Rock Description

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Notes on Sample Examination & Description

1. Rock Type.
 Sand SD
 Sandstone SST
2. Colour of rock – use colour charts. The dominant colour is first. The least
significant colour last.
3. Colour of grains –
 transparent transp
 translucent transl
 opaque opq
The grains can also have colours. Eg. Greyish pink translucent.
4. Size of grains
 1.000-2.000mm Very course v crs
 0.500-1.000mm Coarse crs
 0.250-0.500mm Medium med
 0.250-0.125mm Fine f
 Just able to see grains = very fine v f
5. Sphericity
 Elongate elg
 Sub elongate sb elg
 Sub spherical sb sph
 Spherical sph
6. Sorting
 Very poorly sorted v ply srt
 Poorly sorted ply srt
 Moderately sorted
 Well sorted w srt
 Very well sorted v w srt
7. Roundness This is how sharp the edges of the grains are.
 Rounded rnd
 Sub rounded sb rnd
 Sub angular sb ang
 Angular ang

Rounded Sub Rounded Sub Angular Angular

8. Cement and matrix.
If the ‘glue’ has formed mechanically then it is described as a matrix.
If it has formed chemically then it is described as cement.
Describing cementation/matrix is a threefold step:
1st put the type of cement/matrix.
 Calcareous calc
 Dolomitic dol
 Anhydritic anhy
 Gypsiferous gyp
 Siliceous.silc
2nd put degree of cement
 Unconsolidated uncons
 Poorly cemented p cmt
 Moderately cemented mo cmt
 Well cemented w cmt
 Quartzitic qtzc
3rd mention if it is a cement or matrix
 Cement cmt
 Matrix mtx
When doing this the cementation may change from grain to grain. So it is possible
to quantify the amount of cementation.
Eg. Predominantly well cemented, occasionally poorly cemented.
9. Hardness/induration.
 Loose lse
 Friable fri
 Moderately hard mo hd
 Hard hd
 Very hard v hd
Can grade from one hardness to another. Eg. Firm to moderately hard. Can also
be more dominant in one hardness compared with another. Eg. Predominantly
hard, occasionally firm.
10. Accessories
 Chert cht
 Glauconite glauc
 Lignite lig
 Muscovite musc
 Pyrite pyr
 Sulphur s
 Hematite heam
How the accessory mineral is distributed may also be described.
Eg. Fine disseminated pyrite of loose pyrite nodules.
11. Porosity This is the gaps between the grains.
 None – grains are tight together n v p
 Poor intergranular porosity – pores are not connected p v p
 Fair intergranular porosity – pores present within grains fr v p
 Good intregranular porosity – Some pores between grains are connected
 Excellent intregranular porosity – All pores are connected ex v p
NB. Pores are the gaps between the grains.
ALWAYS describe the degree of show whether there is a SHOW or NOT.
SANDSTONE: light grey-brown, friable, medium-coarse grain, rounded,
well sorted, trace calcareous cement, trace glauconitic, faint hydrocarbon odour.
SHOW: faint trace light brown oil stain, fair pale yellow direct fluorescence, strong
white streaming cut fluorescence, pale yellow UV residue ring, light brown residue
1. Rock Type.
 Claystone CLST - Siltstone SLTST
2. Colour of rock – use colour charts. The dominant colour is first. The least
significant colour last.
3. Hardness
 Brittle brit
 Plastic plas
 Crumbly cmb
 Soft sft
 Firm frm
 Hard hd
 Very hard v hd
Can grade from one hardness to another. Eg. Firm to moderately hard. Can also
be more dominant in one hardness compared with another. Eg. Predominantly
hard, occasionally firm.
4. Shape of cuttings
