Generation of Electrical Energy Using Hybrid Energy of PV Solar Cell, Wind Turbine, Rain Water and Perpetual Motion
Generation of Electrical Energy Using Hybrid Energy of PV Solar Cell, Wind Turbine, Rain Water and Perpetual Motion
Generation of Electrical Energy Using Hybrid Energy of PV Solar Cell, Wind Turbine, Rain Water and Perpetual Motion
Abstract: The technical and economic feasibility of the strengths of one source to overcome the
the wind, solar, rainwater and perpetual motion weaknesses of the other [2]. For certain locations,
hybrid energy electrical power generation system is the hybrid solar–wind power generation systems
presented in this paper. The power generation
with storage banks offer a highly reliable source of
would supply part of the energy requirements of the
building, where the system is installed. The system power, which is suitable for electrical loads that
integrates and utilizes several green technologies need higher reliability [3]. In order to combine and
using a helix type wind turbine, PV solar cell optimize these energies, various technical and
module, rainwater harvesting and perpetual motion economic methods could be applied to achieve a
machine. The design was conceptualized based on trustable hybrid renewable energy system.
the experiences acquired during the development of Presently, electricity is produced in rural power
a suitable wind turbine, PV solar cell module and
plants and transferred to urban areas. However, in
turbine for rainwater potential energy for home
basic need during storm damage season. It is many cases in developing countries, grid extension
compact and can be built any part of suitable is impractical because of dispersed population,
buildings in order to provide on-site renewable rugged terrain or both. Thus, on-site renewable
power to a basic requirement. It overcomes the energy systems represent an important role for
inferior aspect of the low wind speed by helix wind narrowing the electricity gap in rural parts of the
turbine. The design improves the starting developing world, where progress in grid extension
behaviour of wind turbines. It is also safer to
remains slower than population growth [4]. The
people around and reduces environmental and
noise pollution. In addition to this first kind concept of on-site renewable energy generation is
perpetual motion machine is attached with this to extract energy from renewable sources close to
system for getting continuous power. the populated area where the energy is required.
The proposed wind–solar hybrid renewable energy
Keywords: Hybrid Energy, Wind Turbine, PV Solar system in this paper is a new and feasible design. It
Cell Module, Rain Water Harvesting, Perpetual
is compact and can be built on the top of high-rise
Motion Machine.
buildings in order to provide on-site green power to
1. Introduction: Alternative energy resources such that building or be fed into the national electricity
as wind energy and solar energy have made public grid line [5]. In this paper, the techno-economic
and private sectors interested to invest in energy characteristics of the patented wind–solar hybrid
generation from these sources extensively. The energy system are reviewed. Economic analysis is
common drawbacks to wind and solar energy done by using the life-cycle costing (LCC) method
options are their unforeseeable nature and they rely to calculate the entire life-cycle cost such as the net
on the climate changes. However, there are daily present value and payback period of both capital
and seasonal complementary relationships between and operating expenses over the life of the system.
wind energy and solar energy. In addition, stable A complete LCC analysis takes into consideration
power output could be expected through the hybrid the discount rates, interest rates, operation and
power system [1]. So, the problems can be partially maintenance costs, present value of money, etc.
overcome by integrating two or more resources in a Challenges in using LCC include poor data
proper combination to form a hybrid system, using availability, erratic economic changes, uncertainties
laying cable from the electricity grid. Yang et al. on small scale systems. Large scale
[2] and Diaf et al. [23] studied on optimal design of systems have still not been given attention
wind–solar hybrid systems with the employment of enough to be placed in urban areas.
battery banks. Most of the studies analyzed their b. Low wind speed potential is the main
proposed configurations in various meteorological difficulty to apply wind energy system in
conditions. Moreover, it is suggested to reduce the most of the regions. Augmenting the
cost and risk of hybrid renewable energy system by performance of the wind turbine can help
incorporating a third energy source (auxiliary to alleviate this problem.
source such as electricity grid) instead of increasing c. Financial conditions of proposed
the hardware size [24]. configurations for solar and/or wind
Bakos and Tsagas [25] presented a energy systems are a serious problem. A
feasibility study on a grid connected solar energy new combination of wind turbine and
system technically and economically. Based on the solar panels with additional energy
methodology used; the technical characteristics of efficient feature is needed to reduce the
the systems were defined. Then, based on the LCC of the hybrid system.
