Tugas Perbaikan Azia Bahasa Inggris

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Tugas Perbaikan

B. Inggris

Nama : Azyyati Muthmainnah

Kelas : XII IPS 3
Chapter 9( inspiring Songs)

Kompetensi Dasar
3.9 menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja.
4.9 Manangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu
terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA.
All cultures have songs with words in their own languages. They sing old songs and make new
ones. Song involves people of all ages, towns and countryside, common people and the elite.
Do you like singing? Have you ever sung an English song? What is your favorite song? Almost
everyone listens to songs every day. Some people retain in their memory the lyrics of dozens ot
songs, or at least the first verse and chorus. Do you know that we can learn English through
songs? In this chapter, we are going to discuss about the social function and language features
of songs. especialty inspiring songs.
A Songs
A song is a short piece of music, usually with words. The words of a song are called lyrics. Lyrics
are composed to give real siltuation at the time describing messages with music or a poem.
Lyrics generally consist of tho following parts:
1. Intro
Usually it contains only music and no words.
2. Verse
it is also called stanza. It is the part that telis a story. Usually, there is a serles of verses. They
are the longer sections of the song that tell the story.
3. Chorus
It is a lyric-music combination that is repeated with littie or, no change throughout the song.
Usually. the chorus lyrics include the song title and give the listener a general idea about the
song topic. The chorus music includes the catchy melody in the song The chorus is generally the
part that the listeners will remember from your song. Songwriters use the chorus to repeat a
comimon refrair from their lyric (the line or group of lines you want reintorced the most). This is
why all choruses are. retrains byrically. A refrain is a short phrase repeated at the end of every
4. Bridge
only appears once, It contains lyncs that give audience to retlect the story.
5. Outro
This is the end of the song It usualy contains instrument.

General structure of songs are Intro-Verse 1-Chorus - Verse 2 -Chorus -Bridge -Chorus Outro.
There are many genres of music such as pop, rock, country. lazz, ballad, etc, Each song also has
a theme. There are common themes, for example, heartbreak, family, friendship. coming of
age, death, etc. A song must have a function. The following are social functions of songs
1. To entertain the listeners.
2. To toach moral value through the lyrics of songs.
3. To express personal feeling
4. To criticize a particular condition.
Activity 1: Reading Comprehension
Read the following lyrics!
By David Archuleta
Sonawriters: Joy wiiams/David ArchuletaCary Bartowe Jesse Frasure
There are times when
You might feel aimless
And can't see the places
Where you belong
But you will find that
There is a purpose
It's been there within you
All alona when you're near it
You can almost hear it

And In their hearts It's so amazing

What we're all creating It's like a symphony.
Just keep llstenino
And pretty soon you'll start
To fiqure out your part
Everyone plays a piece
and there are melodies
In each one of us
Oohhh it's dlorlous
it's like a symphony
Just keep listening
And pretty soon you'll start
To figure out your part.
Everyone plays a plece
and there are melodies
In oach one of us
Oohhh it's glorious

And as you feel

The notes build
You will see
And you will know how
To let it ring out
As vou discover
Who you are
Others around you
wil start to wake up
To the sounds that are It's like a symphony
Just keep listoning
And pretty soon you'll start
To figure out your part
Everyone plays a piece
And there are melodies.
In each one of us
Oohhh it's glorious
A. Answer the following questions based on the lyrics above!
1. What is the purpose of the song above? ,
2. Identify the structure of the lyrics above ,
3. Hiligoghher What word is it actually? Why is it written like that?
4. From the first verse, what can you get?
5. What is the message of the song?

B. Paraphrase the song lyrics above and write your comment !

B Language Features of Song Lyrics
The following are language features usualy used In songs.
1. pronouns
pronouns are important In establishing point ot view. Certain creative decisions need to be
made by the songwriter .
- Relating the song in the first person uses I, me we.
- Having the singer adress the song to the second person uses you.
- Relating a song about something or someone else (third person) uses he, him, she, her,

2. Rhyme
A rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds (or the same sound) in two or more words, most often
in the firal syilables oflines in poems and songs. The rhyme scheme heips the audience to
understand what is coming. Rhyme scheme can bo tigured by looking at the last word in each
line and assigning a letter. The following example has a rhyme schome ABAB Example: Make-
belioving we're together
That I'm sheltered by your heart
But in and outside Ive turned to water
Like a teardrop in your paim

