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Strategy Science
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Evolutionary Approaches to Innovation, the Firm, and the

Dynamics of Industries
Gino Cattani, Franco Malerba

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Gino Cattani, Franco Malerba (2021) Evolutionary Approaches to Innovation, the Firm, and the Dynamics of Industries.
Strategy Science 6(4):265-289.

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Vol. 6, No. 4, December 2021, pp. 265–289 ISSN 2333-2050 (print), ISSN 2333-2077 (online)

Evolutionary Approaches to Innovation, the Firm, and the

Dynamics of Industries
Gino Cattani,a Franco Malerbab
Stern School of Business, New York University, New York, New York 10012; b Department of Management and Technology and ICRIOS,
Bocconi University, 20136 Milan, Italy
Contact: [email protected], (GC); [email protected], (FM) Abstract. We examine the progress of the evolutionary research on innovation, the firm, and
the dynamics of industries in the last four decades. The paper acknowledges that the themes
Copyright: © 2021 INFORMS
related to knowledge and technological regimes, the evolutionary processes leading to inno-
vation, and the long-term dynamics of technologies have generated, and still remain, relevant
research trajectories. The same can be said for the research trajectories on organizational and
dynamic capabilities, evolutionary strategies, vertical integration, diversification, niche con-
struction, and authority and power in organizations. Important progress has also been made
in understanding the evolutionary trajectories of industries, the link between industry archi-
tecture and industry dynamics, the types of knowledge of entrants, the role of focal and verti-
cal spinouts, the relevance of institutions and sectoral innovation systems in industry dynam-
ics, and the catch-up process by firms from latecomer countries. We argue that future
developments in the evolutionary camp should continue to be characterized by eclecticism
and multidisciplinarity, as well as by the integration of different methodologies from cases to
stylized facts, quantitative analyses, appreciative theorizing, and formal modelling. We con-
clude with an analysis of the main methodologies used by evolutionary scholars and a discus-
sion of the road ahead.

History: This paper has been accepted for the Strategy Science Special Issue on Evolutionary Approaches
to Innovation, the Firm, and the Dynamics of Industries.

Keywords: innovation • technology • knowledge • routines • capabilities • exaptation • industry evolution • history-friendly simulation
• technological regimes

1. Introduction of the economic system (i.e., technologies, knowledge,

The evolutionary approach to economic change origi- and firms). Nelson and Winter also propose a method-
nates from Richard Nelson and Sidney Winter’s pio- ology for research centered on the need to develop dy-
neering 1982 book An Evolutionary Theory of Economic namic analyses (“dynamic first!” in Winter’s words)
Change and has grown significantly over the last 40 because the economy is always changing, and a
years. The book has stimulated a wide variety of re- picture of what is going on at any time needs to be un-
search trajectories by scholars in economics, manage- derstood as a frame in a motion picture, and also cen-
ment, technology, sociology, and history. tered on a view that theory has to be informed by, and
In the Nelson and Winter (1982) framework, learn- have a fruitful dialogue with, empirical investigations
ing and search in uncertain environments lead firms and case studies. Theoretical arguments are, indeed,
to introduce novelty in the economic system and accu- strongly influenced by rich empirical observations
mulate knowledge in specific and idiosyncratic ways. and oriented to provide an explanation for them.
At the same time, firms as organizations develop over This paper aims to take stock of the evolutionary re-
time patterns of repetitive actions—routines—that are search that has been conducted in the last few decades
used in current activities, if the context does not by concentrating on the evolutionary approaches to in-
change, and represent a distinct differentiating mecha- novation, the firm, and the dynamics of industries. It is
nism and a source of heterogeneity within industries. not our intention here to propose a survey of all the
For Nelson and Winter, three key basic evolutionary contributions in the evolutionary camp on these topics.
processes drive economic change: variety creation There are already several excellent surveys, including
through innovation and entry of new ventures; selec- Dosi (1988), Nelson (1995), Metcalfe (1998), Dosi and
tion among firms, technologies, and products; and re- Nelson (2010), Winter (2014, 2017), Nelson et al. (2018),
tention that creates continuity in several dimensions and Nelson (2021). Our goal is to flag topics in which

Cattani and Malerba: Evolutionary Approaches: Innovation, Firms, Industry Dynamics
266 Strategy Science, 2021, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 265–289, © 2021 INFORMS

progress has been consistent and areas considered rele- should talk about “technologies” and not “technology.”
vant or promising. Because of space constraints, our dis- Several excellent surveys examine technological change
cussion does not include other evolutionary topics such and innovation as an evolutionary process (e.g., Dosi
as bounded rationality (for a discussion, see Cohen et al. 1988, Freeman and Soete 1997, and Dosi and Nelson
1996), stylized facts and statistical properties of industrial 2010). In the following pages, we want to highlight
dynamics (Dosi 2007), aggregate regularities and emer- some key aspects that we consider relevant for current
gent properties of evolutionary processes (Kauffman evolutionary research and promising for future
1993, Kirman 2001), and the macro dimensions linking developments.
the supply side with the demand side (Dosi et al. 2015).
In the following discussion, we include some leading 2.1. Knowledge and Technological Regimes
scholars whose work is close to the evolutionary Innovation is affected by the context in which innova-
approach. Among them, we would like to mention tive activity takes place. Here, evolutionary theory has
Nathan Rosenberg, Christopher Freeman, James March, proposed some key factors and dimensions that affect
Steven Klepper, and Joel Mokyr. In the following the rate, direction, and patterns of innovative activities.
sections, relevant contributions of the evolutionary ap- A first factor is knowledge and its nature, conceptualiza-
proach to innovation (in Section 2), the firm (in Section tion, and dimensions. The view of technology as knowl-
3), and the dynamics of industries (in Section 4) are dis- edge has become a cornerstone of the evolutionary ap-
cussed. Then, in Section 5 the main methodologies used proach because it implies that technology is not
by evolutionary scholars are presented, and Section 6 replicable and easily transferred without cost, as infor-
closes by delineating the road ahead. mation is. This means that the reproduction of knowl-
edge in a different setting requires efforts and often faces
uncertainty and that the modes of replication may vary
2. Innovation (Nelson and Winter 1982, Winter and Szulanski 2001).
Innovation plays a central role in the evolutionary frame-
Within this perspective, tacitness and know-how become
work. In their 1982 book, Nelson and Winter point out
relevant dimensions for any analysis of innovation (Po-
that modern capitalism is a dynamically evolving system lanyi 1962, Cowan et al. 2000). Also, the composition be-
that is innovation driven. For the evolutionary approach, tween tacit and codified knowledge in a technology is
innovation is at the base of the emergence of novelty in not fixed but evolves continuously, even in markets for
the economy, the driver of change in firms and industries, technologies (Arora et al. 2001). Viewing technology as
and the foundation of long-term economic growth. Inno- knowledge has major implications for evolutionary anal-
vation is an experiential process that faces uncertainty and yses of innovation, the strategy and organizations of
is full of trials and errors. There is a strong intellectual link firms, and the dynamics of industries because technolo-
with Schumpeter’s 1934 Theory of Economic Development gies can be characterized by a set of procedures and rou-
(originally published in 1911 as Theorie der wirtschaftlichen tines for using and generating knowledge.
Entwicklung) and his notion of innovation as a process of As we will discuss in Section 3, this view represents
creative destruction that creates disequilibrium, generates a building block of the evolutionary discussion of or-
novelty in the economy, and challenges incumbents and ganizational routines and capabilities of firms. In ad-
existing technologies. In the 1982 book, it is pointed out dition, evolutionary theory claims that the sources of
that for Schumpeter (1934), several innovations are the re- knowledge can be internal or external to the firm,
sult of informal activities by entrepreneurs and new small usually widely distributed across a variety of different
firms. But it is also stressed that a large part of technologi- actors. As a consequence, as discussed in Section 4, in-
cal change is the result of the research and development novation systems emerge. For all these reasons, over
(R&D) activities of medium and large firms. Here, Nelson the last few decades a significant effort in many evolu-
and Winter (1982) follow Schumpeter’s (1950) Capitalism, tionary contributions has been made to identify the
Socialism and Democracy in his recognition of the R&D lab- relevant dimensions of knowledge. An example is the
oratory as a major organizational institution generating already-mentioned distinction between tacit and codi-
technological change, as well as Chandler (1962) in his fied knowledge, which has relevant implications for
claim that major technological progress is the result of the the replication and diffusion of knowledge (Cowan
activities of large corporations with their vast assets and et al. 2000, Nightingale 2003) as well as the distinction
extensive capabilities. between engineering, technological, and scientific
This broad and articulated view of innovation and the knowledge (Rosenberg 1982, Rosenberg and Nelson
various firms involved in this process has been a major 1994). Attempts to develop useful taxonomies of knowl-
theme of the evolutionary approach in the last decades. edge along the lines pioneered by Winter (1987) may
This has been coupled with the recognition of the extreme represent an interesting research trajectory in the evolu-
diversity of technologies and technological change, as em- tionary camp, as will become evident in the discussion
phasized by Rosenberg (1976, 1982), who claims that one that follows on the firm and the dynamics of industries.
Cattani and Malerba: Evolutionary Approaches: Innovation, Firms, Industry Dynamics
Strategy Science, 2021, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 265–289, © 2021 INFORMS 267

