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Halfen Aw-Tr-E

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AW-TR 06-E

about HALFEN-DEHA page 3
HALFEN cast-in channels page 4/5
HALFEN cast-in channels page 6/7
HALFEN framing channels page 8/9
HALFEN lifting anchor systems page 10/11
HALFEN reinforcement systems page 12/13
HALFEN façade connection systems page 14/15
DETAN tension rod system page 16/17

The hidden technology of

transportation structures.
The Inside Story.

G rowing economies and country

populations place continual
demands on existing transportation
HALFEN-DEHA is a world leader in
advanced connection systems.
Its range of products include adjust­
networks, and create pressure for the able connections for concrete and
development of more efficient and steel structures, state-of-the-art con-
expanded transportation structures. crete reinforcement coupler systems,
Worldwide billions of people, com­ precast concrete lifting systems,
panies and government use and rely ­adjustable façade support systems
on transportation structures for their and adjustable supports for mechani-
everyday needs. cal and electrical services.
Within these structures and facilitat- Established in 1929 and represented
ing the construction, positioning and throughout the world, HALFEN-DEHA
connection of the vital elements that is renowned for providing highly engi-
keep them safe, is a comprehensive neered solutions representing the op-
range of HALFEN-DEHA products. timum levels of safety and efficiency.
These are the hidden components HALFEN-DEHA products can deliver
that allow many of today’s transpor­ labour saving user friendly connec-
tation structures to be successfully tions that deliver the highest levels of
designed and safely installed performance. The transportation ap-
according to a demanding construc- plications for some of these products
tion programme. are illustrated in the following pages.

Connections within modern transportion structures are a vital to construction and
maintenance programmes.

Application Application Requirements

▪ Airport façade connections Bomb blast resistance

Fast installation

Seismic load resistance

in all directions

Application Application Requirements

▪ Connection of services to bridges Exact vertical positioning

of pipe for drainage

Complete one source

connection system

Minimal maintenance

Application Application Requirements

▪ Connection of tunnel services Adjustable connections to

radiused lining

Reliable performance

Exceptionally high corrosion


HALFEN cast-in channels.

Features Benefits

▪ Hot-rolled profiles High impact resistance

▪ Fast and easy to work with Saves time

▪ Toothed profiles Resistant to active loads in

all directions
▪ High longitudinal capacity
Easy, vertical location of
▪ Matching adjustable brackets component
HALFEN hot-rolled toothed
and fittings channel type HZA
Complete support system
and 2-way adjustment
▪ Stainless steel A4 or hot-dip
galvanised finish Long life expectancy with
minimal maintenance
▪ Channels can be radiused in
many sizes Optimum adjustment

▪ Approved allowable loads Reliable tension and shear

▪ Stainless steel A4 and
HCR channels available Optimal corrosion pro­
tection for high sulphur

HALFEN hot-rolled
channels type HTA

HALFEN cold-rolled
channels type HTA

The quality of connection and protection of concrete components are important
considerations for the designer.

Application Application Requirements

▪ Connection of railway power Varied connection adjustment

lines and trackside services conditions

Vertical and horizontal

adjustment needed

No drilling exposure of

Application Application Requirements

▪ Installation of metal façade and Fast installation

roof panels to auxillary buildings
at airports or other transport Easily adjustable
centres connection

Good corrosion resistance

Application Application Requirements

▪ Protection of concrete from Flush fitting to concrete

vehicle damage in parking surface
Attractive appearance

Good impact resistance


HALFEN cast-in channels.

Features Benefits

▪ Channels available in many sizes Choosen length provides

required adjustment
▪ Approved allowable loads in all
directions Reliable tension, shear and
longitudinal loads
▪ No drilling of concrete needed
No exposure of reinforce­
ment, no dust, no concrete
Selection of HALFEN HTA cast-in damage
channels and HALFEN T-bolts

Features Benefits

▪ Simple installation with Fast and simple to use

self-drilling screws
Accurate connection
▪ Two-way connection adjustment positioning

▪ Stainless steel or galvanised Excellent corrosion resistance


Selection of HALFEN
HTU cast-in channels for
self-drilling screws

Features Benefits

▪ 92˚ angle ensures tight fit to Flush fit to the concrete

concrete formwork surface

▪ Stainless steel or high quality HALFEN HKW Good appearance and long
uniform galvanising corner guard term resistance to corrosion

▪ Sturdy construction from 5 mm Good protection to the

to 8 mm steel structure

With little more effort than using HALFEN cast-in channels HALFEN framing channels
provide excellent installation adjustment for transportation structures.