3. Figurative Language
Figurative languange is a broad category the includes figures of speech as well as sound devices
and imagery.
a. Sound Devices
Sound devices are resources used to convey and reinforce the meaning or experience of poetry
through the skilfull use of sound.
. Alliteration: a literary device in which a series of words becin with the same consonant sound.
The repetition of the sound in the beginnina of two or more words. Example: There is nothing
but death in the desert during the day
.Assonance: to repettion of vowel sounds in nearby words.
Example: I must confess that in my quest.
.Onomatopoela: a word that phonetically mimics or resembles the sound of the thing it
describes Example: lske that boom boom pow

b. Imagery
Imacery is something concrete, like a sight, smel, or taste. It describes what the writer sees.
nears, or otherwise senses. Imagery creates a picture that the reader or listener can see in his
mind. There are some types of imagery.
.Visual Imagery, It describes what we see, such as color, shape, size, and patterm. Example: /t
was dark and dim outside
.Auditory Imapery It descrbes what we hear, such as enjoyable noise, noise, and lack of noise.
Example: The chiping of birdis heralded spring Ditfactory Imagery. It describes what we smell,
such as fragrance and odor Example: Can smell when the rain is coming Gustatory Imagery.
It describes what we taste. Example: The sweetness of candies melt in my mouth Tactile
limagery. It describes what we feel or touch, such as temperature, texture, touch. and
Example: When the nights are cold
Figure of Speech
A figure of speech is where a word or words are used to create an effect, often where they do
not have their original or literal meaning. It is used to heighten or increase the state that they
are descnbing.
- Metaphor a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn't literally true,
but helps explain an idea or make a comparison. Example: I'm the shadow on the ground
- Hyperbole: a frequently humorous exaggeration that hints at a larger truth, Example: / would
fly to the moon and back if you'll be...I you 'l be my baby
- Simile: a comparison between two different things, designed to create an unusual. interesting,
emotional, or other effect using like or as.. as. Example: You're llke an angel.
- Personification: a figure of speech where human qualities are given to objects or ideas, In the
arts, personification means representing a non-human thing as i it were human. Personification
gives human traits and qualities, such as emotions, desires, sensations, gestures and speech,
often by way of a metaphor.
Example: The wind howled in the night.

4. Informal Language. Lyric has a beautiful word and have certain value and message. Most
lyrics of pop music show many informal language or non-standard English. Most songs use
contraction and assimilation in the lyrics A contraction is a word that is formed by combining
two or more words which often occur together in speech. Assimilation is a common
phonological process by which one sound becomes more like a nearby sound. The following are
examples of informal or non-standard English words used in songs.
C. Skills
Now, we know that istening to Enalish aonos and reading song lyrics are ussefut for us to learn
Enalih We have discussed sociat function and language teatures of song tynicn. In this part, you
are gong to he tested how woll understand the content of song lyrics, giving comment of song
lica, sngng. and analyzing a song.
Activity 1: Listening.
your teacher will prepare the MP3 of the following song by using internet. Listen and complete
the following song lyrics! Then tell what the song is about !
No Matter what
By : Calum Scott
Songwrters Calum Scom and Teby Gad.
When I was a young boy 1 ... Idicn't understand it but i was territied of love Fet like I nad to
choose put it was outta my contro I needed to be saved, I was going crazy ort my own 2 ... I
expected the worst I gathered all the courage in the world
She said, 3 ... Ijust want you to be happy and atways be who you are She wrapped her arms
around me Said, 4 ... Cause l love you no matter what She loves me no matter what
5 ... wishing yeah
my time away Ridina on the pavement every sunny day was grey I trusted in my friends then all
my world came crashing down I wish I never sad a thing cause to them 6
7 ... Felt like 8 ... was written on my facel about to break She said, love you no matter what I
just want you to be happy and always be who you are" She wrapped her arms around me Said.
"Don't try to be what you're not Cause I love you no matter what" yeah
Now I'm a man and 9 ... I walk the earth with my head held higher I got the love that I need But
10 ... My father looked at me He said "1 love you no matter what I just want you to be happy
and always be who you are" He wrapped his arms around me Said, "Don't try to be what you're
not "Cause I love you no matter what He loves me no matter what
Activity 2: Speaking
A. Retell what the song No Matter What by Calum Scott is about by using your own wordst
B. A poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and
are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme. Read the following poem! Pav
attention to your pronunciation, articulation, and intonation!
The Man Who Thinks He Can
By : Walter D. Wintle
If you think you dare not, you don't.If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you'll lose, you've lost,
If you'd like to win, but think you can't It's almost a cinch you won't. Success being with a
fellow's will;
For out in the world we findIt's all in the state of mind.
If you think you're outclassed, you are: You've got to think high to rise.
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize. Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But soon or late the man who wins
Is the one who thinks he can.
[13:13, 12/11/2019] Azia: Dally Assessment 9
A. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D, or E!
This text is for questlons 1 to 4.
Way Back Into Love
(By Hugh Grant feat, Drew Barrymore)
(rom "Music and Lyrios" soundtrack)
l've been living with a shadow overhead,
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed,
I've been lonely for so long,
Trapped in the past,
I just can't seem to move on!
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away, Just in case l ever need 'em again someday,
I've been setting aside time,
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind!
All I wanna do Is find a way back Into love. I can't make It through without a way back into love.
Ooo hooow

