Day 5 Slides
Day 5 Slides
Day 5 Slides
Day 2 – coal mills and Coal and ash content, Issues with handling coal, Problems with coal mills
combustion Solutions currently seen in the industry
If you could invent something new what would it be?
Issues with coal combustion, Solutions seen in the industry
If you could invent something new what would it be?
Day 3 - Boilers Water wall panels, Boiler tube assembly
Economiser, Reheater, Super heater
Damage mechanisms Solutions
Day 4 – steam turbine island How does a steam turbine work
What are the key surface degradation issues
Erosion , Clearance control, Fouling . Sliding wear, Droplet erosion
What could be some of the opportunities with condensers
Day 5 -SUmarhy Summary – and can thermal spray be relevant during the energy transition
Hydroelectric Turbines
• Francis
• Pelton
• Kaplan
Efficiency retention
because bucket has
resistant coating
Sharpness of the Pelton
bucket post coating
Process Selection
to control mean spacing
between carbides to reduce
• Erosion
• Surface Roughness
Coal consumption 0.7Kg/KWh of power • Clearance
5% efficiency loss – 0.035 Kg per KWh • Deposits
245000 Tons per for 1000 MWh plant
>500000 Tons of additional CO2 because of 5%
efficiency debit in a 1000 MW plant
5% Efficiency loss is 500,000 Tons of additional CO2 released from one large 1000 MW installation
India has 200,000 MW of thermal power
Efficiency : Function of technology used and degradation
Efficiency of India's coal-based power plants way below global standards: Study - The Economic Times (
Areas where degradation can occur
Coatings and Materials have a pivotal role to play in
improved efficiency retention across the energy sector.
(Current focus)
Condenser tubes
Scaling and fouling resistant Requires development. Can Up to 0.5%
• Steam tu
hydrophobic coatings for ID and
be beneficial in LP stage
vanes • Condens
Steam turbine island – erosion CrC-NiCr – HVOF, PVD TiN Requires deployment in 0.5 to 2.5%
based , stellite coatings for last coordination with OEMs with
stage bucket in LP improved supply chains
Steam turbines – clearance NiCrAl-bentonite based Requires deployment in 0.5 to 1%
control - Packing seals, bucket abradables , brush seal with coordination with OEMs with
tip casings rotor coatings as required, improved supply chains
labyrinth seals
Reducing this to practise in India
Coating Materials
short list
Understanding fleet Understand the specifics of
- Erosion protection
Degradation modes operating conditions
- Clearance control
Pareto for erosion and - temperature, base materials,
- Boiler erosion
clearance control start/stops
- Fouling
- Valve actuation
Easy Difficult
Landscape – alternative fuels
• CrC-NiCr coatings.
Thick PVD TiN based PVD, PECVD TiXN, with additional alloying elements Improved offerings with significant life extension and
coatings added to improve temperature capability to aero performance. However, erosion damage can
- Residuakl compression 650C increase if erodent particle size crosses a threshold.
- Ductile interlayers.
- Ti alloyed for oxidatoon PVD coating thickness needs to be thicker than the norm
Few vendors have this capability.
PVD Coatings - Steam
Extend Life Turbine Uprates
of Gas and Steam Turbine Components (
v03bt16a047-93-gt-291.pdf (
v03bt16a047-93-gt-291.pdf (
JS Schell, ASM Handbook Vol 18, 1992
Clearance Control
• HP, IP and LP bucket tips can incur and rub into the casing during transients – such as start
up, power surges and cycling.
• Rubs occur at 50 to 330 m/s, 10 to 250 microns / second and up to 1000 microns deep.
• Tip loss and fatigue debits are an issue.
• Up to 2 mm of clearance increase and 2 to 4 % loss in efficiency
• Abradable Coatings against Metallic or abrasive tips
Abradable Coating
Ductile metal matrix • AlSiPolyester
• Nickel Graphite
• Ni-soft ceramics,-hBN
Erosion vs Abradability
Blade loss vs coating loss
Abradable phase Oxidation resistance