Power Density Spectrum
Power Density Spectrum
Power Density Spectrum
A. A. Sakhaeimanesh
Biomedical Engineering Group, Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Abstract-To find the possible frequencies induced by the high shear stresses are exposed to a distribution of shear
vibration of the flexible membrane of the Jellyfish valve, stresses over their entire membrane which causes the blood-
power density spectra of the the valvular velocity waveforms cell membrane to be stretched and cause harmful changes to
were carried out. its essential function and eventually rupture the cells.
Most of the spectral energy was contained in frequencies
lower than 11 Hz and all spectra exhibited pronounced peaks
Therefore, haematologically, it is highly desirable that a
which implied wave motions in the preferred frequency range. valve design shouldn’t produce excessive turbulence, which
Two distinct peak frequencies, 1.2 and 2.4 Hz, were may cause haemolysis ([2], [3], [4], [5]). In this study power
observed downstream of the Jellyfish valve which qualified as density spectra of the valvular velocity waveforms were
the frequencies of fundamental harmony of the waveform carried out and the effect of oscillation on elevating
velocity and one of its sub harmonics. turbulent shear stresses and pressure drops through the
Effect of oscillation on elevating turbulent shear stresses jellyfish and St.Vincent valves has been investigated. Laser
through the jellyfish and St.Vincent valves has also been Doppler Anemometry (LDA) was employed to determine
investigated. Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) was employed the velocity and shear stress distributions at various
to determine the velocity and shear stress distributions at
various locations downstream of the valves. Comparison
locations downstream of the valves.
between two valves revealed that at 0.5D downstream of the
valves the magnitude of shear stresses in the Jellyfish valve
were much higher than those of the St. Vincent valve at II. METHOD
cardiac outputs of 4, 5.5 and 6.5 l/min.
The cause of high shear stresses in close proximity to the Power density spectra of the valvular velocity waveforms
Jellyfish valve could be attributed to the oscillation of the were carried out. The fast Fourier transform (FFT) was
membrane which in turn generated a wake downstream of the implemented by FLOware to calculate spectral estimate of
valve (in the core of valve chamber) and produced a wide the valvular velocity waveforms over the entire cycle to
region of disturbance further downstream. This resulted in produce the power spectra density.
further pressure drag and consequently, higher pressure drops Mean spectral or power spectral density can be estimated
across the valve and higher shear stresses downstream of the
Keywords-Power density spectra, Heart valves, shear
stresses, oscillation, LDA technique
S T ( f ) FFT =
N 2 {| ∑
i =1
ui e j 2πfti |2 } &
1 M
ST = ∑S
M m=1 Tm
Prosthetic heart valves are commonly used for where S T ( f ) is spectral estimate, S T ( f ) is mean
replacement of natural valves, in ventricular assist devices spectral estimate or power spectral density, S Tm is the
(VADs) and total artificial hearts (TAHs). In artificial heart spectral estimate S T calculated from the mth blocks of
valves, the problems of haemolysis, platelet destruction, data, M is the total number of blocks, T is duration of block
thrombus formation, perivalvular leakage, tissue over during which N spherical samples occur and ui is axial
growth and endothelial damages are directly related to the velocity component of ith particle.
fluid dynamic characteristics of flow past artificial heart Two valves namely Jellyfish and St.Vincent valves were
valves ([1], [2], [3]). The presence of the prosthetic valve as selected. Jellyfish valve consist of a thin flexible
a stenosis disturbs the blood flow and produces regions of membranous occluder made of Polyurethane and attached
high turbulent shear stresses, jetting and flow stagnation centrally to a rigid frame which have several spokes to
which, in turn cause pathological problems such as protect against prolapse of the membrane.
haemolysis and thrombosis. Blood cells in the region of
T. Jarm, P. Kramar, A. Županič (Eds.): Medicon 2007, IFMBE Proceedings 16, pp. 545–548, 2007
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