(Approved by AlCTE, New Delhi & Afnllated to Pondlcherry Unlveraity) (Accredited by NBA-AICTE, New Delhl, Accredited by NAAC with "A (25) Madagadipet, Puducherry -605 107
V SEMESTER ELECTRONICS ANDCOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING (U20ECT511) Duration: 3 hrs. Max. Marks- 75 Note: B.L- Bloom's Level C0- Course Outcome Q. No Marks B.L CO's PART A (10 x 2-20 Marks) Answer allthe Questions Q.1 How many multiplications and additions are required for 2 COI computing N point DFT and FFT ifN is 32? Q.2 Outline of the computations in FFT algorithm is said to be in place? 2 2 COI Q.3 List the advantages &disadvantages of bilincar transformation. 2 CO2 Q.4 Explain the impulse invariant method is not preferred indesign of 2 2 CO2 IIR filter other than Low pass filter? Q.5 Discover the design techniques of FIR filter? 2 4 CO3 Q.6 Inference Gibb's phenomenon 4 CO3 Q.7 Develop the digital filters are affected by quantization of filter co 2 3 CO4 efficient? Q.8 Analyze the need for anti imaging filter after to Up sampling? 2 4 CO4 Q.9 Summarize the different stages in pipelining 2 COS Q.10 Classify the different Central arithmetic & logical unit used in 2 2 COS TMS320CSx? PART B (5 x 5 = 25 Marks) Answer all the Questions Q.11 Construct Radix-4 DIF FFT algorithm with neat sketch. COI Q.12 Build the general realization structure in direct-form I of IIR 5 3 CO2 system. Q.13 Classify the different types of filters based on frequency response 5 3 CO3 and its characteristics ? Q.14 Examine a signal x(n) is given by x(n)={0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 2, S 4 CO4 3}Obtain the decimated and interpolated signal with afactor of 3. Q.1S Choose a digital signal processor differ from other processors? 3 COS PART C(3 x 10 =30 Marks) Answer any THREE Questions Q.16 Analyze 8-point DFT of the sequence x(n)={1,2,1,2,1,2,2, 1}using 10 4 CO1 radix-2 DIF-FFT algorithm. Q.17 Construct the design of cheby shev filter of type I &type II. Plot 10 3 CO2 the frequency response of both filter Q.18 Distinguish a linear phase FIR low pass filter using rectangular 10 4 CO3 window by taking 7 samples of window sequence and with a cutoff frequency, we =0.2p rad/sample Q.19 Discover a sampling rate conversion by a rational factor(/D) and 10 3 CO4 derive the input and output relation in both time and frequency domain Q.20 Categorize the different types of instructions in DSP processor with 10 4 COS suitable examples.