Battlecry Playtest - PF2e
Battlecry Playtest - PF2e
Battlecry Playtest - PF2e
Welcome to the playtest for Pathfinder Battlecry! This upcoming sourcebook, scheduled for Gen Con 2025, brings
gritty combat to your gaming tables, as exemplified by these two new classes, the commander and the guardian.
The commander is a battlefield leader whose clever use of tactics can turn the tide of any fight. They deploy abilities
called tactics that grant allies extra movement or bonus actions if they follow certain orders.
The guardian is a defensive combatant who focuses on squeezing every lost drop of protection from their armor
for themselves and their allies. The guardian can intercept strikes meant for other characters and taunt foes to draw
their attention.
How to Playtest
The playtest will run until June 21st, 2024. We’re looking for your feedback, comments, and criticisms regarding
these classes, but we’re focusing our attention on feedback from play, both online through play-by-post campaigns
and VTTs and at home tables for those of you who can play such games safely. Make new characters, use them as PCs
or adversaries, and run a few game sessions or encounters using them! Our friends at Demiplane will also be hosting
a free preview of their online character-building tools, allowing you to build playtest commanders and guardians
online! You can visit them at
Anything can change based on the results of the playtest! These are early iterations of the new classes; some
abilities might be a bit extreme or stretch some assumptions of the game, and the best way to find out if we’ve gone
too far (or in the wrong direction) is for us to deliver them into your hands. We don’t expect to release any changes
during the playtest itself, only in the final book.
Once you’ve had a chance to try these classes, you can submit your feedback in a few ways:
• Surveys: Head to and
BattlecryOpenResponse to take surveys that will allow us to gather your responses. These surveys will remain open
until the end of the playtest.
• Forums: On, you’ll find playtest subforums for the commander and guardian, with threads for
discussion and announcements. When you post, look for existing threads on your topic before starting a new one.
Remember that every poster is trying to make the game better for everyone, so please be polite and respectful.
We will attempt to monitor other channels online, but is the dedicated space where you can be sure
we can see your reports.
We’d like to thank you for participating in the Pathfinder Battlecry! Class Playtest. We look forward to seeing what
you think and using your feedback to make these classes the best they can be!
Jason Bulmahn, Director of Game Design
Michael Sayre, Design Manager
Logan Bonner, Pathfinder Lead Designer
Luis Loza, Creative Director
James Case, Senior Designer
Jason Keeley, Senior Designer
Joshua Birdsong, Designer
Intelligence 8 plus your Constitution modifier Expert in Reflex
At 1st level, your class gives you You increase your maximum number Expert in Will
an attribute boost to Intelligence. of HP by this number at 1st level and
every level thereafter. SKILLS
Trained in Society and Warfare Lore
Trained in a number of additional
During combat encounters... skills equal to 2 plus your Intelligence
You look for an advantageous position to survey the battlefield, shouting out modifier
instructions to your allies or signaling them with your personal banner based
on the tactics you’ve trained and drilled beforehand. ATTACKS
Trained in simple weapons
During social encounters... Trained in martial weapons
You leverage your keen intellect and knowledge of warfare to watch for Trained in unarmed attacks
hostile political ploys and ferret out information your rivals would rather
keep hidden. DEFENSES
Trained in all armors
While exploring... Trained in unarmored defense
You use your keen perception, trained across multiple battlefields, to watch
for ambushes and plan tactics that are useful for your current environment. CLASS DC
Trained in commander class DC
In downtime...
You make connections with soldiers and aristocrats alike, leveraging your
connections to find promising prospects for work. You might enjoy board
games like chess, draj, go, imperial conquest, or other games of tactics as
ways to keep yourself sharp in times of peace.
You might...
• Hold yourself to an incredibly high standard of personal responsibility,
chastising yourself for small mistakes that others don’t even notice.
• Take the lead in discussions or negotiations instinctively, trusting your
keen mind to prevail where your personality might not.
• Constantly strive to learn more about your allies so you can bring out
the best in them.
Others probably...
• Respect your knowledge and opinion, especially when taking the broad
view of a situation.
• Sometimes consider you to be too bossy or demanding.
