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Article history: Developed over the past three decades, the national innovation system concept (NIS) has been widely
Received 24 April 2014 used by both scholars and policy makers to explain how interactions between a set of distinct, nation-
Received in revised form 28 January 2015 ally bounded institutions supports and facilitates technological change and the emergence and diffusion
Accepted 11 May 2015
of new innovations. This concept provides a framework by which developing countries can adopt for
Available online 12 June 2015
purposes of catching up. Initially conceived on structures and interactions identified in economically
advanced countries, the application of the NIS concept to developing countries has been gradual and has
Key words:
coincided – in the NIS literature – with a move away from overly macro-interpretations to an emphasis on
National innovation systems
micro-level interactions and processes, with much of this work questioning the nation state as the most
Institutional capacity appropriate level of analysis, as well as the emergence of certain intermediary actors thought to facilitate
Knowledge exchange knowledge exchange between actors and institutions. This paper reviews the NIS literature chronologi-
Intermediaries cally, showing how this shift in emphasis has diminished somewhat the importance of both institutions,
Industry associations particularly governments, and the political processes of institutional capacity building. In doing so, the
paper suggests that more recent literature on intermediaries such as industry associations may offer
valuable insights to how institutional capacity building occurs and how it might be directed, particularly
in the context of developing countries where governance capacities are often lacking, contributing to less
effective innovation systems, stagnant economies, and unequal development.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0048-7333/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1408 A. Watkins et al. / Research Policy 44 (2015) 1407–1418
and diffusion at different levels of analysis, they also lay bare the try associations in innovation of developing countries in the global
long-standing omission, within the NIS literature, of the political South.
processes through which governments are informed and by which
relations between government and industry exert influence on the
2. NIS: early concepts and approaches
In providing a comprehensive review of the NIS literature over
Derived in part from the ideas of List (1841) and his concept of
time, the aim of this paper is to explain these conceptual shifts and
national systems of production, the NIS concept was first proposed
their implications in relation to a parallel yet increasingly inter-
by Freeman (1982, 1987) as a response to the Washington consen-
secting body of work on the role of intermediaries (see Smits and
sus and to the neoclassical approaches to growth. In this way, the
Kuhlman, 2004), including member based organisations such as
NIS concept has always been intrinsically linked to public policy
industry associations in knowledge and technology diffusion. In
(Sharif, 2006). Drawing on the work of Nelson and Winter (1982)
doing so, we suggest that an emerging emphasis on such interme-
and their Schumpeterian inspired theory of economic growth
diaries in developing countries offers valuable insight on linkages
through evolutionary technological change, Freeman, along with
between the often disconnected processes – within the NIS litera-
Lundvall (1985, 1988) and again Nelson (1988,1990), argued that
ture – of technology creation and diffusion and political processes
neoclassical growth models are inadequate as they ignored the
of institutional capacity building and governance; thus reasserting
role that technological change and innovation play, particularly
politics of development into notions of national innovation systems
in economies that are science and technology driven and which
and its application as a framework for policy.
are increasingly shaped by competitive global forces. For Freeman
We define industry associations as member-based organisations
and others, technological change and innovation are central to eco-
that represent the interests of a particular industry and actively
nomic growth – a notion Freeman pointed to as obvious since the
lobby and negotiate with government on their member’s behalf to
industrial revolution and already well established by Schumpeter
shape government policy and regulation. Also included are business
(1939,1942). Furthermore, innovation, in this view, is understood
umbrella groups such as chambers of commerce who represent to
as not only the work of individual firms, but as a collective endeav-
government the broad interests of a number of industries and sec-
our, requiring diverse and substantive sets of knowledge, resources
tors, with industry associations often members of these groups.
and expertise. As such, different countries will have different insti-
We suggest that these organisations are part of what Sabatier
tutional capacities for innovation (Patel and Pavitt, 1994). Unlike
(1988,1991) describes as the “policy subsystem” comprised of
the neoclassical view of growth, therefore, the NIS concept argues
intermediary bodies involved in aggregation processes (see Rip and
that governments and collective activities can and do play a cen-
Van der Meulen, 1996): “i.e., those actors from a variety of public
tral orchestrating role in the generation and diffusion of innovation
and private organisations who are actively concerned with a policy
in a national economy. Freeman (1988,1987) made this point quite
problem or issue. .. and who regularly seek to influence policy in
clear in his analysis of Japan’s post-war ‘catching up’ policy. In other
that domain” (Jenkins-Smith and Sabatier, 1994: 179). We argue
words, institutions matter: they can create and support an envi-
that this policy subsystem and the various intermediary political
ronment through which collective knowledge and resources can
actors therein, particularly industry associations, have been largely
be more easily exchanged for the pursuit of new ideas and oppor-
neglected in the NIS literature. This omission is important when
tunities, in what are increasingly complex and inherently uncertain
applying the NIS concept to developing countries where institu-
enterprises (Freeman and Soete, 1997).
tional capacities for innovation will often be lacking (Frankel, 2006),
and where their potential development will be the result of polit-
ically contested relations between government, industry, and civil 2.1. Institutional actors and interactive learning
society. Furthermore, these are likely to involve considerable nego-
tiation between local and global interests (e.g., international bodies Early work on the NIS concept set out to first identify the insti-
and multinational companies – MNCs). In this context, we suggest, tutions and system interactions that characterise economically
as Kshetri and Dholakia (2009) argue, that industry associations successful countries (OECD countries in particular). As an institu-
will likely play a leading role in bridging institutional knowledge tional construct, the core institutions comprising the NIS identified
gaps between government and industry, and between the local and in the early literature are (1) governments and related agencies
the global. supporting innovation through regulation, standard setting, public-
This paper is structured chronologically, although there is con- private partnerships, and funding of basic research, (2) sectors and
siderable overlap between the approaches and themes presented industries comprised of firms which generate commercial innova-
here. For each proceeding section, the identified shifts in the NIS tions through experimentation, R&D, and product improvement,
literature are described, with each section explaining the main (3) universities which conduct basic research and train a tech-
conceptual arguments proposed, the ways by which intermediary nical and scientific workforce, and (4) other public and private
actors are considered, and the extent to which developing countries organisations that engage in education oriented activities (Patel
are included. Section 2 reviews early concepts of NIS, revealing the and Pavitt, 1994). Key to this structure are interactions within and
main institutional actors, the early emergence of intermediaries, between institutions which Lundvall (1992) and others describe as
and the predominant focus on industrialised countries of the global a variety user-producer linkages that facilitate information sharing
North. Section 3 examines a second wave of NIS literature, identify- leading to cumulative knowledge and collective learning – learning
ing new conceptual boundaries and micro-level process dynamics, by doing as Arrow (1962) described, being central to both innova-
the identification of industry associations as important interme- tion and institutional capacity building. The NIS concept also draws
diary actors, and the growing application of the NIS concept to upon other ideas from innovation theory that posits learning and
developing countries Section 4 focuses on the more recent move subsequent innovation as a non-linear and recursive process that
of NIS literature towards internationalisation of the NIS approach, relies on effective feedback loops between actors and institutions
showing the increasing emphasis of global knowledge flows, and – recursively informing stages of invention, research and devel-
on intermediary institutional actors such as industry associations in opment, and commercialisation (e.g., early marketing and product
this regard, particularly in the developing country context. Section testing informing product development efforts) (see Nelson and
