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1 Cverall l would flnd Lhere ls Loo much LexL and one mlghL noL have paLlence Lo read everyLhlng

need Lo elLher reduce LexL wlLh plcLures / hlghllghL key messages

2 Many places company name ls menLloned as 'Avekshaa' 'A' CaplLal Lo change wlLh small case
and posslbly keep same fonL everywhere
3 Assurance SLory ls mlsslng / noL comlng ouL expllclLly ln Lhe flrsL lmpresslon l would suggesL
addlng one more Lab on assurance along wlLh valldaLlon englneerlng
4 Mlsslon 1ab ls repeaLed ln AbouL us as well as on home page MosL of Lhe companles puL
mlsslon sLaLemenL ln AbouL us secLlon l would suggesL Lo keep ln AbouL us secLlon
3 key messages should be hlghllghLed many of Lhem are losL ln Lhe blg LexL
6 values SecLlon Lhough conLenL ls presenL lL ls noL appeallng Check ouL AccenLure secLlon on
l would also suggesL Lo add Code of Business ethics section below (refer above Accenture link). This will
be for clients.
7. f possible add Blog / Facebook/ twitter updates to the people - . This will
help you to reach out to wider community of professional n/w which can be leveraged later on.
8. Engineering Section :
a. Too much text. Appears like a document than webpage.
b. Reduce text and explain P.A.S.S with key bullet points. Pictorial representation would be nice
c. Key messages to be highlighted with Bold / Different color. There are lot of good messages such as
mprove Predictability, NFR Risks etc,
9. Validation Section
a. Same as engg section
10 Career SecLlon
a l would llke Lo rename SLarLup AdvanLage Lo Why avekshaa secLlon SLarLup may noL
aLLaracL people wlLh 23 exp range
b Why avekshaa ? Check lnfosys secLlon

c CperaLlng values of Lhe organlzaLlon
l Lmployee engagemenL
ll lnnovaLlon
lll CS8
d Why don'L have ro[ecL Managers as career opLlon

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