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Name: ________________________________ Grade & Section:__________________ Score:__________


Directions: Read each item carefully and write the letter of the best answer on the space provided before each
_____1. It is a systematic investigation and study of materials and sources to establish facts and reach new
A. Campaign B. Advocacy C. Research D. Jargon
_____2. Gina wants to promote the value of proper hygiene in the midst of pandemic. What is the best way
she could do to promote this without violating the health guidelines?
A. Upload a campaign video C. Organize a symposium
B. Do a research D. None of these
_____3. This involves the use of words that evoke emotions and make people feel a certain way.
A. Rhetorical question C. Use of modal verbs
B. Using evidence D. Emotive language
_____4. Gerald Anderson adopted a medical institution in Metro Manila and built isolation tent to cater the
demands of the growing number of Covid-19 positive patients. This act is a manifestation of?
A. Campaign B. Advocacy C. Research D. Jargon
For numbers 5-6, use the text below.
“Eight years ago, together with a handful of friends, I started a Love Yourself. It was basically a group
of friends who wanted to help out by providing free HIV testing and counselling because through one way or
another, their lives were affected by HIV. “ –Garcia, Ronivin, Love Yourself Advocate
_____5. What must be the purpose of the Love Yourself Advocacy based on the advocacy founder’s
A. To provide support and stop the spread of HIV
B. To love and protect oneself in order to avoid HIV
C. To emphasize a negative approach towards HIV awareness
D. To limit the people engaging in relationships to impact HIV status
_____6. What type of advocacy is the example above?
A. Media advocacy C. Self-advocacy
B. Health advocacy D. Mass advocacy
_____7. In writing an argumentative essay, which of the following is an acceptable way of getting the reader’s
A. Use of question C. Use of evidences
B. Use of statistics D. Restatement of thesis statement
_____8. What part of the essay is the writer’s claim found?
A. At the title of the essay C. In the last paragraph of the essay
B. In the second paragraph of the essay D. At the end of the first paragraph
_____9. How will the background information about the topic help the reader?
A. To know the stand of the writer about the topic
B. To prepare the reader to oppose the writer
C. To have more information about the topic
D. To have more time to read the essay
_____10. Which of the following should not be given in the conclusion of the essay?
A. Summary of the arguments C. Restatement of the thesis statement
B. Call-to-action statement D. Giving of additional evidences
_____11. When the writer states a counterargument against an opposing idea, he is giving a ___________
A. Call-to-action B. Concluding C. Rebuttal D. introduction
_____12. What does an opposing view/ claim tell the readers?
A. What someone would agree with the writer
B. What the writer reasons out
C. What the writer believes or stand for
D. What someone will most likely argue against an opposing idea
_____13. Which of the following statements is an opinion?
A. Filipinos become cautious with their health during this pandemic.
B. Chocolate ice cream is the best flavor of ice cream sold.
C. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
D. Taking vitamins everyday makes you healthy and strong.
_____14. What is true about assertions?
A. A strong declaration regarding a belief or a fact
B. A statement investing on own belief and feelings
C. Ideas and feelings express indirectly
D. It supports personal viewpoints, feelings or rights
_____15. How to distinguish a statement of opinion and assertion?
A. Opinion is a false statement and assertion is a true statement
B. Opinion is somewhat true and somewhat false, and assertion is a true statement
C. Opinion is a statement that can be proven, and assertion is somewhat true and somewhat
D. Opinion is a statement that cannot be proven, and assertion is somewhat true and somewhat false
_____16. What signal words/ phrases are used in giving opinion?
A. I propose and I infer C. I think and I believe
B. I suggest and I intervene D. I create and I make
_____17. Which of these statements is neither an opinion nor a commonplace assertion?
A. Women are careful drivers.
B. All industrial nations are first world countries.
C. There are more men than women who became president of the country.
D. The number of males in the Senate and Congress suggests that males are better lawmakers.
_____18. What makes the following statement an example of commonplace assertion? Milk is good for your
A. It asserts that milk is the best source of calcium which makes bones and teeth stronger.
B. It makes people believe that milk contains all the vitamins and minerals that the body needs.
C. It disregards the fact that some people are lactose intolerant, and milk may cause stomach
D. All of the above
_____19. What is the central argument of the text?
A. assertion B. claim C. fact D. opinion
_____20. It is important to remember that a claim should be arguable. What is the opposite of the word
A. certain B. rational C. reasonable D. defendable
_____21. Claim of value usually uses the following words that manifest judgement rather than fact EXCEPT
A. better B. good C. must D. well
For items 22-26, choose the best answer below.
A. Claim of fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of value
_____22. The Department of Education should provide convenient learning spaces to all school children.
_____23. Same sex marriage is not acceptable in almost all religion.
_____24. Social Media have been utilized by many as main platforms of spreading fake news.
_____25. Resiliency is an essential quality someone must possess to survive during challenging times.
_____26. Far flung areas in the country should be provided with strong internet connection.
_____27. Why is it important to engage in expository writing?
A. share expertise with others and develop self-confidence and self-esteem.
B. develop an understanding of a topic of study.