 Amorphous (has no shape) amor
 Sub blocky sb blky
 Blocky blky
 Platy (flat and thin) plty
 Splintery splty
5. Sedimentary structures
 Waxy (looks like a candle) wxy
 Earthy (looks like dirt) rthy
 Laminated (thin beds through the sample – beware of PDC cuttings) lam
 Rough rgh
 Greasy gsy
 Smooth sm
6. Major Characteristics
 Calcareous calc
 Carbonaceous (pieces of coal) carb
 Dolomitic dol
 Sandy sdy
 Silty (for claystone description only) slty
 Argilaceous (for siltstone description only) arg
 Glauconitic glauc
 Pyritic (fools gold) pyr
 Micaceous micac
7. Accessories
 Chert cht
 Glauconite glauc
 Lignite lig
 Muscovite musc
 Pyrite pyr
 Sulphur s
 Haematite heam
How the accessory mineral is distributed may also be described.
Eg. Fine disseminated pyrite of loose pyrite nodules. Lse pyr nod
8- Gradational changes.
If the Claystone is becoming increasingly calcareous:
If the Claystone is becoming siltier:
CLAYSTONE: dark grey, occasionally dark green/grey, firm to hard, slightly fissile,
trace calcareous, rare glauconitic, slight earthy texture
1. Rock Type
 Anhydrite ANHY
2. Colour/transparency – use colour charts
 transparent transp
 translucent transl
 opaque opq
3. Shape of cuttings
 Amorphous amor
 Sub blocky sb blky
 Blocky blky
 Platy (flat and thin) plty
 Splintery splty
4. Hardness
 Brittle brit
 Soft sft
 Firm frm
 Hard hd
 Very hard v hd
Can grade from one hardness to another. Eg. Firm to moderately hard. Can also
be more dominant in one hardness compared with another. Eg. Predominantly
hard, occasionally firm.
5. Crystal Size
 1.000-2.000mm very coarse crystalline v crs xln
 0.500-1.000mm coarse crystalline crs xln
 0.250-0.500mm medium crystalline m xln
 0.250-0.125mm Fine crystalline f xlm
 0.125-0.063mm Very fine crystalline v f xln
 0.063-0.004mm Microcrystalline micrxln
 <0.004mm Cryptocrystalline crypxln
6. Sedimentary structures
 Fiberous fib
 Sucrosic suc
 Vitreous vit
 Gritty grit
 Rough rgh
 Smooth sm
 Bituminous bit
7. Major Characteristics
 Calcareous calc
 Carbonaceous (pieces of coal) carb
 Sandy sdy
 Silty slty
 Argilaceous arg
1. Rock Type.
 Limestone LST
 Dolomite DOL
2. Durhams Classification
 Mudstone mdst
 Wackestone wkst
 Packstone pkst
 Grainstone grst
 Boundstone bdst
 Crystalline carbonate xln CO3
3. Colour of rock – use colour charts. The dominant colour is first. The least
significant colour last.
4. Hardness
 Brittle brit
 Crumbly cmb
 Soft sft
 Friable fri
 Firm frm
 Hard hd
 Very hard v hd
5. Crystal Size
 1.000-2.000mm very coarse crystalline v crs xln
 0.500-1.000mm coarse crystalline crs xln
 0.250-0.500mm medium crystalline m xln
 0.250-0.125mm Fine crystalline f xlm
 0.125-0.063mm Very fine crystalline v f xln
 0.063-0.004mm Microcrystalline micrxln
 <0.004mm Cryptocrystalline crypxln
6. Crystal Shape (rarely used)
 Euhedral (no shape) euh
 Sub Euhedral (Slight shape) sb euh
 Anhedral (well defined crystal sha pe) anhed
 Fiberous (like pieces of material) fib
7. Shape of cuttings
 Amorphous amor
 Sub blocky sb blky
 Blocky blky
 Platy (flat and thin) plty
 Splintery splty
8. Sedimentary structures
 Chalky chk
 Fiberous fib
 Oolitic ool
 Styolitic styl
 Sucrosic suc
 Vitreous vit
 Gritty grit
 Waxy wxy
 Earthy rthy
 Rough rgh
 Greasy gsy
 Smooth sm
 Bituminous bit
9. Major Characteristics
 Carbonaceous (pieces of coal) carb
 Dolomitic dol
 Sandy sdy
 Silty slty
 Argilaceous arg
 Glauconitic glauc
