Load Analysis

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Dead Load Analysis

Mass per
unit length C purlin UDL UDL(finishes) Total DL 1.2G 0.9G
C-Section (kg/m) (kN/m) (kN/m) (kN/m) (kN/m) (kN/m)
C10010 1.78 0.0178 0.4 0.4178 0.50136 0.37602
C10012 2.1 0.021 0.4 0.421 0.5052 0.3789
C10015 2.62 0.0262 0.4 0.4262 0.51144 0.38358
C10019 3.29 0.0329 0.4 0.4329 0.51948 0.38961
C15012 2.89 0.0289 0.4 0.4289 0.51468 0.38601
C15015 3.59 0.0359 0.4 0.4359 0.52308 0.39231

Liveload Analysis

Element Usage
Live Load (kPa)Spacing UDL (kN/m)0.4Q(kN/m) 1.5Q(kN/m)
Floor 2 0.4 0.8 0.32 1.2

Wind Load Analysis

VR = 77.7 m/s VR(SLS) = 52.5 m/s for SLS

Md = 1 (for all cladding and immediate structural members)
Ms = 1 𝑉( )
Mt = 1.09 𝑃 𝑆𝐿𝑆 = × 𝑃(𝑈𝐿𝑆)
𝑉( )
Mzcat = 0.91
Vdesϴ = 77.07063 m/s

𝑃 = (0.5𝜌 )(𝑉𝑑𝑒𝑠𝜃) Cshp Cdyn

Cdyn = 1
P= 3.56392921 × Cshp kPa

Evaluating Cshp

Cshp = Cpn * ka* kl where; kl =1 and ka =1

Transverse Pressure (ϴ =0°) Longitudinal Pressure (ϴ =0°)

Cpn -0.2 , 0.476 Cpn -0.4 , 0

Notation Cpn ka kl Cshp P(kPa) spacing P(kN/m) Notation Cpn ka kl Cshp P(kPa) spacing P(kN/m)
P(0)-1 -0.2 1 1 -0.2 -0.71279 0.4 -0.28511 min P(90)-1 -0.4 1 1 -0.4 -1.42557 0.4 -0.57023 min
P(0)-2 0.476 1 1 0.476 1.69643 0.4 0.678572 max P(90)-2 0 1 1 0 0 0.4 0 max

For ϴ = 45° Wind Pressures

Notation 0.707*P(0)+0.707*P(90)
P(0)-1,P(90)-1 -0.60472751 kN/m
P(0)-1,P(90)-2 -0.20157584 kN/m
P(0)2-1,P(90)-1 0.076598818 kN/m
P(0)-2,P(0)-2 0.479750489 kN/m where; C10019
E= 200 Gpa
Ix = 673000 mm^4
Span of Purlin = 3.3 m 0.000000673

