Nabptex 2015

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May 201 5 [60 marks) Time: 2½ hours

Answer nine questions in all. All the questions in section A andfour questions from section B.
Unless otherwise stated all answers should be corrected to two decimal places.
Graph papers are provided for your use in the examination.
Th e use of non-programmable, silent and cordless calculator is allowed unless otherwise stated.

[20 marks]
AnsH•er all questions /ram thi, section.
All questions rnny equal marks.
1. (a) Solve the s imultaneous equations,
2p - 3q = 4
3p + 2,, = l 9.

(b) If 223_,= 87. find x.

2. lf x = .Jffi , find ;

(a) z in terms ofx and y .

(b) tbevalueof :::,when x =J and y=-3 .

3. In the figure below, angle GEH = 35 0 , angle EGF= 1200 / -EG

/ = 25.4cm and -
CH.1s perpendicular

to EF. Calculate / EF / , correct to three significant figures.


4. Given that f(x ) = 2x - 1 and g(x ) = x + 1:
(a) find g( 1 + x );

(b) find the range of values ofx for which f(x) < - 3;

(c) simplify f(x).g(x);

(cl) s implify f(x) - g(x).

1f 5'1 x::,- ' = 625 and 5~ ~ Y- ' h = l

. d
wnte .
own two equations . a and b. Hence, find the
V'.llues of a and h.

(60 mark s]
Answ er two ques tions only from this section
6. (a)
A car trave lled at a constant speed from Tam
ale to Bolga. lts distance from Tamale every
20 nunutes are given in the table below.

Distance in Km o 8 16 24 32 40 48 56
Time(mins) o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
( i) Use the table to draw a distance-time graph.
(ii) Usin g the graph, how far did the car travel every
(i ii) 20 minu tes?
From the graph, find the speed of the car.

(b) Und er the mapping X -t pX + qX 2, the imag

e of 1 is 5 and the image of 3 is 27.
Find the value of p and q.

7. (a) In a construction firm, the cost ( C) (GH¢) of

digg ing a trench depends on the length
cove red([ ) and the numb er of hours (h) such
that C = mh +n/, where m and n are
constants .
Usin g the table below. ftnd the cost when h was
2 l hours and/ was 14 m.
C (GH¢) h/hours /Im
30 8 3
20 4 2
(b) A shopkeeper losses 4% by sellin g an article
at GH¢480.00. At what price should he have
sold the article to make a profit of 4%.

8. (a) C opy an d com pete c 11 owm

· g
I t he 10 ta bl e of va lues Bor)' = Zxx+
(x- t l for the
interval -1 ~ x ~ 6.

X -1 0 0.5 l 2 3 4 5 6
2x(x - l) 0 - 0.5 0 4 24 -+0 60
x+3 2 7 3.5 3 6 7 9
2x(x - 1)
0 - 0.14 0 3.43 6.67
Usin g a scale of 2 cm to l unit. on both axes, d l
(b) raw I 1e grap h y = 2x ,(.r+-1 l 1or
give n interval.

(c) Use your graph;

(i) To find the values of x for which )' is nega tive.
(ii) To estim ate, corre ct to one decim al place , the
va lues ofx fo r which
2x(x - l) = x+3 .

9. (a) Usin g a pair of compasses and ruler ~nly, cons

tn1ct 6ABC, where /AB /= 7cm,
/AC! = 9.8cm and angle ABC = 120 .

(b) Construct the circl e which passes throu gh the

point A, B, and C.
(c) Locate a point Don the circle , such that ABC
D is a trapezium in wh ich BC// AD.

(d) Measure /BD/ .

nabpt ex.mj 15/C704/2


.·l11swe1· 011e que., Iio11 011/v Jro111 t/11 1 1ectIu11

AII c1uest ions carrr equal 111£11·k,· .
10. The table below shows the frequ ency distri bution of marks scoreJ by 80 cand idates 111 an
~ - --i
0-9 IO - 19 20 -29 30 -39 40 -49 so -59 60 -69 70 -79 80 -89 9o -99 I
Freq. 2 5 8 18 20 15 5 4 2 I

(a) Draw the cumulati ve frequency curve for the distributi on

(b) Use your drawn graph to estimate

(i) The median mark:
(ii) The 60 th percentile mark.

(c) If the mark for distinction was 70%, what percentage of students passed with di stin ction'>

11. (a) A number is chosen at ra ndom with from the set s= {4, 7, I 0, 13. l 6. 19} .
What is tb e probability that the number is:
(i ) even,
( ii ) odd .
(iii) greater than 10,
(iv) less than I 0.

( b) A box contains 5 white balls, 3 bl ack balls and 2 red balls of the same size. A ball is
selected at random from the box and then replaced. A second black ball is then selected.
Find the probabili ty or obtaining;
( i) two red balls,
(ii) two whi te balls or two black ball s,
(iii) one black ball or red ball in any orucr.

A11swer 011e c111estiu11 011l11fm111 this secIiu11. All c1uestio11s corr, • eq110l 11ll1r/,., .

12. (u) Show that the fo llowi ng pair of vectors AB and CD are parallel given .-!(-~ • .3 ). 8( - 6, I ).
C( 12, - 1) and D(4 , -5 ).

(b) M (5, 6), N (- 1, 4) and B (- 1, 5) arc three points on a rlanc. I f .•! is the midpoint of MN.
find AB.
(c) Find f such that 2f - (; ) = G)-
13. An aircraft flies from point A to a point 13 , (x) km away on a bearing of 135 11 • From B. th e aircrnft
flies to a point C, 2.x km away on a bea ring of 225 11 • Ir the di stance fro m A to C is JS 0 km.
find, correct to the nearest whole number;
(a) the distance from A lo B.

(b) the bearin g ofC from A.


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