 Pyritic (fools gold) pyr
 Micaceous micac
10. Accessories
 Chert cht
 Glauconite glauc
 Lignite (pieces of fossilized wood). lig
 Muscovite musc
 Pyrite pyr
 Sulphur s
 Haematite heam
11. Porosity
 No visible porosity n v p
 Poor visible porosity (fracture) p v p
 Fair porosity (Pin point) fr v p
 Good porosity (Intergranular) gd v p
 Excellent porosity (Vuggy(Interconnecting)) ex v p
1. Rock Type
 Halite HAL
2. Colour/transparency – use colour charts
 transparent transp
 translucent transl
 opaque opq
3. Shape of cuttings
 Amorphous amor
 Sub blocky sb blky
 Blocky blky
 Platy (flat and thin) plty
 Splintery splty
4. Hardness
 Brittle brit
 Soft sft
 Firm frm
 Hard hd
 Very hard v hd
Can grade from one hardness to another. Eg. Firm to moderately hard. Can also
be more dominant in one hardness compared with another. Eg. Predominantly
hard, occasionally firm.
5. Crystal Size
 >2.000mm Massive crystalline mass xln
 1.000-2.000mm very coarse crystalline v crs xln
 0.500-1.000mm coarse crystalline crs xln
 0.250-0.500mm medium crystalline m xln
 0.250-0.125mm Fine crystalline f xlm
 0.125-0.063mm Very fine crystalline v f xln
 0.063-0.004mm Microcrystalline micrxln
 <0.004mm Cryptocrystalline crypxln
6. Major Characteristics
 Calcareous calc
 Carbonaceous (pieces of coal) carb
 Sandy sdy
 Silty slty
 Argilaceous arg
1. Rock Type
 Tuff TF
2. Colour/transparency –
Use colour charts
3. Shape of cuttings
 Amorphous amor
 Sub blocky sb blky
 Blocky blky
 Platy (flat and thin) plty
 Splintery splty
4. Hardness
 Brittle brit
 Soft sft
 Firm frm
 Hard hd
 Very hard v hd
Can grade from one hardness to another. Eg. Firm to moderately hard. Can also
be more dominant in one hardness compared with another. Eg. Predominantly
hard, occasionally firm.
5. Accessories
 Chert cht
 Glauconite glauc
 Lignite lig
 Pyrite pyr
 Sulphur s
1. Rock type
 Coal COAL
 Lignite LIG
2. Colour –
Use colour charts
3. Lustre
 Dull dull
 Vitreous vit
 Waxy wxy
 Earthy rthy
4. Fracture
 Angular ang
 Conchoidal conch
 Sub conchoidal sb conch
5. Hardness
 Brittle brit
 Soft sft
 Firm frm
 Hard hd
 Very hard v hd
Can grade from one hardness to another. Eg. Firm to moderately hard. Can also
be more dominant in one hardness compared with another. Eg. Predominantly
hard, occasionally firm.
6. Compaction
 Poorly compacted p cpt
 Moderately compacted mo cpt
 Well compacted w cpt
7. Major Characteristics
 Bituminous bit
 Argillaceous arg
 Pyritic (fools gold) pyr
8. Fossils
 Occasionally plant remains
Oil Show Evaluation
The smell should be described in the range of faint, fair to strong, as this will
normally distinguish between condensates, light oils and heavy oils.
2-Check the wet sample under microscope
Color [light brown to dark brown]
Distribution [spotty, streaky, patchy or uniform]
3-Check the sample under fluoroscope (Fluorescence)
Intensity and Brightness [color depth]
4-Sample Cut with solvent (leaching out of hydrocarbons from rock)
- Normal Cut (for permeable rocks)
- Crush Cut (for impermeable rocks)
Nature [diffuse, streaming, blooming]
Speed [slow, fast]
Color [pale blue, blue/white to pale white, milky white or pale yellow]
5-Natural cut (solvent color in natural light immediately after cut)
Color [Slight discoloration to dark brown]
6-Residue (after solvent evaporation)
Natural Residue (In natural light)
UV Residue (Under fluoroscope)
Color [Light to dark brown]

