Sputtering Paper
Sputtering Paper
Sputtering Paper
Topical Review
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Physical vapor deposition (PVD) refers to the removal of atoms from a solid or a liquid by
physical means, followed by deposition of those atoms on a nearby surface to form a thin film
or coating. Various approaches and techniques are applied to release the atoms including
thermal evaporation, electron beam evaporation, ion-driven sputtering, laser ablation, and
cathodic arc-based emission. Some of the approaches are based on a plasma discharge, while
in other cases the atoms composing the vapor are ionized either due to the release of the
film-forming species or they are ionized intentionally afterward. Here, a brief overview of the
various PVD techniques is given, while the emphasis is on sputtering, which is dominated by
magnetron sputtering, the most widely used technique for deposition of both metallic and
compound thin films. The advantages and drawbacks of the various techniques are discussed
and compared.
Keywords: physical vapor deposition, magnetron sputtering, cathodic arc deposition, ion
beam deposition, sputtering, pulsed laser deposition
(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)
1. Introduction plasma phase. PVD is a broad field and various processes are
applied to create film-forming material and to achieve thin film
The formation of a condensible vapor by physical mechanisms deposition. Physical vapor can be created by a wide range of
and subsequent deposition of this material onto a substrate as a techniques, which have in common that the atoms are removed
thin film or coating is referred to as physical vapor deposition from a solid or liquid source by physical means, momentum
(PVD) (Mahan 2000, Rossnagel 2003, Thornton 1988). The exchange via thermal evaporation, sublimation, ion sputter-
formation of a vapor refers to a phase transition of the film- ing, electron beam and laser ablation, and/or arc-based emis-
forming material from a solid or liquid phase into a gaseous or sion. Historically, vapor was descriptive for the film-forming
material in evaporation processes, as atoms in a vapor can
Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
be characterized by the equilibrium parameter temperature.
Original content from this work may be used under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Any further However, when describing most modern PVD techniques, the
distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title term ‘vapor’ (the gas phase of a substance at a temperature
of the work, journal citation and DOI. lower than its critical temperature) is somewhat of a misnomer
0963-0252/22/083001+33$33.00 Printed in the UK 1 © 2022 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
since we do not simply deal with the gas phase but with a evaporation provides film-forming species at typical thermal
non-isotropic, directional flux of particles. All forms of sput- energies, significantly below 1 eV, sputter techniques provide
tering, pulsed laser deposition (PLD), and arc processes deliver energetic neutrals of a few eV, as these originate from a colli-
fluxes characterized by a preferred direction and the presence sion cascade in the solid when an ion impinges onto a target
of energetic particles. Often the film-forming material is com- material to be transferred to the substrate. PLD and arc deposi-
posed of atoms or small clusters of atoms of elements that tion create species with even higher energies, which can in both
cannot easily be prepared as a gas phase plasma precursor. The cases exceed 100 eV. Thereby, the various PVD techniques
chemical reactions in the PVD process occur almost entirely provide film-forming species that can span a wide range in
on a surface, preferently the substrate surface. energy. Figure 1(a) shows the typical range of particle energy
PVD processes are often categorized into equilibrium and in the substrate vicinity for a few PVD techniques. The parti-
non-equilibrium processes depending on the ways in which cle energy varies over a wide range both within each technique
the source material is vaporized. The equilibrium processes and between the different techniques. Figure 1(b) shows the
include thermal evaporation, by conventional resistive heating, growth rate range for the different PVD techniques. The result-
as well as electron-beam evaporation. Deposition methods that ing film growth rates also vary over a wide range between
are based on thermal evaporation include molecular beam epi- the different PVD processes. Thermal evaporation deposition
taxy (MBE) and ion plating. Evaporation is easiest to achieve has the highest growth rate but exhibits the lowest energy of
by simply heating the source material, that is placed in an evap- the film-forming species, while the growth rate of ion beam
oration crucible, with a hot filament or conventional resistive and PLD is low, but the energy of the film-forming species is
heating. These methods are often combined with a plasma dis- high. Also, the ionization fraction of the film-forming species
charge, that either provides radicals to the process or ionizes varies between the different methods. In thermal evaporation
the evaporated atoms. In the latter case, a discharge is cre- the film-forming species are mostly neutral, while arc deposi-
ated, located between the evaporant and the substrate, and the tion and PLD produces highly ionized flux of the film-forming
evaporated atoms are ionized as they travel through the dis- species. These process parameters, deposition rate, energy of
charge. In other cases, the evaporation deposition is accompa- the film-forming species and their ionization fraction dictate
nied by simultaneous ion bombardment of the growing film by the microstructure of the deposited film, and therefore the
ions from an ion source. In non-equilibrium evaporation, the properties of the resulting films or coatings. The influence of
film-forming material is fed from an open source, often liquid the ionization fraction in the deposition flux on the film surface
material that evaporates off into a large, low pressure volume. morphology is demonstrated in figure 2, which was obtained
Non-equilibrium processes include sputtering, by ions from a by molecular dynamics simulations of copper film growth,
plasma discharge or by ion beams accelerated from a dedicated comparing fully neutral deposition flux (thermal evaporation),
ion source. 50% ionization and 100% ionization (PLD, cathodic arc) of
Plasma-based PVD processes often use a plasma discharge the deposition flux (Kateb et al 2019). Thermal evaporation
as the source of ions for a sputter process, or the sputter pro- deposition gives films that exhibit very rough surfaces as seen
cess is driven by ions from an ion source. In both cases the in figure 2(a), while with increased ionization of the deposi-
ions are accelerated to a solid target, which is the source of tion flux the films exhibit increasingly smoother surface as
the material to be deposited, the film-forming material. The seen in figure 2(b) for 50% ionization, and for fully ionized
positive ions are preferentially ions of a heavy inert gas such deposition flux in figure 2(c). It is clear from this comparison
as argon. In the former case, sputter deposition is driven by that the ionization fraction has a significant influence on the
positive ions from a plasma discharge that is created and main- microstructure and surface morphology of the resulting film.
tained through electron impact ionization of a low pressure Apart from the growth rate, the energy of the film-forming
inert working gas. As the ions bombard a negatively biased tar- species and the ionization fraction, there are a number of other
get (the cathode) composing the source material, atoms of the issues that have to be considered when choosing a deposi-
film-forming material are ejected and fall onto and coat a sub- tion method for a given application. By application of mag-
strate. The film-forming species released from a solid or liquid netron sputtering, the film properties such as the crystalline
by evaporation or sputtering are generally neutral atoms. Often phase, microstructure, stress, morphology, mechanical prop-
the sputtered species are made to travel through a discharge erties, optical properties, and electrical resistivity can be tuned
where they are ionized, either intentionally or unintentionally. by adjusting the applied power and working gas pressure,
Furthermore, the ion bombardment, in the case of sputtering, while in thermal evaporation deposition there is no control
also induces emission of secondary electrons. In fact the dis- over the energetics of the evaporated species and the resulting
charges are maintained by secondary electron emission from film properties. In sputter deposition, the composition of alloy
the cathode (diode sputter source) or by Ohmic heating, or targets is generally reproduced in the deposited film, while
the combination of the two (magnetron sputtering discharge). in thermal evaporation the composition of the resulting film
Another plasma-based PVD process is cathodic arc (including depends on the relative vapor pressure of the constituent ele-
vacuum arc) deposition, characterized by a high flux of ionized ments, which makes it a challenge to deposit alloys. In recent
cathode material. decades there has been a trend of combining the different depo-
The energy, or more precisely the energy distribution, sition techniques for thin film deposition, surface modification,
of the film-forming species can have a significant influence or surface treatment, in order to optimize throughput, and to
on the properties of the deposited film. Whereas thermal achieve the desired thin film properties.
