Make A Sumary of This Material (Buat Ringkasan Dari Materi Ini) and Upload Today Then Do The Test On Google Form
Make A Sumary of This Material (Buat Ringkasan Dari Materi Ini) and Upload Today Then Do The Test On Google Form
Make A Sumary of This Material (Buat Ringkasan Dari Materi Ini) and Upload Today Then Do The Test On Google Form
• Song
Song is a short piece of music with meaningful words which contain message.
A message behind a song can be interpreted differently based on the listener’s interpretation. Every
song has theme. It could talk about love, friendship, world peace, or other issues.
3. To provide a way of managing the relationship between our public and private emotional life
5. To give someone to not only shares-their emotions with others, but also to have an err connection
that just can’t be experienced in any other way.
1. Intro
The introduction establishes melodic, harmonic, and/or rhythmic material related to the main body of a
2. Verse
It is the section of the song structure that tells the story. This is the exposition, describing the scene or
the person, or an emotion. There are usually two or three verses in a row that have the same musical
structure, the same rhyme and poetic meter, but different words. The second verse builds on the picture
painted in the first verse, etc.
3. Chorus or Refrain
A chorus is the most repeated section, so it’s the easiest remembered. A chorus is the summary of the
song’s story. All the verses have been leading up to the chorus, and is usually the part of the song people
sing along with. A chorus can come at the beginning of the song structure; it can also start in the middle,
or come at the end. In fact, some songs don’t have choruses at all. Some people are usually confused to
differentiate between choruses and refrain. A refrain is any line that repeat in the song lyric, while a
chorus is any group of lines that repeats.
4. Break
A break is actually a brief “rest” or “pause” for the core melody within a song used to add further
dimension and excitement. It may include a quick instrumental solo or drum interlude or it may be a
brief moment of silence, or a combination of each of these elements.
5. Bridge
This is the part of the song that shifts. It can suddenly change tempo, or volume, or instrumentation. The
bridge is the section that gives the audience time to reflect on the story, or gives them the “climax” or
conclusion of the story through the verses and chorus. Bridges can be used to give the singer a break.
6. Outro or Coda
This is the end of the road for the song. It can repeat the intro, chorus, or a refrain as an outro, or a
bridge with an instrumental solo.
Source: od/othermusicgenres/p/parsofasong.html(October 14th, 2018)
The following are the language features of songs.
• Lyrics are written in first,second or third person given on the specific perspective you
choose. Often time point-of-views change in lyrics, but only when needed.
• Theyuserhymingwords.Usuallysongsuseafamiliarcatchytuneandrhyme.Arhymeisa
linguisticstyle,basedonconsonanceorsimilarsoundoftwoormoresyllablesorwholewords at
the end of one line; rhymes are most commonly used in poetry and songs.
• Theyusefigureofspeechandimagery.Whilesongscanpaintavividpicturesincetheyarelonger
Commonly used FIGURES OF SPEECH:
introduced with the words- like, as, as……
- She is as pretty as a picture. The
story was as dull as ditch water.
AMetaphorislikeasimile.Twoobjectsarecompared,withoutthewords‘asorlike’.Itisan implied
He was a lion in the battlefield
Variety is the spice of life
InPersonification non-living objects,abstract tide as or qualities are spoken of as persons or
Necessity knows no law.
Hope springs eternal
InAntithesis,one word or idea is set indirect contrast against another,for emphasis.Itisa
combination of two words, phrases, clauses, or sentences contrasted in meaning to offer
a highlighttocontrastingideas.Antithesisoccurswhenyouplacetwodifferentoroppositeideas
near each other.
United we stand, divided we fall.
To err is human, to forgive is divine.
Hyperbole is an exaggeration and things are made to appear greater or lesser than they
usuallyare.Hyperboleisa literarydevice oftenusedinpoetry,andisfrequentlyencountered in
casual speech. Occasionally, newspapers and other media use hyperbole when speaking
of an accident, to increase the impact of the story.
The burglar ran as fast as lightning.
The professor’s ideas are as old as the hills.
Alliterationisaseriesofwordsthatbeginwiththesameletter. Alliterationconsistsofthe repetition
of a sound or of a letter at the beginning of two or more words.
Dirty dogs dig in the dirt.
language (in particular, the sounds, and meanings of words) with the intent to amuse.
Slang is a kind of language consisting of very informal words and phrases. Slang is more
common in speech than in writing. For example: gonna, wanna, ain’t, etc.
Cute cats cooking carrots.
Examples: Boom, bang, slash, slurp, gurgle, meow, and woof