Lesson 910

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STT Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa
1 clinician n /klɪˈnɪʃən/ nhà lâm sàng, thầy thuốc lâm sàng
2 adjunct n /ˈædʒʌŋkt / phần bổ sung
3 therapy n /ˈθerəpi / liệu pháp
4 apiece n /əˈpiːs / mỗi vật, mỗi người
5 accede v /əkˈsiːd / tán thành, bằng lòng
exceed v /ɪkˈsiːd / vượt quá
6 functioning a /ˈfʌŋkʃənɪŋ/ vận hành, hoạt động
7 adopt v /əˈdɒpt/ nhận làm con nuôi
adapt v /əˈdæpt / tra vào, lắp vào, làm thích nghi
8 ascetic a /əˈsetɪk / khổ hạnh
aesthetic a /iːsˈθetɪk / có óc thẩm mỹ
9 aid n /eɪd / sự viện trợ
aide n /eɪd / sĩ quan phụ tá, sĩ quan hậu cần
10 alliterate v /əˈlɪtəreɪt / lặp lại âm đầu
eliminate v /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt / loại trừ
11 rhyme v /raɪm / tạo vần, làm thơ
12 stoma n /ˈstəʊmə / lỗ khí, lỗ thở
13 hasten v /ˈheɪsən / vội vã, hấp tấp
14 closure n /ˈkləʊʒə / sự đóng cửa
15 opposing a /əˈpəʊzɪŋ/ chống đối, đối đầu
apposing a /ə'pəʊzɪŋ/ áp lên, chồng lên
16 bail n /beɪl / tiền bão lãnh
bale n /beɪl / kiện hàng
17 quieten v /ˈkwaɪətən/ làm yên lặng
18 squawk n /skwɔːk / tiếng kêu quác quác
19 indignant a /ɪnˈdɪɡnənt / căm phẫn
20 couch n /kaʊtʃ / cái ghế dài
coach n /kəʊtʃ/ xe ngựa
21 comprise v /kəmˈpraɪz / bao gồm
compose v /kəmˈpəʊz / sáng tác
22 concerted a /kənˈsɜːtɪd / có dự tính, có bàn tính
23 spineless a /ˈspaɪnləs / không xương sống
24 acrylic n /əˈkrɪlɪk / axit acrilic
25 minuet n /ˌmɪnjʊˈet / điệu nhảy minuet
minute n /maɪˈnjuːt / phút
26 siren n /ˈsaɪərən / còi báo động
27 eminent a /ˈemɪnənt / nổi tiếng, nổi bật
28 empathize v /ˈempəˌθaɪz / đồng cảm
29 dictatorship n /dɪkˈteɪtəʃɪp / chế độ độc tài
30 faze v /ˈfeɪz / làm bối rối
31 assortment n /əˈsɔːtmənt / sự phân loại, sự xếp hạng
32 syringe n /sɪˈrɪndʒ / ống tiêm
33 phial n /ˈfaɪəl / lọ thủy tinh ( đựng thuốc, vac-xin…)
34 gauge n /ɡeɪdʒ / thiết bị đo
gouge n /ɡaʊdʒ / lỗ đục tròn
35 ligament n /ˈlɪɡəmənt / dây chằng
36 hawk n /hɔːk / diều hâu
hock n /hɒk / sự cầm đồ
37 idle a /ˈaɪdəl / ăn không ngồi rồi
38 frantically adv /ˈfræntɪkəli / một cách điên cuồng, điên rồ.

