Content and Pedagogy For Mother Tongue Syllabus

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Course Credit Units : 3
Course Code/ Name :
Contact Hours/ Week : 3 hours
Course Description:
This course includes both the content and the pedagogy of the mother tongue as well as its underlying theoretical assumptions and frameworks that support its
being a foundation for learning of the additional languages of Filipino and English and developing stronger literacy skills o f learners. The subject matter content
includes the structure of the mother tongue as a language, literature in the mother tongue, methods and techniques of teachin g the language, development of
instructional materials and assessment. Ultimately, the course will develop prospective teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge of the mother tongue which is
necessary for the effective implementation of the Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) Program of the Department of Education.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, pre-service teachers should be able to:
1. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the mother tongue, both as a subject and as a language of learning, including its structure as a language,
literature in the mother tongue, methods and techniques of teaching the language, and research-based best practices in MTB-MLE implementation,
2. demonstrate pedagogical content knowledge on effective MTB-MLE instruction through the creation of developmentally sequenced teaching and learning
processes that meet curriculum requirements,
3. demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that promote literacy skills through selecting, developing and using varied teac hing and learning resources,
including ICT, in teaching the mother tongue,
4. design, select, organize and use appropriate and varied assessment strategies consistent with the MTB-MLE curriculum requirements

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) Content Teaching Learning Activities Assessment
At the end of the unit, the pre-service UNIT I: MOTHER TONGUE-  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can: BASED MULTILINGUAL  Language Bingo Card  Reflection journal/ paper
a. identify the different contexts in EDUCATION
b. understand the relationship What is MTB-MLE?
between language, heritage,
culture, and communication;
c. discuss the personal factors
involved in learning a second
language; and
d. appreciate the comfort and
complexity of the generation they
are born into.
At the end of the unit, the pre-service Why MTB-MLE?  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can:  Question Cards  Reflection journal/ paper
a. Discuss the reasons why learning
a second language is important;
b. Discuss the personal factors
involved in learning a second
c. Understand the Lingua France
Education Project and its
connection to Mother Tongue-
Based Multilingual Education
(MTB-MLE); and
d. Give a brief description of MTB-
At the end of the unit, the pre-service Content of the MTB-MLE?  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can:  Reflection journal/ paper
a. Understand the framework of
b. Gain deeper insight on the MTB-
MLE curriculum;
c. Draft a proposal in refinements/
improvements of the curriculum;
d. Suggest ways of integrating MTB-
MLE issues into the curriculum.
At the end of the unit, the pre-service Constructivist Theory in  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can: Teaching MTB-MLE  Lesson Plan from Mother  Reflection journal/ paper
a. Grasp the essence of Tongue as Learning Area
constructivist learning theory;
b. Relate the constructivist learning
theory with learning a language;
c. Formulate methods for teaching
MTB through the constructivist
At the end of the unit, the pre-service Pedagogical Competencies in  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can: Teaching Mother Tongue  Reflection journal/ paper
a. State their own definition of culture
and list other related concepts; a. Understanding the Local Culture
b. Explain the various definitions of
culturally-responsive education
and its principles; and
c. List some examples of the
elements of culture from
observing their local communities’
At the end of the unit, the pre-service b. Knowing the Mother Tongue  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can:  Article reading  Reflection journal/ paper
a. List and analyze various
definitions of mother tongue from
different authors and language
b. Explain national and international
laws and policies related to Mother
Tongue-Based Multilingual
Education; and
c. Construct illustrations and
examples of their own mother
tongue and another language they
have studied using the five
language knowledge.
At the end of the unit, the pre-service UNIT II: INSTRUCTIONAL  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can: PLANNING FOR THE MOTHER  Reflection journal/ paper
a. Describe to a seatmate one’s TONGUE
typical instructional planning
process; Components of Instructional
b. Select and rank according to Planning
importance guide questions to
consider in planning instruction;
c. Identify events that must be
included in an instruction plan; and
d. Characterize effective
instructional plan.
At the end of the unit, the pre-service Instructional Planning Cycle  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can:  Reflection journal/ paper
a. Explain the importance and
purpose for instructional planning
b. Examine the ADDIE instructional
planning model;
c. Discuss the relationship among
the steps in ADDIE instructional
design process; and
d. Prepare for an instructional plan
using the ADDIE design template.
At the end of the unit, the pre-service Instructional Planning Models for  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can: Mother Tongue Instruction  Reflection journal/ paper
a. Recall the description and
meaning of the principles that
govern the teaching and learning
of Mother Tongue;
b. Familiarize yourself with
instructional planning models for
the teaching of Mother Tongues;
c. Relate the principles of teaching
Mother Tongue to instructional
d. Examine instructional planning
models for their merits and
applicability to one’s teaching and
learning context; and
e. Observe Mother Tongue classes
to determine and examine
teaching strategies employed by
teachers/ colleagues.
At the end of the unit, the pre-service Developing Instructional Plans for  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can: Mother Tongue Instruction  Reflection journal/ paper
a. Unpack the standards in the
curriculum guide;
b. Determine the nature of
c. Identify topic or content of
d. Select assessment strategies; and
e. Plan learning experiences.
At the end of the unit, the pre-service UNIT III: TEACHING AND  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can: LEARNING THE MOTHER  Copy of an exemplar of  Reflection journal/ paper
