Sakhapov 2017 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 936 012032
Sakhapov 2017 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 936 012032
Sakhapov 2017 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 936 012032
str., 1, Russia
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. The article deals with the issue of highways network design. Studies show that the
main requirement from road transport for the road network is to ensure the realization of all the
transport links served by it, with the least possible cost. The goal of optimizing the network of
highways is to increase the efficiency of transport. It is necessary to take into account a large
number of factors that make it difficult to quantify and qualify their impact on the road
network. In this paper, we propose building an optimal variant for locating the road network on
the basis of a mathematical model. The article defines the criteria for optimality and objective
functions that reflect the requirements for the road network. The most fully satisfying condition
for optimality is the minimization of road and transport costs. We adopted this indicator as a
criterion of optimality in the economic-mathematical model of a network of highways. Studies
have shown that each offset point in the optimal binding road network is associated with all
other corresponding points in the directions providing the least financial costs necessary to
move passengers and cargo from this point to the other corresponding points. The article
presents general principles for constructing an optimal network of roads.
Keywords: road network, road transport, correspondence points, mathematical model, route,
1. Introduction
The availability of a reliable and efficient transport system is an important factor in the development
of the economy of any country. Today, transport is an important part of the world economy, as it is a
material carrier between states. Presence of a well-developed transport system is one of the important
factors of attracting people and production and is an important advantage for locating productive
forces, which gives an integration effect.
The dominant type of transport around the world is automobile, which is rapidly growing every
year. The importance of the road network can also be judged by the share of the total volume of
passenger and freight traffic carried out by automobiles. Studies of foreign scientists have shown that
road transport is one of the largest contributions to budget revenues. For example, road user taxes and
fees in the US amounted to $ 78 billion in 1994 (6.2 percent of federal revenues of the state budget)
and $ 33 billion in the United Kingdom in 1995-96 (of which only $ 10 billion was spent on roads).
The share of the transport system in the main production assets of Russia is 27%, and a significant
share of transportation services in the gross domestic product is 8%. Net financial flows from the road
sector tend to be positively correlated with economic development [10].
To whom any correspondence should be addressed.
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IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1234567890
936 (2017) 012032 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/936/1/012032
The road network is a complex, large-scale system. The road network is the basis for the
functioning of the economy and society through the movement of people, goods and services. At
present, in most developed countries of the world, there is a serious imbalance in supply and demand
in the transport sector: traffic volumes, especially in large megacities, are approaching the limits of the
capacity of existing highways, and sometimes surpass them in rush hour [11,15].
From the economic point of view, the construction of the road network should be based on the
basic topology of the network, the demand of the users of the road network and the cost of its
construction. Equilibrium occurs when the number of trips between the corresponding departure points
(for example, the place of residence, the place of work) and the points of arrival (place of work,
residence) are equal to the demand for travel taking into account the cost policy [9].
The study of the road network has been developed at the intersection of various fields of
knowledge - physics, mathematics, economics, operating systems research, transportation processes,
etc. Measurements, observations and modeling of individual processes in the transport sector and the
totality of demographic and socioeconomic relations are important for the development of a transport
infrastructure development strategy [4,8].
A consequence of the difficulty of optimizing the road network is a certain imbalance between the
results of scientific research and mathematical calculations, on the one hand, and the practically
observed results, on the other. That’s why today we have various approaches to mathematical
modeling and a sufficiently large number of software products modeling transport flows.
In recent years, successful mathematical and computational methods have been developed to
formulate the model of a dynamic transport system. Many of them generalize traditional statistical
methods; advanced and realistic models use a traffic simulator, traffic flow dynamics. The number of
software products for the dynamic transport systems, which are sufficiently tested in the developed
countries of the world, includes: DYNASMART [2], Dynameq [7], AIMSUN [1]. Creating models of
transport systems in these programs is a rather cumbersome task that involves the presence of a large
number of elements and requires a long process of calibrating hundreds or thousands of coefficients.
The purpose of this article is to present a network of highways in the form of a mathematical model
and to select the necessary conditions for optimizing the road network. The road network is
represented as a set of corresponding points (departure and arrival points) connected by a set of routes.
As a result of its use, it is possible to reduce the task of optimizing the road network to a multitude of
similar tasks of distributing the transport flow between two nodes along the routes and obtaining the
equilibrium distribution of the transport stream in an explicit form. In turn, the explicit form of such
distributions will make it possible to substantially reduce the time spent on computations.
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1234567890
936 (2017) 012032 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/936/1/012032
unilaterally in their own interests when choosing routes, in the second situation, users choose the
optimal routes from a public point of view, taking into account the minimum cost in the transport
system. Fig. 1 presents the two behavioral principles underlying transport networks.
The transport costs of users when traveling The maximum total cost of a trip using
along the route between the corresponding the route between the corresponding
points are leveled and minimal points is equalized and minimal
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1234567890
936 (2017) 012032 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/936/1/012032
1 i
The task in this case is to decide: to include the k -th link in the projected network or not to include.
