Day 5 Slides

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Coatings Solutions for Energy Efficiency in Energy Sector

Dr. K. Anand /Deakin – IIT CoE

Dr. Tiju Thomas – MME
Learning Objectives of this workshop
• Understand the materials related root causes of degradation for
each subsection of the coal based power plant

• Understand what is the impact of such a degradation

• Understand solutions for the same that are available today.

• Brainstorm on next gen technologies that can be marshalled for

better results – or a better balance of risk vs rewards.
Course agenda – 2 hour sessions each day??
Day Details
Day 1 – Introduction to energy Introduction – why talk about thermal power – and that too coal?
scenario, Intro to surface Working principles – thermal power plant
engineering and degradation Coal based power plant – realized efficiency in India
Efficiency Degradation Modes
Introduction to surface engineering

Day 2 – coal mills and Coal and ash content, Issues with handling coal, Problems with coal mills
combustion Solutions currently seen in the industry
If you could invent something new what would it be?
Issues with coal combustion, Solutions seen in the industry
If you could invent something new what would it be?
Day 3 - Boilers Water wall panels, Boiler tube assembly
Economiser, Reheater, Super heater
Damage mechanisms Solutions
Day 4 – steam turbine island How does a steam turbine work
What are the key surface degradation issues
Erosion , Clearance control, Fouling . Sliding wear, Droplet erosion
What could be some of the opportunities with condensers

Day 5 -SUmarhy Summary – and can thermal spray be relevant during the energy transition
Hydroelectric Turbines

• Francis

• Pelton

• Kaplan

Hydroelectric turbines | Enel Green Power

Factors that determine the choice of turbines
Type of machine Key features Erosion Concerns
Francis Moderate height differences / Typical of silt laden rivers with
moderate velocity – 20 to 400 m steep slopes, glacial melts
height, moderate flow , rotation (Himalayas, Andes, Alps)
axis perpendicular to flow of warer Significant erosion if silt ppm is
Pelton Large height differences – 300 to Typical of silt laden rivers with
1400 m, high velocities, lower total steep slopes, glacial melts
flow (Himalayas, Andes, Alps)
significant erosion if silt ppm is

Kaplan Smaller height difference, large Moderate erosion as velocity is

flow, lower velocity, rotation axis lower
and water flow are in the same
How does Hydro work?
• hydroelectric turbines - Google Search
Ability to coat Francis runners – depends
on gap between impeller and access to
regular and ID guns
ID Guns, with extensions systems
HVAF for better velocity, finer
particle size


Angle of impact of silt particles

and flux depends on geometry of the
converging impellers

Gun access – function of gap between impellers and impeller geometry

Precoated impeller followed by welding

Welding – will coating not chip?

Surface roughness of the weld – will the
that be a locus for erosion damage
Weld integrity
Stress relief
Key erosion prone components of a Francis Turbine System
Component Function Erosion damage Applicable coatings and
ease of implementation
Guide Vane (wicket Guides water from penstock into Severe , stationary part, flux per HVOF/HVAF tungsten carbide
gate) turbine unit area of particles is higher coating systems . Line of sight
Vane shaft coatings, readily coated and
Cheek plate Cheek plate, on top and bottom of Moderate to severe HVOF/HVAF tungsten carbide
guide vane, houses guide vane, coating systems . Line of sight
prevents leakage coatings, readily coated and
Francis runner Extracts energy from water flow, Moderate to severe , erosion Complicated geometry, may require
rotates and drives the generator shaft increases towards the ID where ID HVOF guns, Can coat impellers
generating electricity the vanes converge and weld later. Cavitation also a
Cavitation can occur , but can concern
be designed away
Labyrinth seals Prevents leakage of wate r our of the Moderate, but leakage has an HVOF/HVAF tungsten carbide
turbine system – prevents flooding impact on efficiency and has coating systems . Line of sight
some safety operability issues coatings, readily coated and
Draft tube Directs the exhaust water flow out of Moderate HVOF/HVAF tungsten carbide
the turbine coating systems . Line of sight
coatings, readily coated and
Pelton Turbines

Pelton Turbine – Parts, Working and Design Aspects - The

PELTON Buckets
Factors to consider while coating
Uncoated – rapid decrease
in efficiency because of
erosion damage to “
Peltpn bucket


Efficiency retention
because bucket has
resistant coating
Sharpness of the Pelton
bucket post coating

Coating thickness Hours of Operation

Solid particle erosion, erosion/corrosion

Process Selection
to control mean spacing
between carbides to reduce

Kinetic energy (lowest to highest) Temperature (lowest to higest)

LPG HVOF Cold spray

Propylene HVOF HVAF Propyleine
Kerosene HVOF Kerosene HVOF’
Ethanol HVOF Ethanol HVOF’
HVAF – LPG Propylene HVOF
HVAF – Propylene Acetylene HVOF
Cold spray D Gun
Super D Gun Super D Gun
Template for wear (erosion, fretting, abrasion) control

