Vapor-Deposition Techniques: Raúl J. Martín-Palma and Akhlesh Lakhtakia
Vapor-Deposition Techniques: Raúl J. Martín-Palma and Akhlesh Lakhtakia
Vapor-Deposition Techniques: Raúl J. Martín-Palma and Akhlesh Lakhtakia
Vapor-Deposition Techniques
FIGURE 15.1 Schematic of a typical thermal or electron-beam evaporation system. The source material is heated by an
electrical current in thermal evaporation or by bombardment by an electron beam in electron-beam evaporation.
metals, including those with high melting points. Morpho wings can thus be reproduced using
E-beam evaporation is particularly suitable for widely available technologies at a relatively low
the deposition of thin films of refractory materi- cost.
als, including most ceramics (oxides and nitrides),
glasses, carbon, and refractory metals. Among all
PVD techniques, e-beam evaporation provides
15.2.2 Sputtering
probably the highest deposition rates. By the use In the basic sputtering process, a cathode made
of high-power e-beam sources, deposition rates of the target material is bombarded by energetic
as high as 50 μm s–1 have been achieved. Moreo- ions generated in a glow-discharge plasma
ver, with adequate adjustment of the waist of the situated in front of the target, as shown in
electron beam, uniform films of high purity can Figure 15.2. The target can be an element, alloy,
be obtained. compound, or their mixture. The bombard-
A biomimetic technique based on e-beam ment process causes the removal, i.e., sputter-
deposition was used to reproduce the blue color ing, of target atoms by momentum transfer
of the wings of butterflies of the genus Morpho. from the bombarding energetic gas ions (such
Multilayers composed of alternating thin films as argon ions) accelerated in an electric field.
of TiO2 and SiO2 were evaporated onto a sub- The sputtered atoms form a vapor flux, which
strate that had been nanopatterned using may then condense on a substrate as a thin film
e-beam lithography and etching [9, 10]. The [11]. This process can be performed in a vac-
optical characteristics of the structurally colored uum chamber using either low-pressure plasma
FIGURE 15.2 Schematic of a typical sputtering system in either the DC or the RF configuration.
(<5 × 10−3 Torr) or high-pressure plasma (5 × 10−3 such as oxides and polymers. When a RF
– 30 × 10−3 Torr) [8]. Secondary electrons are also potential is capacitatively coupled to a target
emitted from the target surface as a result of ion (cathode), an alternating positive/negative
bombardment. These electrons play an impor- potential appears on its surface. In one half
tant role in maintaining the plasma. cycle, positively charged ions are accelerated
Three widely used configurations to generate toward the surface of the target with enough
the plasma for sputtering deposition are the energy to cause sputtering. In the next half
direct-current (DC) configuration, the radio- cycle, electrons reach the surface of the target to
frequency (RF) configuration, and the magnetron- prevent the build-up of charge. Frequencies
assisted configuration. The simplest of the three used for sputtering deposition are typically in
is the DC configuration, comprising a cathode the range of 0.5–30 MHz, with 13.56 MHz [8]
(target), an anode (on which the substrate is being the most widely used. RF sputtering is
placed), and a DC power source. The cathode used at a low pressure (<10−3 Torr).
and the anode are placed in a vacuum chamber Finally, in the magnetron-assisted configura-
[8]. Argon is widely used to establish a dis tion, a magnetic field is imposed to increase the
charge. Because the plasma can be established plasma density as well as the current density at
uniformly over a large area, a solid target with the cathode (target), thereby effectively increas-
a large area can be used. The surface of the target ing the sputtering rate. The magnetic field is
does not need to be planar, so targets with tangential to the cathode surface. The electrons
different shapes can be used to be conformal to ejected from the cathode are deflected to stay
the surface of a given substrate, resulting in close to the target surface. If the magnets behind
improved thickness homogeneity. the target are arranged properly, the electrons
The RF configuration is generally used for the can circulate on a closed path on the target sur-
deposition of electrically insulating materials face. This electron-trapping effect effectively
increases the collision probability between elec- 15.2.3 Laser Ablation
trons and the gas molecules, thereby creating a
high-density plasma. This configuration enables In laser ablation, also called pulsed laser depo-
sputtering at low pressure with a high deposi- sition (PLD), an intense, pulsed laser beam
tion rate. irradiates the target. When the laser pulse is
The basic sputtering process was devised absorbed by the target, its energy is used first
about a century and a half ago by Grove [12], for electronic excitation and then converted
who used the term cathode disintegration, but into thermal, chemical, and mechanical forms
later researchers began to use both spluttering of energy, resulting in evaporation, ablation,
and sputtering. Thin films of many materials plasma formation, and even exfoliation. The
have been successfully deposited using this ejected material expands into the surrounding
technique. In particular, sputtering is capable vacuum in the form of a plume containing many
of depositing high-melting-point materials energetic species, including atoms, molecules,
such as refractory metals and ceramics. electrons, ions, clusters, particles, and molten
Moreover, since the sputtered atoms usually
globules. These diverse species finally condense
carry more energy than the evaporated atoms, onto a substrate as a thin film.
