Unit: 3 Petrology: On Engineering Geology

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Notes on Engineering Geology

The study of rocks in all their aspects including their mineralogies, structures /
textures ( systematic description of rocks in hand specimen and thin sections );
their origin and their relationships to other rocks.

A Rock is a mineral aggregate consist of one mineral or many.

Role of Magma: If the molten material is below the Earth’s surface, it is called
magma or else it comes out about the surface , it is known as lava.

Magma is a complex mixture of liquid, solid, and gas. The main elements in magma
are oxygen (O), silicon (Si), aluminum (Al), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), potassium
(K), iron (Fe), and magnesium (Mg). However, two major molecules found in
magma that controls the properties of the magma. These two molecules are silica
(SiO2) and water (H2O). Silica comprises as much as 75 percent of the magma.

When rock melts deep underground, the magma rises through the earth's crust
because the molten rock is less dense than solid rock. In many cases, the magma is
unable to reach the surface, and it will cool in place many miles under the ground.
This underground cooling produces the largest crystal sizes, because it cools more
slowly. Sometimes the magma extrudes onto the surface, either on land or

The heat generated by processes such as radioactive mineral disintegration.

Magma doesn’t occur every where below the earth because when temperature
increases with depth, pressure also increases with depth due to overburden.

Magma is always associated with huge quantities of various volatiles, whereas

these volatiles are absent in case of lava since these volatiles escape into
the atmosphere in case of lava. volatiles consists of dominantly water vapour,

The rise in temperature tends to increase the volume of the material whereas
the rise in pressure tends to decrease the volume of the material. Hence, the
effects of these two mutually are different.
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Depending upon local conditions where the pressure effect is more than the
effect of temperature, MAGMA is formed.
Rocks: The solid Earth (the mantle and crust) is made of rock. There are
three types of rocks those that form from molten material or magma


(igneous rocks), those that are deposited from air or water (sedimentary rocks),
and those that have formed by altering another rock (metamorphic rocks). The
chemical composition of a rock is expressed in terms of oxides for eg: SiO2;
Al2O3; Fe2O3; FeO; MgO; CaO; TiO2 etc

CLASSIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS: Igneous rocks are the first formed

rocks in the earth’s crust and hence these are called PRIMARY ROCKS, even
though igneous rocks have formed subsequently also.

Igneous rocks are the most abundant rocks in the earth crust and are formed
at a very high temperature directly as a result of solidification of magma since
magma is the parent material of igneous rocks. The temperature increases
proportionately with the depth --- this is one of the reasons for the formation of
igneous rocks.

Igneous rocks are usually massive, unstratified, unfossiliferous and often occur
as intrusive cutting across other rocks ( country rocks or host rocks ). The
igneous rocks are classified based on silica%, silica saturation and depth of


Nature Silica % Rock examples

Acidic  65 Granite, Pegmatites; (coarse) ; Rhyolite (fine )
Intermediate 55 – 65 Syenite (coarse) ; Trachyte (fine )
Basic 45 – 55 Gabbro (coarse ); Basalt ( fine )
Ultrabasic < 45 Picrite, Peridotite , Dunite ( coarse )

Acidic igneous rocks:

 Composed of quartz, alkali feldspars, mica minerals and compositionally rich

in Si, Al, Na, K etc but are poor in Ca, Mg, Fe
 Leucocratic due to the presence of light coloured minerals.
 Relatively lighter rocks and have a slightly higher specific gravity of 2.6

Intermediate igneous rocks:

 Lacking of quartz or a little quartz present but dominantly composed of
alkali feldspars and compositionally rich Na, K.
 Mesocratic in colour due to the presence of dark colored minerals.
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Basic igneous rocks:


 Dominantly composed of ferro-magnesium minerals(mafic minerals) such

as hypersthenes, feldspars (plagioclase), pyroxene (Augite), amphiboles
(hornblende) , biotite and compositionally rich in Ca, Mg, Fe.
 Melanocratic in color
 Quartz or olivine is generally absent or occur in small quantities.
 Due to the presence of mafic minerals, these rocks to have a slightly
higher specific gravity of 3.1

Ultra basic igneous rocks:

 Composed of mafic minerals and quartz is almost absent and
compositionally rich in Mg, Ca.
 Melanocratic in color.
 Higher density of about 3.6


Depending on the silica content in parent magma; the mineral associations are
categorized as:

Oversaturated igneous rocks: when the parent magma is rich in silica,

saturated minerals like feldspars and the surplus quantity of silica crystallizes
as quartz.

Unsaturated minerals like olivine, nepheline, leucite never occur in over

saturated rocks. Eg: granites, granodiorites, dacite, rhyolites .

Saturated igneous rocks: when the parent magma has enough silica for
the formation of minerals, the resulting rocks possess neither quartz nor any
unsaturated mineral. Presence of saturated minerals (feldspars) are seen in
Syenite, Diorite, Anorthosite, Gabbro.

Unsaturated igneous rocks : when the parent magma has silica less than
what is required for the formation of saturated minerals. Quartz is possible
to the extent, and feldspars, olivine, nepheline, leucite are present usually.

This group represents Dunites, Peridotites, Phonolite

Oversaturated rocks are equivalent to acidic igneous rocks. Saturated rocks

are equivalent to intermediate igneous rocks. Under saturated rocks are roughly
equivalent to basic / Ultrabasic rocks.
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Doliomorphic rocks: Rarely do quartz and olivine coexist, if so such igneous

rocks are described as doliomorphic rocks.



In terms of modes of occurrence ie depth of formation, igneous rocks can be

either intrusive (plutonic), extrusive (volcanic) or hypabyssal.

PLUTONIC ROCKS: The igneous rocks which have formed under high temp
& pressure at greater depths in the presence of volatiles in the earth’s
crust are called plutonic rocks. Greater pressure ensure total crystallization of
minerals formed and the hot surroundings slow down the process of
solidification. The net result of all these processes is the development of coarse
grained texture. Eg: Granite


VOLCANIC ROCKS: The igneous rocks which have formed under low temp &
pressure at shallow depths in the absence of volatiles in the earth’ crust
are called volcanic rocks. Rapid cooling and quick crystallization of lava makes
faster the process of solidification due to heat difference. The net result of all
these processes is the development of fine grained texture. Eg: basalt

HYPABYSSAL ROCKS: The igneous rocks which have formed under

moderate temp & pressure at shallow depths are called hypabyssal rocks.
Medium rate of cooling causes for the formation of medium grained rocks. Eg:

Igneous rocks are also classified based on their cooling history (texture) and on
the nature of the magma (felsic or mafic). A diagram for classification would be...


