49:244-259. 2009
© ASET, Missouri
Neurodiagnostic Laboratory
Duke Ur)iversity Hospital
Durham, North Carolina
Transcranial Doppler (TCD) is gaining popularity among physicians because it
is a quick, inexpensive, and noninvasive way to evaluate the blood flow in the
basal cerebral arteries. The uses for TCD vary widely. The most common uses are
to evaluate for vasospasm in patients who have had a subarachnoid hemorrhage and
10 evaluate for vasculopathy in children with sickle cell anemia. Other less common
uses are to look for vessel narrowing or occlusion in patients wht) present with stroke
and to evaluate for cerebral circulatory arrest. Specifically, the TCD waveform
is analyzed to assess the hemodynamics of each vessel in the head and neck. The
physician can make an interpretation by evaluating the velocity of the blood How. the
shape of the waveform, the direction of flow, and the resistance in each vessel.
Received; February 20, 2009. Accepted for publication: March 11, 2009.
There are many characteristics within the TCD waveform that are used to evaluate
cerebral hemodynamics. Waveform morphology, velocity, pulsatility indices, and
direction of now are analyzed. Turbulence and bruits are heard as well as visually
analyzed. All of these characteristics of the TCD waveform will help the physician
make an interpretation of the study.
Waveform Morphology
The shape of the TCD waveform is called waveform morphology. Each waveform
has systole and diastole, with systole being the peak of the waveform and diastole
being the deceleration of the waveform. In evaluating waveform morphology, the
physician will look at the systolic upstroke. A nonnal TCD waveform in systole
has a quick, sharp upstroke that accelerates to a peak (Zweibel 1992) (Eigure lA).
This upstroke can be altered for various reasons. With a proximal obstruction, the
upstroke becomes slow and the result is a slanted or rounded waveform. This is
referred to as a slowed systolic upstroke or a damped waveform (Figure IB). This
slowed systolic upstroke may also be caused by cardiac function such as myocardiai
dysfunction or aortic valve stenosis. It is important to compare the upstroke in ail
arteries. If the systolic upstroke is slowed due to a proximal obstruction, you will
only seethe slowing in the branches of that artery. If cardiac function is the cause of
the slowed systolic upstroke you will see the slowing in every artery (Carter 1992).
Velocity is one of the most crucial components the physician will use to make an
interpretation. Transcranial Doppler uses time average mean flow velocity (MFV)
calculated as:
MFV = (systolic velocity-diastolic velocity/3)+ diastolic velocity
(Katz and Alexandrov 2003).
Each vessel has a normal mean flow velocity. The middle cerebral artery (MCA)
and anterior cerebral arteiy (ACA) have the highest velocities and the posterior
cerebral artery (PCA) and basilar artery (BA) have lower velocities (Table I). In
children, blood flow velocity is relatively high. With aging, blood fiow velocities
decrease (Table 2). When performing a TCD. it is important to know what the normal
velocities for each vessel should be ba.sed on the age of the patient. Velocities that
fall out of this normal range may be an indicator of disease.
When ilow velocities are elevated, it suggests that there is a vessel narrowing
within the site being insonated. This is based on the hemodynamic principle that
cm/s • < - 4p
150 Sharp Syslallc l'pitrokri
â4 J
100 •
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 t) 9 10s
IMC4 1 y
1 O -40
10:24:01 AM -fiO
Depth 45
Power 100 -80
: . ^ ^ ^ _
Sample 6
Slowfü .SVülolir lipsnokíS
Peak 42
Dias 21
Mean 29 -100
FIG. 1A. Transcranial Doppler waveform demonstrating a normal systolic upstroke. The
black lines along the upstroke show a quick, sharp upstroke that accelerates to a peak.
FIG. IB. Transcranial Doppler waveform seen distal to a vessel narrowing or occlusion.
The black lines along the upstroke are slanted to show the delayed systolic peak.
Tabit 2. Normal mean flow velocities (cm/sec) from birth to age IS years.
the velocity of blood flow is inversely related to the area of the vessel lumen (Aaslid
et al. 1984). Wheti flow velocities decrease, it suggests a proximal narrowing or
occlusion because there is a smaller amount of blood flow coming from the
narrowed/occluded area.
Pulsatility Indices
Pulsatility indices (PI) are a comparison of systolic flow to diastolic flow. In
other words, vessels that feed low resistance beds (the brain and organs) have a
sharp systolic upstroke with continuous forward flow throughout diastole, thus a
low pulsatility index (Figure 2A}. A high pulsatility index will be found in vessels
that feed high resistance beds (the extremities and face). They have a sharper
systolic upstroke, a narrower peak in systole, and less flow or reversal of flow in
diastole (Figure 2B ). A normal PI for the basal cerebral arteries is 0.5 to 1,19 (Katz
and Alexandrov 2003). PI is calculated as:
-«0 -«0
1I / ' '
FIG. 2A. Transcranial Doppler waveform from a low resistance vessel. There is continu-
ous forward flow throughout both systole and diastole.
