Ellis - Principles of Instructed Language Learning
Ellis - Principles of Instructed Language Learning
Ellis - Principles of Instructed Language Learning
Principles of instructed language learning
Rod Ellis
Department of Applied Language Studies and Linguistics, University of Auckland,
Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand
Received 10 October 2004; received in revised form 12 December 2004; accepted 13 December 2004
This article represents an attempt to draw together findings from a range of second language
acquisition studies in order to formulate a set of general principles for language pedagogy. These
principles address such issues as the nature of second language (L2) competence (as formulaic
and rule-based knowledge), the contributions of both focus on meaning and on form, the need
to develop both implicit and explicit second language knowledge, the problems posed by the
learner!s "built-in syllabus!, the roles of input, output and interaction in learning, the importance
of catering to individual differences in learners, and the need to assess language learning in terms
of both free and controlled production. The principles draw on a variety of theoretical perspec-
tives and are offered as "provisional specifications! for a learning-centered language pedagogy.
! 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The research on which this article is based was funded by the Ministry of Education, Wellington, New
E-mail address: [email protected].
0346-251X/$ - see front matter ! 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
210 R. Ellis / System 33 (2005) 209–224
starting point, many researchers would agree that the late 60s marked the onset of
an intense period of empirical and theoretical interest in how second languages are
acquired. Much of this research has been directed at understanding and contribut-
ing to more effective instructed language learning. In addition to the numerous
studies that have investigated the effects of instruction on learning (Norris and Ort-
ega!s meta-analysis published in 2000 identified 79 studies), much of the theorizing
about L2 instruction has been specifically undertaken with language pedagogy in
mind, for example Krashen!s Monitor Model (Krashen, 1981), Long!s Interaction
Hypothesis (Long, 1996), DeKeyser!s skill-learning theory (DeKeyser, 1998),
VanPatten!s input processing theory (VanPatten, 1996, 2002) and my own theory
of instructed language learning (Ellis, 1994) all address the role of instruction in
L2 acquisition.
However, the research and theory do not afford a uniform account of how
instruction can best facilitate language learning. There is considerable controversy
(see Ellis, 2006). In particular, there is no agreement as to whether instruction should
be based on a traditional focus-on-forms approach, involving the systematic teach-
ing of grammatical features in accordance with a structural syllabus, or a focus-
on-form approach, involving attention to linguistic features in the context of
communicative activities derived from a task-based syllabus or some kind of combi-
nation of the two. Nor is there agreement about the efficacy of teaching explicit
knowledge or about what type of corrective feedback to provide or even when expli-
cit grammar teaching should commence. These controversies reflect both the com-
plexity of the object of enquiry (instructed language acquisition) and also the fact
that SLA is still in its infancy.
Given these controversies, it might be thought unwise to attempt to formulate a
set of general principles of instructed language acquisition. Hatch!s (1978a) warning
– "apply with caution! – is as pertinent today as it was some thirty years ago.
Nevertheless, I think there is a need to try to draw together a set of generalizations
that might serve as the basis for language teacher education, and I am not alone in
this, for Lightbown (1985, 2000) has felt and responded to a similar need. If SLA is
to offer teachers guidance there is a need to bite the bullet and proffer advice, so long
as this advice does not masquerade as prescriptions or proscriptions (and there is al-
ways a danger that advice will be so construed) and so long as it is tentative, in the
form of what Stenhouse (1975) called "provisional specifications!. I have chosen to
present my own provisional specifications in the form of "principles!. I do not expect
that all SLA researchers or all language teachers will agree with them. I hope,
though, that they will provide a basis for argument and for reflection.
2. Principle 1: Instruction needs to ensure that learners develop both a rich repertoire of
formulaic expressions and a rule-based competence
1. In the eyes of many theorists (e.g., Prabhu, 1987; Long, 1996), only when learners
are engaged in decoding and encoding messages in the context of actual acts of
communication are the conditions created for acquisition to take place.
2. To develop true fluency in an L2, learners must have opportunities to create prag-
matic meaning (DeKeyser, 1998).
3. Engaging learners in activities where they are focused on creating pragmatic
meaning is intrinsically motivating.
