Permutation and Combination [LN]

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Suppose there exists a finite number of independent operations, where the first can be performed in
m ways, the second can be performed in n ways, the third can be performed in p ways and so on.
Then all these operations can be performed together in m  n  p  ....... ways.
Verification : Suppose that there are 2 routes from a station P to a station Q 3 routes from the station
Q to a station R. Let us name the routes from P to Q by A1 and A2 and the routes from Q to R by B1,B2
and B3. Clearly a route from P to R is realised if we take a route from P to Q and Q to R together.\
For example : If we take the routes A1 and B1 together, then we get a route from P to R and denote it
by A1B1
 The distinct routes from P to R are given in the diagram

Counting the number of distinct routes, we get it as 6. By using the fundamental principle also we get
the same answer as follows:
A route from P to Q can be chosen in 2 ways and a route from Q to R can be chosen independently
in 3 ways. Therefore, by the fundamental principle, routes from P to Q and Q to R can be chosen
together in 2×3=6 ways. In other words the number of distinct routes from P to R = 6.
Hence, the EPC is verified.


From the above discussion it is clear that the number of routes from P to R can be determined even
without knowing the possible routes, by using EPC.
Addition Principle
Two operations are said to be mutually exclusive if they can’t happen together. This definition can be
extended to any finite number of operations. In general a finite number of operations are mutually
exclusive if any pair of these operations are mutually exclusive.
Suppose that there are k mutually exclusive operations which can be performed in n1,n2,...... nk ways
respectively. Then the number of ways in which at least one of these operations can be performed
 n1  n 2  ....n k
If n is any natural number, we define the factorial of n or n factorial as

n!  1 2  3  .....  n or n  n  1 ......  3  2 1

n! is read as n factorial Factorial of n is also denoted by n

Permutation is an arrangement of a set of objects in a definite order by taking all or some at a time. In
permutation the position of each object in the arrangement is significant.
Example : Consider the three objects a,b and c. The possible permutations of these objects by considering
one at a time are a,b,c.
The possible permutations of the three objects by considering two at a time are ab,ba,ac,ca,bc,cb.
The possible permutations of the three objects by considering all at a time are abc,acb,bca,bac,cab,cba
Notation: The number of permutations of n objects by taking r at a time is denoted by nPr or P(n,r) or Pn,r.
Permutations when all the objects are distinct

n n!
The number of permutations of n distinct objects by taking r at a time is given by Pr  n  r ! ;0  r  n
 
 n  n  1 n  2  ........  n  r  1 or  n  1 n  2  ....... to r factors

Pn  n!
i.e., the number of Permutations of n distinct objects by considering all at a time = n!

Illustration : (i) 10 P2  10  9  90, P  7,3  7  6  5  210

Result: The number of permutations of n different objects taken r at a time when repetition is allowed is nr


Permutations when all the objects are not distinct

The number of permutations of n objects taken all at a time of which p are alike, q others are alike, r
others are alike and so on is
p! q! r! ...
Circular permutation
Circular permutation is an arrangement of a set of objects along a circle. In a circular permutation
there is nothing like beginning or end.
Example : Consider the three objects a,b and c.
The circular permutations of these three objects are given below.

When we read these permutations in the anticlockwise direction, we see that (i), (iii) and (v) are the
same and (ii), (iv) and (vi) are the same. Thus, there are only 2 distinct circular permutation’s of the
three objects a,b and c.
Theorem I
The number of circular permutations of n distinct objects = (n-1)!
Theorem 2

The number of ways in which n different beads can be arranged to form a necklace   n  1!


The different groups or selections which can be formed out of a given number of objects by taking
some or all at a time, without a reference to the order of the objects in each group or selection, are
called combinations.
Example : Consider the objects a,b and c the possible combinations of these 3 objects by taking one at a
time are a, b and c.
The possible combinations of the three objects by taking two at a time are ab,ac and bc.
The only possible combination of the three objects by taking all at a time is abc.

The number of possible combinations of ‘n’ distinct objects by taking ‘r’ at a time is denoted by

n n
C r or C(n, r) or  
r 

n n! n  n  1 n  2  ..... to r factors

Cr  ;0  r  n or n C r 
r! n  r  ! 1 2  3  .....  r

10! 10!
Illustrations : (i) 10 C5  
5!10  5  ! 5!5!