• Underestimate your cunning, especially if they’re a scholar or other
academic unfamiliar with the rigorous study required to obtain your
tactical knowledge.
increases to expert and you add one new tactic from ranks for light, medium, and heavy armor, as well as
those on pages 6-7 to your folio; these can be any for unarmored defense, increase to expert. You gain the
mobility or offensive tactics you don’t already know, armor specialization effects of medium and heavy armor.
or you can choose from expert tactics you have access
to. The total number of tactics you can have prepared Commanding Will 11th
increases to three. In addition, your proficiency rank in You know that if you break, so too will those who
Warfare Lore increases to master. follow you, and so you have cultivated a will that bends
to no outside force. Your proficiency rank for Will saves
Weapon Specialization 7th increases to master. When you roll a success on a Will
You’ve learned how to inflict greater injuries with the save, you get a critical success instead.
weapons you know best. You deal 2 additional damage
with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you’re an Perception Mastery 13th
expert. This damage increases to 3 if you’re a master, You’ve developed the ability to see a scenario from every
and 4 if you’re legendary. side. Your proficiency rank for Perception increases to
Fortitude Expertise 9th
Your physique has grown hardy in your adventures. Your Weapon Mastery 13th
proficiency rank for Fortitude saves increases to expert. You’ve drilled extensively in your weapons. Your
proficiency ranks for unarmed attacks, simple weapons,
Armor Expertise 11th and martial weapons increase to master.
You have spent so much time in armor that you know
how to make the most of its protection. Your proficiency Battlefield Intuition 15th
Your experience across a wide array of battlefields
gives you a preternatural ability to predict and avoid
damaging effects. Your proficiency rank for Reflex saves
increases to master. When you roll a success on a Reflex
save, you get a critical success instead.
have in your folio, or you can choose from expert fit into, and if one of the allies occupies more squares than the
tactics, master tactics, or legendary tactics you have other, the smaller ally can move into any part of the larger ally’s
access to. The total number of tactics you can have space as long as the two remain adjacent after the swap.
prepared increases to five.
Offensive Tactics
Tactics These tactics help your allies attack, reposition, or resist
The fundamental strategies of war used by many enemy forces.
commanders are recorded below. When you first gain your
commander’s folio at 1st level, choose four tactics from COORDINATING MANEUVERS [one-action]
the list below; as you increase in level (or if you take the COMMANDER TACTIC
Tactical Expansion feat), you will gain additional tactics. Your team works to slip enemies into a disadvantageous
position. Signal one squadmate currently affected by your
Mobility Tactics commander’s banner; that ally can immediately Step as a free
These tactics enable your squad to move around the action. If they end this movement next to an opponent, they can
battlefield more efficiently. attempt to Reposition that target as a reaction.
squadmates affected by your commander’s banner; each can movement adjacent to an enemy, they can attempt to Strike
immediately Interact to reload as a reaction. that enemy as a reaction. For each of these Strikes that are
Special When leading a siege weapon crew (Guns & Gears 72), successful, the target enemy must succeed at a Will save
you can use this tactic to command your squadmates to against your class DC or become frightened 1 (frightened 2 on
Load a siege weapon instead. a critical failure). If both Strikes target the same enemy, that
enemy takes a –1 circumstance penalty to their Will save to
SHIELDS UP! [one-action] resist this effect (this penalty increases to –2 if either Strike
COMMANDER TACTIC is a critical hit).
You signal your allies to ready their defenses. Signal all
squadmates affected by your commander’s banner; each can READY, AIM, FIRE! [two-actions]
immediately Raise a Shield as a reaction. Squadmates who are COMMANDER TACTIC
wielding a parry weapon can instead position that weapon You signal a volley of ranged attacks from your allies. Signal
defensively as a free action. all squadmates affected by your commander’s banner; they
can Interact to swap to a ranged weapon as a free action,
STRIKE HARD! [two-actions] Interact to reload as a free action, and then attempt a ranged
BANNER COMMANDER TACTIC Strike against an enemy that both you and they are observing
You command an ally to attack. Choose a squadmate who as a reaction.
can see or hear your signal. That ally immediately attempts a Special If one of your squadmates knows or has prepared a
Strike as a reaction. cantrip with a range of 30 feet or more, they can cast it as a
reaction targeting an enemy you both are observing instead
Expert Tactics of taking the other actions normally granted by this tactic.
You can choose from among these tactics when you add
a new tactic to your folio if you have the expert tactician Legendary Tactics
class feature. You can choose from among these tactics when you
add a new tactic to your folio if you have the legendary
PIRANHA ASSAULT [one-action] tactician class feature.
