NCM105AR Lab Group 2 Nutrition Care Plan PDF

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University of St.

La Salle
College of Nursing

NCM105AR Lab
Nutrition Care Plan

Name of Students: Andrea Paula Alisen, Jyniel Cagape, Louise Dianne Elarmo, Jameela Rose Gonzaga Year/Section/Group: BSN2-C Group 2

Nutrition Nutrition Diagnosis Rationale / Pathophysiologic basis Desired Goals / Nutrition Intervention Rationale Nutrition Monitoring
Assessment (PES) Outcomes and Evaluation

Subjective Data: Imbalanced Predisposing Precipitating After three (3) days of After three (3) days of
The client Nutrition more than Factors Factors nursing interventions, delivering nursing
verbalized, “My body requirements Child, 6 years old, Family stress the client will be able interventions, the
mom is always related to high Female, 45 inches due to parent to: client was able to:
busy at work so I caloric food intake as tall, 91 lbs divorce, lack
have different evidenced by excess of Independent NI
babysitters who weight with BMI of 1. Verbalize accurate 1.a. Provide health 1.a. Healthy food 1.a. Indicate effectively
take care of me, 31.6, which is socio-economic knowledge and teaching regarding the choices are essential the significance of
and they would greater than the or financial understanding on the importance and for overall good health making healthy food
usually give me 99th percentile for stability, lack importance of purpose of making and nutrition. Eating decisions, as it
chips, french girls aged 6 years of incorporating a healthy healthy food choices. mindfully and following promotes a healthier
fries, and cans of old, waist responsible diet in one’s life. a high-quality diet, lifestyle and
soda, especially circumference of 26, parent or wherein you pay manageable weight.
when we watch excessive sweating adult attention to your The client expresses, “A
TV.” She also while performing at home portion sizes, can healthy diet is
expressed, “My non-strenuous contribute to reaching important in our lives
friends at school activities, shortness a healthy weight, and because it helps us
make fun of me of breath with serve as protection become stronger and
Parents and adult caretakers’
and call me fat.” physical activity, from possible healthier people, and
absence of basic nutrition
undesirable eating acquisition of common having nutrients to
Objective Data: patterns, and poor illnesses and help in our energy and
Height - 45 inches self-esteem. ↓ non-communicable development.”
Weight - 91 lbs Increased time spent on sedentary, diseases. Goal met.
BMI - 31.6 Source/Reference: passive activities
Doenges, M. E.,
● at greater Moorhouse, M. F., & ↓ 1.b. Differentiate 1.b. Understanding the 1.b. Categorize the
than the 99th Murr, A. C. (2019). Decline in the activity pattern between healthy and difference between healthy and unhealthy
percentile for Nurse's Pocket ↓ unhealthy foods. healthy and unhealthy food presented by the

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girls aged 6 Guide: Diagnoses, High caloric food intake foods will help the student nurse. She
● BMI > 30
Interventions, and
↓ client identify easily
which are nutritious
verbalized, “I now
know the difference
● Client is Rationales. F.A. Davis Excess weight gain foods that the body between healthy and
categorized as Company. ↓ can properly utilize. unhealthy food. Fruits
obese in Imbalanced Nutrition more than Possessing the ability and vegetables are
regards to her Herdman, T. H., &; body requirements to differentiate healthy considered healthy
BMI. Kamitsuru, S. (2018). from unhealthy foods because they help my
Waist Nanda International, allows the individual to body fight diseases.
circumference - Inc. Nursing Source/Reference: be conscious of Unhealthy foods are
26 inches Diagnoses Centers for Disease Control and whether the food fries, burgers, soda,
Definitions and Prevention. (2021, March 19). they’re consuming is and ice cream. They
- Excessive Classification (11th Childhood Obesity Causes & merely energy-dense will harm my body by
sweating while ed.). Thieme Consequences. Centers for Disease or nutrient-rich, thus making me sick
performing Publishers New York. Control and Prevention. Retrieved enabling them to make because I do not have
non-strenuous September 27, 2021, from healthy food choices to the nutrients I need.”
activities integrate into their Goal met.
- Shortness of hood/causes.html. diet.
breath with
physical activity Five Factors Contributing to 2. Recognize the 2.a. Cite examples of 2.a. It is important to 2.a. State examples of
- Undesirable Childhood Obesity. Healthcare2U. possible consequences the possible let the client recognize the possible
eating patterns (2020, May 27). Retrieved and inappropriate consequences, risks, all possible health consequences, risks,
- Poor September 27, 2021, from behaviors associated and inappropriate threats that will and inappropriate
self-esteem with the overeating of behaviors associated possibly occur behaviors associated
contributing-to-childhood-obesity/. less nutritious foods. with the overeating of especially if an with the overeating of
less nutritious foods, unhealthy diet is less nutritious foods.
Mayo Foundation for Medical such as potential practiced. Teaching the She stated, “I must take
Education and Research. (2020, development of heart client all about healthy care of my health while
December 5). Childhood obesity. diseases and diabetes. eating and how it will I’m still young. If I
Mayo Clinic. Retrieved September help her prevent life continue eating
27, 2021, from threatening chronic unhealthy foods, I will diseases. develop illnesses such
es-conditions/childhood-obesity/sy as diabetes and heart
mptoms-causes/syc-20354827. diseases at a very
young age.”
Xu, S., & Xue, Y. (2017, Goal met.
January). Pediatric Obesity: Causes,