meteorological data of solar radiation, extractable Nowadays, large-scale building integrated
energy was calculated. Finally, the cost and with wind turbine technology is rarely seen in
payback period of energy generation of the system major cities. Noise and vibration from wind
for different financial scenarios were calculated and turbines are among the greatest obstacles to
compared with the conventional electricity grid integrating them into buildings. The Bahrain World
price. It was concluded that for all economic Trade Center (BWTC) is the first large-scale
situations, the expensive initial capital and long integration of wind turbines in a building. The
payback period of the solar system are an building consists of two 50-storey sail-shaped
exorbitant factor for the implementation of a office towers which taper to a height of 240 m and
project in commercial scale. Except for some support three 29 m diameter, 225 kW horizontal-
isolated areas (e.g. islands) where the cost of axis wind turbines. However, having such large
energy generation or electrical grid connection is turbines so close to occupied spaces raise concerns
high, the central grid-connected consumers would about noise and vibration [28].
reluctant to purchase a solar system for their energy
demands [26]. In a further research, Bakos and 3. Design description of the system
Tsagas [27] worked on a wind–solar hybrid system The first modern concepts to integrate
and used a similar methodology to evaluate it. The wind energy into buildings were introduced in the
developed system is in parallel with the national 1930s and 1940s in Germany. Hermann Honnef, a
electricity grid and was used to supply the German engineer, stimulated some enthusiastic
electricity to a typical dwelling place. Based on the discussions about wind power and proposed the
economic analysis, it was found that the period of construction of a gigantic multi-rotor wind power
time to make the system with positive turnover is tower, producing as much as 60,000 kW of power
less than for a single solar system. Therefore, the [29]. The design of Chong et al. [30] is also
use of auxiliary energy source made the system intended to integrate a hybrid wind–solar energy
more competitive in comparison with the stand- system on the top of a high-rise building with more
alone system. However, some governmental emphasis on visual impact, safety, noise pollution
subsidies help to reduce the negative cash flow and and improvement on starting behaviour of the wind
payback periods to encourage private investors to turbine.
move towards larger investments on renewable This patented design overcomes the
energy systems. From the reviews on current inferior aspect of low wind speed by guiding (to
research of renewable systems, the most notable obtain better flow angle of wind turbine blade) and
shortcomings in evaluation of a wind–solar hybrid increasing the speed of high altitude wind through
energy system that the literature survey reveals are the PAGV. The general arrangement of this system
as below: is shown in Fig. 1-1 and 1-2. The system can be of
a. Most of the investigations on the building cylindrical shape or a shape of design, depending
integrated wind energy system were done on the building architectural profile, such as in the
shape of an ellipse, etc. The wind turbine, [A] is system to prevent heat transfer into the interior part
located in the middle of the system, surrounded by of the building.
the PAGV. As safety is the main public concern, The use of VAWT in this system has
this design is safe in case of blade failure. Figs. 2 tackled the concerns on noise and vibration
and 3 illustrate the artist‟s impression of the wind– produced by the HAWTs that are integrated with
solar hybrid with rain collector systems, which are the Bahrain World Trade Center. VAWT produces
being retrofitted on high-rise buildings. Peoples in much lower levels of noise and vibration compared
the building will not notice the existence of the to the HAWT because the blades do not stick out so
wind turbine because the system is placed on top of far and so exert less pull [31]. In addition, since the
the building and wind turbine shadow flicker is also VAWT is surrounded by the PAGV, the noise is
not a problem. This system seems to be more minimized. The large size of the wind turbine may
adaptable to be installed in urban areas compared to be able to produce a higher amount of power, but
conventional wind turbine (without enclosure) and when the wind speed is low, the turbine works
building permit might not be a problem. much lower than its rated power. For this system,
The PAGV consists of an upper wall duct the PAGV will help the smaller size of the VAWT
[D], lower wall duct [E] and guide vanes [B]. The (inside the PAGV) to spin close to its rated power
PAGV is designed to be fixed or yaw-able with the even if the wind speed is low. On top of that, the
help of a rudder, [C] or pressure sensors and servo- smaller size of the wind turbine that is enclosed in
motor, to face the on-coming wind stream. The the PAGV has lesser noise and vibration.