You know that a thousand small bites can fell a large foe just as EXECUTIONER’S VOLLEY [two-actions]
surely as single well-placed hit. Designate a creature within 60 COMMANDER TACTIC
feet and signal all squadmates affected by your commander’s Frequency once per 10 minutes
banner; each time you or your squadmates attack that creature You command your squadmates to act as a lethal firing squad.
and deal damage to it of a type the creature resists, they ignore You and each squadmate affected by your commander’s
an amount of that creature’s resistance equal to your level until banner can attempt a ranged Strike as a reaction against a
the beginning of your next turn. single target you designate; combine the damage from all
attacks for the purpose of resistances and weaknesses. If the
STUPEFYING RAID [two-actions] designated target is a living creature, these attacks are death
BANNER COMMANDER TACTIC effects and gain the death trait. If the designated target dies
Your team dashes about in a series of maneuvers that leave as a result of this tactic, all other enemies within the affected
the enemy befuddled. Signal up to two squadmates affected area of your commander’s banner must succeed at a Will save
by your commander’s banner; these allies can Stride up to their against your class DC or be frightened 2.
Speed as a reaction. Each enemy they are adjacent to at any
point during this movement must attempt a Will save against VALKYRIE’S CHARGE [three-actions]
your class DC or become stupefied 1 for 1 round (stupefied 2 COMMANDER TACTIC
on a critical failure); this is an emotion, fear, and mental effect. Frequency once per day
You and your allies defy death and defeat to make a glorious
Master Tactics final charge. You restore 80 Hit Points to yourself and each
You can choose from among these tactics when you squadmate affected by your commander’s banner; this effect
add a new tactic to your folio if you have the master has the healing trait. If an affected ally was unconscious due to
tactician class feature. their Hit Points being reduced to 0, they can immediately Stand
and pick up any dropped weapons. Then each affected ally can
DEMORALIZING CHARGE [two-actions] Stride up to twice their Speed directly towards an enemy they
BANNER COMMANDER TACTIC are observing; if they end this movement with an enemy within
Your team’s coordinated assault strikes fear into your enemies’ their reach, they can attempt to Strike that enemy as a reaction.
hearts. Signal up to two squadmates affected by your You and your squadmates can use Valkyrie’s Charge while
commander’s banner; they can immediately Stride toward an Burrowing, Climbing, Flying, or Swimming instead of Striding if
enemy they are observing as a free action. If they end this you have the corresponding movement type.
cannot wield that weapon while your banner is planted. While Special You can take this feat multiple times, adding two new
your banner is planted, any effects that normally happen in an tactics to your folio each time.
emanation around your banner instead happen in a burst that is
10 feet larger (so a 30-foot emanation becomes a 40-foot burst). RAPID ASSESSMENT [free-action] FEAT 2
You can use this action again while adjacent to your banner COMMANDER
to retrieve it. An enemy adjacent to the square you planted Trigger You roll initiative.
your banner in can remove your banner as an Interact action, You quickly evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your
ending this effect and preventing you and your allies from enemies. Attempt a check to Recall Knowledge against one
gaining any of your banner’s other benefits until you have creature you are observing.
successfully retrieved it.
If you are at least 5th level, the temporary Hit Points 4TH LEVEL
granted by this ability are instead equal to your Intelligence
modifier, and if you are at least 15th level, they are equal to BANNER TWIRL [one-action] FEAT 4
your level + your Intelligence modifier. BANNER COMMANDER TACTIC
You spin your banner in an elaborate pattern that your allies
2ND LEVEL know is just for show but that your enemies find inscrutable.
You and any ally adjacent to you has concealment from ranged
ADAPTIVE STRATAGEM [free-action] FEAT 2 attacks until the start of your next turn.
Trigger You roll initiative. OBSERVATIONAL ANALYSIS FEAT 4
Your constant training and strong bond with your allies allow COMMANDER
you to change your tactics on the fly. Replace one of your Prerequisites Combat Assessment
prepared tactics with another tactic in your folio. You are able to rapidly discern relevant details about your
opponents in the heat of combat. When you use Combat
DEFENSIVE SWAP [reaction] FEAT 2 Assessment against a target that you or an ally has targeted
COMMANDER with a Strike or spell since the start of your last turn, you get
Trigger You or an adjacent willing ally are the target of an a +2 circumstance bonus to the Recall Knowledge check (+4 if
attack roll. the Strike from Combat Assessment is a critical hit.)
