Chapter 9 Permutations VK Kapoor
Chapter 9 Permutations VK Kapoor
Chapter 9 Permutations VK Kapoor
After studying this chapter, you should be able to understand
• permutations, factorial notations, and problems involving permuta-
• cornbinatios and problems involving combinations
• difference between permutation and combination.
Permutations refer to different arrangements of things from a givea
lot taken one or more at a time whereas combinations refer to different
sets or groups made out of a given lot, without repeating an element, taking
one or more of them at a time. The distinction will be clear from the
following illustration of combinations and permutations made out of a set
of three elements (a, b, C).
Combj,iatjo,,t Pef,nwtations
(i) one at a time (a), {b}, {c} (a), {b}, {c}
(Ii) two at a time {a, b} (b, C) (a, C) {a, b} (b, a)
{b, c} {c, b)
{a, c) {c, a}
(iii) three at a time (a, b, c} {a, b, c} (a, c, h}
(b, c, a) {b, a, c}
{c, a, b} (c, b, a).
It may he noticed that on the left above, every set has different
Combination whereas oil right above, there are sets with different
arrangements wherever possible of the same group. However no
element appears twice in any set, e.g., (a, a), {b, h}, {c,
c ), (a, b, b},
{c, C, C) etc.
There are two fundamental rules of counting or selection based on
the simple principles of multiplication and addition, the former when
events occur independently one after another, and the latter when either of
the events can occur. At times we have to combine the two, depending
on the nature of the problem. We can state the principle as follows
If one tiling can be done in tn way.c and when it has been done in any
O the In ways , a second thing can be done in ,i ways ,
together can be done in rn x n wars.
then the two things
Proof. Let a, 2' •• ,a m be the rn
b2 , , h,, be the n ways
ways of doing the first thing and b 1 ,
of doing the second thing independently of the first.
Then, the two things can be (lone simultaneously in the following ways
a1b1 ; cb1 ; a, b,....; a1h
a1b1 ; a2b, ; a 2 b.,; ... ; a2h,
Li 3. • ' 5 6
iJ 2'
2J3 idj 15
I 1
>'ir\27 l_!-126
( 3.5 ( 3.6
661 62j465
We can illustrate the idea by the shown oil page 3130 diagram which
indicates how two dice with number I 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on its six sides can
combine in 6 2, i.e., 6.: 6 or 36 ways.
Therefore, from the fundamental principle of counting, if repetitions
are allowed all the N elements taken together can occur ill N ways. if,
however, only r of the N numbers are taken at a tune, the possible ways
are A' or 62 in the above case. 11 repetitions arc not allOVCd then the
diagonal comprising (1, I , i. 2,2} etc., is avoided and the total choices.
are 6x 5 -30 or it (n — I) only.
Exttruple 1. I/tore are Jive routes for journey Jro,ii station A to
station 13. In how oumy JiJ,7ereu( WUS can (4 OUt!! go from .4 to B and
return, if returning
(1) any oft/ic routes is token,
(ii) the saute route is token,
(iii) the same route is not taken.
When the first place has been filled Up in any one of the n ways, the
second place can be filled up in (n —I) different ways, for any one of the
remaining n—I things can be put in it. Since each way of filling up the
first place can be associated with each way of filling Un the second place,
the first two places can he filled up in n(n - I) ways.
P 2 = n(n___ 1)
When the first two places have been filled UP in any one of the
n(ri-1) ways, the third place can be filled lip in (0-2) ways.
•. The first three places can be filled tip in n(n - 1)(n -2) ways, i.e.,
P3 -=10_. l)(n— 2)
Proceeding in the same way and noticing that the number of factors
are same as the number of places to be filled up and that each factor is
less than the former by 1, we have the total number of ways in which r
places can be filled up.
