3RD Quarter Exam in ENGLISH 10

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Republic of the Philippines

C. Through
Department of Education presenting the argument
with facts
Region VII Central Visayas
D. Through giving importance to the
Schools Division of Bayawan
value ofCity
his stance
Name: _____________________________
Grade Level and Section: _____________

JUMBLED WORDS! Directions: Arrange the letters

correctly to form a word related to constructing an
argumentative essay. Encircle the letter of the correct
1. HCEAERSR - ___________________________
2. IONCCONULS - ________________________
3. TIONISOPPRO - ________________________ 13. Does the writer try to change the views of the readers?
4. DORTINUCIONT - ______________________ A. Yes B. No C. Maybe D. Both A and B
5. POSITPOION - _________________________
6. SICALSLAC- ___________________________ Directions: Read and comprehend each sentence. Encircle
7. UGRATNME - __________________________ the letter of the correct answer.
8. UELVA- _______________________________
9. SISHET TASTENMET - __________________ 14. What is the purpose of providing background
10. CYPILO - _____________________________ information to readers in writing an essay?
A. to have more information about the topic
TEST II. Read and understand the essay. Encircle only the B. to have distractions about the claim
letter of the correct answer. C. to have warnings for an opposing view
Why Wearing a Mask is Important D. to have a summary outline of the topic
by Michael Roberts, M.D.
15. Where can you find evidence and details in an essay?
The issue of wearing face coverings in public comes up A. introductory paragraph
frequently these days. A common sentiment is, "If I am not B. conclusion part
personally at high risk for COVID-19, why should I wear a C. body paragraphs
mask?" I suspect this is why I see so many people in public D. thesis statement
places who are not covering their nose and mouth. The CDC
has recommended "wearing cloth face coverings in public 16. What is shown when a statement of opposing view or
settings where other social distancing measures are difficult claim is presented in an essay?
to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies) especially A. what someone would argue for the claim
in areas of significant community-based transmission." B. what someone would argue against the claim
The reason for this is that the virus that causes COVID-19 C. what the reader should believe
can be spread even before symptoms appear, by such things D. what the writer tries to prove
as coughing, sneezing, or even speaking at close range.
Cloth face coverings have been recommended due to their 17. Which of the following is the INCORRECT way of
low cost and ready availability. Using cloth face coverings getting the audience’s attention?
preserves surgical masks and N-95 masks for healthcare A. use a story
workers B. use an insult
who may be involved in the direct care of patients with C. use statistic
COVID-19. D. use a quotation
The importance of using face coverings in public is
illustrated in the graphic seen here. If I wear my face 18. What is the purpose of writing a conclusion?
covering to protect you from me, and you wear your face A. to restate the attention-getter and background
covering to protect me from you, then we can all B. to restate the arguments and the reasons
dramatically decrease our risk of transmission of the virus C. to give the evidence and details
that causes COVID-19. This, in conjunction with social D. to give new information
distancing and frequent handwashing or use of hand
sanitizer, will be important in limiting the spread of 19. This part consists of three (3) or more paragraphs that
COVID19 as we return to our usual activities. explain the reasons why you support your thesis. Each
Comprehension Check: paragraph covers different idea or piece of evidence and
11. What details are given in the first paragraph of the contains a topic sentence which explains why the reader
essay? should agree with your position. The body paragraphs back
A. Restatement of the main claim up your claims with examples, research, statistics, studies
B. Reasons supporting the claim and text citations.
C. Background information of the issue A. Body Paragraph
D. Summary B. Conclusion
C. Thesis Statement
12. How did the writer express his proposition?
A. Through giving a meaning to a concept 20. This one paragraph restates your thesis and summarizes
B. Through appealing to the reader’s emotions all the arguments made in your body paragraphs. A good
conclusion appeals to the reader’s emotions. In some cases,
writers use personal anecdote explaining how the topic
personally affects them.
A. Body Paragraph B. Conclusion C. Definition


Directions: Read and understand the following essays. Then, Directions: Read the argumentative essay carefully and
answer the questions that follow. Choose the letter of the identify its parts.
correct answer for each item. Afterward, rewrite in the boxes the content of the different
parts of the essay. Item number 1 is done for you.

21. What is the essay mainly about?

A. Banning of smoking in public places
B. Smoking as causes of respiratory problems
C. Smoking in public places
D. Smoking as dangerous to your health

22. How was the argument presented in the essay?

A. Classical Type
B. Rogerian Type
C. Toulmin Type
D. Both A and C

23. What is the introductory paragraph of the essay?

A. Smoking cigarettes should be banned in public places.
B. Smoking cigarettes can cause lung problems.
C. Smoking cigarettes should be banned.
D. It does not include smoking at home.

24. What is the thesis statement of the essay?

A. Smoking cigarettes can cause lung problems.
B. Smoking cigarettes should be banned in public places.
C. My position is that smoking in public places should be
D. Smoking in public places should be banned because it
poses health risks to individuals who are non-
smokers and who do not want to inhale the fumes from

25.How was the argument presented in the essay?

A. Classical Type
B. Rogerian Type
C. Toulmin Type
D. Both A and C

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