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
Figure 2. Surface topology of copper films obtained by molecular dynamics simulations assuming (a) fully neutral deposition flux, (b) 50%
ionization of the deposition flux, and (c) full ionization of the deposition flux, while assuming the same deposition time and energy
distribution of the film-forming species. The deep blue indicates substrate surface and red denotes thickness higher than 6 nm. Reprinted
with permission from Kateb et al (2019). Copyright 2019, American Vacuum Society.
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
unit surface area per unit time called the impingement rate Φ
(molecules cm−2 s−1 ) (Harper 1990)
αv A cos φ cos θ
Φ= √ (pv − p), (8)
πr2 2nMkB T
where φ is the angle from source normal to substrate, θ is the
angle from substrate normal to the source, and r is the source-
to-substrate distance. This leads to a deposition rate DR on the
DR = 107 (nm s−1 ), (9)
Figure 4. The vapor pressure versus temperature for various
elemental materials. Reprinted from Gall (2005), Copyright (2005),
where ρ (g cm−3 ) is the deposited film mass density, M
with permission from Elsevier. (g/mole) is the molecular weight of the evaporating species,
and N0 is Avogadro number. However, due to the roughly
exponential dependence of vapor pressure on temperature
condensation rate. The vapor pressure is temperature depen- (equation (6)) it is a challenge to control the flux from
dent. The vapor pressure that develops over a solid or liquid the source. Under typical vacuum deposition conditions, the
can be estimated using the Clausius–Clapeyron equation vaporizing material is not in equilibrium with its vapor, how-
ever it arrives at the substrate at the impingement rate given
dpv ΔHv by equation (8) at the given vapor pressure determined by the
= (4)
dT T(vg − vs ) source temperature. Due to this thermal evaporation deposition
systems have to be feedback controlled based on measuring the
where Hv is the heat of vaporation, v g the molar volume of
deposition rate.
the vapor, v s the molar volume of the sublimating solid and/or
Evaporation is very effective for depositing materials of
the evaporating liquid. The molar volume in the liquid or solid
high vapor pressure (which are often materials of low melt-
state is very small in comparison with that of the vapor phase
ing point). A major drawback of thermal evaporation depo-
so that v g − v s ≈ v g ≈ RT/pv , where R is the universal gas
sition is the difficulty in forming alloy films from a single
constant, and
d(ln pv ) ΔHv crucible (Rossnagel 2003). As each element has its own tem-
=− . (5) perature–vapor pressure relation the evaporation rate of two
d(1/T) R
elements in a common crucible or boat is generally very dif-
If the heat of evaporation is assumed to be a constant we find ferent. The element with higher vapor pressure will evaporate
at a higher rate, leaving behind the lower vapor pressure ele-
pv ∝ exp(−ΔHv /RT). (6) ment. The substrate will therefore receive first the higher vapor
pressure element and at a lower rate the lower vapor pressure
The exponential dependence of the vapor pressure with tem-
element. This can be solved by having a source crucible for
perature indicates that small variations in temperature can
each element and adjust the flux to the desired level. This is
lead to large changes in the vapor pressure and the conden-
referred to as co-evaporation, but it is a challenge to operate in
sation rate. The vapor pressure is shown versus temperature
controlled manner. Therefore, due to these difficulties thermal
for various elemental materials in figure 4.
evaporation is typically not used to deposit alloy films.
The main advantages of thermal evaporation deposition are
The film microstructure can be greatly improved, resulting
high-deposition rates and that the source material can be sup-
in enhanced film properties, if the depositing film is bom-
plied in a simple form. The rate of evaporation is given by the
barded with energetic particles (ions and/or neutrals). One
Hertz–Knudsen equation
approach to improve the properties of evaporated thin films
1 dN αv is ion plating, which is discussed in section 2.3. Another
= √ (pv − p), (7) approach is called metal-vapor plasma deposition. Then, the
A dt 2nMkB T
evaporated flux is directed through an electrodeless discharge
where A is the emitting surface area, N is the number of gas as it travels toward the substrate. This has been demonstrated
atoms or molecules, αv the evaporation coefficient, pv is the using electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) discharge to ion-
equilibrium vapor pressure at the evaporant surface, p is the ize the copper vapor that was thermally evaporated (Holber
hydrostatic pressure acting on the surface, M is the molecular 2000, Holber et al 1993). This setup is shown in figure 5. A
weight of the evaporated atoms, kB is Boltzmann’s constant microwave (2.45 GHz) is fed into a vacuum chamber through
and T is the temperature. The flux of material evaporating from a quartz window. Four electromagnets create the magnetic field
a circular area of uniform temperature exhibits a cosine angu- required for efficient microwave absorption, creation of a dis-
lar distribution, with its maximum normal to the emitting area. charge, and transport of the plasma to the substrate. Copper is
The arrival rate onto a substrate can be calculated assuming evaporated from a resistively heated source, which is continu-
a cosine angular distribution to account for the relative posi- ously replenished through the use of an in-vacuum wire feeder.
tions and orientations of the substrate and emitting areas. This The evaporated copper atoms enter the resonance zone of the
gives an arrival rate or the number of particles incident upon a discharge, the plasma is created from the evaporated metal, and
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
will be heated down to 1/αs , independent of pulse duration. radiation is stronger attenuated than UV radiation). Note in
Furthermore, shorter wavelengths also lead to shallower light particular that the absorption coefficient scales as ∝ ne ni and
penetration depths and consequently lower threshold fluences therefore the plasma plume absorbs the incident laser radiation
and ablation rates. Transfer of energy from the electrons to mainly at distances very close to the target surface where the
the lattice occurs within a few picoseconds, and heating of the densities of the charged particles are very high. The ablation
absorption layer will begin. When the laser pulse duration is rate exhibits a strongly decreasing process efficiency as the flu-
shorter than the electron–phonon coupling process, conven- ence increases and this has been related to light attenuation and
tional thermal absorption is significantly limited, and other extinction in the laser-induced plasma/vapor plume. For lasers
thermophysical effects play more important roles. For pulse in the infrared, inverse bremsstrahlung is known to be the
lengths τ p that exceed the electron–phonon coupling time, the dominating absorption mechanism, while the effect of inverse
electron–phonon coupling leads to material ablation that pro- bremsstrahlung is expected to play a minor role for excimer
ceeds via conventional heat absorption. This process is limited laser ablation. Also the wavelength does not only affect the
within a depth of tens to hundreds of nanometers. However, absorption by the target material but also the absorption by the
the thermal diffusion lengths are only of this order when using resulting plasma plume, which has higher absorption at longer
femtosecond pulses. Therefore, only when 1/αs T the pho- wavelengths. The plume ionization toward the end of the laser
ton energy is efficiently thermally transported and deposited pulse is in the range 10%–100%, but then decreases again
into the absorption layer. For metals, the optical absorption due to electron recombination as the plume travels toward the
depth is smaller than the thermal diffusion length. Therefore, substrate.
