Weight Gain and Poor Feeding
Weight Gain and Poor Feeding
Weight Gain and Poor Feeding
S: Wholly Independent:
“J.T. takes 30-40 Compensator Goal Met
minutes to take y Check out for The patient
2-3 ounces of other signs of poor may appear Patient’s
formula,” as Short term nutrition intake. lethargic and condition
stated by the goal: tired. improved as
mother. evidenced by
After 8 hours Monitor vital signs This will serve consumption of
O: of nursing as a baseline adequate
Weight: 4kg interventions, information nutrition and
Poor feeding patient will be and any weight gain
and lack of able to changes may
gain weight consume indicate
as concerned adequate infant’s
by nutrition and condition.
pediatrician will enhance
HR: 195 at feeding. Monitor patient’s To see if the
rest weight. patient's
Rectal Long term condition is
Temperature: goal: improving by
36.6 degree comparing her
Celsius After 3 weeks current weight
Appears of nursing to her initial
weak interventions, weight.
DIAGNOSIS patient will
Imbalanced will gain Provide a pleasant A pleasant
nutrition: less weight environment. environment
than body reduces
requirements stress and
related to poor makes
feeding feeding more
Determine an Nitrogen
appropriate body balance can be
weight for your determined by
age and height. For experts such
a thorough as a dietitian
nutritional as a measure
assessment and of the patient's
nutritional support nutritional
options, consult a state.