1.2G+0.4 Inward Inward G+0.4Q(lo δlimit=

0.9G 0.9G+Wu 1.2G 0.4Q Q+Wu 1.2G+1.5Q Load Min No. Load Min No. G ngterm) 0.7Q G+0.7Q Wu(max) L/150
C-Section Wu kN/m (kN/m) (kN/m) (kN/m) (kN/m) (kN/m) 1.5Q (kN/m) Capacity Bridging Adequacy Capacity Bridging Adequacy (kN/m) (kN/m) (kN/m) (kN/m) (kN/m) δmax (m) (m) Check:
P(0)-1 -0.28511434 0.37602 0.090906 0.50136 0.32 0.536246 1.2 1.70136
P(0)-2 0.678572121 0.37602 1.054592 0.50136 0.32 1.499932 1.2 1.70136
P(90)-1 -0.57022867 0.37602 -0.19421 0.50136 0.32 0.251131 1.2 1.70136
P(90)-2 0 0.37602 0.37602 0.50136 0.32 0.82136 1.2 1.70136
P(0)-1,P(90)-1 -0.60472751 0.37602 -0.22871 0.50136 0.32 0.216632 1.2 1.70136
P(0)-1,P(90)-2 -0.20157584 0.37602 0.174444 0.50136 0.32 0.619784 1.2 1.70136
45 DEG
P(0)2-1,P(90)-1 0.076598818 0.37602 0.452619 0.50136 0.32 0.897959 1.2 1.70136
P(0)-2,P(0)-2 0.479750489 0.37602 0.85577 0.50136 0.32 1.30111 1.2 1.70136 0.99 0,1,2,3 Inadequate!
P(0)-1 -0.28511434 0.3789 0.093786 0.5052 0.32 0.540086 1.2 1.7052
P(0)-2 0.678572121 0.3789 1.057472 0.5052 0.32 1.503772 1.2 1.7052
P(90)-1 -0.57022867 0.3789 -0.19133 0.5052 0.32 0.254971 1.2 1.7052
P(90)-2 0 0.3789 0.3789 0.5052 0.32 0.8252 1.2 1.7052
P(0)-1,P(90)-1 -0.60472751 0.3789 -0.22583 0.5052 0.32 0.220472 1.2 1.7052
P(0)-1,P(90)-2 -0.20157584 0.3789 0.177324 0.5052 0.32 0.623624 1.2 1.7052
45 DEG
P(0)2-1,P(90)-1 0.076598818 0.3789 0.455499 0.5052 0.32 0.901799 1.2 1.7052
P(0)-2,P(0)-2 0.479750489 0.3789 0.85865 0.5052 0.32 1.30495 1.2 1.7052 1.21 0,1,2,3 Inadequate!
P(0)-1 -0.28511434 0.38358 0.098466 0.51144 0.32 0.546326 1.2 1.71144
P(0)-2 0.678572121 0.38358 1.062152 0.51144 0.32 1.510012 1.2 1.71144
P(90)-1 -0.57022867 0.38358 -0.18665 0.51144 0.32 0.261211 1.2 1.71144
P(90)-2 0 0.38358 0.38358 0.51144 0.32 0.83144 1.2 1.71144
P(0)-1,P(90)-1 -0.60472751 0.38358 -0.22115 0.51144 0.32 0.226712 1.2 1.71144
P(0)-1,P(90)-2 -0.20157584 0.38358 0.182004 0.51144 0.32 0.629864 1.2 1.71144
45 DEG
P(0)2-1,P(90)-1 0.076598818 0.38358 0.460179 0.51144 0.32 0.908039 1.2 1.71144
P(0)-2,P(0)-2 0.479750489 0.38358 0.86333 0.51144 0.32 1.31119 1.2 1.71144 1.45 0 Inadequate! 1.58 1,2,3 Inadequate!
P(0)-1 -0.28511434 0.38961 0.104496 0.51948 0.32 0.554366 1.2 1.71948
P(0)-2 0.678572121 0.38961 1.068182 0.51948 0.32 1.518052 1.2 1.71948
P(90)-1 -0.57022867 0.38961 -0.18062 0.51948 0.32 0.269251 1.2 1.71948
P(90)-2 0 0.38961 0.38961 0.51948 0.32 0.83948 1.2 1.71948
P(0)-1,P(90)-1 -0.60472751 0.38961 -0.21512 0.51948 0.32 0.234752 1.2 1.71948
P(0)-1,P(90)-2 -0.20157584 0.38961 0.188034 0.51948 0.32 0.637904 1.2 1.71948
45 DEG
P(0)2-1,P(90)-1 0.076598818 0.38961 0.466209 0.51948 0.32 0.916079 1.2 1.71948
P(0)-2,P(0)-2 0.479750489 0.38961 0.86936 0.51948 0.32 1.31923 1.2 1.71948 1.89 0 Adequate! 2.2 1,2,3 Adequate! 0.4329 0.7529 0.56 0.9929 0.309794 0.002278164 0.022 Pass
P(0)-1 -0.28511434 0.38601 0.100896 0.51468 0.32 0.549566 1.2 1.71468
P(0)-2 0.678572121 0.38601 1.064582 0.51468 0.32 1.513252 1.2 1.71468
P(90)-1 -0.57022867 0.38601 -0.18422 0.51468 0.32 0.264451 1.2 1.71468
P(90)-2 0 0.38601 0.38601 0.51468 0.32 0.83468 1.2 1.71468
P(0)-1,P(90)-1 -0.60472751 0.38601 -0.21872 0.51468 0.32 0.229952 1.2 1.71468
P(0)-1,P(90)-2 -0.20157584 0.38601 0.184434 0.51468 0.32 0.633104 1.2 1.71468
45 DEG
P(0)2-1,P(90)-1 0.076598818 0.38601 0.462609 0.51468 0.32 0.911279 1.2 1.71468
P(0)-2,P(0)-2 0.479750489 0.38601 0.86576 0.51468 0.32 1.31443 1.2 1.71468 2.12 0 Adequate! 2.12 1,2,3 Adequate! 0.309794 0.00574 0.022 Pass
P(0)-1 -0.28511434 0.39231 0.107196 0.52308 0.32 0.557966 1.2 1.72308
P(0)-2 0.678572121 0.39231 1.070882 0.52308 0.32 1.521652 1.2 1.72308
P(90)-1 -0.57022867 0.39231 -0.17792 0.52308 0.32 0.272851 1.2 1.72308
P(90)-2 0 0.39231 0.39231 0.52308 0.32 0.84308 1.2 1.72308
P(0)-1,P(90)-1 -0.60472751 0.39231 -0.21242 0.52308 0.32 0.238352 1.2 1.72308
P(0)-1,P(90)-2 -0.20157584 0.39231 0.190734 0.52308 0.32 0.641504 1.2 1.72308
45 DEG
P(0)2-1,P(90)-1 0.076598818 0.39231 0.468909 0.52308 0.32 0.919679 1.2 1.72308
P(0)-2,P(0)-2 0.479750489 0.39231 0.87206 0.52308 0.32 1.32283 1.2 1.72308 2.61 0 Adequate! 2.78 1,2,3 Adequate! 0.309794 0.00574 0.022 Pass

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