III. Practice exercise 9

Question 1: Clinicians who recommend books to their clients site evidence that such readings are
effective adjuncts to therapy in many areas.
A. who B. to their clients C. site evidence D. effective adjuncts to
Question 2: Both managers were happy with a point a piece in a game spoilt by the strong wind that blew
for the entire 90 minutes.
A. happy with B. a piece C. the strong wind D. entire 90 minutes
Question 3: Churchill, who was in office when Elizabeth e xceeded to the throne in 1952, is t hought to
be t he queen's favorite prime minister.
A. who B. exceeded to C. thought to be D. the queen's
Question 4: ‘E ach household in a functioning community c an adapt orphans and others who
have n o h omes anymore,’ he said.
A. Each household B. can adapt C. and D. no homes anymore
Question 5: This year the Scottish Executive appointed him captain of culture to teach the public some
ascetic appreciation.
A. This year B. appointed him C. to teach D. ascetic appreciation
Question 6: Presidential aids have promised to review the attack to see what lessons, if any, might be
learned from the incident.
A. Presidential aids B. to review C. if any D. might be learned
Question 7: That trust was repaid with an offer no different from those which had all ready been refused.
A. That trust B. with an offer C. which D. all ready
Question 8: The title should change e very time a new poet is appointed and should e liminate or rhyme
with the name of t he new holder of the title.
A. every time B. is appointed C. eliminate D. the new holder
Question 9: External pressure dressing was then applied to the stoma while opposing the skin edges t o h
asten spontaneous wound closure.
A. External B. applied to C. opposing D. to hasten
Question 10: The young man was f inally released o n bale when a Supreme Court judge ruled that he
posed no risk to the community.
A. finally B. on bale C. ruled D. no risk to
Question 11: As the mechanical creatures quietened, a faint cheap could be heard, then a sort of
indignant squawk.
A. As B. quietened C. a faint cheap D. indignant squawk
Question 12: The basketball couch or the music teacher needs no convincing regarding the value of drill
and practice on fundamental skills.
A. The basketball couch B. needs C. regarding D. practice on
Question 13: A task force composing doctors and nurses was trained and a simple disease management
system was adopted.
A. composing B. was trained C. a D. was adopted
Question 14: At the centre of the story is the feisty Elizabeth and the concerted Darcy, who initially
cannot stand each other but reluctantly fall in love.
A. At the centre B. concerted Darcy C. who D. stand each other
Question 15: The great thing about academics is that they are typically spineless cowals who really do
respond to sufficient pressure.
A. about B. that C. spineless cowals D. do respond to
Question 16: In acid dyes, which are good for dying wool, silk, and acrylics, the chromophores are part
of a negative ion.
A. which B. for dying C. the chromophores D. a negative ion
Question 17: As we spoke, the siren of an approaching ambulance warned of the eminent arrival of yet
another victim.
A. As we spoke B. the siren C. warned of D. eminent arrival
Question 18: Each speaker e mpathized that business, government and t he media a ll must learn how to
f unction in crisis mode.
A. empathized B. the media C. all D. how to function
Question 19: It's a very, very difficult task t o set up a democratic and free and fare society out of the
ashes of that dictatorship.
A. to set up B. and C. fare society D. that dictatorship
Question 20: He says the amount doesn't phase him at all, a lthough he admits the investment is r
eaching 'a farcical level'.
A. He says B. doesn't praise him C. although D. is reaching
Question 21: There was an assortment of pill bottles, boxes of syringes, f iles of various medicines, a nd
many boxes of gloves.
A. an assortment of B. boxes of C. files of D. and
Question 22: One company p lans to produce organic noodles and steamed breads from w heat flower
obtained by m illing organic wheat.
A. plans to produce B. and
