throwing dagger,
amulet of natural armor +2, silver belt worth 100 gp,
Spells Prepared (7/6/5/5/4; save DC 14 + spell level):
gold ring worth 50 gp.
0—cure minor wounds (x2), detect magic, guidance,
resistance, virtue; 1st—cause fear*, cure light wounds, Captain Xavier Gordon
divine favor, entropic shield, protection from good,
protection from law; 2nd—hold person, owl’s wisdom, Male human expert 6 (sea captain): CR 5; Medium
shatter, silence, summon monster II; 3rd—blindness/ humanoid; HD 6d6+12; hp 38; Init +7; Spd 30 ft.; AC
deafness, cure serious wounds, dispel magic, magic circle 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +4; Grap +6;
against good, magic circle against law*; 4th—chaos Atk +8 melee (1d6+3/18-20, +1 scimitar of speed) or
hammer*, divine power, lesser planar ally, poison. +7 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); Full Atk +8/+8
melee (1d6+3/18-20, +1 scimitar of speed) or +7 ranged
*Domain spell. Domains: Chaos (cast chaos spells at +1 (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); AL CG; SV Fort +3, Ref +4,
caster level); Death (1/day—touch kills target with less Will +5; Str 14, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 11.
than 8d6 hit points).
Skills and Feats: Balance +6, Bluff +6, Climb +8,
Possessions: Sickle, 3 exploding skulls*, potion of cure Diplomacy +13, Disguise +0 (+2 acting), Gather
light wounds, ring of protection +3, Yellow Sign gold Information +12, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (geography)
pendant worth 50 gp, jeweled belt worth 550 gp. +5, Knowledge (nature) +10, Profession (sailor) +13,
*See page 61 for details. Sense Motive +7, Spot +7, Survival +7 (+9 aboveground
natural environments); Improved Initiative, Skill Focus
Tomas Fleetfoot (Gather Information), Skill Focus (Profession [sailor]),
Weapon Focus (scimitar).
Male halfling expert 7 (chamberlain): CR 6; Small
humanoid; HD 7d6–7; hp 25; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 13, Possessions: +1 leather armor, +1 scimitar of speed,
touch 13, flat-footed 11; Base Atk +5; Grap +1; Atk +6 light crossbow, 50 bolts, potion of cure serious wounds.
melee (1d2 nonlethal, unarmed strike); Full Atk +6 melee
(1d2 nonlethal, unarmed strike); SA halfling traits; SQ Lady Elise Grossette
halfling traits; AL LN; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +8; Str Female human aristocrat 11: CR 10; Medium
10, Dex 15, Con 9, Int 7, Wis 15, Cha 14. humanoid; HD 11d8; hp 65; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10,
Skills and Feats: Bluff +7, Climb +2, Diplomacy +11, touch 10, flat-footed 10; Base Atk +8; Grap +7; Atk +8
Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Gather Information +8, Hide melee (1d4–1/19-20, masterwork dagger); Full Atk +8/+3
+11, Jump +2, Listen +11, Move Silently +9, Search melee (1d4-1/19-20, masterwork dagger); AL LG; SV
+2, Sense Motive +9, Spot +8; Alertness, Skill Focus Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +11; Str 9, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 13,
(Listen), Skill Focus (Spot). Wis 14, Cha 18.
Halfling Traits: +2 morale bonus on saving throws Skills and Feats: Bluff +16, Diplomacy +22, Disguise
against fear; +1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown +4 (+6 acting), Gather Information +23, Knowledge
weapons and slings. (local) +8, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +9, Listen
+9, Sense Motive +18, Spot +14, Swim +0; Alertness,
Petra Fricke Iron Will, Leadership, Negotiator, Skill Focus (Gather
Female human expert 9 (sculptor): CR 8; Medium
humanoid; HD 9d6; hp 43; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch Possessions: Concealed masterwork dagger, scarab of
12, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +6; Grap +6; Atk +8 melee protection, pearl necklace worth 1,000 gp.
(1d6+2, +2 defending quarterstaff) or +8 ranged (1d4/19-
20, throwing dagger); Full Atk +8/+2 melee (1d6+2, 2 Sister Gwendolyn
defending quarterstaff) or +4/–2/+0 (1d6+2/1d6+1, +2 Female human cleric 8: CR 8; Medium humanoid; HD
defending quarterstaff) or throwing dagger +8/+2 ranged 8d8+8; hp 51; Init +1; Spd 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor); AC 18,
(1d4/19-20); AL NG; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7; Str 10, touch 11, flat-footed 17; Base Atk +6; Grap +6; Atk +8
Dex 15, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16. melee (1d6+2, +2 light mace) or +7 ranged (1d8/19-20,
Skills and Feats: Appraise +14 (+16 sculptures), Craft light crossbow); Full Atk +8/+3 melee (1d6+2, +2 light
(sculpting) +17, Diplomacy +20, Gather Information mace) or +7 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); SA turn
54 Madness in Freeport
- Appendix I: Statistics -
undead (10/day; +2 synergy bonus); AL NG; SV Fort +7, touch attack. On each such successful attack, it gains 5
Ref +3, Will +10; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 18, temporary hit points.
Cha 18.
Captain Lydon
Skills and Feats: Bluff +9, Concentration +6,
Diplomacy +11, Disguise +4 (+6 acting), Knowledge Male human rogue 5/fighter 3: CR 8; Medium
(religion) +7, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +7; Extra humanoid; HD 5d6+5 plus 3d10+5; hp 48; Init +1; Spd
Turning, Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +6; Grp
(light mace). +9; Atk +10 melee (1d6+3/18-20, +1 rummer saber)
or +7 ranged (1d4+3/19-20, throwing dagger); Full Atk
Spells Prepared (6/6/5/5/4; save DC 14 + spell level): +10/+5 melee (1d6+3/18-20, +1 rummer saber) or +7/+2
0—create water, cure minor wounds, detect magic, light, ranged (1d4+3/19-20, throwing dagger); SA sneak attack
purify food and magic, virtue; 1st—bless water, endure +3d6; SQ evasion, trap sense +1, trapfinding, uncanny
elements, entropic shield*, obscuring mist, sanctuary, dodge; AL CG; SV Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +4; Str 17, Dex
shield of faith; 2nd—aid, consecrate, delay poison, fog 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 12.
cloud*, zone of truth; 3rd—continual flame, create food
and water, cure serious wounds, water breathing*, water Skills and Feats: Appraise +4, Bluff +7, Climb +7,
walk; 4th—control water*, cure critical wounds, death Decipher Script +4, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +4
ward, tongues. (+6 acting), Escape Artist +3, Forgery +5, Gather
Information +7, Intimidate +5, Listen +10, Perform
*Domain spell. Domains: Luck (reroll 1d20 once per (comedy) +6, Profession (Sailor) +8, Ride +4, Search
day); Water (turn or destroy fire creatures, rebuke or +9, Sense Motive +10, Survival +7 (+9 to follow tracks),
command water creatures—use each ability a total of up Swim +6; Far Shot, Leadership, Point Blank Shot,
to 7 times per day). Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Run.
