Curry Article
Curry Article
Curry Article
for 31 days and is prison’s infirmary and is the strike, including death
Sept. 3 homicide at the Okla- There is a reason Four Seasons is
homa State Penitentiary was
in the infirmary.
drinking water. threats, interference with released Monday. the largest sunroom company
“Apparently, he has done it his access to the courts, sei-
before,” he said. zure of his legal papers, re-
Warden’s assistant Terry in America.
Crenshaw identified the in-
Hunger strikes by inmates taliation and alleged illegal mate as Daniel Clayton, 38.
World capitol Bureau are not common, Massie action by prison officials. Clayton had 22 convictions,
said. Massie would not discuss 19 of them for property crimes
OKLAHOMA CITY — An Medical and psychologi- the allegations, saying they out of Tulsa County, Depart-
Oklahoma County inmate cal personnel have met with were written “probably to ment of Corrections records
at the Oklahoma State Peni- Green to discuss the hunger get your attention.” show.
tentiary in McAlester is on a strike’s long-term impact on He described Green as a His only active sentence
hunger strike. his health, he said. management problem. was a 20-year term for first-
Monday marked Day No. If it is determined that in- Green has had six episodes degree robbery out of Coman-
31 in the hunger strike by jury would result from the of misconduct in prison since che County.
Rickke L. Green, 55, who is strike or that a life-threat- 2006, including destruction Clayton had been at the
serving time for possession ening situation exists, the of state property, refusal to maximum-security prison
of contraband in a penal in- Department of Corrections obey orders and possession since October 2006. His
stitution and grand larceny. could seek a court order to of a weapon, Massie said. death was the fourth sus-
Green also has convictions initiate life-sustaining mea- The Department of Cor- pected homicide there in a
of assault and battery with a sures, Massie said. rections would not grant a seven-week period.
dangerous weapon, accord- In a Sept. 3 letter to the telephone interview with
ing to the Department of Tulsa World purportedly Green.
Clayton was found unre- SUN & STARS
sponsive in his cell after suf-
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