the energy from the laser pulse is first transferred into the The third stage (iii) is the expansion of the plume as the
absorption layer, followed by a thermal transport of the order ejected species (which may include atoms, molecules, elec-
of the thermal diffusion length, which is proportional to τp . trons, ions, clusters, and micron-sized particulates) travel away
For ceramics, the thermal diffusion length is shorter than the from the target surface at high mass transport velocity as the
optical absorption depth and the target will be heated over a ablated species travel toward the substrate. In most cases, PLD
distance similar to the optical absorption depth, regardless of is a strongly forward oriented deposition technique and most
pulse duration. This makes it possible to achieve significant of the deposited material is contained within an angular range
material removal even at low laser fluence and with minimum of ±30◦ (Ojeda-G-P et al 2018). Finally, the material that
ionization. composes the plume condenses on a substrate as a thin film.
During the second stage (ii), the photon absorbtion is fol- Typically, PLD uses nanosecond pulses, since for longer
lowed by target material vaporization and formation of plasma. pulses thermal effects with droplet formation can dominate.
Species in the heated area are ejected from the target creat- For ultrashort (femtosecond) pulse nanoparticles are often
ing a plume while they continue to absorb energy from the produced, which may be desired for some specific applica-
photon beam. This is particularly the case for excimer lasers tions. The common pulsed laser sources include a CO2 laser
that exhibit pulses lasting several tens of nanoseconds. For (λ = 10.6 μm), Nd–YAG laser (1064 nm) and up to the fifth
pulses shorter than 1 picosecond, the plasma forms at the end harmonic outputs (213 nm), femtosecond lasers using hybrid
of a laser pulse. The laser ablation creates a plume that is dye/excimer and Ti:sapphire as well as XeCl (308 nm), KrF
composed of a mix of various species, including electrons, (248 nm), ArF (193 nm), and F2 (157 nm) excimer lasers.
positive and negative ions as well as neutrals, all of which The advantages of photon beam evaporation include (i) the
can be in either excited or ground states. Furthermore, there production of ionized and excited species with high kinetic
can be diatomics and clusters in the plume. The main absorp- energies, (ii) numerous compounds can be evaporated in a
tion process in the plume is inverse bremsstrahlung, which similar way with negligible heating of the target, (iii) instanta-
involves the attenuation of the photon flux by inelastic scat- neous control of the evaporation process, and (iv) high vacuum
tering with free electrons. The heating of the plasma plume compatibility. The PLD technique is limited by the fact that
is determined by the plasma absorption coefficient αp , which the area of the photon beam is fairly small, and consequently
depends on the plasma temperature, wavelength, pulse dura- depositing on large area substrates is challenging. Therefore,
tion and the species density in the plasma plume, which in PLD is almost entirely used for research purposes, that is to
turn depends on the degree of ionization, evaporation rate, develop and study new materials on a small scale. An example
and the plasma expansion velocities. The absorption coeffi- of this is the development of the YBa2 Cu3 O7 high Tc super-
cient for the plasma plume can be expressed as (Ready 1971, conductors which were deposited using pulsed excimer laser
Spitzer 1956) evaporation (Dijkkamp et al 1987), and is currently the dom-
inant commercial application of PLD. The advantage of PLD
1/2 for this application is the possibility of a stoichiometric trans-
4 2π n e n i Z 2 e6
αp = 3/2
[1 − exp(−hν/kB T)], fer of multielement compounds from a single target to the
3 3kB T hcme ν 3 substrate that is achieved for (some) complex materials.
PLD has been discussed in a number of review articles
where Z is the average charge, ne is the electron density, ni is through the years (Cheung and Horwitz 1992, Cheung and
the ion density, T is the plasma temperature, h Planck’s con- Sankur 1988, Fujioka 2015, Shen et al 2004, Willmott and
stant, and ν is the frequency of the laser light (e.g., infrared Huber 2000) as well as in books such as Eason (2007).
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
Figure 12. An example of a temperature schedule for the source and Figure 13. A schematic showing selected fundamental processes
the substrate employed in CSS deposition of CdTe on CdS single that occur due to ion bombardment of a solid target. Reprinted from
crystal substrate. Based on data from Mitchell et al (1975). Bundesmann and Neumann (2018), with the permission of AIP
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
The sputter process is described by the sputter yield Y(Ei , θi ) the reviews given by Hofer (1991) and Gnaser (2007) or the
which is defined as the mean number of atoms removed from a original work of Thompson (1968, 1981) and Sigmund (1969).
target surface for each incident ion, and depends on the energy
of the incident ion Ei , the angle of incidence θi , the ion mass
3.2. Diode sputter devices
Mi , and the surface binding energy of the target material Esb .
Various empirical formulas for the sputter yield as a function The dc diode sputter discharge is composed of a cathode target
of ion bombarding energy and data for various combinations of placed within a vacuum chamber connected to an external high
bombarding ions and target materials are given by e.g. Yama- voltage power supply. The negative applied voltage is often in
mura and Tawara (1996) and/or Eckstein (2007). The sput- the range 2000–5000 V. The negatively biased cathode is typi-
ter yield for a given impacting species on a given target, as cally electrically isolated from ground and the grounded cham-
a function of the energy of the incident particle, can also be ber often serves as the anode. The substrate, on which the film
calculated using computer codes such as TRIM (Transport of is deposited, is placed on a substrate holder or substrate table.