Possessions: Masterwork breastplate, +1 blinding Possessions: Masterwork leather armor, +1 rummer
buckler, +2 light mace, light crossbow, 10 bolts, gem of saber (see page 60), 2 throwing daggers, potion of
brightness, silver necklace with miniature jeweled trident invisibility (in saber), ring of protection +2, elixir of salt
holy symbol worth 100 gp. draughts (see page 61).
Ironfoot Melkior Maeorgan
Allip: CR 3; Medium undead (incorporeal); HD 4d12; Male human fighter 5: CR 5; Medium humanoid; HD
hp 26; Init +5; Spd fly 30 ft. (perfect); AC 15, touch 5d10+15; hp 49; Init +7; Spd 20 ft; AC 21, touch 13,
15, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +2; Grp —; Atk +3 melee flat-footed 18; Base Atk +5; Grp +9; Atk +11 melee
(1d4 Wis drain, incorporeal touch); Full Atk +3 melee (1d4+7/19-20, +1 adamantine dagger) or +9 ranged
(1d4 Wis drain, incorporeal touch); SA babble, madness, (1d4+6/19-20, throwing dagger); Full Atk +11 melee
Wisdom drain; SQ darkvision 60 ft., incorporeal traits, (1d4+7/19-20, +1 adamantine dagger) or +9 ranged
+2 turn resistance, undead traits; AL NE; SV Fort +1, (1d4+6/19-20, throwing dagger); AL NE; SV Fort +7,
Ref +4, Will +4; Str —, Dex 12, Con —, Int 11, Wis 11, Ref +4, Will +3; Str 18, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 15,
Cha 18. Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Hide +8, Intimidate +7, Listen +7, Search Skills and Feats: Climb +3, Diplomacy +4, Forgery +5,
+4, Spot +7; Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes. Intimidate +4, Jump +3, Listen +4, Ride +4, Search +3,
Babble (Su): All sane creatures within 60 feet of the Sense Motive +4, Spot +5, Swim –1; Combat Expertise,
Ironfoot must succeed on a DC 16 Will save or be Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Power Attack,
affected as though by a hypnotism spell for 2d4 rounds. Weapon Focus (dagger), Weapon Specialization (dagger).
This is a sonic mind-affecting compulsion effect. Possessions: +2 breastplate, +1 adamantine dagger, 4
Creatures that successfully save cannot be affected throwing daggers, potion of cure light wounds, pouch
by Ironfoot’s babble for 24 hours. The save DC is with 100 gp.
Madness (Su): Anyone targeting Ironfoot with a thought N'Tal
detection, mind control, or telepathic ability makes direct Male civilized serpent person wizard 7: Medium
contact with its tortured mind and takes 1d4 points of monstrous humanoid (shapechanger); HD 7d4+14; hp 35;
Wisdom damage. Init +8; Spd 30 ft., swim 15 ft.; AC 17, touch 14, flat-
Wisdom Drain (Su): Ironfoot deals 1d4 points of footed 13; Base Atk +3; Grp +5; Atk +5 melee (1d6+2,
Wisdom drain each time it hits with its incorporeal quarterstaff) or +7 ranged (1d4+2, dart); Full Atk +5 or
Madness in Freeport 55
- Appendix I: Statistics -
+1/–3 melee (1d6+2/1d6+1, quarterstaff) or +7 ranged Torsten Roth
(1d4+2, dart); SQ change shape, darkvision 60 ft.; AL
CE; SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6; Str 14, Dex 18, Con 15, Male human aristocrat 8: CR 7; Medium humanoid;
Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 10. HD 8d6+8; hp 42; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 11, touch
11, flat-footed 10; Base Atk +6; Grp +6; Atk +7 melee
Skills and Feats: Bluff +4, Concentration +11, Disguise (1d6, masterwork club); Full Atk +7/+2 melee (1d6,
+0 (+10 with change shape), Escape Artist +8, Hide masterwork club); AL LN; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +8;
+8, Jump +5, Listen +4, Search +8, Sense Motive +5, Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 14.
Spellcraft +11, Spot +5, Swim +6; Combat Casting,
Dodge, Improved InitiativeB, Maximize Spell, Scribe Skills and Feats: Appraise +13, Bluff +12, Diplomacy
Scroll, Spell Focus (evocation). +8, Forgery +8, Gathering Information +7, Listen +9,
Profession (Miner) +10, Search +7, Sense Motive +14,
Spells Prepared (4/5/4/3/2; save DC 14 + spell level; Spot +13; Alertness, Negotiator, Skill Focus (Appraise),
evocation save DC 15 + spell level): 0—dancing lights*, Skill Focus (Profession: miner).
daze, detect magic, resistance; 1st—burning hands*,
feather fall, hold portal, magic missile*, shield; 2nd— Possessions: masterwork club (gilded cane worth 400
blindness/deafness, blur, darkness*, flaming sphere*; gp), gold pendant worth 300 gp, gold belt worth 600 gp.
3rd—fireball*, fly, lightning bolt*; 4th—ice storm*, wall
of fire*. *Evocation spell Arias Soderheim
Change Shape (Su): N’Tal may assume the form of any Male half-elf bard 10 (merchant): CR 10; Medium
Small or Medium humanoid. In humanoid form, he loses humanoid; HD 10d6; hp 50; Init +8; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18,
his swim speed. He can remain in his humanoid form until touch 16, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +7; Grp +7; Atk +13
he chooses to assume a new shape, but may only assume melee (1d6+2/18-20, rapier of puncturing) or +11 ranged
a new shape up to three times per day. A change in form (1d4/19-20, throwing dagger); Full Atk +13/+8 melee
cannot be dispelled, but N’Tal reverts to his natural form (1d6+2/18-20, rapier of puncturing) or +11/+6 ranged
if killed. A true seeing spell or ability reveals his natural (1d4/19-20, throwing dagger); SA fascinate, suggestion;
form. When using his change shape ability, N’Tal gets a SQ immunity to magic sleep, +2 save vs. enchantment,
+10 circumstance bonus to Disguise checks. low-light vision, bardic knowledge, bardic music,
countersong, inspire competence, inspire courage +2,
Possessions: Quarterstaff, 4 darts, amulet of natural inspire greatness; AL N, SV Fort +3, Ref +11, Will +8; Str
armor +3, spell component pouch, Yellow Sign gold 10, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 18.
pendant worth 50 gp.
Skills and Feats: Appraise +9, Bluff +10, Concentration
Captain Marcus Roberts +4, Decipher Script +7, Diplomacy +16, Disguise +7
(+9 acting), Escape Artist +7, Gather Information +9,
Male human rogue 9: CR 9; Medium humanoid; HD Jump +4, Listen +8, Move Silently +7, Perform (oratory)
9d6+9; hp 47; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 13, +17, Perform (stringed instruments) +17, Perform (wind
flat-footed 18; Base Atk +6; Grp +7; Atk +8 melee instruments) +17, Profession (sailor) +9, Search +9,
(1d6+2/19-20, +1 short sword of subtlety); Full Atk Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +9, Spot +9, Swim +6,
+8/+3 melee (1d6+2/19-20, +1 short sword of subtlety); Tumble +6, Use Magic Device +6 (+10 with scrolls), Use
SA sneak attack +5d6; SQ evasion, improved uncanny Rope +6; Alertness, Combat Casting, Improved Initiative,
dodge, trapfinding, trap sense +3, uncanny dodge; AL Weapon Finesse.