i:(n — 1) (11 --2) ... to r factors
==iJyt_I) (n —2).. (n—r-- 1)
=n(n— I) (a -2)•..(i' --r+ 1)
P, =Jm(n— I) (n--2) .. .Qt—r + )
Remarks 1. The number of permutations of it things taken
all at a time is
== 11(11 - I) (a-2). .3.2.1
It may be seen that the above two arrangements are the same. But it
is not so in the following cases where the order changes
Therefore, in the circular arrangement, the relative position of the
other objects depends on the position of the object placed first, it IS
only then the arrangement of the remaining objects is made. Therefore,
the circular arrangement of n objects will be in (n — I) 1 ways and not '
ways, when all the objects are considered for the purpose. Thus the
circular arrangement of 5 persons will he in 4 ! ways, i.e., = 24
ways. We now make use of the above principle in a slightly complex
Example 9. In how many ways can 5 j,oy.c and 5 girls be Seated
around a table so that no 2 boys are adjacent
Solution. Let the girls be seated first. they call in
4 ! ways
according to the rule indicated above. Now since the places for the boys in
between girls are fixed, the option is there for the boys to occupy the
remaining 5 places. There are S ! ways for the boys to fill up the 5 places
in between 5 girls seated around a table already. Thus, the total number
of ways in which both girls and boys call seated such that no 2 boys are
adjacent are 4! x 5! z 2880 ways.
Rernarl(. In the circular arrangements, the clockwise and anti-
Clockwise arrangement do not make any difference because mere turning
of a given arrangement will make it o therwise. I [owevcr, if the neighbr_
hood of one or more is restricted, the arrangement will get restricted to
that extent. It there is a question of arrangement of n different objects in
such a way that no two similar things are close to each other then the
number of ways will be I (n - I) !.
For example, if 7 persons are seated around a table so that all of
arr angements have not the same neighbours, then the required number of
ways Will beA (n— I) ! or A ( 1) =360.
Example M. In how lflwiy ways can 4 Indians and 4 Pakistanis he
seated at a round to/,/e so that no two Indians 'nap be together ?
Solutj. Put one of the Pakistani iii a fixed position and then
arrange the remaining three Pakistanis in all possible Ways. Thus the
number of ways in which the four Pakistanis he seated at a round table is
3 1. After they have taken their seats in any one way, there are four seats
for the Indians each between two Pakistanis. Therefore, the Indians
can be seated in 4 1 ways corresponding to one way of seating the
Total number of arrangements is 4 ! x 3 1=144
Example ii. The chief ministers of 18 States in India meet to
discuss the problem of unemployment .
In how many ways can they seat
themselves at a round table if the Punjab and Bengal chief ministers choose
to sit together ?
Solution (a) Since the chief ministers are to sit at a round table, we
shall have to fix the position of one of the chief ministers and then make
the other 17 chief ministers take their seats. Since the Punjab and
Bengal chief ministers are to sit together, consider them as one. These
16 can now be arranged among themselves in 16 ! ways. Further the
Punjab and Bengal chief ministers can be arranged in 2 ! ways.
Hence the required number of ways is 16 lx 2
Example 13. Find the number of arrangements that Can be made out
of the letters of the word "ASSASSINATION"
Solution. There are 13 letters in the word of which A occurs thrice,
S occurs four times, I occurs twice and N occurs twice and the rest are all
different. Hence, the required number of arrangements is
Example 14. flow ,nwiy numbers greater than a million can be
formed with the digits 4, 5, 5, 0, 4, 5, 3 ?
Solution. Each number must consist of 7 or more digits. There are
7 digits in all, of which there are 2 fours, 3 fives and the rest different.
(ii) Since the word ALLAFIABAD consists of 9 letters, there are 4
even places which can be filled up by the 4 vowels in 1 way only, since
all the vowels are similar. Further, the remaining 5 places can be filled up
by the 5 consonants of which two are similar which can be filled in
5! .
'— ways. Hence the required number of arrangements are I X 60.
Example 16. How many arrangements can be made with the letters
of the word MATHEMATICS and in how many of them vowels occurs
together ?
Solution. The word MATHEMATICS consists of ii letters of
which 2 are As, 2 Ms, 2 Ts and the rest all different.
The total number of arrangements are
2! 2!2!
among themselves m ways (since two of the vowels are similar). Hence
2!x2! 2!
ExinipIo 17. In how many ways can the letters of word 'ARRANGE'
be arranged? 1/ow many of these arrangements are there in which
(i) the two Rs come together,
(ii) the two Rs rio not come together,
(iii) the two Rs and the Iwo As Caine together ?
Solution. The word ARRANGE consists of 7 letters of which two
are As, two are Rs and the rest all ditlererit. Hence they call arranged
Keep aside the p particular things and form the permutations of the
remaining n-p things taken r-p at a time. The number of such permu-
tations "-'P,_,.
In each of these permutations introduce the p particular things taken
aside, one by one.