You and your allies work together selflessly to protect each
other from harm. You and the required ally immediately swap SHIELDED RECOVERY FEAT 4
positions with each other, and whichever of you was not the COMMANDER
target of the triggering attack becomes the target instead. Prerequisites Combat Medic
You can bandage wounds even while holding your shield. You
GUIDING SHOT [one-action] FEAT 2 can use the same hand you are using to wield a shield to Treat
COMMANDER FLOURISH Wounds or use Battle Medicine, and you are considered to
Requirements You are wielding a ranged weapon. have a hand free for other uses of Medicine as long as the
Your ranged attack helps guide your allies into striking your only thing you are holding or wielding in that hand is a shield.
enemy’s weak point. Attempt a Strike with the required When you use Battle Medicine on an ally while wielding a
weapon. If the Strike hits, the next creature other than you to shield, they gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC and Reflex
attack the same target before the start of your next turn gains saves that lasts until the start of your next turn or until they
a +1 circumstance bonus to their roll, or a +2 circumstance are no longer adjacent to you, whichever comes first.
bonus if your Strike was a critical hit.
COMMANDER Your attack makes your opponent more susceptible to follow-
Your attack makes it difficult for your enemy to defend up maneuvers from your allies. Make a melee Strike against
themselves against your allies’ attacks. Attempt a melee Strike an enemy within your reach. If the Strike is successful, the
against an enemy. If the Strike is successful, the target is off- enemy takes a –2 circumstance penalty to their Fortitude
guard against the next attack that one of your allies attempts DC to resist being Grappled, Repositioned, or Shoved and a
against it before the start of your next turn. –2 circumstance penalty to their Reflex DC to resist being
Disarmed. Both penalties last until the start of your next turn.
Your folio is filled with tactics and techniques you’ve devised BANNER COMMANDER EMOTION FLOURISH MENTAL VISUAL
based on study and experience. Add two additional tactics you You wave your banner, inspiring allies to throw off the
qualify for to your folio. shackles of fear. Each ally currently benefiting from your
Requirements You are holding or wielding your banner. Stratagem, you can replace any number of your prepared
Seeing an enemy take aim at your ally, you bravely flourish tactics with others in your folio.
your banner to redirect their attention to you. The triggering
opponent must attempt a Will save against your class DC with DESPERATE RESUSCITATION [three-actions] FEAT 14
Success The opponent completes its attack against your ally. Prerequisites master in Medicine, Combat Medic
Failure The opponent targets you with the triggering attack Requirements You are holding a healer’s toolkit or are wearing
instead. one and have a free hand; the target’s body is mostly intact.
Critical Failure As failure, but you gain a +2 circumstance You can use your training in combat medicine to revive the
bonus to your AC against the triggering attack. recently deceased. Attempt a DC 40 Medicine check to revive a
dead creature that has been dead for no more than 3 rounds. If
TARGETING STRIKE [one-acti FEAT 10 you succeed, the target returns to life with the effects of raise
COMMANDER dead, except it still has the wounded condition it had before
Prerequisites Guiding Shot dying, increased by 1 (or wounded 1 if it wasn’t wounded before
Your Guiding Shot creates a deadly opening for your allies. dying). Whether you succeed or fail, the target is temporarily
Whenever you hit with a ranged strike using Guiding Shot, immune to Desperate Resuscitation for 1 day.
the next attack made by an ally against that target is made
with a +2 circumstance bonus (even if the Strike was not QUICKENING BANNER [one-action] FEAT 14
a critical hit), and the Strike deals an amount of additional BANNER COMMANDER VISUAL
precision damage equal to your Intelligence modifier. Frequency once per 10 minutes
Your banner flutters desperately, urging your allies to strike
12TH LEVEL now. Each ally affected by your commander’s banner is
quickened for 1 round. They can use this extra action to Strike
FORTUNATE BLOW [one-action] FEAT 12 or Stride.
