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378 © 2021 Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
Al‑Owaidi, et al.: Spectrophotometric determination of dexamethasone sodium phosphate in bulk and pharmaceuticals
Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research | Volume 12 | Issue 4 | October‑December 2021 379
Al‑Owaidi, et al.: Spectrophotometric determination of dexamethasone sodium phosphate in bulk and pharmaceuticals
scanned from 200 to 400 nm to select the maximum Procedure for sample preparation
wavelength (λ max). The solution shows maximum Each injection solution (8mg/ mL) was transferred to 100 mL
absorption at 242.5 nm. volumetric flask and diluted using a previously prepared
buffer of pH 6; in each case, the flask was standardized by
Selection of suitable pH adding the buffer first. After that, for each product, three
A 10 µg/ml standard solution of DSP was prepared different concentrations of the drug (5, 10, and 15 µg/ml)
were prepared to estimate absorbance accurately, with a
using 1 mL of 100 µg/ml stock solution; this was then
control sample consisting of just the buffer solution at pH 6.
transferred into a series of 10‑ml graduated volumetric
flasks. Then, the volume was made up to 10 ml with one RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
of the buffers; for each buffer value, two samples were
prepared along with a control flask. The samples were Selection of suitable pH
scanned using the spectrophotometer to measure the The highest and lowest levels of pH were determined based
absorbance of DSP at the λ max (242.5 nm). The highest on their pKa values (1.8 and 6.4). Consequently, at lower
absorbance appeared at pH 6, and this pH was selected pH (<3), DSP becomes uncharged, while when the pH
for the preparation of the calibration curve. The data are increases, it takes on anionic forms as monoanionic and
summarized in Table 2. dianionic dexamethasone phosphate (DSP−, DSP − 2). This
means the reaction is dependent on pH value. In terms of
spectroscopy, this is reflected in the transfer of electrons
Table 2: Absorbance of 10 µg/ml dexamethasone
between different energy levels, such as the move from the
sodium phosphate at various pH levels
nonbonding orbital sigma (σ) to the sigma (σ*) antibonding
pH value Absorbance Mean orbital, which reverses higher pH values. This could explain
Sample number 1 Sample number 2 the higher absorbance value at pH = 6 [Table 2].[18,19]
2 0.248 0.266 0.257
3 0.259 0.261 0.260 Selection of wavelength
4 0.268 0.265 0.267 With the reference solution, a UV spectroscopic scanning
6 0.261 0.276 0.268 run between 200 and 400 nm that was performed to
6.4 0.250 0.256 0.253 determine the optimal UV wavelength (maximum) for
7 0.255 0.266 0.260 detection of DSP. Therefore, 242.5 nm was selected as the
8 0.250 0.259 0.254 working wavelength for DSP, as shown in Figure 2.
380 Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research | Volume 12 | Issue 4 | October‑December 2021
Al‑Owaidi, et al.: Spectrophotometric determination of dexamethasone sodium phosphate in bulk and pharmaceuticals
make a series of DSP standard solution concentrations recovery were found to be 1.15% and 101.0%, respectively, while
ranging from 2 to 50 µg/ml. Absorbances were determined. the mean RSD% was 1.024%. The results summarized in Table 4
By plotting the absorbance versus concentrations, the confirmed that the method used was accurate and precise.
calibration curve was constructed and regression equation
was intended. Regarding the curve shown in Figure 3, the Detection limit and quantification limit
linear equation was y = 0.025x + 0.0132 and the correlation Following ICH guidelines, limit of quantitation (LOQ) and
coefficient (r2) was 0.9999 which is indicated a good linearity. limit of detection (LOD) were estimated as 3 SD/slope and 10
The calibration data are shown in Table 3. SD/slope, respectively, where SD is the standard deviation
of the intercept. The LOD was 0.6371 µg/ml and the LOQ
Accuracy and precision was 1.930 µg/ml in DSP for five replicate determinations.