5 concludes by summarising the three major shifts in the literature Winter, 1982). In this way, the NIS concept places considerable
of NIS and their significance for conceptualising the role of indus- emphasis on the evolutionary and path dependent nature of tech-
A. Watkins et al. / Research Policy 44 (2015) 1407–1418 1409
nological change. Understanding innovation, therefore, requires a views intermediaries as performing three primary functions (see
degree of historical context and analysis – differing again sharply Howells, 2006). First, the function of information collection and
from neoclassical economics (see Freeman, 1995). information exchange through respective networks. In this role,
Early work on the NIS concept centred on firms (both small and intermediaries scan for network related information (e.g., actors,
large) as the core institution through which innovations are devel- activities, and trends within a network and possibly outside it),
oped and commercialised (Patel and Pavitt, 1994). In this view, collect and package this information, and then share it with net-
the other main institutional actors play an essential yet support- work members (see Hargadon and Sutton, 1997). Such information
ing role. In general, governments provide incentives and regulatory might include current and emerging technologies, new products
support for innovative firms, while universities cultivate new ideas and processes, changing regulation, and potential partners and
and talent that repopulate the entrepreneurial ecosystems and R&D competitors (see Aldrich and von Glinow, 1992; Turpin et al., 1996;
divisions of high-tech sectors and industries. Somewhat later work Wolpert, 2002). Second, in sharing information with network mem-
would challenge the firm centred NIS approach, with related con- bers, intermediaries can directly contribute to the construction or
cepts such as Mode 2 and Triple Helix placing greater emphasis on development of a said network (Kogut & Zander, 1992). By bringing
universities as central to a country’s research infrastructure (see similar and/or complementary actors together, the intermediary
Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff, 2000; Leydesdorff and Etzkowitz 2001). acts as an important network selection mechanism, both in deter-
For these concepts, however, crucial interactions between the pri- mining, to some degree, which actors can enter and maintain a
mary institutions, particularly between universities and industry, position in the network and, in doing so, facilitating the techno-
still predominate, as does, for the most part, the national character logical transfer and diffusion of certain technologies within the
of the innovation system (Lundvall, 2007). network over alternative technologies (Rosenfeld, 1996). In this
Interestingly, while the institutional role of government in construction role the intermediary can also contribute to the col-
providing a stable, supportive, and appropriately competitive envi- laborative culture and structural characteristics of the network
ronment for innovation is almost overarching in the early literature, (Rosenfeld, 1996), encouraging certain network norms (e.g. fre-
how such an environment, through interaction with other institu- quency and modes of interaction between members).
tions, is informed is largely absent – government as a necessary Finally, once a collaborative relationship between network
yet almost passive player in the NIS’ dynamics. Again, much of this members are established, intermediaries can then help manage and
is probably due to the macro level focus of this early work and develop those relationships, facilitating the collaboration process
the dominant emphasis on university-industry linkages and collec- (Davenportet al., 1999). They may do this by recognising the chang-
tive collaboration and feedback between firms. Another possibility, ing collaborative needs of the parties and facilitating both parties in
however, is the omission of politics from the early NIS concept. In identifying and meeting those respective needs, thus furthering the
other words, the early NIS concept omits, to a large degree, the polit- development of the relationship. In doing so, the intermediary may
ical processes through which governments are both informed and become both the point of contact and venue for initiating and con-
through which governments exert influence on the NIS. In doing ducting meetings between the respective parties as collaboration
so, this early NIS literature does not consider organisations (e.g., becomes more direct and/or complex (see Luukkonen, 2005).
industry associations) within the NIS that work with the state to As eluded to earlier, absent from this early discussion on inter-
inform and negotiate conditions and incentives for innovation and mediaries are industry associations. This absence is surprising given
growth. to how intermediaries are discussed above in terms of collect-
ing information, providing collective goods, and informing policy
2.2. Knowledge and network intermediaries makers – activities that are very much today associated with such
organisations. In addition to the important omission of politics from
Also missing from the main NIS literature at this time was any the early NIS concept, the absence of industry associations from this
real attempt to identify and then clarify the activities of those insti- early innovation systems literature may well be due to the nega-
tutions described as other public and private organisations beyond tive connotations ascribed to industry associations. The latter are
their supposed and rather vague ‘educational’ role. Inspired by the considered to be controversial actors of innovation and develop-
network possibilities that notions of collective learning offered, a ment. Several economists and political scientists express distrust
nascent strand in the innovation systems literature – technology in them. For instance, as early as the 18th century, Adam Smith, in
innovation systems – began looking at particular actors and organ- his The Wealth of Nations, accused industry associations of playing
isations from an intermediary perspective: firms and organisations a negative role in the economy, conspiring against the public or rais-
that might facilitate information exchange by linking (i.e., bringing ing the prices of goods. More recently, industry associations have
together) common and complementary actors, and in the process, been viewed as special interest groups that pursue narrow rents for
facilitating the development of networks (see Lynn et al., 1996). a limited number of members at the expense of the wider sector
Carlsson and Stankiewicz (1991) proposed the existence of inter- and economy – discouraging competition and thus curtailing col-
mediary firms which act as ‘bridging institutions’ within specific lective innovation within an industry (see Olson, 1982; Schmitter
industries whose function is to draw upon collective knowledge in and Streeck, 1999). In addition, Cawson’ work on corporatism sug-
solving problems for individual firms. More broadly, Stankiewicz, gests that industry associations in certain political contexts can
(1995) and Leyn et al., (1996) write of superstructure organisations even threaten democracy (Cawson, 1982).
that link and shape network relationships within an innovation sys-
tem and provide collective goods to members. These intermediary 2.3. Moving beyond the OECD: different institutional incentives
institutions, though, are not well defined or identified. A strand and competencies
within this literature, however, looks at intermediary institutions
as facilitating knowledge flows between policy makers and innova- As mentioned previously, early frameworks of the NIS were
tors (see Callon, 1994; Van der Meulen and Rip, 1998; Cash, 2001; derived primarily from successfully developed countries. This early
Kelly, 2003). In this case, examples identified are research councils, work, however, was not limited solely to the OECD countries of the
various funding bodies and universities. time. Again, the NIS concept first emerged amidst growing ques-
In this way, these early studies correspond to work that looks at tions regarding economic growth and potential templates for the
the role of intermediaries, but not from an innovation systems per- less developed countries of the South to catch-up with the devel-
spective. Looking primarily at firm based collaboration, this work oped North (see Nelson, 1992,1993). With Freeman’s description of
1410 A. Watkins et al. / Research Policy 44 (2015) 1407–1418
Japan’s NIS as an example of effective economic catch-up and then, That being said, in capturing the diversity of NISs across
at the time, overtaking the economies of the US and Western Europe developed and newly industrialised countries, and emphasising
in many technological areas, work on the NIS concept quickly interactions between institutional actors as facilitating collective
turned to the rapidly emerging economies of East Asia, particu- learning toward innovation, this early literature offered some alter-
larly South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore (see Lall, 1994; Freeman, natives to how successful innovation systems might be constructed
1995; Kim, 1993; Nelson, 1993; Mowery and Oxley, 1995). Stud- for purposes of both catching up and for sustained economic
ies on these three countries showed differences between NISs (see growth. For developing countries, this provided both a potential
Wong, 1999), but certain NIS characteristics were common. These policy roadmap for development, while at the same time laying
included government intervention in and championing of key bare the stark institutional disparities between the developed north
industries, along with carefully crafted policies to support reverse and much of the developing south.
