EP - Module 5-Physics of Superconductors

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(Subject Code:10000003/10000004)

Mathematics and Humanities Department

Topics to be covered

∙Introduction to superconductivity

∙Properties of superconductors: Effect of

magnetic field, Meissner effect, Pressure
effect, Impurity effect, Isotopic mass effect

∙Mechanism of superconductivity: BCS theory

∙Penetration depth: Magnetic field

∙Josephson junction and its applications

∙Applications of superconductors

The phenomenon of loosing resistivity when sufficiently cooled to a very

low temperature (below a certain critical temperature)

H. Kammerlingh Onnes – 1911 – Pure Mercury

For this discovery he got the NOBEL PRIZE in PHYSICS in 1913.

Occurrence of Superconductivity

Superconducting Elements TC (K)

Tin(Sn) 3.72
Mercury(Hg) 4.15
Vanadium(V) 7.19
Superconducting Compounds
Y1 Ba2 Cu3 O7-X 93
Ti- Ba-Ca-Cu 125
Properties of the

Zero electrical Resistance/resistivity

• The electrical resistance of a superconducting material is very
low and is of the order of 10-7 Ω.cm.

• The superconducting ring is kept in a magnetic field and it is

cooled below its critical temperature to be in superconducting
Critical Temperature/ Transition Temperature(Tc)
• Temperature at which a normal conductor looses its
resistivity and becomes a superconductor.
• Definite for a material, Vary for isotopes
• Very good electrical conductors may not be
superconductors eg. Cu, Ag, Au
• Class:
Low TC superconductors,
High TC superconductors
Critical magnetic field (HC)

Minimum magnetic field required

to destroy the superconducting
property at any temperature Material HC in
Hg 0.014
Pb 0.08
Y1Ba2Cu3 300
H0 – Critical field at 0K O7
T - Temperature below TC Sn 30.9
TC - Transition Temperature



T (K) TC
For J<Jc the current sustain itself whereas for J>Jc the current cannot sustain
itself. This effect was observed in 1916 by Silsbee. So it is also known as Silsbee

Meissner effect

•When the superconducting

material is placed in a magnetic
field under the condition when
T<TC and H < HC, the flux lines are
excluded from the material.

•B = µ0(M+H), χm= M/H = -1,

Magnetic Susceptibility

•Reversible (flux lines penetrate

when T ↑ from TC)

•Disorder in the system

•Entropy decreases with decreases in temperature

•Below critical temperature decrease remarkably means in

superconducting state is more ordered than the normal state.

Heat capacity

•Specific heat of a normally conducting metal is composed of lattice

part and electronic part. The electronic contribution varies smoothly
at low temperatures. In superconducting state electronic part
decreases exponentially.
Types of Superconductors
Type I Type II
•Soft superconductor •Hard superconductor
•Sudden loss of magnetisation •Gradual loss of magnetisation
•Exhibit complete Meissner Effect •Does not exhibit complete Meissner
•One HC = 0.1 tesla •Two HCs – HC1 & HC2 (≈30 tesla)
•No mixed state •Mixed/vortex state present
•Eg. – Pb, Sn, Hg •Eg. – Nb-Sn, Nb-Ti, Nb3Ge

-M Superconducting Superconducting

Low Tc and High Tc Superconductors
•Low Tc Superconductors; Tc around liquid He temperature ~ 4.2 K
•High Tc Superconducutors; Tc around liquid N2 temperature ~ 77 K
•1973, Nb3Ge~ 23K
•Up to 1986 no updates
•January 1986, J. George Bednorz and K. A. Muller, Superconductivity in
BLCO (Barrium, Lanthanum, Copper, Oxygen) at 30K
•1987; YBCO at 93-95K
•Hg-Ba-Ca-Cu-O 130-135K
•More than 50 combinations
•In 2018, IISC Banglore group, S.C. obtained near room temperature
Flux Quantization:
BCS Theory
1957 Bardeen,Cooper,Schrieffer
Phonon: quanta of lattice vibration
• 1957, Bardeen Cooper and Schrieffer
• Proposed microscopic theory of S.C.
• Cooper Pair: lattice vibration; Phonon
• Electron phonon interaction
• Each electron has opposite spin; net spin zero.
• All cooper pairs are correlated; in the same state
• Energy difference between free state and paired state;
energy gap
• Breakup cooper pair; energy required to break it is
called energy gap Eg=3.54kbTc , ~10-4 eV
• Temperature increases, Eg reduces, S.C to normal
Josephson Junction

SQUID- Superconducting Quantum Interference Device
Applications of Superconductor
• Repulsion of external magnets - levitation



Yamanashi MLX01 MagLev train

•MRI/NMR – Nuclear Magnetic Resonance – Scanning
•Brain wave activity – brain tumor, defective cells
•Separate damaged cells and healthy cells
•Superconducting solenoids – magneto hydrodynamic power
generation – plasma maintenance
•Transmission of power
•Switching devices (Cryotron HcA<HcB)
•Sensitive electrical instruments
•Memory (or) storage element in computers.
•Manufacture of electrical generators and transformers
1.Engineering Physics by V Rajendran, Mc-Graw Hill Education
2.Engineering Physics by Dattu R Joshi, McGraw hill Publications
3. Engineering Physics by Shatendra Sharma and Jyotsna Sharma, Pearson
4. Engineering Physics (Group ll), 3110018 by S. Chand Publisher
5. Engineering Physics by G. Vijayakumari, Vikas Publication
6. Engineering Physics by Amit Patel and Mahesh Patel, White Falcon Publishing (online
from Amazon)
7. Online course: “Semiconductor Optoelectronics” by M R Shenoy on NPTEL, Online
course: "Optoelectronic Materials and Devices" by Monica Katiyar and Deepak Gupta
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