The first thing can be introduced in r-p+l ways. The second thing
can be introduced in r-p+2 ways and the pth thing in r-p-i- p or r
The p things can be introduced in each permutation in
(r-p+ l)(r--p+2) ... r ways which is clearly equal to rJ),
The required number of ways are ''P,_x rJ)
Example 18. If 12. "P 2 , find it.
npL._ and flPz=( it
Example 20. Proe that
Pr .= flX Pr.1
Solution. R.H.S. --it '
(t:-l) ! (n-I)!
=nx —=n
{(n-1)-(r-1)) (n --r)
One such arrangement is shown on page 312. For this arrangement the
4 vowels can occupy the four remaining positions such as 2, 4, 6. 7, I.e.
positions not Occupied by consonants is 4 1 or 24 ways.
Total number of arrangements are 24x 24= 576.
Example 21. In how many ways an the letters of the cord
STRA NGE l,e arranged so that
(i) the vowels are never separated,
(ii) the vowels nei'er come together, and
(iii) the vowels occupy only the 0(1(1 places.
(i) There arc 7 letters. Since the vowels are not to be
separated we may regard them as forming one Jcttc r so there are six letters
S, 1, R. V, G and ,4E. They can he arranged among themselves in 6
ways. ] 'Ile V\
' 0 \'owels can again he arranged in 2 1 ways.
4X5 X4=80
Now if the first left hand digit is filled in 4 ways, i.e., with either
4. . 6 or 7 then the secoiict digit can be filled in 6 ways, i.e., with any of
the given digits except the one used for the first digit, the third similarly
Can he filled in 5 and the fourth digit can be tilled in
4 ways. Thus the
total four digit numbers greater than 3400 are
4x6 x 5x4=430
Hence the required four digit numbers are 80 1 480=560.
Example 29. The letters of the word ZENITH are written in all
poss:/;le orders, flow many words are possil,le if all these words are
written out as in a dictionary ? What is the rank of the word ZENITH 7
Thus, the rank of the words beginning with ZE will be 601 to 624.
ordersNow, taking into account three letters we have the following rank
ZEFI 601-606
ZEI 607-612
ZEN 613-618
ZET 619-624
The total words in the dictionary beginning with ZEN are
ZEN Till 618
The required rank is, therefore, 616.
7. How many different words containing all the letters of the word
TRIANGLE can be formed ? How many of them
(i) begin with T, (ii) begin with E, (iii) begin with T and end with
F ?, (iv) have 1' and F in the end places, (v) when consonants are ileVer
together, (vi) when no two vowels are together. (vu) when consonants
and vowels are both always together, (viii) vowels occupy odd places ?
(ix) the relative positions of the vowels and consonants remain unaltered ?
(x) vowels Occupy the second, third and fourth places ?
[flint. 8 !, (i) 7!. (ii) 7!, (iii) 6 !, (iv) 2 !x6 !,
(v) 8 ! - 4 x 5 !, (vi) 'Px 5 !, (vii) 2 5!x3
(viii) 4 P3 > 5 !, (ix) 5 !<3 !.J
S. Find how many words can be formed of the letters of the word
' FA ILURE', the four vowels always coming together.
9. In how many ways 10 examination papers he arranged so that
the best and worst papers never come together.
10. Find the number of ways in which i t hooks can be arranged on
a slid I so that two particular books are not together.
11. (a) In how many ways call books on Commercial Mathematics
and S books on Secretarial Practice be placed oil shelf so that books on
the Same subject always remain together ? (no two hooks are identical).
(1) Six papers are set in all
of which two arc mathe-
matical. In how many different orders call papers be arranged so
that (i)
the two mathematical papers are together and (U) the two mathe-
niatical papers are not consecutive ?
12. (a) Find the number of permutations of the letters of the word
'SIGNAL' such that the vowels may occupy only odd positions.
(f) In how mans' wa y
s can the letters of the word VIOLENT be
arranged so that the vowels 1. 0, E. occupy even places only.
13. (a) how many numbers between 1000 and 10.000 can he formed
With the diQitS 1. 2, 3, 4, 5 1 6,7.8, 9? I-low many of them are odd?
(/) How many numbers between 3000 and 4000 can be formed with
the diGIts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6?
For example,
pie, a manager of a shop of ready made pa rinen
display 4 eombi:iatiis out of the total 6 colours of Ltd , Is wants to
received in his store, he can display ill cs g arments
following ways
Or(6 6!