CG; SV Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +5; Str 12, Dex 16, Con
13, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 16. Spells per Day (3/4/4/3/1; save DC 14 + spell level):
0—dancing lights, daze, detect magic, ghost sound,
Skills and Feats: Bluff +14, Decipher Script +13, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st—alarm, charm person,
Diplomacy +15, Disguise +3 (+5 acting), Gather hypnotism, sleep; 2nd—detect thoughts, enthrall,
Information +15, Listen +11, Move Silently +13, Open misdirection, suggestion; 3rd—charm monster, crushing
Lock +8, Perform (wind instruments) +12, Search despair, dispel magic, lesser geas; 4th—dominate
+9, Sense Motive +12, Sleight of Hand +15, Spot +9, person, modify memory.
Survival +3, Swim +13, Use Magic Device +8 (+10 with
scrolls); Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Possessions: Masterwork leather armor, rapier of
Attack, Whirlwind Attack. puncturing, dagger, ring of protection +2, bos’ns’ whistle
of piping (see page 61), gold circlet worth 100 gp,
Possessions: +1 short sword of subtlety, amulet of masterwork lyre.
natural armor +5, battle scrimshaw relic (see page 61).
56 Madness in Freeport
- Appendix I: Statistics -
Tarmon resistance; 1st—bless, comprehend languages, detect
secret doors*, remove fear, sanctuary; 2nd—augury,
Male human wizard 12: CR 12; Medium humanoid; detect thoughts*, hold person, remove paralysis.
HD 12d4+15; hp 51; Init +7; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch
16, flat-footed 13; Base Atk +6; Grp +7; Atk +7 melee *Domain spell. Domains: Knowledge (cast divinations
(1d6+1, staff of fire) or +9 ranged (1d4+1/19-20, at +1 caster level); Magic (use spell completion and spell
throwing dagger); Full Atk +7/+2 melee (1d6+1, staff of trigger items as a 2nd-level wizard).
fire) or +9/+4 ranged (1d4+1/19-20, throwing dagger); Change Shape (Su): A K’Stallo may assume the form
AL CG; SV Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +11; Str 13, Dex 16, of any Small or Medium humanoid. In humanoid form,
Con 12, Int 19, Wis 17, Cha 13. he loses his swim speed. K’Stallo can remain in its
Skills and Feats: Concentration +16, Craft (alchemy) +10, humanoid form until he chooses to assume a new shape,
Diplomacy +4, Knowledge (arcana) +19, Knowledge but may only assume a new shape up to three times per
(history) +14, Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (nobility day. A change in form cannot be dispelled, but K’Stallo
and royalty) +9, Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen reverts to his natural if when killed. A true seeing spell
+5, Search +7, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +21, Spot or ability reveals its natural form. When using its change
+8, Survival +3 (+5 other planes); Combat Casting, shape ability, a civilized serpent person gets a +10
Craft Staff, Improved Initiative, Leadership, Spell Focus circumstance bonus on Disguise checks.
(conjuration), Spell Focus (evocation), Spell Penetration, Possessions: Quarterstaff with gold holy symbol worth
Scribe Scroll, Spell Mastery†. 50 gp, key ring (with keys to places unknown in the
Spells Prepared (4/5/5/5/4/3/2; save DC 14 + spell level; temple to the God of Knowledge).
conjuration DC 15 + spell level): 0—detect magic,
ghost sound, mage hand, read magic; 1st—charm
Captain Hector Torian
person, hypnotism, mage armor*, shield, unseen Male human rogue 8: CR 8; Medium humanoid;
servant*; 2nd—detect thoughts, resist elements, HD 8d6; hp 36; Init +7; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 13,
saltburst*† (see sidebar, page XX), summon swarm, flat-footed 15; Base Atk +6; Grp +6; Atk +7 melee
whispering wind; 3rd—dispel magic†, fireball*†, fly, (1d6+1/18-20, +1 cutlass) or +10 ranged (1d4/19-20,
nondetection, tongues; 4th—arcane eye, detect scrying, masterwork dagger); Full Atk +7/+2 melee (1d6+1/18-20,
shout*, dimension door*; 5th—firebird* (see page 60), +1 cutlass) or +10/+5 ranged (1d4/19-20, masterwork
teleport*†, prying eyes; 6th—disintegrate, true seeing. dagger); SA sneak attack +4d6; SQ evasion, improved
*Spell Focus, † Spell Mastery. uncanny dodge, trapfinding, trap sense +2, uncanny
dodge; AL CG; SV Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +3; Str 11, Dex
Possessions: Throwing dagger, Ring of protection +3,
16, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 15.
staff of fire (50 charges), robe of scintillating colors, 2
potions of cure serious wounds, spell component pouch. Skills and Feats: Balance +9, Bluff +10, Climb +6,
Diplomacy +14, Disguise +2 (+4 acting), Escape Artist
Familiar: Burkhart (Toad); see page 53.
+3 (+5 bindings), Gather Information +12, Listen +11,
Thuron, a.k.a. K'Stallo Profession (sailor) +11, Search +7, Sense Motive +8,
Sleight of Hand +9, Spot +12, Survival +5 (+7 following
Male civilized serpent person cleric 4: CR 4; Medium traps), Swim +9, Tumble +10 (+15 to avoid falling
monstrous humanoid (shapechanger); HD 4d8; hp damage), Use Rope +9; Alertness, Combat Expertise,
23; Init +4; Spd 30 ft., swim 15 ft.; AC 11, touch 10, Dodge, Improved Initiative.
flatfooted 11; Base Atk +3; Grp +4; Atk +4 melee
(1d6+1, quarterstaff); Full Atk +4 or +0/–4 melee Possessions: +3 leather armor of tumbling (see page 61),
(1d6+1/1d6, quarterstaff); SA turn undead (4/day; +2 +1 cutlass (see page 60), 4 masterwork daggers, gold
synergy bonus); SQ change shape, darkvision 60 ft.; AL earring worth 25 gp, 10 rings worth 1d10 × 10 gp each.
CG; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +7; Str 12, Dex 11, Con
10, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 13.
Captain Garth Varellion
Male human rogue 4/fighter 4: CR 8; Medium
Skills and Feats: Concentration +5, Diplomacy +2,
humanoid; HD 4d6 plus 4d10; hp 42; Init +7; Spd 30 ft.;
Disguise +1 (+11 with change shape), Escape Artist +4,
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 19; Base Atk +7; Grp +9;
Hide +6, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (religion)
Atk +11 melee (1d6+4/18-20, +2 saber) or +10 ranged
+9, Move Silently +2, Swim +9; Combat Casting,
(1d4+2/19-20, throwing dagger); Full Atk +11/+6 melee
Improved InitiativeB, Still Spell.
(1d6+4/18-20, +2 saber) or +10/+5 ranged (1d4+2/19-20,
Spells Prepared (5/4+1/3+1; save DC 13 + spell level): throwing dagger); SA sneak attack +2d6; SQ evasion,
0—detect magic, light, purify food and drink, read magic, trapfinding, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge; AL LN; SV
Madness in Freeport 57
- Appendix I: Statistics -
Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +4; Str 14, Dex 17, Con 11, Int Captain Brock Wallace, a.k.a. Gorn
11,Wis 10, Cha 16.