Application Application Requirements

▪ Lighting and service connections No heavy installation equip­

in road tunnels ment to block traffic

High corrosion resistance

Connection adjustment
over the life of the tunnel

Application Application Requirements

▪ Pipe connections to the underside Minimal maintenance due

of bridges to access restrictions

Vertical adjustment with

high loads

Fast installation

Application Application Requirements

▪ Connection of support for Radiused connection

overhead railway power lines adjustment

Different radii

High dynamic load


HALFEN framing systems.

Features Benefits

▪ Lightweight channels with high No need for heavy duty

load capacity lifting equipment

▪ A4 and HCR stainless steel Optimal corrosion

▪ Twist-in/out T-bolt connects to
any position in the channel Installation adjustment and
HALFEN lightweight channel and
easy future re-positioning

Features Benefits

▪ A4 stainless steel and hot-dip High corrosion resistance

galvanised finish with little maintenance

▪ Toothed channels in three profiles Vertically adjustable with

high load capacity
▪ Matching toothed T-bolts and
pipe fittings HALFEN HZM channel Fast system installation
with HALFEN T-bolt

Features Benefits

▪ All channel profiles are available Easy radiused adjustment

Almost all radii can be
▪ Many radii can be produced for catered for
each profile
HALFEN High dynamic load
▪ Hot-rolled profiles available radiused channel

Safety is critical when handling the heavy loads experienced with transportation

Application Application Requirements

▪ Installation of precast bridge Maximum safety

elements with difficult access
Easy installation

Remote release of
lifting gear

Application Application Requirements

▪ Installation of complete precast Maximum load

bridge elements
Maximum safety

Convenience of use

Application Application Requirements

▪ Installation of precast sound wall Easy installation

Safe connection between

anchor and lifting unit

High performance in thin

concrete elements

HALFEN lifting anchor systems.

Features Benefits

▪ High performance Maximum safety

▪ Rapid and simple attachment Time and cost saving

▪ Convenient remote release system Easy release for situations

with difficult access

lifting anchor

Features Benefits

▪ Capacities up to 45 tonnes per anchor All load situations can be

▪ Specially tempered high
perfor­m­ance steel Maximum safety

▪ Fast connection between anchor Convenient and fast to use

and lifting unit
lifting anchor

Features Benefits

▪ Small cross sectional area of anchor Easy installation between

▪ Integrated socket protector
Ensures full engagement of
▪ Lifting capacities from 1.3 tonnes threaded lifting unit
to 15 tonnes in thin concrete
Easy lifting solutions
DEHA HD-socket
for thin concrete
lifting anchor

Today’s large transportation structures such as bridges, tunnels or parking garages
require efficient and economic reinforcement design.

Application Application Requirements

▪ Elongation of reinforcement for Easy handling

bored concrete piles
Fast assembly

Secure connection

Approved for dynamic


Application Application Requirements

▪ Connection of bridge reinforce- Splicing of reinforcement in

ment between different construc- several different conditions
tion stages without the need for
overlapping Easy, fast and safe

Optimal locking and

fatigue resistance

Application Application Requirements

▪ Reinforcing the flat slabs of Easy and reliable design

parking garages to counter calculation
punching shear
Simple formwork

Applicable for dynamic


HALFEN reinforcement products.

