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A. B.
1.Chile salt piter A. PbS
2. Salt piter B.HgS
3.Covellite C. Ca3(PO4)2
4. Tenorite D.ZnS
5.Copper Glance E. FeS2
6.Limonite F.Al2O3
7.Hematite G.Fe2O3
8. Buaxite
9.Corondum H.CuO
10.Sederite I.NaNO3
11.Malchite J.CuCO3.Cu(OH)2
12.Cuperite K.BaSO4
13.Galena L.KNO3
14.Cinnabar M.CuS
15.Sphalerite N.Cu2O
16.Fool's gold
17.Rock salt O.Al2O3.2H2O
18.Barite P.Fe2O3.2H2O
19.Fluoroapatite Q.Fe3O4
20.Rock phosphate R.Cu2S
21.Magnetite S.3Ca3(PO4)2.CaF2.


22. Which of the following process is not used in the conversion of pig iron to steel?
A. Bessemer converter C. Basic Oxygen Process
B. Open-Hearth Furnace D. Ostwald process
23. Atoms of the same elements those exist in different forms having the same physical state but differ in their
physical properties are said to be:
A. Isotopes B. Average atomic mass C. Isotonic D. Allotropes
24. Sulphur is the main raw material for the production of H2SO4 by the Contact
process. In which stage catalyst V2O5 is used?
A. When sulphur is oxidized to form sulphur dioxide
B. When sulphur dioxide is converted to sulphur trioxide at high temperature
C. When sulphur trioxide is absorbed into concentrated sulphuric acid to produce oleum.
D. When oleum is then diluted with H2O to produce the desired concentration of sulphuric acid.
25. The iron obtained directly from the blast furnace is said to be:
A. Wrought-iron B. Cast iron C. Pig iron D. Stainless steel

26. Which alloy is mismatched with the combined atoms it was formed from?
A. Brass- Cu & Zn B. Solder-Al & Hg C. Duralumin- Al, Cu & Mg D. Bronze- Cu & Sn
27. Any discharge of a solid, liquid or gaseous substance or radiation (energy) in to an environment that causes
unwanted changes is said to be:
A. Pollution B. Corrosion C. Pollutants D. Slug
28. Which of the following natural resources is renewable?
A. Soil B. Petroleum C. Coal D. Aluminum
29. Tool steel mainly contain
A. Chromium and tungsten C. Chromium and nickel
B. Nickel and manganese D. Tungsten and manganese
30. What is the purpose of adding super-heated water in Frash process?
A. To clean the pipes C. To dissolve the sulfur.
B. To dissolve the impurities. D. To melt the Sulfur
31. Duralumin is an alloy that contain element :
A. Mn, Cu and Al C. Mg, Cu and Al
B. Cu, Zn and Hg D. Cu, Sn and Al
32. Which of the following arrangement contain the increasing order of abundance of elements on the earths’
A. Al, Si, O, Fe C. Fe, Al, O, Si
B. Si, Al, O, Fe D. Fe, Al, Si, O
33. Iron (III) chloride and aluminum sulphate are two chemicals that can be used in the purification of town
water supplies. What is the role of these chemicals?
A. To disinfect water by removing bacteria
B. To remove particulate material by flocculation
C. To control the concentration of total dissolved solids
D. To control the pH of the water within the required range
34. A metal corrodes if:
A. It serves as cathode in the corrosion process.
B. It serves as anode in the corrosion process
C. It does not react with oxygen.
D. The metal can resist toward many chemical reagents.
35. Which of the three metals, Al, Fe and Cu is produced by electrochemical reduction?
A. Aluminum B. Gold C. Iron D. Copper