C. enhance vocabulary, visual literacy, and the use of technology.
D. all of the above
_____28. Marie has submitted her expository essay ahead of the deadline. The steps in writing an expository
essay her teacher had taught her helped a lot. From the steps listed in the box, which do you think is the order
that Marie had followed?
1. She brainstormed ideas and arranged them coherently.
2. She prepared her arguments and collected some evidence for them.
3. She restated her point of view and summarized the facts.
4. She chose a good topic.
5. She decided her stand for the chosen topic.
A. 12345 B. 24513 C. 14523 D. 45123
_____29. Which of the following is not a purpose of expository writing?
A. tell a story B. explain C. describe D. instruct
_____30. All of the following are useful skills for writing an expository piece, EXCEPT:
A. The writer provides supporting details.
B. The writer includes engaging dialogue between characters.
C. The writer organizes the body of the text.
D. The writer crafts clear main ideas.
_____31. “Another reason why aggressive driving should be avoided is it causes injuries.” Where should this
statement be found?
A. Introduction B. Body C. Conclusion D. Opinion
_____32. Which of the following best defines a multimodal text? It is ________.
A. in written form C. composed of words
B. available in print D. composed of two or more semiotic systems
_____33. Which of the following is NOT a multimodal text?
A. infographic B. radio drama C. graphic novels D. student’s essay
_____34. What are the five semiotic systems that can make up a multimodal text?
A. linguistic, visual, audio, gestural, spatial C. spiritual, financial, emotional, physical, visual
B. visual, kinesthetic, cultural, audio, linguistic D. linguistic, charismatic, gestural, spatial, spiritual
_____35. When colors, shapes and texture are added, what mode is used?
A. visual B. spatial C. gestural D. linguistic
_____36. What multimodal text makes use of all modes of communication?
A. movie B. brochures C. radio drama D. big books for kids
_____37. A traditional text only uses what mode? A. visual B. spatial C. gestural D. linguistic
For 38-39: Read the situation below, then answer the questions that follow.
Mang Natoy, 72, lives in one of the most isolated islands in the Philippines. He only receives information
through his feature phone (also called a <dumb= phone), his portable radio and his television set which only
airs programs from ABS-CBN channel. When he learns about the closure of ABS-CBN, he feels sad that he
may not be able to receive up-to-date information. Since he lives in an area frequented by typhoons, he now
fears he can’t receive news about them.
_____38. In the case of Mang Natoy, what elements would be most effective to deliver news?
A. audio, visual B. gestural, audio C. linguistic, audio D. linguistic, visual
_____39. What multimodal text will you compose to inform Mang Natoy about an approaching typhoon?
A. graphic novel B. Facebook thread C. newspaper write-up D. radio information drive
_____40. Which best describes extemporaneous public speaking?
A. speaking to an unknown audience
B. speaking with less than an hour to prepare
C. speaking with less than 10 minutes to prepare
D. speaking to a group with more than 15 individuals
_____41. Which of the following scenarios would be considered an extemporaneous talk?
A. You are asked to speak at an event at the end of the month for a charity.
B. You are asked to be the keynote speaker at the event next week.
C. You are a replacement for a speaker and given 20 minutes to prepare.
D. You are speaking at a local art fest in a few days, but no specific topic given.
_____42. How will you effectively begin your impromptu speech delivery?
A. Observe appropriate and effective nonverbal cues.
B. Start outlining in your head. Focus on what to say first.
C. Shake hands with the one who introduced you, if necessary.
D. Establish eye contact; begin with your opening statements and greetings
_____43. Which of the following is the common advantage of impromptu speech?
A. Unplanned
B. More focused and brief
C. Lacks connection with the audience
D. Nerve-cracking for inexperienced speaker
_____44. What is the importance of presenting various information to a group of people?
A. Learning is possible to a group of people.
B. Writing is boring and a bit tedious
C. Informing audience needs to be explained.
D. Explaining the information helps the audience understand what you want to impart
_____45. Which of the following is the best definition of communication?
A. Simplifying information for a lay audience
B. Texting someone
C. Exchanging messages
D. Persuading someone of your viewpoint
_____46. What is body language?
A. It is simply speaking to a live audience
B. It is a process of communicating nonverbally through conscious
C. It isa language you need to have an eye-to-eye contact when communicating to the listeners or
D. It is used to catch the attention of the audience
_____47. What is public speaking?
A. It is the proper modulation and presentation.
B. It is process use to communicate.
C. It is the act of speaking in front of a large audience.
D. It is a person standing in front of an audience reading and enumerating information upfront.
_____48. What will happen if you make a mistake during the presentation?
A. Ignore the mistake
B. Go on with the presentation
C. Self-correct if possible
D. Remember the value of constant practice
_____49. How will you control the feeling of being nervous when speaking in a large?
A. I make sure that I am prepared
B. I am relaxed as long as I know everything what I am going to say
C. I make sure that all of the information that I will be saying are based on facts
D. I see to it that my presentation is easily being understood
_____50. What makes extemporaneous speech different to manuscript or memorized speeches in terms of
A. delivered with scripts
B. delivered with outline
C. delivered with clear outline and scripts
D. delivered with organized short notes
Name: ________________________________ Grade & Section: __________________ Score:__________