Ions in Matter) (Biersack and Haggmark 1980), SRIM (Stop- This discharge arrangement was used as a sputter source for
ping and Range of Ions in Matter) (Ziegler et al 2008, 2010) decades, commonly referred to as diode sputtering or cathodic
and TRIDYN (A TRIM simulation code including dynamic sputtering (Kay 1962, Vossen and Cuomo 1978, Westwood
composition changes) (Möller and Eckstein 1984, Möller et al 1976). Figure 14 shows a cross section of a dc diode sputter
1988). tool that consists of a sputter fixture (the cathode target) and a
The atoms that are ejected from the cathode target have concentric substrate table that sits inside a metal cylinder with
considerable energy, and the sputtered neutrals exhibit a broad a shutter located in between. A bias can be applied to the sub-
energy distribution which is described by the Thompson ran- strate table, but the substrate table can also be electrically float-
dom collision cascade model (Thompson 1968, 1981) and ing. The distance between the cathode and the substrate holder
often referred to as the Sigmund–Thompson distribution func- is generally short and these discharges are often configured as
tion and approximated by low aspect ratio discharges, as the inter-electrode separation
Et is small compared to the size of the cathode. Cathode diam-
f S−T ∝ , (12) eters are typically in the range 10–30 cm while the spacing
(Et + Esb )3−2m
between the cathode and substrate holder is 5 to 10 cm. Almost
where Et is the energy of the target species, Esb is the surface all the applied voltage appears across the cathode sheath (cath-
binding energy of the target material and m is the exponent ode dark space or the cathode fall). Consequently, the power
in the interaction potential applied V(r) ∝ r−m (Hofer 1991). applied to the discharge is almost completely used to acceler-
This model describes an energy distribution that peaks sharply ate the ions across the cathode fall to the cathode target. Ion
at 12 Esb , followed by a gradual decrease to higher energies bombardment of the cathode ejects atoms in addition to emis-
(∝ 1/Et2 ). The Sigmund–Thompson energy distribution func- sion of secondary electrons. The ejected atoms of the cathode
tion, given by equation (12), slightly overestimates the proba- material constitute the film-forming material. Due to the bom-
bility to sputter-eject energetic atoms. A modified distribution bardment by ions the cathode target heats up and therefore it
function was introduced by Stepanova and Dew (2004), where is desirable to cool the cathode with cooling fluid. The cath-
a cutoff energy Emax was added to better reflect experimentally ode fall is followed by the negative glow, a plasma composed
measured profiles of equal numbers of electrons and ions. The negative glow
n extends almost to the anode and the positive column is com-
Et + Esb monly absent. However, a short anode zone where the slightly
f S−D = f S−T 1 − . (13)
Emax + Et positive plasma potential returns back to zero at the anode,
is present. This configuration is referred to as an obstructed
Typical values of the constants are n = 1, m = 0.2 (Stepanova
abnormal dc glow discharge. A detailed and practical descrip-
and Dew 2004), and Emax = 20 eV (Lundin et al 2013). Since
tion of a dc diode sputter device with substrate bias capability
Esb is typically in the range 3–6 eV, most sputtered atoms are
is given by Vossen and O’Neill (1968).
emitted with energy in the range 1.5–3 eV.
The dc sputter source forms a weakly ionized discharge
The ejected atoms exhibit an angular distribution that
that is dominated by collisions between the neutral atoms.
depends on the direction of the incoming particles. Yamamura
Some of the energetic secondary electrons can pass through
et al (Yamamura 1981, Yamamura et al 1991) give equations
the discharge without colliding with an atom and are lost to the
for the angular distribution of sputtered species due to ion
substrate or the chamber walls. Therefore, they do not create
bombardment under normal incidence
new ions nor electrons that maintain the discharge but instead
Θ(Et , θt ) ∝ cos θt (1 + B cos2 θt ), (14) cause substrate heating. Consequently, the working gas pres-
sure must be high enough that the secondary electrons are not
where B is a fitting parameter that defines the shape of the lost to the grounded surfaces before performing ionization.
angular sputter distribution. A cosine distribution corresponds However, at these pressures the sputtered atoms experience
to B = 0, while B > 0 and B < 0 describe angular distribu- scattering by the working gas atoms. Hence, there is a narrow
tions of over-, under-cosine, and heart-shaped types, respec- pressure range around 2–4 Pa for dc glow discharge sputtering
tively. A more thorough discussion on the ion energy and ion to be viable. At this operating pressure, the cathode dark space
angular distribution of the sputtered species can be found in extends about 1–2 cm from the cathode, while the ion-neutral
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Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
Figure 15. The (a) voltage waveform across the discharge and (b) the current density at an rf plasma boundary.
3.2.2. Deposition rate. The rate at which the film-forming A magnetron sputtering discharge is a magnetically enhanced
species are sputtered off the cathode target depends on the flux, diode sputter tool. It is based on magnetically trapping elec-
type and energy of the incident particles, the working gas ions trons in the cathode vicinity. This is typically achieved by
as well as the target material. The sputter rate is proportional placing permanent magnets near the back of the cathode tar-
to the discharge current when the applied voltage is kept fixed. get. This method is usually referred to as dc magnetron sput-
The maximum achievable discharge current density is roughly tering (dcMS) when driven by dc voltage or current source.
1 mA cm−2 and the deposition rate 0.2 nm s−1 at best. Further- A schematic of a circular planar magnetron magnet assem-
more, the sputter power efficiency (sputtered atoms/ion-volt) bly, including the magnets and the cathode target, is shown in
is low in these discharges. Note that rf sputtering can be per- figure 17. The magnetic field lines arch, from a center mag-
formed at lower working gas pressures (<1 Pa) than is viable net to an outer magnet ring, above the target surface. The
for dc diode sputtering. However, the sputter rate is very low as various magnetron sputtering configurations typically utilize
dielectrics can have sputter yields as low as one tenth of those a static magnetic field in the range ∼20–50 mT. The rela-
of metals. The low deposition rate is a significant drawback to tively weak magnetic field confines the electrons near the cath-
these tools. ode target surface while the ion trajectories are not directly
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
Figure 20. A schematic of the magnet configuration in planar magnetron sputtering discharges. The three cases, (a) all the field lines that
originate from the central magnet enter the annular magnet (balanced), (b) all the field lines originate from the central magnet, while some
do not enter the annular magnet (unbalanced type I), and (c) all the field lines originate from the annular magnet, and some do not enter the
cylindrical central magnet (unbalanced type II). Reprinted from Gudmundsson and Lundin (2020), Copyright (2020), with permission from
perfectly balanced magnetron assembly is not necessarily the a joining of the magnetic field lines, in a mirrored closed
optimal magnetic field design, because the unbalanced con- arrangement. That way the magnetic field lines are linked and
figuration created by a difference in the strength of the center maximize the trapping of electrons. Then the losses to the
magnet and the magnets along the periphery of the magnetron chamber walls are low and the substrate sits in a high density
assembly allows plasma also to escape toward the substrate. By plasma. It has been demonstrated that operation in the closed
strengthening the central magnet with respect to the outer mag- field configuration results in a significant increase of the ion-
net, some of the field lines are directed to the chamber walls to-atom ratio incident on the substrate as compared to a single
and the plasma density in the substrate vicinity is low. This target unbalanced magnetron, while the deposition rate is not
arrangement is called unbalanced magnetron assembly of type significantly influenced (Kelly and Arnell 1998). On the con-
I (Window and Savvides 1986) and is shown schematically trary, in the mirrored arrangement, the field lines are directed
in figure 20(b). When the magnetic field of the outer pole is toward the chamber walls. In that case some of the energetic
strengthened relative to the central pole some of the field lines secondary electrons follow these field lines and are lost from
are directed toward the substrate and others are closed between the discharge, resulting in a low plasma density in the substrate
the central and outer magnet poles. Consequently, the elec- region.
trons can travel toward the substrate region which increases the
ionization in the substrate vicinity. This allows ions to reach 3.3.3. The discharge voltage and current waveforms.