Texture▼ Felsic (light color) Intermediate Mafic (dark color)

Phaneritic Granite Diorite Gabbro, Peridotite

Aphanitic Rhyolite Andesite Basalt

Vesicular Pumice Scoria

Glassy Obsidian
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Brief description of IGNEOUS ROCKS

Andesite An igneous volcanic rock predominantly consists of plagioclase feldspars with or


without silica. The Ferro-magnesium minerals (biotite, hbl, augite, enstatite,

hypersthene) may be present .
Anorthosite an igneous plutonic rock composed predominantly of plagioclase
Aplite a very fine grained intrusive igneous rock
Basalt a volcanic rock of mafic composition
Basalt Hawaiite a class of basalts formed from Ocean Island (hot spot) magmatism
Basalt Boninite a high-magnesian basalt dominated by pyroxene
Charnockite a rare type of granite containing pyroxene
Dacite a felsic to intermediate volcanic rock with high iron content
Diabase or dolerite intrusive mafic rock forming dykes or sills
Diorite a coarse grained intermediate plutonic rock composed of plagioclase, pyroxene
and/or amphibole
Dunite An ultramafic rock composed of olivine
Essexite a mafic plutonic rock ( a gabbro)
Gabbro a plutonic rock composed of pyroxene and plagioclase
Granite A plutonic rock composed of orthoclase, plagioclase and quartz
Granodiorite a granitic plutonic rock with plagioclase > orthoclase
Harzburgite a variety of peridotite; an ultramafic rock
Ijolite An igneous plutonic rock consists of nepheline and Na-pyroxene (Aegirine Na Fe
Si2 O6 and Jadeite Na Al Si2 O6
Kimberlite a rare ultramafic volcanic rock consists of chlorite, talc and carbonates,
sometimes olivine and a source of diamonds
Komatite an ancient ultramafic volcanic rock
Lamprophyre an ultramafic rock dominated by mafic phenocrysts in a feldspar groundmass
Lherzolite an ultramafic rock, essentially a variety of peridotite
Monzonite a plutonic rock with <5% normative quartz
Nepheline syenite a plutonic rock with nepheline replacing orthoclase
Norite a hypersthene bearing gabbro
Obsidian a type of volcanic glass
Pegmatite an igneous rock occurs as veins or dykes and found as granite pegmatite or
syenite pegmatite consists of alkali feldspars, and quartz with tourmaline, topaz,
beryl, fluorspar, apatite and Spodumene as accessories.
Peridotite a plutonic composed of >90% olivine
Phonolite a volcanic rock essentially similar to nepheline syenite
Picrite an olivine-bearing basalt
Pumice a fine grained, extremely vesicular volcanic rock
Pyroxenite a coarse grained plutonic rock composed of >90% pyroxene
Rhyolite a felsic volcanic rock
Scoria an extremely vesicular mafic volcanic rock
Syenite a plutonic rock dominated by orthoclase feldspar; a type of granitoid
Tachylyte essentially a basaltic glass
Tephrite a silica undersaturated volcanic rock; can be a generic term
Tonalite a plagioclase-dominant granitoid
Trachyte a silica undersaturated volcanic rock; essentially a feldspathoid-bearing rhyolite
Tuff a fine grained volcanic rock formed from volcanic ash

Wehrlite an ultramafic plutonic rock, a type of peridotite, composed of olivine and

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Structures and textures are physical features associated with the rocks. These
occur along with the formation of rocks and are important in view of civil engineering
point because
 They contribute to the strength of rocks.
 They contribute to the weakness of rocks
 They reveal mode of origin of rocks.

NOTE: The structures such as folds and faults are exempted though they are also
structures since these develop after the formation of rocks due to tectonic forces.

The term structure refers to certain large scale features

1. Vesicular structure: 2. Amygdaloidal structure

3. Columnar structure 4. Sheet structure
5. Flow structure

VESICULAR STRUCTURE: This structure is due to porous in nature commonly

observed in volcanic rocks. Most of the lava contains volatiles (gasses like CO2,
water vapour) which escapes into the atmosphere by creating various sizes and
shapes of cavities near the surface of lava flow. These cavities are called vesicles.

Eg: SCORIA is a volcanic rock of highly porous.

Eg: PUMICE, a light rock with porosity even that floats on water.

AMYGDALOIDAL STRUCTURE: when secondary minerals such as calcite,

zeolites, hydrated forms of silica (chalcedony, agate, amethyst, opal) are filled
in vesicles, in such a case it is said Amygdaloidal structure. Eg: Deccan traps of
India.( ie basalts).

COLUMNAR STRUCTURE: with uniform cooling and contraction causes a

regular or hexagonal form, which may be interested by cross- joints.
Eg: Columnar basalts, around 40 mts high are seen at Andheri, Bombay.

SHEET STRUCTURE: In this structure, the rocks appear to be made up of a

number of sheets, because of the development of horizontal cracks. When
erosion takes place, the overlying strata gradually disappear and ultimately the
plutonic rocks exposed to the surface resulting the development of joints /
cracks parallel to the surface. Thus, the horizontal joint planes are sometimes
so closely spaced as to produce a sheet structure. Eg: granite.

FLOW STRUCTURE: After eruption of the lava flows, some of the bands or

lines are drawn over the surface of lava to the direction of lava flow. Eg:
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The texture of a rock refers to the individual mineral grains of size, shape, and
mutual relations of mineral constituents and glassy matter in a rock. Depending on
the nature of cooling, the TEXTURES in igneous rocks are categorized into:
1. Degree of crystallinity - Rocks composed entirely of crystals are called
holocrystalline; those composed entirely of glass are holohyalline; rocks that
contain both crystals and glass are hypocrystalline / hemicrystalline .

2. Grain size - Overall, there is a distinction between the grain size of rocks that
have crystallized at depth are medium to coarse grained (eg: gabbros) and
those that crystallized at shallow depth are finer grained (eg: basalts).

Phaneric texture: if minerals in the rock are big enough to seen by the
naked eye, the texture is said to be Phaneric. Eg: granite.
Aphanitic texture: if minerals are too fine to be seen the texture is said
to be aphanitic. Eg: basalts.

