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ASSESSMENT Assessment is will determine the level

of your competency..

Good Morning! I am_______, your

competency assessor for Qualification or Units of competency
BOOKKEEPING NCIII. I would like to to be assessed are the BASIC,
acknowledge the presence of the COMMON and the CORE
TESDA Representative (name
__________________), not to worry five (5) Units of Competency
about their presence, they are here to
oversee the conduct of competency Journalize Transactions 
assessment and to check if the Post Transactions 
conduct is in accordance with the Prepare Trial Balance 
prescribed competency assessment Prepare Financial Report 
methodologies and procedures of Review Internal Control System
TESDA, they will not assess you.
Before we start let me first check the
attendance. As I call your name b.Tasks to be performed, time limits
please acknowledge and submit and evidence to be collected
youradmission slip. (Please sign the
I will collect evidence through written
attendance sheet)
test. This assessment method can help
I have here with me your measure your underpinning knowledge
accomplished application form with and skills. Time limit for the whole
Self-Assessment Guide, this is an competency to be assessed is 6 hours
indication that you can perform all
units of competency enumerated in
this qualification.
c. Assessment procedures to be
Today, I am going to administer the
national competency assessment for
BOOKKEEPING NCIII For the Journalizing, you have 1 hour
allotted time,
for Posting Transaction another 1 hour
THE CONTEXT AND PURPOSE OF and for preparing Trial balance you
ASSESSMENT still have another 1 hour and for
preparing financial report that includes
a.Qualification/Units of Competency Income statement, Balance sheet,
to be assessed Statement of Cash flow and Post
I would like to welcome all of you to Closing Trial together with Review
Internal Control System you will be
NTII our Assessment Center
given 2 hours allotted time. A total of assessment center and the assessor are
5hours duration. accredited.
d.Special needs to be considered h.Issuance and validity of National
during assessment Certificate/Certificate of Competency

For your personal needs the comfort If you have passed the assessment and you
room is located at the end of the are competent, For the issuance of National
hallway. If you want to take your meal, Certificate you can claim it at the Provincial
we have a canteen outside the Office three working days after the
assessment center. However, during assessment.
the assessment, you are not allowed to
leave the premises of the assessment

I. Re-assessment policies and


e. Allowable/reasonable adjustments If found not competent- don’t worry

in the assessment procedure about it, you can be reassessed
anytime at your own convenience.
If you have difficulty in understanding the
Since Bookkeeping NCIII is a project
given instruction, please don’t hesitate to
call my attention because I am willing to
based competency the reassessment
explain and translate it for you. is always a full qualification, this
means, you have to undergo the
F. The DO’s and DON’T’s
whole assessment process. IF you fail
inside the Competency Assessment Center 2 consecutive assessments, you are
Do’s Follow security policy and procedure
advised to take a refresher course
Follow the rules on use of the facility Don’ts
Strictly no cellphone allowed during
before applying for reassessment.
assessment. No Loitering inside the
premises Leaving the Premises without
notifying the assessor If you have concerns,
questions and there’s a need for you to
clarify the matter concerning the
assessment you may asked for I am willing Provide each candidate of a copy of
to assist you. But once the assessment “SPECIFIC INSTRUCTION TO THE
started please refrain from asking questions CANDIDATE”
co it is no longer allowed
If you don’t have any questions or
g. The Rights and Appeal system
clarification, then I am going to give
In case you are not satisfied regarding the you a copy of “Specific Instruction,
assessment result you have the right to please read them carefully If you have
appeal, you can submit your appeal to the
questions, please asked it now. I may
TESDA Provincial Office where the
be able to translate it to English or to
your local dialect. If you need NEGATIVE FEEDBACK: Be positive
assistance, I will be more than willing without raising falls expectations.
to assist you suggest further learnings and practice
to fix the gaps…………………
Candidate2.Howwasthe assessment?
Please sign this CARS and Rating
You are candidate 1, candidate 2,.. sheets, if you are not satisfied with the
Candidate1 please proceed to the result of the assessment you may file a
assessment area while other complaint or an appeal to the TESDA
candidates you may stay here. provincial office, where your Assessor
COLLECT THE EVIDENCE AND MAKE and Center are accredited. Do you
THE ASSESSMENT DECISION have any questions?

Have you read the “Specific

Instruction once more”? Do you have
any questions? you may have asked it
now. When assessment starts, you can
no longer asked. Please be informed
after the demonstration there will be
oral questioning. Ok you may begin.
Record on Rating Sheet details of
evidence collected and judgement
made about the candidate’s
. Candidate 1. How was the
assessment? My observation coincides
with your opinion, you were able to
answer all the task questions
correctly, that includes your written
test result but there are areas of
improvement such as the proper
format in Overall you are competent.
Please sign the CARS. And your Rating
Sheet. You may claim your NC/COC at
the TESDA Provincial Office after 3
working days

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