Knowledge is part of technological regimes, which and the impact of these innovations on the evolution
represent another key dimension of the evolutionary ap- of the regime. The purpose in the following pages is
proach (Nelson and Winter 1982, Malerba and Orsenigo to first assess how current models of technological
1997, Breschi et al. 2000). The notion of technological re- change that adopt an evolutionary lens theorize on
gimes identifies some basic properties of the technologi- the processes underlying incremental and radical in-
cal and learning environment that lead to specific sector- novation. We begin with the punctuated equilibrium
al patterns of innovation. In the original formulation, a model that has received considerable attention in the
technological regime was classified in terms of opportu- literature. We then highlight its evolutionary roots
nity conditions, appropriability of innovation, cumula- through the lens of technological speciation. Building
tiveness, and knowledge base. Opportunity conditions on recent advances in evolutionary biology, we fur-
relate to the richness of the scientific and technological ther examine the concept of exaptation, which has
environment and identify the ease with which a firm can been recognized as an increasingly important evolu-
innovate, appropriability refers to the extent to which tionary mechanism in the history of species, ecosys-
firms can capture the value of their own innovations and tems, and artifacts (e.g., technologies).
defend their innovation from the imitation of competi-
tors, cumulativeness indicates whether an innovation 2.2.1. Punctuated Equilibrium Model. Originally de-
builds on previous ones and therefore highlights how veloped in the context of evolutionary biology as an
relevant previous innovations are for today’s innova- alternative paradigm to Darwin’s phyletic gradualism
tions, and the knowledge base identifies some basic char- (Eldredge and Gould 1972, Gould and Eldredge 1977),
acteristics of knowledge in a specific industry (e.g., de- the punctuated equilibrium model has come to have
gree of tacitness, basicness, specificity, complexity, and an important influence in the innovation and technol-
basis in science or engineering). ogy field. The model describes the technology life
These dimensions have a very solid theoretical base cycle as characterized by periods of incremental
and can be linked to various evolutionary traditions re- innovations punctuated by sudden bursts of radical
garding innovation and its determinants. These early di- innovations (e.g., Abernathy and Utterback 1978;
mensions of technological regimes have been enriched Dosi 1982; Sahal 1985; Tushman and Anderson 1986;
over the years by a series of other contributions that have Anderson and Tushman 1990; and Mokyr 1990a,
added variables such as accessibility, complexity, variety, 1990b). The occurrence of a radical innovation marks
and technology cycle (see, e.g., Castellacci 2007, Castellacci the beginning of a period of technological ferment dur-
and Zheng 2010, and Peneder 2010). The notion of techno- ing which alternative technologies and products em-
logical regimes has proved quite capable of explaining the bodying them compete for dominance. Using data on
patterns of innovative activities at the technology and in- the minicomputer, cement, and airline industries, for
dustry levels in terms of distributed (Schumpeter Mark I) instance, Tushman and Anderson (1986) demonstrate
or highly concentrated (Schumpeter Mark II) industrial that technology evolves through periods of incremen-
structures. It has also been successful in explaining the tal change punctuated by technological breakthroughs
catch-up of firms from latecomer countries with respect to that either enhance or destroy the competence of firms
the incumbents from leading countries in several sectors in an industry—which, in turn, explains firm entry,
and technologies (Park and Lee 2006, Corrocher et al. exit, and performance over time. This basic pattern has
2021, Rosiello and Maleki 2021). Using a database cover- been observed in a variety of industries, whether they
ing the period 1977–2015, Fontana et al. (2021) show that have a distributed (Schumpeter Mark I) or highly con-
the distinction between Schumpeterian patterns of innova- centrated (Schumpeter Mark II) industrial structure.
tion (Mark I versus Mark II) and their explanation in In the field of evolutionary biology, however, the
terms of technological regimes has still the promise of dominant contemporary perspective is that the mech-
yielding important insights into the connection between anisms underlying the phenomena of punctuated
learning processes, inventive activities, and industrial equilibrium are quite compatible with the traditional
dynamics. Darwinian view of phyletic gradualism (Dawkins
1987, Mayr 1988, Reznick et al. 1997, Ridley 1999). As
2.2. The Evolutionary Processes Leading Mayr (1988, p. 483) suggests, speciational evolution
to Innovation may be a better term for Gould and Eldgrede’s (1977)
The notion of technological regime identifies some argument than punctuated equilibrium. Recognizing
basic properties of the technological and learning en- speciation as the central mechanism of punctuation
vironment in which firms operate that determine spe- not only highlights the actual mechanisms at work in
cific sectoral patterns of innovation. What it does not the process of punctuated change but also delineates a
fully explain, however, is the type of innovations (rad- number of ways in which the theory can be further
ical or incremental) that occur in a given technological applied to research on innovation and technological
regime, the processes responsible for their occurrence, change. In contrast to the punctuated perspective, the
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model of technological speciation sheds light on the in- Andriani and Cattani (2016)). According to Gould and
herently gradual nature of technological change. Extant Vrba (1982, p. 5) an exaptation is observed when (1) a
studies on technological speciation (Levinthal 1998, Ad- character, previously shaped by natural selection for
ner and Levinthal 2002, Cattani 2006, Garnsey et al. a particular function (an adaptation), is co-opted for a
2008, Cattani 2019, Cattani and Mastrogiorgio 2021) em- new use, and (2) a character whose origin cannot be
phasize how a new (radical) technology often emerges ascribed to the direct action of natural selection (a
from the redeployment of a firm’s knowledge base into nonadaptation) is co-opted for a current use.
a new application domain, whose selection criteria Exaptation describes a very different innovation
(user needs and performance requirements) constitute a process than other processes discussed in the innova-
necessary condition for a speciation event or disconti- tion literature. For instance, Arthur (2009) argues that
nuity (e.g., radical innovation) to occur. Indeed, many new functions and corresponding artifacts typically
discontinuities in technology evolution consist of the originate from one of the following two channels: the
application of an existing technology to a new applica- discovery of a new phenomenon in science and tech-
tion domain with significantly different customers’ nology, which activates the exploration of the possibil-
needs and performance standards. ities inherent in the new phenomenon and eventually
Focusing on the interaction with the environment results in the design and development of new artifacts
(e.g., the specific target niche or application domain), and processes, or the expression of a need that drives
therefore, affords a window into the process through the formulation of functions that subsequently are
which new technologies develop and come to com- translated into new artifacts. However, there are situa-
mercial fruition. For example, Levinthal (1998) notes tions where the end state is largely unknown (Wiener
how punctuated equilibrium rests on speciation, 1993) in that the innovation process starts from the
which is defined as “the application of existing tech- assumption that artifacts (e.g., a technology) have an
nological know-how to a new domain of application” inherent (and unpredictable) creative potential—
(p. 218) rather than mutation events. Similarly, Cattani namely, “the appearance of novel functions for which
(2006) shows how Corning’s development of fiber op- the forms were not originally designed or selected”
tics can be explained in terms of technological specia- (Andriani and Cattani 2016, p. 117).
tion—that is, very much like the process of speciation Exaptation identifies a third channel driving the
by lineage splitting in biology. Because of its past his- emergence of novelty: a functional shift of an existing
tory, in fact, Corning was, indeed, endowed with rele- artifact that is not traceable to the discovery of new phe-
vant knowledge that was accumulated for reasons nomena or the pull from clearly defined needs. By em-
that were unrelated to fiber-optic applications. phasizing the role of a functional shift, research on ex-
From these examples it can be evinced that much of aptation distinguishes between technologies that have
a firm’s prior accumulated (technological) knowledge adaptive and nonadaptive origins. The first case, which
very often is actually adaptation for the particular (but refers to a technology that was developed for a particu-
different) use for which it was originally created. How- lar function (an adaptation) and was later co-opted for a
ever, this knowledge can also prove valuable for new new use, corresponds to what evolutionary biologists
(often unforeseen) applications, some of which emerge call preadaptation (Bock 1959, Ridley 1999). In the con-
after the occurrence of an exogenous shock (e.g., techno- text of technology, Cattani (2006, see figure 1 on p. 307)
logical developments in other fields) that helps uncover reports some of the key technological antecedents (i.e.,
those applications (Cattani 2006). Indeed, each new technologies developed for other, more or less related,
technology “offers a spectrum of opportunities, only a technological fields or applications) that contributed to
few of which will ever be developed during its lifetime” defining Corning’s technological preadaptation for fiber
(Basalla 1988, p. 220). These opportunities correspond optics. Much of this prior accumulated (technological)
to hidden functionalities or shadow options (Penrose knowledge was actually adaptation for the particular
1959, Bowman and Hurry 1993, Andriani et al. 2017, (though different) uses for which it was originally creat-
Andriani et al. 2019, Cattani and Mastrogiorgio 2021) ed. This knowledge, however, also proved valuable
that are embodied in a technology. Although firms can- with respect to the new (though unanticipated) applica-
not identify ex ante many of those functionalities or op- tion—that is, fiber optics for long-distance telecommu-
tions, they can seek to uncover them either through de- nications. Yet some technologies may have nonadaptive
liberate search or serendipitously—a process also origins such as when they are not currently used for
known as exaptation, to which we now turn. any specific application but can “later be co-opted for a
new role” (Dew 2007, p. 157). The origin of Gorilla
2.2.2. Exaptation. The previous discussion suggests Glass is a clear illustration of this particular case
that innovation may originate from the appearance of (Cattani and Mastrogiorgio 2021).
novel applications or functions of existing technolo- There is a clear linkage between speciation and
gies, a process known as exaptation (for a review, see exaptation. However, whereas the extant theory of
Cattani and Malerba: Evolutionary Approaches: Innovation, Firms, Industry Dynamics
Strategy Science, 2021, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 265–289, © 2021 INFORMS 269

speciation focuses on the adaptation trajectory of a exploitation means searching over knowledge compo-
technology once it is redeployed into a new domain nent spaces that are known to the innovator, whereas
of application, exaptation focuses on the functional exploration means searching over unfamiliar spaces.
shift and on what caused this shift. As Andriani and This distinction has been used to explain the genera-
Cattani (2016) argue, “An evolutionary theory on the tion of breakthrough innovations. It has been claimed
emergence of novelty must explicitly account for what that breakthrough innovations arise from exploration
causes the ‘functional shift’ of an existing technologi- (including searching for new uses or functions for a
cal artefact, i.e., the functional discontinuity that is firm’s existing knowledge base), whereas less relevant
central to the notion of exaptation” (p. 118). Exapta- innovations emerge from exploitation (Cohen and
tion has been increasingly recognized as an important Levinthal 1990, Henderson and Clark 1990, O’Reilly
evolutionary mechanism, as it sheds new light on a and Tushman 2013).
long-lasting debate on the emergence of novelty, par- Inspired by several case studies that point to the ev-
ticularly radical innovations that result in discontinu- idence that breakthroughs may originate from a more
ities shaping the evolution of an industry.1 complex search process, in this special issue, Sarnecka
Building on the Woesian model of cell evolution and Pisano (2021) propose that breakthrough innova-
(Woese 2002, 2004), Carignani et al. (2019) highlight tions involve a process that combines both exploration
the central role of the horizontal transfer of existing and exploitation. For them, the development of break-
functional modules in prompting radical innovation through innovations is a sequential process that in-
via exaptation. For example, the so-called pure turbo- volves exploration (initially) and exploitation (later
jet architecture required high-speed turbines, a char- on). Using patents by over 2,500 firms during the peri-
acteristic reached in a different technological lineage od 1975–2005 and a novel measure of search (techno-
(steam turbines) around 1900, when turbines that could logical focal proximity), Sarnecka and Pisano find that
“provide power at the high rotational speed necessary in the early phase, firms explore unfamiliar terrain,
for the turbocompressor’s effective operation without but once exploration has taken place, firms focus their
requiring speed-multiplying gearboxes” (Constant search strategies to exploiting the now familiar knowl-
1980, p. 84) first appeared. The existence of preadapted edge in a cumulative way. The results of this paper
functional modules during the initial phase of recombi- have implications for the conceptualization and
nant innovation was “largely independent of deliberate empirical analyses of the process leading to radical in-
research efforts aimed at radical innovation, but is in- novations and for identifying the most appropriate
stead the result of technological spillovers from prior es- strategies aimed at breakthroughs, because exploration
tablished and funded research” (Carignani et al. 2019, and exploitation must be dynamic and interrelated.
p. 520).2 The pure turbojet originated from the exapta- On a different but related topic, another stream of
tion of preadapted modules that were integrated into a evolutionary research has focused on the large num-
novel architecture—that is, they were co-opted into a ber of trials and failures that firms have to go through
new function via horizontal transfer—and inventors in order innovate (Murmann 2003, Lewin and Massini
stretched their performance trying to reach the point 2004). This process is considered path dependent and
where the required minimum level of performance was locally bounded, based on trials and errors and on vi-
attained. Hence, the exaptation of a horizontally trans- carious experience (Gavetti and Levinthal 2000, Greve
ferred module of a system can prompt the emergence 2003, Murmann and Frenken 2006, Winter et al. 2007).
of a completely new system built around an exapted Along these lines, in this special issue, Murmann
module. An important implication of adopting a Woe- and Zhu (2021) examine the process leading to a new-
sian model of evolution is that it is now possible to pro- to-the world innovation: WeChat by Tencent. They
pose a more general framework that unveils an find that a nested, three-level hierarchy of the key
important mechanism through which exaptation may evolutionary processes of variation, selection, and re-
occur. Taken together, these developments unveil the tention was embedded within Tencent. These evolu-
evolutionary origins of radical innovations and their tionary processes involved organizational capabilities
impact on industry dynamic. and other organizational features at the WeChat
business unit level. Moreover, a dynamic co-opetition
2.2.3. Role of Search. The distinction between radical between rival business units within the firm was inter-
and incremental innovations discussed in the preced- linked with more general variation, selection, and re-
ing has also been linked to the search by organizations tention processes in the market. Murmann and Zhu,
for new knowledge as well as the recombination of in fact, show that initially three business units simul-
existing knowledge (Nelson and Winter 1982, taneously competed and cooperated in developing al-
Henderson and Clark 1990, Malerba 1992). Following ternative products while allowing the market to select
March (1991), scholars have used the distinction the winner. The main message of this paper is the
between exploration and exploitation activities: need to examine in depth the evolutionary processes
Cattani and Malerba: Evolutionary Approaches: Innovation, Firms, Industry Dynamics
270 Strategy Science, 2021, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 265–289, © 2021 INFORMS