the sputter-grown films generally have higher Laser ablation is often carried out in a high or
mass density, superior adhesion to the sub ultra-high vacuum chamber. Reactive gaseous
strate, and good crystalline structures. How species, such as oxygen, can be introduced for
ever, sputtering is limited by low ionization the reactive deposition of oxides or other com-
efficiencies in the plasma as well as by the pound materials.
heating of the substrate that often necessitates Generally speaking, laser ablation provides
the use of cooling equipment. Significantly, the better control by simultaneous evaporation of
typical deposition rate of sputtering is multicomponent materials in a very short period
considerably lower than that of thermal or of time. Because the ablation rate is related to
electron-beam evaporation. the total mass ablated from the target per laser
Reactive sputtering is the sputtering of pulse [14], the development of lasers with high
elemental targets in the presence of chemically repetition rate and short pulse durations makes
reactive gases that react with both the vapor laser ablation––in combination with the conden-
flux ejected from the target and the target sation of an inert gas on the substrate––very
surface. It is a widely used technique for the attractive for the mass production of well-
deposition of a very wide range of thin films of defined thin films with complex stoichiometry.
compounds, including oxides, nitrides, carbides, There are three possible growth modes in
fluorides, arsenides, and their alloys [13]. laser ablation [8]: First, the step-flow growth is
Although reactive sputtering is conceptually often observed during deposition, either on
simple, it is in fact a complex and nonlinear a substrate with steps present on its surface (i.e.,
process that involves many interdependent a highly miscut substrate) or at elevated tem-
parameters. peratures. Upon arrival at the substrate surface,
Given its versatility, sputtering has become a atoms diffuse to atomic step edges and form into
process widely used for the deposition of a surface islands. The growing surface is viewed
broad range of industrially important coatings. as steps travelling across the surface. Second, in
Examples include hard, wear-resistant coatings, the layer-by-layer growth mode, islands c ontinue
low-friction coatings, corrosion-resistant coat- to nucleate on the surface until a critical island
ings, decorative coatings, and coatings with spe- density is reached. As more material is added,
cific optical or electrical properties [11]. the islands continue to grow until neighboring
islands begin to coalesce, resulting in a high den- the fabrication of thin films with columnar
sity of pits on the surface. The addition of more morphology [16]. Thermal and electron-beam
atoms to the surface results in their diffusion into evaporation techniques are commonly used
these pits to complete the layer. This process is to generate the vapor flux. The substrate is so
repeated for each subsequent layer. Finally, the positioned as to receive the vapor flux at an
three-dimensional growth mode is similar to the angle χv greater than 0° and as high as 90° with
layer-by-layer growth mode except that once an respect to the substrate plane. The columnar thin
island is formed, an additional island will nucle- film (CTF) thus formed comprises parallel, tilted
ate on top of the previous island. Continuing nanocolumns whose assemblage is optically
growth in one layer will not persist, leading to a equivalent to a biaxial crystal in the infrared
roughened surface. and visible regimes. The CTFs are highly dense,
with the vapor flux normally incident on the
15.2.4 Ion-Beam-Assisted Deposition substrate, but the density trails off as the vapor
flux angle χv is reduced toward 0°.
Ion-beam-assisted deposition (IBAD) is not a depo- Rocking the substrate about a tangential axis
sition technique per se. Instead, it is a technique during deposition imparts the nanocolumns
wherein ion implantation is combined with with a two-dimensional shape, whereas rotating
another PVD technique. The evaporated spe- the substrate about a central normal axis makes
cies produced by the chosen PVD technique are the nanocolumns acquire a three-dimensional
simultaneously impinged by an independently shape. Rocking and rotation can be made to
generated flux of ions [15]. Thus, while the indi- happen concurrently or sequentially. The thin
vidual atoms or molecules condense on the sub- films this forms are called sculptured thin films
strate to form a thin film, highly energetic ions (STFs). The nanocolumns are made of 1–3 nm
(typically from 100 to 2,000 eV) are produced clusters, which accounts for the ease with which
and directed at the growing thin film. columnar shapes can be sculptured during
IBAD is particularly advantageous in that it deposition.
has many independent processing parameters. STFs are useful as polarization transformers
The concurrent ion bombardment significantly and polarization filters, optical sensors, and
improves adhesion and permits control over vehicles for launching multiple surface-
the morphology, density, internal stresses, crys- plasmon-polariton waves. Their intrinsic high
tallinity, and chemical composition of the thin porosity, in combination with optical ani so
film. Ion bombardment can also blend together tropy and possible two-dimensional electron
coating and substrate atoms. The energy and confinement, make STFs potential candidates
flux of bombarding ions can be exploited to for electroluminescent devices, high-speed and
modify the size and crystallographic orienta- high-efficiency electrochromic films; optically
tion of grains. Columnar morphology often transparent conducting films sculptured from
observed in conventional, low-temperature pure metals; and multistate electronic switches
PVD is negated by IBAD to create very dense based on filamentary conduction.
thin films [15]. For example, Figure 15.3 shows a cross-
sectional view of a distributed Bragg reflector
grown using the OAD technique. The structure
comprises CTFs of two different types grown
15.2.5 Oblique-Angle Deposition alternatingly, one with χv = 90° and the other
Oblique-angle deposition (OAD) is a PVD method with χv = 15°. The CTFs grown with a normal
wherein the vapor flux is collimated to enable vapor flux (χv = 90°) are very dense and
FIGURE 15.3 Cross-sectional SEM of a distributed Bragg reflector [17], consisting of alternate layers of very different
CTFs, which have different porosities and different effective permittivity tensors.