1. What is the theme of the song?

A. Love. D. Friendship.
B. Family. E. Heartbreaking.
C. World peace.
D. Friendship
E. Heartbreaking.
2. From the first verse, we know that the speaker
A. happy
B. lonely
C. depressed
D. satisfied
E. hopeless

3. This line uses...

A. metaphor
B. personification
C. simile
D. Assonance
E. Alliteration

4. "Just in case i ever need 'em again someday"

The standard word of the word em is...
B. germ
C. them
D. Stem
E belem
This text is for questions 5 to 8.
o We sround perands gr s tery ward we sos mase an ensen t on wants us to be bard E We
shoud do kawens and son wy ove to uters 7: The singie koys that you taka and send And reach
out yout hand 1o somo n r Dont tool yourselt and say you cany You never know what can grow
friom yes ss seed The ityming scheme of me verse abow s A AAAAD. ABBB B. ABAE E ABBA C.
AABB a "so come with me and seizg the day The undertined word has aimiar in mearirg to A
enjoy leave ignore save E. make a 3 Make a Wave They say the beat ot a buttorfties wings. Can
sot off a stormn tne word away What it thoyre rioht and the smaltest or things Can power the
stronoust hurricane? Wnat if it el bogins insloan We hold the key that tums the nde: Chorus:l
Just a pebble in the water (ohh) Can sot the sea in motion (ohh) A simple act of kindnes (ohn)
Can stir the widest ocean. It we show a ittle love Heaven knows what we could change (oh year)
so throw a pebble in the water (oh yoan) And make a wave, make a wave Make a wave, make a
wave The single joys that you take and send And reach out your hand to someone in need (holp
somebody) Don't fool vourselt and say you can't You never know what can grow trom just one
seed (yeah) So come with me and seize the day This world may never be the same (Back to
chorus) This incomplete poem is for numbers 9 to 11 5 In winter 1 9) at night And dress by
vellow candle-ight In summer, quite the other way. I have to go to bed by day I have to ao to
bed and soe The birds still noping on the 10) Or hear the grown-up people's teet Still going past
me in the street And does it not seem hard to you. When all the sky is clear and 11) And I
should like so much to plav To have to go to bed by day Bed in summac Robet Stavanson

5. What is the purpose of the song?

A. To entertain the listeners.
B. To encourage the listeners.
C. To inspire the listeners.
D. To motivate the listeners.
E. To criticize a situation.
6. What is the message of the song?
A. We should be brave when we face storm and wave.
B. We should change the world by doing
C. We should persuade people to do what they want
D. We should make an excuse if someone wants us to do bad.
E. We should do kindness and show our love to others.

7. The ryming scheme of the verse above is...


8. "so come with me and seize the day"

The underlined word has similar in meaning to...
A. Enjoy
B. Leave
C. Ignore
D. Save
E. Make

9. A. Woke up
B. Get up
C. Getting up
D. Rising up
E. Waking up
10. A. Tree
B. Leave
C. Branch
D. Soil
E. Ground

11. A. Red
B. Black
C. Yellow
D. Green
E. Blue

12. We hold the key that turns the ride this line uses...
A. Simile
B. Imagery
C. Metaphor
D. Assonance
E. Alliteration

13. Which lyrics show personification?

A. A simple act of kindness(ohh) can stir the widest ocean
B. And make a wave, make a wave, make a wave
C. So come with me and seize the day this world may never be the same
D. If we show a little love heaven knows what we could change (oh yeah)
E. Don't fool youself and say you can't you never know what can grow fron just obe seed(yeah)
14. Why does the songwriter liken the life with a highway?
A. In life we usually ride or drive in a highway.
B. Most people have ever driven on the highway at night.
C. As a highway, life can be smooth, bumpy, and has signs to warn us.
D. Life is always straight and far.
E. We should have something to ride on highway, so should our life.

15. The lyric above uses...imagery.

A. Visual
B. Tactile
C. Auditory
D. Gustatory
E. Olfactory

B. Answer the following questions clearly and correctly!

1. What is the main idea of the first verse?

2. What is the message of the song?
3. Write sentences with the following figure of speech!
4. Mention and explain the structure of songs below!
5. Create a verse of lyric about family!

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