3. Based on growth of crystals / Rock fabric - Fabric is the shape and mutual
relationships among rock constituents:
1. Euhedral, refer to grains that are bounded by crystal faces
2. Subhedral grains that are bounded partly by some crystal faces
3. Anhedral, when crystal faces are absent, it is called anhedral

Hypidiomorphic / granular texture - the most common granular texture in which a

mixture of euhedral, subhedral, and anhedral grains are present.

Ophitic texture - is one where random plagioclase laths are enclosed by pyroxene
or olivine. If plagioclase is larger and encloses the ferromagnesian minerals, then the
texture is subophitic . eg: basalt.

Porphyritic texture: Large crystals that are surrounded by finer-grained matrix are
referred to as phenocrysts. If the matrix or groundmass is glassy, then the rock has
a vitrophyric texture.

Poikilitic texture- Small euhedral crystals that are enclosed within a large mineral.
Glassy Texture. The rock displays with sharp edges like broken glass is known as
Glassy Texture. No individual crystals can be seen. Eg: obsidian.
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GRANITE is a plutonic igneous rock, compact, massive and hard rock.

Granites are unstratified but characterized by joints. It is a holocrystalline
(completely crystalline) and leucocratic (light coloured) rock .

Composition: Granite consists of quartz ( > 20 – 30 %), Feldspars (60%)

include alkali feldspars (orthoclase, microcline) and plagioclase feldspars
(oligoclase), micas as essential minerals and accessory minerals are mafic
minerals such as hornblende, biotite / muscovite , pyroxenes of hypersthenes;
augite ; diopside ; magnetite / haematite, rutile, zircon, apatite, garnet..

Texture: Granites exhibit phaneric texture ( coarse grained ), or graphic

texture (similar to Arabic writing ). Granites are usually equigranular but some
times show inequigranular texture in case of Porphyritic texture (feldspars occur
as phenocrysts).

Hand specimen: Granite is grayish or pinkish in color. Feldspar appears

with white or brownish – red color. Quartz looks colorless. Biotite is jet black
and is found as small shining flakes. Hornblende is dark greenish black.

Varieties: When quartz decreases and increase in mafic minerals, granite

passes over to GRANODIORITE and then DIORITE.

When both the alkali feldspars and plagioclase feldspars are equal in quantity,
the granite rock is called as ADAMELLITE.

If hypersthene is more in granite then it is known as CHARNOCKITE.

If feldspars and quartz are very large in size and exhibit interlocking texture,
then it is called as PEGMATITE. Occurrence of large sized beryl, tourmaline
crystals is another diagnostic feature of pegmatite.

RHYOLITE is very fined grained rock and is the volcanic equivalent of granite.

When the accessory minerals present more in quantity than normally such
rocks are named as eg; biotite-granite, hornblende-granite. Based on the
color of feldspars, the granites are termed as Pink granite; grey granite.


Specific gravity of granite is 2.6 – 2.8

Density = 2500 – 2650 kg/cm3; compressive strength = 1000 – 2500 kg /sq cm

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ENGINEERING POINT OF VIEW: By virtue of many desirable qualities, granite

can be used in foundations of civil structures, building stone, road metal,.
Tunneling through granite does not require any lining.


It is a holocrystalline (completely crystalline ) and coarse grained igneous rock .

Composition: Pegmatite resemble granites in mineralogy and hence it is

described as Granite Pegmatite. When pegmatites are rich in alkali
feldspars, it is called as Syenite pegmatites. Occurrence of large sized beryl,
tourmaline crystals is another diagnostic feature of pegmatite.

Granite pegmatite consists of alkali feldspars and quartz and rich in biotite/
muscovite of micas. In addition, rare minerals of cassiterite (tin - Sb); mispickel
(arsenic–Ar); niobium, tantalum etc are also present and hence pegmatites are
economically very important.

Syenite pegmatites contain rare earth elements like zirconium, cerium,

lanthanum, uranium and thorium.

In Andhra Pradesh, muscovite deposits in commercial quantities occur in

pegmatites of Nellore district. This mica is generally light green in color.

Texture: Pegmatite exhibit an interlocking texture.

Hand specimen: Pegmatite is generally coarse grained consist of

larger sized minerals of feldspars and quartz. Feldspars are often light
coloured and may appear as red, white or green . Muscovite and biotite are
easily identified by their color and cleavage. Hornblende looks dark greenish
black and tourmaline is jet black, and prismatic.

ENGINEERING POINT OF VIEW: Since pegmatite minerals are large in size

and the rock mass cannot behave uniform throughout. Further, the presence of
mica which has excellent cleavages obviously makes the rock weak. So it is
unsuitable to be used as a building stone and also undesirable at the site of
foundation of major constructions. However, pegmatites are economically very
important due to the presence of rare and valuable minerals.
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Dolerite is a dark, fine grained black or dark greenish black igneous rock. It is
intermediate in composition and melanocratic (dark coloured) rock . Mineralogically
and chemically, dolerite is similar to Gabbro and basalt.

Composition: Dolerite consists of Plagioclase Feldspars and pyroxene

(augite). Iron oxides, hypersthene and biotite occur as common accessory
minerals. Olivine is some times found if the parent magma was deficit of silica.

Texture: Dolerite is a massive and compact rock. It is neither porous nor

permeable. The texture in dolerites is generally equigranular. Interlocking
texture is also common in dolerite. Under the microscope dolerite exhibit Ophitic
or subophitic texture.

Hand specimen: Dolerite is a fine grained rock with greenish black or

black coloured. Presence of pyroxene (augite) contributes the black color of a
rock. Feldspars can be observed by means of their cleavage surfaces and
biotite if present appears as small, jet black..

Varieties: When all the minerals of dolerite are totally altered for eg:
plagioclase into zoisite or epidote and augite into chlorite / hornblende and
olivine into serpentine then the rock is called DIABASE.

Plutonic equivalent of dolerite is called Gabbro.

Volcanic equivalent of dolerite is called Basalt.

Glassy equivalent of dolerite is called trachylyte.

SPECIAL FEATURES: The compact nature and rich in mafic minerals make
the rock emit metallic sound when hit with a hammer. Dolerite occurs in
nature as an intrusive rock ie as dyke.

ENGINEERING POINT OF VIEW: Dolerites are not common as building

stones. They are suitable as road metal, railway ballast, bitumen aggregate,
concrete purposes. At foundation sites of dam like structures, the presence of
dolerite is considered undesirable as they become a cause for weak planes.
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BASALT is a black volcanic, massive, fine grained, melanocratic rock. .