and the dynamics of co-opetition that take place with- success. Nelson and Winter (1982, chap. 5) trace the
in a firm and that lead to a major innovation. origins of this performance heterogeneity to the exis-
tence of firm-specific organizational routines. Con-
2.3. The Long-Run Evolution of Technologies: ceived as the firm’s DNA, routines form the basis of
Trajectories and Branching an evolutionary framework that seeks to explain why
In an evolutionary approach, technologies are consid- firms differ in terms of profitability even if they face
ered to significantly evolve in the long run: technologies the same or very similar market conditions. Routines
follow specific directions of advancement and are guid- suggest that a business firm is “first and foremost an
ed by technological paradigms (Dosi 1982). Technologi- organization that knows how to do something”
cal paradigms identify specific patterns of solutions to (Winter 1995, p. 148). Because different firms have
selected technoeconomic problems and identify heuris- different routines, they know how to do something in
tics of problem solving and of search. They also imply rather different ways.
that knowledge may take the form of key design Although several definitions of routines have been
concepts that shape innovations over time (Baldwin proposed over the years (for reviews, see Cohen et al.
and Clark 2000), often becoming dominant designs (1996), Becker (2004), and Feldman et al. (2016)), it is
(Henderson and Clark 1990, Utterback and Suarez useful to conceive them as “patterned sequences of
1993). Within given paradigms, technological trajecto- learned behavior involving multiple actors who are
ries represent the directions that technologies follow in linked by relations of communication and/or authori-
the space of the technoeconomic characteristics of arti- ty, a bundle of coordinated activity that evolves slow-
facts and production processes. In early evolutionary ly through local learning and typically involves
contributions, trajectories are considered often ordered substantial elements of tacit knowledge and context
along certain paths, with trade-offs to be faced and solu- dependence” (Cohen and Bacdayan 1994, p. 555).3
tions to be found for bottlenecks and technological im- The emphasis on learning captures a fundamental as-
balances (Rosenberg 1976, Dosi and Nelson 2010). pect of routines: unlike simple rules (Nelson and
In this special issue, Levinthal (2021) pushes for- Winter 2002, p. 30), routines exhibit a much greater
ward the discussion on exploration and exploitation level of complexity, as they involve multiple actors
(already discussed by Sarnecka and Pisano (2021)) as whose work must be coordinated for a routine to
processes that unfold over time and links them to deliver a satisfactory performance. A key conceptual
technological trajectories. He proposes that the oppor- advantage of focusing on routines is to link the com-
tunity structure is not unchanging and that forgoing petitive dynamics of industries to “the characteriza-
an opportunity in exploratory search may negate the tion of firm-level processes of search and adaptation”
possibility of engaging in that opportunity in the fu- (Gavetti and Levinthal 2004, p. 1313). Differences in
ture. In a sense, a door that is not opened today may routines reflect differences in learning processes that
not be there tomorrow. For Levinthal, exploration and ultimately account for the observed performance
heterogeneity among firms in the same industry.
exploitation should not be seen as a sampling problem
In this sense, routines qualify as a firm’s resources.
done over time but as a branching process, called by
Indeed, as stated in Winter (1995), a routine “in opera-
evolutionary biologists a phylogenetic tree (a tree of
tion at a particular site can be conceived as a web
life; see Dennett (1995)). The hierarchical nature of the
of coordinating relationships connecting specific re-
tree indicates ancestry, whereas branching connotes
sources … . [T]he routine per se—the abstract activity
speciation events. In this way, the paper moves from
pattern—is itself a resource” (pp. 149–150, italics in
the view of trajectories as particular linear paths of de-
original) in that the term “‛routines’ connotes a menu
scent to the view of opportunity as a process of
of previously learned patterns of action” (p. 150). Be-
branching resulting from realized trajectories and la-
cause the routinization of a firm’s activity constitutes
tent opportunities. Conceiving in this way the long-
the most important storage of its specific operational
run exploration-exploitation trade-off opens up a set
knowledge, routines are the building blocks of a firm’s
of new questions in terms of trajectories that are feasi- organizational memory because they store knowl-
ble within an organization, the likelihood of branch- edge, especially tacit knowledge (Nelson and Winter
ing possibilities arising over time, and the accessibility 1982). Preserving routines is critical to sustaining
of latent branching opportunities. performance over time: unless tacit knowledge is
somewhat codified, the smooth functioning of a firm’s
3. The Firm: Routines, Capabilities, and routines largely depends on the retention of long-
Firm Strategies tenured employees and their commitment to passing
At the core of an evolutionary theory is the analysis of their (largely tacit) knowledge onto newcomers as in a
the causes of organizational inertia and adaptability, master-apprentice relationship (Cattani et al. 2013,
as well as the related phenomena of failure and 2017).
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Routines are also context dependent, as the under- perspective on firm growth where firms grow by rep-
lying knowledge is “embodied or embedded to a large licating their routines and other practices across dif-
extent in its associated human, physical and organiza- ferent sites. Growing through replication requires the
tional capital” (Winter 1995, p. 148), which is often ability to “recreate complex, imperfectly understood,
highly specific to the needs of the firm in which the and partly tacit productive processes in carefully se-
routines operate. The transfer of routines across differ- lected sites, with different human resources every
ent organizational contexts might prove very chal- time, facing in many cases resistance from proud, lo-
lenging even when the same individuals are involved cally autonomous agents” (Winter and Szulanski
(Huckman and Pisano 2006). Routines are indeed 2001, p. 731). This ability to replicate has been shown
more valuable within the firm that currently employs to be a distinctive trait of the growth strategy of com-
them than they would be in another firm—a necessary panies such as Walmart, McDonald’s, and Starbucks;
(though not sufficient) condition for those routines lodging chains such as Marriott; and Bank One,
to be a source of sustained competitive advantage among others. As the value of replication is eroded by
(Peteraf 1993). Because of this imperfect mobility, delay, timing is critical of aspect a replication strate-
routines can act as an isolating mechanism (Rumelt gy.4 Even in relatively stable industries, firms that dif-
1984), thus protecting a firm from imitation and the fer in their ability to replicate their business model ex-
erosion of its superior profitability. hibit differential growth and profitability rates.
In moderately dynamic markets, effective routines The ability to replicate is an instance of higher-order
are efficient and robust processes that support the routines (Winter 2003) or organizational capabilities
smooth functioning of a firm’s activities. Routines that allow a firm to “perform a coordinated set of
adapt to experience incrementally in response to feed- tasks, utilizing organizational resources, for the pur-
back based on their previous state; if a new state does pose of achieving a particular end result” (Helfat and
not differ too much from it, routines provide a reliable Peteraf 2003, p. 999). Organizational capabilities de-
and, in some cases, even optimal menu of previously note the capacity of managers to run an organization,
learned patterns of action that can be followed with whether this means maintaining the status quo, such
only some minor adjustments. As Nelson and Winter as in a market environment where change is slow-
(2002, pp. 29–30) point out, competence must “always paced or somehow predictable, or altering how a firm
be assessed against the background of historically
makes its living, such as in a market environment
evolving competitive standards. … Thus, the evolu-
where change occurs frequently and its direction is
tionary response to the competence puzzle focuses on
difficult to anticipate (Helfat and Winter 2011).
the role of learning and practice, and specifically on
the degree of correspondence between the current
challenge and the earlier contexts in which experience 3.1. Organizational Routines as Dynamic
trained the actors.” Because routines can be seen as a Capabilities
learning-based answer to the competence challenge, One major area of application of evolutionary think-
they are the conceptual building block of behavioral ing has been the dynamic analysis of economic change
continuity in evolutionary theory: firms are, in fact, at the organization and the industry level, particularly
“expected to behave in the future according to the in contexts “where innovative performance is a key el-
routines they have employed in the past” (Nelson and ement in the competitive struggle” (Nelson and
Winter 1982, p. 134). This continuity in behavior is a Winter 2002, p. 34; see also Barney 1986). In a world
distinctive trait of firms competing in a routinized of continuous change, the ability to cope with change
technological regime, which is conducive to the inno- is obviously a key trait affecting firm performance
vative activity of established firms and their routin- and survival. Although the quasi-automatic responses
ized ways of doing things (e.g., Winter 1984, Malerba of established routines enable firms to deal with a cer-
and Orsenigo 1995, and Breschi et al. 2000). tain range of familiar variation, outside that range, the
In this type of competitive environment, the norma- inertia of those established routines can be problemat-
tive guidance offered by the resource-based view ic. Routines have an almost paradoxical nature: the
(Rumelt 1984, Peteraf 1993, Winter 1995) lies in the same routines that allow firms to adapt to the require-
idea of leveraging the idiosyncratic profit opportuni- ments of their current market environment are those
ties latent in existing resource endowments. However, that can also hinder their ability to adapt to sudden
when the resources in question are productive rou- changes in that environment (Hannan and Freeman
tines, “such exploitation often takes the form of repli- 1984, Leonard-Barton 1992). For a firm confronting
cating the firm’s routines in the quest for greater profit the challenges of change, the “option of starting
through growth, a process that is a central feature over, with no preconceptions and no commitments,
of evolutionary economics” (Winter 1995, p. 148). In- is not available for an established firm” (Winter 2017,
deed, routines are at the core of an evolutionary p. 740). What, then, explains the adaptability of certain
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firms in the face of changing conditions in their refer- instance, the processes that guide the development of
ence environment? new products or the allocation of R&D resources
From a conceptual and an analytical point of view, across different innovation projects are examples of
it is important to look at the hierarchical structure of dynamic capabilities, regardless of whether firms
organizational routines. Whereas “lower-order” oper- compete in routinized or entrepreneurial technologi-
ating routines attend to the details of current opera- cal regimes. For instance, one of the main reasons
tions (e.g., how to assemble a certain type of engine explaining Japanese car manufacturers’ successful
on a particular car model), large organizations often commercialization of new car models and faster time
have higher-order or “metaroutines” functioning as to market in the 1970s and 1980s was their reliance on
“control and correction mechanisms, with each layer firm-specific processes driving the incorporation of
devoted to noticing and possibly fixing any problems customer feedback during the design phase of a new
that might bubble up from the layer below—or, alter- model and their commitment to quality at the product
natively, passing the problem to the layer above” and process levels (e.g., Clark and Fujimoto 1991).
(Winter 2017, pp. 740–741). These higher-order rou- The dynamic capabilities view emphasizes the role
tines constitute organizational capabilities, as they of managers in guiding the processes by which re-
provide a firm with the ability to survive and prosper sources are leveraged and reconfigured (as predicated
(Helfat 2018). Organizational capabilities that are di- by the resourced-based view) as well as the processes
rected toward change are especially important in mar- by which new resource configurations are created
ket environments characterized by technological (Eisenhardt and Martin 2000). Managerial discretion
change. For instance, what made IBM unique was its ultimately shapes which specific path(s) firms choose
ability to extract returns from its established position and to which they commit their resources. Recogniz-
across a wide range of innovations instead of reaping ing the central role of managers is an important step
gains from a single innovation. Making continuing toward expanding the boundaries of the evolutionary
improvements in a related set of products and pro- perspective to “incorporate elements of deliberation
cesses “by re-deploying related assets and capabilities and cognition into its canonical micro-foundation”
in R&D, manufacturing, marketing and other func- (Gavetti and Levinthal 2004, p. 1314).5 There are sev-
tional areas” (Malerba et al. 2016, p. 18) is an apt eral decisions in which the role of managers is obvi-
illustration of what evolutionary scholars call a dy- ously essential. Here, we consider three main strategic
namic capability (Teece and Pisano 1994, Teece et al. decisions—vertical integration, diversification, and
1997, Eisenhardt and Martin 2000, Zollo and Winter niche construction—for which the insight of an evolu-
2002, Winter 2003, Helfat et al. 2007, Teece 2007). tionary perspective has proved especially important.
The term “dynamic” here refers to the capacity to
adapt, integrate, and reconfigure resources (including 3.1.1. Vertical Integration. Make-or-buy decisions have
routines) in order to match the requirements of an received wide attention in the economics, organi-
evolving environment (Teece et al. 1997, Eisenhardt zational, and strategic management literatures. The
and Martin 2000). Firms differ not only because they extent to which firms use the market or internalize
have different starting points (i.e., resources such as market transactions is highly contingent on the trans-
skills, routines, and capabilities) that define the set of action costs of using markets (Coase 1937; Williamson
choices available to them but also because they rely 1975, 1985). The contribution of an evolutionary per-
on different high-level processes such as alliancing, spective lies in establishing a link between decisions
new product development, and strategic decision about vertical firm structure and the evolution of an
making (Eisenhardt and Martin 2000). These process- industry, as well as recognizing the central role of a
es, which match and even create market change, un- firm’s capabilities in influencing this relationship.
derlie a firm’s dynamic capabilities. It is through the Firms with integrative capabilities for communication
activation of these processes that firms leverage and coordination across different stages in a vertical
their resources, redeploy them across different mar- chain (Monteverde 1995, Helfat and Campo-Rembado
kets, or invest in the development of new resources 2016) are more likely to internalize market transac-
(Pisano 2017). tions vis-à-vis firms that lack those capabilities. Differ-