36. Cinnabar, pyrite and galena are minerals which consist of one or more metals combined with the same
element. Which one of the following is the element that is common to all three of these minerals? Is it:
A. Iron B. Sulfur C. Copper D. Sodium
37. Which of the following is the purpose of treating the crude bauxite ore with hot aqueous sodium hydroxide
in the extraction of aluminum?
A. To lower the melting point of crude bauxite.
B. To dissolve impurities like iron oxide.
C. To decrease the solubility of crude bauxite.
D. To obtain pure aluminum oxide.
2SO2 (g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g) + heat
38. Which change will increase the amount of SO3?
A. Decrease the concentration of O2 (g). C. Introduce a catalyst.
B. Increase the temperature of the system. D. Increase the pressure on the system.
39. The process by which steel is conditioned to a desired hardness by heating and controlled rate of cooling is:
A. Thermite welding B. Electro refining C. Densifications D. Tempering
40. Which of the following is not true about carbon present in steel is
A. It reduces the hardness of steel.
B. Cementite can be removed by tempering.
C. The greater concentration cementite increase the strength of the iron made material.
D. The greater concentration cementite decreases the strength of the iron made material.
41. Which one of the following is not true about iron?
A. Iron (II) hydroxide, Fe (OH) 2, on exposure to air, oxidizes to iron (III) hydroxide.
B. It commonly exists as the ferrous (Fe2+) and ferric (Fe+3) ions.
C. Aqueous solutions of iron (II) compounds are yellowish brown and solutions of iron (III) compounds are
D. Aqueous solutions of iron (II) compounds are rapidly oxidized to the corresponding iron (III) compounds.
42. Which of the statements about the extraction of iron in the blast furnace is true?
A. limestone is added to combine with excess carbon dioxide
B. a slag of iron oxide forms at the bottom of the furnace
C. hot air is blown in at the top of the furnace
D. carbon monoxide reduces iron (III) oxide to iron
43. Calcium oxide is added to a steel making furnace to:
A. oxidize basic oxides B. oxidize carbon to carbon dioxide
B. react with acid impurities D. react with silicon to form silicon dioxide
44. Which of the following statements about fertilizers is true?
A. ammonium nitrate can be used as a fertilizer
B. fertilizers contain nitrogen, sulphur and iron
C. fertilizers are added to the soil to make it more alkaline
D. fertilizers are made by combining calcium with oxygen
45. The chemical name for quicklime is:
A. Calcium carbonate B. calcium hydroxide C. Calcium sulphate D. calcium oxide
46. Which of the following is the purpose of treating the crude bauxite ore with hot aqueous sodium hydroxide
in the extraction of aluminum?
A. To lower the melting point of crude bauxite C. To obtain pure aluminum oxide
B. To dissolve impurities like iron oxides D. To decrease the solubility of crude bauxite
47. Of the following, a light metal is:
A. Au B. Hg C. Ag D. Al
48. Of the following, the heaviest metal is:
A. Au B. Hg C. Ag D. Al
49. Aluminum metal has the following properties with the exception that:
A. It occurs in nature in the combined form as bauxite C. It is a heavy metal
B. It is a conductor of heat & electricity D. It is ductile and malleable
50. Aluminum is used for:
A. Kitchen utensils B. Making alloys C. Electric wires D. all of the above
51. Which of the following is the purest form of iron?
A. Cast iron C. pig iron
B. Limonite D. Wrought iron
52. The highest quality steel is produced by using:
A. Open-hearth Process C. Bessemer Process
B. Contact Process D. Basic Oxygen Process
53. All of the following elements possess /show allotropes ,Except
A. Carbon B. Phosphorus C. Sulphur D. Nitrogen
54. The product obtained by combining a material rich in lime, CaO with other materials such as clay, which
contains silica, SiO2, along with oxides of aluminium, iron and magnesium is:
A. Glass B. Cement C. Steel D. Fertilizer
55. Which of the following elements does not react with nitrogen:
A. Li B. Fe C. Ca D.Mg

56. Which of the following is not a use of nitrogen:
A. making matches C. as a refrigerant
B. Production of ammonia D. making fertilizers
57. The first most abundant element in the earth’s crust is:
A. Silicon B. Iron C. Oxygen D. Aluminium
58. Which of the following elements is not found as a free element in nature:
A. Sulphur B. oxygen C. Copper D. chlorine
59. Which of the following is not a use of nitrogen:
A. Making matches C. production of ammonia
B. Making fertilizers D. as a refrigerant
60. The first most abundant metal in the earth’s crust is:
A. Silicon B. Iron C. Oxygen D. Aluminium
61. Which of the statements about the extraction of iron in the blast furnace is true?
A. limestone is added to combine with excess carbon dioxide
B. a slag of iron oxide forms at the bottom of the furnace
C. hot air is blown in at the top of the furnace
D. carbon monoxide reduces iron (III) oxide to iron
62. Calcium oxide is added to a steel making furnace to:
A. Oxidize basic oxides B. Oxidize carbon to carbon dioxide
B. React with acid impurities D. React with silicon to form silicon dioxide
63. Which one of the following metals is the most ductile?
A. Aluminum B. Copper C. Gold D. Silver
64. Which one of the following is the least dense?
A. Mercury B. Gold C. Sodium D. Aluminum
65. Which one of the following metals will not liberate hydrogen gas when treated with dilute hydrochloric
A. Magnesium B. Zinc C. Copper D. Iron
66. Which one of the following metallic elements is most likely to be found as the free metal in nature?
A. Ca B. Au C. Al D. Fe
67. High carbon steel is the one that used for making drill bits, knives, hammers and chisels contain carbon as
impurity that ranges between-------to-------%.
A. Zero up to 0.2 B. 0.3 - 0.6 C. 0.6 - 1.5 D. 4.0-6.0

