H S R ELA DTA P G: Initial Preparation Plans
H S R ELA DTA P G: Initial Preparation Plans
H S R ELA DTA P G: Initial Preparation Plans
Goal II: The student will demonstrate the ability to compose in a variety of modes by developing
content, employing specific forms, and selecting language for a particular audience and
Initial Preparation Plans
FFT Support, 1.c (Setting Instructional Outcomes)
IDENTIFY CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.1
STRATEGY(IES) or Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of
SKILL what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the
from CCSS CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.2
STANDARDS Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail
Think Abouts for its development over the course of the text, including how it
Academic Rigor emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide
and Clear an objective summary of the text.
Expectations: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.1.D
● Are standards Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone
and rubrics while attending to the norms and conventions of the
made available?
discipline in which they are writing.
● Are they posted
and shared with
students? Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning,
revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach,
focusing on addressing what is most significant for a
specific purpose and audience.
OBJECTIVE(S) ● Students will learn the parts of a introductory
Objective(s) must be paragraph
posted visibly. ● Students will be able to craft a quality intro containing
Objective(s) must be
stated aloud to students. a hook, a summary of their body paragraphs, and
Think Abouts for their thesis.
Academic Rigor
and Clear
● What is the
outcome of this
● Why are you
doing this
● What evidence
will be need for
students to
show examples
of their work to
illustrate that the
ome is met?
● Does the
ome prompt
students to raise
questions, solve
problems, to
think and to
SUITABILITY FOR ● As students will receive both written and oral instructions,
DIVERSE they receive their information in multiple mediums to
LEARNERS better increase comprehension.
● What ● The instructor will have several specific examples to
accommodations or model what their intro paragraphs should look like.
differentiation of
instruction/use of
UDL has been
provided for diverse
learners (TAG,
ESOL, SPED, 504,
● Are the outcomes
providing cultural
● Are assessments
Think Abouts for
Academic Rigor
and Clear
What is/are the
explicit criteria for
every learner to
mastery of the
Teacher provides
monitoring and feedback
through various
formative assessment
tools such as reading
logs, Quick Writes,
Think Abouts for
Academic Rigor
and Clear
Are opportunities made
available that allow for
prior and out of school
knowledge regularly in
teaching and learning?
Lesson Teaching Language Essential Question(s),
Component/Teaching Teachers might also include Differentiation/Modification
Moves think alouds and teaching s and Resources Needed
FFT Support, 1.e (Designing
moves on sticky notes in their
coherent Instruction) instructional resources, as
well as noting them on this
planning sheet.
FFT Support, 2d (Managing
Student Behavior)
FFT Support, 3.b
(Questioning/Discussion Techniques)
FFT Support, 3.c (Engaging
Introductory & .
Developmental ● The instructor will What do I need in my introductory
Activities 10 min. reiterate the claim
What are important parts of an
-Connect and Engage-5 min. proof analysis introduction?
● Explain/review the structure of writing Outline sheet
strategy/skill and how it
and remind students Completed Proof sheets
is used.
● As appropriate, that a paragraph is
build/activate 5-7 sentences
background knowledge minimum. Discuss
and academic the length of the
vocabulary necessary
paper with students
to beginning to read the
text. and discuss the
● Pre-assess as topic of the paper.
appropriate. The symbolism of
● Students engage with the Mockingbird.
the text (set their
Reactivate prior
purpose for reading,
skim, read, and knowledge from
code/annotate, use previous discussion
strategic behaviors; to help them think
close reading) about what they
need for this paper.
The standard was assessed by having the students work towards the identification of what they
needed in an introduction. The writing assignment would be graded on the conventions of
standard English as a part of the finished product. I took into account the popularity of the
website “buzzfeed” and their clickbait titles to help students gain a better understanding of the
hook. This non-print media is very popular on both twitter and facebook, both of which are
websites frequented by my students. This is designed to make them think about how creating a
hook relates to their life. This also should help them in crafting their paragraphs overall.
Standard II:
Here is proof of email correspondence with my mentor.
Standard III:
Plagarism is considered a level I offense. Repeated offenses can count as upper levels which
may result in long term suspension. The students recieve a 50% and a PF74 on their first
Standard IV:
Standard V:
IDENTIFY CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.1
STRATEGY(IES) or Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of
SKILL what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the
from CCSS CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.2
STANDARDS Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail
Think Abouts for its development over the course of the text, including how it
Academic Rigor emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide
and Clear an objective summary of the text.
● Are standards
and rubrics
made available?
● Are they posted
and shared with
MATCH To Kill A Mockingbird
Ensure each text(s) is
well-aligned to the
chosen strategy/skill and
to student
SUITABILITY FOR ● As students will receive both written and oral instructions,
DIVERSE they receive their information in multiple mediums to
LEARNERS better increase comprehension.
● What ● Some of the symbol examples will be geared towards
accommodations or youth culture, and others will be geared towards an
differentiation of
American culture to provide multiple examples the
instruction/use of
UDL has been students should be able to relate to.
provided for diverse
learners (TAG,
ESOL, SPED, 504,
● Are the outcomes
providing cultural
● Are assessments
Think Abouts for
Academic Rigor
and Clear
What is/are the
explicit criteria for
every learner to
mastery of the
Teacher provides
monitoring and feedback
through various
formative assessment
tools such as reading
logs, Quick Writes,
Think Abouts for
Academic Rigor
and Clear
Are opportunities made
available that allow for
prior and out of school
knowledge regularly in
teaching and learning?
Standard VI:
There is a student with a pair of hearing aids in my first period class. The student has a severe
lisp which can at times make it difficult to understand him. The aids are intended to let him hear
his own words and therefore overtime work to correct the lisp. They also enable him to hear
instruction delivered and interact with his classmates in an auditory fashion.
Standard VII:
Prior to the internship I shunned for the most part the idea of technology in the
classroom. I did however courtesy of my mentor teacher gain access to both Edmodo
students have access to the work. The visualizer became one of my most used tools. It
would project various sheets of paper or images from a desk to the wall making them
easily viewable for the entire classroom. This enabled me to deliver instruction both
orally and visually to take advantage of the theory of multiple intelligences and to