Practical Research 1 Final
Practical Research 1 Final
Practical Research 1 Final
April 2024
As technology becomes a widespread force in our daily lives, it's integration into
outcomes .The increasing use of technology in education has raised discussions about
its impacts on the student's academic performance. While existing literature provides
insights into the broader relationship between technology and education, there is a need
Gameil (2021), educational technologies such as learning sources through internet, and
learning management systems could help the academic performance of the high school
students, highlighting the benefits and challenges of both teachers and students. This
materials that might have an impact on influencing the academic performance of high
school students. Similarly, research by Tondeur et al. (2017) emphasizes the quality
characteristics of students, can play a vital role in determining the effectiveness of using
selected Agusan National High School students and understand the influence of
performance of selected students at Agusan National High School plays a role for
promoting their growth and success. By gaining insights into their experiences in
navigating the digital landscape, educators, administrators, and stakeholders can
supportive environment for all students, promoting a culture of excellence and well-
being within the school community. Hence, this research aims to fill the identified gap by
exploring into the lived experiences and perceptions of these students, the study seeks
to uncover the multifaceted ways in which technology influences their learning journey.
addressing this gap, this research seeks to understand of how technology impacts the
academic performance and to gain the insights of how technological tools influence
their learning experience into achievements. Therefore, this study aims to answer the
following questions:
1. What effects does technology have on the study habits and learning
could provide valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and parents on how to
Furthermore, the findings could benefit students by informing strategies that optimize
performance and success. Lastly, this study will provide information and can be used as
This literature and studies of other related researches which are related to the
more opportunities to cooperate with their peers leading to learning from each other
(Costley, 2014). Education at the high school level is a critical period in students'
environment where individuals can lean from each others' insights. Students are given
more opportunities to interact with instructors, collaborate with peers, and engage
the individual needs and learning styles of each student. Throughout history, education
become powerful contributor to learning and can be used to deepen the learners'
instruction, cater to diverse learning styles, and foster deeper engagement with the
curriculum, not only enhancing the effectiveness of teaching but also empowers
In addition, the potential use of technology for learning depends on how digital
technologies are used cognitively stimulate and engage students in learning activities
(Chien et al., 2016). Educators play a significant role in shaping learners experiences
technology into education fundamentally relies on the manner in which educators use
digital tools to actively engage and restoring students cognitively during learning
They include adapting teaching methods to use the unique capabilities of technology,
on students' engagement to utilize the technology for different purposes (Ahmad, 2014).
learning and personal development. It is considered as one of the major indicator for
2016) emphasizes that there are many more environmental factors that lead to the
individual needs, empowering students to explore, create, and innovate in the digital
era. Educators play a crucial role in students' engagement with technological integration
experiences. According to (Halili, 2019), learning with technology is the greatest shift in
teaching and learning while (Howard et al., 2016) suggested that without proper
increase students' interest and allowing them to learn at their own pace while still
higher in all tested subjects compared to those who did not have one-to-one access to
technology. (Leo & Puzio, 2016) highlighted ideas that contribute to positive effect of
technology to students' success. They include several examinations from selected high
school level proves the result for significance of technology through learning experience
and success. The study found utilizing technology increased student success and
motivation to learn and allowed for better teacher-student interactions but does not find
why academic achievement was lesser in the group without access to technology
general educational setting tends to build stronger relationships between students and
productivity, instruction, and creation (Roblyer & Hughes, 2019). Productivity technology
applications is significant for students and educators for managing their time. By
categorizing technology this way, they emphasizes that educators can strategically
integrate tools that support productivity to enhance the learning experience and prepare
students for success in the digital age. In a study conducted by (Wang et al., 2014)
and web searches most often in class (Peck et al., 2015) making their learning
experiences a lot more easier. Meanwhile, in the survey conducted by (Selwyn & Bulfin,
2016), students across three secondary schools highlighted three frustrations, including
personal devices being taken away from them, content-filtering or blocking which was
unlike their experiences out of school. It suggests that students feel hindered by policies
that restrict their personal device usage, such as having their device confiscated.
