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Robust Counterpart Open

Capacitated Vehicle Routing (RC-
OCVRP) Model in Optimization of
Garbage Transportation i...
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)

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Modeling and Opt imal Solut ion of Open Capacit at ed Vehicle Rout ing Problem (Ocvrp) in Garba…
Fit ri Maya Puspit a

Kat arzyna Gdowska

Amr B. Elt awil
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)
Vol.8, No.6, December 2018, pp. 4382~4390
ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v8i6.pp4382-4390  4382

Robust Counterpart Open Capacitated Vehicle Routing

(RC-OCVRP) Model in Optimization of Garbage
Transportation in District Sako and Sukarami, Palembang City

Fitri Maya Puspita1, Yusuf Hartono2, Nadia Zuliaty Syaputri3, Evi Yuliza4, Weni Dwi Pratiwi5
1,3,4,5Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
2Mathematics Study Program, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: In this paper, the Robust Counterpart Open Capacitation Vehicle Rounting
Problem (RC-OCVRP) Model has been established to optimize waste
Received May 9, 2018 transport in districts Sako and districts Sukarami, Palembang City. This
Revised Jul 9, 2018 model is completed with the aid of LINGO 13.0 by using Branch and Bound
Accepted Jul 23, 2018 solver to get the optimum route. For Sako districs, the routes are as follows:
working area 1 is TPS 1-TPS 2-TPS 3-TPA with distance 53.39 km, working
area 2 is TPS 1-TPS 2-TPS 3-TPA with distance 48.14 km, working area 3 is
Keyword: TPS 1-TPA with a distance of 22.98 km, and working area 4 is TPS 1-TPS 2-
TPS 3-TPS 4-TPA with 45.45 km distance, and obtained the optimum route
Garbage transportation in Sukarami districts is as follows: working area 1 is TPS 1-TPS 2-TPA
OCVRP 44.39 km, working area 2 is TPS 1-TPS 2-TPS 3-TPA with distance 49.32
Optimization km, working area 3 is TPS 1-TPS 3-TPA-TPS 2-TPA with distance 58.57
Robust km, and working area 4 is TPS 1-TPA with a distance of 24.07 km, working
area 5 is TPS 1-TPS 3-TPA-TPS 2-TPS 4-TPA with a distance of 77.66 km,
and working area 6 is a TPS 1-TPS 2-TPS 3-TPA with a distante 44.94 km.
Copyright © 2018 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science.
All rights reserved.

Corresponding Author:
Fitri Maya Puspita,
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sriwijaya University,
Jln. Raya Palembang-Prabumulih KM 32 Inderalaya, Ogan Ilir, Indonesia.
Email: [email protected]

Palembang city as a metropolitan city is facing a problem like other big cities, namely garbage.
Almost 80% of the waste is from household waste. Garbage accumulation will have negative effects both for
the environment and for human life. Several factors that cause the build up of garbage, one of which is the
technique of transporting waste is that are not efficient. Therefore, to prevent the accumulation of waste,
more accurate and efficient waste transport methods are needed to transport waste from the Temporary
Disposal Site called TPS to landfills called TPA.
There are two types of garbage car used, namely amroll and dump truck. While there are three types
of waste containers in the TPS, the container with a capacity of 4 kg, garbage containers made of fiber with a
capacity of 3.8 kg, and a waste bin made of concrete with a capacity of 5 kg. According to [1] transportation
of waste from TPS to TPA is done based on the division of working area.
An application of Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is a matter of delivery and retrieval of goods.
Meanwhile, according to [2], VRP applications appear in design and distribution systems whose operations
are determined by route construction, and the goal is to minimize total cost and travel routes. If the vehicle
has a single capacity with a single commodity then it is called a Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
(CVRP). Applications related to shipping, such as consumer products and garbage collection and
transportation including air, rail, ships and motor vehicles [3]. In networks, routing problems are also critical
issues to be discussed. In some cases,routing problem wireless sensor network [4] and improved Augmented