Features Benefits

▪ No swaging or welding on site Saves costs

▪ Special electric driver for quickest Saves time

Safe connection by visual
HALFEN HGC grip connector
▪ Locking bolts shear off at the surface check
of the coupler
Application in civil
▪ DIBt approval Z-1.5-209 for structures such as bridges
dynamic loads

Features Benefits

▪ Wide product range Suitable for almost all

▪ Prefabricated bar components ready
to connect Accelerating the con­struc­­
tion process
▪ High dynamic load capacity
High shock load resistance

screw connections

Features Benefits

▪ User friendly calculation software Efficient engineering and

available economic design

▪ Can eliminate the need for Less concrete and more

drop beams economical formwork

▪ Approved for dynamic loads Applicable for bridge decks

and the slabs of parking
HALFEN HDB shear rail

The architectural appearance of transportation structures is enhanced by the use of
attractive cladding.

Application Application Requirements

▪ Natural stone façade for airport Fast completion with no

terminal building post-fixing or drilling

Wide variety of cavities

and loads

Even and smooth


Application Application Requirements

▪ Natural stone façade to trans- Quick installation

portation structures with large
cladding areas Resistant to corrosive

Accommodate varying

Application Application Requirements

▪ Brick or stone cladding to bridge High performance in

or underpass variable conditions

Low maintenance cost

Fast completion with no

post-fixing or drilling

HALFEN anchors for stone and brick cladding.

Features Benefits

▪ Easy to use in conjunction with Quick installation without

cast-in channels drilling

▪ Wide range of anchors Range covers all

▪ The HALFEN body anchors are
precisely adjustable in three di­- Exact stone positioning for
men­sions HALFEN body anchor diverse requirements
for natural stone fixation

Features Benefits

▪ Adjustable suspended channel Easy and quick installation

Fully approved durable
▪ Made from A4 stainless steel system

▪ Wide range of projections Well suited for stone

up to 360 mm cladding with large and
varying cavities

HALFEN natural
stone sub structure

Features Benefits

▪ Extensive variety of support and Performance matches

restraint products requirements

▪ Available in Long life span

A4 stainless steel HALFEN ML
Construction tolerances are
brick and stone
▪ Excellent position adjustment accommodated to maintain
restraints with
particularly when used with HALFEN HMS
surface appearance
HALFEN cast-in channels channel

The reliable bracing of transportation structures is a critical aspect of their design.

Application Application Requirements

▪ Pedestrian harbour bridge Very long bar lengths

Protection against

Efficient design

Application Application Requirements

▪ Airport concourse Easy and correct assembly

Aesthetic appearance with

no turnbuckles

Application Application Requirements

▪ Railway station roof Easy visual check

Low weight

Safe performance

DETAN tension rod system.

Features Benefits

▪ Big range of couplers with- and Allows long spans and

without lug limits system deflection

▪ Sealing for threads High corrosion protection

in the critical thread area
▪ Small efficient fork ends
Minimal weight

DETAN tension rod

Features Benefits

▪ Simple tools for installation Easy to install

▪ Right- and left-hand threads for No need for turnbuckles–

length adjustment aesthetic design

DETAN fork end

Features Benefits

▪ High strength steel Minimum reduction of light

▪ European approval Planning reliability

▪ Large range of available sizes The right product for the

right situation

DETAN product range


Always there for you.

Are you looking for specific
information about HALFEN-DEHA
in certain countries?

Our website provides you with

all the necessary news and facts:
everything about us and our
international subsidiaries or partners.
Please contact us at:

HALFEN is represented with subsidiaries in the following 15 countries,
and in further 32 countries by distributors worldwide. Please contact us: www.halfen.com

Austria HALFEN-RISS  Ges.  mbH Phone: +  43  -  1  -  259 6770  0 Fax: + 43  -  1  -  259  -  6770  99