engineering of foreign technology and subsequent technological
leapfrogging by latecomer firms, support for patent protection, as
well as an emphasis on public education and the building of a tech- 3. New conceptual boundaries and process dynamics of
nical workforce (Nelson, 1993). All of this, coupled with initially NISs
lower labour costs, allowed these countries to experience signifi-
cant economic growth (see Chang, 1999). While the NIS concept took hold as a policy prescription for
What is particularly striking about the NISs of these East Asian catching up and was further bolstered by the popularity of Porter’s
countries was that they supported and directed national inno- (1990) theory of ‘the competitive advantage of nations’, early con-
vation strategies that effectively balanced protectionism for key cepts of the NIS came under increasing criticism for being too
indigenous industries with a degree of system openness – allowing vague, open to misinterpretation, and too inclusive to the point of
these industries to adopt, exploit, and improve upon technol- being impractical, as well as concerns that the national emphasis
ogy and organisational practices from the advanced economies, of the concept missed what was felt as the more important under-
particularly those of Japan, the US, and Western Europe. While lying processes through which innovations actually come about
these practices represent primarily inward flows of technology and (see Miettinen, 2002). As a result, several concepts were developed
knowledge, their prominence in the early NIS literature gave rise that while ground in innovation systems theory, and ideas of col-
to notions that effective innovation systems required a degree of lective learning and path dependency, considered innovation “at
openness and receptivity to external ideas and information: this other levels of the economy than the nation state” (Lundvall, 2007:
openness would come to be recognised as the primary mecha- 100). As mentioned previously, the first of these was the technology
nism through which NISs react to ongoing competitive forces, and systems approach proposed by Carlsson and Stankiewicz (1995)
in doing so, how these systems develop and evolve over time. As which begins with a particular technology and looks at what actors
such, Bell and Pavitt (1993) argue that effective government policy and institutions influence its development and diffusion (Bergek
toward building national capacities for innovation (e.g., effective et al., 2008a,b). The second was the sectoral systems of innovation
university-industry linkages) is what separated the so called Asian approach developed by Breschi and Malerba (1997) who argued
Tigers from the less performing industrialised economies of Latin that innovation could be best understood by looking at a set of
America (Argentina, Mexico and Brazil) whose NISs were also stud- products and a distinct set of agents who interact through networks
ied at this time (see Alcorta and Peres, 1998; Viotti, 2002). They go in the development, production and sale of those products. These
on to argue that the economies of many Latin American countries agents hold sector specific knowledge and their interactions are
lacked capacities for sustained growth and competitiveness due to influenced by institutions that may have both local and interna-
inefficiencies brought about by decades under ineffective socialist tional dimensions. Importantly, Breschi and Malerba argued that
regimes, many of these authoritarian in nature. looking at innovation at the sector level offered greater insight to
Arocena and Sutz (2000) suggest that more than just a lack of how sectors and thus sets of technologies interact and change over
institutional capacity is at play, however, when applying the NIS time.
concept to developing countries. In their work on NISs in Latin The third approach was the regional innovation systems (RIS)
America, they propose that while many developing countries have concept proposed by Asheim and Isaksen (1997) and Cooke et al.
specific technological competencies and excel in various indus- (1997) which proposes that innovation is best understood as a local
tries, that these often operate in isolation to anything resembling or regional phenomenon where interactions, knowledge exchange
an integrated system of institutions as described by the NIS con- and learning occur between geographically proximate actors and
cept. Further this, they argue that the preponderance, central to institutions which are bounded to a particular location. The RIS
the NIS concept, of relational interaction between actors and insti- concept is based on the observations that high-tech innovative
tutions is often missing, writing at the time that “In Latin America, activity tends to agglomerate in a select number of high capacity
it is a relatively easy task to create organisations to foster inno- metropolitan regions – home to high tech industries, research uni-
vation, but it is quite difficult to make them operate as bridges versities, financial and legal institutions, government agencies, and
between people (Arocena and Sutz, 2000: 56). Application of the highly skilled labour – and that the tacit and asymmetric knowledge
NIS to developing countries is also complicated by what they argue flows that characterise innovation are best communicated through
are the overly normative tendencies of the NIS concept that confer face-to-face interaction which co-location facilitates.
an innovation system as continually, and often rapidly correct- While these approaches emerged as critical responses to the NIS
ing inefficient pathways toward the advancement and maturing of concept, Lundvall (2007: 100) proposes that “these are not alter-
industries (i.e., there are good and bad NISs), and that the emphasis natives to the analysis of national systems. They have important
is on technology based manufacturing (e.g., automobiles and com- contributions to make to the general understanding of innovation
puter electronics) and high tech industries (e.g., ICT and biotech). In in their own right”, and should be seen as complementing and
doing so, the application of the NIS concept to developing countries contributing to the NIS concept: “To compare sectoral, regional
may very well miss existing innovation systems in these countries and technological systems across nations is often an operational
that are based on more slowly developing, less technology driven method for understanding the dynamics at the national level”
industries (e.g., agriculture and craft industries) – possibly hinder- (Lundvall, 2007: 100). That being said, while these approaches gar-
ing the application of the NIS concept as a development tool and nered new found insights to how innovations emerged and diffused
strategy (see Delvenne and Thoreau, 2012). within a systems context, they focus primarily on how the inter-
A. Watkins et al. / Research Policy 44 (2015) 1407–1418 1411
actions within an innovation system influence the development From these limited number of technology innovation sys-
of new ideas and technologies rather than on how these inter- tem case studies, three important notions regarding institutional
actions influence and shape the innovation system itself. In other interactions within innovation systems can be derived. First, the
words, these approaches, at least initially, do not sufficiently con- successful emergence, development, and commercialisation of new
nect processes of technological change and innovation to processes technologies is the result of interactions and linkages between
of institutional capacity building and governance. micro firm level processes and macro-level institutions: inter-
actions that both purposively, and recursively link firm level
processes to broader industry activities and government policies
3.1. Functions, process dynamics, and politics – demonstrating that technology innovation systems both shape
and are influenced by a broader yet highly active national innova-
Moving beyond the mainly structural framework offered by the tion system (see Kaiser and Prange, 2004). In these case studies,
NIS concept, approaches to innovation systems such as those above it is government, at the national level, that initially stimulates
looked to not only how innovation systems facilitate the emer- entrepreneurial activity and then responds to the needs of nascent
gence and diffusion of innovation, but the extent to which such technology producers and the demands of a fragile yet emerging
systems are effective in doing so. To this end, Jacobsson and Johnson market. Second, it is industry associations that begin to be identi-
(2000) proposed a functions approach to innovation systems which fied as actors of lobbying government on behalf of entrepreneurs
set out to first identify the primary functions of an effective inno- and industry for greater incentives and advantageous market con-
vation system and to then determine the relative importance of ditions, playing the role of institutional intermediaries. Finally,
various functions and related interactions pertaining to both the the presence and interplay of both virtuous and vicious cycles
innovation process and the growing capacity of a particular inno- demonstrates that politics and negotiations between institutions,
vation system. What was somewhat novel about this approach is as evidenced by the activities of industry associations, are both
that while it was applied primarily to technology innovation sys- inevitable and central as processes through which institutions
tems (i.e. the micro systems level), the set of functions eventually are informed, policy adjustments are made and incentives gained,
identified can potentially be used for understanding innovation industry standards are set and favorable market conditions created.