C. wheat flower D. milling organic wheat
Question 23: T he Environment Agency's rain level gouges around t he region confirmed the intensity of
t he downpour.
A. The Environment Agency's B. rain level gouges
C. the region D. the downpour
Question 24: Timboroa finally returned in t he Turf Classic on September 29, but finished last of eight
after injuring a ligament in a hawk.
A. finally B. the Turf Classic C. but D. in a hawk
Question 25: E ach village has its own goddess or Gramadevata, often in the form of an idle worshipped u
nder a sacred tree.
A. Each village B. or C. an idle D. under a sacred tree
Question 26: To make the sauce, heat the remaining butter and oil and cook t he leaks, garlic, salt and
pepper for 5 minutes until soft.
A. To make B. the remaining butter C. the leaks D. for 5 minutes
Question 27: Her back w as turned to me. so I c ould only see her short crop of black hair and the red
m antel she wore.
A. was turned to B. could only see C. black hair D; the red mantel.
Question 28: Britain doubled their medal haul in Paris after scooping two metals on the final day of the
World Championships.
A. Britain B. medal haul
C. two metals D. the World Championships
Question 29: Rescuers are frantically trying to reach more than 40 minors trapped in a coal mine that is
filling fast with water.
A. are frantically trying B. 40 minors C. a coal mine D. with water.
Question 30: Ali began the minute in time to the music, catching Andrew - who was still glaring at the
Duke - by surprise.
A. the minute B. catching C. who D. by surprise
I. Vocabulary
STT Từ vựng Phiên âm Nghĩa
1 mood n /muːd/ tâm trạng
moot n /mu:t/ sự thảo luận
2 hallmark n /ˈhɔːlmɑːk / dấu xác nhận tiêu chuẩn
3 servicemen n /ˈsɜːvɪsmen / người phục vụ trong quân đội
4 moral a /ˈmɒrəl / thuộc đạo đức
morale n /məˈrɑːl / tinh thần, chí khí
5 notion n /ˈnəʊʃən/ ý niệm, ý kiến, quan niệm
6 ritual a /ˈrɪtʃʊəl / thuộc lễ nghi, lễ giáo
7 cemetery n /ˈsemətri / nghĩa trang, nghĩa địa
8 avocado n /ˌævəˈkɑːdəʊ / quả bơ
9 walnut n /ˈwɔːlnʌt / hạt óc chó
10 morning n /ˈmɔːnɪŋ/ buổi sáng
mourning n /ˈmɔːnɪŋ / sự đau buồn
11 pretty a /ˈprɪti / xinh xắn
petty a /ˈpeti / nhỏ nhặt, không quan trọng
12 ring v /rɪŋ / bao quanh, vây tròn
wring v /rɪŋ / vắt, bóp
13 libel (v/n) /ˈlaɪbəl / bài viết nhục mạ, bôi nhọ
liable a /ˈlaɪəbəl / chịu trách nhiệm về
14 marital a /ˈmærɪtəl/ thuộc hôn nhân
martial a /ˈmɑːʃəl / liên quan đến chiến sự
15 wary a /ˈweəri / cảnh giác đề phòng
weary a /ˈwɪəri / rất mệt, mệt lử
16 coma n /ˈkəʊmə / trạng thái hôn mê
comma n /ˈkɒmə / dấu phẩy
17 leakage n /ˈliːkɪdʒ / sự rò rỉ
leak n /liːk / lỗ thủng, khe hở, chỗ bị rò ri
18 sight n /saɪt / sự nhìn
sigh n /saɪ / sự thở dài
19 click n /klɪk / cú nhấp chuột
clique n /kliːk / bè lũ
20 collaborate v /kəˈlæbəreɪt / cộng tác
corroborate v /kəˈrɒbəreɪt / làm chứng
21 confirm v /kənˈfɜːm / xác nhận
conform v /kənˈfɔːm / làm cho phù hợp
22 congenial a /kənˈdʒiːnɪəl / hợp nhau, ăn ý
congenital a /kənˈdʒenɪtəl / bẩm sinh
23 statute n /ˈstætʃuːt / đạo luật
stature n /ˈstætʃər/ vóc người
24 gate n /ɡeɪt / cái cổng
gait n /ɡeɪt / dáng đi
25 guilt n /ɡɪlt / tội lỗi
gilt n /ɡɪlt / sự mạ vàng
26 gorilla n /ɡəˈrɪlə / con khỉ đột
guerilla n /ɡəˈrɪlə / quân du kích
27 hale a /heɪl / khỏe mạnh, tránh kiện
hail v/n /heɪl / mưa đá
28 deduction n /dɪˈdʌkʃən / sự suy diễn
induction n /ɪnˈdʌkʃən / sự làm lễ nhậm chức
29 garment n /ˈɡɑːmənt / hàng may mặc, áo quần
30 entangle v /ɪnˈtæŋɡəl/ làm vướng mắc
31 corporation n / ˌkɔːpəˈreɪʃən / đoàn thể, liên đoàn
32 vicariously adv /vɪˈkeərɪəsli / một cách gián tiếp
33 liability n /ˌlaɪəˈbɪlɪti / sự chịu trách nhiệm
34 recruit v /rɪˈkruːt / chiêu mộ, tuyển dụng
35 bypass n /ˈbaɪpɑːs / đường vòng
36 punctuation n /ˌpʌŋktʃʊˈeɪʃən/ sự chấm câu, kết thúc câu
37 semi- colon n /ˈsemi ˈkəʊlən / dấu chấm phẩy
38 emperor n /ˈempərə / hoàng đế
39 cleavage n /ˈkliːvɪdʒ / sự chẻ ra, bổ ra
40 amplify v /ˈæmplɪfaɪ/ khuếch đại
41 allegedly adv /əˈledʒɪdli / cho là
42 tendril n /ˈtendrəl / tua bám của cây dây leo
43 haste n /heɪst / sự vội vàng
44 nightmare n /ˈnaɪtmeər/ cơn ác mộng
45 canopied a /ˈkænəpɪd/ che bằng màn, trướng
46 guilt n /ɡɪlt / tội lỗi