COMPOSITION: Basalt consist of plagioclase feldspars ( labradorite), Pyroxenes
(Augite) and iron oxides (magnetite or ilmenite). Biotite, hornblende and
hypersthenes are the other accessory minerals. Pyrite may also seen sometimes.
Either quartz or olivine may appear in small amounts depending on the silica
content of parent lava.

Structures & Textures: Vesicular and amygdaloidal structures are common in

basalts. However, Columnar and flow structures are also observed in some
cases. Basalts exhibit aphanitic texture in hand specimens. ( ie the minerals are
too fine).

Appearance in Hand specimens: Basalt is typically black or greenish grey or

greenish black. Non-vesicular, massive in nature. Exhibit a typical aphanitic
texture ie extremely fine grained with or without vesicles. Basalts are always
unstratified, unfossiliferous and do not react with acids.

VESICULAR BASALT: it is characterized by the presence of empty cavities or


AMYGDALOIDAL BASALTS is a vesicular basalt with cavities filled up by

secondary minerals of silica (quartz, amethyst, opal, agate); zeolites, calcite.
Among these, silica minerals may be used as semi-precious gemstones.

SPILLITE is a soda-rich basalt in which plagioclase feldspar is albite or

oligoclase in stead of labradorite.

Dolerite is the hypabyssal equivalent of basalt .

Gabbro is plutonic equivalent of Basalt .
Trachylite is equivalent of glassy basalt
Alkali Basalt is unsaturated basalt
Tholeite is oversaturated basalt

Uses: Massive basalts are highly durable and strongest having highest load
bearing capacity. Used as building stones. Basalts are excellent for
macadam and bitumen Roads.

A number of tunnels have been made across through the Deccan traps for

railway lines near Bombay. They need no lining except sealing where the
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weak planes or joints are observed to prevent seepage.


Rhyolite is an igneous, volcanic rock of felsic (silica-rich) composition (> 69%

SiO2 ). It may have any texture from glassy to aphanitic . The mineral assemblage is
usually quartz, alkali feldspar and plagioclase. Hornblende is a common accessory

Rhyolite can be considered as the extrusive equivalent to the plutonic granite rock,
and consequently, outcrops of rhyolite may bear a resemblance to granite.

Rhyolites that cool too quickly to grow crystals form a natural glass or vitrophyre,
also called obsidian. Slower cooling forms microscopic crystals in the lava and
results in textures such as flow foliations, spherulitic, nodular etc.. Some rhyolite is
highly vesicular pumice..

Gabbro refers to a large group of dark, coarse-grained, intrusive mafic igneous

rocks chemically equivalent to basalt. The rocks are plutonic, formed when
molten magma is trapped beneath the Earth's surface and cools into a crystalline

The vast majority of the Earth's surface is underlain by gabbro within the oceanic
crust, produced by basalt magmatism at mid-ocean ridges.

Gabbro is dense, greenish colored and contains pyroxene, plagioclase, amphibole,

and olivine (olivine gabbro when olivine is present in a large amount).

The pyroxene is mostly clinopyroxene; small amounts of orthopyroxene may be

present. If the amount of orthopyroxene is substantially greater than the amount of
clinopyroxene, the rock is then a norite. Quartz gabbros are also known to occur and
are probably derived from magma that was over-saturated with silica.

Essexites represent gabbros whose parent magma was under-saturated with silica,
resulting in the formation of the feldspathoid mineral nepheline. Gabbros contain
minor amounts, of iron-titanium oxides such as magnetite, ilmenite. Gabbro is
generally coarse grained, with crystals in the size range of 1 mm or greater. Finer
grained equivalents of gabbro are called diabase. Gabbro is usually equigranular in
texture, although it may be porphyritic at times, especially when plagioclase
oikocrysts have grown earlier than the groundmass minerals.

Uses: Gabbro often contains valuable amounts of

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chromium, nickel, cobalt, gold, silver, platinum, and copper sulfides.


Syenite is a coarse-grained intrusive igneous rock of the same general composition

as granite but with the quartz either absent or present in relatively small amounts

The feldspar component of syenite is predominantly alkaline in character

(usually orthoclase) . Plagioclase feldspars may be present in small quantities, less
than 10%.

When present, ferromagnesian minerals are usually hornblende amphibole,

rarely pyroxene or biotite. Biotite is rare, because in a syenite magma most
aluminium is used in producing feldspar.

Syenites are usually peralkaline and peraluminous, with high proportions of alkali
elements and aluminium.

Syenites are formed from alkaline igneous activity, generally formed in

thick continental crustal areas. To produce a syenite, it is necessary to melt a granitic
flow to a fairly low degree of partial melting. This is required because potassium is an
incompatible element and tends to enter a melt first, whereas higher degrees of
partial melting will liberate more calcium and sodium, which produce plagioclase,
and hence a granite, adamellite or tonalite.

At very low degrees of partial melting a silica undersaturated melt is produced,

forming a nepheline syenite, where orthoclase is replaced by a feldspathoid such
as leucite, nepheline or analcime.

Dykes and sills

Igneous rocks are formed out of hot magma or lava. The lava on solidification over
the earth’s surface gives rise to Extrusive igneous rocks while the magma on
solidification below the earth’s surface gives rise to intrusive igneous rocks.

Igneous intrusions occur in different sizes and forms depending on the conditions
during the formation of intrusion. eg: Dykes and Sills are the common forms.

If the intrusion is parallel to the layering in the host rock, it is called as a sill whereas
the intrusion cutting across the trend of the host rock, it is called as a Dyke.

Dykes are the common form of igneous rocks and are vertical or inclined

intrusive igneous bodies. Dykes occur cutting across the bedding planes of the
country rocks in which they are found. Due to forceful pressure, magma intrudes
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through the fractures, cracks, joints, shear zones, weak planes and subsequent
solidification of this gives rise to dykes.


The dimensions of dykes vary widely. They may be long (50-60 kms ) and thick (upto
30 mts). eg: dyke of midland of Scotland or t hey may be short upto to a few mts
and thin a few cms.

Though different rocks may appear as dykes, dolerite dykes are the most
common. Dykes are important from Civil Engg point of view for the following

1. They are undesirable at the sites of foundations of dams as their sides

(contacts ) turn out to be weak planes.

2. They act as barriers and interrupt the ground water movement in a region.

3. They may give rise to springs.

4. Since, the dykes are hard, durable (resisting to weathering), black in color,
fine grained, they are used in making of statues, sculptures etc.

Sills are similar to dykes but are formed due to penetration of magma into
bedding planes of country rocks. The spreading capacity depends on the viscosity of
magma, its temperature and the weight of the overlying rocks. Sills which spread
over large areas are generally thin with uniform thickness.