PAGV collects the wind stream radially from a Besides all mentioned features, the system
larger area and creates a venture effect to increase is also designed by taking into account the
the wind speed before entering the wind turbine. installation and maintenance stages. Components of
The wind turbine can take the shape of any existing the VAWT and PAGV are fabricated in feasible-to-
vertical axis or horizontal- axis wind turbine design carry forms (easy to dismantle and assemble) and
or their combinations. The wind turbine has a are easily transported to the top of a high-rise
common rotating axis with the PAGV. The centre building. For maintenance purposes, the system is
drive shaft of the VAWT is coupled with the accessible from the interior of the building. To
generator, [I] through the power transmission shaft prevent the motion of the VAWT during
and mechanical drive system, [H] such as a gear maintenance works, a locking device can be
system. The PAGV consists of vanes of variable installed. The maintenance cost is expected to be
sizes or shapes having constant or varying the same as the current operating VAWT.
thicknesses, in which they are positioned The system utilizes the advantages of the
surrounding the turbine. The upper wall duct and Malaysian climate, i.e. high solar radiation and
lower wall duct are inclined at an angle, h from the high rainfall over a year for green energy
horizontal plane. The exterior surface of the upper generation and free water supply. To conduct the
wall of the PAGV provides the base for placement evaluation of this 3-in-1 combined system the
of solar panels, [F] or solar concentrator system. meteorological data that were obtained from the
The rainwater flows through the rainwater passage, Malaysian Meteorology Department was used. The
[G] in the middle of the system and is stored in the data are from the weather stations in or near an
water storage compartment, [K] at the bottom urban area. The data consist of wind speed, solar
thereby reducing the electrical power required to radiation as well as rainfall, from year 2005 to
pump water to upper levels of the building. A 2007. Solar radiation data were obtained from the
rainwater mesh or filter, [N] prevents the flow of KLIA weather station located in Sepang and the
foreign objects into the passage which can cause wind data were measured at Petaling Jaya, Fig. 4.
blockage of the passage. The mesh, [M] is mounted These data were utilized for analysis of variation of
at the entrance side of the PAGV to avoid foreign mean wind speed, solar radiation and amount of
objects from striking the VAWT, e.g. bird-strike. rainfall. The power or energy gained from these
The power generated from the wind turbine and parameters can be subsequently predicted.
solar panel is stored in a battery bank, [J] or fed 4. Methodology
into the electricity network line. A layer of thermal The calculation of the energy output of the
insulation, [L] is embedded at the bottom of the designed hybrid system was done based on its
technical characteristics and actual weather data of urban area (Petaling Jaya), where the height of the
wind speed, solar radiation and rainfall. Then, the building is 220 m. The wind shear boundary layer
economic and financing characteristics of Malaysia causes the wind speed to increase with height in
were included to evaluate the financial performance accordance to the following equation:
of the system. V(z) = Vr (z/zr)α
4.1. Solar energy system: The integrated Where V(z) is wind speed at height z, Vr
solar energy system that is considered here consists is wind speed at the reference height zr above the
of a PV module array, hybrid charge controller and surface, and a is wind friction coefficient which
inverter (which are shared with the wind turbine). depends on the roughness of the terrain and the
The PV modules are placed on the top of the stability of the atmosphere [32]. Thus, for a typical
PAGV. Based on the solar radiation data analysed urban area like Petaling Jaya, the value of a = 0.4.
at the weather station located at KLIA in Sepang In this case study a high-rise building with the
(Lat.: 2°44‟N and Long.: 101°42‟E), solar energy height of 220 m was taken as reference, and the
generation Esolar is estimated by the following wind speed at this height was calculated based on
equation: Eq. (2), Fig. 7. The wind speed is calculated to be
Esolar = Gs . As . ηps . K approximately 1.8 times higher than the wind speed
Where, Gs is annual mean daily global at reference height of 46.2 m.
irradiation (kW h m-2/day), As is array active area A comparative study by Eriksson et al. has
(m2), ηps is PV module conversion efficiency and K shown that VAWTs are advantageous compared to
is solar power loss. The meteorological data of this HAWTs in several aspects. Generally, the VAWTs
site for four years is shown in Fig. 5. It illustrates have the advantages such as ease of installation and
that the monthly global radiation is in the range of maintenance (due to the generator being located
120–140 kW h m-2, with a daily solar radiation of beneath the turbine), omni-direction wind power
4.5–5.5 kW h m-2. Therefore, there is a stable extraction and no yawing mechanism is required. In
output of energy from this source. comparison between H-rotor and Darrieus turbines,
A commercial monocrystalline silicon H-rotor seems more beneficial than the Darrieus.
