TheEnglishEssayandEssayist 10050053 149

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merit in the essays but rather to the fact that he has no ,

capital work with whi ch to support them ; for his poems and
dramas are deserve dl y forgotten and in connexion with the ,

voyages we thi nk rather o f Cook than o f Haw k s w o r t h e .

No w very f e w authors have succeeded in winning permanent

fame by reason o f fugitive essays I n The A dve n tur er more .

over Haw k s w o r t h is crushed under the weight of Johnson

e ,

though he S hows himself for the purpose in View the b etter , ,

writer of the two H w k s w o r t h deliberately imitated John . a e

son and thi s fact may have disposed the latter the more

readily to collaborate with him But while he is Johnsonian .


in style hi s touch is lighter and his themes more varied than


Johnson s He maintains the moral purpose o f the earlier


essayists is the champion o f religion inculcates milder

, ,

manners and in the excellent paper (No 5 ) o n various forms


o f cruelty advocates like F iel di ng kindness to the animal

, , ,

creation Th S pecial feature o f The Adve n tur e r however is

. e , ,

the frequency with which it resorts to the short story ; and

it w s here espe ciall y in the Eastern tale that Haw k e s wo r t h
, ,

a r t iC
iil excelled here were course stories astern

p a rl
y T f E .
o , ,

and Western in the earlier perio dicals ; Johnson hi mself


introduces several Eastern ones into The R bler ; b ut in am

none o f the earlier papers were they so numerous as in The

A dve tu e n and none o f the periodical essayists has excelled
r r,

Ha w k s wo r t h in S kill in the construction o f them

e All hi s .

E astern tales are worthy o f praise ; but perhaps the b est is

that of the avaricious C z an While Haw k e s w o r t h h as ara .

nothi ng that can be s e t beside the x q is it e D Coverley .

e .

papers Ca z n is quite worthy t f placed beside the

ra a r “

V is i o o
f n M i rz Th o de m n a t i
p ronoun
a ed
. b y t h e c n c e

Deity is impressive
Ca r z n thy wors hi p has n o t b een accepted b e c ause it
a a , ,

was not prompted by love o f G od ; neither can thy righteous

ness be rewarded because it was not produced by love o f ,

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