FIG. 2B, Transcranjal Doppler waveform from a high resistance vessel. There is a sharp
systolic upstroke, a narrow peak in systole, and less flow in diastole.
FIG. 2C. Transcranial Doppler waveform from the jugular vein. Fiow in veins is continu-
ous through the entire cardiac cycle with variations in velocity with respiration.
more diastolic flow. As systolic now remains the same and diastolic flow increases
the PI decreases (Babikian 1993).
Arteriovenous malformations create a decrease in PI because there is an abnormal
connection between the arteries and the veins. Flow in veins is continuous through
the entire cardiac cycle with variations in velocity with respiration (Figure 2C).
Because of this continuous venous flow the flow in the artery becomes less resistant
causing a lower PI.
Pis that are greater than 1.19 may be caused by a distal occlusion. When blood
tlow hits the occlusion it causes flow to stop abruptly. The result is a decrea.se in
diastolic tlow or a reversal of flow in early diastole and little or no How in late
Arterial constriction will also cause Pis to elevate. High intracranial pressure
increases resistance in the brain causing a decrease in diastolic tlow. As the diastolic
tlow decreases the PI increases. Age can cause the vessels to lose compliance, or
stiffen, so people over the age of 65 may have high Pis.
Cardiac function plays a role in PI. High Pis may be caused by severe aortic régur-
gitation. In severe aortic régurgitation, blood leaks backwards into the heart during
diastole. This can cause a decrease or loss of diastolic flow in the brain.
Direction of Flow
Antegrade tlow is blood that is flowing in the normal direction. When tlow
reverses from its normal direction it is called retrograde tlow. Flow direction may
reverse when a vessel is acting as a collateral (.sending blood to areas of the brain it
normally doesn't supply). Collateral How occurs when there is a proximal narrowing
or occlusion.
Il is also possible that blood tlow may only partially reverse. A hesitant waveform
is when forward flow brietly stops (partial reversal of flow) during systole
(Figure 3A). An alternating waveform is when the flow reverses during systole but
is antegrade during diastole. It may also be seen as forward flow during systole with
a brief period of tlow reversal during early diastole and forward flow in late diastole
(Figure 3B). Partial reversal of flow may occur during the development of collateral
cnVs - 40
L mm m
ut Flow Rtïfi-ïHl
0 1 2 3 4 5 s
1 . 1 . 1 .
04:38:14 PM II pi fî |j -60
Depth 51
Power 20 -80
1 . 1 . 1 .
Sample 3 Flow Rr^(>-^aI
1 f Fotward now f 1
Aultfli'ailt ilav
I • 1 • 1 •
FIG. 3A. Transcranial Doppler waveform demonstrating hesitant flow. Latent flow
reversal is when forward flow briefly stops (partial reversal of flow) during systole.
FIG. 3B. Transcranial Doppler waveform demonstrating alternating flow. There is ante-
grade flow during systole with a brief period of flow reversal during early diastole
and forward flow in late diastole.
2 CM 40
09:54:12 AM -60
Power 100
, t,.
""" ,1 -80
Peak 2421
Dias 127*
kail -100
Mean 173* 0
1 -^c^—a^.. JÜ: x^ ^: "^
FIG. 4. Transcranial Doppler waveform within a vessel narrowing. Disturbed flow is seen
as bright pixels along the baseline.
bright group of pixels along the baseline (Figure 4). This disturbed flow can also be
heard and is called a bruit. A bruit can sound loud, gruff, or even like a seagull {called
a musical inurniur).
The introduction of TCD made it possible to record intracranial blood flow
velocities. TCD has become an important, noninvastve method for assessing cere-
brovascuiar hemodynamics and for evaluating intracranial cerebrovascular disease.
It can measure relative changes in cerebral blood tlt)w objectively, immediately, and
as often as desired (Otis and Ringelstein 1992). The established applications for
TCD are:
• monitoring for vasospavm in the presence of subarachnoid hemorrhage.
• detection of intracranial stenosis or occlusion in the major basal cerebral
• evaluation of collateral flow due to extracranial occlusive disease.
• detection of arteriovenous malformations and cavernous carotid fistulas, and
• evaluation of cerebral circulatory arrest.
same idea applies with the PCA. However, the velocity criteria used is 110 cm/sec
(Sloan 1993).
The interpretation of vasospasm in the vertebral arteries can be made at a velocity
of 85cmysec. In the BA, an interpretationof'may represent vasospasm" can be made
at a velocity of 70 cm/sec with a BA/ECVA ratio of 2.0 to 2.49. Moderate vasospasm
in the BA is interpreted with a velocity of 85 cm/sec and a ratio of 2.5 to 2.99. Severe
vasospasm of the BA is interpreted with a velocity of 85 cm/sec and a ratio of 3.0 or
greater (Sviri et al. 2006).