Male civilized serpent person rogue 5: Medium monstrous
Skills and Feats: Balance +6, Bluff +8, Climb +3, humanoid (shapechanger); HD 5d6+15; hp 37; Init +7; Spd
Diplomacy +10, Disguise +3 (+5 acting), Escape Artist 20 ft, swim 10 ft. in armor; AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17;
+2 (+4 bindings), Gather Information +8, Handle Base Atk +3; Grp +3; Atk +3 melee (1d6/18-20, cutlass),
Animal +5, Intimidate +8, Jump +8, Knowledge (nature) +3 melee (1d4/19-20, throwing dagger), or +6 ranged
+4, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +4, Listen +7, (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); Full Atk +3 melee (1d6/18-
Profession (sailor) +5, Sense Motive +5, Spot +2, 20, cutlass), +3 melee (1d4/19-20, throwing dagger), or +6
Swim +5, Use Rope +8; Alertness, Blind Fight, Combat ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); SA sneak attack +3d6;
Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Leadership, SQ change shape, darkvision 60 ft., evasion, trap sense +1,
Quick Draw. trapfinding, uncanny dodge; AL NE; SV Fort +4, Ref +7,
Possessions: +2 glamered chain shirt, +2 saber (see Will +1; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 10.
page 60), 3 daggers, amulet of proof against detection Skills and Feats: Balance +8, Bluff +7, Climb +2,
and location, battle scrimshaw relic (see page 61), Diplomacy +4, Disguise +6 (+8 acting; +16/+18 with
change shape), Escape Artist +6, Forgery +8, Gather
Vrosh Information +5, Hide +5, Jump +0*, Listen +4, Move
Male advanced shadow serpent: CR 5 (for superior Silently +6*, Perform (sing) +3, Profession (sailor) +5,
gear); Medium undead (incorporeal); HD 6d12; hp 43; Search +4, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Survival +0 (+2
Init +6; Spd fly 40 ft. (good); AC 20, touch 18, flat- following tracks), Swim +4, Tumble +6, Use Magic
footed 18; Base Atk +3; Grp —; Atk +6 melee (1d6+1/ Device +5, Use Rope +3 (+5 with bindings); Dodge,
x3 plus 1d6 electrical, +1 ghost touch shock spear); Improved InitiativeB, Point Blank Shot.
Full Atk +6 melee (1d6+1/x3 plus 1d6 electrical, +1
Change Shape (Su): Gorn may assume the form of any
ghost touch shock spear); SA Strength damage; SQ
Small or Medium humanoid. In humanoid form, Gorn
darkvision 60 ft., immune to all damage that does not
loses his swim speed. He can remain in his humanoid form
penetrate the weak spot in the Scales of the Serpent,
until he chooses to assume a new shape, but may only
incorporeal traits, +4 turn resistance, undead traits; AL
assume a new shape up to three times per day. A change in
N; SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +6; Str —, Dex 15, Con —,
form cannot be dispelled, but Gorn reverts to his natural
Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 13.
form when killed. A true seeing spell or ability reveals
Skills and Feats: Hide +10*, Listen +9, Search +4, Spot Gorn’s natural form. When using his change shape ability,
+9; Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative. Gorn gets a +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks.
Possessions: Scales of the Serpent (see page 30), +1 Possessions: +3 hide armor, cutlass (see page XX), 2
ghost touch shock spear. daggers, light crossbow, 10 bolts, potion of invisibility,
pouch with 75 gp.
58 Madness in Freeport
- Appendix 2: Handouts -
Handout A
ilton Drac—the most honorable Sea Lord of Freeport—
cordially invites you to be his honored guest at the Grand
Lighthouse Ball. You have been awarded the Order of
Drac for your bravery in defeating the evil councilor
Verlaine. Present this invitation at the gates of the Sea
Lord’s palace to gain admittance to the festivities. Prepare yourselves for
an evening of entertainment you will not soon forget.
Handout B
©2001, 2005 Green Ronin Publishing. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use.
Madness in Freeport 59
- Appendix III: -
New Mechanics
Included here are additional feats, spells, and equipment (Characters proficient with the scimitar are similarly
used in this adventure. proficient with the saber.)
60 Madness in Freeport
- Appendix III: New Mechanics -
Skills and Feats: Knowledge (nature) +2, Listen +6, Sense
Motive +4, Spot +15, Survival +3; Alertness, Flyby Attack.
Bos'ns' Whistle of Piping
This magic version of the traditional boatswain’s whistle is
Saltburst the answer to a ship captain’s dreams, and the nightmare of
every lazy sailor. As a masterwork instrument, it adds a +2
Conjuration (Creation) enhancement bonus to Perform (wind instrument) checks,
Level: Sor/Wiz 2 but more important, all within earshot while it’s piped gain
Components: V, S a +4 morale bonus to Profession (sailor) checks for up to
Casting Time: 1 action 10 minutes per day. Additionally, three times a day, the
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) bos’n may play a tune that grants a +2 enhancement bonus
Area: 20-ft. radius burst to Strength and Dexterity for up to 5 HD of creatures
Duration: Instantaneous within 30 feet. This enhancement effect lasts for 5 rounds.
Saving Throw: Fortitude half Moderate enchantment; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item,
Spell Resistance: Yes haste, suggestion, creator must have 10 ranks in Perform
An explosion of salt crystals and brine erupts in a spherical (wind instruments); Price 6,100 gp; Weight —.
burst where the caster directs. The spell deals 2d4 points of
damage, or 2d8 points of damage to creatures of the plant Elixir of Salt Draughts
type or water subtype.
This staple of sea voyages is often packed onboard in firkins
in case of bad weather or shipwreck. A dose of this elixir
New Magic Items allows the imbiber to drink liquids like seawater, vinegar,
and even ammonia as if it were fresh water. The effect of
The following new items may be found in the possessions
the elixir of salt draughts lasts 24 hours, and for the first 10
of NPCs in this adventure. For more new magic items,
rounds after drinking it, the imbiber gains a +4 resistance
see The Saber of Sorrow (sidebar,page 24, The Gifts of the
bonus on saves against any other ingested poison.
Serpent (sidebar, page 30), and The Jade Serpent of Yig
(page 61). Faint abjuration; CL 4th; Craft Wondrous Item, delay
poison; Price 150 gp.
Armor of Tumbling
Armor of tumbling is built to withstand falls and rolls, and
Exploding Skull
features extra protection at the joints, head, and back. The An exploding skull is an enchanted humanoid skull that
wearer gains a +10 circumstance bonus to Tumble checks when thrown, it explodes into shards of bone upon striking
made to reduce falling damage, and a +5 circumstance its target. Use the rules for Thrown Splash Weapons (see
bonus on all other Tumble checks. (The armor’s armor Chapter Eight: Combat in the PHB) to attack the target
check penalty still applies normally.) This enchantment and resolve missed throws. A skull deals 3d6 damage
may be applied only to light armor. (Reflex DC 14 half) in a 20 ft. radius burst. This blast
counts as both piercing and bludgeoning damage.
Moderate transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and
Armor, cat’s grace, feather fall; Price +1 bonus. Moderate evocation; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item,
fireball; Price 450 gp; Weight 3 lb.
