Casablanca Infinity L 118° - EN

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Ing. Milan Svoboda

U Sv. Anny 521
391 56 Tábor-Měšice
ID No.: 18302289

Design Structural Analysis

Order number ................................................................ 19/stat.31 2019-08-21

Author: ing. V. Chobot, Tábor, Buzulucká 2332
Authorized Civil Engineer, ČKAIT 0101501
Compiled for: ALBIXON a.s. Cintlovka 535, 268 01 Hořovice

Volume content:

Technical report ....................................... pp. 2-3

Drawings of the structure 1 ..................... p. 4
Calculation model ......................................... p. 5
Structural analysis of KZS 1 .................... pp. 6-9
Structural analysis of KZS 2 ................... pp. 10-13
Conclusion ............................................. p. 14

Technical report:
Assessment of the stability of the “Casablanca infinity L 118°” skeleton enclosure structure made of aluminium
profiles according to EN AW 6063. The enclosure will be installed on the outside. Climate load specified by the
customer: Snow of 0.35 kNm-2, wind with a reference pressure corresponding to 120 km/h. The shape of the
skeleton structure is specified according to the attached drawing. The structure will be provided with a lightweight
enclosure made of organic glass panels with an adjustable shape, 4-6 mm, or polycarbonate honeycomb panels.
The structure will be anchored to a travel rail in the bases of the arches.
Assessed loading conditions:
ZS 1. Self-weight load of 0.152 t, including enclosure panels.
ZS 2. Vertical surface snow load of 0.35 kNm-2.
ZS 3. Horizontal enclosure surface loading by wind v ref = 33.33 ms-1; γair= 1.29 e-3 tm-3; h<4 m); pressure of 0.22
kNm-2; suction of 0.11 kNm-2.
Computation load combinations:
Combination of enclosure load KZS 1 = 1.1 x ZS 1 + ZS 2.
combination of enclosure load KZS 2 = 1.1 x ZS 1 + ZS 2 + ZS 3 super position of snow and wind load
Standard references:
Publication date: March 1, 2010
Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures – Part 1: Requirements for conformity assessment of structural
EN 1090-1:2010/Z1 (732601), Date of issue: September 1, 2010 *Amendment
Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures – Part 1: Requirements for conformity assessment of structural
EN 1090-3 (732601), Date of issue: March 1, 2009
Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures – Part 3: Technical requirements for aluminium structures.
EN 1991-1-3 (730035), Date of issue: June 1, 2005
Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-3: General loads – Snow loads.
EN 1991-1-3:2005/Correction 1 (730035), Date of issue: February 1, 2010 *Correction
Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-3: General loads – Snow loads.
EN 1991-1-3:2005/Z1 (730035), Date of issue: October 1, 2006 *Amendment
Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-3: General loads – Snow loads.
EN 1991-1-3:2005/Z2 (730035), Date of issue: February 1, 2010 *Amendment
Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-3: General loads – Snow loads.
EN 1991-1-3:2005/Z3 (730035), Date of issue: March 1, 2010 *Amendment
Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-3: General loads – Snow loads.
EN 1991-1-4 (730035), Date of issue: April 1, 2007
Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-4: General loads – Wind loads.
EN 1991-1-4:2007/A1 (730035), Date of issue: October 1, 2010 *Amendment
Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-4: General loads – Wind loads.
EN 1991-1-4:2007/Correction 1 (730035), Date of issue: September 1, 2008 *Correction
Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-4: General loads – Wind loads.
EN 1991-1-4:2007/Correction 2 (730035), Date of issue: May 1, 2010 *Correction
Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-4: General loads – Wind loads.
EN 1991-1-4:2007/Correction 3 (730035), Date of issue: January 1, 2011 *Correction
Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-4: General loads – Wind loads.
EN 1991-1-4:2007/Z1 (730035), Date of issue: March 1, 2010 *Amendment
Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-4: General loads – Wind loads.