You set an enemy up for a devastating follow-through from 16TH LEVEL
your allies. Attempt a Strike against an opponent. If the Strike
hits, the next creature other than you to attack the same CONFUSING COMMANDS [two-actions] FEAT 16
target before the start of your next turn rolls twice on their AUDITORY COMMANDER LINGUISTIC MENTAL
attack roll and takes the higher result; this is a fortune effect. Prerequisites Deceptive Tactics
You shout out bewildering but authoritative commands while
PERFECTED EVALUATIONS FEAT 12 imitating the voices, language, and speech patterns of your
COMMANDER opponents. Each enemy within the area affected by your
Prerequisites Unrivaled Analysis commander’s banner must succeed at a Will save against
You instantly assess the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy your class DC or become confused for 1 round (2 rounds on a
forces. When you use Rapid Assessment, you can attempt up to critical failure). Targets who succeed at their saving throw are
six Recall Knowledge checks against enemies you are observing. temporarily immune to Confusing Commands for 1 day.
Your banner is an awesome sight to behold. Your commander’s
banner now affects a 60-foot emanation (or an 80-foot burst
if you are using Plant Banner), the status bonus to Will saves
and DCs against fear effects granted to your allies increases
to +2, and you and affected allies gain a +1 status bonus to
AC, Fortitude saves, and Reflex saves. Enemies within the area
affected by your commander’s banner take a –2 status penalty
to Will saves as long as they can see your banner.
In downtime...
Your armor and shield might have gotten damaged during your latest
adventures, so you often spend time repairing and maintaining them. You
might also earn some extra coin doing manual labor or extra work as a
town guard.
You might...
• Stand firm in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, trusting in the
strength of your armor to pull you through.
• Good-naturedly joke about how the damage you’ve taken has effectively
saved the lives of your companions.
• Be slow to trust the motives of anyone who isn’t one of your allies,
assuming they mean to do you harm.
Others probably...
• Appreciate the sturdiness of your armor, especially when it absorbs an
attack meant for them.
• Don’t understand why you’d want to put yourself in danger by taunting
• Feel safer when you are standing beside them on the field of battle.
Your Level Class Features RESISTANCE REMINDER
1 Ancestry and background, attribute boosts, A guardian’s armor allows them to resist damage in several
initial proficiencies, guardian armor, guardian specific ways, from armor specialization to the Intercept
feats, Intercept Strike, Shield Block, Taunt, Strike action. Remember that if you have more than one
threat technique type of resistance that would apply to the same instance of
2 Guardian feat, skill feat damage, use only the highest applicable resistance value.
3 General feat, skill increase, tough to kill Your plate armor gives you resistance to slashing damage
4 Guardian feat, skill feat when you are struck with a blade, but the resistance to all
5 Ancestry feat, attribute boosts, armor damage you receive from Intercept Strike is likely higher
expertise, reflex expertise, skill increase when you take a similar attack for an ally.
6 Guardian feat, skill feat
7 General feat, reaction time, skill increase,
weapon expertise Guardian Armor
8 Guardian feat, skill feat Even when you are struck, your armor protects you
9 Ancestry feat, battle hardened, guardian from some harm. You gain the armor specialization
expertise, skill increase effects of medium and heavy armor. In addition, you can
10 Attribute boosts, guardian feat, skill feat rest normally while wearing medium and heavy armor.
11 Armor mastery, general feat, skill increase,
weapon specialization Guardian Feats
12 Guardian feat, skill feat At 1st level and every even-numbered level, you gain a
13 Ancestry feat, greater armor specialization, guardian class feat.
skill increase
14 Guardian feat, skill feat Intercept Strike
15 Attribute boosts, general feat, legendary You keep your charges safe from harm, even if it
armor, skill increase, unyielding resolve means you get hurt yourself. You gain the Intercept
16 Guardian feat, skill feat Strike reaction.
17 Ancestry feat, greater weapon specialization,
skill increase, weapon mastery INTERCEPT STRIKE [reaction]
18 Guardian feat, skill feat GUARDIAN
19 General feat, guardian mastery, skill increase Trigger An adjacent ally takes physical damage.
20 Attribute boosts, guardian feat, skill feat You fling yourself in the way of oncoming harm to protect an
ally. You take the damage instead of your ally, though thanks
Class Features to your armor, you gain resistance to all damage against the
You gain these abilities as a guardian. Abilities gained at triggering damage equal to 2 + your level.
higher levels list the level at which you gain them next
to the features’ names. Shield Block
You gain the Shield Block general feat (Player Core 262),
Ancestry and Background a reaction that lets you reduce damage with your shield.