In arguing the need for a focus on pragmatic meaning, theorists do so not just be-
cause they see this as a means of activating the linguistic resources that have been
developed by other means but because they see it as the principal means by which
the linguistic resources themselves are created. This is the theoretical position that
has informed many highly successful immersion education programmes around
the world (see Johnson and Swain, 1998). However, in advocating this principle, I
do not wish to suggest that instruction needs to be directed exclusively at providing
learners with opportunities to create pragmatic meaning, only that, to be effective,
instruction must include such opportunities and that, ideally, over an entire curric-
ulum, they should be predominant.
There is now a widespread acceptance that acquisition also requires that learners
attend to form. Indeed, according to some theories of L2 acquisition, such attention
is necessary for acquisition to take place. Schmidt (1994), for example, has argued
that there is no learning without conscious attention to form.2
Again, though, the term "focus on form! is capable of more than one interpreta-
tion. First, it might refer to a general orientation to language as form. Schmidt
(2001) dismisses this global attention hypothesis, arguing that learners need to attend
It is also possible to teach pragmatic meaning as an "object!. That is, specific pragmatic meanings (e.g.,
requesting or apologizing) can be identified and instructional materials developed to teach learners the
linguistic means for performing these strategies. See Kasper and Rose (2002) for examples of studies that
have investigated the effectiveness of this approach. Such an approach constitutes a version of "focus-on-
forms!, discussed on p. 3. Here, however, I wish to emphasize the need to create materials that allow
students to create their own pragmatic meanings through communication.
The extent to which attention to form is necessary for learning remains controversial however. A
number of researchers (e.g., Williams, 2005) have provided evidence to demonstrate that some learning
takes place without awareness. Schmidt (2001) has modified his position somewhat to allow for the
possibility of non-conscious registration of linguistic form, arguing only that "more attention results in
more learning! (p. 30).
R. Ellis / System 33 (2005) 209–224 213
to specific forms. Second, it might be taken to suggest that learners need to attend
only to the graphic or phonetic instantiations of linguistic forms. However, theorists
such as Schmidt and Long are insistent that focus on form refers to form-function
mapping (i.e., the correlation between a particular form and the meaning(s) it real-
izes in communication). Third, "focus on form! might be assumed to refer to aware-
ness of some underlying, abstract rule. Schmidt, however, is careful to argue that
attention to form refers to the noticing of specific linguistic items, as they occur in
the input to which learners are exposed, not to an awareness of grammatical rules.
Instruction can cater to a focus on form in a number of ways:
demonstrated subsequent learning of the forms addressed in both immediate and de-
layed tests. However, it is not possible to attend to those structures that learners do
not attempt to use (i.e., extensive instruction cannot deal with avoidance). Also, of
course, it does not provide the in-depth practice that some structures may require
before they can be fully acquired. Arguably, then, instruction needs to be conceived
of in terms of both approaches.
Explicit knowledge is arguably only of value if it can be shown that learners are
able to utilize this type of knowledge in actual performance. Again, there is con-
troversy. One position is that this is very limited. Krashen (1982) argues that learn-
ers can only use explicit knowledge when they "monitor! and that this requires that
they are focused on form (as opposed to meaning) and have sufficient time to ac-
cess the knowledge. Other positions are possible. It can be argued that explicit
knowledge is used in both the process of formulating messages as well as in mon-
itoring and that many learners are adroit in accessing their explicit memories for
these purposes, especially if the rules are, to a degree, automatized. However, this
does require time. Yuan and Ellis (2003) showed that learners! grammatical accu-
racy improved significantly if they had time for "on-line planning! while performing
a narrative task, a result most readily explained in terms of their accessing explicit
Irrespective of whether explicit knowledge has any value in and of itself, it may
assist language development by facilitating the development of implicit knowledge.
This involves a consideration of what has become known as interface hypothesis,
which addresses whether explicit knowledge plays a role in L2 acquisition. Three
positions can be identified. According to the non-interface position (Krashen,
1981), explicit and implicit knowledge are entirely distinct with the result that ex-
plicit knowledge cannot be converted into implicit knowledge. This position is sup-
ported by research that suggests that explicit and implicit memories are
neurologically separate (Paradis, 1994). The interface position argues the exact
opposite. Drawing on skill-learning theory (DeKeyser, 1998), it argues that explicit
knowledge becomes implicit knowledge if learners have the opportunity for plenti-
ful communicative practice. The weak interface position (Ellis, 1993) claims that
explicit knowledge primes a number of key acquisitional processes, in particular
"noticing! and "noticing the gap! (Schmidt, 1994). That is, explicit knowledge of a
grammatical structure makes it more likely learners will attend to the structure
in the input and carry out the cognitive comparison between what they observe
in the input and their own output. These positions continue to be argued at a the-
oretical level.
