DSP Model Exam Set B QP 1

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SET-B Reg.



Salem-Campus, Attur Main Road, Minnampalli, Salem -636 106.

Class: III/V (ECE)

Time : 3 Hrs
Date: 11.10.2019
Marks : 100
S. Course
Question BTL
No Outcomes
Answer All Questions
Part A— (10 X 2=20)
Compare the fixed point and floating point representation of
1 Remembering CO4
2 What is meant by finite word length effect in digital systems? Analyzing CO4

3 List out the advantages of FIR Filters. Evaluating CO3

4 What are the desirable characteristics of the window? Analyzing CO4
Name the three quantization errors due to finite word Length
5 Remembering CO4
registers in digital filters.
6 Define dead Band. Applying CO4
7 What are the methods used to prevent overflow? Understanding CO4
8 Write the features of DSP Processor. Creating CO5
9 List some examples of Digital Signal Processors. Understanding CO5
10 What is the Product Quantization Error? Remembering CO5
Part B — (05 X 13=65 Marks)
11.a) Discuss the following
(i) Product quantization error [13] CO4
(ii) Limit cycle oscillations
11.b Draw and explain the product quantization noise model of
second order IIR system. [13] Analyzing CO4

12.a) Determine the coefficients of a linear phase FIR filter of length

N=15 which has a symmentric unit sample response and
frequency response that satisfies the conditions Understandin CO3
1,∧for k=0,1,2,3 g
2 πK
( )15 {
= 0.4 ,∧for k=4
0 ,∧for k=5,6,7
12.b Determine the coefficients of a linear phase FIR filter of length [13] Remembering CO3
) N=15 which has a symmentric unit sample response and
frequency response that satisfies the conditions
2 πK
H ( ){ = 1 ,∧for k =0,1,2,3
15 0 ,∧for k =4,5,6,7
13.a) (i) Explain how signal scaling is used to prevent
overflow limit cycle in the digital filter
implementation with an example.
[13] Remembering CO4
(ii) Determine the dead band of the system
Assume 8 bits are used for signal representation.
13.b Design a High pass filter with the following frequency
) Response,

H ( e jw )=
1 , ≤W ≤ π
0 ,∧W ≤
Of Length N=11,using Hanning Window.
[13] Remembering CO3

14.a) Design a FIR filter approximating the ideal frequency response:

Hd(ejw) = e-jw for |ω| < π/6.
= 0, for /6 < |ω| < . [13] Analyzing CO3
Determine the filter coefficients for N=13.

14.b Design an ideal Low pass filter using Rectangular window with
) a frequency response
Hd(ejw) = e –j2w; 3∏/4 ≤|w|∏ [13] Evaluating CO4
= 0, otherwise; . Assume N=11
15.a) An FIR Filter is given by the difference Equation,
Y(n)= 2x(n) + 4/5 x(n-1) +3/2 x(n-2) + 2/3 x(n-3). determine its [13] Analyzing CO4
lattice form.
15.b Using a rectangular window technique design a low pass filter
) with pass band gain of unity, cutoff frequency of 1000HZ and
[13] Evaluating CO4
working at a sampling frequency of 5KHz, the length of
impulse responses should be 7.
PART- C— (01 X 15=15 Marks)
16.a) With suitable block diagram explain in detail about
TMS320C54 DSP Processor and its memory Architecture [13] Remembering CO5

16.b What are the on-chip peripherals available on programmable
) digital signal processors and explain their functions? [13] Remembering CO5

Subject Teacher HOD- ECE Dean-Academics

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