Battle Scrimshaw Relic
This aquatic dragon tooth has been scrimshawed with
Rummer Weapon
scenes of ships battling enemy ships and dangerous sea Rummer weapons were first developed by rum-smugglers in
monsters. When mounted affixed to the structure of a ship the Serpent’s Teeth, but they have since gained favor among
(the wall of the wheelhouse is a favorite post), the relic’s adventurers. A rummer weapon has a hollow handle or shaft
enchantment affects all sailors and mates who serve on the that holds up to six ounces of liquid. The wielder can uncork
ship. Passengers, captives, or attackers on the deck of the the container and drink one ounce of the contents (or apply
ship are not affected. An activated battle scrimshaw grants one ounce of oil) as a move action that provokes an attack of
a +1 morale bonus to the crew’s attack and damage rolls. opportunity. Most adventurers fill the reservoir with potions.
Rummer weapons must be at least 2 lb. in weight, and able
Other potent charms of this type are known to exist, but
to contain a significant volume of liquid; spiked chains, nets,
only one scrimshaw relic may be active on a ship at a time.
slings, and ammunition may not take this enchantment.
Moderate enchantment; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item,
Moderate transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and
prayer; Price 30,000 gp; Weight —.
Armor, fabricate; Price +1,000 gp.
Madness in Freeport 61
- Appendix III: New Mechanics -
ebon snake appeared from nowhere and swallowed the idol
The Jade Serpent of Yig whole. The green light quickly faded and only darkness
Herein are details on the history and powers of the Jade and death remained. In that instant, Niaggo knew that he
Serpent of Yig, a powerful artifact introduced in Madness must find this ebon snake and retrieve the idol at all costs
in Freeport Revised many believed was lost forever with to save the Valossan people.
the collapse of the Valossan civilization. Lost, until a “When he told the priests about the vision they mocked
brave band of heroes emerged from a forgotten temple, him. No one could believe Niaggo had been chosen to
and armed with the serpent, saved all of Freeport from the end the famine. It was silly they all said. Niaggo was
insanity of the Unspeakable One. Read on to learn more simply trying to get attention. Even his own parents
about this ancient symbol of Yig’s power. thought he had made up the story. But, the hatchling that
had once doubted himself was now filled with confidence
The Legend of Niaggo and strength. Niaggo left Valossa, in search of the Jade
Serpent, on his own, as an outcast.
Within the halls of the great temple of Yig, N’Gar gathered
the young hatchlings and led them into the chamber of the “Niaggo traveled the land seeking the ebon snake he had
great serpent. It was his duty to educate and nurture the seen in his vision. Everywhere he went he saw death and
young ones and make certain that they followed the path of more death. He passed through countless villages filled with
Yig. In truth, N’Gar had never really thought of it as a duty. the emaciated bodies of his starved brethren, and was forced
For him it was a joy, and the reason for his existence. to fight off hunger-crazed cannibals after his flesh. His spirit
began to waver and doubt slowly crept into his mind.
“Settle down hatchlings!” he began. “Rest on your cushions
now and be still, for I am about to tell you of the great hero “At long last he came to a huge mountain shrouded in a
Niaggo and his quest that saved our people and brought us cloud of black vapor. He knew that this must be the lair of
the Jade Serpent.” The young serpent people hushed for the the ebon snake. Without hesitation, he entered through a
priest. They were ready for a story about a hero. large cave. Inside he found a winding path leading deep
into the earth and he followed it for what seemed like days.
“Hundreds of years ago,” N’Gar began, “before the birth
When he reached the bottom he found himself in a huge
of your fathers’ fathers, our people were faced with near
cavern. A gaping chasm pierced the floor of the chamber
extinction! A terrible famine gripped the land and the
from end to end.
dead and dying choked the streets. Many believed that Yig,
our protector, had abandoned us. Not even the wisest of “A loud rumbling noise erupted from the depths of the
priests could advise our blessed Emperor on how to end chasm as he approached. The noise reverberated throughout
the suffering of his people. the cavern as a huge, ebon snake reared up right before him.
Niaggo took a step back and then held firm.
“Niaggo, our hero, was a young serpent man at the time.
The smallest of his brood, he had always been picked on by “The snake had a single green eye in the center of its
his brothers and sisters and teased by the other hatchlings head. It gazed menacingly down at Niaggo and spoke
at school. He had the courage to fight his tormentors, but to him, ‘Why do you come here, son of Yig? Your people
still he returned to his parents’ den bruised and bloodied have abandoned their god and now pay the price for it.
more often than not. Niaggo cursed his weakness and the Everyday, more of your brethren die from starvation. What
shame he brought his family. have you come here for? Can you help?’
“As Niaggo was preparing for the coming of age ritual, “Niaggo answered boldly, ‘I am here to take back the
when he would shed his skin for the final time, he prayed Jade Serpent as Yig has chosen me to do so. With it, my
in the temple. He was unsure of his future. Still smaller people will be saved from the famine and life will return to
than the other young warriors, he lacked confidence in Valossa. You will give me the serpent now!!!’
himself. The famine was at its height and many of his
“The snake rose as if to strike, baring its fangs. ‘Hssss!
schoolmates had already set out in search of food. Niaggo
SSSo bold you are little one! I could kill you easily.
made a decision that night to entrust his life to Yig. As he
Swallow you whole if I wanted to. But if you are the chosen
knelt before the image of our god, he placed his soul in the
of Yig you should know that I do not need to give you the
hands of Yig to do with as He pleased.
serpent. The power of the serpent lies within all of the
“The next day during the ritual Niaggo was struck children of Yig. You only need to have faith and his power
senseless as Yig sent him an incredible vision. He saw will wash over you and protect you.
before him a serpent idol carved entirely out of jade that
“‘Do you have faith little one?’
pulsated with a dark green light. As he watched, the light
spread from the heart of the idol and washed over the land, “‘Yes!’ responded Niaggo loudly. ‘Yig is my protector and I
returning life to all that it touched. Suddenly, a gigantic, do his bidding always.’
62 Madness in Freeport
- Appendix III: New Mechanics -
“‘We shall see, little one. We shall see’, responded the Over the years, the symbol of the Jade Serpent was adopted
ebon snake. by almost all the institutions of Valossan government. The
military carried the Serpent before it to ensure victory in
Then, with alarming speed, the snake lunged forward,
important battles. Priests of Yig had to prove they could
and opening his jaws, swallowed Niaggo whole! Niaggo
control the power of the Serpent to become the high priest of
despaired at first, thinking that he was dead. Then
the temple. The king sat on the Jade Throne and his standard
something stirred in him. He remembered the words of the
bore the image of the Serpent carved by Niaggo. Almost
ebon snake, ‘…have faith…have faith…have faith…’ As he
every home proudly displayed a replica of the Serpent to
felt himself slipping into the darkness of death, he placed
bring blessings to those who lived there and to ward off evil.
his soul completely in Yig’s hands.
Sadly, when the Valossan people turned to the
“When he awoke, Niaggo was lying on the floor of the
Unspeakable One they forgot the lesson Niaggo had taught
chamber alongside the brink of the great chasm. The ebon
them. They lost their faith in Yig and he would not protect
snake was nowhere to be seen. As his head cleared, he
them from the great evil that destroyed their civilization.
looked around not believing that he had survived the bite
But Yig’s power resided within the Jade Serpent for
of that horrible snake. Then he saw it. On the ground, not
centuries, waiting, hidden within a sunken temple, for the
far away, was a large piece of jade that must have been the
chance to destroy the worshipers of the Unspeakable One.
eye of the ebon snake. It was the only proof that the snake
had existed at all.
