) Explain: Langdage

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)Explain the features of Apex

st ongy typed, cbiect oriend

execute langdage that allouos developers to
Aranyactise conhrol
statements on saluforce gensixg in canjuncti ait
LCalle otth to the ApI
Intcaratd ApeX or9uides iltin auppor or
Cormmon ihtning clatfonm idinns
Eay to ue Apc t based en funiliex ava ldiawcs,
Such au uarialsle and spt níDa syatoax bock and
onaitional statement syntex loop Syntax , cbiect
and o notation
Hasted Apex is iatenpretd executod and
Oonhllad antireby by tee ihtning platfom
Eaay trn test & Adexposide buil
unit test ueeation and execioe
Versione Ys can gay yauY Apex Code againat
ditferent vensionA of ae APTL
APT Ths enohlea eu
Ao montein behaetour
Obicch onented 3 Supports obfect onfented poaramming.
Loatadhgrns suc a claser, oh jecta , inheritànce.
and polymerphism
tohat is Salerfoxce
Salesforce ís o wstomer Company. Salesforce
make cleud- baned aofhoare dhigned te help
owsinemer cnnet to tueir cwstomexs
and Cestomers wit
close mone deal
Ser 19Ce
Connecf-e clot between marketing and sales
Dse tlae manketing cloual app to send
pesonized Loitu
hem tohen
sclasitean automats
estomers clicy
is sent to sales
noifying the teen of neus Laad more deals
"Shame bnoe intonmalic to cloe
Sales cloudlets eexVRLAe on the Sales team s ee
Ond anare al tae penlinent Cetomer intonmotis
Qiving reps eeylaing ey need to closea olal
Letsata tell ou oheie to oces
Tablea aroytiCA sends an autonooted notic
3ignitaat hypical tend or a
Serice issiue c clatected Py- to tse
Lolauhboardls make it sinople to to
ia into tue olata to Leomn more and
take ociou
8ohat i opey doueloprnenl pro cess2Cition
qet aa Developer
Apex qet
To oowelop Aper,
wmle and tet y8 Coole ,tuen
depley ysur cade. i
Apex dueloprent Procees
Choose a Soluforce On for Apex oeeloernznt
Leorn more about Apex
Wie ygur Apex
onting opez,you chold alo be wmtng
Ophonally derloy ygur Apex to a Sandlox
Oganizdlioe dnd do final unit teste.
Deflay yaur Apex to your Salesforce mmoductis

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