The emphasis on “processes” is grounded on the ent contextual factors can explain why firms integrate
empirical observation that a dynamic capability is “a or disintegrate even when they are going through the
learned and stable pattern of collective activity same phase in the life cycle of an industry. For exam-
through which the organization systematically gener- ple, firms in “new industries based on systemic
ates and modifies its operating routines in pursuit innovations or technologies are likely to be vertically
of improved effectiveness” (Zollo and Winter 2002, integrated due to the benefits of internal integrative
p. 340). These processes support firm innovation in capabilities,” whereas firms in “new industries based
both stable and dynamic market environments. For on autonomous innovations do not benefit from
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internal integrative capabilities and are therefore and their efforts to create new resources. As Edith Pen-
more likely to have nonintegrated firm structures” rose argued decades ago, the same resource provides a
(Helfat 2015, p. 806). In their history-friendly model of different service or set of services “when used for
the computer industry, Malerba et al. (2008) show different purposes or in different ways and in combi-
how the patterns of vertical integration and specializa- nation with different types or amounts of other
tion change as a function of the evolving levels and resources” (Penrose 1959, p. 25). One of the main im-
distribution of firms’ capabilities over time and those plications of conceptualizing resources as bundles of
patterns depend on the coevolution of the upstream services is that the range of possible uses of a resource
(e.g., semiconductor) and downstream sectors. A key is larger than the specific use(s) for which it was origi-
insight of the model is to reveal that the vertical scope nally created. Some of these uses are unknown to the
of computer producers was essentially determined by firm and represent what Bowman and Hurry (1993,
the coevolution of specific capabilities in designing p. 763) call shadow options—that is, investment op-
and producing semiconductors across firms, the size portunities awaiting recognition. As previous research
of markets, and the structure of industries. adopting an exaptive lens has shown, shadow options
As firms differ in terms of capabilities, some may become real options when a resource is (re)deployed
continue using the market when others decide instead into novel uses or functions for which it was not origi-
to integrate vertically. In their longitudinal case nally acquired or created and this functional shift
study of a series of contracts between the same two reveals new, previously unknown, uses that are em-
partners in the personal computer industry, Mayer bodied in a firm’s existing resources (Andriani and
and Argyres (2004) find that learning to contract re- Cattani 2016). The new services that a resource can
duces transaction costs and, therefore, the need for render emerge from its idiosyncratic deployments
internalizing transactions. Given its focus on the inter- (Kor and Mahoney 2004, p. 184; see also Cattani 2006
actions between firm-level capabilities and market- and Folta et al. 2016). Understanding the processes
level factors, an evolutionary perspective affords a through which firms uncover the shadow options em-
more nuanced understanding of why integrated and bodied in their resources can shed further light on
specialized (nonintegrated) firms coexist in the same why coherent diversifiers are the modal form of diver-
industry even when standard economic explanations sifying firms, thus enriching extant evolutionary ex-
would predict otherwise (for an in-depth discussion, planations of diversification decisions.
see Helfat 2015). Penrosian diversification is one of redeploying resour-
ces from one industry to another. However, leveraging
3.1.2. Diversification. Firms grow not only by expand- common resources across different industries does not
ing within their original business and by integrating explain which new market-specific resources a firm
vertically but also by adding new businesses to the ex- might be able to develop that help it enter a particular
isting ones. From an evolutionary perspective, it is market or industry. Pisano (2017) proposes a framework
then critical to understand how firms diversify, even in which “investments in general-purpose capabilities
more than why they do so. In other words, what is the create options, while investments in market-specific
logic underlying the choice of which new business to capabilities are commitments to exercise those options”
add to a firm’s existing businesses? Teece et al. (1994, (p. 754). In addition to investing in general-purpose or
p. 3) find that, when firms grow more diverse, they market-specific capabilities, firms can decide to deepen
tend to “add activities that relate to some portion of their existing capabilities or search novel capabilities
existing activities” and “the strength of relatedness be- outside their current repertoire. The framework is a first
tween new and old business does not change much as step toward developing an evolutionary theory of firm
firms grow more diverse.” Coherence is a salient char- diversification in which strategic choices among differ-
acteristic of how firms are expected to (and should) di- ent types of capability enhancing investments help firms
versify. The interplay of three classes of factors— identify viable diversification paths. Future research
learning, evolutionary paths, and strength of competi- might further explore how diversification decisions are
tion—explains this coherence. Because previously related to industry evolution, particularly whether the
chosen paths constrain the set of available choices frequency and type of diversification vary with different
(path dependence), learning is usually local, and stages of an industry life cycle.
strong competition prevents firms from creating or ac-
quiring the resources needed to compete in a different 3.1.3. Niche Construction. The recognition of the cen-
business, coherent diversifiers are the modal form of tral role of managers has elucidated not only how
diversifying firms (Teece et al. 1994). firms adapt to an evolving competitive landscape but
Learning is a local phenomenon whose speed and also, increasingly, how some firms are able to shape
direction depend on how firms decide to leverage their their environment instead of simply adapting to it. In
existing resources (skills, routines, and capabilities) evolutionary biology, niche construction describes the
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process whereby organisms actively modify their own Intelligent anticipation or foresight subsumes three as-
and each other’s evolutionary niches (Odling-Smee pects: prior relevant experiences and theory of perfor-
et al. 2003). In a similar vein, an emerging stream of mance (causal understanding of why a particular
research concerned with the behavioral microfounda- business model is successful), depth of experience,
tions of evolutionary theory emphasizes strategic and discipline. These aspects are the building blocks
leaders’ shaping ability, defined as “the ability to legiti- of a model of strategic foresight first proposed by
mize opportunities and therefore ‘shape’ or ‘construct’ Gavetti and Menon (2012) in their discussion of the
the opportunity space” (Gavetti 2012, p. 269). Accord- events that led Charles Merrill, in the late 1930s, to
ingly, firms are not viewed as passive subjects of selec- what is perhaps the biggest strategic innovation in the
tion but instead as trying to proactively influence and history of banking. A key implication of this model is
even alter their selection environment. that “careful empiricism” in the science of expertise
From this perspective, new growth opportunities— offers a more nuanced picture of what underpins su-
including the opportunity to expand into new busi- perior performance across a number of fields: consis-
nesses—are not merely out there to be plucked but tently superior performance hinges not on mere luck
enacted through proactive efforts that aim to shape but on one’s ability to develop sophisticated cognitive
the selection environment in which firms operate. representations or theories of performance.
This process is the focus of studies on effectuation The Helfat (2021) paper in this special issue further
(Sarasvathy and Dew 2005, 2016; Sarasvathy 2008) examines what it means for a firm to shape the mar-
and, more recently, niche construction (e.g., Gavetti ket(s) in which it competes, how shaping differs from
2012, Andriani and Cattani 2016, Gavetti et al. 2017, adapting and searching for new ways of doing things,
and Patvardhan and Ramachandran 2020). Although and what impact shaping the coevolution between
these studies have examined the actions taken by sin- firms and markets eventually has on the evolution of
gle firms and their leaders, a firm can also rely on its competitive advantage. In order to distinguish shap-
network of collaborators to affect the market environ- ing from adaptation, Helfat suggests that shaping en-
ment. An apt illustration of this dynamic is the work tails changing the payoff structure for all firms in a
on innovation ecosystems, which has shown how the specific business context. Firms can do so by changing
partner firms need to interact for a value proposition the structure of either demand (willing to pay of
to materialize (Adner 2017; see also Jacobides et al. buyers) or supply (opportunity costs of suppliers), or
2021 in this special issue). These collaborative arrange- both. An important implication of this way of concep-
ments through which firms combine their individual tualizing shaping is to link it to the economic perfor-
contributions (e.g., know-how or other types of re- mance of firms through the payoffs to choices that
sources) allow their members to create value (e.g., a firms make. It is not sufficient that the choices that a
new product or technology) that no single firm could firm makes (e.g., changing the price of a product or
have created alone. service) may have an effect on other firms: shaping
Reflecting on the extent to which firms adapt to or only occurs when the mapping between choices and
shape their market environment, the paper by Gavetti the payoffs to them is transformed for all firms in the
and Lecuona Torras (2021) in this special issue argues same market or industry. Helfat further discusses
that the evolutionary view proposes a model of strate- how this payoff structure can be represented analyti-
gic opportunity discovery that allows a modest cally by specifying the functional form of firms’ de-
amount of agency—intended as the ability of individ- mand and supply curves that capture the underlying
uals to intentionally translate their desires or beliefs determinants of payoffs. The paper is a starting point
into a course of action that leads to the desired out- for theoretically modeling and empirically measuring
comes. Accordingly, Gavetti and Lecuona Torras em- the amount of shaping while also allowing for the in-
phasize how an evolutionary account of strategy fluence of sociocognitive, technological, and nonmar-
should feature a more prominent role for the strategist ket elements of shaping.
in the discovery of strategic opportunities. Indeed,
individual-level differences can explain why two 3.2. Knowledge and Power
strategists in the same position end up seeing different The previous discussion has highlighted the role of
things (e.g., spot or fail to spot an opportunity), which management as a key determinant of performance het-
then results in variation in outcomes. The key ques- erogeneity among firms. The implicit assumption is
tion, then, is how strategists can develop superior cog- that managers have the formal authority or power to
nitive representations that reveal opportunities to affect important decisions and, by implication, firm
them that others cannot see. As Gavetti and Lecuona performance. However, what is still lacking in the evo-
Torras elaborate, the modern science of expertise has lutionary theory of the firm is a more precise under-
the potential to offer a more complete conception of standing of when managerial functions are actually
agency in the discovery of strategic opportunities. fostering the well functioning of a firm. It is interesting
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that, the terms authority and power were not central to technological change, learning and capability accumu-
Nelson and Winter’s (1982) book but instead remained in lation, variety creation in firms and products, and se-
the background. The smooth functioning of a firm’s exist- lection among heterogeneous firms. This view has
ing routines often implies that someone has the authority been clearly put forward by Nelson and Winter
or power to instruct others or order them how a particular (1982). From their book, a rich stream of contributions
task of a working routine should be performed. Also, the has explored the key dimensions of Schumpeterian
processes underlying dynamic capabilities presuppose competition; the relationship between static and dy-
people (managers) with the authority or power to make namic efficiency; and dynamics in terms of rate of
decisions that may involve choosing courses of action that technological change, firms’ size distribution, profit-
alter how a firm makes its living, not simply maintaining ability, and productivity. As mentioned in the intro-
the status quo (Helfat and Winter 2011). The problem of duction of this paper, we will not discuss the major
authority and power has been center stage in organization developments in the evolutionary camp concerning
theory but has received much less attention in the evolu- the statistical properties and the microeconometrics of
tionary theory of the firm. industrial dynamics (for a discussion of these contri-
In this special issue, the paper by Dosi e al. (2021) butions, see Bottazzi et al. 2001, Cefis and Ciccarelli
takes a first step toward elaborating an evolutionary 2005, and Dosi 2007). Instead, in the following pages
perspective on power by arguing that the distribution we will concentrate on another stream that, starting
of power in an organization is intimately connected to from Nelson and Winter (1982), has examined the
the distribution of knowledge. This is clearly illustrat- evolution of industries and the factors that affect this
ed by the story of scientific management by Frederick evolution. Coherent with the evolutionary approach,
Taylor, whose time and motion studies aimed to the focus is on industries and their differences (and
transform individual skills into organizational compe- not on a generic “representative” industry); on the
tences codified into hierarchies of routines. As a result stages that industries go through during their evolu-
of this codification, there was a major transfer of tion; and on the roles of knowledge, nonfirm actors,
knowledge from individual workers to the manage- and institutions characterizing a sectoral or a national
ment, which, in turn, reflected a redistribution of innovation system.
power between them. Dosi et al. seek to generalize
from this historical evidence by studying the proper-
4.1. The Variety of Sectoral Patterns of
ties of different distributions of power and knowledge
Innovation and Industry Life Cycles
under different hierarchical structures and problem-
A first major development of the evolutionary ap-
solving complexity. Specifically, they explore the
proach is the recognition that industries differ in their
properties of alternative hierarchical structures by de-
structure and evolution. This has led to the search for
veloping a model with a principal and several agents
factors that explain these differences. As characteristic
(managers and workers) who must choose among dif-
of the evolutionary approach, it is the empirical evi-
ferent courses of action to solve an organizational
dence deriving from the extremely rich and detailed
problem. The principal can exercise the power by de-
case studies of individual industries examined over
fining the domain of discretional choice of the agents.
A key feature of this modeling structure is that learn- time that has prompted efforts to identify in a bottom-