15.2.6 Conformal-Evaporated-Film-by-
Rotation Technique
The conformal-evaporated-film-by-rotation (CEFR)
technique allows fabrication of high-fidelity rep-
licas of biotemplates with micro- and nanoscale
features distributed over planar and curved
surfaces [18, 19]. In the CEFR technique, the
template is mounted on a substrate holder that
is rotated rapidly about its central normal axis
while the OAD technique is being implemented
to coat the exposed surface of the template with
a thin film. The vapor flux angle χv is fixed in the
neighborhood of 5°, as shown schematically in
Figure 15.4. After the coating of thickness about FIGURE 15.4 Schematic of the CEFR technique.
400 nm is separated from template, the coating The modified CEFR technique is one of the two
becomes a high-fidelity replica. main steps of the Nano4Bio technique devised to
To date, this technique has been applied for fabricate multiple high-fidelity replicas of a single
replicating the compound eyes of tephritid flies biotemplate [22]. As depicted schematically in
[18], as shown in Figure 15.5, and the wings of Figure 15.7, in the first step of this technique, the
butterflies [19, 20], as shown in Figure 15.6, modified CEFR technique is used to deposit a
without compromising their optical characteris- ∼250-nm-thick conformal coating of nickel on the
tics that are due to nanoscale (<100 nm) struc- biotemplate. In the second step, a roughly
tural features. The CEFR technique is particularly 60-μm-thick structural layer of nickel is electro-
well suited for bioreplication because the tem- formed onto the thin layer to give it the structural
peratures involved during deposition are suffi- integrity needed for casting or stamping. The
ciently low and the replication process occurs in biotemplate is then plucked off and plasma ash-
a non-corrosive environment, thereby avoiding ing is carried out to completely remove all organic
damage to the underlying biotemplate. material in the third step. What is left behind is a
The CEFR technique has been modified to master negative made of nickel. This can be used
improve the uniform thickness of the replica by in the fourth step as either a die for stamping or
introducing a second degree of freedom to the a mold for casting multiple replicas. Casting pro-
biotemplate motion during deposition [21]. The duces high fidelity at the 2-μm length scale [22],
first degree, as in the original CEFR technique, but stamping will improve the reproduction
is the rotation of the biotemplate about a central fidelity at lower length scales [1, 23]. Because the
normal axis. The second degree is the rocking of Nano4Bio technique can simultaneously produce
the biotemplate so as to continuously vary χv multiple replicas of multiple biotemplates, it is
during deposition. suitable for industrial bioreplication.
FIGURE 15.5 SEM of the eye of a tephritid fly (common fruit fly) coated with GeSbSe chalcogenide glass using the CEFR
technique [18].
FIGURE 15.6 High-resolution SEM of a wing of the butterfly Battus philenor coated with GeSbSe chalcogenide glass
using the CEFR technique [19]. Features at the nanoscale are evident.
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Raúl J. Martín-Palma is Professor of Physics at Akhlesh Lakhtakia received degrees from the
the Department of Applied Physics of the Uni- Banaras Hindu University, India (BTech and
versidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) and DSc), and the University of Utah, USA (MS and
adjunct professor at the Pennsylvania State Uni- PhD), in electronics engineering and electrical
versity’s Department of Materials Science and engineering, respectively. He is the Charles God-
Engineering (University Park, PA, USA). He frey Binder (Endowed) Professor of Engineering
received his MS Degree in applied physics in Science and Mechanics at the Pennsylvania State
1995 and his PhD in physics in 2000, both from University and currently serves as the editor-in-
the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He has chief of the Journal of Nanophotonics. His current
been Post-Doctoral Fellow at the New Jersey research interests include nanotechnology,
Institute of Technology (Newark, NJ, USA) and bioreplication, surface multiplasmonics, complex
Visiting Professor at the Pennsylvania State Uni- materials, metamaterials, and sculptured thin
versity. He has received several awards for films. He is a Fellow of SPIE, the Optical Society
young scientists for his research on nanostruc- of America, American Physical Society, Institute
tured materials from the Materials Research of Physics (UK), and American Association for
Society (USA), European Materials Research the Advancement of Science.
Society, and Spanish Society of Materials. He
serves as an associate editor of the Journal of
Nanophotonics and is a Fellow of SPIE.