There are many different published criteria for vasospasm. At Duke University
Hospital, we use the criteria published in Contemporary Neuro.'iur^ery (Newell
and Winn 1989). No matter which criteria are used, each lab should make sure
to internally validate the results with angiography or computed tomography angiog-
raphy and adjust the criteria as necessary to most accurately correlate with those gold
8 090 / 1.00
•*) 123./330
O Itei 1S&/330 n / a»
240 2.82
•tan 192/60.0 so /
t DS 0.42 / 036
Elevated velocity
RPCA-P1 Maan
1 COA-
08:27:43 AM M
Depth 57
Povwer 50
Sampte 6
Peak 2 1 r -«0
Dias 81 '
Mean 133'
50 0 14% 8 231 2
1 Depth Gain Power Sample Scale Probe
L-OA SO •«»r^ 2
1 Pi
FIG. 5A. Transcranial Doppler waveform of an anterior cerebral artery (ACA) acting
as crossover collateral. Flow in the ACA ipsilateral to a proximal occlusion is reversed
(flowing toward the probe). There is also an increase in flow velocity.
FIG. 5B. Transcranial Doppler waveform of a posterior cerebral artery (PCA) acting as
posterior to anterior collateral. Velocities in the PCA ipsilateral to a proximal occlusion are
FIG. 5C. Transcranial Doppler waveform of an ophthalmic artery (OAt with high
resistance flow directed toward the probe.
FIG. 5D. Transcranial Doppler waveform of an ophthalmic artery acting as an external
to internal collateral. The waveform is low resistance with flow away from the probe
(retrograde flow).
External to internal collateral occurs when the ophthalmic artery (OA) supplies
blood from the external carotid iuiery to the carotid siphon. This is seen on TCD
as reversal of now in the OA. Remember, the OA normally has high resistance
waveform morphology because it is feeding the eye (Figure 5C). When it changes
directit)n it is now feeding the brain and the waveform morphology will become low
resistance (Figure 5D). External to internal collateral is the last collateral to occur. It
will only occur if the brain is not getting enough oxygenated blood from the other
two collateral sources. If this collateral is seen, it is very important to inform the
physician since this patient is at greater risk of having an ischémie stroke.
Vertebrohasilar Insufficiency
Vertebrobasilar insufficiency occurs when there is not enough oxygenated blood
flow to the cerebellum. This can occur due to basilar artery occlusion or narrowing,
but more often it is due to a subclavian steal. When the subclavian artery is narrowed
or occluded at the origin, it causes a pressure difference that changes the direction of
flow in the ipsilateral vertebral artery. Instead of the vertebral artery flowing toward
the brain, it reverses direction and supplies blood flow to the distal subclavian artery.
Under resting conditions this may not affect flow in the ba.silar artery. However,
when the arm is being exercised, the oxygen demand pulls blood to the arm via the
subciavian artery, and the basilar artery flow may start to change direction. This can
be seen as hesitant, alternating, or completely reversed flow (Figures 3A and 3B).
Hesitant or alternating flow may also be seen in the vertebral artery under
other circumstances. If there is a proximal vertebral artery narrowing or occlusion,
alternating or hesitant flow may be seen. This is because the blood flowing antegrade
in the contralateral vertebral artery can backfill the distal portion of the compromised
vertebral artery at the confluence of the basilar artery.
virtually identical to that of an AVM. However, the high flow velocities and low Pis
will be seen only in the cavernous internal carotid artery.
The analysis of the TCD waveform makes it possible to assess the basal cerebral
arteries for various disease processes. Changes in flow velocity can lead to an
I I [ r 11 I. i I
Ma« 11/5
ISPT* ?zo PI a.Mu.sa
so CVS
2S0 SO CBptr 46
Swnpl* VoàMne (mn) 6 Pobt . 2 PW
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 8 tavw :nW):
1003 Scale (He) 6600
I 1 I i 1 1 1 1 o
5 00/ S.0O
4.75 / 133
? lataii 430/13.0 n 0.8B
g SO S.60 1 zeo
D6 0.12 0.38
1 1
FIG. 7A. Transcranial Doppler waveform of oscillating flow. There is a sharp forward
flow in systole with reversal of flow in diastole. This waveform is consistent with cerebral
circulatory arrest.
FIG. 7B. Transcranial Doppler waveform of a systolic spike. There is brief forward flow
during systole with no flow during diastole. This waveform is consistent with cerebral
circulatory arrest.
We would like to thank the Duke University Hospital Neurodiagnostic Lab staff
for their support, and especially Rebecca Rendahl, R. EEG T.. RPSGT, BS and Mike
Blake for their assistance, with this paper.
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