The three positions support very different approaches to language teaching. The
non-interface position leads to a "zero grammar! approach, i.e., one that prioritizes
meaning-centered approaches such as task-based teaching. The interface position
supports PPP – the idea that a grammatical structure should be first presented explic-
itly and then practised until it is fully proceduralized. The weak interface position
has been used to provide a basis for consciousness-raising tasks (Ellis, 1991) that re-
quire learners to derive their own explicit grammar rules from data they are provided
This principle, then, asserts that instruction needs to be directed at
developing both implicit and explicit knowledge, giving priority to the former.
However, teachers should not assume that explicit knowledge can be converted
into implicit knowledge, as the extent to which this is possible remains
216 R. Ellis / System 33 (2005) 209–224
6. Principle 5: Instruction needs to take into account the learner’s ‘built-in syllabus’
developmental complexity, which can more easily be taken into account in decid-
ing the order of instruction. Traditional structural syllabuses, in fact, are graded
on the basis of cognitive complexity.3
1. Maximise use of the L2 inside the classroom. Ideally, this means that the L2 needs
to become the medium as well as the object of instruction. A study by Kim and
Elder (2005) revealed that foreign language teachers of French, German, Japanese
and Korean in Auckland secondary schools varied enormously in the extent to
which they employed the L2 in the classroom (i.e., between 88% and 22% of
the total input).
A good example of where "cognitive complexity! and "developmental complexity! can be distinguished is
subject–verb agreement in English. This is typically introduced very early in structural courses but it is
invariably only mastered at a very advanced stage of development.
218 R. Ellis / System 33 (2005) 209–224
2. Create opportunities for students to receive input outside the classroom. This can
be achieved most easily be providing extensive reading programmes based on
carefully selected graded readers, suited to the level of the students, as recom-
mended by Krashen (1989). Elley (1991) reviewed studies that showed that L2
learners can benefit from both reading and from being read to. Also, ideally, if
more resources are available, schools need to establish self-access centers which
students can use outside class time. Successful FL learners seek out opportunities
to experience the language outside class time. Many students are unlikely to make
the effort unless teachers (a) make resources available and (b) provide learner-
training in how to make effective use of the resources.
It can be claimed with confidence that, if the only input students receive is in the
context of a limited number of weekly lessons based on some course book, they are
unlikely to achieve high levels of L2 proficiency.
1. Production serves to generate better input through the feedback that learners!
efforts at production elicit.
2. It forces syntactic processing (i.e., obliges learners to pay attention to grammar).
3. It allows learners to test out hypotheses about the target language grammar.
4. It helps to automatize existing knowledge.
5. It provides opportunities for learners to develop discourse skills, for example by
producing "long turns!.
6. It is important for helping learners to develop a "personal voice! by steering con-
versation on to topics they are interested in contributing to.Ellis (2003) adds one
other contribution of output:
7. it provides the learner with "auto-input! (i.e., learners can attend to the "input! pro-
vided by their own productions).
The importance of creating opportunities for output, including what Swain (1985)
has called pushed output (i.e., output where the learner is stretched to express mes-
sages clearly and explicitly), constitutes one of the main reasons for incorporating
tasks into a language programme. Controlled practice exercises typically result in
output that is limited in terms of length and complexity. They do not afford students
opportunities for the kind of sustained output that theorists argue is necessary for
interlanguage development. Research (e.g., Allen et al., 1990) has shown that ex-
tended talk of a clause or more in a classroom context is more likely to occur when
R. Ellis / System 33 (2005) 209–224 219
students initiate interactions in the classroom and when they have to find their own
words. This is best achieved by asking learners to perform oral and written tasks.