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Symptoms, Prevention and Collaborative NI
Treatment. Experimental and 3. Demonstrate a 3.a. Collaborate with a 3.a. Choose a healthier
Therapeutic Medicine. Retrieved change in eating dietician with the 3.a. Introducing good eating pattern and
September 27, 2021, from patterns and increased presence of the client’s nutrition is essential commit to do daily involvement in physical parents to further during childhood, as it physical activities. She
/articles/PMC4726862/. activities or exercise. educate the client is a time of rapid said, “I will choose
about a meal plan growth, development more fruits and
suitable for her age and activity. Healthy vegetables in my meals
and gender, eating habits will and I will not eat
introducing the client provide children with unhealthy food
to the MyPlate food the necessary nutrients anymore such as
guide. their body needs. french fries and
burgers. I also joined
the football club in my
school and I will play at
the park after I do my
Goal met.

Independent NI 3.b. Obese individuals 3.b. Make healthier

3.b. Encourage the may be deficient in food choices and
client to eat a healthy essential nutrients, integrate more
diet containing such as proteins, nutritious food into her
carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals diet as evidenced by
proteins, and larger or may eat too much of the increased amount
portions of fruits and a specific food group, of appropriate portions
vegetables, and less such as carbohydrates of vegetables, fruits,
foods containing and fats. Incorporating and lean meats within
sodium, sugar, and a balanced and more her diet. The client was
trans fat. nutritious diet into able to display changes
one’s life, increases the in her eating patterns
amount of essential through her avoidance
nutrients acquired by or minimal
the body, promotes consumption of junk
satiety and reduces foods, like chips, french
food or calorie intake in fries, soda, and fast

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the short term, which food. She is now
can contribute to the well-aware and
loss or maintenance of knowledgeable of
goal weight. which foods she should
consume more of in
order to gain essential
nutrients, as opposed
to foods that provide
no nutritional value.
Goal met.

3.c. Provide a list of 3.c. Increasing one’s 3.c. Demonstrate

appropriate physical engagement in physical increased involvement
activities and sports of activities and exercise in physical activities
client’s choice and programs, tailored to and exercises as
within physical fit the needs of the evidenced through her
abilities, giving special client, further verbalization of, “I
consideration of the promotes weight loss recently went back to
recommended through reduction of playing soccer and
duration and intensity appetite, increase of following dance videos.
of activities in a day. energy, and rise in the Even though I can’t
amount of calories move around as much
burned, creating a as I did before, I make
calorie deficit. sure that I at least
practice my dance
pieces or play with my
soccer ball in our
backyard once a day
for 30 minutes to an
hour.” The client also
expresses how after
doing these activities,
she has found herself
to be more energized
and feels a bit lighter
than before.

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Goal met.

4. Illustrate acceptance
of changes in the body, 4.a. Give the client 4.a. To help the client 4.a. Show gradual
ensuring to maintain a support and a chance develop her confidence in her body
positive attitude to express feelings self-esteem, as well as through the constant
despite criticism. about her body to let her know that support provided by
changes, promoting she is not alone the student nurse. The
motivation and throughout her client verbalized,
validation of feelings journey. Providing the “Although I am still shy
throughout care. client with the and slightly
necessary support and embarrassed because
encouragement of my appearance, I
enables the patient to will do my best to keep
feel comfortable in her being happy and start
environment, playing with my friends
promoting a trusting again.”
nurse-patient Goal met.
relationship and honest

4.b. Educate the client 4.b. Illustrate

about how to care for 4.b. Knowing how to acceptance of her body
the changed body part care for the changed changes as evidenced
or aspect of her body. body part could help by her ability to
increase an individual’s properly care and
Source/Reference: self-appreciation and appreciate her new
Doenges, M. E., confidence in one’s body. The client
Moorhouse, M. F., & body. verbalized, “Oh, so if I
Murr, A. C. (2019). will take care of my
Nurse's Pocket Guide: body from now on, I
Diagnoses, Prioritized could be healthy again.
Interventions, and I could play with my
Rationales. F.A. Davis friends without getting
Company. tired easily and being
called fat.”
Herdman, T. H., &; Goal met.

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Kamitsuru, S. (2018).
Nanda International,
Inc. Nursing Diagnoses
Definitions and
Classification (11th
ed.). Thieme Publishers
New York.

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