Sandstone: Clear to white, fine to medium grained, moderately sorted, sub
angular, hard, with calcareous cement, highly gluconitic, friable, good porosity,
with 50% streaky, light brown oil staining, streaky, bright yellow fluorescence,
strong yellow streaming cut, bright yellow ring.
- If there is little or no cut then a crush cut can be performed. This is when a
sample is crushed slight before adding the solvent. A crush cut will indicate a rock
with low permeability.
- A crush cut is described as a normal cut but it must be noted that a crush cut
was performed.
- If performing a cut on chalk, the sample must be DRY before attempting the cut,
as wet chalk will always produce a weak cut due to poor permeability and surface
- Chemicals Used for Solvent Cut Test
• Trichloroethane, Propanol, Acetone and Chloroform

Chemical Tests
1-HCl Effervescence
A quick test can be made with 10% hydrochloric acid to distinguish between calcite
and dolomite.
Separate the cuttings from the sample tray and place in a porcelain spot tray. Add
a few drops of acid to the sample and view the results: -
Calcite: Immediate and violent effervescence, completely dissolving the sample.
Dolomite: Delayed and slow effervescence, increasing on heating the sample.
Mixture: Intermediate reaction.

2-HCl Oil Reaction

If oil is present, large bubbles will form on a cutting when it is immersed in dilute
Significant swelling or flaking in water is characteristic of montmorillonite or
smectite clays and distinguishes them from kaolinite and illite clays.
On adding distilled water to clay, the swelling can be described as follows:
Non swelling - No break up
Hygroturgid - Random swelling
Hygroclastic - Swelling into irregular pieces
Hygrofissile - Swelling into flakes (Flaking)
Cryptofissile - Swelling into flakes after adding dilute HCl
Swelling clays will also tend to be soft and sticky (although oil-based and inhibitive
mud systems will prevent swelling) making sample washing and sample description
very difficult.

4-Sulphate test – Gypsum and Anhydrite

To determine the presence of gypsum or anhydrite use the following procedure:
- Crush 2g of washed, dried sample and place in a test tube.
- Add 5ml of dilute 10% HCl acid.
- Heat
- Filter off residue and place in a clean test tube.
- Add approximately 10 drops of Barium Chloride (BaCl2)
If a white precipitate forms, then the sample is indeed a Sulphate – either
gypsum or anhydrite.
To distinguish between the two, it should be noted that gypsum is not so common
in the sub surface, therefore, the sample will typically be anhydrite. Also anhydrite
is commonly associated with dolomite.
However, to confirm the distinction use the following procedure:
- Heat the same residue until evaporations begins
- Leave for 15mins
If the sample is gypsum, fine fibrous crystals will form.
5-Chloride Test
To confirm the presence of salt or Halite (NaCl) the following test can be used:
- Crush 2g of washed, dried sample and place in a test tube.
- Heat in distilled water and filter off the residue
- Place the residue in a clean test tube
- Add 10 drops of Silver Nitrate (AgNO3)
If a white precipitate forms then chlorides are present.

6-Alizarin Red
This is another test to distinguish between calcite and dolomite.
This can simply be dropped on to the cuttings – if calcite is present it will turn a
deep red Colour while everything else remains uncolored.

7-Cement Test
After drilling through casing shoes at the start of a new hole section, it is useful to
confirm the presence of cement.
As it is alkaline, this can be done by adding phenolphthalein (pH indicator) after
washing the sample. If the “cuttings” turn bright purple then they are cement.
Sand stone mineralogically consist of the following:-
1- Quartz (SiO2) silica 2- Feldspars 3- Rock fragment 4- Clay minerals
5- Heavy minerals
There are three factors play very important rule in the distribution, spreading and
presence of these minerals in any sand stone sample
1-Availability: it means how much the mineral present in the pre-exiting rock
2- Stability: it refers to the chemical stability of the mineral (its resistance to
attack by chemical solutions)
3- Durability: it refers to the physical or mechanical stability of the rock.
It means how much the sand stone sample is matured:
1- Mineralogical maturity: - it depend on the amount of the minerals which had
high stability and durability in the sample where as this ratio increase the maturity
2- Textural maturity:
Most of rocks consist of a-framework b-matrix c-cement - so textural maturity
depends on:
1- The ratio between the framework and matrix
(If matrix ratio less than 15% the rock be texturally mature- If matrix ratio more
than 15% the rock be texturally immature)
2- Sorting (If rock is well sorted it called texturally mature rock – If rock is poorly
sorted it called texturally immature rock)
3- Roundency (If rock grains are well rounded it called texturally mature rock – If
rock grains are angular it called texturally immature rock)
Depending on the ratio between framework and matrix in the sample sand stone
can be classified into:
1- Arenite group: in which the matrix ratio be less than 15 %.( high energy
media of deposition and coarse grains sample)
2-Wacky group: in which the matrix ratio be more than 15 %.( low energy media
of deposition and fine grains sample with high clay content)


1-Compaction process lead to decrease in porosity and permeability
2-Cementation by the chemically precipitated matter (calcareous, siliceous,
Ferreganous, kaolinitic). Depend on the ph of the medium.
Durham’s Classification
It is textural classification, depending on the ratio between framework (allochems)
and matrix (Micrite) in the sample.

