A Radical Double Agent
A Radical Double Agent
A Radical Double Agent
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The Black Scholar
by Derrick Bell
a careful analysis of the civil rights Such limits also ignore the fact that state-
writings and statements of Clarence mandated restrictions fall heavily on the poor,
Thomas, I am tempted to support his nomi- among whom black women are disproportion-
nation to the Supreme Court. I have con- ately represented.
cluded that Judge Thomas is not really a Then I realized that Judge Thomas's seem-
conservative, but, rather, a committed black ingly ridiculous statements must be part of a
revolutionary. I am convinced that he plans to carefully conceived conspiracy. No black man
use right-wing dogma to spark racial revolt, a with his roots and knowledge of the nation's
revolt he evidently sees as a dangerous but dire employment situation could actually
urgently necessary response to this society's believe that today's poor can find a formula
growing hostility to African Americans. for success in a "self-help" ideology advocated
Initially, I had a number of grave con- by those born into wealth or privilege or
cerns. I was baffled by Judge Thomas's oppo- both.
sition to affirmative action and other civil Many liberals hope that, if seated on the
rights remedies that advanced his career. Supreme Court, he will take a more realistic
1 cringed at his advocacy of capital punish- and sympathetic position on issues concerning
ment when blacks are given that irreversible minorities and other disadvantaged groups.
penalty in such disproportionate numbers. Large numbers of blacks also hope for a post-
I wondered how he could condemn poor confirmation conversion. They support him
black people - including his own sister - for based on his race and his impoverished child-
relying on Government assistance to feed, hood and despite his disavowal of all race-
clothe and house their children at a time based selection processes. Such hopes are
when so many Americans are dependent on futile.
the Government to spend billions of dollars to Indeed, his value as a revolutionary double
insure savings that have been put at risk by agent depends on his strict adherence to the
ill-managed banks and savings and loans. positions that persuaded President Bush to
Even his anti-abortion advocacy seemed to mock both merit and good sense by claiming
fly in the face of reality. State limits on a he was the most qualified candidate.
woman's choice contradict his espousal of free An all-white Supreme Court hostile to
enterprise without government interference. racial issues is one thing. But a Court with its
through law for America's still rampant create - whites as well. His stand will require
racism. personal courage.
Militant arguments that blacks now have The brilliance of his scheme lies in the
no alternative except disruptive protests and following: It will work even if he denies - as
boycotts will be invulnerable to more moder- he probably will - that his conservatism really
ate responses. The Court's action will even masks a radicalism to which most blacks do
give legitimacy to claims by some extremist not adhere but to which an ever-increasing
leaders that black people must respond with number will subscribe within months after he
violence to the violence inflicted on them by takes his seat on the Supreme Court.
an uncaring society.
History reveals no precedent for a black DERRICK BELL, on leave from Harvard Law
man in a position of real power advocating School is a visiting professor at the New York
University Law School. Reprinted from the New
racial policies that are so at odds with the York Times.
convictions of a great majority of his people.