Directions: Choose from the pool of answers what each statement BEST expresses. Write only the letter of
your choice on the space provided before each number.
A. Experimenting B. Text-to-world C. Alfred Edward Housman
D. Text-to-self E. Unferth F. Speed
G. Pocketwatch H. Wiglaf I.Text-to-text
J.Wealhtheow K. Flexibility L. Hair
M.Hrothgar N. O.Henry O. feedback -seeking

_____1. These are connections where you relate one material to another that you have read or have already
come across.
_____2. It is relating real-life issues to things read from a selection.
_____3. He is the author of the story “The Gift of Magi”.
_____4. It was Jim’s most prized possession.
_____5. It refers to the nature and dynamics of change, and rapidly changing context and conditions.
_____6. She is the queen of the Geats.
_____7. It refers to lack of predictability, the prospects for surprise due often to some missing data.
_____8. It is testing out new ideas.
_____9. He helped Beowulf against the dragon
_____10. It refers to willingness to try new things.

For numbers 11-20, remember the story The Gift of Magi and Beowulf.
_____11. Why is Della upset at the beginning of the story?
a. She lost her job shoveling in front of the stores on her block.
b. She has been fighting with Jim.
c. She does not have enough money to buy a nice present for Jim.
d. She was recently arrested by the mendicancy squad.
_____12. What are Jim and Della's most valued possessions?
a. Jim's watch and Della's hat b. Jim's brief case and Della's jacket
c. Jim's shoes and Della's cooking pot d. Jim's watch and Della's hair
_____13. Why does Della go to Madame Sofronie's?
a. To look for work b. To sell her hair
c. To beg for money d. To shovel Madame Sofronie's sidewalk
_____14. Which best explains why Jim is so stunned when he first sees Della?
a. He doesn't like how his wife looks with short hair.
b. He is shocked that she bought him such a nice gift.
c. He doesn't recognize his wife.
d. He bought her a gift that she can't use.
_____15. With which statement would the narrator most likely agree?
a. Jim and Della's gifts were bad because they did not consider one another's needs.
b. Jim and Della's gifts were good because they will each get a lot of use out of their nice gifts.
c. Jim and Della's gifts were bad because they wasted their money on things that they can't use.
d. Jim and Della's gifts were good because they sacrificed so much for one another.
_____16. Which event happened last?
a. Della bought Jim a gift. b. Della cried about only having $1.87.
c. Della went to Madame Sofronie's d. Della cut her hair.
_____17. Which statement best expresses the theme of this story?
a. Make sure that you give people gifts that they can actually use.
b. Spending time with the people you love is more important than getting them gifts.
c. The best gifts involve sacrifice.
d. Don't waste your money on expensive gifts.
_____18. What is Hrothgar’s problem?
A. He is getting older and doesn’t have a worthy successor
B. A monster is plaguing is mead-hall and killing his men
C. He can’t get the pickle jar open. He is in need of someone with super strength.
D. Unferth won’t open the pickle jar (because he is weak).
_____19. What is the name of Hrothgar’s mead-hall?
A. Hrunting B. Hygelac C. Aeschere D. Herot