Furthermore, these frustrations can lead to students “working around” school authority
(Selwyn & Bulfin, 2016) and (Peck et al., 2015) referred to these students as “digital
rebels”. It emphasizes the resistance against established rules and norms related to
convenient. The types of technology are the use of computers and its components, and
students' lives prior to their school experiences influences their attitudes and behaviors
towards technology within the educational setting. According to the study of (Magama &
taught while using technology (Poole & Sky-McIlvain, 2014). Additionally, it may explore
and communication among students provide access to diverse learning materials, and
offer opportunities for active, hands-on learning. These capabilities provide teachers
and students with a new avenue of discovery that creates differentiated instruction in a
Students' Performance
various ways such as, accessing information and resources from the internet. According
to (Bulman & Farlie, 2016; Vigdor et al., 2014), studies have shown that accessing to
the internet and digital resources can effectively make a huge impact on student'
learning resources that the internet provides, allowing students to explore various topics
beyond what traditional textbooks may offer. This exposure to a wide range of
information can enhance their understanding of subjects and foster critical thinking
skills. Similarly, a study by (Lister, 2015) suggested that when technology is applied
learning more interactive and less boring. This may improve students' attitude towards
learning and interest. Additionally, technology provides opportunities for learning control
as well as it can help students to develop their skills in order to achieve success to their
systems, contribute students with designed instructions and responses can lead to
al., 2016; Pane et al., 2017). Technology having the ability to adopt the students'
individual needs and learning styles can nurture more effective learning experiences,
which can positively gain impact on students' performance. According to the study
environment. They suggests that it will increase opportunities for students on several
dimensions and affects learning experience. Moreover, it will give students increased
students' judgment on reliability. Students will get to access to programs that can
enhance their learning outcome. Overall, the use of laptop in education can make
students able to focus on more complex problems, which in turn can increase students'
performance. However, they also include that it is better to utilize technology in order to
Effective study habits play an important role in achieving academic success. These
routines involve tasks that students complete regularly and consistently to accomplish
learning objectives, such as reading, taking notes, and leading study groups. ( Rabia et
al, 2017). A study by Arieta et al. (2017) highlighted that study habits play a significant
role in students' lives. The success or failure of each student depends on their study
habits. The research also mentioned that learning is not just about memorizing but is a
skill that requires practice and hard work. The study further revealed that the success of
a student depends on their ability, intelligence, and the effort they put into their studies.
Examining the impact of social media on study habits, the study conducted by
Alsaqri and Dayrit (2018), titled "Impact of Social Networking Sites on Study Habits
among Saudi Nursing Students at Hail University," emphasizes the deep impact of
social media usage on students' study routines and academic performance. Their
findings suggest that any disruption to study habits caused by social media usage can
(2017) suggest that excessive use of the internet may lead to poorer study habits and
lower achievement, as their research found better study habits among those who didn't
Moreover, the study conducted by Ilo et al (2018) revealed that the students who
used ICT facilities more frequently tended to have stronger study habits. This suggests
that using technology can be a helpful tool for improving academic performance.
This chapter deals on the overall approach of the research and its objectives. It
states the participants and the site of the study and the sampling technique used. In
gathering and analysis. This chapter also emphasizes the procedure by which the
The purpose of this research is to determine whether technology use has any effects on
the academic achievement of senior high school students at ANHS. The researchers'
The researchers will conduct the interview at the City of Butuan. The researchers use
Simple random sampling to know the impact of the technology on the academic
sampling technique where the likelihood of selecting each unit is the same.
The sample that is selected at random is thought to be fair and representative of the
entire population (Singh & Masuku, 2014). The researchers will choose fifteen (15)
participants which will provide insights into the relationship between technology usage
The researchers sent letters to the principal and participants asking permission to
conduct the study. The roles of each researcher are to record, transcribe, and translate
the interviewees’ responses.. During the interview, the interviewers took notes and
recorded the conversation to ensure that the data was securely kept. The interviewers
introduced themselves and the study being conducted while assuring the privacy and
anonymity of the interviewees. The researchers took great care to protect the
The respondents in this research were not interrogated in any way. The researchers
acquired full consent from the respondents, reassuring them that their identities will be
left confidential. It is stated clearly to respondents that the conducted interview will be
used purely for our research purposes only. The communication between the
researchers and respondents were executed with honesty and clarity. The researchers
Semi-structured researchers will be the primary method for data collection. The
researchers are going to generate a questions and conduct a one-on-one interview with
a selected participants of Agusan National High School. The interviewers will collect
their experiences and beliefs about the impact of technology in the academic
performance. The researchers also prepared pens, paper, a recorder, and a phone
camera for their convenience to document the entire interview to ensure the clarity of
The researchers will select random students in Agusan National High School as the
respondents of this research, and will be interviewed with questions connecting to this
research topic. After the interview, researchers will collect all the answers from the
interviewees, then gather and evaluate the results. The information that will be collected
will repeatedly read by the researchers and distinguish the data substantially in order to
structure their answers completely. Lastly, the researchers will differentiate and
summarize the gathered data to answer the exploration about the relationship between
students of ANHS academic performance and technology. The results will be encoded
by the researchers with full knowledge and understanding to create a theme of the
and action. (Haq et al., 2023) To satisfy the credibility requirement, the researchers
that the interview was voluntary and the participants were prompted to give their
consent. The researchers ensured that their privacy and comfort was put first.
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