 Eg: 1 The great whin soil of England spreads over 3900 sq.kms
 Eg: 2 Karroo sills (dolerite composition ) spreads over 510000 sq kms in
South Africa.
Sills act sometimes as mineralizing bodies. eg: Barytes, Asbestos deposits of
cuddapah. Sills occur as horizontal and inclined bodies.

Lava flows may resemble sills closely because both are relatively thin, horizontal
sheet like igneous bodies spreading over large areas. But they can be distinguished
from one another as follows:

 Lava flows show an irregular lower surface whereas sills have more or less
flat on both sides.
 Lava flows shows vesicular character on the upper surface, whereas sills
present no such characters.
 Lava flows undergo quite cooling producing fine grained rocks whereas sills
cool slowly causing coarse to medium grained rocks.
 Sills give out tongues (minor intrusions) into the overlying rock masses,

whereas lava flows do not.

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Other intrusives: If the intrusion takes place forcibly in stratified rock,

resulting a mushroom shaped intrusive in the host rock, it is termed as Laccoliths.

In the folded rocks, if the intrusion takes place at a later stage, it occupies the
openings at the crest ( in case of anticlines ) and trough ( in case of synclines ) of
folds, the resulting form of intrusive is denoted as Phaccolith.

Large igneous intrusions of several kilometers in extent having a form which is the
top in nearly flat and the bottom is convex downwards is known as Lopolith.

Batholiths: The term is applied to any large intrusive mass of igneous rock (eg
granite). Batholiths, occupy a large area of out crop extending to greater depths with
the presence of Roof Pendants and Xenoliths.

Batholiths occur usually in mountain regions and are parallel to the folded regions.
Compositionally, batholiths are either granites or granodiorites. Eg: British Colombia
batholiths of 1250 miles extension and a width of 50 miles. The roof pendants;
Stocks; Bosses offering evidence.

Roof pendants: cover rocks of batholiths

Stocks: off shoot that means possessing a more or less circular cross-section
Bosses: circular & occur at the top portion of batholiths 15
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Sedimentary Rocks are those formed due to weathering ( which is a

natural process of disintegration and decomposition ) and / or erosion of the pre-
existing rocks. Also formed due to chemical precipitation or due to accumulation
of organic remains such as plants and animal hard parts. Since, the sediments
represent secondary , these rocks are also called as “Secondary rocks”. By
volume, the secondary rocks constitute about 5% of the lithosphere.



Boulders  200 mm Coarse sand 1 – 2 mm
Cobbles 50 – 200 mm Fine sand 0.1 – 0.25 mm
Pebbles 10 – 50 mm Silt 0.01 - 0.1 mm
Gravel 2 – 10 mm Clay < 0.01 mm

Sedimentary rocks
Rudaceous Arenaceous Argillaceous Chemical /Organic
Conglomerates Sandstone Shales Limestone;
Shell LST;
Coral LST; & Chalk
Breccias Arenite Mudstone (similar to Dolomite
shale )
Arkose Siltstone (similar to Coal seams
mud stone)
Flagstone Clays Evaporites/saltbeds
Greywacke Bauxite (laterite)
Grit Terra Rossa Iron bearing ores
Oolitic limestone Marl (Cal. mudstone)

Rudaceous Rocks: A group of sedimentary rocks in which the particles range in

size from 2 mm upwards.

Arenaceous Rocks: A group of sedimentary rocks in which the particles range

in size from 1/16 mm to 2 mm

Argillaceous Rocks: A group of sedimentary rocks in which the particles range

in size from 1/16 mm to 1/256 mm

Among different sedimentary rocks; SHALE is the most abundant; SANDSTONE


and LIMESTONE are next in order. These three rocks represent approximately
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4%; 0.70%; 0.25% respectively of the earth’s crust. The other sedimentary
deposits which include Laterites; Conglomerates; Breccias, Coal seams though
insignificant in quantity ( 0.05% )


TRANSPORTATION OF SEDIMENTS: The sediments are transported by natural

agencies by wind action or running water action (most common agency for
transportation) or Glacial action.
During the process of transportation, the disintegrated constituents undergo
initial differentiation (change in the shape, volume, size etc) thus loosing their
original characters.
The soluble constituents during transportation are carried away to long
distances and are ultimately deposited as CHEMICAL PRECIPITATES or
ORGANIC DEPOSITS. The soluble materials are generally chlorides, sulphates
and carbonates.
The insoluble constituents during transportation are carried to considerable
distances, ultimately giving rise to ARGILLACEOUS DEPOSITS. Insoluble
residues are generally aluminium silicates.
Finally, the constituents that are resistant to weathering ( unaltered ) are
transported to lesser distances to be accumulated as ARENACEOUS
DEPOSITS. The resistant material is mainly silica.

Sedimentary structures: Several primary structures are evidenced in

sedimentary rocks. These structures offer significant evidences of depositional
conditions (environments ). These are:
Stratification indicates the time period involved in their deposition
(Rocks which display layering or bedding) Eg; shales

Cross-bedding indicates shallow water deposits. Eg: sandstone ( A series of

inclined bedding planes having some relationship to the direction of current flow.

Graded bedding indicates deeper water deposits. Eg: Greywacks ( Coarser

material at base and the finest material at the top due to involvement of a
river or stream flow is called as graded bedding).

Ripple marks indicate the shallow water deposition.

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RUDACEOUS ROCKS: Coarser rock fragments are cemented by a finer matrix

and give rise to rocks such as Conglomerates (rounded fragments) and
Breccias (angular fragments) whose average grain size of both is > 2 mm.

CONGLOMERATES: It is a Rudaceous sedimentary rock which is made up of

round or sub-rounded pebbles and gravel. Occasionally, cobbles and
boulders also are encountered in some conglomerates. Mineralogically, pebbles
are usually jasper, flint, quartz. The cementing material may be siliceous,
ferruginous, calcareous…
The rounded nature of pebbles indicates that the source of rocks from which
pebbles of the conglomerate have been derived far away from the place of
occurrence of the conglomerate.
BRECCIAS: Like conglomerates, breccias also are made up of pebbles,
gravels and fine grained cementing material provides the binding medium.
However, breccias are characterized by sharp and angular edges of pebbles
indicates that the pebbles had undergone negligible transport and their
parent rocks are likely not be far from the place of their occurrence.