As Niaggo stared at the formless piece of precious rock
before him, he knew what he had to do. With his own The Jade Serpent weighs ten pounds and is carved from a
hands, he would shape the jade into a likeness of his single block of unblemished jade in the shape of a coiled
beloved god. Imbued with the power of his own faith, the snake. It is two feet tall and one foot wide at the base. The
Jade Serpent would be used to save the Valossan people. sculpturing is exquisite with finely detailed scales and life-
like features. Its head is poised to strike with bared fangs and
When Niaggo returned to his home, he bore with him the a forked tongue. When the powers of the snake are evoked
Jade Serpent of Yig. All those who had doubted him before the serpent glows from within with a dark green light.
now understood their folly. The famine was lifted and the
people began to prosper. Niaggo became king and had Powers of the Serpent
many more adventures, but none as incredible as his battle
with the ebon serpent. The Jade Serpent has many useful powers. In order to
control these powers, it is necessary to become attuned to the
“What does this teach us hatchlings? Can anyone tell me?” magic imbued within the Serpent. Once attuned, there are no
After a few moments, one of the young ones stood up. activation words or somatic components that need to be used
“Yes, Sseth?”, said N’gar. to invoke the powers. The wielder simply concentrates on
what she wants the Serpent to do and it happens.
With his tail twitching behind him, Sseth stood up to
speak, “Well, sir, I think that I have learned that we must Attuning the Jade Serpent
all remember to have faith. Even when times are tough, we
need to trust in Yig and have faith that he will protect us.” Initial attunement to the Jade Serpent requires a successful
DC 25 Spellcraft check. The following modifiers apply to
“Very good, Sseth. Faith is our strongest weapon against the check.
our enemies.”
“Now you also know why so many of us have names that Attunement Modifiers
start with ‘N’. We are named with an ‘N’ to honor the
Modifier Condition
memory of Niaggo, who saved Valossa from extinction.
+5 The user is a civilized serpent person
Now, come with me and I will show you the Jade Serpent.”
of Yig
+3 The user sacrificed his or her blood in
The Serpent in Ancient Valossa the sunken temple as described on
When Niaggo returned to Valossa with the Jade Serpent, page 39.
it did more than just lift the famine. The Serpent came +2 The user is a cleric of Yig
to represent not only the earthly manifestation of Yig +2 For each level of attunement reached
but also a tangible symbol of the power and glory of the (maximum +4)
Valossan people. The Serpent became a reminder to all
Characters with the Use Magic Device skill treat the
Yig’s children of their link to the divine and the necessity
Jade Serpent as an item they need to activate blindly as
to have faith in Him.
described in the PHB.
Madness in Freeport 63
- Appendix III: New Mechanics -
Level 1 Attunement a price. Anyone who becomes attuned to the Serpent will
begin to transform, over time, into a serpent person (see
Once attuned, the player gains access to the following Death in Freeport Revised for info on serpent people)!
minor powers.
The danger is minimal at first, but gradually increases
• 3/day—cure light wounds as the spell cast by a 5th with the level of attunement the player attains. Once each
level druid. month, a player who uses the Jade Serpent must make a
• 2/day—summon a small viper as if user had cast Will save against a DC based on the level of attunement
summon nature’s ally I and as a 5th level druid. the player has attained.
• Use gains immunity to all poisons while holding the Transformation Resistance
Jade Serpent.
Attunement Level DC
Level 2 Attunement Level 1 20
If the player spends at least one month meditating at least Level 2 25
four hours a day over the Jade Serpent, she can make Level 3 30
another attempt to become further attuned to the idol. The If she fails, the transformation begins and lasts a full
materials required for proper mediation cost the player month. A tail sprouts out of her back, her teeth grow
1,000 gp of incense and magical herbs. A successful DC 30 into fangs, and finally her skin becomes scaly as she
Spellcraft check grants the player access to the following transforms into a serpent person. If the player stops using
major powers of the idol. the Jade Serpent immediately upon failing a Will save the
• 5/day—create food and water as the spell cast by a 5th transformation reverses but she can never use the Jade
level cleric. Serpent again. Once the transformation is completed, it can
only be reversed with the destruction of the Jade Serpent
• 3/day—cure moderate wounds as the spell cast by a or by a wish or miracle spell.
5th level druid.
• 3/day—neutralize poison as the spell cast by a 7th Destroying the Jade Serpent
level druid.
In your campaign, it may become necessary to destroy the
• 2/day—summon a large viper as if user had cast Jade Serpent of Yig.
summon nature’s ally III and as a 5th level druid.
The artifact cannot be unmade by normal means. It is
• 2/day—remove fear as the spell cast by a 5th level impervious to all physical and magical harm. The Jade
caster, except that it affects all allies who can see the Serpent is considered a major artifact as described in the
Jade Serpent. DMG.
Level 3 Attunement To destroy the Jade Serpent, one must subject the artifact
to the acid breath of the great green wyrm Azial. Azial was
The next level of attunement to the Jade Serpent requires a mighty dragon that was old even before the Valossan
the player to spend at least 5,000 gp of supplies and two civilization was destroyed. It is said his lair was buried
months of daily meditation. No other strenuous activities during the great cataclysm that engulfed Valossa centuries
can be performed while the player is meditating on the ago. It may be his caves are located somewhere under the
Serpent. At the end of the two months of preparation a waves similar to the sunken temple of Yig. The lair might
successful DC 35 Spellcraft check gives the player full also be buried deep within a mountain on the mainland.
access to all the powers of the Jade Serpent. The greatest In either case, a journey to find Azial will be an epic
powers of the idol follow. undertaking indeed.
• 1/day—horrid wilting as the spell cast by a 15th
level sorcerer. When this power is used against Adventure Hooks
worshippers of the Unspeakable One, the caster level Here are some ideas for adventures using the Jade Serpent
increases to 25. you can use in your campaign.
• 1/day—greater restoration as the spell cast by a 13th
level cleric. Hatching the Egg
If your players have recovered the egg from the hatchery
The Consequences of Power within the sunken temple of Yig they are in for a surprise.
After being subjected to the power of the Jade Serpent, the
The great powers of the Jade Serpent do not come without
egg will begin to mature and hatch into an infant serpent
64 Madness in Freeport
- Appendix III: New Mechanics -
person! As new foster-parents, the players must decide Treasure: None
what to do with their young charge. Should they hand him Alignment: Always neutral
over to Thuron to be raised by his own people? Will the Advancement: 4–5 HD (Medium), 6–10 HD (Large)
followers of the Unspeakable One kidnap him for their Level Adjustment: —
own purposes? Will he be bred to good or evil? Or is he
This creature looks like a shadow of a coiled rope or snake.
destined to revive the dead Valossan civilization at the cost
of all others? Raising a child is never easy. Shadow snakes are undead created by evil mages or, as in
this case, the anger of a deity. They haunt the area where
Destroy the Jade Serpent?! they lived in life and can be commanded by those that
The players must destroy the Jade Serpent! Perhaps one of create them to guard an area or an item.
them has used it too often and has been transformed into
a serpent person and destroying the Serpent is the only Combat
way to regain their true form. Maybe Thuron has taken the Shadow constrictors use their ability to hide and move
Serpent and is using it to revive Valossa and subjugate all through solid objects to their best advantage in combat.
other races. To end his reign of terror the Serpent must be They have the unique ability to grapple and constrict
unmade. Whatever the reason, the destruction of the Jade corporeal targets. Unlike a normal shadow, shadow
Serpent can make for a great epic adventure. constrictors reduce their opponent’s Constitution, and lack
the ability to create spawn.