ing, intended as changing the organizational routine up way which dimensions could be relevant in
in place, is a bottom-up process, whereas power and explaining this variety. A first distinction, already
control are hierarchical top-down processes. Whenev- mentioned previously, follows the early and the late
er the upper hierarchical layers (managers or princi- Schumpeter. It groups innovative industries into a
pal) have less precise knowledge and, therefore, are Schumpeter Mark I type (in which entry and exit are
more error-prone, they tend to exercise more veto high, industrial turbulence is significant, and market
power. Hence, the overall organization is less resilient structure is rather dispersed among many small com-
and more error-prone. Under higher uncertainty, con- panies) and a Schumpeter Mark II type (in which en-
formity and obedience result in greater inefficiency try and exit are limited, industrial concentration is
and less learning. Firms with a more authoritarian or- high, and large firms are the main innovators) (Nelson
ganizational structure tend to stifle changes, learning, and Winter 1982, Malerba and Orsenigo 1995). A rich-
and exploration. The paper sets the stage for how evo- er classification is the sectoral taxonomy proposed by
lutionary scholars should think about the role of man- Pavitt (1984), and subsequently refined by other schol-
agement in shaping firm behavior and performance. ars (see, e.g., Marsili 2001), which is based on a de-
tailed analysis of innovation in manufacturing sectors.
4. The Dynamics of Industries This taxonomy identifies four groups of industries in
In an evolutionary approach, the dynamics of indus- terms of types and sources of innovations, means of
tries is seen at the result of a continuous process of appropriability, modes of competition, and firm size.
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In parallel to these efforts, following the contribu- changes in the vertical scope and architecture of in-
tion by Abernathy and Utterback (1978), a tradition ex- dustries based on the capability development process
amining industries in terms of life cycle has emerged. and capability differences, as already mentioned in
Here, innovation and market structure are examined Section 3. As Jacobides and Winter (2005) and
as evolving through stages. In a first period, new Jacobides (2005) show, the distribution of capabilities
industries characterized by rich technological and mar- within industries and across industries complements
ket opportunities have high rates of product and pro- the explanation of the organization of industries in
cess innovation and a lot of entry of new firms. Later terms of transaction costs, with the selection process
on, a dominant design emerges, product innovations amplifying the impact of capabilities on the vertical
start to slow down, and major process innovations scope of industries. Along these lines, the interplay of
take place, leading to an increase in market concentra- capabilities, transaction costs, and market size, togeth-
tion. Finally, in a mature stage, process innovations er with the selection process, determines the vertical
also become incremental, and the market is dominated structure of production spanning over vertically relat-
by an oligopoly (Utterback 1994). This view often as- ed industries. Over time, a coevolutionary process be-
signs first-mover advantages to early entrants, which tween capabilities and transaction costs generates
then come to dominate the market. Klepper (1996) pro- patterns of specialization and integration among hetero-
poses a model of a standard industry life cycle in terms geneous firms. During this process, when new technol-
increasing returns through process R&D and the ogies and new knowledge become misaligned with
emergence of a shakeout later in the industry evolu- the existing vertical structure of an industry, new and
tion. Although not evolutionary in its basic assump- superior capabilities may be brought in, and vertical
tion, Klepper’s model is a clear and convincing model integration may increase. Helfat (2015) expands this
of the evolution of an industry in terms of rate of en- analysis to other contextual factors and proposes a
try, type of innovation, competition, and market struc- broad research agenda concerning the identification of
ture. The original industry life cycle model derives the various dimensions that affect the dynamics of ver-
from the evolution of one industry (auto) and has tical integration during the evolution of industries.
found confirmation in a series of other industries such Along these lines, Helfat and Campo-Rembado (2016)
as typewriters, automobile tires, televisions, television link the changes in vertical integration and specializa-
picture tubes, and penicillin (Klepper and Simons tion, and their possible coexistence during industry
2000). However, a rich set of case studies clearly points evolution, to the type of innovation that characterizes
to a wide variety of different evolution patterns that an industry (in their case, recurrent systemic innova-
calls for extensive research on the determinants of spe- tions) and that can lead to interdependence across
cific industry life cycles that differ from the standard stages of production (Teece 1996).
one in significant ways and along many dimensions In this special issue, Jacobides et al. (2021) offer a
(Malerba and Orsenigo 1996, Klepper 1997). fine-grained analysis of the evolution of industry
Recently, and in a very evolutionary fashion, the peri- architecture in artificial intelligence (AI) and the dy-
od before the beginning of a standard industry life cycle namics of competition and cooperation among firms
(i.e., the activities prior to the first instances of product involved in AI enablement, AI production, and AI
commercialization) has also been examined (Malerba consumption. Here, some interesting evolutionary
and Orsenigo 1999, Cattani 2005, Eggers 2014, Moeen patterns emerge, driven by forces that simultaneously
and Agarwal 2017). In particular, Moeen and Agarwal push toward growth and concentration and toward
(2017) examine the incubation period of an industry and openness and specialization. The industry architecture
show that this period is characterized by widespread ac- that emerges from these patterns is one in which AI
tivities and intense knowledge generation processes con- provision is characterized by the dominance of a small
ducted by different types of firms within industries and number of firms, vertically related to downstream AI
across industries, with a variety of mechanisms at work. uses and to upstream computing-power provision,
This incubation period identifies the seeds of a new in- and that dominate top academic organizations in AI
dustry and shapes and defines the subsequent commer- research. At the same time, AI is adopted by and ben-
cialization stage. In parallel, Agarwal et al. (2017) analyze efits a small percentage of firms, which are able to
the trigger events that start the incubation stage and that both digitize and have access to good-quality data. In
can be classified in terms of scientific discoveries, unmet sum, this analysis identifies the factors leading to ma-
user needs, or mission-oriented grand challenges. jor heterogeneity across firms in capabilities and strat-
egies and an increasing role of knowledge integration
4.2. Vertical Integration, Industry Architecture, and dynamic architectural capabilities. In their strate-
and Industrial Dynamics gies, these heterogeneous firms have also to take into
The role of learning and capabilities brings to the fore- account another characteristic of the AI sectoral sys-
front a more articulated and dynamic analysis of the tem: the presence of various communities active in
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technology generation and diffusion, as well as specif- et al. 2011, Argyres and Mostafa 2016). The preentry
ic institutions and norms affecting innovation and experience and know-how inherited by independent
competition. start-ups may be of the technological, operational, or
marketing type and often is of a tacit nature. In studies
4.3. Entry, Spinouts, and the Role of Knowledge that have examined a wide variety of industries, it has
Entry is a cornerstone of the evolutionary approach to been shown that the industry experience of the founders
industry evolution because new firms introduce inno- has played a significant role in affecting process and
vations and set in motion the gale of Schumpeterian product innovations, strategic choices, and the superior
“creative destruction.” An evolutionary framework success rates of the new ventures. Drawing from all
recognizes that new firms may challenge incumbents these empirical studies and using a simulation model,
and may start bringing radical changes in an industry. Capone et al. (2019) conduct a cross-industry analysis in
At the same time, it points out that this process takes which the emergence and performance of spinouts is re-
place in industry contexts that may differ significant- lated to the industry context, in terms of the technologi-
ly. Along these lines, entry in industries has been ex- cal and demand conditions of the various industries.
amined at the theoretical and at the modeling level. Recently, the focus on spinouts has expanded from
Winter (1984) compares the evolution of an industry intraindustry spinouts to vertical spinouts, defined as
characterized by an entrepreneurial regime with one new and independent ventures founded by the
characterized by a routinized regime, Malerba et al. ex-employees of established firms in either an up-
(2016) compare the role of entry in industry evolution stream or a downstream industry (Adams et al. 2019).
across different technological and demand regimes, Vertical spinouts can therefore be supplier-industry
and Dosi et al. (1995) and Winter et al. (2003) model spinouts or user-industry spinouts (Adams et al.
entry and its effect on the evolution of industrial 2016). These spinouts represent a type of organiza-
structures. These theoretical models have been com- tional structure through which knowledge is shared
plemented by a rich series of empirical analyses on and transferred between vertically related industries.
the role of entry in the evolution of industries (see A key factor of their formation is the contextual
Audretsch (1995), Agarwal and Gort (1996), and knowledge that spinouts inherit from their preentry
Klepper (1996), among others). experience in a vertically related industry. Vertical
In the evolutionary approach, the relevance of entry spinouts represent a form of organizational structure
in the evolution of industries has been associated with that differs from full integration or specialization
the analysis of knowledge and capabilities that new through which knowledge resources are transferred
firms and incumbents possess. Knowledge and capa- across industry boundaries within a single vertically
bilities explain not only how frequent entry is but also integrated firm or across two specialized firms in two
what types of firms enter, which type of distinctive different markets. The carrier of this transfer, in fact,
knowledge they possess, and what kind of perfor- is a specialized organization that operates in only one
mance they have. The work by Helfat and Lieberman industry. The knowledge held by vertical spinouts
(2002), Agarwal and Shah (2014), Klepper (2016), and and spanning over the two related industries gives
Malerba and McKelvey (2020), among others, broadly these spinouts a competitive advantage over other
discusses these issues. Agarwal and Shah (2014), in start-ups, leading them to a higher survival and a
particular, examine the specific knowledge context greater performance in the target industry.
from which new firms originate and compare spin-
outs, academic entrepreneurs, and user entrepreneurs. 4.4. Institutions and Innovation Systems
They show how the specific knowledge context of ori- Another development in the evolutionary literature
gin affects the type of innovation as well as the perfor- has been to highlight the central role played by inno-
mance of these different types of entrants, as well as vation systems and institutions in industry evolution,
their role in shaping industrial dynamics and evolution. as recognized by Nelson (2021) and Winter (2017),
Among these different types of entrants, spinouts among others.6 For evolutionary theory, several
(new ventures created by the ex-employees of incum- knowledge sources external to firms, many nonfirm
bent firms) illustrate very well the evolutionary mecha- actors, and a variety of institutions support and orient
nism taking place through the genealogical relationships firms’ efforts at innovation and generate and spread
between parent companies and new firms founded by knowledge within a sector. This view is based on the
ex-employees. Within spinouts, intraindustry spinouts notion of innovation system, originally developed for
(new ventures created by the ex-employees of incum- countries (for a discussion on national innovation sys-
bent firms in the same industry) have received most of tems, see Freeman 1987, 2019, Lundvall 1993, and Nel-
the attention so far (Agarwal et al. 2004, Klepper and son 1993). When it comes to industries, it is appropri-
Sleeper 2005, Franco and Filson 2006, Wezel et al. 2006, ate to consider sectoral systems (Malerba 2002).
Buenstorf and Klepper 2009, Chatterji 2009, Clarysse Sectoral systems identify the variety of nonfirm actors
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and institutions that affect innovation and the genera- by Fontana et al. (2015), who identify four types of
tion and diffusion of knowledge in a sector, as well as sectoral systems based on an extensive survey con-
the links, interactions, and feedbacks among these ducted on new firms. A second step (as will be dis-
different actors and institutions. The evolutionary lit- cussed more in depth in Section 5) is to take into ac-
erature recognizes that firms in terms of producers, count the dynamics of all the links and feedback and
suppliers (Pavitt 1984), and users (von Hippel 1988, examine the coevolutionary processes that occur
Adams et al. 2013) are the main drivers of innovations among knowledge, firms, nonfirm actors, and institu-
and growth in most sectors. This variety of firms and tions, along the lines discussed and examined by
their links are the focus of current analysis on business Nelson (1994), Murmann (2003), and Freeman (2019).
or innovation ecosystems (Jacobides et al. 2018) and During these processes, radical changes in technology
on industry architectures (see Jacobides et al. 2021). and knowledge, generated exogenously or endoge-
But in sectors, other nonfirm actors are often relevant nously to the sector, may lead to misalignments
for innovation, the generation of new knowledge, and among firms, nonfirm actors, and institutions leading
the diffusion of technology: universities (Rosenberg to major transformations in the sectoral systems or to
1982), public agencies and the government (Freeman emergence of new ones, as discussed by Mowery and
1987, Mazzucato 2011), and financial organizations, as Nelson (1999), Freeman (2019), and Agarwal et al.
well as individuals, researchers, and scientists. There- (2017).
fore, the links and networks among firms and nonfirm At the modeling level, these coevolutionary pro-
actors become of paramount importance for under- cesses specific to the various industries have led to the
standing innovation in a sector. In addition, another creation of a new generation of evolutionary models,
group of factors greatly affects innovation and tech- history-friendly models, which examine the factors
nology diffusion in a sector. They are the wide range that affect innovation and the evolution of industries
of formal and informal institutions that shape and ori- and which take into account the characteristics of a
ent innovation and competition: regulation and stand- sector and its changes. In this special issue these mod-
ards as well as common habits, established practices, els are examined by the paper by Capone and Li
and rules (Edquist 1997, Nelson and Sampat 2001). (2021) and extensively discussed in Section 5.