_____20. What happens when Beowulf fights the Dragon?

A. He cuts the dragon’s tail off
B. He sneaks in and steals the dragon’s treasure
C. He uses his invisibility ring to slay the dragon
D. They fight to the death, but Beowulf is mortally wounded
For numbers 21-23, identify what connections are made on the given situations.
A. Text-to-Text B. Text-to-self
_____21. While reading, Anthony notices that the main character in the story is tough, just like the main
character in the book he read yesterday.
_____2. It was a hot summer's day and there was no breeze. Linda wanted to open the window, but it was
stuck. Instead, she went outside. Connection response: That reminds me of the time we brought home a turtle!
_____23. Liz was homesick one day and she was bored of lying on her bed. She sat up and looked out of the
window. Spring was just beginning, and yellow flowers were growing in the field outside. Connection response:
That reminds me of a story that I heard on the news about the Carlsbad Flower Fields.
For numbers 24-26, identify the following social issues in the lines.
_____24. “You will pay for this. I will get your life for you have also taken my son‟s life.”
A. pollution B. corruption C. vengeance D. teenage pregnancy
_____25. “Poor Lino! He was sent to the Prefect of t Discipline because he skipped class.”
A. absenteeism B. alcoholism C. criminality D. poverty
_____26. This is a story about two black men –one a teacher, and the other a death row inmate who struggle
to live and die with dignity. How can discrimination be eliminated?
A. Ban social media accounts.
B. Respect each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
C. Do not allow reporters to expose incidents that are negative.
D. Imitate other countries‟ beliefs, customs, and tradition to belong.
From the situations below, identify the kind of value that is associated in each one of them.
_____27. Your school normally solicits “abuloy” from students whenever a member of the studentry or his/her
immediate relative passes on. At this particular moment, you have P40.00 - as your “baon”/ allowance. Usually,
you spend half of it in the morning and the other half in the afternoon. Which value or character then is
demanded of you at this particular situation?
A. discipline B. hard work C. perseverance D. self-sacrifice
_____28. Your tricycle-driver father lost his job during the pandemic because during the ECQ, public transport
was not allowed. Providing the family with their basic needs is really difficult at this point. What should Father
have in order to sustain the family’s needs?
A. care B. loyalty C. patience D. resourcefulness
_____29. You are lining up in a fast food chain for your orders. It was almost 12:00 noon and you feel that your
_____30. It is your day of worship but your friends are inviting you to a swimming party because you have
former classmates who have returned town. Which character/value should prevail in you at this particular
A. loyalty B. B. humility C. sensitivity D. faithfulness to the Lord
A.Reflecting B.Flexibility C. Collaborating D. Recognizing
Identify the author’s attitude or feelings and purpose in the following lines.
_____31. “Today is your birthday so let us be happy and celebrate!”
A. angry B. cautious C. cheerful D. romantic
_____32. Father: “When are you going to introduce me to your boyfriend?”
Daughter: “Dad, how many times do I have to tell you? I don’t have a boyfriend. Enough of tease,
please! ”
A. cheerful B. excited C. irritated D. lonely
_____33. “Get out! Your face is pissing me off!”
A. annoyed B. excited C. relaxed D. sad
_____34. “Sorrow has filled my heart. My lamenting soul is in misery. ”
A. gloomy B. grieving C. ironic D. Sympathetic

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