systems at different levels of analysis, from technology and sec-
toral systems up to the regional and national systems of innovation 3.2. Innovation intermediaries
(see Markard and Truffer, 2008). Based on a number of previous
studies that have taken a functions approach to innovation sys- The limited number of case studies above, for the first time,
tems (e.g., Jacobsson and Bergek, 2004; Edquist and Johnson, 1997; identify industry associations as playing a central role in the inno-
Bergek et al., 2005), Hekkert et al., (2007) propose a list of seven vation process. This coincides with a parallel body of work on ‘open
primary functions that effective innovation systems support: (1) innovation’ practices (see Chesbrough et al., 2006) that looks at
entrepreneurial activities; (2) collective learning; (3) knowledge the role of so-called innovation intermediaries in knowledge and
diffusion through networks; (4) technology selection/promotion; technology transfer between partner firms (e.g., joint R&D projects)
(5) market formation; (6) resource mobilisation; and (7) technology and along increasingly complex production and supply chains
legitimacy/overcoming resistance. Importantly, positive fulfilment (see Howells, 2006). These actors include technology and indus-
of these functions and interactions between them are viewed as try specific consulting firms and business service providers, more
leading to virtuous cycles of innovative activity, whereas a lack general management and strategic consulting firms, and sources of
of any one function fulfilment or interactions can lead to system risk finance such as venture capital firms. Case study research by
inefficiencies and failure (e.g., an inability to overcome incumbent Howells (2006) looks at a number of these intermediaries in the
resistance to a new and improved technology). UK, focusing on the variety of functions they provide. In addition to
In verifying the set of above functions, studies by Bergek et al., intermediary functions mentioned earlier, including information
(2008a,b) and Hekkert and Negro (2009) employ a historical event collection and packaging, knowledge and relationship brokering,
analysis method as developed by Van de Ven et al., (1999) and and technology selection, Howells identifies a number of addi-
Poole et al., (2000) to essentially map the events, interactions, tional functions performed by these intermediaries, including, but
and processes involved in particular technology innovation sys- not limited to: industry and business forecasting; technology test-
tems in the successful development and commercialisation of ing, diagnostics and other validation work; standardization work;
various clean technology innovations in Germany (e.g., biofuels and services regarding the protection of intellectual property and the
solar cell technology). Both of these studies found similar trajecto- commercialisation of new innovations; and technology and busi-
ries and patterns regarding system functions and interactions: (1) ness evaluation services. Also mentioned, but to a lesser extent, is
responding to exogenous events and trends (e.g., global warming work involving regulation and arbitration (Howells, 2006).
and competitive forces), governments introduce incentives (e.g., Given the diverse set of functions identified here, particularly
tariffs, subsidies, funding) to encourage investment in particular those not normally ascribed with direct technology transfer and
technology areas; (2) these incentives stimulate entrepreneurial diffusion activities (e.g., standardization work, intellectual property
activity resulting in experimentation, knowledge exchange, and protection and regulation work), the absence of non-profit organ-
the development of nascent technologies and production sys- isations such as industry associations from the mix of potential
tems – from which an initial yet limited market emerges; (3) innovation intermediaries is interesting, if not all that surprising.
aiming to improve viability and expand markets for these new Dalziel (2006) suggests that the omission of industry associations
technologies, entrepreneurs and industry, through the auspices of from most of the empirical and policy literature on innovation sys-
industry associations and advocacy groups, successfully lobby gov- tems is based, in part, on the secondary consideration that this
ernment for more incentives and institutional changes; (4) this literature, gives to social interactions, i.e. actors processes and
success decreases uncertainty which encourages further invest- actors that are involved in creating opportunities for interaction
ment, resource mobilisation, and subsequent market growth. In and social relations that then may lead to more formal business
some cases, virtuous cycles are punctuated by vicious cycles (e.g., relations.
initial regulation proves ineffective) requiring additional industry In one of the few studies at the time that purposively connects
lobbying and subsequent policy correction (Hekkert and Negro, industry associations and innovation, Dalziel (2006) looks at the
2009). role of industry associations in Canada and argues that industry
1412 A. Watkins et al. / Research Policy 44 (2015) 1407–1418
associations enable innovation by bringing member firms together on to argue that a lack of systemic capability for interactive learn-
(e.g., legitimising member firms through industry directories and ing within organised markets has hurt China’s ability to absorb
facilitating collaboration through network activities) which allows advanced foreign technology and to create and develop domestic
information and new ideas to be exchanged. An earlier study by high tech industries. In contrast, India, while following a simi-
Lyytinen (2001) looks at the role of industry associations in the lar approach to China, was able to capitalise on its historically
adoption of electronic data exchange technology in three countries: strong science and engineering base (robust research universities
Denmark, Finland, and Hong Kong. Their work demonstrates that and expertise in areas such as aerospace) and already burgeoning
industry associations play a critical role in the diffusion of new tech- indigenous industries in computer electronics and pharmaceuti-
nology, particularly regarding technology adoption/training, and cals to develop a world class and global oriented ICT industry and
standard setting. In a later study, Kautto (2007) shows how compa- to become an emerging leader in medical equipment and biotech
nies, in this case Nokia, worked with prominent European industry (Krishnan, 2003; Herstatt et al., 2008). Unlike China, however, India
associations to build coalitions among large companies to directly has struggled to translate this success into a widespread rise of
lobby the European Commission and influence the preparation of living standards, with much of India’s population remaining in
the 2005 EuP directive which placed new environmental and effi- poverty.
ciency requirements on electronic equipment. Not only does this In looking at the economic liberalisation efforts and subsequent
study demonstrate the negotiating role of industry associations NISs of China and India, several points are worth further consider-
in the policy process, but it also provides an example of industry ation. For both China and India, the state has played a significant
associations as ‘umbrella organisations’ that span nation states and role in carrying out reforms and shaping the innovation system.
lobby supranational regulatory bodies. It might be argued however, that China’s innovation system, the
product of a single political party and a tendency toward central
3.3. The role of the state in shaping the NISs of rapidly emerging planning, relies very much on downward streams of information
countries (i.e., the government acting upon macro generated information and
the institutional strengths and bureaucratic biases of the state and
While the majority of studies on innovation systems during its agencies), whereas India’s innovation system, residing within a
this period looked at different levels of analysis other than the far more pluralistic state and devolved regional powers, might rely
nation state (technology, sectoral, and regional innovation sys- much more on upward streams of information (i.e., the government
tems), and focused primarily on such innovation systems in the acting more upon information from both industry and civil soci-
advanced economies of the North, a concerted shift toward the ety). As a result, China might be less capable than India in meeting
application of the NIS concept to developing countries was also the needs of rapidly changing and increasingly complex industries
occurring. Much of this involved studies that moved away from such as ICT and biotech, hampering its efforts to establish and grow
the newly industrialised economies of East Asia to focus on the such industries domestically. On the flipside, however, India’s plu-
large and rapidly emerging economies of China, India, and to a ralism may allow certain industries or actors to dominate upward
lesser extent Brazil (see Lundvall et al., 2006). These three countries, streams, influencing government policy to their benefit, yet to the
particularly China and India, emerged rapidly as global economic disadvantage and underdevelopment of the wider economy.