Journal homepage: http://iaescore.com/journals/index.php/IJECE

Int J Elec& Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708  4383

Line Segment Based (ALSB) for steiner minimum treeis currently discussed. On the issue of Capacitated
Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) as discussed in [5], [6], the carrier vehicle must return to the depot after
completing its work. However, for some vehicle route problems such as the route of the garbage transport
vehicle, the above-mentioned conditions cannot be performed. This becomes inefficient, as it will cost more
travel and more time wasted. This is what the authors found happening in the field, that the garbage car does
not return to the depot to raise the house of each driver. This becomes a new problem because the path
formed turns into an open path. Thus, the CVRP problem becomes an Open Capacitated Vehicle Routing
Problem (OCVRP) problem as quoted from [7].
Robustness in modelling occurs in some environments. For instance, robustness can occur in
dynamical power system [8], robust performance in system operation of an aircraft [9] or even robust model
predictive controller (RMPC) for adaptive system [10]. The Robust Counterpart (RC) method in this case
was developed by Ben-Tal and Nemirovski in early 1997. In this methodology, RC represents the worst-case
oriented approach, a solution called robust feasible methods [11]. The emergence of robust as a methodology
is considered capable of resolving the uncertainty of existing data [12]. In the garbage haul, the uncertainty of
the data on the garbage volume in each TPS is found. Based on the facts that arise, then the problem is
classified as a Demand Robust Counterpart (DRC) problem. DRC issues can be solved by MILP with the
help of Lingo 13.0 Program and solved with Branch and Bound solver.
Sako and Sukarami Districts are one of the densely populated districts of Palembang. This research
is based on research on 16 districts in Palembang City. To obtain a minimum route with maximum waste
capacity, use Robust Counterpart Open Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (RC-OCVRP) method. The
specialty of the RC-OCVRP method is to get the optimum route according to the circumstances that occur in
the field that the garbage truck does not return to the depot but to the home of each driver as well as the
uncertainty of the volume of garbage.The objective of this research is to apply Robust Counterpart Open
Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (RC-OCVRP) method to optimize waste transportation route based on
distance and volume of TPS in Sako and Sukarami districts, Palembang City.

The writing of this research is a case study, using data of garbage transportation in two Districts in
Palembang City, Sako and Sukarami Subdistricts. Data obtained from DKK Kota Palembang and field survey
in the form of direct interview with DKK driver and measurement of distance between TPS and TPS to TPA.
The steps taken are:
a. Collecting data in the form of: the number of cars operating in the districts of Sako and districts
Sukarami along with the volume of car capacity, the route through each car and the volume transported
from each TPS, the distance traveled from the TPS to the TPS to the TPA.
b. Determining Distance Matrix.
c. Model the data into Robust Counterpart Model.
d. Establish Models by determining working area in each districts in OCVRP and CVRP issues.
e. Apply the model of each working area into Lingo 13.0.
f. Looking for optimal integer solution from non-optimal integer solution by using Branch and bound
solver method on LINGO 13.0.
g. Determining the optimal route on working area for the case of garbage transportation by Branch and
Bound solver method on LINGO 13.0.


DKK Palembang City provides 4 garbage transport vehicles in Sako districts and 6 garbage
transport vehicles in districts Sukarami with a carrying capacity of up to 8 tons. Each garbage transport
vehicle is divided into individual working area. This model consists of a combination of Robust Counterpart
Model and OCVRP Model.

Min= 𝛿
Subject to
19.07𝑦01 +20.52𝑦02 +23.32𝑦03 +19.07𝑦10 +5.56𝑥12 +4.63𝑥13 +20.52𝑦20 +5.56𝑥21 +5.46𝑥23 +123.32𝑦30 +4.63𝑥31
+5.46𝑥32 ≤ 𝛿
𝑦01 +𝑦02 +𝑦03 +𝑥12 +𝑥13 +𝑥21 +𝑥23 +𝑥31 +𝑥32 ≥ 0.96
𝑦10 +𝑦20 +𝑦30 +𝑥12 +𝑥13 +𝑥21 +𝑥23 +𝑥31 +𝑥32 ≥ 1
𝑦01 +𝑦02 +𝑦03 =1
Robust Counterpart Open Capacitated Vehicle Routing… (Fitri Maya Puspita)
4384  ISSN: 2088-8708