II. Structures
STT Cấu trúc - Cụm từ Nghĩa
1 beat sb to the punch đạt đuợc điều gì đó trước nguời khác
2 like a glove vừa như in
3 with a view to với hi vọng, với mục đích gì
4 in particular đặc biệt
5 attribute to cho là, coi là

III. Practice exercise 10

Question 1: It is a mood point that all serious coaches follow a particular s tyle of play that becomes their
signature o r hallmark.
A. a mood point B. follow C. style of D. or
Question 2: Former servicemen a nd women in Colchester have helped boost the moral of British troops
fighting in the Gulf.
A. and B. have helped C. the moral D. in the Gulf
Question 3: It is a book centered around the Victorian n otions of death and the rituals of morning and t
he i dea and function of the cemetery.
A. centered around B. notions of death
C. the rituals of morning D. the idea
Question 4: My other favorite foods include avocado pear, bananas, pairs, oranges, grapes and walnuts,
when they are in season.
A. My other B. include C. bananas, pairs D. are in season
Question 5: Stress and too much administration are cited as some of the main seasons for people
wanting a change.
A. too much B. are cited as C. the main seasons D. wanting a change
Question 6: He listened to all her problems, no matter how p retty and insignificant, and offered
solutions, never once laughing.
A. listened to B. all her problems C. pretty D. laughing
Question 7: You had to watch every garment as i t was rung, in order that it did not wrap over the top
roller and become entangled.
A. had to watch B. it was rung C. in order that D. become entangled
Question 8: A corporation is vicariously libel for strict liability offences to exactly the same extent as a
natural person.
A. A corporation B. libel for C. exactly D. a natural person
Question 9: The British, impressed by t he marital spirit of the Gurkhas, began recruiting them into the I
ndian army.
A. The British B. the marital spirit C. began D. into the Indian army
Question 10: An older man with gray hair stepped into the room and sank down into one of the plastic
chairs with a wary sigh, dropping his head into his hands.
A. An older man B. stepped into C. one of D. a wary sigh
Question 11: Warm-blooded animals are the only terrestrial creatures that live in large heard or flocks or
t hat migrate long distances.
A. the only B. that C. in large heard D. that
Question 12: For three noisy, polluted decades they have campaigned for the bypass which would restore
their village's piece and safety.
A. For B. have campaigned C. which D. village's piece
Question 13: Y ou make punctuation mistakes on a regular basis, particularly b y using comas when
colons or full stops are required.
A. You make B. on a regular basis C. by using comas D. when
Question 14: He was one of twin sons born to Marcus Aurelius and Annia Galeria Faustina i n August 1
61, the first emperor 'made in the purple'.
A. He was B. born to C. in August 161 D. made in
Question 15: They may also be haunted by the fear that someone else will be thinking along similar lines
and m ay beat them to the kick.
A. may also be B. the fear that C. may beat D. the kick
Question 16: She looked at herself in the mirror, it fitted her a s a glove, and it was not even showing t oo
m uch cleavage as the other dresses she had tried on.
A. looked at herself B. as a glove C. too much cleavage D. had tried on
Question 17: I h ave written this article with a vision to hopefully h elping other people cope with Mud
Fever when i t strikes.
A. have written B. with a vision to C. helping D. it strikes
Question 18: T he campaign to amplify parent voices must focus o n passing voice to each individual
parent, not on enhancing the role of an allegedly representative group.
A. The campaign B. on passing
C. on enhancing D. representative group
Question 19: The tanker sprang a leakage when it hit a floating c argo container, in either Spanish o r
Portuguese waters.
A. sprang a leakage B. hit G. cargo container D. or
Question 20: I s ank back in the hot water with a grateful sight and closed my eyes a s the tendrils of
steam wound their way across the surface of the pool.
A. sank back B. a grateful sight C. as D. wound their way
Question 21: At that time, he hadn't joined any of t he clicks he could have, staying alone, t alking to a
few other guys at a minimum level.
A. hadn't joined B. the clicks
C. talking to D. at a minimum level
Question 22: Further study u sing a g reater number of mares is justified to collaborate the findings of t his
e xperiment.
A. using B. greater number C. to collaborate D. this experiment
Question 23: The government will also continue to crack down on c oal mines i n particular because
many fail t o confirm with safety standards.
A. will also continue B. coal mines C. in particular D. to confirm with
Question 24: T he proportion of neonatal deaths a ttributed to major genetic or c ongenial
abnormalities has increased.
A. The proportion of B. attributed to
C. or D. congenial abnormalities
Question 25: Being short i n statute, most things are the right length for me these days, so I don't have to s
horten them.
A. in statute B. the right length C. these days D. shorten them
Question 26: I got up in no hurry, brushed my teeth without haste, took the routine morning exercise
lentissimo and walked at a leisurely gate.
A. got up B. without haste C. and D. a leisurely gate
Question 27: E ven the piano is d ecorated with gold and white, and the huge canopied bed has e nough
guilt to give your nightmares.
A. Even B. decorated with C. and the D. enough guilt
Question 28: I n the rush to war, the Western Coalition was not prepared for the gorilla warfare they're
now faced with.
A. In the rush to B. was not prepared C. the gorilla warfare D. faced with
Question 29: The multi-colored roofs twinkle from a distance in t he occasional sunshine, but usually it's
raining or h aling.
A. multi-colored roofs B. the C. but D. haling
Question 30: Vaidva's deduction into the bank is part of the ongoing management restructuring at the b
ank, according to a release.
A. Vaidya's deduction B. part of C. at the bank D. according to

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