the substrate, and then by biasing the substrate, the ion bom- Depending on the application, the applied target voltage can
bardment energy can be controlled. This arrangement of the be direct current (dc), radio frequency (rf ) or pulsed. This can
magnetron assembly is referred to as unbalanced magnetron be achieved by a power, current, or voltage source, depending
assembly of type II (Window and Savvides 1986) and is shown on the regulation method applied. A particular waveform is
schematically in figure 20(c). selected to avoid instabilities, to provide a high ionization
In order to exploit the magnetron sputtering technology flux fraction of the sputtered species, to allow sputtering from
commercially, sputter systems with two or more magnetron two targets, or to make it possible to sputter from insulating
assemblies can be arranged to maximize the plasma density targets. A prominent instability is the so called arcing, which
in the substrate vicinity. For two magnetron assemblies facing is essentially the onset of an unwanted cathodic arc mode of
each other it can be either described as ‘mirrored’ (like poles the discharge, detectable by the appearance of cathode spots
face each other) or as ‘closed’ (opposite poles face each other) and a simultaneous sharp reduction in voltage between the
field configuration (Sproul et al 1990). In the latter case the anode and cathode, and sudden rise in the discharge current
closing of the magnetic field lines forms a magnetic electron (Anders 2006). Such instabilities are either initiated by
trap that confines the electrons in the region between the cath- thermionic emission of electrons at hot spots on the cathode
odes, where the substrate is typically placed. The effect can be surface or by the dielectric breakdown of insulating layers.
further amplified by combining several unbalanced magnetron These extreme events are detrimental for the coating being
assemblies into a single system such as the closed-field unbal- deposited as well as for the power supplies and need to be
anced magnetron sputtering (CFUBMS) arrangement, which avoided. In most commercial power supplies, an arc control is
provides a high plasma density in the substrate vicinity (Kelly implemented, which temporarily shuts off the power in case
and Arnell 2000, Monaghan et al 1993). The industrial sys- of current spikes induced by these arcs.
tems often consist of multiple long rectangular cathodes [even The dc magnetron sputtering discharge is ideal for deposit-
numbers of magnetron assemblies (2, 4, 6, 8)] that surround ing thin metallic films from electrically conducting targets.
rotating workpieces. Typically, the magnetic configuration of For the deposition from thick electrically insulating (often
the neighboring magnetron assemblies alternates to achieve compound) target materials, rf power needs to be applied. The
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
discussion in section 3.2.1 on rf diode sputtering, including including the chamber walls become covered with an insulat-
the formation of dc-self-bias, applies to rf magnetron sputter- ing oxide. This arrangement is often applied when depositing
ing (rfMS) as well. As the cathode target is of different surface on large area architectural and automotive glass with large
area than the anode, a dc self-bias develops and is responsible rotating cathode targets (Brückner et al 2005) as shown in
for the ion acceleration through the sheath and onto the cath- figure 19(a) with two rotating cylindrical targets side by side.
ode target. The dc-self-bias biases the plasma positively with The ac frequency is nominally 40 kHz, however, sometimes
respect to the electrode and appears for all target materials, the frequency is varied between 10 and 100 kHz to adjust
metallic or dielectric. An important example of the applica- the power delivered to the cathode by frequency modulation
tion of rfMS is the deposition of ZnO, a transparent conducting (Scherer et al 1992).
oxide, thin films from a ZnO target (Petrea and Stamate 2021, The waveform can also be unipolar high power pulses and
Stamate 2020). The main advantage of sputtering a ceramic then the process is referred to as high power pulsed mag-
target in this case is the fact that the oxygen atom for film for- netron sputtering (HPPMS). By pulsing the power to the cath-
mation is released from the target surface during sputtering ode target with a high peak power density, a high electron
and therefore it is easier to achieve stable deposition condi- density can be achieved. The unipolar pulse can be a sin-
tions instead of having to deal with the complications that arise gle pulse or be composed of a train of pulses, micropulses,
with feedback control in reactive sputtering (see section 3.3.5). the different approaches all fall under the HPPMS umbrella.
A significant drawback for the application of rfMS is that the When the power density is very high and the duty cycle short
deposition rate is rather low and the costs of manufacturing the process is referred to as high power impulse magnetron
ceramic targets through powder metallurgy can be high. sputtering (HiPIMS) (Anders 2017, Gudmundsson et al 2012,
Pulsed magnetron sputtering is utilized in a number of Kouznetsov et al 1999, Sarakinos et al 2010). In HiPIMS oper-
applications. The pulse can be either an asymmetric bipolar ation the repetition frequency is low, typically in the range
pulse or an unipolar pulse depending on the application. One 50–5000 Hz, the pulses are short 10–400 μs, the duty cycle
of the most important application of magnetron sputtering is is short or 1%–3%, and the peak power density is high or
reactive sputtering to deposit compound films such as oxides, pt > 0.5 kW cm−2 . These discharges reach high electron den-
nitrides or carbides, in which a metal target is sputtered inside sities and exhibit significant ionization of the sputtered species.
a discharge of reactive gas. Reactive sputtering is a topic of When the unipolar pulse shape is modulated, the pulses are
significant importance and will be discussed in section 3.3.5, longer, and the peak power density lower than in HiPIMS oper-
and is typically performed using asymmetric bipolar wave- ation, it is called modulated pulse power magnetron sputtering
form. The asymmetric bipolar mid-frequency magnetron sput- (MPPMS). Pulsing the discharge not only increases the elec-
tering discharge was designed to optimize the deposition of tron density and the ion flux to the substrate, it also increases
insulating films from conductive targets trough reactive sput- the average particle energy. Furthermore, the capabilities of the
tering (Sellers 1998). Then the polarity of the target voltage is sputter process are enhanced through control of pulse duration,
alternated between negative and positive in each period and repetition frequency, and duty parameters.