Oswald-Redlich-Str.  5 E-Mail: [email protected]
1210  Wien Internet: www.halfen-riss.at
Belgium/Luxembourg HALFEN-FRIMEDA N.V. Phone: + 32  -  3  -  658  07  20 Fax: + 32  -  3  -  658  15  33
Borkelstraat 131 E-Mail: [email protected]
2900 Schoten Internet: www.halfen.be
Czechia HALFEN-DEHA s.r.o. Phone: + 420  -  311  -  672  612 Fax: + 420  -  311  -  671  417
K Vypichu 986 · Komercni zóna Rudná, hala 6 E-Mail: [email protected]
252 719 Rudná Internet: www.halfen-deha.cz
France HALFEN S.A.S. Phone: + 33  -  1  -  4 45231  0 0 Fax: + 33  -  1  -  4 45231  52
18, rue Goubet E-Mail: [email protected]
75019 Paris Internet: www.halfen.fr
Germany HALFEN-DEHA Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH Phone: + 49  -  2173  -  970  0 Fax: + 49  -  2173  -  970  123
Liebigstr. 14 E-Mail: [email protected]
40764 Langenfeld Internet: www.halfen-deha.de
Italy HALFEN-DEHA S.r.l. Phone: + 39  -  035  -  893  811 Fax: + 39  -  035  -  893  071
Via Curti, 1117 E-Mail: [email protected]
24059 Urgnano (BG) Internet: www.halfen.it
Malaysia HALFEN-DEHA Asia Sdn. Bhd. Phone: + 60  -  3  -  6250  96  30 Fax: +  60  -  3  -  6250  96  50
Lot E/23117, Jalan 5/32A · Off Batu 6 ½, Jalan Kepong E-Mail: [email protected]
52100 Kuala Lumpur Internet: www.halfen-deha.com
Netherlands HALFEN b.v. Phone: + 31  -  547  -  3830  30 Fax: + 31  -  547  -  3830  35
Vonderweg 5 E-Mail: [email protected]
7468 DC Enter Internet: www.halfen.nl
Poland HALFEN-DEHA Sp. z o.o. Phone: + 48  -  61  -  842  56  0 0 Fax: + 48  -  61  -  842  56  01
Ul. Obornicka 287 E-Mail: [email protected]
60 691 Poznan Internet: www.halfen-deha.pl
Portugal HALFEN PORTUGAL (Sucursal) Phone: + 351  -  22  -  947  84  90 Fax: + 351  -  22  -  947  84  99
Z. I. Maia 1 - Sector XI - Lote 3 E-Mail: [email protected]
4475-132 Gemunde Maia Internet: www.halfen.pt
Singapore HALFEN-DEHA Pte. Ltd. Phone: + 65  -  6  -  455  93  31 Fax: + 65  -  6  -  455  85  35
148 Tagoore Lane · # 04-08 E-Mail: [email protected]
Singapore 787564
Spain HALFEN-DEHA S.L. Phone: + 34  -  91  -  632  18  4 0 Fax: + 34  -  91  -  633  42  57
c/ Fuente de la Mora 2, 2° D E-Mail: [email protected]
28050 Madrid Internet: www.halfen-deha.es
Sweden HALFEN-DEHA AB Phone: + 46  -  31  -  98  58  0 0 Fax: + 46  -  31  -  98  58  01
Box 150 E-Mail: [email protected]
435 23 Mölnlycke Internet: www.halfen-deha.se
Switzerland HALFEN-DEHA AG Phone: + 41  -  4 4  -  849  78  78 Fax: + 41  -  4 4  -  849  78  79
Industriestrasse 32 E-Mail: [email protected]
8108 Dällikon
United Kingdom/ HALFEN Ltd. Phone: + 44  -  8705  -  31  63  00 Fax: + 4 4  -  8705  -  31  63  04
Ireland Humphrys Road · Woodside Estate E-Mail: [email protected]
Dunstable LU5 4TP Internet: www.halfen.co.uk


Technical and design changes reserved. The information in this publication is based on state-of-the-art technology at the time of
publication. We reserve the right to make technical and design changes at any time. Halfen GmbH & Co. KG shall not accept liability
for the accuracy of the information in this publication or for any printing errors.

The Quality Management System of Halfen GmbH & Co. KG is certified for the locations in Germany, Switzerland and Poland
according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000, Certificate No. QS-281 HH.
For further information please contact: www.halfen.com
© 2006 Halfen GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
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applies also to copying in extracts.

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