powers following consecutive government policies toward greater These structural and political differences may have implica-
economic liberalisation: China’s ‘open door’ policies of the late tions for how China and India engage and react to external flows
1970s and market reforms in the 1980s and 1990s, and India’s of knowledge, capital, and commerce. Along the lines of Gu and
liberalisation policies beginning in 1991 (see Mathews, 2009). Lundvall’s argument above, it is possible that China’s more top-
Although the actual policies employed by these two countries down NIS may better protect the interests of indigenous industry
differed somewhat due to different historical and national con- at the expense of absorbing and developing radical innovations
texts, the strategies employed for ‘catching up’ purposes were very from abroad, whereas India’s NIS, while possibly more capable of
similar. These included: greater openness to foreign trade and for- integrating global R&D flows, may do so at the expense of its indige-
eign direct investment, the denationalisation of certain industries nous industries. This raises questions as to how and to what extent
(China), the opening up of indigenous industries to global competi- the integration of foreign knowledge and technology into a NIS
tion, and greater support for private enterprise and entrepreneurial is informed and negotiated, particularly given the prominence of
activity; along with co-current policies toward the technological global interactions and interdependences exhibited by most high-
development, maturation, and the global orientation of indigenous tech sectors.
industries (see Krishnan, 2003; Motohashi and Yun, 2007). These In this context, Brazil is another interesting case of an emerg-
liberalisation policies, Mathews (2009) argues, are very reminis- ing economy. A small number of studies on Brazil’s NIS during this
cent of the catching up strategies employed earlier by Japan and period captured a large, emerging economy that despite its size
the newly industrialised countries of East Asia. and vast resources struggled to develop its capacities for innova-
In the case of China, such policies included programs and tion. Viotti (2002) argued at the time that Brazil’s struggles were
incentives for the aggressive adoption of foreign manufacturing the result of its relatively weak education system that had pro-
technology, the gradual decentralisation of national R&D efforts duced a labour force whose skills were largely inadequate toward
from government institutes and universities to commercial enter- the widespread absorption and improvement of foreign technol-
prise, the encouragement of partnerships between indigenous and ogy. For example, Brazil followed a policy strategy that focused
foreign companies, and the establishment of numerous enterprise on encouraging foreign direct investment, particularly policies that
zones and science parks which have become increasingly popu- made it easier for MNCs to set up operations in the country. In this
lated by MNCs (see Leydesdorff and Guoping, 2001; Sun, 2002). On aim, Brazil was very successful: “Foreign subsidiaries were esti-
the one hand, these policies have led China to almost unparalleled mated to be responsible for 33% of whole industrial sales in the
economic success and rising living standards across its popula- Brazilian domestic market, and for 44% of industrial exports, dur-
tion. On the other hand, Gu and Lundvall (2006) argued, at the ing 1990” (Viotti, 2002: 670). Viotti argues, however, that MNCs’
time, that China’s decades long focus on modernising its indige- operations in Brazil were almost exclusively production oriented
nous manufacturing industries had led to several weaknesses in and remained so due to Brazil’s mostly low skilled workforce. Fur-
its national innovation system, particularly weakened capacities thermore, Brazil’s intense focus on incentivising MNCs came at the
for basic research and high tech entrepreneurial activity. They go expense of indigenous producers who were essentially crowded
A. Watkins et al. / Research Policy 44 (2015) 1407–1418 1413
out. It was not until later, following a more focused and some- external knowledge flows) (see Carlsson, 2006). An example in the
what protectionist export strategy (e.g., steel and agribusiness) early literature is international interaction and global standard set-
that Brazil emerged as a global export leader in raw commodities, ting between leading research universities (see Pietrobelli, 1996).
agriculture, and more recently aerospace and biofuels leading to More prominently, however, are studies that focus on the global
significant economic gains over the past decade (Mathews, 2009). R&D activities of MNCs (see Pavitt and Patel, 1999; Pavitt 2002).
Brazil’s success in agriculture and biofuels is informative, with The overarching sentiment in the NIS literature, however, is that
Hall (2005) suggesting that less developed countries, particularly while international linkages have become increasingly important,
those in sub-Saharan Africa, might find success in developing the institutions that govern these interactions are largely national
nascent NISs around their strength in agriculture to build indige- (Carlsson, 2006).
nous biotechnology industries (see Hall, 2005). With this in a mind, These convergent notions hold relevance when applying the NIS
a study by Lall and Pietrobelli (2005) looks at NISs in sub-Saharan concept to developmental contexts. First, it is increasingly recog-
Africa including Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe, nised that effective NISs require substantial inward knowledge
noting that in some of these countries, government institutions flows and linkages to innovation capacities located in other coun-
that focus on agriculture seemed ‘potentially’ better positioned tries. Therefore, pursuing global linkages would appear to be an
than other institutions to support viable R&D efforts (better fund- obvious path, as capacity building mechanisms, toward the devel-
ing, knowledge capacities, and linkages to industry). They go on to opment of an effective NIS. Second, for developing countries, the
conclude, however, that most R&D institutions in these countries processes by which external flows are negotiated into the NIS
“generally lack the facilities (physical and human) to provide mean- framework are bound to be not only important, but contentious.
ingful support to industrial enterprise. .. they have no means of In other words, politics of development will play a central role
assessing the technological needs of industrial enterprise or of dif- in shaping the emerging innovation system in these countries.
fusing to them the few technologies they have created [or adapted]” Politics of development produce rules and regulations, engaging
(Lall and Pietrobelli, 2005: p. 334). Because of this, “the institutions in certain relations with innovative industries and often forming
carry little credibility with the private sector” (ibid). Hall (2005) ‘growth coalitions’ (Scerri and Lastres, 2013; Scerri and Lastres,
examines policy initiatives by a number of sub-Saharan African 2013; Leftwich, 2009). Third, in the face of institutional weaknesses,
countries to develop their own indigenous agriculture biotechnol- intermediaries such as industry associations are bound to be impor-
ogy industries (agriculture and healthcare). While pointing to some tant actors that work/negotiate with governments to create stable
success in institution building around these initiatives, particularly business environments for industry growth and innovation. This
in linkages between national institutions (e.g., R&D institutes and section proceeds by looking more closely at how more recent liter-
universities) and institutions from the developed North, Hall (2005) ature treats the role of both MNCs and industry associations in the
points to continued systemic weaknesses, particularly the lack of shaping of NISs in developing countries.
effective linkages between government institutions and industry
at the local level. In other words, a lack of effective diffusion and 4.1. MNCs and developing countries
feedback channels from the national to the local and vice versa tend
to impede the development of indigenous industry. Earlier studies identified MNCs and their activities as one
Interestingly, at the transnational level, Hall (2005: p. 621) mechanism by which developing countries can link to exter-
suggests that international organisations and associations “have nal knowledge and technology and, through partnerships and
played an important role in brokering partnerships” between spillovers, absorb and then build indigenous innovation capacities.