solar cell is chosen to convert solar radiation to The possibility of simple structure and lower level
electricity. Its specifications and estimated daily of maintenance are the strength of the H-rotor
electrical energy generation are listed in Table 1. turbine [33]. The variation in wind speed can be
By selecting monocrystalline silicon PV modules described by the Weibull probability distribution
with efficiency of 16.4%, the solar energy function (h) with two parameters, the scale
generation is approximately 108MWh/year or parameter (c) and the shape parameter (k). The
295.9 kW h/day. probability of wind speed (V) in an interval of time
4.2. Wind energy system: The wind data is obtained by the following [32]:
are obtained from the meteorological station at h(V) = (k/c) . (V/c)k-1.e-(v/c)k
Petaling Jaya (Lat.: 3_060N and Long.: 101_390E) Wind power is proportional to the cube of
which is an urban area in Malaysia. Meteorological the speed, and the energy collected over the year is
data at this site is recorded from 2006 until the end the integral of h . V3 . dV. Therefore, root mean
of 2009. The height of the wind sensor above cube (rmc) speed is defined in a manner similar to
ground level is 46.2 m (height of wind sensor the root mean square (rms) value in alternating
above mean sea level: 60.8 m). As illustrated in current (AC) electrical circuits. The rmc equivalent
Fig. 6, the mean monthly wind speed is calculated of the digital data logging is as follows:
(from hourly average wind speed data) and shown
in the graph. This graph shows that the main Vrmc =
portion of the wind speeds are in the range of 1.5–2
m/s. Where n is the number of the digital data. The rmc
From the analyzed data at the Petaling speed is useful in quickly estimating the annual
Jaya weather station, the wind speed is less than 4 energy potential of the site. By using Vrmc, the
m/s for more than 90% of the total hours in a year. average power density is given by:
As mentioned before, the system was assumed to
be installed on the top of a high-rise building in an
4.4. Unbalanced wheel perpetual motion: The also occupied with the educational use of such a
study we have done for the perpetual motion machine. We thought then to materialize some
machines gave us the opportunity to see some design of such a machine, not with purpose to
designs and conceptions of them. Some of these research whether this machine works or not, but to
machines, although don‟t function, impressed us help the students, who based on its not functioning,
for the imagination of their designers. We were
consolidate the conservation of energy and validity understand their error, and so they consolidate their
of the two thermodynamic laws. knowledge on the law of conservation of energy.
So we manufactured a perpetual motion machine
based on the design, which describes the Arabian
perpetual motion machine which is a version of
Bhaskaracharya‟s machine. The stems of the
Arabian Perpetuum Mobile which fold only
towards the one direction were replaced by parts of
a bicycle chain, which were adapted on a disc made
of Plexiglas. At the nodes we have tied up nylon
joints so that the chain can fold only towards one
side. The result was astonishing. The students are
influenced and express the view that the machine Unbalanced type Perpetual motion
will rotate, although they have been taught the machine
conservation of energy. After discussion they
Table 4: Annual energy generated or saved
Solar Wind Rainwater Perpetual Total
Energy source (Energy (Energy (Energy motion (Energy
generation) generation) generation) machine generation)
generated/Saved 108,000 86,200 1025 300 195525
4.5. Battery storage system: A fuel cell is hydrogen cell uses hydrogen as fuel and oxygen as
an electrochemical energy conversion device. It oxidant.
produces electricity from various external Fuel cell design: In essence, a fuel cell
quantities of fuel (on the anode side) and oxidant works by catalysis, separating the component
(on the cathode side). These react in the presence of electrons and protons of the reactant fuel, and
an electrolyte. Generally, the reactants flow in and forcing the electrons to travel through a circuit,
reaction products flow out while the electrolyte hence converting them to electrical power. The
remains in the cell. Fuel cells can operate virtually catalyst is typically comprised of a platinum group
continuously as long as the necessary flows are metal or alloy. Another catalytic process takes the
maintained. electrons back in, combining them with the protons
and the oxidant to form waste proton exchange
mechanism was well-understood. (Notice that
“polymer electrolyte membrane” and “proton
exchange membrane” result in the same acronym.)
protons and electrons. The protons are conducted waste product, either liquid or vapour. In addition
through the membrane to the cathode, but the to this pure hydrogen type, there are hydrocarbon
electrons are forced to travel in an external circuit fuels for fuel cells, including diesel, methanol and
(supplying power) because the membrane is chemical hydrides. The waste products with these
electrically insulating. On the cathode catalyst, types of fuel are carbon dioxide and water [43].
oxygen molecules react with the electrons (which Model setup of hybrid system:
have travelled through the external circuit) and The figure shows the construction view of
protons to form water in this example, the only wind turbine and solar panel assembly.
Helix type vertical wind turbine Combined wind turbine and solar panel
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