3.3 Reviewer

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1. The method by which the reproductive

organs produce gametes, or sex cells. A
diploid germline cell undergoes
reduction division to produce four
genetically different haploid nuclei.
2. Prometaphase
o The events in prometaphase I are
During meiosis, two cellular divisions occur:
quite similar to the ones in the
1. Chromosome number is halved (diploid prometaphase of mitosis. The
→ haploid) by dividing homologous nuclear envelope will also
chromosomal pairs in the first meiotic disintegrate and the creation of
phase. the meiotic spindle will also
2. Sister chromatids (formed by DNA
replication during interphase) are 3. Metaphase I
separated during the second meiotic o chromosomes continue to
division. condense
o spindle microtubules attach to
o tetrads line up at the metaphase
2. A cell will reproduce its genetic material plate
during the S phase of interphase. The
cell intended to produce sex cells will go 4. Anaphase I
through meiosis I once all the o separation of homologous pairs;
checkpoints have been satisfied. When o chromosomes moved to poles by
a cell goes through meiosis I, it will have spindle
two sister chromatids on each diploid
chromosome. 5. Telophase I
o chromosomes at poles
o nuclear envelope reappears
MEIOSIS I o spindle disappears
1. Prophase I o chromosomes partially uncoil
o chromosomes condense
o nucleolus disappears 6. Cytokinesis
o spindle forms o the actual process of cell division,
o synapsis of bivalents: pairing of which splits a parent cell's
homologous chromosomes cytoplasm into two daughter cells
(known as tetrad)
o crossing over occurs between
non-sister chromatids (happens INTERKINESIS
in the chiasma; chiasmata in  To prepare for meiosis II, the meiotic
plural) spindles from meiosis I will dismantle
o nuclear membrane disappears and then reunite during interkinesis.
1. Prophase II
o chromosomes condense again
o new spindle forms (at right angles
to previous spindle)

2. Prometaphase II
o nuclear envelope disappears

3. Metaphase II
o spindle microtubules attach to
o chromosomes move to the
metaphase plate

4. Anaphase II
o sister chromatids separate
o spindle microtubules move
chromatids to opposite poles

5. Telopase II
o chromosomes (=chromatids)
arrive at poles
o spindle disappears
o nuclear membrane reappears
o nucleolus reappears
o chromosomes decondense into

 After cytokinesis, each cell that

underwent meiosis II will have formed
two new daughter cells. Thus, if there
was one cell that underwent meiosis I,
this cell will have formed two daughter
cells by the beginning of meiosis II.
Each of these daughter cells would have
undergone meiosis II to form two
daughter cells each, for a total of four
daughter cells.

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