List of materials specified and used:

E1, E2 [MPa] Modules of elasticity (E2 only for orthotropic material)
ni Poisson effect
Gamma [t/m3] Bulk density
K1, K2 [kN/m3] Coefficients of thermal expansion
Attenuation Decrement of attenuation

Material Type E1 ni Gamma K 1 E2 K2
[MPa] [t/m3] [kN/m3] [MPa] [kN/m3]
Aluminium STEEL 72000.000 0.330 2.700 2.340e-05 0.010
PC 1000 OTHER 2400.000 0.360 1.200 6.500e-06

Material Volume Weight

[mm3] [t]
Aluminium 2.203e+07 0.059
PC 1000 7.701e+07 0.092
Total 0.152

List of cross-sections:

Iy, Iz [mm4] Main moments of inertia


Ik [mm4] Moment of stiffness in simple twist

Beta y, beta z Shear stiffness coefficients
P Full cross-section
S Combined
D Partial

section Type Material Area Iy Iz Ik beta y beta z
[m2] [m4] [m4] [m4]
12669 S 5.465e-04 1.066e-07 1.527e-07 8.599e-09 0.590 0.599
12671 S 6.563e-04 1.346e-07 1.619e-07 1.564e-08 0.715 0.482
12665 S 1.310e-04 1.598e-08 7.640e-09 3.122e-10 0.482 0.525
12664 S 3.277e-04 5.758e-08 4.807e-08 2.728e-09 0.711 0.415
12670 S 8.060e-04 3.609e-07 1.580e-07 2.033e-08 0.573 0.824

Units used:
Deformation –
Geometry – length mm displacements mm
Geometry – angles deg Deformation – rotation deg
Cross-sections – length mm Time s
Loading, results – forces kN Temperature °C
Loading, results – voltage MPa Mass t
Loading, results – length mm

Comparative calculation values for material according to EN AW 6063 (AlMgSi)

The determination of the significance class of the building for its service life is 25 years according to EN 1991-1.
Minimum tensile strength 245 MPa
Minimum yield strength RP 0.2 200 MPa

Derived comparative tension for EN AW 6063 σ = 149.3 MPa

Derived comparative tension for PC 1000 polycarbonate σ = 142 MPa





Montážní sestava Mounting assembly

Rod elements and surfaces

Prut Rod
Polygon Polygon

Assessment of the structure Snow load on the roof KZS 1 = 1.1 x ZS 1 + ZS 2

The results of the entire assessment of the structure – internal forces, all rods, total limits for the module

Derived comparative tension for EN AW 6063 σ = 149.3 MPa

Derived comparative tension for PC 1000 polycarbonate σ = 142 MPa

Loading scheme KZS 1:

Results of assessment – internal forces, all rods, selected results, total limits
Mx, My, Mz [kNm] Bending moments on axes
Nx, Qy, Qz [kN] Normal and shear forces on axes
Sig.min, Sig.max [MPa] Tension on outer fibres

Rod Position My Nx Qz Sig.min Sig.max

[mm] [kNm] [kN] [kN] [MPa] [MPa]
Rod479 345.175 -0.554 -0.211 -0.056 -88.121 76.840
Rod472 1957.396 0.715 -1.371 0.401 -102.691 112.210
Rod486 362.311 0.709 -0.647 1.004 -100.675 112.274
Rod528 0.000 0.541 -0.985 -0.295 -106.443 102.593
Rod484 260.232 4.884e-03 0.773 0.642 0.486 1.966
Rod472 0.000 -2.770e-03 -1.774 0.325 -3.164 -2.297
Rod473 0.000 0.715 -0.722 -1.035 -101.681 113.175
The design is compliant; the comparative tension is not reached.
Results of the assessment – deformation, all rods, selected results, total limits
Ux, Uy, Uz [mm] Displacements on axes
Utotal [mm] Total displacements
Rod Position Ux Uy Uz Utotal
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
Rod472 1442.292 -33.283 -2.202e-04 2.851 33.405
Rod487 515.104 33.593 -2.715e-04 2.880 33.717
Rod527 362.311 25.329 -0.152 2.140 25.420
Rod502 362.311 25.340 0.173 2.140 25.430
Rod532 1400.000 0.325 0.011 -96.084 96.084
Rod487 515.104 33.593 -2.715e-04 2.880 33.717
Rod532 1400.000 0.325 0.011 -96.084 96.084
The ratio of max. deflection and assessed structure span of 5000 mm is 1: 52