Johnson suggests that these are more likely to occur when the academic task
structure (i.e., how the subject matter is sequenced in a lesson) and the social partic-
ipation structure (i.e., how the allocation of interactional rights and obligations
shapes the discourse) are less rigid. Once again, this is more likely to be provided
through "tasks! than through exercises. Ellis (1999) suggests that a key to ensuring
interaction beneficial to acquisition is giving control of the discourse topic to the
students. This, of course, is not easily achieved, given that teachers have a duty to
220 R. Ellis / System 33 (2005) 209–224
ensure that classroom discourse is orderly, which, in turn, is most easily achieved by
taking control of the discourse topic by means of IRF (teacher initiate–student re-
spond–teacher feedback) exchanges. Thus creating the right kind of interaction for
acquisition constitutes a major challenge for teachers. One solution is to incorporate
small group work into a lesson. When students interact amongst themselves, acqui-
sition-rich discourse is more likely to ensue. However, there are a number of dangers
in group work which may militate against this (e.g., excessive use of the L1 in mono-
lingual groups).
While there are identifiable universal aspects of L2 acquisition, there is also con-
siderable variability in the rate of learning and in the ultimate level of achievement.
In particular, learning will be more successful when:
Foster (1998) reports that the adult ESL learners she investigated engaged in very little negotiation of
meaning when performing tasks because they failed to take them seriously. They viewed them as "games!
and eschewed negotiation because it would detract from the "fun!.
R. Ellis / System 33 (2005) 209–224 221
Dörnyei!s research has shown the kinds of teaching strategies that teachers can
employ to develop and maintain their students! intrinsic motivation. Dörnyei
(2001) also makes the obvious point that "the best motivational intervention is sim-
ply to improve the quality of our teaching! (p. 26). He points in particular to the
need for "instructional clarity! and refers to Wlodkowski!s (1986) checklist for
achieving this. This includes such obvious recipes as "explain things simply! and
"teach at a pace that is not too fast and not too slow!. Teachers also need to accept
that it is their responsibility to ensure that their students are motivated and stay
motivated and not bewail the fact that students do not bring any motivation to
learn the L2 to the classroom. While it is probably true that teachers can do little
to influence students! extrinsic motivation, there is a lot they can do to enhance
their intrinsic motivation.
They found that the magnitude of effect was greatest in the case of (2) and (3) and
least in (4). Yet, arguably, it is (4) that constitutes the best measure of learners! L2
proficiency, as it is this that corresponds most closely to the kind of language use
found outside the classroom. The ability to get a multiple choice question right
amounts to very little if the student is unable to use the target feature in actual
Free constructed responses are best elicited by means of tasks. The performance
elicited by means of tasks can be assessed in three ways (Ellis, 2003); (1) a direct
assessment of task outcomes, (2) discourse analytic measures and (3) external rat-
ings. (2) is not practical for busy classroom teachers as it requires transcribing speech
and then painstakingly calculating such measures as number of error free clauses and
clause complexity. (3) is practical but it requires considerable expertise to ensure that
the ratings of learner performance are valid and reliable. (1) holds out the most
promise. However, it is only possible with closed tasks (an, i.e., task for which there
is a single correct outcome). An example would be a Spot the Difference Task where
learners are asked to interact in order to find a specified number of differences in two
similar pictures. In this task, assessment would consist of establishing whether they
were able to successfully identify the differences.
222 R. Ellis / System 33 (2005) 209–224
12. Conclusion
These general principles have been derived from my understanding of SLA. I have
drawn on a variety of theoretical perspectives, although predominantly from what
Lantolf (1996) refers to as the computational model of L2 learning. I am aware that
this model has its limitations and is open to criticism, in particular that it is not so-
cially sensitive because it fails to acknowledge the importance of social context and
social relations in the language learning process (see Block (2003) for an extended
critique along these lines). It would be clearly useful to attempt to formulate a set
of principles based on the broader conceptualization of SLA of the kind advocated
by Block and others but this was not my aim here. There will always be a need for a
psycholinguistic account of how learners internalize new linguistic forms and how
they restructure their linguistic knowledge in the process of acquisition. Language
use is not language acquisition, only a means to it. To my mind, the computational
model provides a solid foundation for developing a set of principles that articulate
the relationship between language use and acquisition. It also constitutes a metaphor
that teachers can easily relate to.
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