1. Mudstone
Composed of lime mud (smaller than 20 microns) and less than 10% grains
Mud supported.
2. Wackestone
Composed primarily of lime mud, with more than 10% grains (larger than 20
microns) Mud supported.
3. Packstone
Composed primarily of grains, and grain supported. Greater than 10% interstitial
mud matrix and occasionally sparry calcite or pore space.
4. Grainstone
Composed of grains, and grain supported. Less than 10% interstitial mud matrix.
5. Boundstone
Original constituents were bound together and supported in place, by organic
6. Crystalline
All original textures are lacking due to the effects of re crystallization. Distinct
crystal faces, with occasional relicts.
1-Dolomitization process by replacement of Ca with Mg ions which lead to increase
the secondary porosity
2-Dissolution by the action of acidic solution or change in PH of the medium

Flow chart to determine the limestone type

1-Sphericity: Refers to a comparison of the surface area of a sphere of the same
volume as the grain, with the surface area of the grain itself.
2-Roundness: Roundness, which refers to the sharpness of the edges and
corners of a fragment, is an important characteristic that deserves careful attention
in detailed logging.
3-Sorting: Sorting is a measure of dispertion of the size frequency distribution of
grains in a sediment or rock. It involves shape, roundness, specific gravity and
mineral composition as well as size.
4-Cement: Is a chemical precipitate deposited around the grains and in the
interstices of sediment as aggregates of crystals or as growths on grains of the
same composition.
5-Matrix: Consists of small individual grains that fill intersections between the
larger grains.(Cement is deposited chemically and matrix mechanically).
- Describes the surface features of a cutting under reflected light
- Observe features with naked eye and under microscope and when wet and dry
- Rotating the sample tray under the light source also helps in describing luster
7-Hardness and Indurations
1-Hardness is a physical parameter based on the amount of force required to break
apart the cutting using a simple probe
2-Indurations is the process by which a sediment is converted into a sedimentary
rock. It is function of the type and quantity of the cement
Sample Hardness
Hardness Definition
Loose Grains fall apart in dry conditions
Friable Grains can be detached by fingernails, or a rock
sample crumbles between the fingers
Moderately hard Grains can be detached using a knife or needle.
Small chips are easily broken by hand
Hard Grains cannot be detached using knife of needle.
Rock sample fractures between grains
Very hard Rock fractures through grains
Soft as in swelling clays
Plastic plastic clay, deforms easily
Brittle as in coal
Hardness is a reflection of degree of cementation.
1-Soft or friable 2-Moderately hard; fairly cemented.
3-Hard; moderately cemented. 4-Very hard; well cemented.
8-Micrite & Sparite
1-Micrite: abbreviation of “microcrystalline ooze”; a precipitate formed within the
basin of deformation and showing no or little evidence of transport; consists of
crystals 1-4 μm diameter occuring as matrix (dull and opaque ultra fine-grained
material that forms the bulk of limestones and the matrix of chalk)
2-Sparite: cement consists of clean calcite crystals, generally longer than micrite,
forming pore filling cement between grains and within cavities
9-Porosity Classification of Carbonate Rocks
- Intergranular – pore space between grains or particles of a rock
- Intercrystal – pore space between crystals of a rock
- Vuggy – pore space between grains or crystals of a rock wherein the space is
equal or larger than the size of the individual grains or crystals. It usually has the
form of irregular voids.
- Moldic – due to the leaching of soluble grains
- Fracture
10-Crystal Structure Terminology
- Anhedral - no visible crystal form
- Subhedral - partly developed crystal form
- Euhedral - well developed crystal form


12-CLEAVAGE is the property of a mineral that allows it to break repeatedly along
smooth, flat surfaces.
13-FRACTURE is defined as the way a mineral breaks other than cleavage.
14-STREAK is defined as the colour of the mineral in powder form
Percentage of Accessory Minerals

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