Finally, it must be remembered that also technological Along all these lines of research, in this special issue
regimes and demand regimes (as discussed earlier) are the contribution by Agarwal et al. (2021) looks at the
components of a sectoral system (Malerba et al. 2016). role of a key actor in a sectoral system—the public
Therefore, nonfirm actors, institutions, and knowl- sector—during the incubation stage of an industry
edge, together with technology, knowledge, and de- and in shaping an emerging sectoral system. Mission-
mand conditions, need to be taken into account for a oriented grand challenges face complex and ambitious
full analysis of innovation and the evolution of indus- problems whose solutions in the form of new technol-
tries. These factors generate different structures of ogies and products are critical to society in general or
sectoral systems and set in motion coevolutionary to sectors’ unmet needs. In the paper the six case
processes that lead to specific sectoral paths. It does studied indicate the extreme variety of evolution, ar-
not come as a surprise, therefore, that a first stage in ticulation of the mission by the public agencies, and
the evolutionary agenda on sectoral systems has been enactment of strategies for leveraging private enter-
devoted to in-depth case studies of the wide heteroge- prise. In all cases, however, relevant funding and a
neity of structures and evolution, in both advanced lead use of key technologies by the sponsoring public
countries and developing ones (Malerba 2004, agency was common, regardless of whether the
Malerba and Mani 2009, Malerba and Nelson 2011). knowledge deficiencies were in basic or applied sci-
More recently the attention has moved to industries ence. Agarwal et al. point out that the articulation of
involved in the so-called fourth industrial revolution the mission provided a significant positive path de-
(Li et al. 2021) and in the green transformation (Lema pendency for later phases of the incubation process.
et al. 2020). A second stage has concerned quantitative The success of the mission includes goal setting as a
analyses of sectoral systems along several dimensions lead user, effective strategies for coordination and for
(see, e.g., Montobbio 2003, Park and Lee 2006, leveraging private enterprise with respect to selection,
Castellacci and Zheng 2010, and Choi and Park 2018). and extensive knowledge sharing.
Given the great diversity of sectoral systems, the de-
velopment of taxonomies represents a further move in 4.5. Catch-up by Firms from Latecomer Countries
the evolutionary agenda, following the pioneering An area in which the evolutionary approach has pro-
work by Pavitt (1984) and Marsili (2001) on sectoral gressed significantly in the past decades has been the
patterns of innovation, but expanding the analysis to analysis of catch-up by firms from latecomer countries
nonfirm actors, institutions, and the knowledge and (Malerba and Lee 2021). Here, the term “catch-up” fol-
demand contexts. A first step in this direction is taken lows the terminology of Abramovitz (1986) and
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Mowery and Nelson (1999): closing the gap by late- 4.6. Public Policy
comer firms or countries in technologies and market One final remark concerns public policy for innova-
shares vis-à-vis the leading firms or countries. In these tion, technology diffusion, and industrial growth. Be-
analyses, catch-up does not mean simply cloning but cause policy addresses problems that emerge in
indicates a process of local learning that leads to the changing and uncertain environments and that have
creation of new products and technologies and even to be confronted by heterogeneous and boundedly ra-
to the development of divergent trajectories from tional agents, evolutionary theory provides clear indi-
those of the leading firms or countries. This process cations that move beyond the ones based on market
shares some of the characteristics already discussed in failure. In these environments, it is, in fact, more ap-
Section 4, but at the same time, it is specific because it propriate to point to evolutionary and systems fail-
takes place in an environment in which other firms ures (Metcalfe 1995, Cimoli et al. 2009, Malerba 2009).
from advanced countries are already present and mul- For example, a lack of a rich technological context
tinational corporations often dominate major markets. may lead to policies designed for the generation of
Therefore, the acquisition of initial capabilities by late- high-technological opportunity conditions (Nelson
comer firms is of crucial importance. In this context, and Winter 1982), weak learning and inadequate ca-
firms from emerging economies are often defined as pabilities may unleash policies of support for learning
resource-poor late entrants (Mathews 2002) and may by firms and accumulation of advanced capabilities
have to start the catching-up process in specific ways: (Metcalfe 1995), and the presence of lock-ins in inferi-
entering into segments left free by firms from the ad- or technologies (David 1985) may generate policies of
vanced economies, moving into specific stages of the exploration and research promotion. Policies may also
global value chain, or becoming original equipment try to intervene when a key element of the system that
manufacturers (OEMs) (Lee 2013). is needed for the full working of sectoral complemen-
As a consequence, in many latecomer countries, tarities is missing or has limited absorptive capabili-
catch-up is driven by businesses groups that leverage ties, when connections among heterogeneous agents
their own unique capability in sharing and coordinat- and complementary activities are not effective, or
ing the use of their resources (Chang and Hong 2000). when the emergence of radically different innovation
Specific learning strategies are associated with the systems creates major imbalances among firms or mis-
stages of development. Classical sequences are the matches among parts of a sectoral system (Mowery
one from imitation to innovation (Kim 1997) and from and Nelson 1999). In the discussion of policies, the
OEM to original design manufacturing to original evolutionary approach indicates a wide range of pub-
brand manufacturing (Hobday 1995). This process of lic interventions, ranging from support for basic re-
capability building is the result of the continuous search, university research, or industrial R&D to hu-
combination of multiple internal and external learning man capital formation, mission-oriented grand
processes (Figueiredo and Cohen 2019). In addition, programs, promotion of entry of new firms, or back-
Kumaraswamy et al. (2012) find that latecomer firms ing cooperation among different types of actors in
often move from strategies that focus on sourcing highly risky projects (Malerba 2004, Cimoli et al. 2009,
technologies to strategies that focus on developing Mazzucato 2011, Winter 2017).
customer relationships. By addressing these failures confronted by the poli-
This process of learning and capability building cy maker, the evolutionary approach points to several
takes place in national systems or sectoral systems relevant aspects not always discussed by the current
that are not fully developed. The qualitative and economic literature: the direct and indirect effects of
quantitative evidence clearly shows that the features policies, as well as the possible unintended conse-
and level of development of a national or sectoral quences (Malerba et al. 2008); the short-run and the
system greatly affect the specific trajectory and the long-run impact (Nelson 1993, Mowery and Nelson
success of catch-up (Fagerberg and Srholec 2008, 1999, Mazzucato 2011); and the interaction and
Malerba and Nelson 2011, Lee 2019). In a sense, there complementarities among different types of policies
is a strong complementarity between learning and (Metcalfe 1995, Landini and Malerba 2017). Even the
capabilities by domestic firms and the national and traditional policy questions concerning the role of an-
sectoral systems in which firms operate. Firms’ titrust in monopolistic situations or the desirable fea-
learning and capabilities alone are not sufficient to tures of the patent system are seen and interpreted in
produce a successful catch-up without an effective new ways (Winter 1993). For instance, rigorous antitrust
and working innovation system. However, the pres- determinations require “a thorough understanding of
ence of a developed innovation system is a necessary an industry and the economic, legal, and technical
but not sufficient condition for a successful catch-up, institutions that govern it” (Slade 1986, pp. 291–292)
if this system does not trigger learning and capabili- because the inherent complexity of markets and
ty building by domestic firms. market power “makes the use of multiple sources of
Cattani and Malerba: Evolutionary Approaches: Innovation, Firms, Industry Dynamics
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evidence particularly valuable” (Baker and Bresnahan each firm. If the relation between profit margins and
2008, p. 15). Similarly, in the presence of an industry at investments in future production capacity is mono-
the early stage of development or with increasing tonic, higher efficiency yields higher investment,
returns, the timing of antitrust intervention become ex- which entails higher relative shares in the overall
tremely important and may unleash indirect and per- output (for more details, see Dosi and Nelson
haps unintended consequences at different times or in 2010). Incidentally, it must be noted that also in the
related markets (Malerba et al. 2001). This is where evo- more mainstream literature on industrial dynamics,
lutionary scholars—who share the belief that historical the Schumpeterian and evolutionary metaphors are
contingencies and details matter—have an important increasingly and explicitly used (Jovanovic 1982,
role to play. Ericson and Pakes 1995, Lenox et al. 2007).
The main conclusion from this discussion is that the A substantial body of theoretical work in the inno-
combination of detailed empirical analyses with appre- vation and strategy literature makes use of the meta-
ciative theorizing and simulation modeling has led evo- phor of search on a rugged landscape as a way to
lutionary scholars to discuss policies in an evidence- think about organizational decisions (for a review, see
based and a dynamic framework. The use of empirical- Baumann et al. (2019). In this literature, the modeling
ly validated simulation models also allows examining approach builds directly on the NK model developed
the impact of alternative policy configurations and poli- by biologist Stuart Kauffman (1993) and then further
cy experiments that are robust to reasonable changes in extended by Altenberg (1996) to deal with more gen-
the parameters, such as in the case of models that link eral systems (e.g., technologies with multiple func-
the micro with the macro dimensions (Dosi et al. 2020) tions). Levinthal (1997) was the first to use the NK
and history-friendly models of policies concerning in- model to examine search and adaptation, spurring a
dustries in advanced countries (Malerba et al. 2001) as series of subsequent efforts to model a broad range of
well as emerging latecomer countries (Landini et al. evolutionary phenomena. One stream has probed the
2017, Landini and Malerba 2017). implications of different search/adaptation strategies
(e.g., Rivkin 2000), including search guided by cogni-
tive representations of the problem structure and solu-
5. Methodological Approaches tion space (e.g., Gavetti and Levinthal 2000). A second
Many different methodological approaches have been
stream has studied how search can be enhanced
used to study evolutionary phenomena. Starting with
through problem decomposition by reducing either
the seminal work by Nelson and Winter (1982), several the dimensionality of the problem or its internal inter-
scholars have attempted to formally represent the styl- dependencies through modularization (e.g., Ethiraj
ized patterns of industrial dynamics at a very general and Levinthal 2004). A third stream has examined dis-
level (Silverberg and Lehnert 1993, Silverberg and tributed search—namely, search procedures across
Verspagen 1994, Dosi et al. 1995, Bottazzi et al. 2001, firms or across organizational units and actors inside
Winter et al. 2003). These models are characterized by the firms (e.g., Rivkin and Siggelkow 2003 and Maren-
heterogeneous and boundedly rational agents that learn go and Pasquali 2012).
and interact. This joint process of firm learning and se- One approach that is particularly attractive is based
lection generates specific patterns of industrial dynam- on the “holey” landscapes. Introduced by Gavrilets
ics. In most of these models, learning is represented as a (1997), the approach of holey landscapes aims to over-
process of search in uncertain environments, whereas come the limitations of fitness landscapes, whose
selection is captured by some replicator dynamics main objective is to explain how adaptation happens
(Nelson and Winter 1982, Metcalfe 1998). By taking into under the influence of forces such as recombination,
consideration the role of technological opportunity and mutation, and selection. The fundamental premise of
the presence of cumulativeness of learning, these mod- the holey approach is the high dimensionality of
els have been able to provide relevant insights on the spaces as a result of the infinite number of possible
determinants of industrial concentration, asymmetries genotypes. The key implication is that one cannot ex-
in firm efficiency, and turbulence in market shares pect all genotypes “to have different fitnesses—there
(Dosi et al. 1995, Winter et al. 2000, Bottazzi et al. 2001. should be a lot of redundancy in the genotype-to-fit-
All of these models have been quite general and ness relationship, so that different genotypes must
have been successful at generating and explaining ob- have similar fitnesses” (Gavrilets 2009, p. 55). Holey
served empirical regularities. The model discussed in landscapes have a qualitatively different type of struc-
Nelson and Winter (1982) is an exemplar of this ture, as they consist of a surface of high and relatively
modelling approach. Different production efficiencies flat fitness filled with holes of very low fitness rather
imply different firm-specific unit costs. The latter (pos- than a rugged surface of peaks and valleys. For this
sibly modulated by some behavioral rules governing reason, holey landscapes are especially suitable for
output) determine different unit profit margins for modeling the emergence of novelty via speciation
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(Gavrilets 2009) and exaptation (for an in-depth dis- main research communities. Although the cocitation
cussion, see Cattani and Mastrogiorgio 2021). analysis highlights how these communities share the
Most of this research, however, typically general- same evolutionary conceptual roots, the paradox is that
izes away from the details of specific technologies, history-friendly models have not entered yet the meth-
market, and organizational contexts. That is why odological tool kit of strategy scholars. For an exception,
some evolutionary researchers have embraced see Engler et al. (2020). Capone and Li argue that the
“history-friendly” modeling (HFM)—a new form of unique features of HFMs should make it particularly at-
evolutionary modeling that aims to explain particular tractive for all major themes in strategy. To this end,
patterns of evolution observed in certain industries they discuss three strategic areas (i.e., catch-up, innova-
(Malerba et al. 1999, 2007, 2008, 2016).7 The main ob- tion, and global strategies) where the application of
jective of HFM is to “capture the gist of the apprecia- HFMs might prove particularly useful.
tive theory put forth by analysts of the history of an On the empirical side, the availability of large longitu-
industry or a technology, and thus to enable its logical dinal databases on firms and technologies has allowed
exploration” (Malerba et al. 1999, p. 5). By recreating evolutionary researchers to unveil robust stylized facts
the realized history of a market’s emergence and gen- concerning innovation and industry dynamics. These