Conglomerates are undesirable at the site of foundation of major civil

engineering structures. St Francis dam in USA had rested on schists and
conglomerates. Heavy seepage along the conglomerates resulted in failure by
Since conglomerates are unimportant they do not merit any serious consideration.
However, conglomerates can be used as building stones.

ARENACEOUS rocks may be accumulated by wind action or deposited by

water action include Sandstone ; Arkose; Greywacke etc…

Sandstones are abundant among sedimentary rocks but are next to shales.
Sandstones are made up of sand and described as Arenaceous rocks.
Sandstones are stratified and sometimes fossiliferous too. Compositionally,
sandstones consist of sand grains ( 90% quartz ) with accessory minerals of such
as mica, ilmenite, magnetite, garnet, zircon, rutile, feldspars cover the rest.
In a hand specimen of sandstone, the size of sand grains may be coarse,
medium or fine grained and other grains appear in different colors due to the
presence of cementing material:

Grains Appears as
Quartz Colorless, fresh with vitreous lustre

Mica flakes White colour with perfect cleavage

Ilmenite / magnetite Jet black
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Garnet Red with shining

Zircon; rutile White color with shining
Feldspars Pale colours of brown, red, white, grey with a dull lustre
Pyroxenes & amphiboles Pale colors


Sandstones are generally porous and permeable and considered one of the
best aquifers. By virtue of their porosity and permeability, they are not only
capable of holding a good quantity of groundwater but also yield the same
when tapped.

Varieties in sandstones:

Arenite A consolidated lithified sand with < 10% of matrix

Arkose Formed by mechanical disintegration of granitic rocks and is
considerably rich in feldspars and sand grains and unsorted.
Flagstone A thinly bedded sandstone.
Greywacke A dark, tough, rich in clay & contains less of quartz and unsorted
Grit A sandstone composed of coarse angular grains.

Siliceous sand stone Cementing material is also silica ( porosity is less )

Ferruginous sandstone Cementing material is a mixture of oxides & hydroxides of Fe
Calcareous sandstone Cementing material is calcium carbonate
Argillaceous sandstone Cementing material s clay

CIVIL ENGINEERING POINT OF VIEW: When sandstone is more porous,

more permeable (not massive), so its inherent load bearing capacity is LESS.
When sandstone is more porous and less permeable, so its inherent load
bearing capacity is INTERMEDIATE.

Siliceous sandstones are the best rock for all civil engineering purposes
such as site of foundation ; to be used as building stones; to be used for
railways and for tunneling etc….

Ferruginous sandstones come next in order of preference for civil structures.

Calcareous sandstones initially be strong but may not be durable since

carbonates react with water and leaches out easily.

Argillaceous sandstones are not desirable for civil structures due to the
presence of clayey minerals.

ARGILLACEOUS rocks include the rock fragments/sediments with >50% of silt or

clay. Eg:Siltstone, Mudstone, Clay stone, Shales, Bauxite (laterite), Terra Rossa.

Terra Rossa is reddish clayey soil covering limestones in dry regions. It is

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formed when limestones are dissolved, the insoluble clay content and other
mineral matter is left behind as Residue (Terra Rossa) while calcium carbonate
content is carried away in solution form.


SHALES : Shales are more abundant than all other sedimentary rocks put
together. These rocks are formed out of mechanically transported and
deposited sediments. Shales are made up of solid particles of extremely fine
grained silt and clay.

Stratification of lamination is best seen in shales because the individual layers

are very thin. Shales often contain fossils of flora and fauna. Compositionally,
shales are Hydrous aluminium silicates which the products of weathering of
feldspars and other silicate minerals.

Field samples show different colours such as white, red, yellow, grey, brown
and black. Shales are compact and extremely fine grained. Cross –bedding;
ripple marks, mud cracks and fossil content are observed in some specimens
of shales.

Mineralogically, shales are mainly made up of montmorillonite, kaolinite; Illite;

halloysite; pyrophillite minerals.

Varieties in shales:

Siliceous shale With considerable amount of silica

Calcareous shale With increasing calcium carbonate content
Bituminous shale With organic matter
Carbonaceous shale Black color with rich in vegetal / organic matter
Mud stone Similar to shale

Shales are highly porous ( due to the presence of various clays with porosity
50 – 60% ); impermeable rocks (do not yield water due to surface tension
phenomenon ) called as AQUICLUDES means shales contain water but do
not yield groundwater when tapped.


Shales are soft, fine; thin layered and unable to resist overburden. Therefore,
these are unsuitable at the site of foundation of civil structures such as dams,
tunnels etc.. Since shales are incompetent rocks, they may undergo subsidence.

LAFAYETTE dam in USA which was constructed over argillaceous rocks

(shales) had sunk by 20’ and caused for collapse / failure of a dam. Similarly,
the Srisailam dam was constructed across the river Krishna resting over
quartzites and shales causing slippery under water pressure. Of course, high

pressure concrete grouting had been introduced to avoid leakages.

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Shales are also unsuitable for road metal, railway ballasts..


CHEMICAL DEPOSITS are limestones; Dolomites, Flint, Chert, salt beds, iron-
bearing rocks (iron ore). Limestone consists of over 95% calcite whereas
dolomite consists of 90% of dolomite and 10% calcite and belonging to
Carbonate rocks. Quartz, Chalcedony, Opal are three varieties of CHERT
formed as chemical precipitate and is known as Siliceous rocks

LIMESTONES: In hand specimens, limestones show different colours of

white, gray, buff, cream, pink, yellow and black. In nature, limestones occur
both as porous and massive types. On the other hand, shell limestones care
common and may be porous.

Types of Limestones:

Chalk: A soft, white fine grained calcareous deposit with dull lustre. It is also
consists of fossils viz., foraminifera.

Stalactites result from the process when surface water with dissolved calcium
carbonate pass through minute fractures and grows downwards from the
roof of a cave.

If the rate of percolation of solution is excess than required evaporation, the

solution falls on floor and form as a cone like deposit which grows upwards
from the floor is called as Stalagmites.

If growth continues stalactites and stalagmites may come together after some
time producing a pillar like structure , called a DRIP STONE.

Fossiliferous or Shell limestone: These are formed organically with hard parts
of marine organisms of coral reefs or gasteropods or lamellibranchs or
brachiopods etc…

CIVIL ENGINEERING POINT OF VIEW: Massive and compact limestones are

reasonably competent to support civil structures. But, these are undesirable
for foundation if pores or cavities are present. They are suitable as road
metal, railway ballast and as construction material.