10  9  8  7  6  5!
  252
5! 1 2  3  4  5

9 98 7  6 5
(ii) C5   126
1 2  3  4  5

(a) n C 0  1 (b) n C n  1 (c) n C r  n C n r

Illustrations : (i) 4 C0  1 (ii) 5 C5  1

10 10 10 10  9
(iii) C8  C10 8  C 2   45
1 2

 a  n Pr  n Cr  r! (b) n C r  n C r 1  n 1C r (c) n C r1  n C r 2  r1  r2 or r1  r2  n

5 4
Illustrations : (i) 5 P2  5C 2  2!   1 2  20
1 2


(ii) 5C 2  5C1  6C 2
C4  7 C3  8 C 4
C12  n C5  12  5  n  n  17

n 1
n n
Cr  C r 1

10 9
Illustration : 10 C5  C 4  2  9C 4
n 1
n n
C5  C 4 and so on


Objective Type Questions

1. Given 5 flags of different colours, how many different signals can be generated if each signal requires
the use of 2 flags, one below the other
A) 20 B) 25 C) 5 D) 4
2. How many 3-digit numbers can be formed by using the digits 1 to 9 if no digits repeated
A) 9C3 B) 9! C) 7×8×9 D) 3 !
3. How many 4-digit numbers are there with no digit repeated

A) 9C3 B) 10C 4 C) 10P4 D) 9.9P3

4. From a committee of 8 persons, in how many ways can we choose a chairman and a vice chairman
assuming one person cannot hold more than one position
A) 56 B) 64 C) 28 D) 54
5. How many words with or without meaning can be made from the letters of the word MONDAY, assuming
that all letters are used but first letter is a vowel
A) 5! B) 2.5 ! C) 6! D) 2.6 !
6. How many chords can be drawn through 21 points on a circle
A) 210 B) 21 C) 212 D) 42
7. What is the number of 5 card combinations out of a deck of 52 cards if there is exactly one are in
each combination

A) 4C1  51C 4 B) 4C1  52 C 4 C) 4C1  48C 4 D) 52

C1  52 C 4
8. In how many ways can a student choose a programme of 5 courses if 9 courses are available and 2
specific courses are compulsory for every student

A) 9C5 B) 7C3 C) 9C3 D) 7C5

9. It is required to seat 5 men and 4 women in a row so that the women occupy the even places. How
many such arrangements are possible

A) 4!5! B) 9C4 .5! C) 9C5 4! D) 4C 4 .5C5

10. How many words, with or without meaning, each of 2 vowels and 3 consonants can be formed from
the letters of the word DAUGHTER

A) 3C 2  5C3 B) 2  3 C) 3P2  5C3 D) 3P2  5P3

11. i) How many 4 digit numbers can be formed wing the digits 9,8 7,6,5,4 if no digits are repeated
ii) In how many ways a committee of 3 persons can be formed from a group of 2 men & 3 women

iii) Find the value of n, if 2nC3  11 nC3


12. i) Find n if 9  n 1 P3  nP4

ii) Find the number of words that can be formed from the letters of the word COMMERCE
iii) In how many ways can a group of 12 students be selected from 15 students? How many of these
groups would include one particular student

1 1 x
13. i) If   find x.
8! 9! 8!
ii) How many four digit numbers can be formed using the digits 4,5,6,7,8 if repetition of digits is not
iii) Find the number of arrangements that can be made from the letters of the word MOTHER so that
all vowels occur together
14. How many words, with or without meaning, each of 3 vowels and 2 consonants can be formed from
consonants can be formed from the letters of the word INVOLUTE
15. Find the number of arrangements of the letters of the word INDEPENDENCE. In how many of these
i) do the words start with P
ii) do all the vowels always occur together
16. How many numbers greater than 1000000 can be formed by using the digits 1,2,0,2,4,2,4
17. A student wants to arrange 3 Mathematics, 4 Hindi and 5 physics book on a shelf. In how many ways
the book can be arranged. How many arrangements are possible if all the books in the same subject
are to be all together.
18. How many words with or without meaning can be made from the letters of the word MONDAY assuming
i) 4 letters are used at a time
ii) All letters are used but first letter is a vowel
19. There are ten people in a room. Everybody shakes hands once with everybody else. How many
handshakes occur.

20. i) If nC9  nC8 , then n  ?

ii) nPr 

iii) Find the number of permutation one using all the letters of the word MATHEMATICS


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