the negative voltage pulse amplitude is larger than the pos- During the initial stage of the pulse in MPPMS operation (a
itive (roughly 10%–20% of the negative voltage amplitude) few hundred microseconds) the power level is moderate (sim-
voltage pulse amplitude, and there is no off time between ilar to dcMS levels), followed by a high-power pulse (lasting
the different polarities. A significant portion of each cycle is a few hundred microseconds up to a millisecond). The result-
spent in the sputter mode, and the deposition rate from an ing pulse is referred to as a macro-pulse. The macro-pulse can
asymmetric waveform can approach that of a dcMS. There- be up to 3 ms long, and the repetition frequencies are in the
fore, asymmetric bipolar magnetron sputtering is sometimes lower end of HiPIMS operation. The macro-pulse is composed
referred to as pulsed dc magnetron sputtering. The asymmetric of a train of shorter micro-pulses that appear with frequencies
bipolar waveform is applied to prevent arcing on the target sur- in the range of several tens of kHz. The on- and off-times of
face during the deposition of non-conducting films. The rep- these micro-pulses, which are typically up to several tens of
etition frequency is typically in the medium frequency range μs wide, as well as their frequency can be altered within the
(10–250 kHz) when depositing dielectric films (Schiller et al macro-pulses. Using this approach, varying the micro-pulse
1993, Sellers 1998). frequency and the ‘on’- and ‘off’-times, arbitrary tailored cath-
Sometimes symmetric bipolar or mid-frequency alternat- ode voltage and discharge current waveforms can be created,
ing current (ac) waveforms are applied for the reactive sputter including what appears to be a multi-step pulse (Chistyakov
deposition of oxide coatings from two targets, called dual mag- and Abraham 2009, Hála 2011, Hála et al 2012, Liebig et al
netron sputtering (Este and Westwood 1988, Heister et al 2000, 2011, Lin et al 2011). One variation to the power delivery is to
Scherer et al 1992). The two targets, often placed side by side, apply packets (or macro-pulses) that consist of a sequence of
are both connected to the same symmetric bipolar pulser. In tightly packed micro-pulses whose duration is only a few μs,
this arrangement one target serves as an anode for the sys- referred to as deep oscillation magnetron sputtering (DOMS)
tem, while the other serves as the cathode target. The roles (Ferreira et al 2016, 2014). By varying the oscillation pulse
of the targets are switched when the discharge voltage polar- ‘on’ and ‘off’ times, the peak target voltage and discharge cur-
ity changes, and a clean target takes over as an anode in each rent can be tailored. The duration of the macro-pulse in DOMS
cycle. This approach eliminates what is referred to as the dis- is 1–3 ms, and the repetition frequency is typically below
appearing anode problem, which can occur when all surfaces 500 Hz. For easier comparison the power delivery in dcMS,
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instabilities such as the formation of spokes with a traveling powers (Biskup et al 2018). At the same time, the growth
pattern of a region of enhanced ionization with a wavelength rate per invested power significantly decreases with increas-
of a few centimetres (Brenning et al 2013). From an engineer- ing HiPIMS pulse power due to the return effect close to the
ing perspective, the occurrence of these instabilities or plasma target. However, this decrease in the growth rate was mitigated,
inhomogeneities are an unwanted aspect for any application. when spokes form in the HiPIMS discharges. The modulation
However, the traveling velocity of these patterns is very high, of the electrical potential in front of the target surface by the
so that any inhomogeneity in the plasma discharge has aver- rotating spokes has been corroborated by emissive probe mea-
aged out in the deposition flux. Moreover, the plasma patterns surements by Panjan and Anders (2017) for low power dis-
are also the source of internal electric fields in the plasma charges and by synchronised Langmuir probe measurements
that enhance the transport of charged species from the target (Held et al 2020) for high power cases. The modulation of
to the substrate and thereby mitigate the return effect. Note the plasma potential due to the presence of a spoke largely
that electron transport across magnetic field lines is governed removes the electric field in the magnetic trap region point-
by instabilities as opposed to classical diffusion. It is gener- ing toward the target. This mitigates very efficiently the return
ally accepted that instabilities and anomalous transport across effect in HiPIMS plasmas. In addition, azimuthal electric fields
the magnetic field lines plays a significant role, however there also induce an anomalous electron transport out of the mag-
exist currently no consensus nor real quantification of these netic trap region and thus enhance the transport of plasma to
phenomena in magnetron sputtering discharges. the substrate. Based on particle-in-cell Monte Carlo collision
Most prominent of these instabilities are spokes or bright simulations it has been proposed that the spokes appear due to
plasma emission zones that move azimuthally along the modified Simon–Hoh instability that evolves into ionization
plasma torus with a specific mode number above the cath- instability and is sustained by local electron power absorption
ode (Anders 2012, Ehiasarian et al 2012, Kozyrev et al 2011). induced by ∇B drift along a double layer (Boeuf and Takahashi
These ionization zones rotate in the E × B direction with 2020a, 2020b).
velocities in the range of typically 10 km s−1 at high tar-
get power densities. They were coined spokes due to their 3.3.5. Reactive magnetron sputtering. Reactive sputtering is
similarity with rotating spokes observed in Hall thrusters the process of sputtering an elemental target in a gas mix-
(Janes and Lowder 1966). The velocity of the spokes corre- ture of the inert working gas and a reactive gas (e.g. O2 , N2 ,
sponds to the velocity of a plasma excitation or plasma wave, CH4 , etc) to deposit compound films. Compound films can
because they travel slower than the electrons with a velocity of also be deposited by sputtering a compound target. A com-
100 km s−1 along the plasma torus (Krüger et al 2018, Rauch pound refers to chemical binding between at least two chem-
and Anders 2013), but faster than the ions with a veloc- ical elements where at least one is a metal and the other
ity of a few km s−1 (Poolcharuansin et al 2012). A typi- is non-metal (Strijckmans et al 2018). By reactive sputter-
cal image of a plasma pattern on a rectangular chromium ing a range of compounds can be deposited from a low-cost
target (3.5 × 10 ) taken with a fast intensified charge- metal target by addition of an appropriate reactive gas to the
coupled device (ICCD) camera is shown in figure 22 (Preissing noble working gas. This includes hard transition metal nitride
2016). The rotation direction is in the E × B direction at high based coatings, transparent conductive oxides, dielectric lay-
plasma power and in retrograde E × B direction at low plasma ers and photo-catalytically active layers. Reactive magnetron
powers (Anders and Yang 2017). sputtering is therefore of significant industrial and technologi-
The spoke phenomenon is very dynamic since the dis- cal importance as the majority of commercially important thin
charge current during a HiPIMS pulse strongly varies within films and coatings are compounds (Kelly 2011). Such coat-
each single pulse. In industrial applications, with large rect- ings are typically deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering
angular magnetron assemblies elongated spokes appear on the using asymmetric bipolar mid-frequency, rf or unipolar pulsed
straight parts of the target racetrack, and ‘bunching’ of spokes (HiPIMS) waveforms. Reactive sputter deposition is a very
is observed in the curved parts of the racetrack (Anders and important topic and for further details the readers are referred
Yang 2017, Bobzin et al 2017, Preissing 2016). Such a bunch- to a recent tutorial by Strijckmans et al (2018), a review by
ing can be easily explained since the E × B drift velocity scales Sproul et al (2005), and in the context of HiPIMS (R-HiPIMS),
with 1/B and because the velocity of spokes is proportional to a tutorial by Anders (2017).
this drift velocity they slow down in the corners of a rectan- The sputter yield of the compound material is typically sub-
gular target where the magnetic field is stronger. The plasma stantially lower than the sputter yield of the elemental target
density in a spoke is of the order of 1019 m−3 . Ions exhibit also material. Consequently, the deposition rate decreases as the
very high temperatures in the range of a few eV, due to thermal- flow rate of the reactive gas is increased and compound is
ization of the energetic sputtered metal neutral flux (Held et al formed on the target surface, and fewer atoms of the elemen-
2018). The ion energy distribution is dominated by low energy tal target material are sputtered and fewer reactive gas species
ions, but exhibits a high energy tail. Ions are also ejected side- are consumed. This appears as a sudden and sharp rise in the
ways with an average velocity that is different in or against reactive gas partial pressure and the resulting deposited film
the E × B direction (Franz et al 2016, Panjan et al 2014, Yang becomes rich in reactive gas species. It also indicates that the
et al 2015). The ionized flux fraction continuously increases relationship between the compound film composition and the
with increasing peak power density up to values close to 80%, flow rate of reactive gas is non-linear. Similarly, the deposi-
indicating film growth by incident ions only at very higher tion rate shows a non-linear dependence on the flow rate of the
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
Figure 22. ICCD image of spokes, rotating along the race track above a chromium target (3.5 × 10 ) at different target current densities, as
indicated. Reproduced with permission from Preissing (2016).