research institutions in developing countries “and both public and It is only more recently though, that a very limited yet growing
private organisation” in the developed North. For developing coun- number of studies have examined more critically the processes and
tries, this raises questions as to whether NGOs and various types conditions that govern the integration of MNCs into the emerging
of associations might play a similar role in facilitating knowledge innovation systems of developing countries (see Fu et al., 2011).
exchange and diffusion between the national government and local In doing so, these studies characterise a learning process domi-
entities (e.g., industry and civil society), and in doing so, better nated by activities in which indigenous firms and entire industries
linking and integrating local interests and development needs with connect into MNC led global value chains (GVCs) consisting of
global knowledge and technology. producers, suppliers, marketers, and R&D operations; from these
linkages, indigenous firms can learn about not only global market
needs, standards, and practices, but also technological and organ-
4. Internationalisation of NISs and industry associations in isational competencies. In this way, learning through GVCs opens
developing countries opportunities for indigenous firms to ‘move up the value chain’
from manufacturing to more advanced functions such as market-
The concurrent ideas that NISs exist within and interact with ing, designing, and R&D. Building innovation capacities, however,
an increasingly global economic system and that, within this con- is not just about increasing capabilities and functions along the
text, different NISs will exhibit different capacities for innovation value chain, “but is often about deepening the specific capabilities
and competitiveness go back to the earliest iterations of the NIS to explore new opportunities offered” (Pietrobelli and Rabellotti,
concept (see Niosi and Bellon, 1994). Within the NIS literature, the 2011: p. 1262) through spillovers from the value chain, e.g., recom-
term internationalisation or the globalisation of the NIS concept bining new and existing knowledge to improve manufacturing
is used in three ways, and these often interchangeably. The first processes, allowing for the production of more sophisticated and
is the notion that the NIS concept, conceived initially on frame- complex products (see Morrison et al., 2008). An example of this
works identified in already developed countries can be transferred is India’s biopharmaceutical industry were significant partnering
to the context of developing countries. While transferability is a between Indian pharmaceutical companies and MNCs has allowed
long standing notion, its application to developing countries is a these Indian companies to not only better serve global market
more recent trend. The second notion refers to the related and demands, but to also make commercial inroads into increasingly
common practice in the literature of comparing the NISs of dif- complex areas of biotech and life science (Rezaie et al., 2012).
ferent countries – much of this between countries of the developed That being said, the challenges for developing countries to emu-
North. The third notion concerns the extent to which a country’s late the success of countries such as India, China, Brazil are great,
NIS is characterised by global linkages and interactions (i.e., open to in part because few countries have the large domestic markets
1414 A. Watkins et al. / Research Policy 44 (2015) 1407–1418
that these countries have which allow them to both build indige- not static institutions), (2) governments will be stretched to meet
nous industries upon and to attract the production and supply the growing needs of a relatively poor but increasingly upwardly
operations of MNCs (i.e. MNCs want better access to these large mobile population (see Frankel, 2006), and as a result (3) govern-
markets and to take advantage of lower production costs). Fur- ments will often “lack resources, expertise and legitimacy required
thermore, attracting MNCs and other forms of FDI in ways that in developing new templates and monitoring industry behaviour”.
facilitate knowledge absorption and diffusion within developing In such contexts, they argue, industry associations “are likely to
countries takes a number of other conditions. First, developing be more effective and efficient institutions” in articulating indus-
countries must be relatively open to inward investment and trade, try needs, mobilising resources and working with government
with Aitken and Harrison (1999) arguing that “heavy restrictions to develop and implement new regulatory frameworks (Kshetri
on foreign investors and import substitution policy provide foreign and Dholakia, 2009: 227). This often means that specific pur-
affiliates with low incentives for technology transfer” (Fu et al., pose government-industry coalitions are in play. In the context of
2011: p.1207). Second, developing countries need to have strong developing countries, relations between government and industry
and investment friendly regulatory policies, and well defined intel- may be characterised as ‘growth coalitions’, ranging from ‘weak
lectual property right regimes: “Foreign firms will not bring core growth coalitions’ where there is at least a minimal recognition
technology into their subsidiaries in developing countries with that “business needs the support of government to make profits;
weak IPR production” (Fu et al., 2011: p.1207) Third, as mentioned governments need to share in these profits to finance govern-
previously, technology transfers will only occur when there are ment and politics (Moore and Schmitz, 2008:1)”, to ‘strong growth
substantive linkages between indigenous firms and foreign sub- coalitions’ where government and industry engage in “active coop-
sidiaries. Finally, such policies and organisational practices will eration towards the goal of policies that both parties expect to foster
need to be implemented, supported, and governed by capable investment and increase in productivity” (Bräutigam et al., 2002).
and informed institutions (e.g., government science and technol- According to Schneider and Maxfield (1997), strong growth coali-
ogy policy agencies) that can work with both indigenous industry tions require government and industry to share information and to
and MNCs to facilitate standard setting, workforce training, and have a high degree of “reciprocity, trust, and credibility” toward one
resource allocation to promising, but not yet commercial ideas and another. However, this does not change the fact that growth coali-
practices (e.g., funding of basic and applied research). tions presuppose bargain or compromises between industrial and
Without some combination of these factors, MNCs will either political elites and CSOs. Khan (1995, 2000) refers to such coali-
forgo investing in a developing country, or their engagement in a tions as forms of political settlements i.e. the balance of power
developing country will not result in sufficient technology transfer contending elites, CSOs and social groups.
and the development of indigenous industries (i.e. produces a cap- As such, a recent study by Kshetri and Dholakia (2009) looked
tive relationship as exemplified by the early liberalisation efforts of at the role of industry associations in India, explaining how India’s
Brazil). Even under so-called optimal policies and conditions, stud- National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASS-
ies have noted that MNCs and their GVCs can essentially crowd COM) facilitated the development of India’s offshoring industry.
out indigenous firms and/or act as a disincentive for indigenous According to this study, NASSCOM was particularly effective in
firms to pursue technological change and innovation (see Fu and articulating, both to the Indian government and the public, the
Gong, 2011). Fu and Gong (2011) go onto argue that in China it supposed economic benefits of the offshoring industry by establish-
is geographically clustered and well-connected indigenous firms, ing a dissemination and diffusion network involving government
rather than those that partner exclusively with MNCs, that are more agencies, policy makers, member companies, and various social
likely to engage intensively in the process of technological change organisations (i.e., legitimising the industry). NASSCOM also lever-
and produce innovations. Furthermore, studies on China and India aged this network to actively participate in the development
indicate that it is new firms and more high tech oriented indus- and enforcement of industry standards and practices (i.e., setting
tries (e.g. biopharma, software, and ICT) that benefit most from industry norms and behaviour), gaining industry favourable tax
linkages with MNCs, with the rest of the indigenous economy ben- incentives, and played a significant role in shaping India’s intellec-
efiting little. In other words, these indigenous high tech industries tual property right laws. Kshetri and Dholakia argue that central to
are growing, yet in isolation to the rest of the indigenous economy. NASSCOM’s success was the positioning and use of ‘elite’ members
As Fu et al., (2011) suggest, the success of some high tech indus- and officials (highly experienced and visible members of industry
tries in developing countries may be coinciding, and be the result with deep government connections) to lead outreach and lobbying
of R&D and policy institutions that have become increasingly adept efforts, and an effective strategy of working with the Indian judi-
and focused at facilitating substantive linkages between indigenous cial system and courts – rather than central government agencies
high tech firms and MNCs, yet these institutions may lack the capac- – “to enforce the substance of legal claims” (Kshetri and Dholakia,
ities and incentives to support indigenous industries that are less 2009: 234). In the case of working directly with the courts, NASS-
globally oriented and which employ a far greater number of the COM supposedly did this due to the perceived weaknesses of the
domestic workforce. In other words, it is possible that those gov- courts regarding commercial and copyright law, and the probable
ernment institutions, and perhaps much of the NIS of a developing lack of judicial oversight by a resource stretched central govern-
country, can become captive to the interests of MNCs and their ment; a prominent example of an industry association stepping in
foreign subsidiaries. to fill a regulatory void, and initiating institutional reform.