(i)(4- 15
Th eorexu The number of
at a lime are given h comb//I//f /o/J of ii (hf/crc,:t filings taken r
- ----- , wi/crc (r n)
r ! (n--r)
Proof Let 'C,
denote the
different things taken r at required number of combination 5 of n
a time,
Each of these combinations has r different things.
If the r different thImim be arranged among tlienisejvcs i ll
possible wa s, each combination would produce r I all
'C, combinations would
p roduce C, r !
number is clearly equal to the munuher of perillutatjons of a But this
taken r at a time. d ifferent things
l>2x3 120.
32. In how many nays can 4 white and 3 black ball., be
selected from a bOX Containing 20 white and 15 black
This problem involves merely selection and hence, is a
problem of combinations. 4 out of 20
white halls can be selected in
20 s< 19 18 x I
' i.e., -- 4845 ways.
4x3>2>-:I Call this process as the first pro-
- 15x 14x13
css. 3 out of 15 black balls can be selected in 'C3 i.e., - = 45 5
ways. Call this process as the second process. The t.vo processcs can be
carried out together in 4845x4552,204,475 ways.
Example 33. From 6 boys and 4 girls, 5 are to he selected for
admission for a particular course. In how many ways can this he done if
there must be exactly 2 girls ?
Solution. Since there has to be exactly 2 girls, there should be
3 boys, the possible combinations would, therefore be
4x3 6x5<4
-l2U ways
=1C 34x33x25984
(ii) Since a particular person is always to be excluded, the choice is
restricted to 4 candidates out of the remaining 34.
The required number of selections
Example 35. AJat/ter takes 8 children, three at a time to the Zoo, as
oflen as he can wit/lout taking the saute i/tree together more than once, (1)
how often will each child go 7 (ii) how oflen will he go ?
Solution. (i) A particular child goes as often as that child can be
included in the combinations of 8 children taken 3 at a time.
Let us select one child first of all, then we have to select only 2 from
the remaining 7. This can be done in 7C2 ways.
The number of times the particular child will go is
Example 36. -It an election there are five candidates out of whom
three are w be elected, and a voter is entitled to vote for any number of
candidates not greater than the number to be elected. In how many ways may
a voter choose to vote.
Soltioi. The voter may vote for one, two or three candidates (flit
of the 5 candidates. He can choose to vote for one candidate in C1
ways, two candidates in ways and 3 candidates in 5 C3 ways. Hence
the total number of ways in which the voter can choose to vote is
&Ci + 5 C.,4Ca= 5-I-JO + 1025
Example 37. The question paper of 'Cost Accounting and Income
Tax' contains ten questions divided into two groups of five questions each. In
/10W ninny ways can an examinee answer six questions taking at least two
questions from each group ?
Solution. The questions may he answered in the following ways
(fl 2 questions from 1St group I- 4. questions from 2nd group
(II) 3 ,, ,, ,, -13
(III) 4 ,, ,. ,, 1-2
(i) Two questions can be chosen from 1st group in 1 C, ways and 4
questions from 2nd group in C4 ways. Since each way of selecting
questions from the 1st group can be associated with each way of selecting
questions from the 2nd group, the total number of ways of sdcctiug ques-
tions from both the groups is 1 C, < C4.
(ii) In like manner, 3 questions from the 1st group and 3 questions
from the 2nd group may be selected in 5 Cx 5 C ways.
(iii) Again, 4 questions from the first group and 2 questions from the
second group may be selected in 11C, x 1 C, ways.
The total number of ways
== 5 C2 x C 4 + 5 C3 x C3 +C4 x
1. 1k c0 = ----------. = 1
Ol(:-O) 1 O!n! lxnT
Proof: 1lC,1=
V. n c,= x
(r -2) x n(r
(r_ 2)
Multiplying the corresponding sides and cancelling out the common
factors, we get
a ( 1') -2) ',-
(r .-I) (r-.--2) 2
n(n-I)(n-2) (n-r+2)(n_r+1)
= lXr-2TiT2.1 -
n(n- l)(n -2) ... (n--rf2)(n-r+1)(fl -r) ... 3.2
-- [r(r-1).2 1] [(n-r)...3. 2. 11
r! (n--r)!
The number of combinations of n different things taken r at a time,
is same as the number of combinations of n different things taken (n-r) at
a time.
I. ., "Cr"C,r, where Orn
We have
j (n - r )
and Cn_r=() !
n . - (n -- J1 i1,.)