In addition to what you get from your class at 1st level,
you have the benefits of your selected ancestry and Taunt
background. Often, the best way to protect your allies is to have
the enemy want to attack you instead. You gain the
Attribute Boosts Taunt action.
In addition to what you get from your class at 1st level,
you have four free boosts to different attribute modifiers. TAUNT [one-action]
At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you get four CONCENTRATE GUARDIAN
free boosts to different attribute modifiers. If an attribute With an attention-getting gesture, a cutting remark, or a
modifier is already +4 or higher, it takes two boosts to threatening shout, you get an enemy to focus their ire on you.
increase it; you get a partial boost, and must boost that Even mindless creatures are drawn to your taunts. Choose a
attribute again at a later level to increase it by 1. creature within 30 feet, who must attempts a Will save against
your class DC. Regardless of the result, it is immune to your
Initial Proficiencies Taunt until the beginning of your next turn. If you gesture,
At 1st level, you gain a number of proficiencies that this action gains the visual trait. If you speak or otherwise
represent your basic training. These proficiencies are make noise, this action gains the auditory trait. Your Taunt
noted at the start of this class. must have one of those two traits.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. on Strikes against creatures affected by your Taunt if they
Success Until the beginning of your next turn, the creature take a hostile action that doesn’t include you as a target.
gains a +2 circumstance bonus to attack rolls it makes This bonus lasts until the end of your turn. This additional
against you and to its DCs of effects that target you (for damage increases by 2 at 9th level and 16th level.
area effects, the DC increases only for you), but takes a –1 Mitigate Harm: You gain resistance to damage from
circumstance penalty to attack rolls and DCs when taking a critical hits made by a creature affected by your Taunt.
hostile action that doesn’t include you as a target. This resistance is equal to 2 + half your level; this resistance
Failure As success, but the penalty is –2. increases by 2 at 5th level, 11th level, and 15th level.
Critical Failure As success, but the penalty is –3.
Skill Feats 2nd
Threat Technique At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill
Whether you stop their worst attacks or strike them feat. You must be trained or better in the corresponding
down for going after your allies, you know how to skill to select a skill feat.
deal with the targets of your taunts. Choose ferocious
vengeance or mitigate harm. General Feats 3rd
Ferocious Vengeance: Enemies that ignore your taunts At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a
take the brunt of your anger. You deal 2 additional damage general feat.
or until you move, whichever comes first, foes within reach of INTERCEPT FOE [reaction] FEAT 4
the weapon you are wielding or your unarmed attack can’t use GUARDIAN
move actions to move outside of the reach of your weapon or Trigger An ally is the target of a melee Strike, and you could
unarmed attack. They can still move to other squares within reach that ally with a Stride action.
reach of your weapon or unarmed attack. You cannot stand still while your comrades might be in
danger. Stride, and you must end your movement adjacent
RAISE HAFT FEAT 2 to the triggering ally; you can use Intercept Foe while
GUARDIAN Burrowing, Climbing, Flying, or Swimming instead of
You know how to use the haft of larger weapons to block Striding if you have the corresponding movement type. That
attacks. Two-handed weapons you wield gain the parry trait. ally gains a +2 circumstance bonus to their AC against the
If the weapon already has the parry trait, you increase the melee Strike.
circumstance bonus to AC it provides to +2.
FLOURISH GUARDIAN Raising your shield, you provoke attacks from foes that might
Requirements You are wearing a shield. otherwise stop your allies from moving. Raise your Shield and
By banging loudly on your shield, you get the attention of then Stride up to half your Speed. Your movement triggers
even the most stubborn of foes. Raise a Shield and then Taunt enemies’ reactions as normal, but whether an enemy chooses
a creature. Your Taunt gains the auditory trait, and the target to take that reaction or not, if they were able to react to your
takes a –1 circumstance penalty to their save. movement, they can’t react to your allies’ movement until the
start of your next turn.
Requirements You are wearing medium or heavy armor. GUARDIAN
You can open yourself up to larger-scale attacks to protect Trigger You Intercept a melee Strike made with a weapon and
those behind you. If you’re in an area effect that requires a are adjacent to the creature that made the Strike.
