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LAB# 05: Implementation of AM Receiver on


In this lab you are required to implement AM receiver to demodulate the

signal transmitted by the AM transmitter VI on a USRP using LabVIEW
software. You are required to know the following concepts of LabVIEW:
• Front Panel
• Block Diagram
• Construct a VI
• MathScript Node
• While Loop
Pre-Lab Tasks:
3. Software Defined Radio Fundamentals:
Amplitude modulation or AM as it is often called, is a form of modulation used
for radio transmissions for broadcasting and two-way radio communication
One of the key reasons for the use of amplitude modulation was its ease of use.
The system simply required the carrier amplitude to be modulated, but more
usefully the detector required in the receiver could be a simple diode-based
circuit. This meant that AM radios did not need complicated demodulators and
costs were reduced - a key requirement for widespread use of radio technology,
especially in the early days of radio when ICs were not available
DSB Modulation

DSB Demodulation
Single sideband, SSB: Single sideband is widely used for HF communications. It is
formed by taking a signal that has the carrier and one sideband removed. In this way it
becomes far more efficient in terms of both spectrum and power.

Quadrature amplitude modulation, QAM: This form of modulation is essentially

derived from two carriers that are 90° out of phase and adding information, either analogue
or digital. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation is widely used for carrying many digital
signals, everything from Wi-Fi to Mobile phone communications and very much more.

In-Lab Tasks:.

➢ TX1: Active Antenna.

➢ Gain: 0
➢ IQ Rate (Sampling Frequency): 200kHz
➢ Carrier Frequency: 2GHz

Write your code (using either envelope detection, rectifier detection or coherent demodulation,
depending on the type of modulation scheme used in Lab 12) in the MathScript Node

Note: The broken lines must vanish and a solid line appear once your code is functional.
Front Panel: Design a front panel using the knoweldge acquired in Labs 10 and 11.

2. Graph on u= 1
1. Graph on u= 0.5

In this lab we learned how to implement AM receiver to demodulate the signal transmitted by
AM transmitter VI on a USRP using LabVIEW software. We make the block diagram of the receiver
and write matlab code .After completing block diagram, we checked the signal at three different
Single sideband is widely used for HF communications. It is formed by taking a signal that has the
carrier and one sideband removed.
QAM modulation is essentially derived from two carriers that are 90° out of phase and adding
information, either analogue or digital.

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