Revenge of the Unspeakable One
Incorporeal Constriction (Su): On a successful grapple
By thwarting the plans of the Cult of the Unspeakable
check, a shadow serpent deals 1 point of temporary
One in Freeport, the players made powerful enemies. The
Constitution damage. Any creature that is reduced to 0
cultists not only want their death but they want the Jade
Constitution by a shadow serpent dies.
Serpent as well. After seeing what happened to Drac and
his companions at the lighthouse, it is easy to understand Incorporeal Improved Grab (Su): To use this ability, a
why. What the heroes do not know is that the cultists have shadow constrictor must hit with its touch attack. It can
plans for the great artifact. They believe it can be corrupted then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without
by the Unspeakable One to serve their evil purposes. Can provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple
the heroes thwart the cult a second time?
New Creatures
Shadow Constrictor Snake
Medium Undead (Incorporeal)
Hit Dice: 3d12+3 (22 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: Fly 30 ft. (good)
Armor Class: 14 (+3 Dex, +1 deflection), touch 14, flat-
footed 11
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+1
Attack: Incorporeal touch +5 melee (0)
Full Attack: Incorporeal touch +5 melee (0)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Incorporeal constriction (1 Constitution
damage), incorporeal grab
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., incorporeal traits, +4
turn resistance, undead traits
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +4
Abilities: Str —, Dex 17, Con —, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 2
Skills: Hide +7*, Listen +6, Search +0, Spot +6
Feats: Alertness, Toughness
Environment: Warm forest, aquatic, or underground.
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 4
Madness in Freeport 65
- Appendix III: New Mechanics -
check, it establishes a hold and can constrict. This ability Advancement: 4–9 HD (Medium)
is identical to Improved Grab except that it can affect both Level Adjustment: —
incorporeal and corporeal targets.
This dark creature is an indistinct humanoid shape, but
Skills: Shadow snakes have a +2 racial bonus on Listen with the tail and sinuous grace of a snake.
and Spot checks and a +4 racial bonus to Search checks. *
The serpent god Yig turned his priests into shadow
A shadow snake gains a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks in
serpents as a punishment for allowing the Valossan
areas of shadowy illumination. In brightly lit areas, it takes
civilization to be destroyed by the Unspeakable One. They
a –4 penalty on Hide checks.
now haunt the temple of Yig, awaiting a release from
their terrible existence. They look like shadows but are
Shadow Serpent obviously shaped as serpent people.
Medium Undead (Incorporeal) Unlike most shadows, the shadow serpents do not all
Hit Dice: 3d12 (19 hp) harbor hatred for the living, and they lack the ability to
Initiative: +6 create spawn. Although many attack the living on site,
Speed: Fly 40 ft. (good) a few have managed to keep some semblance of their
Armor Class: 13 (+2 Dex, +1 deflection), touch 13, flat- corporeal personality and intelligence. These few would
footed 11 rather converse with the living in an attempt to find a way
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/— to free their souls from the curse of undeath.
Attack: Incorporeal touch +3 melee (1d6 Strength damage)
Full Attack: Incorporeal touch +3 melee (1d6 Strength Combat
Shadow serpents linger in the temple chambers and
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
quarters where they spent their lives in the service of Yig.
Special Attacks: Strength damage
They use their ability to hide and move through solid
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., incorporeal traits, +4
objects to their best advantage in combat.
turn resistance, undead traits
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +4 Strength Damage (Su): When a shadow serpent touches
Abilities: Str —, Dex 14, Con —, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 13 a living creature, it deals 1d4 points of temporary Strength
Skills: Hide +8*, Listen +7, Search +4, Spot +7 damage. Any creature reduced to 0 Strength by a shadow
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative serpent dies.
Environment: Any land or underground.
Skills: Shadow serpents have a +2 racial bonus on Listen
Organization: Solitary, gang (2–5), or swarm (6–11)
and Spot checks and a +4 racial bonus to Search checks. *
Challenge Rating: 3
A shadow serpent gains a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks
Treasure: None
in areas of shadowy illumination. In brightly lit areas, it
Alignment: Any
takes a -4 penalty on Hide checks.
66 Madness in Freeport
- Appendix IV: Sample Player Characters -
Race: Dwarf Cleric Class Features: aura of good, spontaneous casting,
Sex: Male turn undead (3/day, +2 bonus)
Class: Cleric Height: 4’4”
Deity: God of Valor Weight: 155 lbs.
Level: 5 Size: Medium
Alignment: Lawful Good Age: 71
Strength: 14 (+2) Magic Items: +1 half-plate armor, spined shield, pearl of
Dexterity: 10 (0) power (1st level), oil of bless weapon, potion of jump
Constitution: 17 (+3) Equipment: Masterwork cold iron longsword, dagger,
Intelligence: 12 (+1) backpack, bedroll, explorer’s outfit, healer’s kit
Wisdom: 16 (+3) (10 uses), holy water (2 flasks), scroll case, silver
Charisma: 10 (0) holy symbol, spell component pouch, 3 torches,
Hit Points: 41
Money: 41 gp
Armor Class: 21 (+8 +1 half-plate, +3 spined shield),
touch 10, flatfooted 21 Dwarf Racial Traits (see Chapter Two: Races in the PHB):
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
• Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Initiative: +4
• Stonecunning: +2 racial bonus on Search
Saving Throws: Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +7
checks to notice unusual stonework, such
Attack Bonus: Base +3, Melee +5, Ranged +3
as sliding walls, stonework traps, new
Grapple Modifier: +5
construction, unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone
Attack: Masterwork Cold Iron Longsword +7 melee
ceilings, and the like. Something that isn’t
(1d8+2/19-20), Dagger +5 melee (1d4+2/19-20), or
stone but that is disguised as stone also counts
Spined Shield +4 ranged (1d10+1/19-20; 3/day)
as unusual stonework. Merely coming within
Full Attack: Masterwork Cold Iron Longsword +7 melee
10 feet of unusual stonework allows a Search
(1d8+2/19-20), Dagger +5 melee (1d4+2/19-20), or
check as if actively searching. Can use the
Spined Shield +4 ranged (1d10+1/19-20; 3/day)
Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue
Feats: Improved Initiative, Martial Weapon Proficiency can. Can intuit depth, sensing approximate
(Longsword), Power Attack, Weapon Focus depth underground as naturally as a human can
(Longsword) sense which way is up.
Skills: Concentration +6, Diplomacy +5, Heal • Stability: +4 bonus on ability checks
+9, Knowledge (Religion) +6, Sense made to resist being bull rushed or tripped
Motive +4, Spellcraft +4 when standing on the ground (but not when
Languages: Celestial, Common, climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not
Dwarven standing firmly on the ground).