68. What is the purpose of a converter in steel production?
A. to reduce the iron in the ore to elemental iron
B. to allow the addition of nitrogen for increased strength
C. to allow slow solidification of the molten metal so it will purify as it crystallizes
D. to remove impurity elements by oxidation
69. Which of the following is a non-renewable resource:
A. Animal B. Water C. Coal D. Plants
70. Which one of the following is the principal ore used for the extraction of copper?
A. Cryolite B. Chalcopyrite C. Siderite D. Hematite
71. Which one is used as anode in the electrolytic refining of copper?
A. Pure copper B. Graphite rod C. Impure copper D. Pure iron rod
72. All of the following shows the physical properties of iron, Except
A. Iron is a grey, lustrous, malleable and ductile metal.
B. It is a good conductor of heat and electricity.
C. It is a ferromagnetic metal, which means it can be permanently magnetized.
D. It has an ability to displace less active element from their entire compound.
73. Which of the following is true about ferrous compound?
A. More stable form of iron in its entire compound.
B. Aqueous solution of its compound shows yellowish brown in cooler.
C. Aqueous solution of its compound shows pale-green in color.
D. Aqueous solutions of some iron (III) compounds are rapidly oxidized to the corresponding iron (II)
74. Stainless steel is an alloy of iron that contain
A. Nickel and tungsten C. Nickel and manganese
B. Chromium and manganese D. Chromium and nickel
75. Tool steel is an alloy of iron that contain
A. Nickel and tungsten C. Nickel and manganese
B. Chromium and manganese D. Chromium and nickel
76. What is the purpose of adding limestone during the production of steel?
A. To increase the concentration of iron
B. To remove impurity associated with it in the form of silicate.
C. To oxidize iron from +2 to +3.
D. It does not alter the way of production of iron.

77. Which of the following metal produced by electrolytic reduction of its ore?
A. Aluminum B. Iron C. Copper D. Zinc
78. All of the following best describes the physical properties of nonmetal, except
A. Nonmalleable and non-ductile
B. Varying hardness and have low density
C. Low melting and boiling points & do not show any metallic luster.
D. Electronegative i.e for negative ions by gaining electrons
79. Which one of thje following is not true about the use of phosphorous?
A. Commercially used as a bleaching agent and disinfectant.
B. Used in making fireworks, smoke bombs, rat-poisons, and tracer bullets.
C. Used to make matches.
D. Used as fertilizers, baking powder in the chemical industries.
80. All of the following are physical properties of oxygen, Except
A. It changes from a gas to a liquid at a temperature of -182.96°C.
B. Liquid oxygen can then be solidified or frozen at a temperature of -218.4°C.
C. The density of oxygen is 1.429 grams per liter.
D. It is a greenish-yellow gas at room temperature.
81. Which of the following is the correct sequence for the industrial production of pure copper from
chalcopyrite (CuFeS2)?
A. Roasting of the ore in oxygen → smelting of the ore in limestone → concentrating the ore → reducing
the ore in limited oxygen → electrolytic refining
B. Concentrating the ore → smelting of the ore in lime stone → roasting of the ore in oxygen →
reducing the ore in limited oxygen → electrolytic refining
C. Smelting of the ore in limestone → concentrating the ore → roasting of the ore in oxygen → reducing
the ore in limited oxygen → electrolytic refining
D. Concentrating the ore → roasting of the ore in oxygen → smelting of the ore in limestone → reducing
the ore in limited oxygen → electrolytic refining
82. The first five most abundant elements in decreasing order of abundance are:
A. Oxygen, silicon, aluminum , calcium and iron
B. Oxygen ,silicon, aluminum, iron and calcium
C. Silicon, oxygen, iron, aluminum and calcium
D. Oxygen, aluminum, silicon, calcium and iron
83. Aluminum doesn’t readily react with concentrated sulfuric and nitric acid while it reacts with hydrochloric acid.
The reason is that
A. Aluminum is less reactive
B. Aluminum is inert in H2SO4 & HNO3.
C. H2SO4 & HNO3 are less strong acids.
D. Aluminum forms a protective oxide layer in H2SO4 & HNO3.