Dwcor Dhp< cracking threshold

Spacing between particles

Hard Metal Matrix Reduced Corrosion

Particle friction compatibility
Low T WC, TiC, TiN Co, CoCr, SS Graphite, hBN Additives
B4C, cBN, NiCr, FeCrAl anodic wrt
SiC , Alumina base alloy
High T CrC, Alumina NiCr, L605, hBN, layered - Do –(down
HS188, CM64, oxides time
MCrAlY corrosion)
Hydro: Summary and Approach
Look at IP space

• Use actual equipment

- ID guns for runners
• Optimize spray
HVOF / HVAF parameters • Field Trials
WC-CoCr type • Find best window based • Write product and process
Compositions and on erosion rates, thickness specifications
other cermets build up, deposit efficiency • Deploy
• Is the geometry OK?
• Develop spray process for
• Develop finish techniques
Surface finish is important

EP3647585B1 - Hydro-electric turbine component having

enhanced life span and method for forming the same -
Google Patents
Day 5 – Summary and inventing for the
energy transition
The Degradation problem and power generation efficiency
Thernal power -2 to 6% impact, >126million tons of CO2 for 200GW economy

@32% and lower, average efficiency coal based power

is far less than global standards in india

• Erosion
• Surface Roughness
Coal consumption 0.7Kg/KWh of power • Clearance
5% efficiency loss – 0.035 Kg per KWh • Deposits
245000 Tons per for 1000 MWh plant
>500000 Tons of additional CO2 because of 5%
efficiency debit in a 1000 MW plant

5% Efficiency loss is 500,000 Tons of additional CO2 released from one large 1000 MW installation
India has 200,000 MW of thermal power
Efficiency : Function of technology used and degradation

Moving fron sub critical to

ultra supercritical coal
based Thermall power
means 25% better efficiency

But all thermal power plants


Efficiency of India's coal-based power plants way below global standards: Study - The Economic Times (
Areas where degradation can occur
Coatings and Materials have a pivotal role to play in
improved efficiency retention across the energy sector.

(Current focus)

Description Redress surface degradation in current thermal power

plants by 3 to 6% from current levels. Addresses both
starting efficiency and efficiency retention

Materials & Process Technology Requirements -Clearance Control

-Smooth surface finish retention (erosion, fouling)
-Retention of component geometry
-Heat transfer (fouling condensation I boiler tubes)
Current science / technology gaps -Inert wear resistant surfaces
-Ash deposition resistant surface
-Durable hydrophobic surfaces

IIT M/H/Deakin Strengths & USP -Surface engineering

-Materials (ICME) and Turbomachinery design, HEA
Solutions seen in the industry
Section Solutions Improvements needed Efficiency impact
Coal mills D2 rolls, Hardfacing – CR, WC, Need more robust solutions. Up to 0.5%
Borides Can contact OEMs for better
• Coal Mill
Combustors Hard facings, CrC-NiCr, WC Solutions needed for splitter <0.5%
• Combus
Boiler tubes, water wall panels Wire sprayed coatings (NiCr Prime reliant ash phobic 0.5 to 1.5%
HVOF CrC-NiCr, Hard facings ,
coatings required
• Boilers
• Air Prehe
Air preheater seals, Fouling and erosion resistant Requires development 0,5 to 1.5%

Condenser tubes
Scaling and fouling resistant Requires development. Can Up to 0.5%
• Steam tu
hydrophobic coatings for ID and
be beneficial in LP stage
vanes • Condens
Steam turbine island – erosion CrC-NiCr – HVOF, PVD TiN Requires deployment in 0.5 to 2.5%
based , stellite coatings for last coordination with OEMs with
stage bucket in LP improved supply chains
Steam turbines – clearance NiCrAl-bentonite based Requires deployment in 0.5 to 1%
control - Packing seals, bucket abradables , brush seal with coordination with OEMs with
tip casings rotor coatings as required, improved supply chains
labyrinth seals
Reducing this to practise in India
Coating Materials
short list
Understanding fleet Understand the specifics of
- Erosion protection
Degradation modes operating conditions
- Clearance control
Pareto for erosion and - temperature, base materials,
- Boiler erosion
clearance control start/stops
- Fouling
- Valve actuation

Coupon level tests

• High velocity / @ T erosion
• Low velocity Erosion Top 2 / 3
• High speed rub Final producibility trials on actual parts
• Ash deposition Field trials with monitoring for a year
• Condensation Retrofits across the fleet for efficiency retention
• LCF / HCF debits with just Develop lifing curves for components with coatings
erosion and rub damage
no coating
Work with OEMS and end users to retain performance and save up to
100 million tons of CO2 every year , worth $1000 million in the carbon market
A fleet wide efficiency management framework
Flux in / out, Expt. Data
Roughness Increase Aero loss – Drag Coeff., Lift,
Chord loss, tip loss Rolling moment,
And Improvement with
measurement flow separation
surface Engg. & Models
Shape, damage
Materials Performance roughness
TS, PVD Erosion Hardware
Coatings Measurements and Performance Field
Erosion Mitigation Efficiency Tracker Efficiency Tracker Degradation Data
test, Output predictor Output predictor
Maintenance guide Maintenance guide
Erosion damage &
Roughness predictor, HP / IP Pressure/Temp
baseline and AI / ML based drop, Machine output,
surface engineered prognostics on Shape, damage
degradation & fleet roughness