Another study on industry associations in India by Athreye
4.2. Industry associations and developing countries and Chaturvedi (2007) also looked at the role and effectiveness of
NASSCOM, but in comparison to the early efforts of industry asso-
As discussed previously, literature that purposively connects ciations promoting India’s burgeoning biotech sector. According to
industry associations to the NIS is limited and remains desperate this study, the biotech industry associations played a similar role
among many existing threads; even though studies on technology to what NASSCOM did for outsourcing and ICT, including lobby-
innovation systems have identified industry associations as playing ing for tax incentives, working with government to strengthen the
a prominent role in the innovation process (see previous sections). regulatory environment, setting industry standards, and shaping
In applying the NIS concept to developing countries, however, it is intellectual property laws. For knowledge diffusion among mem-
apparent, as Kshetri and Dholakia, (2009) argue, that (1) govern- bers, like NASSCOM, the biotech industry associations organise
ments are subject to considerable structural changes (i.e., these are “seminars, workshops, fact sheets, participating in trade fairs and
A. Watkins et al. / Research Policy 44 (2015) 1407–1418 1415
registering presence in key markets of export interest like the US pathetically to the strong IPR argument. These overall divisions
etc.” (Athreye and Chaturvedi, 2007: 169). They go onto argue, complicate the coalition building efforts of industry associations
however, that the major biotech industry associations at the time, and their subsequent negotiations with government, and have con-
the Association of Biotechnology-Led Enterprises (ABLE) and the tributed to long standing state-industry distrust. In countering
All India Crop Biotechnology Association (AICBA) suffered early on these tensions, a slow yet gradual shift appears to be emerging
from competing interests within their memberships and between where biopharmaceutical industry associations are engaging in
the two associations, with ABLE viewed as representing only the partnering activities with government on number of issues ranging
interests (tax, regulatory, and export) of a select number of phar- from S&T workforce development, industry-university collabora-
maceutical companies located in Bangalore to the expense of the tion, and the role of research based pharmaceutical companies in
broader industry. As a result, the biotech industry was not as effec- the development and implementation of a South African National
tive, initially, as the ICT industry, led by NASSCOM, in lobbying Health Insurance scheme (see Papaioannou et al., 2015). Such prac-
for incentives and in delivering benefits to a majority of its mem- tices occurring in developing and emerging countries align with
bers. Despite differences, both case studies reveal strong politics Kathuria and Sen (2013) when they argue that “there is role for
of development. It is clear that NASSCOM and ABLE work closely stronger and more synergistic relations between the state and the
with the state to promote innovation policy reforms which will private sector to bring about sustained increases in productivity
have positive impact on their members’ activities. Liberalisation and consequently in standards of living’. In this way, industry asso-
and integration with the world economy are two of these reforms. ciations have the potential to play a leading role in not only the
In some developing countries and in some sectors that are tradi- formation of growth coalitions between government and industry,
tionally less-technology intensive (e.g., agriculture), governments, but, potentially, to the building of development coalitions that, in
in cooperation with industry associations, are turning to hybrid the case of South Africa, have the potential to better build institu-
intermediary organisations to fill long-standing information net- tional capacities for innovation in health care and develop a more
work gaps between industry and the government. For example, effective and responsive biopharmaceutical industry.
the work of Dutrénit et al. (2012) looks at ‘Produce Foundations’
(PFs) in the state of Chiapas, Mexico: PFs are organisations that,
in the case of Mexico, are set-up by government, but managed by 5. Summary and conclusions
farmers within each Mexican state and are “responsible for man-
aging public resources to promote research, validation, technology This paper has sought to critically review the literature on
transfer, and the overall innovation processes in the agriculture the national innovation system concept and its application to
sector (Dutrenit et al., 2012: 694)”. This work expands upon that developing countries, with a focus on the ways in which certain
of Klerkx and Leeuwis (2008), showing that these PFs in Mexico intermediary actors such as industry associations are positioned
help facilitate the articulation of farmer’s technology needs to gov- and characterised. In doing so, this review has identified three
ernment and effectively links farmers, through the auspices of the broad shifts in emphasis which can guide our conceptual under-
Chiapas Tomato Product System – a ‘small farm’ association with standing of the role and potential of intermediaries such as industry
2600 tomato farmers – to “inputs providers, professional service associations in the political and technological pathway processes of
providers, the Universidad Atonoma de Chiapas, the network of innovation and development. These shifts are summarised in the
technological institutes... and so on” (p: 703). Table 1 below.
On the other end of the science and technology spectrum, The first phase involves an early yet extensive body of work
more recent work by Papaioannou, et al. (2015) looks at the role that captures the structures of national innovation systems and the
of biopharmaceutical industry associations in building innova- interactions between various actors. During this period, ideas from
tion capacities for healthcare in South Africa and India. Similar innovation and evolutionary theory such as collective learning and
to those in India, South African biopharmaceutical industry asso- path dependency were applied, although most studies at this time
ciations are shown to be critical intermediaries between the present innovation systems as presently comprised (static) and
pharmaceutical industry and government, facilitating knowledge from a macro-level perspective. While looking almost exclusively at
exchange in ways that shape areas of regulation such as pric- developed countries, NIS studies on both developed countries and
ing, standards, and intellectual property. Key to this knowledge newly industrialised countries at the time showed insightful differ-
exchange and subsequent capacity building (e.g., adhering to evolv- ences between countries regarding incentives and competencies.