2800 ≤ 𝑙1 < 8000

2800 ≤ 𝑙2 < 8000
2100 ≤ 𝑙3 < 8000
𝑙1 − 𝑙2 + 8000𝑥12 ≤ 5200
𝑙1 − 𝑙3 + 8000𝑥13 ≤ 5900
𝑙2 − 𝑙1 + 8000𝑥21 ≤ 5200
𝑙2 − 𝑙3 + 8000𝑥23 ≤ 5900
𝑙3 − 𝑙1 + 8000𝑥31 ≤ 5200
𝑙3 − 𝑙2 + 8000𝑥32 ≤ 5200
𝛿, 𝑦01 , 𝑦02 , 𝑦03 , 𝑥12 , 𝑥13 , 𝑥21 , 𝑥23 , 𝑥31 , 𝑥32 ≥ 0

Table 1 is a solution table of the Robust Counterpart OCVRP model in Sako districts. From the
table, it can be obtained that the optimal route distance for working area 1 is 53.39 km, working area 2 is
48.14 km, working area 3 is 22.98 km, and working area 4 is 45.45 km. Whereas Table 2 shows the value of
the decision variable for working area 1, Table 3 shows the value of the decision variable for working area 2,
Table 4 shows the value of the decision variable for working area 3, and Table 5 shows the value of the
decision variable for working area 4.

Table 1. Solutionof Robust Counterpart OCVRP in Sako District

Solver Status Working Area 1 Working Area 2 Working Area 3 Working Area 4
State Global Optimal Global Optimal Global Optimal Global Optimal
Objective 53.39 48.14 22.98 45.45
Infeasibelity 0 0 0 0
Iterations 0 0 0 0
Solver Type Branch and Bound Branch and Bound Branch and Bound Branch and Bound
Best Objective 53.39 48.14 22.98 45.45
Steps 0 0 0 0
Update Interval 2 2 2 2
GMU 25 25 19 30
ER 0 0 0 0

Table 2. Robust Variable Value with OCVRP Working Area 1 in Sako District
Variable Working Area 1 Variable Working Area 1
𝛿 53.39 𝑥21 0
𝑦01 0 𝑥23 1
𝑦02 0 𝑦30 1
𝑦03 0 𝑥31 0
𝑦10 0 𝑥32 0
𝑥12 1 𝑙1 2800
𝑥13 0 𝑙2 5600
𝑦20 0 𝑙3 7700

The values listed in 𝑙1 , 𝑙2 , 𝑙3 of Table 2 represent the vlome of waste transported upon leaving TPS-
𝑖 (𝑖 = 1,2,3), so that𝑙1 = 2800, 𝑙2 = 5600, 𝑙3 = 7700. A route that must be passed by dump truck for
garbage transport at working area 1 is TPS 1-TPS 2-TPS 3-TPA Karya Jaya. Minimum route the driver
passes in graph form is explained in Figure 1.

1 2 3 TPA

Figure 1. Vehicle route of working area 1 Sako in District

The values listed in 𝑙1 , 𝑙2 , 𝑙3 of Table 3 represent the vlome of waste transported upon leaving TPS-
𝑖 (𝑖 = 1,2,3), so that 𝑙1 = 2700, 𝑙2 = 5600, 𝑙3 = 7800. Routes that must be passed by dump truck for
garbage transport at working area 2 is TPS 1-TPS 2-TPS 3-TPA Karya Jaya. Minimum route the driver
passes is depecited in Figure 2.

Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 8, No. 6, December 2018 : 4382 - 4390
Int J Elec& Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708  4385

Table 3. Robust Variable Value with OCVRP Working Area 2 in Sako District
Variable Working Area 2 Variable Working Area 2
𝛿 48.14 𝑥21 0
𝑦01 0 𝑥23 1
𝑦02 0 𝑦30 1
𝑦03 0 𝑥31 0
𝑦10 0 𝑥32 0
𝑥12 1 𝑙1 2700
𝑥13 0 𝑙2 5600
𝑦20 0 𝑙3 7800

1 2 3 TPA

Figure 2. Vehicle route of working area 2 in Sako District

Table 4. Robust Variable Value with OCVRP Working Area 3 in Sako districts
Variable Working Area 3
𝛿 22.98
𝑦01 0
𝑦10 1
𝑙1 0
𝑙2 7500

The values listed in 𝑙1 , 𝑙2 of Table 4 represent the vlome of waste transported upon leaving TPS-
𝑖 (𝑖 = 1,2), so that 𝑙1 = 0, 𝑙2 = 7500. Routes that must be passed by dump truck for garbage transport at
working area 3 is TPS 1-TPA Karya Jaya. Minimum route the driver passes in graph form as explained in
Figure 3.