Common Cleric Spells Prepared (Cast • +2 racial bonus on saving throws against
per Day: 5/4+1/3+1/2+1; DC poison, spells, and spell-like effects.
13 + spell level): 0—cure minor • +1 racial bonus on attack rolls
wounds, detect magic, guidance, against orcs (including halforcs)
light, read magic; 1st—bless, and goblinoids (including goblins,
command, doom, entropic shield, hobgoblins, and bugbears).
protection from evil*; 2nd—bull’s • +4 dodge bonus to Armor
strength, hold person, lesser Class against creatures of the giant
restoration, spiritual weapon*; type (such as ogres, trolls, and hill
3rd—dispel magic, magic circle giants).
against evil*, prayer. • +2 racial bonus on Appraise
*Domain spell; Domains: Good and Craft checks that are related to
(cast good spells at +1 caster stone or metal items.
level), War
©2000-2005 Green Ronin Publishing. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use.
Madness in Freeport 67
- Appendix IV: Sample Player Characters -
Race: Gnome Swim +3* (*includes –3 armor check penalty,
Sex: Male –6 for Swim)
Class: Fighter Languages: Common, Draconic, Giant, Gnome
Level: 5 Height: 3’8”
Alignment: Neutral Good Weight: 47 lbs.
Size: Small
Strength: 16 (+3)
Age: 56
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 16 (+3) Magic Items: +1/+1 small gnome hooked hammer, +1
Intelligence: 14 (+2) scale mail, ring of protection +1, potion of cure
Wisdom: 12 (+1) serious wounds
Charisma: 10 (0) Equipment: Small composite longbow, backpack, bedroll,
crowbar, explorer’s outfit, flint and steel, quiver with
Hit Points: 55
20 arrows, 3 torches.
Armor Class: 20 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +5 +1 scale mail, +1
Money: 26 gp.
ring of protection), touch 15, flatfooted 17
Speed: 15 ft. (3 squares)
Initiative: +3 Gnome Racial Traits (see Chapter 2: Races in the PHB):
Saving Throws: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +2 Rollo has the following racial traits.
Attack Bonus: Base +5, Melee +8, Ranged +8 • Low-light vision.
Grapple Modifier: +4 • +2 racial bonus on saving throws against
Attack: +1/+1 Small Gnome Hooked Hammer +11 illusions.
melee (1d6+7/×3 or 1d4+7/×4) or Small Composite • +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds
Longbow (+3) +8 ranged (1d6+3/×3) and goblinoids (including goblins, hobgoblins,
Full Attack: +1/+1 Small Gnome Hooked and bugbears).
Hammer +9/+9* melee (1d6+6/×3 and • +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against creatures
1d4+4/×4), or Small Composite of the giant type (such as ogres, trolls, and hill
Longbow (+3) +8 ranged (1d6+3/×3) giants).
• Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—speak with
Feats: Combat Expertise, Two-Weapon
animals (burrowing mammal only, duration
Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting,
1 minute), dancing lights, ghost sound,
Weapon Focus (Gnome Hooked
prestidigitation. Caster level 1st; save
Hammer), Weapon Specialization
DC 10 + spell level (+1 for ghost sound).
(Gnome Hooked Hammer)
(25% chance of failure due to
Skills: Climb +8*, Hide +5*, Jump
scale mail armor.)
+4*, Listen +5, Ride +5, Spot +4,
©2000-2005 Green Ronin Publishing. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use.
68 Madness in Freeport
- Appendix IV: Sample Player Characters -
Race: Half-Elf Full Attack: Light mace +1 melee (1d6–1) or masterwork
Sex: Male light crossbow +6 ranged (1d8/19-20)
Class: Sorcerer Feats: Combat Casting, Dodge
Level: 5 Skills: Concentration +9, Diplomacy +6, Gather Informa-
Alignment: Chaotic Good tion +6, Knowledge (Arcana) +7, Listen +3, Search
+2, Spellcraft +10, Spot +3
Strength: 9 (–1)
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven
Dexterity: 17 (+3)
Constitution: 15 (+2) Spells Known (Cast per Day 6/7/5; DC 14 + spell level):
Intelligence: 12 (+1) 0—daze, detect magic, disrupt undead, open/close,
Wisdom: 12 (+1) prestidigitation, resistance; 1st—mage armor, magic
Charisma: 18 (+4) missile, shield, sleep; 2nd—invisibility, web.
Hit Points: 24 Height: 5’3”
Armor Class: 15 (+3 Dex, +1 ring of protection, +1 Weight: 142 lbs.
amulet of natural armor), touch 14, flatfooted 12 Size: Medium
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Age: 25
Initiative: +3
Half-Elf Racial Traits (see Chapter 2: Races in the PHB):
Saving Throws: Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +6 (includes cloak
Malevir has the following racial traits.
of resistance +1)
• Immunity to sleep spells and similar magical
Attack Bonus: Base +2, Melee +1, Ranged +5
effects, and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws
Grapple Modifier: +1
against enchantment spells or effects.
Attack: Light mace +1 melee (1d6–1) or masterwork light
• Low-light vision.
crossbow +6 ranged (1d8/19-20)
©2000-2005 Green Ronin Publishing. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use.
Madness in Freeport 69
- Appendix IV: Sample Player Characters -
Race: Human Feats: Alertness, Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
Sex: Female Skills: Appraise +7, Bluff +9, Climb +4, Diplomacy +5,
Class: Rogue Disable Device +11, Disguise +1 (+3 acting), Escape
Level: 5 Artist +8, Gather Information +9, Hide +13, Jump
Alignment: Neutral Good +4, Listen +10, Move Silently +13, Open Lock +12,
Search +11, Spot +10, Tumble +11, Use Rope +6
Strength: 14 (+2)
Languages: Common, Elven, Orc
Dexterity: 20 (+5)
Rogue Class Features: Sneak Attack +3d6, Trapfinding,
Constitution: 13 (+1)
Evasion, Trap Sense +1, Uncanny Dodge
Intelligence: 16 (+3)
Wisdom: 11 (+0) Height: 5’8”
Charisma: 13 (+1) Weight: 160 lbs.
Size: Medium
Hit Points: 29
Age: 19
Armor Class: 19 (+5 Dex, +4 +1 studded leather), touch
15, flatfooted 14 Magic Items: +1 studded leather armor, gloves of
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) dexterity +2, bag of holding—type I, elixir of vision,
Initiative: +5 silversheen
Saving Throws: Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +1 Equipment: 2 masterwork shortswords, light crossbow,
Attack Bonus: Base +3, Melee +5, Ranged +7 backpack, bedroll, caltrops, explorer’s outfit, flint
Grapple Modifier: +5 and steel, masterwork thieves’ tools, pouch, quiver
Attack: Masterwork shortsword +8 melee (1d6+2/19-20) with 20 bolts, signal whistle, 50 feet of silk rope,
or light crossbow +7 ranged (1d8/19-20) thunderstone.
Full Attack: Two masterwork shortswords +6/+6 melee Money: 23 gp
(1d6+2/19-20 and 1d6+1/19-20) or light crossbow
+7 ranged (1d8/19-20)
©2000-2005 Green Ronin Publishing. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use.
70 Madness in Freeport
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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use Freeport: The City of Adventure, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin
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