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
pressure pRG is a smooth curve, a function of the target com- 1982). Bombarding the growing film with ions of the noble
pound fraction. Therefore, the partial pressure is suitable as a working gas can create residual ion-induced compressive
control parameter, and the transition between the metal mode stress in the film, while bombarding the growing film with
and the compound mode is continuous (Sproul 1998). the ions of the film-forming material has several advantages:
A feedback control loop requires a precise measurement of improvement of the film quality, and improved step coverage
the parameter that characterizes the process state. However, and conformity (Greczynski et al 2019). Furthermore, by
direct measurement of partial pressures calls for specialized ionizing the sputtered species, the ion bombarding energy
instrumentation, which is not always available. This can be at the substrate can be controlled by applying a substrate
realized by quadrupole mass spectrometry of the reactive gas bias. Additionally, a directional deposition and collimation
species (Sproul et al 2005, Sproul and Tomashek 1984), by of these ions with the plasma sheath adjacent to the wafer is
optical emission spectrometry to detect the sputtered metal made possible. A PVD process where the flux of ions Γi is
species (Schiller et al 1987, 1982), or by using the cathode larger than the flux of neutrals Γn for the sputtered species, or
voltage as the feedback signal (Affinito and Parsons 1984). The Γi > Γn , is called ionized physical vapor deposition (IPVD)
mass spectrometer provides a direct reading of the particular (Hopwood 2000). Achieving highly ionized flux of the
reactive gas species while the optical emission spectrometry sputtered material was initially based on the application of
reading and the cathode voltage are indirect measures of the a secondary discharge to create a dense plasma between the
partial pressure. evaporation or sputter source of the film-forming material and
An optical emission spectrometer can detect an optical the substrate so that a large fraction of the sputtered atoms are
emission from metal species that are excited during the reac- ionized (see section 3.3.7).
tive sputter process. This signal can be applied in a feedback The dominating ionization process in IPVD discharges is
control loop which is then used to adjust the reactive gas flow electron impact ionization, and to ionize the sputtered species
rate often through a piezoelectric valve (Schiller et al 1987, the average distance it travels before being ionized has to be
1982), an approach that is referred to as a plasma-emission reasonably short. The ionization mean free path for electron
monitor. A monotonic relation exists between the emission impact ionization is given by
intensity of a characteristic line of the sputtered species and the
degree of oxidation of the deposited layer. In a reactive sput- λiz = , (20)
ter process, the metal line intensity exhibits a pronounced drop kiz ne
with increased compound coverage of the target. The increased where v s is the velocity of the sputtered neutral atoms, kiz is the
target coverage is accompanied by a reduction in the ion cur- electron impact ionization rate coefficient and ne is the electron
rent onto the target which, consequently, causes a reduction in density. In dcMS operation ne ∼ 1015 –1017 m−3 and λiz ∼ 1 m
the metal sputter rate. These optical emission based methods and the fractional ionization of the sputtered atoms is expected
are fast and of relatively low cost. to be low. For ne ∼ 1018 m−3 and λiz is tens of cm. These are
Note that the pumping speed also plays a significant role. the typical parameters for a IPVD systems based on a sec-
At sufficiently high pumping speeds the hysteresis may be ondary inductively coupled plasma (ICP) or ECR discharge.
avoided (Kadlec et al 1986, Okamoto and Serikawa 1986). The For electron density of 1019 m−3 , the densities achieved in the
absolute value of such a critical pumping speed, however, can HiPIMS discharge, the ionization mean free path is of the order
often be unrealistically high and therefore it is often practically of one cm. The high electron density is therefore the key to
unfeasible. Also, it is not economical. achieve a high degree of ionization of the sputtered material.
The ionization of the sputtered species is typically given as the
3.3.6. Ionized physical vapor deposition and ionization ionized flux fraction of species s as (Hopwood 1998)
processes. In a sputter deposition process the sputtered
species are released from the cathode target as atoms or (s) Γ(s)
Fflux = , (21)
molecules. For magnetron sputtering discharges driven by dc, Γ(s)
i + Γ(s)
rf and asymmetric bipolar waveforms, the film-forming mate-
rial at the substrate consists almost entirely of neutral atoms. where Γ(s) (s)
i and Γn are, respectively, the ion and neutral fluxes
However, it is often desired to have ions of the film-forming of the species s arriving at the substrate or detector. The depo-
species bombarding the substrate, as it is well established sition rates are then recorded by manually recording the film
that low energy ion bombardment (Ei is below the lattice thickness at a chosen time on a readout unit connected to the
displacement threshold, ∼20–50 eV depending upon the ion quartz crystal micro-balance (QCM). The ionized fraction of
and deposited film) in the deposition process, has a significant a metal flux can be determined by measuring the total mass
influence on the deposited film microstructure and the film deposition rate and the mass deposition rate of neutral metal
properties (Petrov et al 2003) (see also figure 3). Ionizing the atoms only, as discussed by Green et al (1997) and Wu et al
sputtered material has several advantages: improvement of the (2010).
film quality, deposition on substrates with complex shapes,
enhancement and control of the reactivity in the growth 3.3.7. Magnetron sputtering with secondary discharge. Var-
process. This influences the crystallite orientation, grain size, ious approaches have been taken over the past few decades
the epitaxial temperature, the film mass density, as well as to increase the ionization of the sputtered species in mag-
stress in the film (Greczynski et al 2019, Greene and Barnett netron sputtering by adding a secondary discharge to create
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
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mirror coatings based on dielectric multilayers (Gibson 1987, be operated, and more than one reactive gas can be added. It
Stolz and Génin 2003), where the relatively high cost is jus- is thus possible to readily produce compound films containing
tified by the superior quality of the resulting films that can be multiple elements, for example, TiAlON when titanium and
achieved (Bundesmann and Neumann 2018). aluminum are in the cathode material, and nitrogen and oxy-
For further discussion on ion beam deposition the inter- gen are added to the gas. The stoichiometry of the compound
ested reader is directed to the book chapter by McNeil et al can be tuned in a wide range depending on the ion flux ratios
(2002) and/or the recent tutorial by Bundesmann and Neu- arriving at the substrate.
mann (2018).