Figure 3. Vehicle route of working area 3 in Sako districts

Table 5. Robust Variable Value with OCVRP Working Area 4 in Sako districts
Variable Working Area 4 Variable Working Area 4
𝛿 45.45 𝑦30 0
𝑦01 0 𝑥31 0
𝑦02 0 𝑥32 0
𝑦03 0 𝑥34 1
𝑦04 0 𝑦40 1
𝑦10 0 𝑥41 0
𝑥12 1 𝑥42 0
𝑥13 0 𝑥43 0
𝑥14 0 𝑙1 1800
𝑦20 0 𝑙2 4500
𝑥21 0 𝑙3 6000
𝑥23 1 𝑙4 7600
𝑥24 0

The values listed in 𝑙1 , 𝑙2 , 𝑙3 , 𝑙4 of Table 5. The values listed in TPS-𝑖 (𝑖 = 1,2,3,4), so that 𝑙1 =
1800, 𝑙2 = 4500, 𝑙3 = 6000, 𝑙4 = 7600. Routes that must be passed by dump truck for garbage transport
at working area 4 is TPS 1–TPS 2 –TPS 3–TPS 4–TPA Karya Jaya. Minimum route the driver passes is
depicted in Figure 4.

1 2 3 4 TPA

Figure 4. Vehicle route of working area 4 in Sako districts

Robust Counterpart Open Capacitated Vehicle Routing… (Fitri Maya Puspita)
4386  ISSN: 2088-8708

Table 6 is a solution table of the Robust Counterpart OCVRP model in Sukarami districts. From the
table, it can be found that the optimal route distance for working area 1 is 44.39 km, working area 2 is 49.32
km, working area 3 is 58.57 km, working area 4 is 24.07 km, working area 5 is 77.66 km. And working area
6 is 44.94 km. While Table 7 shows the value of the decision variable for working area 1, Table 8 shows the
value of the decision variable for working area 2, Table 9 shows the value of the decision variable for
working area 3, Table 10 shows the value of the decision variable for working area 4, Table 11 shows the
value of the decision variable for working area 5, and Table 12 shows the value of the decision variable for
working area 6. The values listed in 𝑙1 , 𝑙2 of Table 7 represent the vlome of waste transported upon leaving
TPS-𝑖 (𝑖 = 1,2), so that 𝑙1 = 3800, 𝑙2 = 7500. Routes that must be passed by dump truck for garbage
transport at working area 1 is TPS 1-TPS 2-TPS 3-TPA Karya Jaya. Minimum route the driver passes in
Figure 5.

Table 6. Solution of Robust Counterpart OCVRP in Sukarami districts

Working Area Working Area Working Area Working Area Working Area Working Area
Solver Status
1 2 3 4 5 6
Global Global Global Global Global Global
Optimal Optimal Optimal Optimal Optimal Optimal
Objective 44.39 49.32 58.57 24.07 77.66 44.94
Infeasibelity 0 0 0 0 0 0
Iterations 0 0 0 0 0 0
Branch and Branch and Branch and Branch and Branch and Branch and
Solver Type
Bound Bound Bound Bound Bound Bound
Best Objective 44.39 49.32 58.57 24.07 77.66 44.94
Steps 0 0 0 0 0 0
Update Interval 2 2 2 2 2 2
GMU 21 25 25 19 30 25
ER 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 7. Robust Variable Value with OCVRP Working Area 1 in Sukarami districts
Variable Working Area 1 Variable Working Area 1
𝛿 44.39 𝑦20 1
𝑦01 0 𝑥21 0
𝑦02 0 𝑙1 3800
𝑦10 0 𝑙2 7500
𝑥12 1

1 2 TPA

Figure 5. Vehicle route of working area 1in Sukarami districts

Table 8. Robust Variable Value with OCVRP Working Area 2 in Sukarami districts
Variable Working Area 2 Variable Working Area 2
𝛿 49.32 𝑥21 0
𝑦01 0 𝑥23 1
𝑦02 0 𝑦30 1
𝑦03 0 𝑥31 0
𝑦10 0 𝑥32 0
𝑥12 1 𝑙1 2500
𝑥13 0 𝑙2 5100
𝑦20 0 𝑙3 7800

The values listed in 𝑙1 , 𝑙2 , 𝑙3 of Table 8 represent the vlome of waste transported upon leaving TPS-
𝑖 (𝑖 = 1,2,3), so that 𝑙1 = 2500, 𝑙2 = 5100, 𝑙3 = 7800. Routes that must be passed by dump truck for
garbage transport at working area 2 is TPS 1-TPS 2-TPS 3-TPA Karya Jaya. Minimum route the driver
passes is explained in Figure 6.

Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 8, No. 6, December 2018 : 4382 - 4390
Int J Elec& Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708  4387

1 2 3 TPA

Figure 6. Vehicle route of working area 2 in Sukarami districts

Table 9. Robust Variable Value with OCVRP Working Area 3 in Sukarami districts
Variable Working Area 3 Variable Working Area 3
𝛿 58.57 𝑥21 0
𝑦01 0 𝑥23 0
𝑦02 0 𝑦30 1
𝑦03 1 𝑥31 0
𝑦10 0 𝑥32 0
𝑥12 1 𝑙1 3600
𝑥13 0 𝑙2 7700
𝑦20 1 𝑙3 6700

The values listed in 𝑙1 , 𝑙2 , 𝑙3 of Table 9 represent the vlome of waste transported upon leaving TPS-
𝑖 (𝑖 = 1,2,3), so that𝑙1 = 3600, 𝑙2 = 7700, 𝑙3 = 6700. Routes that must be passed by dump truck for
garbage transport at working area 3 is TPS 1–TPS 2– TPA Karya Jaya–TPS 3–TPA Karya Jaya. Minimum
route is in Figure 7.

1 3


Figure 7. Vehicle route of working area 3 in Sukarami districts

Table 10. Robust Variable Value with OCVRP Working Area 4 in Sukarami districts
Variable Working Area 4
𝛿 24.07
𝑦01 0
𝑦10 1
𝑙1 0
𝑙2 7600

The values listed in 𝑙1 , 𝑙2 of Table 10 represent the vlome of waste transported upon leaving TPS-
𝑖 (𝑖 = 1,2), so that 𝑙1 = 0, 𝑙2 = 7600. Routes that must be passed by dump truck for garbage transport at
working area 4 is TPS 1-TPA Karya Jaya. Minimum route the driver passes in graph form as Figure 11


Figure 8. Vehicle Route of Working Area 4 in Sukarami districts

The values listed in 𝑙1 , 𝑙2 , 𝑙3 , 𝑙4 of Table 11. The values listed in TPS-𝑖 (𝑖 = 1,2,3,4), so that 𝑙1 =
4900, 𝑙2 = 3800, 𝑙3 = 7900, 𝑙4 = 7400. Routes that must be passed by dump truck for garbage transport
at working area 5 is TPS 1–TPS 3 –TPA Karya Jaya–TPS 2–TPS 4–TPA Karya Jaya. Minimum route the
driver passes is described in Figure 9.

Robust Counterpart Open Capacitated Vehicle Routing… (Fitri Maya Puspita)

4388  ISSN: 2088-8708

Table 11. Robust Variable Value with OCVRP Working Area 5 in Sukarami districts
Variable Working Area 5 Variable Working Area 5
𝛿 77.66 𝑦30 1
𝑦01 0 𝑥31 0
𝑦02 1 𝑥32 0
𝑦03 0 𝑥34 0
𝑦04 0 𝑦40 1
𝑦10 0 𝑥41 0
𝑥12 0 𝑥42 0
𝑥13 1 𝑥43 0
𝑥14 0 𝑙1 4900
𝑦20 0 𝑙2 3800
𝑥21 0 𝑙3 7900
𝑥23 0 𝑙4 7400

1 3 TPA

4 2

Figure 9. Vehicle Route of Working Area 5 in Sukarami districts

Table 12. Robust Variable Value with OCVRP Working Area 6 in Sukarami districts
Variable Working Area VI Variable Working Area VI
𝛿 44.94 𝑥21 0
𝑦01 0 𝑥23 1
𝑦02 0 𝑦30 1
𝑦03 0 𝑥31 0
𝑦10 0 𝑥32 0
𝑥12 1 𝑙1 2500
𝑥13 0 𝑙2 5600
𝑦20 0 𝑙3 7900

The values listed in 𝑙1 , 𝑙2 , 𝑙3 of Table 12 represent the vlome of waste transported upon leaving TPS-
𝑖 (𝑖 = 1,2,3), so that 𝑙1 = 2500, 𝑙2 = 5600, 𝑙3 = 7900. Routes that must be passed by dump truck for
garbage transport at working area 6 is TPS 1-TPS 2-TPS 3-TPA Karya Jaya. Minimum route the driver
passes in graph form as Figure 10 explained.