The number of links of the k -th type is indivisible and can take only two values: 0 and 1. The
definition of the unknown links of the road network (Zk) must satisfy the condition:
Let’s suppose, to take the minimum of road costs as a criterion of optimality (costs for
construction, maintenance and repair of the road network). In this case, the optimal option will be met
by the network with the least total length, for which the amount of travel costs is minimal:
åD l
k k = min , (3)
Dk – road costs associated with the construction, maintenance and repair of the road network;
lk – length of road network;
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1234567890
936 (2017) 012032 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/936/1/012032
If the road network is required to reduce the cost of transport work or the travel time of passengers
or cargo, the only solution that meets these requirements is to ensure all transport links by independent
roads along the shortest path, i.e. direct connection between each of the corresponding points
(departure and arrival points). The solution of the problem is to determine the unknown routes
between the points i and j (Мij) satisfying the following condition:
åå t i j
ij = min . (6)
where åå Е
i j
ij - total financial costs, i. e. costs associated with the construction, maintenance and
repair of roads and with the movement of vehicles in the directions ij.
To meet the requirement (7), it is necessary and sufficient that at each of the directions of the
projected network, a possible minimum financial cost is provided, i.e. to:
Е1- 2 = min;ü
Е1-3 = min;ïï
... ïï
ý (8)
Е1- n = min;ï
... ï
Е ij = min . ïþ
The validity of condition (8) can be proved in the following way. Let's say that there is an optimal
road network for which:
Е1-2 = min
Е1-3 = min
Е1-n = min
but Еij ¹ min.
If we replace the route for which Еij ¹ min, by such a route that Е´ij = min, then the sum of all
financial costs on the network will decrease by the amount:
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1234567890
936 (2017) 012032 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/936/1/012032
D = Е ij - Е ij¢ , (9)
and it appears that:
åå Е ¢ < åå Е
i j
i j
ij . (10)
optimality of the road network, for which at least one route Еij ¹ min, is incorrect.
Thus, unlike the original proposal, the road network can not be optimal if inequality (8) is not
ij ij ij ý, (11)
M ij ³ (i = 1,2,3,..., m; j = 1,2,3,..., m )ï
lij – route length between the corresponding points i and j;
Qij – traffic between the corresponding points i and j;
Dij – road costs that ensure the movement of vehicles in the direction;
Aij – transport costs in the same direction;
vij – average vehicle speed.
The system (11) reflects the basic necessary condition for optimal road networks and the general
principle of their construction in the mathematical formulation. Given mathematical model instructs
on ways of the decision of a problem contains: definition of road and transport expenses; Selection of
routes on which these costs are minimal, which leads to the fulfillment of the requirement expressed
by the first ratio. The penultimate ratio in the system indicates that there is a functional dependence on
a certain route between the objects of transportation, traffic speed, road and transport costs. The
solution of this dependence with respect to Eij, i.e. determination of total road and transport costs, is of
independent interest and is an essential element of the task as a whole.
The principal relationship between total costs and their road and transport components can be
represented by the equation:
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1234567890
936 (2017) 012032 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/936/1/012032
points of the links, which ensure the least specific road and transport costs for moving goods from this
point to all other corresponding network points.
Drawing up a mathematical model of the road network, one should start from the following
limiting conditions:
• the optimal network must be a binder, i.e. must connect all without exception the corresponding
points (there must be at least one route between each pair of points);
• for various reasons, some link zk must be excluded from the construction of the optimal network
or, conversely, necessarily included in it.
This condition is expressed by equality (1), and the transport-operational level of the projected
network must be such that the speed v ij between points i and j can not be less than a certain
predetermined speed, the traffic intensity Nij is not more than N ij , the safety factor of traffic Кбij is not
less than К бij .
As a result, the economic-mathematical model for optimizing the road network can be represented
by the following system of equations and inequalities:
M ij ³ (i = 1,2,3,..., m; j = 1,2,3,..., m );ü
z k = 0;1; ï
l ij
Lij = (Dij + Aij ); ï
ý. (13)
Lij = min; ï
åi åj Lij = min; ï
v ij ³ v ij ; N ij ³ N ij ; К б ij ³ К б ij ; þï
On the basis of the general principle, the task is reduced to the selection of such links, in which
routes would be formed, providing the lowest specific road and transport costs between any two
corresponding points.
6. Conclusion
The goal of optimizing the road network is to improve the efficiency of transport. The most fully
satisfying condition for optimality is the minimum financial costs associated with the construction,
maintenance and repair of the road network and the movement of vehicles along them. In the study,
this indicator was adopted as a criterion of optimality in the economic and mathematical model of the
road network. Therefore, the main requirement for the road network from the road transport side is to
ensure the realization of all the transport links served by it with the least cost required for this.
From the example considered, it can be concluded that the main condition for the optimal binding
networks of roads is the following: each corresponding point in the optimal connecting road network
is connected with all other corresponding points in the directions providing the least financial costs
necessary for moving passengers and cargo from this point to other corresponding points.
This also implies the general principle of constructing an optimal connecting road network, which
consists in the fact that any isolated point in the optimal connecting road network is connected to all
other corresponding points, which ensure the least financial costs for the movement of passengers and
goods from this point to all other corresponding Network point.
On the basis of the general principle, the task is to select such links, under which routes would be
created that would ensure road and transport costs between two corresponding points.
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