Reflex saving throw and have at least one ally adjacent to you, When you catch a weapon in your armor, you can move your
you take a –2 circumstance penalty to your Reflex save and body to wrench it from your foe’s grasp. After Intercepting
each ally adjacent to you gains standard cover against that the Strike, attempt to Disarm the weapon used for that
area effect (granting them a +2 circumstance bonus to their attack. You don’t need to have a hand free, and you gain an
Reflex saves). item bonus to the Athletics check equal to the value of the
armor’s potency rune.
You reflexively place your shield between your eyes and visual GUARDIAN
dangers. While your shield is raised, you gain the benefits of Your armor always protects you from certain types of damage.
Avert Gaze. Choose acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic. When wearing
medium or heavy armor, you gain resistance to that type of
FLYING TACKLE [two-actions] FEAT 4 damage equal to 1 + the value of the armor’s potency rune for
FLOURISH GUARDIAN medium armor, or 2 + the value of the armor’s potency rune
You barrel forward, gathering enough momentum to take down a for heavy armor.
threatening foe. Stride and then Leap. If you end your movement
adjacent to a foe, you can attempt to Trip that foe. If you succeed MOBILE PROTECTION FEAT 6
at the Athletics check, you get a critical success. You can use GUARDIAN
Flying Tackle while Burrowing, Climbing, Flying, or Swimming Prerequisites Bodyguard
instead of Striding if you have the corresponding movement type. You move swiftly to protect your charge when they are in
trouble. Your Intercept Strike triggers when your charge is
INTERCEPT ENERGY FEAT 4 up to 10 feet away and takes damage. When Intercept Strike
GUARDIAN is triggered in this way, you can Stride up to 10 feet before
By tempering your armor with chemicals, you can use it to you take the damage, though you must end your movement
absorb energy damage. Your Intercept Strike also triggers adjacent to your charge, closer (or the same distance) to the
when an adjacent ally would take acid, cold, fire, electricity, source of the attack than your charge, and within range or
or sonic damage. reach of the triggering attack.
REACTIVE STRIKE [reaction] FEAT 6 Trigger You used Shield Block to prevent damage from an
GUARDIAN adjacent creature’s attack.
Trigger A creature within your reach uses a manipulate action As you absorb a blow from an enemy, you can use their
or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square attack’s momentum against them. Attempt to Reposition the
during a move action it’s using. creature whose attack you used Shield Block against. You
You swat a foe that leaves an opening. Make a melee Strike don’t need to have a hand free to do so. You gain a +1 item
against the triggering creature. If your attack is a critical hit and bonus to the Athletics check if your shield is at least 4th
the trigger was a manipulate action, you disrupt that action. level, a +2 item bonus if your shield is at least 10th level, and
This Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty, a +3 item bonus if your shield is at least 16th level.
and your multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this Strike.
GUARDIAN Trigger An adjacent ally is the target of a physical ranged Strike.
You can use your shield to fend off explosions and the Requirements You can see the attacker, you are not off-guard,
like. When you Raise your Shield, you gain your shield’s and you have Raised your Shield.
circumstance bonus to Reflex saves. You place your shield in the path of an oncoming projectile.
Special If you have the Shield Block reaction, damage you Your adjacent ally gains a +4 circumstance bonus to AC
take as a result of a Reflex save can trigger that reaction, against the triggering attack. If the attack misses, you have
even if the damage isn’t physical damage. deflected it with your shield.
Though you’ve taken a lot of punishment, you aren’t easily Success The creature can’t use reactions against an ally you
brought down. You gain a number of temporary Hit Points designate until the beginning of their next turn.
equal to half your maximum Hit Points that last for 1 minute. Failure The creature can’t use reactions until the beginning of
their next turn.
12TH LEVEL Critical Failure As failure, but the creature is also stunned 1.
Special If your armor has a fortification rune, you roll only one
DC 12 flat check or DC 10 if it’s a greater fortification rune.
With a sixth sense for the flow of combat, you can quickly
react to any situation as required. At the start of each enemy’s
turn, you gain a reaction you can use only during that turn for
any reaction from a guardian feat or class feature.
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Jason Keeley and Michael Sayre
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Pathfinder Battlecry! Class Playtest © 2024 Paizo Inc.
Authors: Jason Keeley and Michael Sayre. Pathfinder Battlecry! Class Playtest © 2024, Paizo Inc. Paizo,
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