1 2 3 TPA

Figure 10. Vehicle route of working area 6 in Sukarami districts

From the calculation of Robust Counterpart OCVRP Model with the help of Lingo 13.0 Program, it
can be obtained the optimum route in Sako districts is as follows. For working area 1, the route is TPS 1-TPS
2-TPS 3-TPA with distance of 53.39 km. For working area 2, the route is TPS 1-TPS 2-TPS 3-TPA with
distance of 48.14 km. Whereas for working area 3, the route is TPS 1-TPA with a distance of 22.98 km, and
working area 4, the route is TPS 1-TPS 2-TPS 3-TPS 4-TPA with 45.45 km distance. Next, for the obtained
optimum route in Sukarami districts is as follows.For working area 1, the routeis TPS 1-TPS 2-TPA of 44.39
km. For working area 2, the route is TPS 1-TPS 2-TPS 3-TPA with distance of 49.32 km. For working area
3, the route is TPS 1-TPS 3-TPA-TPS 2-TPA with distance 58.57 km.Lastly, for working area 4, the route is
TPS 1-TPA with a distance of 24.07 km. Working area 5 has route of TPS 1-TPS 3-TPA-TPS 2-TPS 4-TPA
with a distance of 77.66 km, and working area 6 is a TPS 1-TPS 2-TPS 3-TPA with a distante 44.94 km.

Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 8, No. 6, December 2018 : 4382 - 4390
Int J Elec& Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708  4389

The research leading to this study was financially supported by Sriwijaya University for support
through Competitive Leading Grant in 2017.

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Fitri Maya Puspita received her S.Si degree in Mathematics from Sriwijaya University, South
Sumatera, Indonesia in 1997. Then she received her M.Sc in Mathematics from Curtin
University of Technology (CUT) Western Australia in 2004. She reveived his Ph.D in Science
and Technology in 2015 from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. She has been a Mathematics
Department member at Faculty mathematics and Natural Sciences Sriwijaya University South
Sumatera Indonesia since 1998. Her research interests include optimization and its applications
such as vehicle routing problems and QoS pricing and charging in third generation internet.

Yusuf Hartono received his Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Education from Sriwjaya
University, Indonesia in 1988. Then he received his M.Sc in Math and Stats from Univ. of
Missouri at Rolla, USA in 1993. He reveived his Ph.D in Mathematics in 2003 from Technische
Universiteit Delft, Nederland. He has been a Mathematics Study Program member at Faculty of
Education and Theacher Training Sriwijaya University South Sumatera Indonesia since 1990.His
research interests include statistics and its application.

Nadia Zuliaty Syaputri currently is an undergraduate student at Mathematics Department,

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sriwijaya University. She is currently on final
stage of her thesis submission. Her topic interest includes Optimization and its application on
routing some commodities.

Robust Counterpart Open Capacitated Vehicle Routing… (Fitri Maya Puspita)

4390  ISSN: 2088-8708

Weni Dwi Pratiwi received her S.Pd degree in Mathematics Education from Sriwijaya
University, South Sumatera, Indonesia in 2011. Then she also received her M.Sc in Mathematics
Education from Sriwijaya University, South Sumatera, Indonesia in 2013 and from Utrecht
University, Netherlands. She has been a Mathematics Education Study Program member at
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training Sriwijaya University South Sumatera Indonesia since
2015. Her research interests include mathematics education and its applications.

Evi Yuliza her S.Si degree in Mathematics from Sriwijaya University, South Sumatera,
Indonesia in 2000. Then she received her M.Si in Mathematics from Gadjah Mada University in
2004. Her research interests includse Algebra. She has been a Mathematics Department member
at Faculty mathematics and Natural Sciences Sriwijaya University South Sumatera Indonesia
since 2008.

Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 8, No. 6, December 2018 : 4382 - 4390

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