The curve of tension and deflection on the structure:


Results of the assessment – internal forces, all surfaces, panels.

sx, sy, sxy, sef [MPa] Tension on local axes

Derived comparative tension for PC 1000 4 mm polycarbonate panels σ = 142 MPa

Limits for result: KZS1 snow

Area Node Position sef sef sef

top centreline bottom
[mm] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa]
Polygon17 64 5030.000, 1200.000, 0.000 0.037 0.114 0.222
Polygon3 805 4525.000, 1100.000, 2088.000 4.356 1.312 1.961
Polygon15 2591 699.000, 1100.000, 2146.500 2.527 0.024 2.569
Polygon3 817 4611.835, 2141.668, 2052.229 1.688 1.429 1.845
Polygon17 61 5030.000, 1100.000, 0.000 0.127 0.097 0.069
Polygon3 819 4608.750, 2200.000, 2053.500 3.495 1.307 3.955

Isolines of tension in panels:


Results of the assessment – transformation, all surfaces, panels.

Ux, Uy, Uz [mm] Displacements on axes

Utotal [mm] Total displacements

Limits for result: KZS1 snow

Area Node Position Ux Uy Uz Utotal

[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
Polygon18 2911 125.263, 1100.000, 1436.842 -33.283 -2.202e-04 2.851 33.405
Polygon17 476 4904.737, 1100.000, 1436.842 33.593 -2.715e-04 2.880 33.717
Polygon3 591 4860.000, 100.000, 1950.000 25.478 -0.166 2.155 25.570
Polygon3 665 4860.000, 2100.000, 1950.000 25.494 0.175 2.160 25.586
Polygon10 1624 2350.710, 1600.255, 2457.507 0.388 0.010 -96.900 96.901
Polygon17 476 4904.737, 1100.000, 1436.842 33.593 -2.715e-04 2.880 33.717
Polygon10 1624 2350.710, 1600.255, 2457.507 0.388 0.010 -96.900 96.901

Isolines of transformation in panels:


Assessment of the structure Loading of the enclosure by superposition of loads KZS 2 = 1.1 x ZS 1
+ ZS 2 + ZS 3
The results of the entire assessment of the structure – internal forces, all rods, total limits for the module
Derived comparative voltage for calculated effective values for Al σ = 149.3 MPa
Loading scheme KZS 3:

Results of assessment – internal forces, all rods, selected results, total limits
Sig.min, Sig.max [MPa] Tension on outer fibres
Derived comparative tension for PC 1000 4 mm polycarbonate panels σ = 149.3 MPa
Limits for result: KZS2 – loading superposition
Rod Position My Nx Qz Sig.min Sig.max
[mm] [kNm] [kN] [kN] [MPa] [MPa]
Rod479 345.175 -0.548 -0.231 -0.110 -87.153 75.932
Rod472 1957.396 0.834 -1.426 0.415 -119.455 131.075
Rod486 362.311 0.586 -0.671 0.941 -83.364 92.532
Rod513 1957.396 0.637 -1.026 0.324 -124.887 120.823
Rod532 1200.000 1.620e-03 0.271 -0.057 0.068 0.794
Rod472 0.000 -9.500e-04 -1.806 0.428 -2.930 -2.593
Rod473 0.000 0.834 -0.751 -1.081 -118.401 132.077
The design is compliant; comparative tension not exceeded.
Results of the assessment – deformation, all rods, selected results, total limits
Ux, Uy, Uz [mm] Displacements on axes
Utotal [mm] Total displacements
Limits for result: KZS2 – loading superposition
Rod Position Ux Uy Uz Utotal
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
Rod472 1648.334 -66.676 2.134e-04 5.755 66.924
Rod503 1133.229 4.480 0.013 0.361 4.495
Rod513 1957.396 -63.079 -0.139 5.430 63.313
Rod488 1957.396 -63.089 0.164 5.430 63.323
Rod480 82.296 -38.974 8.338e-03 -94.982 102.667
Rod472 1648.334 -66.676 2.134e-04 5.755 66.924
Rod480 82.296 -38.974 8.338e-03 -94.982 102.667
The ratio of max. deflection and assessed structure span of 5000 mm is 1: 54