ORGANIC DEPOSITS are formed out of active involvement of plants and

other organisms. Eg: Phosphoritic deposits (guano deposits) / Rock Phosphates

Guano deposits are formed from fish eating sea birds which live in some
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isolated islands where there is no rain fall. West coast of America; South
Africa; Australia have vast deposits of Guano.


Igneous and sedimentary rocks which are formed under a certain physico-chemical
environment, (they were in equilibrium) in terms of temperature, pressure and
chemically active fluids. Subsequent to their formation if any of these factors
changes, the existing equilibrium gets disturb in the constituent minerals of parent
rocks by metamorphism. As a result of Metamorphism

1. Granite changes to Granitic Gneiss

2. Peridotite (Ultrabasic) changes to Serpentine / Talc Schist.
3. Gabbro / Dunite changes to Hornblende Schist.
4. Sandstone changes to Quartzite.
5. Limestone changes into Marble.
6. Shale changes into Slate

The process of metamorphism occuring in rocks due to the effect of high

temperature, pressure and chemically active fluids and are known as metamorphic
agents. These three act together to cause metamorphism and sometimes any one
or two of them dominate and play an active role.

Temperature: Metamorphic changes mainly take place in the temperature range

of 350°C to 850°C.

Pressure: Uniform pressure ( vertically downwards) increases with depth and

effect on liquids and solids at greater depths whereas the direct pressure (stress)
due to tectonic forces acts in any direction i.e., upwards, downwards and side wards
and effect only on solids.

Chemically inactive fluids: The most common liquid is water. Also the magma or
hot hydrothermal solutions (containing various chemicals) may react directly with
those rocks when they come in contact.

Types of Metamorphism:

1. Thermal Metamorphism (Heat predominant)

2. Dynamic/Cataclastic Metamorphism: When direct pressure is predominant and

acts, rocks are forced to move past resisting in their crushing and granulation.

3. Geo-Thermal Metamorphism: Uniform pressure is predominant alongwith heat

brings changes in oceanic salt deposits but not changes in silicate rocks.
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4. Metasomatic Metamorphism (chemically active fluids predominant): This

Metamorphism alters the composition of the rock significantly. Hydrothermal
solutions are hot (upto 400°C) and cause for providing new minerals such as Pb,
Zn, Mn etc. Tourmaline, topaz and fluorspars are produced when the volatiles
involved .

Eg: When Granite is attacked by watervapour, Boron, fluorine will suffer

mineralogical changes where by feldspars replaced by tourmaline, the resultant
rock may be Tourmaline Granite.

5. Dynamothermal Metamorphism: (Direct pressure and Heat pressure): When

an argillaceous rock (shale) undergo Dynamo Thermal Metamorphism different
minerals are produced. Eg. Gneisses and schists.

Chlorite Biotite Garnet Staurolite Kyanite Sillimanite

 The presence of chlorite and biotite in a metamorphic rock indicates that it had
been formed under low grade Metamorphism.

 Presence of Garnet and Staurotite indicates medium grade of Metamorphism.

 Occurrence of Kyanite and Sillimanite indicates high grade of Metamorphism.

Mineral Composition: Following are the common minerals found in metamorphic

Cordite, Staurotite, Andaulusite; Sillimanite, Kyanite, idocrase formed during

Metamorphism. Garnet, Chlorite, Talc, Epidote, Quartz, Feldspars, Pyroxenes,
Calcite, Mica, Hornblende also occur in different ways due to Metamorphism.

Metamorphic Textures:

1. Foliation: When Chlorite, Mica, Talc etc orient themselves parallel to one another
is called as foliation ie the arrangement of in-equidimensional minerals.

2. Lineation: when Hornblende, Tourmaline, Actinolite, Tremotie orient themselves

parallel to one another is called Lineation ie the arrangement of equidimensional

3. Xenoblastic Texture: The constituent minerals of the rock have no well

developed crystal faces.

4. Idioblastic Texture: The constituent minarals have well developed crystals.

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Textures of Metamorphic rocks also depends on the shape of minerals, on their

mode of growth and mutual arrangement. Some of the textures are seen under

1. Porphyroblastic : large crystals embedded in fine grained ground mass.

2. Granoblastic: the mineral granules are equidimensional.
3. Ophitoblastic: small crystals embedded in phenocryst


1. Gneissose Structure: Both equidimensional ( qtz, feldspars, pyroxenes, calcite)

and other platy and prismatic minerals occur in considerable proportions and they
appear in alternating bands. Eg: Granitic Gneiss.

2. Schistose Structure: If a rock consists of only prismatic or platy minerals without

any segregation is called a Schistose structure. (equidimensional minerals will
be negligible) Eg: Mica schist, Chlorite schist, Hbl schist, Kyanite schist.

3. Grannulose Structure: Only equidimensional minerals present in the

Metamorphic rocks. Prismatic or platy minerals will be either negligible or absent.
Eg: Marble, Quatzite.

4. Cataclastic structure: It is produced under the influence of directed pressure

(shearing stres) upon hard and brittle materials in the upper zones of the
earth crust. Eg: Hornfels

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commonly occurring metamorphic rocks in nature are Gneiss, Schist,
Quartzite, Marble, Slate and Khondalite.

GNEISS: A name is generally given to any metamorphic rock when shows a

gneissose structure. A few details of its physical description are as follows:

Diagnostic character: Foliation present.

Color: grey and pink but generally pale coloured
Grain size: medium to coarse grained
Texture and Structure: Generally equigranular but sometimes porphyroblastic.

Minerals present: Feldspars and quartz usually make up the bulk of a

gneiss. In addition, garnet, rarely pyroxenes occur in such bands.. If
hornblende and biotite are present, then the rock appear as dark or black
coloured bands. The other minerals which may also occasionally occur in
gneisses are chlorite, sillimanite, kyanite, staurolite, talc, serpentine etc..

Types: Based on texture, mineral content etc different varieties of

gneisses are named.

Orthogneiss: This is a gneiss derived from igneous rock

Paragneiss: This is a gneiss derived from sedimentary rock

Granitic gneiss: if a gneiss, which has minerals similar to that of granite.

Augen gneiss: This is a gneiss in which quartz and feldspars appear as thick
elongated lens shaped (resemble to eye).

Origin: Gneisses are usually formed out of Dynamothermal metamorphism of

granites, Syenites, Sandstones.