a. Familiarize themselves with the TONGUE printed text in the learner’s
macro skills that are essential for Mother Tongue
them to communicate effectively; Macro Skills of Communication
b. See and understand the
interconnectedness of these
macro skills in communication;
c. Draw out possible topics for
instruction based on their
understanding of the macro skill
and the ample classroom
activities; and
d. Create a “proficiency criteria: for
each macro skill.
At the end of the unit, the pre-service Teaching for Meaning and  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can: Accuracy  Reflection journal/ paper
a. Understand and differentiate
teaching for meaning and
b. Know and differentiate the most
common teaching methods n
language instruction – whole-to-
part, part-to-whole, and balanced
c. Analyze various instructional
activities; and
d. Create instructional activities
using the competencies from
DepEd’s Curriculum Guide of
Mother Tongue
At the end of the unit, the pre-service Choosing On-grade and  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can: Culturally Relevant Instructional  Reading materials  Reflection journal/ paper
a. Identify the different sources of Materials
instructional materials for Mother
Tongue instruction;
b. Evaluate instructional materials
for Mother Tongue instruction vis-
à-vis learning goal, distinctive
features, and grade-level
appropriateness; and
c. Choose on-grade and culturally
relevant materials in teaching
Mother Tongue as a learning area.
At the end of the unit, the pre-service Developing On-grade and  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can: Culturally Relevant Instructional   Reflection journal/ paper
a. Recall a short story, poem, or any Materials
piece of literature using their
mother tongue language;
b. Analyze a piece of literature
written in mother tongue to
determine the basic elements of a
short story;
c. Familiarize themselves with the
guidelines in developing materials
for mother tongue instruction;
d. Write, edit, and translate Level 1
stories using their mother tongue
language; and
e. Create a story book using their
own stories written in mother
At the end of the unit, the pre-service Language Teaching Strategies  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can: for Mother Tongue  Reflection journal/ paper
a. Acquire strategies for teaching  Scoring Guide
listening and viewing; a. Language Teaching and
b. Distinguish between bottom-up Learning Strategies for Listening
and top-down models of listening; and Viewing
c. Categorize listening skills and
activities as involving bottom-up
and top-down approaches;
d. Design activities for selected
listening skills; and
e. Design activities that target the
development of viewing skills.
At the end of the unit, the pre-service b. Language Teaching and  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can: Learning Strategies for Speaking  Reflection journal/ paper
a. Characterize effective speech,  Scoring Guide
effective speaker, and features of
speaking skills in the mother
b. Analyze principles and current
approached to the teaching of
speaking skills;
c. Examine instructional activities for
young learners in terms of their
target competencies and
language domains;
d. Create an instructional activity that
specifically targets one or more
speaking competencies from the
Mother Tongue Curriculum Guide;
e. Evaluate a peer’s instructional
activity using a scoring guide
At the end of the unit, the pre-service c. Language Teaching and  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can: Learning Strategies for Reading  Reflection journal/ paper
a. Know the different language  Scoring Guide
domains in the Mother Tongue
curriculum related to reading;
b. Examine instructional activities for
young learners, in terms of their
target competencies and
language domains;
c. Familiarize themselves with the
different approaches to reading
through an analysis of sample
instructional activities;
d. Create an instructional activity that
specifically targets one or more
reading competencies from the
Mother Tongue Curriculum Guide;
e. Evaluate a peer’s instructional
activity using a scoring guide.
At the end of the unit, the pre-service d. Language Teaching and  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can: Learning Strategies for Writing  Reflection journal/ paper
a. Know the different stages of  Scoring Guide
emergent writing;
b. Examine instructional activities for
young learners in terms of their
target competencies;
c. Familiarize themselves with the
different writing strategies suitable
for emergent writers;
d. Create an instructional activity that
specifically targets one or more
reading competencies from the
Mother Tongue Curriculum Guide;
e. Evaluate a peer’s instructional
activity using a scoring guide.
At the end of the unit, the pre-service UNIT IV: ASSESSING STUDENT  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can: LEARNING FOR THE MOTHER  Reflection journal/ paper
a. Explain the definition of TONGUE
assessment in education;
b. Differentiate between the five Principles of Language
principles of language Assessment
c. Compare various models of
language assessment;
d. Familiarize themselves with the
traditional and nontraditional
assessment pertinent to Mother
Tongue instruction; and
e. Analyze sample assessments in
Mother Tongue instruction.
At the end of the unit, the pre-service Language Assessment Strategies  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can:  Reflection journal/ paper
a. Differentiate between various
methods of assessment and its
sustainability to different learning
objectives; and
b. Formulate a language
assessment scheme based on
various learning objectives.
At the end of the unit, the pre-service Designing Performance Tasks  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can:  Reflection journal/ paper
a. Explain the definition of
performance task assessment
and identify its four integral parts;
b. Differentiate the various types of
performance task assessment;
c. Formulate a strategy to use
performance task assessment to
gauge student learning.
At the end of the unit, the pre-service Grading Performance Tasks  Interactive discussions  Observation sheet
teacher (PST) can:  Reflection journal/ paper
a. Describe the five principles of
language assessment;
b. Recite the definition of a rubric,
identify its parts, and discuss its
advantages and disadvantages;
c. Compare and contract an analytic
and holistic rubric; and
d. Construct your own rubric with the
appropriate characteristics of
each criterion and each

 Lim, J.M. (2020). A Course Module for Content and Pedagogy for the Mother Tongue. Rex Bookstore



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