The curve of tension and deflection from KZS 2:


Results of the assessment – internal forces, all surfaces, panels

sx, sy, sxy, sef [MPa] Tension on local axes
Derived comparative tension for PC 1000 4 mm polycarbonate panels σ = 140 MPa
Limits for result: KZS2 – loading superposition

Area Node Position sef sef sef

top centreline bottom
[mm] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa]
Polygon18 3221 35.789, 1100., 410.526 0.028 0.089 0.173
Polygon17 368 4940.526, 1100, 1026.316 5.361 0.090 5.264
Polygon15 2591 699.000, 1100., 2146.500 2.530 0.025 2.572
Polygon3 817 4611.835, 2141. 2052.229 1.440 1.325 1.705
Polygon17 61 5030.000, 1100.000, 0.000 0.167 0.097 0.041
Polygon17 338 4949.474, 1100, 923.684 5.343 0.083 5.286

Isolines of tension in panels from KZS 2:


Results of the assessment – transformation, all surfaces, panels.

Ux, Uy, Uz [mm] Displacements on axes
Utotal [mm] Total displacements
Limits for result: KZS2 – loading superposition
Area Node Position Ux Uy Uz Utotal
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
Polygon18 2601 146.550, 1650.378, 1681.011 -70.663 0.040 6.121 70.928
Polygon17 308 4958.421, 2200.000, 821.053 4.480 0.013 0.361 4.495
Polygon16 2744 170.000, 100.000, 1950.000 -63.226 -0.151 5.444 63.460
Polygon16 2527 170.000, 2200.0, 1950.000 -63.089 0.164 5.430 63.323
Polygon9 1537 2689.862, 1600.99, 2457.421 -39.057 0.011 -96.206 103.832
Polygon18 2601 146.550, 1650.378, 1681.011 -70.663 0.040 6.121 70.928
Polygon9 1537 2689.862, 1600.299, 2457.41 -39.057 0.011 -96.206 103.832

Isolines of transformation in panels from KZS 2:



The assessment has shown that the Casablanca Infinity L 118° enclosure structure is compliant for snow load in
combination with KZS 1 specified in the technical report as ZS 2 = 0.35 kNm -2 and wind load for the reference speed
of 120 km.h-1 (3.33 m.s-1) ZS 3 = pressure 0.22 kNm-2; suction 0.11 kNm-2, at the stated superpositions KZS 1; KZS
2 and for the load combination, which is a superposition of the loading conditions ZS1 + ZS2 + ZS3. On the basis
of the assessment of stability, for the first shape of buckling, the critical coefficient of linear stability K = 2.67 > 2. It
has been shown that the designed structure of the enclosure meets the mechanical requirements for the limit
strength, usability limit and planned life of 2.19*105 hours according to EN 1991-1 and additional standards, and
decrees specifying technical requirements for structures 268/09 Coll. as amended by Decree 20/12 Coll. Section 9
Mechanical Resistance and Stability.
It has been proved by the assessment that the structure cannot collapse, as neither of its parts reaches the limits
of comparative tension.
There is no unacceptable transformation of the structure, as was demonstrated by the previous assessment. There
is no risk of damage to other parts of the building or its technical facilities and equipment that is installed as a result
of unacceptable transformation.
Damage, in the case of a disproportionate extent in relation to the cause, is eliminated by the calculated degree of
safety of Sb 2 for the main structures.

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