' r!(n_rI
• •c Fcr - r (nn --
I n!
F )! - (r— 1) (n --r-- 1)!
n nI
r(r— I) i(n—r) ! +(r 1) (n—r+l) (n—F)!
But this number includes one case in which none of the things are
The required number of combinations=2-- I
Now, we consider the ,ir,uther of combinations of n things not all diffe-
rent. The total number of combinations of (p f-q+r-4....) things, where p
are of one kind, q of the second kind and r of the third kind and so on,
taken any number at a time are
Consideu the p like things. The p things can be dealt with in (p+1)
ways, for we may take 1, or 2 or 3, or p or none in any selection.
Similarly the q like things can be dealt with in (q 1) ways, r things in
(r-1- 1) ways, etc. Associating each group of selections with the others,
the total number of dealing with them is
(p . f l)(q+ l)(r-f i)...
But this iiurnhcr includes one case when all things are left. Therefore,
the total number of ways
:(p_f. l)(ql- l)(r 1r 1)......- I
2. () If 2C : 2,IC = 8, find n.
(h) If "C---"C., find the value of 2'C
(C) If Io P, =6,04,800 and °C= 120, show that r=-7.
. A cricket team is to be formed consisting of 2 wicket keepers. 4
bowlers and 5 batsmen from a group of players containing 4 wicket
keepers, 8 bowlers and ii batsmen- Find the number of ways a cricket
team can be constituted.
[Hint, C, x C4 x
4. In how many ways can you choose six out of nine questions?
In how many of these ways the first question is always excluded? In how
many ways the 6rst and second questions are always included ?
S. There are 10 professors and 20 students out of whom a committee
of 2 professors and 3 students is to he formed. Find the number of ways
in which this call be done. Further in how many of these committees
(I) a particular professor is included ?
(ii) a particular student is excluded 7
6. In how man y ways can 21 white balls and 19 black balls he
arranged in a row so that no two black balls may be together.
7. Find out the number of ways in which a cricket team consisting
of 11 players can be selected from 14 players Also find out how many of
these (I) will include captain. (U) will not include captain.
8. Out of 5 males and 6 females, a comnlitteo of
Find the number of ways ii, 5 is to be formed.
hich it call be done so that among the
persons chosen in the comrnicte there are W3 mates and 2 females,
(ii) 2 males, (iii) no females, (iv)
males. at least one female, (v) not more than 3
[flint. (I) 5 C3 >< 5 Cx 6 cap
(ii)(iii) sq,
(iv) 6CIX5CI-,6CZC3+6CsX5CI8CX5CC
(v) 5C c5 ±c 1 x6C4+.tc2Xsc3C<4ot]
17. There are 12 Points in a plane of which 5 are in a line. Find (I)
the maximum number of triangles that can he foinied with vertices at
these points, (ii)
the maximum number of distinct straight lines that can
be obtained by joining these points.
[Hint. i) 12 C3 - 5 C3 , (ii) - 5C2-1_
=1680+756 118=2454]
20. In a crosswordpuzzle twenty words are to be guessed of which
eight words have each an alternative solution also, Find the number of
possible solution.
1. 56, 210, n(n- 1)(n---2)} 3 1 2. (a) 13, (b) 120. 3. 4 C2 x 8 C4 x C5,
4. 84, 28, 35 5. 1 C2 x 2 °C3 = 51300, (i) C 1 x 20 C3 =- 10260,
(ii) 11)C2 x 9 C3 =43605. 6. 1540. 7. 364, (1) 286, (ii) 86. 9. 441.
10. (1) " Cl, (ii) C31 (iii) '°C4 . 11. 186. 12. 3096. 13. 12
14. (a) 816000, (b) 126.', x 16 C4 x I4C4 16. 68..
17. (i) 210, (ii) 57. 20. 256.
Binomial Theorem
After studying this chapter, you should be able to understand:
• Binomial theorem, position of terms, binomial coefficients and its
• Binomial theorem with any index and calculation of square root,
cube root etc. and simplification.
• Summation of series using binomial theorem.
A binomial expression in mathematics in one which has two terms,
e.g., (a+b), (4x+ 3y), (x+ a), etc. These terms are at time complementary
when the expression is used for objects which are of dichotomous character,
i.e., success or failure, true or false, male or female, literate or illiterate.
In business mathematics and statistics, there are various problems based on
such classification where the theorem is found to be very useful.
From elementary algebra, we know