Grade A 1. 2. 3
Grade A 1. 2. 3
Grade A 1. 2. 3
1. A student was given Mn, Zn, Fe and Cu metals. Identify which of them
(a) will not displace H2 from dil. HCl.
(b) will react only with steam to give H2(g).
(c) Will give H2 with 5% HNO3.
Write the chemical reactions involved.
2. A non-metal A is an important constituent of our food and forms two oxides B and C.
Oxide B is toxic whereas C causes global warming. Identify A, B and C.
A yellow coloured solid powder X is soluble in Carbon disulphide . It burns with a blue flame
forming suffocating smelling gas which turns moist blue litmus red. Identify X and give
chemical reaction involved. Tell if it is a metal or a non-metal.
Royal water is prepared by mixing two acids A and B. It can dissolve gold and platinum. It is a
highly corrosive and fuming liquid. Identify A and B. In which ratio are they mixed to obtain
Royal water? Give the other name for it.