The accuracy of the method was represented by percent relative A summary of the validation parameters is shown in Table 5.
error (RE%) while the precision was represented by the relative
standard deviation (RSD%). The accuracy (recovery) and the Determination of active dexamethasone sodium phosphate in injection
precision were thus estimated for a series of four replicates dosage forms in the Iraqi market
of three concentration levels of the standard solution (15, 30, The summarized analysis results, shown in Table 6,
and 45 µg/ml). The percentage of recovery, RE%, and RSD% indicated a high percentage of recovery with low RSD%, and
were estimated for each sample. The mean RE% and the mean indicated that the method is applicable for routine analysis
of pharmaceutical forms.
Table 5: Validation parameters for
dexamethasone sodium phosphate using the
proposed method y = 0.025x + 0.0132
1.2 R² = 0.999
Parameters DSP
Linearity (µg/mL) 2-50 1
Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research | Volume 12 | Issue 4 | October‑December 2021 381
Al‑Owaidi, et al.: Spectrophotometric determination of dexamethasone sodium phosphate in bulk and pharmaceuticals
% Drug Content
P P 100
Bulk versus DEXAKAL (India) 0.0056 **
Bulk versus DEXARON® (China) 0.0008 *** 90
Bulk versus Dexa AIWA® (Germany) 0.3611 NS 85
Bulk versus Dexamed (Cyprus) 0.3828 NS 80
Bulk versus HEMAZON (Syria) 0.3579 NS
Bulk versus DEXABRU (India) 0.0026 **
DEXAKAL (India) versus 0.1417 NS
DEXARON® (China) Companies
DEXAKAL (India) versus Dexa 0.0232 *
AIWA® (Germany) Figure 4: Relative content of dexamethasone sodium phosphate in
DEXAKAL (India) versus 0.0413 * comparison to the bulk
Dexamed (Cyprus)
DEXAKAL (India) versus 0.2325 NS three‑star (***) level, which represents P < 0.001, resulting
HEMAZON (Syria) in the injection’s drug content differing from that of the
DEXAKAL (India) versus 0.5125 NS bulk chemical.
DEXARON® (China) versus Dexa 0.0329 * Comparing the company products with each of the
AIWA® (Germany)
others shows that DEXA KAL and DEXARON are closely
DEXARON® (China) versus 0.0695 NS
Dexamed (Cyprus) matched, with no significant differences between them.
DEXARON® (China) versus 0.5198 NS In the similar manner, there are no significant differences
HEMAZON (Syria) and approximately equivalent drug content among
DEXARON® (China) versus 0.0418 * the following products: DEXAKAL and HEMAZON;
Dexa AIWA® (Germany) versus 0.2649 NS DEXARON and; Dexa AIWA and Dexamed; Dexa AIWA
Dexamed (Cyprus) and; Dexamed and HEMAZON; and HEMAZON and
Dexa AIWA® (Germany) versus 0.6045 NS DEXABRU. However, significant differences could observe
between other companies products' such as between DEXA
Dexa AIWA® (Germany) versus 0.0113 *
DEXABRU (India) KAL and Dexa AIWA, where a comparison generates a one
Dexamed (Cyprus) versus 0.2245 NS star (*) significant, representing P < 0.05, which indicates the
HEMAZON (Syria) differences in the drug content of the injections produced
Dexamed (Cyprus) versus 0.0289 * by these companies. Similar differences can also be seen
DEXABRU (India) between DEXA KAL and Dexamed; DEXARON and DEXA;
HEMAZON (Syria) versus 0.1421 NS DEXARON and DEXABRU; Dexa AIWA and DEXABRU;
DEXABRU (India) and Dexamed and DEXABRU (India). All result data are
*Signifies P<0.05, **Signify P<0.01, ***Signify P<0.001. NS signifies P>0.05.
NS: No significance reported in Table 7 and Figure 4.
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Al‑Owaidi, et al.: Spectrophotometric determination of dexamethasone sodium phosphate in bulk and pharmaceuticals
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