ing global manufacturing standards) are linkages between these The few studies that did look at NIS in a developing country context
associations and international bodies including the International noted the lack of institutional capacities for innovation, particu-
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (IPMA) and the World larly the absence of informative linkages between government and
Health Organisation (WHO). In South Africa, however, relations industry. However, while some reference is made to intermedi-
between government and the pharmaceutical industry are histori- aries as institutional actors, their role and function in the NIS is
cally uneven, particularly regarding IPR. On one side of the debate, not concretely identified. One possible reason for this is that the
manufacturers of generic medicines, represented mainly through early NIS concept seems to omit the political processes through
the National Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (NAPM), which governments are both informed and through which gov-
promote less stringent IPR so as to increase access to generic ernments exert influence on the NIS; thus excluding organisations
medicines. On the other side, research based MNCs and their (e.g., industry associations) within the NIS that work with the state
domestic subsidiaries, represented by the Innovative Pharmaceu- to inform and negotiate conditions and incentives for innovation
tical Association of South Africa (IPASA) push for a stronger South and development. Another possible reason for omitting industry
African IPR regime, which IPASA argues, in addition to increasing associations from the early NIS concept are the negative conno-
sales of patented medicines, will promote innovation, investment tations associated with such organisations: industry associations
and industry growth in South Africa (Papaioannou et al., 2015). viewed as special interest groups that pursue narrow rents for a
In South Africa, this fragmentation of industry over IPR extends limited number of members at the expense of the wider sector and
to government, with the Department of Health (DOH) arguing economy – discouraging competition and thus curtailing collective
fervently for upholding a weaker IPR regime for ensuring access innovation within an industry.
to affordable medicines, whereas the departments of Trade and A later second wave of NIS literature questioned both the
Industry (DTI) and Science and Technology (DST) lean more sym- macro-approach of earlier studies and the importance of innova-
1416 A. Watkins et al. / Research Policy 44 (2015) 1407–1418
Table 1
Shifts in the literature of NIS.
1st shift - Institutional structure - Limited reference to knowledge and - Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore (Mowery
- Freeman (1982, 87, 95) - Collective learning and path network intermediaries:intermediary and Oxley, 1995; Lall, 1994; Kim, 1993)
- Lundvall (1985, 88, 92) dependency firms (Carlsson and Stankiewicz, 1991); - Mexico and Argentina (Alcorta and
- Nelson (1990, 92, 93) - Main focus on OECD countries superstructure orgs (Leyn et al., 1996); Peres, 1998; Arocena and Sutz, 2000)
- Patel and Pavitt (1994) research councils and funding bodies
(Van der Meulen and Rip 1998).
- No clear identification of their role or
function in the NIS.
2nd shift - Scepticism about the - Intermediaries are more seriously - Shift towards emerging economies i.e.,
- Carlsson and Stankiewicz (1995) macro-approach and the importance considered (Smits and Kuhlman, 2004) India, Brazil, and China (Krishnan, 2003;
- Breschi and Malerba (1997) of national dimension in innovation - The role of industry associations begins Motohashi and Yun, 2007; Mathews,
- Asheim and Isaksen (1997) systems to emerge: 2009)
- Cooke (1997) - Shift towards technology, sectoral, - Emphasis on advocacy and lobbying and - Some developing countries investigated
- Jacobsson and Johnson (2000) and regional innovation systems knowledge transfer (Hekkert and Negro, i.e., Indonesia and the Philippines
- Functions approach to NIS 2009)
- Knowledge exchange toward innovation
3rd shift - Growing emphasis on the - Increasing yet limited work on the role - Growing literature on innovation within
- Pavitt and Patel (1999) internationalisation of innovation of industry associations in developing ICT, biotech, & clean tech occurring in
- - Carlsson (2006) systems countries, e.g., ICT in India, agriculture in emerging powers such as India and
- Fu et al.,(2011) - Focus on the role of MNCs and global Mexico, and biopharmaceuticals in South South Africa
- Rezaie et al., (2012) knowledge flows and markets Africa (Kshetri and Dholakia, 2009; - Gap still remains as to the diverse set of
Dutrenit, Rocha-Lackiz,and Vera-Cruz, functions and activities that industry
2012; Papaioannou et al, 2015) associations perform in this context
tion systems as a solely national concept. As such, this literature to insights to how different countries engage and react not only
developed concepts of technology systems, sectoral systems, and to the emergence of new technologies and industries, but also to
regional innovation systems. This diverse work placed a grow- external flows of knowledge and investment – an understanding
ing emphasis on processes, relation and spatial dynamics between that could constructively inform potential innovation policy.
actors leading to insight as to how new technologies arise, develop Along these lines, a third wave, really a subset of more recent
and diffuse and to how innovation systems evolve over time. In this literature shows a growing emphasis on the internationalisation
literature, the role and contribution of intermediaries such industry of innovation systems, looking more closely at the role and activi-
associations begins to emerge, particularly regarding advocacy and ties of MNCs and the prominence of global knowledge flows and
lobbying, activity which is punctuated by both virtuous and vicious markets. These studies convincingly demonstrate that effective
cycles – demonstrating that politics and negotiations are central NISs require substantial inward knowledge flows and linkages to
processes through which institutions are informed and capacities innovation capacities located in other countries. For developing
for innovation are developed. While industry associations are char- countries, this raises questions and opportunities concerning global
acterised in this way, there actual role and contribution to the NIS linkages as mechanisms for building innovation capacities, as well
is not fully considered or investigated. Where intermediaries are as questions of autonomy, influence, and control (e.g., the poten-
concerned, most studies during this period focus on so-called inno- tial for the NISs of developing countries to become captive to the
vation intermediaries that facilitate joint R&D partnerships; these interests of MNCs and their foreign subsidiaries). As such, it might
include consulting firms, tech transfer offices, and various sources be expected that intermediaries such as industry associations are
of risk finance such as venture capital. bound to be important actors that work/negotiate with govern-
This period also saw an increasing number of studies look- ments to create stable business environments which are attractive
ing at the NISs of emerging economies such as India, Brazil, and to MNCs, not just for market expansion purposes, but for invest-
China along with developing countries such as Indonesia and the ing in R&D capacities within developing countries (e.g., setting
Philippines, although much of the emphasis here is on sectoral sys- up research facilities). This coincides with a growing literature on
tems of innovation. One of many insights these studies provide innovation within certain high-tech sectors such as ICT and bio-
is the importance that a NISs’ ‘political’ structure might play in pharmaceuticals occurring in emerging powers such as India and
the transfer and diffusion of information and knowledge within South Africa. Within this literature, there is increasing yet limited
a NIS. In China, for example, a one party system and subsequent work on the role of industry associations in developing countries
reliance on downward flows of information may result in the effec- (e.g., ICT in India), with a handful of studies pointing toward the
tive and rapid adoption of policy and the growth of indigenous importance of inclusive dissemination strategies (targeting indus-
manufacturing industries, while proving less effective in coordi- try, government, and the public), broad based network building,
nating the complex, diffuse, and often global information flows and politically-connected organisational leadership as key to an
that characterise more high tech industries such as biotech and ICT. industry associations’ effectiveness, both as negotiators and coali-
In contrast, India’s pluralism emphasises upward streams of infor- tion builders. That being said, a significant gap remains as to the
mation which, while perhaps facilitating the growth of high tech diverse set of functions and activities that these industry associa-
industries, may allow certain industries and individual companies, tions actually perform, and in directly connecting these activities
including MNCs, to gain significant influence over government pol- to political processes of innovation and development.
icy, perhaps to the detriment of indigenous industries and the wider Overall, it might be said that although the NIS literature has so far
economy. In this way, understanding how intermediaries such as paid little attention to the role of industry associations in the inno-
industry associations operate in structurally different NISs may lead vation process, the current shift towards emerging economies and
A. Watkins et al. / Research Policy 44 (2015) 1407–1418 1417
less developed countries requires more systematic investigation of Etzkowitz, H., Leydesdorff, L., 2000. The dynamics of innovation: from national
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