84. Which formula stands for sulphide compound known as cinnabar?
A. FeS2 B. PbS C. ZnS D. HgS
85. Hall’s process of production of aluminum involves
A. Displacing Al from its salts using active metals C. Reducing AlCl3 using coke
B. Heating cryolite with CO D. Electrolytic reduction from Al2O3
86. All of the following expresses the physical properties of chlorine, Except
A. Greenish yellow gas at room temperature.
B. It is fairly soluble in water.
C. It is powerful oxidizing agent.
D. Melt at -102℃ and boils at -34℃.
87. Which one of the following method is useful for the production of sulphur from its underground deposit?
A. Haber process C. Frasch process.
B. Contact process D. Ostwald process.
88. Which one of the following is not true about properties of white phosphorous?
A. Very poisonous and waxy looking substances.
B. It is unstable form of phosphorus.
C. Denser than red phosphorous.
D. Melt at 44.1℃ and boils at 287℃.
89. All of the following expresses the chemical properties of nitrogen, Except
A. Directly react with hydrogen to produce ammonia gas in the Haber process.
B. It produces a colorless reactive oxide known as nitrous oxide.
C. React with group IA &IIA metals to produce metal nitride.
D. Colourleess, odourless and tasteless gas.
90. Which one of the following does not indicates the uses of nitrogen?
A. Liquid nitrogen serves as refrigerator to preserve bull’s semen and blood.
B. Mainly used in the production coins and ornamentals.
C. Mainly used in the production ammonia gas.
D. Used in food packing to prevent oxidation and create inert atmosphere.
91. Which one of the following is not true about the chemical properties of copper?
A. Basic copper carbonate is responsible for the green layer that is formed at the surface of the metal.
B. Aqueous solution of Cu (+1) oxidation reduces and oxidizes itself.
C. React with dilute and concentrated form of acid to displace hydrogen gas.
D. Powdered forms of copper react with air to form a black powder of Cu (II) oxide
92. Which of the following statements about the extraction o In the process of electroplating
A. The pure plating metal should be used as the cathode.
B. A solution should contain one of a metal to be plated as electrolyte.
C. The anode is negative and cathode is positive.
D. The metal to be plated should be used as the cathode.
93. Which of the following natural resources is non- renewable?
A. Animal B. copper C. plant D. soil
94. Which of the following statements about the extraction of iron in the blast furnace is true?
A. Lime stone is added to combine with excess carbon dioxide.
B. A slag of iron oxide forms at the lower bottom of the furnace.
C. Hot air is blown at the top of the furnace.
D. Carbon monoxide reduces iron (III) oxide to metallic iron
95. Which of the following process is not used in the conversion of pig iron to steel?
C. Bessemer converter C. Basic Oxygen Process
D. Open-Hearth Furnace D. Ostwald process
96. Which of the following explains why iron is converted to steel?
A. Because the iron recovered from the blast furnace is soft and brittle
B. Because the iron which is obtained from the blast furnace is pure known as wrought iron.
C. Because the iron recovered from the blast furnace is hard and brittle
D. Because the iron removed from the blast furnace does not contain any impurities
97. Which of the following pairs of substances has the same method of industrial production?
A. S and N2 B. Cl2 and S C. O2 and Cl2 D. N2 and O2
98. Which of the following is NOT true about Allotropes?
A. Different form of the same element
B. Different form of the same element with the same physical state
C. Different form of the same element with the same physical properties.
D. Different form of the same element with different arrangement of atoms
99. Sulphuric acid is prepared industrially in four steps of reaction by contact process.
I. 2SO3 + H2SO4→ H2S2O7
II. S8 + 8O2 → 8SO2
III. 2SO2 + O2→ 2SO2
IV. H2S2O7 + H2O → 2H2SO4
Which of the following is the correct sequence of the steps?
100. Sulphur is the main raw material for the production of H2SO4 by the Contact
Process. In which stage catalyst V2O5 is used?
A. When sulphur is oxidized to form sulphur dioxide
B. When sulphur dioxide is converted to sulphur trioxide at high temperature
C. When sulphur trioxide is absorbed into concentrated sulphuric acid to produce oleum
D. When oleum is then diluted with water to produce the desired concentration of sulphuric acid
101. Which alloy is mismatched with the combined atoms it was formed from?
A. Brass- Cu & Zn B. Solder-Al & Hg C. Duralumin- Al, Cu & Mg D. Bronze- Cu & Sn
102. Tool steel mainly contain
A. Chromium and tungsten C. Chromium and nickel
B. Nickel and manganese D. Tungsten and manganese
103. What type of flame colour is observed from heating salts that contain sodium ion in its aqueous solution
toward a Bunsen burner?
A. Crimson B. Pale brown C. Yellow D. Green
104. What is the purpose of adding super-heated water in Frash process?
A. To clean the pipes C. To dissolve the sulfur.
B. To dissolve the impurities. D. To melt the Sulfur

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