erating counterfactual histories, HFM can test the ro- scholars have conducted thorough statistical analyses
bustness of an appreciative theory of the market’s that have revealed regularities across firms and indus-
evolution. Malerba et al. (1999), for example, develop tries and have identified important sources of persistent
a history-friendly simulation to generate both realized firm heterogeneity across industries. Indeed, one major
and alternative histories of the U.S. computer industry field of exploration has been the mapping between re-
from the first commercialization of transistor-based gimes of learning and the ensuing industrial dynamics,
mainframes through the emergence and evolution of from Nelson and Winter (1982) on the Schumpeterian
microprocessors and personal computers. Unlike the trade-offs and Winter (1984) on the properties of differ-
previously discussed evolutionary models that are ent innovative regimes to Dosi et al. (1995), Marsili
only roughly consistent with stylized characteriza- (2001), Winter et al. (2000, 2003), and Bottazzi et al.
tions of empirical phenomena, HFMs aim to “generate (2001) on the statistical properties of industrial dynamics
time paths that fit the empirical phenomena qual- and the mapping between regimes of learning and
itatively” (Malerba et al. 2016, p. 36). At the same selection.
time, they take into account a broader set of factors re- In addition, the use of various measures and indica-
lated to firm-level capabilities, radicalness or incre- tors has shed light on several aspects of the dynamics
mentalism of technological change, demand regimes, of industries. Patents and patent citations at the firm
appropriability conditions, and so on, that generate and individual levels have led researchers to discuss
and explain the empirically observed dynamics in technological trajectories, technological capabilities,
specific industries. Thus, HFMs are quite appropriate radical versus incremental innovation, and networks
for modelling the evolution of sectoral systems and of knowledge (Powell et al. 1996, Balconi et al. 2004).
disentangling the coevolutionary process among Scientific publications have shed light on the role of
firms, nonfirm organizations, and institutions. Albeit universities and science in various fields and indus-
tailored to specific industries, these models share tries (Orsenigo et al. 2001). R&D and trademark data
some generic mechanisms that drive evolution: the at the firm level have been used to examine formal in-
relationship between a firm’s characteristics and novative efforts and commercialization and marketing
growth and industrial structure, the link between in- activities by firms. Microlevel surveys and the rich
novation and increasing returns, and the role of data sets of the various community innovation
technological and demand regimes. However, modi- surveys for many countries and industries have
fied versions of industry-specific history-friendly broadened the analysis to more qualitative aspects in
models can be built and used to investigate more the innovation process and led to the incorporation of
general issues, which can prove relevant for broader these dimensions into longitudinal quantitative analy-
contexts and for different industries. sis (see, e.g., Breschi et al. 2000 and Castellacci and
The paper by Capone and Li (2021) in this special is- Zheng 2010). An example of these attempts to use pat-
sue reviews the HFM literature, traces its intellectual ent databases to shed light on broad conceptual ques-
roots in evolutionary economics, and elucidates how tions is the paper by Sarnecka and Pisano (2021),
this modeling approach can shed important light on which relies on a unique database to characterize in
the key mechanisms shaping innovation and industry detail the search strategies of firms and examine how
evolution. To elucidate the intellectual roots of HFMs, breakthrough and nonbreakthrough innovations are
Capone and Li conduct a cocitation analysis that re- associated with different search strategies. As previ-
veals how HFM scholars often draw on a wide range ously mentioned, from the analysis of patent data
of research domains and can be clustered around six they find that breakthrough innovations evolve
Cattani and Malerba: Evolutionary Approaches: Innovation, Firms, Industry Dynamics
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through a process of both exploration (initially) and not only fabricate but also recognize and discover,
exploitation (subsequently). new investment opportunities (Dew and Sarasvathy
In parallel, a wealth of case studies of firms and indus- 2016), or how individual perceptions result in the iden-
tries has provided detailed new understanding and tification of new uses or functions for existing artifacts
knowledge, and at the same time it has identified puz- or technologies (Felin et al. 2016)—important precur-
zles and even led to exciting hypotheses to be further de- sors of many (radical) innovations and, in some cases,
veloped (Rosenberg 1976, 1982; Freeman 2019). Several even the emergence of new markets or industries.
scholars have adopted a historical case study design to The greatest potential for advancing evolutionary
empirically expose the genesis of radical innovation, the theory and research lies not in a single methodological
emergence of a new industry and its incubation period. approach but in the integration of different ap-
For example, focusing on the dynamics of technological proaches that can jointly penetrate and describe the
speciation and exaptation, Cattani (2006) conducts an inherent complexity of evolutionary phenomena. The
in-depth historical analysis of the micro-organizational variety of methodologies, in fact, are linked and inter-
processes and evolutionary forces (internal and external connected, and each of them exploits its relative and
to the firm) responsible for the emergence of fiber-optics complementary advantage in shedding light on some
technology, which then paved the way for the internet aspects of evolutionary phenomena. However, all
revolution. The paper by Murmann and Zhu (2021) these methodologies share a common set of guiding
explores the organizational mechanisms that allowed evolutionary principles that link the case studies; the
Tencent to achieve a new-to-the-world innovation with quantitative analyses of technologies, firms, and in-
its WeChat smartphone application and come up with dustries; and the empirically based theories and
some new interpretations of the co-opetition processes models. Taken all together, they provide a persuasive
within the firm and in the market. understanding and explanation of innovation and the
Long-term analysis of industries and longitudinal innovation process, the capabilities, organization and
case studies has started to shed light on patterns of in- strategies of firms, and the dynamics of industries.
dustry evolution that go in parallel and inspire history The paper by Coad (2021) in this special issue offers
friendly modeling. The whole work by Klepper (2016) a rich discussion of the relevant econometric tools that
is a clear example in this respect. In general, longitudi- can be used to study the building blocks of evolution-
nal case studies that rely on a variety of data and ary theory in the context of firm growth and perfor-
original documents can shed light on idiosyncratic and
mance. For instance, in economies where innovation,
transient contingencies that may be highly consequen-
uncertainty, and creative destruction are pervasive,
tial and, in fact, very often stand as alternative causal
calculations of optimal behavior by firms in static
explanations for any large sample effect. For example,
equilibrium are of limited use. That is why the emer-
recognizing the influence of the institutional context on
gence of statistical tools for quantitative analysis of
patterns of industry evolution, Murmann (2003) illus-
text data and the spread of artificial intelligence and
trates the role of the German institutions of advanced
machine learning techniques for analyzing big data
education in shaping the origins of the modern, science-
will contribute to the development of new time-
based chemical industry. Looking at firms’ technologi-
varying explanatory variables for firm growth.
cal investments during an industry’s incubation stage—
the period between a technological breakthrough and
the first instance of its commercialization—in the agri- 6. The Way Ahead
cultural biotechnology context, Moeen and Agarwal From the discussion in the previous pages, it becomes
(2017) emphasize how decisions, events, and conditions evident that the evolutionary approach to innovation,
that occur prior to the first commercialization set the the firm, and the dynamics of industries has generated
foundation for market emergence and subsequent a quite rich array of contributions that span over a
evolution. Within the conceptual framework about in- wide set of issues and topics. This array of contribu-
cubation of industries, the paper by Agarwal et al. tions forcefully points to very fertile areas of research
(2021) focuses on six cases of mission-oriented grand also for the future. In fact, from the discussion in this
challenges launched by the public sectors. article, the future deepening of themes related to
Recent advancements in textual analysis seem to be knowledge and technological regimes, the various
especially suitable for the articulation of a narrative evolutionary processes leading to innovation, and the
perspective on complex evolutionary phenomena. long-term dynamics of technologies remains a rele-
Textual analysis has been used to trace emerging nar- vant research trajectory. The same can be said for the
ratives and their role in inducing technological exap- potentially rich research trajectory on the topics relat-
tation (Garud et al. 2016). But this analysis could also ed to firm capabilities, broadly defined evolutionary
be extended to studying the relation between exapta- strategies, dynamic capabilities, vertical integration,
tion and effectuation, particularly how effectuators diversification, niche construction, and the role of
Cattani and Malerba: Evolutionary Approaches: Innovation, Firms, Industry Dynamics
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authority and power in organizations. Also, major factors, with the possible presence of increasing re-
avenues of future research will continue to concern turns and irreversibilities in industries. In a detailed
the analysis of the variety of evolutionary trajectories study of the synthetic dyes industry from 1857 to
of industries, the link between industry architecture 1914, Murmann (2003) examines companies and insti-
and industry dynamics, the different types of knowl- tutions in five countries and identifies three causal
edge of entrants, the role of focal and vertical spinouts mechanisms (exchange of personnel, commercial ties,
and their impact on performance and growth, the ar- and lobbying) that affect the variation, selection, and
ticulated role of institutions and sectoral innovation retention processes in industries and in the other pop-
systems in industry dynamics, and the catch-up by ulations under investigation. The move forward in co-
firms from latecomer countries. evolutionary analyses requires longitudinal studies
In this broad array of topics, all the future develop- based on careful measurement and detailed data.
ments in the evolutionary camp should be character- These studies will provide evidence for the detection
ized by eclecticism and multidisciplinarity, as well as of the key processes and actors involved in coevolu-
by the integration of different methodologies with a tion and for the identification of key empirical stylized
strong link between cases, stylized facts, quantitative findings. In turn, this will allow for the development
analyses, appreciative theorizing, and formal model- of appreciative theorizing and formal dynamic mod-
ling. However, the contributions will have to follow els. All these analyses have to take into account that
the guiding principle of evolutionary economics, mas- coevolution may take place at different levels: within
terfully summarized by Winter in a talk in 2000: (a) re- the firm, across firms, and between firms and the envi-
alism is an important component of economic theory; ronment in terms of nonfirm actors and institutions.
(b) dynamics is key for any analysis; (c) firms are best These levels are connected in various ways, with
viewed as profit seeking rather than as profit maxi- different types of feedback and mutual causation,
mizing; (d) rather than optimizing a given set of con- creating nested processes and the possibility of posi-
straints or possibilities, firms can and do innovate, in tive feedback mechanisms and path-dependent
effect creating new opportunities and possibilities; (d) processes (Kauffman 1993, Baum and Singh 1994,
firms are historical entities and typically display iner- McKelvey 1997).
tia; (e) firms are repository of technological and A second area of future evolutionary research re-
organizational knowledge; (f) firms do not innovate in gards the relationship of processes and structures in
isolation; and (g) search processes are affected by a va- evolutionary biology and evolutionary economics. The
riety of institutions. analogy between biological and cultural evolution has
In addition to the deepening of all the research long been a matter of heated discussion. Critical disa-
topics and areas discussed in the preceding in the nalogies have haunted biological analogies, raising
realm of innovation, the firm, and the dynamics of in- concerns about their usefulness in generating novel
dustries, some relevant avenues to be tackled by fu- ideas that are then built into new theories. For
ture research can be highlighted. The first one regards instance, Penrose’s (1952) classic critique of the ten-
coevolution. In the last few decades, one strand of evo- dency to impose sweeping biological models upon
lutionary research has progressed in laying out some economic phenomena was premised on the assump-
fundamentals regarding the coevolutionary processes tion that the structures and processes underlying
that take place inside the firm and across firms. For organic and cultural evolution are substantively dif-
example, March (1994) and Baum and Singh (1994) ferent. According to Darwin (1859), biological evolu-
discuss the evolutionary dynamics of organizations; tion follows a bifurcating evolutionary process whose
Lewin and Volberda (1999) and Lewin et al. (1999), branches are the result of descent with modification—
the coevolution of strategies and new organizational through vertical gene transmission or inheritance—
forms; Levinthal and Myatt (1995), the coevolution of from a common root or ancestor, as represented by
capabilities and industries; and Jacobides and Winter the so-called tree of life. The model of evolution is not
(2005), the coevolution of firms’ capabilities, transac- entirely consistent with the evolution of many cultural
tion costs, and industry architecture. Another strand phenomena, including technology, as it does not neat-
of literature has focused on the coevolution of firms, ly fit this pattern, which exhibits instead a reticular
industry structure, technology, and supporting insti- structure (Ziman 2000). However, the developments
tutions, as in the case of Nelson (1995), Metcalfe in evolutionary biology discussed earlier—punctuated
(1998), and Murmann (2003). This last type of coevolu- equilibrium, speciation, and exaptation, as well as the
tionary process is sector specific. Here, local learning mechanisms responsible for their occurrence (e.g.,
and adaptation; mutual interactions; and feedback horizontal transfer)—have revealed “greater substan-
among various types of firms, nonfirm actors, and in- tive similarity underneath the surface similarity
stitutions set in motion coevolutionary processes in between biological and cultural—including techno-
sectoral systems, often shaped by country-specific logical—evolution” (Cattani and Mastrogiorgio 2021,
Cattani and Malerba: Evolutionary Approaches: Innovation, Firms, Industry Dynamics
284 Strategy Science, 2021, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 265–289, © 2021 INFORMS