K. Mitra, N. Ghasias, S. Bakshi, Kamaraj, Anand

Energy Transition and coal based steam
Redefining the future sandbox
• Agro residues and coal
High Payoffs What and how What problems
• Solar thermal and boilers do we deploy need to be solved
• Oxy fuel combustion and CCUS
• Gasification
• Super critical CO2 cycle
• Ammonia as a working fluid
• Small Nuclear
• Coal Gasification - high ash coal
Low Payoffs

Easy Difficult
Landscape – alternative fuels

What are the materials challenges

Landscape – Coal gasification with high Ash

What are the materials challenges

Landscape – Supercritical CO2

What are the materials challenges

Landscape – Alternative cycles (Gasification
and Brayton)
What are the materials challenges
Small Nuclear
What are the materials challenges

• Industry and academia need to work together to drive energy

efficiency AND energy retention
• The strategies for reduced degradation currently operating power
plants needs to be clearly driven.
• Strategies for 24x7 energy with more efficient power generation
needs to be driven.
• Materials technology will play a pivotal cross cutting role across the
sector and needs to leveraged and further developed.
Back Up Slides
Solutions seen in the industry (Combustors)

• Hardfacing (weld overlays)

• Inexpensive thick ceramic tiles

• CrC-NiCr coatings.

• Braze – WC coatings (Proprietary)

Solutions (Coal Mills)

• D2 – hardened and tempered

• D2+Hard-facing (white cast iron, with CrCarbides)
• D2+ Hard facing with stellite (Cr/W carides)
• D2+ Hard facing with borides also.,
Betting on a solution (Boilers)

Emerging – disruptive • SiC – metal matrix

performance and cost coatings (HVAF/HVOF)
Disruptive – cost, • Flash Carbides: 25 to 50
performance, microns thick – WC or CrC
Precoated, weldable
Commonly used • HVOF NiCr-CrC
• Wire sprayed NiCr
Materials Solutions (Steam Turbine Erosion)
Material System Proesss Rationale Outcome
CrC (80wt%) -NiCr, HVOF/D-Gun Industry bench mark for High T erosion Good Field experience
and wear.
-Microstructure, carbide Caveats – finishing on complicated geometries requires
grain size optimized to Can be applied to 250 microns thickness. Life development.
ensure carbides do not can be dialed through thickness and CrC-NiCr
crack, and deformation of microstructure LCF / HCF debits are an issue that needs to be addressed
binder is constrained. on a case by case basis.

Thick PVD TiN based PVD, PECVD TiXN, with additional alloying elements Improved offerings with significant life extension and
coatings added to improve temperature capability to aero performance. However, erosion damage can
- Residuakl compression 650C increase if erodent particle size crosses a threshold.
- Ductile interlayers.
- Ti alloyed for oxidatoon PVD coating thickness needs to be thicker than the norm
Few vendors have this capability.

GER-4199 - Steam Turbine Uprates

K. Anand – ASM Handbook Volume 18, Pp 935-944, 2017

PVD Coatings - Steam
Extend Life Turbine Uprates
of Gas and Steam Turbine Components (
v03bt16a047-93-gt-291.pdf (
v03bt16a047-93-gt-291.pdf (
JS Schell, ASM Handbook Vol 18, 1992
Clearance Control
• HP, IP and LP bucket tips can incur and rub into the casing during transients – such as start
up, power surges and cycling.
• Rubs occur at 50 to 330 m/s, 10 to 250 microns / second and up to 1000 microns deep.
• Tip loss and fatigue debits are an issue.
• Up to 2 mm of clearance increase and 2 to 4 % loss in efficiency
• Abradable Coatings against Metallic or abrasive tips

Abradable Coating
Ductile metal matrix • AlSiPolyester
• Nickel Graphite
• Ni-soft ceramics,-hBN

Erosion vs Abradability
Blade loss vs coating loss
Abradable phase Oxidation resistance

K. Anand – ASM Handbook Volume 18, Pp 935-944, 2017

Solutions – Valves
Location Problem Solutions

Valve stem –steam Erosion if steam is Stellite facing

entry carrying solid particles – CrC NiCr-HVOF,
droplet erosion if
operated incorrectly
Valve seat assembly Sliding and impact Stellite hard facing

Valve stem – steam Erosion by solid CrC-NiCr HVOF

path particles

Valve stem – valve Sliding wear Stellite

guide (bushing) CrC-NiCr
Challenges in developing solutions which are
erosion and fouling resistant – Air Preheater
Capability Comments
~400C Max May vary based
on designs
Acid corrosion pH 3 • Complex geometry
resistance • Non line of sight deposition processes
• Known anti-sticks like PTFE may be temperature
Erosion resistant 3X -5X better
limited and prone to erosion. – But need precise estimate
of wall temperature
carbon steel
Fouling resistant Vanderwaals
condensing Up to 1 to 2% of power plant efficiency rides on this
Thermal Good conductive
conductivity and convective
heat transfer

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