Properties and uses of civil engineering importance: Due to non-porous and

impermeable, it has a good strength. The foliation to some extent, improves the
workability of gneiss. It may be used as building stone in addition to road
metal, as railway ballast, as load bearing beams. In case of tunneling, the
presence gneiss doesn’t require any lining.
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SCHIST: Like a gneiss, schist is also a very common metamorphic rock due
to schistose structure. A few details of its physical description are as follows:

Diagnostic character: schistose structure is present.

Color: silvery white ( mica-schist ), jet black ( biotite schist ), dark green
( chlorite schist )

Grain size: fine to medium and sometimes even coarse grained

Texture and Structure: Lineation or foliation texture occurs depending on

when prismatic or platy minerals occur predominantly..

Minerals present: Actinolite, tremolite, hornblende, sillimanite, tourmaline

make up the bulk of a schist. In addition, chlorite, muscovite, biotite, talc,
kyanite etc are the common platy minerals occuring in schists.. garnet, quartz,
staurolite, cordierite also occur as other minerals ..

Types: Depending on the grade of metamorphism, schists are named as

Low Grade Schists ( Mica schist: Chlorite schist: Talc Schist; Hornblende Schist;
Mica–Garnet Schist; Mica–Quartz Schist) and High grade schist (Sillimanite
schist; Eclogite Schist; Staurolite Schist).

Origin: Schists are usually formed due to Dynamothermal metamorphism of

different kinds of igneous and sedimentary rocks and the nature of combination of
metamorphic agents. For eg:

Mica schist is formed out of shale

Mica – quartz schist is formed out of feldspathic sandstone
Talc schists are formed out of magnesia rich Ultrabasic igneous rocks like
Hornblende Schists are formed from basic igneous rocks under high stress
and high temperature..
Chlorite schist is formed under high stress and low temperature.
Eclogite Schist consists of pyroxenes, garnet and quartz formed under low
stress and moderate temperature.

Properties and uses of civil engineering importance: Schists are considered

weak, incompetent and undesirable rocks. The minerals of schists such as talc,
chlorite, biotite, muscovite and serpentine are relatively very soft and are not strong
and durable. Presence of cleavage in the minerals cause weakness of rocks.
Schists are unsuitable for foundations, as building stone, as aggregate for concrete

making, as road metal and as railway ballast. Schists are also unsuitable in case
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of tunneling.

One of the main factors for the failure of St. Francis dam was that it was
constructed over Schists.


Comparison of Gneiss and Schist.

S No Kind of difference Gneiss Schist

1 Appearance Alternating colour bands Alternating colour bands
occur do not occur
2 Minerals present More than one mineral Usually one mineral after
which the schist is
named eg: talc - schist
3 Color Pale grey or pink White, black, green
4 Parent rock Granite in more cases Igneous and sedimentary
5 Proportion of platy Relatively less Make up bulk of the
or prismatic minerals rock
6 strength Reasonably strong Weak and incompetent
7 Suitability for civil Suitable Unsuitable.
engineering works


Color: white or pale color. Red, brown, grey, green colours also may be seen.

Grain size: fine to coarse grained

Texture and Structure: Granulose structure is common. No alternating color

bands. No foliation occurs.

Minerals present: quartz usually make up the bulk of a quartzite. The other
minerals which may also occasionally occur in quartzites are mica, garnet,
feldspar, pyroxenes; chlorite, kyanite, epidote, magnetite etc..

Types: Based on mineral content different varieties of quartzites are

named as Micaceous quartzite and Quartzite Schist .

Important feature of quartzites: Lord Venkateshwara temple is located on nagari

quartzites at Tirupathi – Tirumala hills as thick beds for many kilometers.

Natural bridge is seen in the same quartzites which is a unique feature.

Origin: Quartzites are formed due to dynamic or thermal or Dynamothermal

metamorphism of sandstones. They occur as usually as bedded formations.

Properties and uses of civil engineering importance:


It is a silica–rich and makes highly durable and resist to weathering. The

predominance of quartz makes the rock very hard. Due to less porosity and
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permeability, the rock is made more competent. It may be used as building stone in
addition to road metal, as railway ballast, as load bearing beams. In case of
tunneling, the quartzites doesn’t require any lining.


MARBLE: It is a calcareous metamorphic rock and not hard or strong or

durable. Its value is due to its pleasant color, good appearance, easy
workability and the ability to take an excellent polish.

Color: Milky white. However, pleasant shades of green, yellow, brown, ;blue or
grey colours also seen.

Acid test: Marbles react vigorously even with cold and dilute acids.

Grain size: Fine to medium or even coarse grained and the rock is

Texture and Structure: Granulose structure is common. . No foliation occurs.

Minerals present: calcite usually make up the bulk of Marble. The other
minerals which may also occasionally occur in marbles are serpentine,
olivine, garnet, graphite, mica, talc, tremolite, pyrite. mica, garnet, feldspar,
pyroxenes; chlorite, kyanite, epidote, magnetite etc..

Types: Based on their colors, different varieties of marbles are named

as white marble; pink marble; green marble.

Important feature of marble: The famous Taj Mahal of Agra constructed out of
marble, is regarded as one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Origin: Marbles are formed due to thermal metamorphism of limestones.

Properties and uses of civil engineering importance: Physically, the

mineral calcite is not only soft but also has three sets of well developed cleavages.
This inherent weakness makes the rock split or break easily under loads.
Marbles provide aesthetic beauty and a pleasing appearance to the constructions
and specially chosen for face works, wall panels; flooring, statue making etc.
Marbles are not used as road metal, aggregate for concrete due to soft and
weak characters.
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SLATE: It is a fine grained metamorphic rock. By virtue of its cleavage

character, it splits into very thin sheets of considerable size.

Diagnostic character: Extreme fine grain size, absence of reaction with acid,
slaty cleavage and shining on surfaces are diagnostic characters of slate. .

Color: black or grey coloured

Grain size: fine grained

Texture and Structure: Foliation is clearly visible

Minerals present: Slates are made up of mica (sericite) and quartz. Other
minerals which may also occur are biotite, muscovite, talc, chlorite, feldspars,
calcite, pyrite, magnetite..

Types: Based on colors different varieties of slates are named as Black

slate, grey slate etc. Phyllite is similar to slate in appearance and represents
slate itself which is further metamorphosed. When Calcium is present, slate is
described as calcareous slate.

Origin: Generally,it is formed due to Dynamic or regional metamorphism of shales.

Properties and uses of civil engineering importance: Since, slates are soft
and incompetent, they cannot withstand great loads. So they are not suitable
as site rocks for foundation purposes. Due to cleavage character and softness,
they split easily and hence may be used as building stone.

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