p. 214). A systematic investigation of those mechanisms, (2004) for a definition of the phenomenon, its economic significance,
therefore, can help reconcile some of the differences be- and several anecdotal examples. We then refer to Cattani (2006) for
an in-depth historical case study on the exaptation of capabilities
tween biological and cultural evolution, recasting the old from glass manufacturing to fiber optics. Finally, we refer to An-
debate about the usefulness of building biological analo- driani and Carignani (2014) and Mastrogiorgio and Gilsing (2016)
gies and possibly bringing to an end what has long been for a discussion of the microdrivers of exaptation, such as modulari-
considered an intractable disanalogy between biological ty. A recent discussion on the meaning of exaptation and its impli-
cation for innovation and technology can be found in La Porta et al.
and technological evolution.
(2020) and Cattani and Mastrogiorgio (2021).
This brings to a third area of interest for future re- 2
“In the turbojet case the historical records show how initially the
search: network analysis. If the most striking similarity necessary ‘preadapted’ functional modules came both from the
between evolutionary processes in biological and aero-engines industry and from diverse and hardly related techno-
technological evolution is their reticulate structure, logical lineages. For instance, in 1936 Power Jets’ industrial partners
aptly described by a phylogenetic network rather than were British Thompson-Houston, a manufacturer of heavy steam
the tree of life (Carignani et al. 2019), a more systemat- turbines for the electric industry, and Laidlaw, Drew and Company,
a Scottish manufacturer of industrial burners” (Carignani et al.
ic use of network theory and analytic tools seems 2019, p. 523).
appropriate to study the processes through which 3
Routines are distinct from standard operating procedures. A stan-
knowledge and ideas move within and across organi- dard operating procedure can be viewed as “a ‘nominal routine’,
zations and the role of networks in facilitating or hin- i.e. a prescriptive characterization of a procedure for doing some-
dering this transfer. For instance, Powell et al. (1996) thing” as distinct from “the true routine, i.e. the repetitive behavior-
show that when the knowledge base of an industry is al pattern” (Winter 2017, p. 728).
both complex and expanding, and the sources of ex-
Indeed, the main advantage of a replication strategy lies “in
pertise are widely dispersed, the locus of innovation breadth (reaching large markets quickly) rather than depth (size of
the excess return) or length (long-term sustainability)” (Winter and
will be found in networks of learning rather than in Szulanski 2001, p. 740).
individual firms. Stuart and Podolny (1996) propose a 5
“The hypotheses that firm capabilities are somehow randomly
network-analytic approach for identifying the evolu- distributed among firms or determined invariably by their past
tion of firms’ technological position. Indeed, a rela- are not supported by the available empirical evidence” (Pisano
tional construction of technological positions—in 2017, p. 751).
which firms that have developed portfolios consisting 6
As Richard Nelson claims, “More generally, in my view one of the
of similar technologies are located near to one another most important achievements of evolutionary economics has been
the development of the concept of an innovation system” (Nelson
and, therefore, draw from very similar knowledge—
2021, p. 1107). And in his 2019 talk at the NYU seminar series on
sheds light on their behavior, particularly their abili- evolutionary theory, Sidney Winter identifies innovation systems as
ties to develop similar or different inventions. Using a one of the three pillars of evolutionary theory.
social network lens, a growing number of studies 7
“HFM are based on the historical reconstruction of the main ele-
have also probed the relationship between science ments that characterize the evolution of an industry; on the identifi-
and technology, looking at the role of publishing in- cation of the key factors that might explain the specific observed
ventors in shaping innovation (e.g., Orsenigo et al. patterns; on the construction of a model that incorporates the cru-
cial explanatory assumptions suggested by the historical analysis;
2001, Gittelman and Kogut 2003, Balconi et al. 2004, on the testing of the ability of such a model to broadly simulate the
Bonaccorsi and Thoma 2007, Breschi and Catalini observed phenomena ad to produce distinctively different patterns
2010, and Lissoni 2010). Located at the intersection be- when one or some of the key assumptions are removed or mod-
tween scientific (coauthorship) and technological (co- ified” (Malerba et al. 2016, p. 3).
invention) networks, publishing inventors have been
found to enhance innovation by facilitating the trans-
fer of information and knowledge between the two Abernathy WJ, Utterback J (1978) Patterns of industrial innovation.
networks. These are just a few examples of how social Tech. Rev. 50(7):40–47.
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by demand in a sectoral system: The role of industrial users in
further along this path. semiconductors. Res. Policy 42(1):1–14.
Adams P, Fontana R, Malerba F (2016) User-industry spinouts:
Acknowledgments Downstream industry knowledge as a source of new firm entry
The authors thank Giuseppe Carignani, Giovanni Dosi, Dan- and survival. Organ. Sci. 27(1):18–35.
iel Levinthal, Mariano Mastrogiorgio, and Richard Nelson Adams P, Fontana R, Malerba F (2019) Linking vertically related in-
for feedback and suggestions on earlier drafts of the paper. dustries: Entry by employee spinouts across industry bound-
aries. Indust. Corporate Change 28(3):529–550.
Adner R (2017) Ecosystem as structure: An actionable construct for
Endnotes strategy. J. Management 43(1):39–58.
For a recent and systematic review of this literature, we refer to Adner R, Levinthal DA (2002) The emergence of emerging technolo-
Andriani and Cattani (2016). We also refer the reader to Dew et al. gies. Calif. Management Rev. 45(1):50–66.
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Teece DJ (1996) Firm organization, industrial structure, and techno- Gino Cattani is professor of Strategy and Organizations
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