4.1. Plasma from cathode spots
4. Cathodic arcs
The nonlinear nature of electron emission laws in terms of
An arc is a discharge of relatively high current (several cathode temperature and electric field leads to spot forma-
amperes, often tens or hundreds of amperes, or even higher) at tion: for the arc discharge to occur, it is energetically pre-
relatively low voltage between electrodes (generally less than ferred to concentrate the discharge power to a very small area
40 V). The operation mechanism of the arc discharge differs on the cathode to obtain the greatest emission of electrons.
significantly from glow discharges used for sputtering. It is The current in a vacuum arc discharge is typically concen-
characterized by a collective electron emission mechanism. If trated in a luminous area of a few square micrometers on the
the cathode is sufficiently hot that the collective mechanism cathode surface and referred to as cathode spot (Anders et al
is thermionic emission, one calls this arc a ‘thermionic arc’. 1996, Jüttner 2001). As a ‘side effect’, the cathode material at
In the context of PVD, a different arc mode, the cathodic arc, these concentration points, the cathode spot, is readily melted,
is much more relevant. Here, the emission of electrons occurs evaporated and ionized. The development of such hot spots
at small (typically micrometer), non-stationary cathode spots is extremely fast (nanoseconds) so that models of wire explo-
based on thermo-field emission: a nonlinear combination of sions have been successfully applied to describe the process
thermionic and field emission (Jüttner 2001). The power den- (Mesyats and Proskurovsky 1989). An example of erosion
sity of the cathode spots is extremely high (estimated between traces left on a cadmium cathode target after arc deposition
1012 and 1014 W m−2 ) which leads to evaporation and ion- due to ejection of fast plasma jets and liquid metal droplets is
ization of the cathode material, and thus to the formation of shown in figure 27. The cathode processes lead to rapid phase
plasma of the cathode material. transitions and are therefore sometimes referred to as explo-
The name cathodic arc is due to the fact that the current- sive electron emission (Mesyats 1998). The current density
carrying discharge medium between electrodes is the plasma has been determined to reach peak values of 1012 A m−2 (Jüt-
of the cathode material even when gas is present between the tner et al 1984) while the plasma density can temporarily reach
electrodes (Anders 2008). A cathodic arc may also burn in vac- peak values exceeding 1026 m−3 (Anders et al 1992). At such
uum, i.e., without any gas present, and in this case, the arc is high densities, the plasma is dense and ‘nonideal’ which, by
known as a vacuum arc (Boxman et al 1995). Vacuum arcs definition, means that the potential energy between charged
are cathodic arcs, but cathodic arcs are not always vacuum particles is not small compared to their kinetic energy. One
arcs since a process gas (or liquid) can be present between the of the consequences is a reduction of the ionization energy
electrodes. leading to an enhancement of ion charge states (Ebeling and
Historically, the name metal vapor vacuum arc was occa- Kilimann 1989).
sionally used, especially in the context of vacuum arc ion Arcs in air were studied in the 18th century (Anders 2003,
sources (Brown 1994). This name is less suitable since it Priestley 1775), while more ‘recent’ studies of their optical
(falsely) suggests the emission of neutral metal vapor from the spectra, even in the vacuum ultraviolet spectral region, date
cathode. In fact, the flux expanding from the cathode spots con- back ‘only’ a hundred years (McLennan et al 1919). The prop-
sists of a fully ionized metal plasma with multiply charged ions erties of the plasma flux from cathode spots have been exten-
(Davis and Miller 1969), a property that will be considered in sively studied for decades (see e.g., Boxman et al (1995),
greater detail below. Davis and Miller (1969), Lafferty (1980), Plyutto et al (1965),
Cathodic arcs are prolific sources of plasma of any cathode Tanberg (1930)). Most remarkably, the plasma contains multi-
material. However, in order to serve as a cathode, the mate- ply charged ions (most often 2+ and 3+ ) that have supersonic
rial has to be sufficiently conductive to carry the arc current. speed (relative to the ion sound speed), with Mach numbers
Pure metals, alloys and sintered metal composites, graphite between 3 and 5 (Anders and Yushkov 2002). The most likely
and highly doped or heated semiconductors have been used ion velocity is typically 1–3 × 104 m s−1 . Ion charge state
as cathode. For example, a titanium cathode delivers titanium and ion velocity scale with the cohesive energy of the cathode
plasma. If the operation is in vacuum or in a noble gas like (cohesive energy rule, see Anders (2008) (chapter 3)) which is
argon, the titanium plasma condenses on any surface, thereby based on energy considerations of the phase transitions and
forming a titanium coating. In the context of PVD, one is often ionization processes. Also, the discharge voltage is linearly
interested in compound coatings, such as TiN. In this case, dependent on the cohesive energy Ece of the cathode material
nitrogen is added to the discharge region. To illustrate the ver- (Anders 2002b, Anders and Yushkov 2002).
satility of the cathodic arc deposition process: more than one The acceleration of positively charged ions away from
metal can be used in the cathode, or more than one cathode can the (negative) cathode is non-trivial. A combined mechanism
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Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 (2022) 083001 Topical Review
The high power density at cathode spots implies that there Similar to magnetron sputtering, the cathode of the arc pro-
are always regions between the spots and the generally much cess reacts with the reactive gas (such as nitrogen or oxygen)
colder (near room temperature) cathode body. These micro- when added to the process. The cathode processes are sensi-
scopic regions of melted cathode material are subject to the tive to the chemical state of the cathode (Jakubka and Jüttner
pressure of the spot plasma: the liquid is pushed from its 1981, Oh et al 2021b), which is already clear when considering
location and travels from the cathode as microdroplets or the change in work function (potential barrier) for the electron
macroparticles. The name ‘macroparticle’ has been used in this emission processes. When the cathode is covered with a thin
context for decades (see e.g. Plyutto et al (1965)) to express the compound layer (‘poisoned cathode’), the ignition of an emis-
fact that those particles are orders of magnitude heavier than sion site is often faster (easier), which may be associated with
plasma particles like electrons and ions. the changed potential structure and/or charge-up in case of an
Macroparticles have a velocity of typically a few 10 m s−1 insulating compound. As a result, more cathode spots cover the
to some 100 m s−1 , they are much slower than the plasma flow cathode but each of shorter duration. The current carried by a
(Schülke and Anders 1999). They cool down during flight and spot can be reduced from 10 s of amperes to less than 1 ampere.
arrive on the substrate in the liquid or solid phase, depending The volume of melted cathode material is much reduced com-
on the material. Low melting point metals form flat ‘pancake’ pared to the pure metal case, and, indeed, one finds smaller
particles on the surface upon impact (Daalder 1976). Refrac- macroparticles. Moreover, the macroparticles emitted from the
tory materials, in contrast, are often solidified before impact. cathode also react with the reactive gas, forming a compound,
They may or may not stick to the substrate: many ‘bounce off’ which generally has higher melting point than the cathode
the surface but some stick and become part of the coating. metal. When such compound particle arrives at the substrate it
Macroparticle incorporation into the coatings leads to much is very likely solid and tend (with a high probability) to bounce
enhanced roughness and the deterioration of many other film off and is thus not incorporated in the coating (Karpov 1997).
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