Lovelyn Script - For - Conduct - of - Assessment
Lovelyn Script - For - Conduct - of - Assessment
Lovelyn Script - For - Conduct - of - Assessment
Ensure that the assessment site complies with relevant occupational health and safety requirements .
The assessor must ensure that the tools , equipment and facilities are ready and available in the
assessment site before the assessment starts.
Copies of application form with candidates guide and rating sheets corresponding to the number of
Attendance sheet
(Let the candidate sign on the attendance sheet, compare signature on the admission slip )
I have here with me your accomplished self-assessment guide. This is an indication that you know and
can perform all units of competency enumerated in this qualification.
(Self-Assessment guide was given to the candidate by the processing officer of the assessment center)
I would like to welcome all of you for your assessment for FBS NCIi
Today, I am going to administer competency assessment for FBS NC II,the qualifications for FBS NCII
composed of Basic, common and core competencies.
Fold 10 napkins
Table set up
To determine your knowledge and skills for FBS NCII , the assessment method we will be using are
demonstration, oral questioning and interview. These assessment methods can help to measure your
underpinning knowledge and skills.
Before well start with the assessment proper, please do your personal necessities so that you will not
be disturb during the assessment because I will not allow you to go out from the assessment venue
while you are doing your tasks.
If you have difficulties in understanding the given instructions, please don't hesitate to tell me
because I am willing to explain and translate it for you.
If there are emergencies and problem you encounter in the assessment please approach me
immediately for clarification and consideration.
If you have concern or this a need for to clarify concerning the assessment you may raise your hand
because I am more than willing to help you.
But once the assessment has started , please refrain from asking questions.
During the assessment if you have physical or any for of difficulties don't hesitate to call my attention ,
so we can address it immediately.
You shoud follow and perform all the tasks prescribed in the assessment observing the time allocated
for every task.
You should also observe safety and sanitation in doing your task.
In the event candidates that you wont agree with my decision, you can write your formal appeal
addresses to the Provincial Director of TESDA Sibugay and fill in the Customer Inquiry and Feedback
In case you have any questions regarding the assessment results you have the right to appeal, you can
submit your appeal to the TESDA Provincial Office or assessment center .
For the issuance of the National certificate NC/COC shall be claimed at TESDA Provincial Office 3
working days after the assessment by submitting the ff.
CARS( Competency Assessment Result Summary)
Further, the validity period of your NC/COC is five (5) years to commence on the date of your
Re-assessment procedures
However, if you will be found NOT YET COMPETENT, you may apply for reassessment anytime at
convenience for moment that you feel confident enough that you have acquired the competence. You
may also be assessed only on the units of competency where you were found Not Yet Competence.
If you fail 2 consecutive assessments, you are advised to undergo a refresher course to any TESDA
Administered/registered school to acquire the knowledge and skills based in the industry standards
Assessment procedures taken from the units of competencies in the TR and on the Evidence Plan.
Provide the candidate with all the materials, tools, and equipment required to complete the tasks.
At this point, give the specific instructions to the candidate clearly and slowly.
(Name, (Candidate number 1 ), using the materials, tools, and equipment, you are required to perform
the tasks within_____ hours. I will be observing you while you are performing the tasks.
After your demonstration, I will ask you some questions related to your demonstration.
You may call me when there is a need for me to translate or explain items for clarification.
After the questioning portion, I will give you feedback about your performance.
Any questions/ clarifications? If there are no questions, you may start now.
The assessor must have his/her stop watch to observe the allocated time for every task.
Observe the candidate and keep notes of unusual conditions of situations during the entire conduct of
the assessment.
Collect evidence and much compatibility to the elements, performance criteria, range of variables and
evidence guide in relevance of units of competency.
Thank you Candidate no.1 you may now take your seat. (Followed by Candidate no. 2)
Oral questioning:
-OK good! Based on my observation to your performance, you have the ability to perform all the
competencies according to relevant standards. You also got high score on your oral examination.
Congratulate if he/she performed competently the task given during the assessment.
On the other hand, discuss the need for further evidence if the candidate was not able to perform the
task given during the assessment.
-Since you have done your task very well and you have a good performance, as your competency
assessor I now certify you competent. Congratulations
-So since, I certify you competent, do you agree with my decision? Please affix your signature in the
rating sheet and in the competency assessment result summary.
For the issuance of National Certificate, AC Manager shall inform you where to claim it after 3 working
days .Again, I would like to say Congratulations.
-I noticed that you did not perform well and you need some improvements to meet the standard
requirements of this qualification. You have to review the activities related to the competency that
you are weak and not doing well your task as a trainee. Is it okay with you?
-As a candidate, you can come back any time in your convenience for reassessment when you are
ready that you have acquired the competence. You will only be reassessed on the competency that
you were found not yet competent.
In case you have any questions regarding the assessment results you have the right to appeal, you can
submit your appeal to the TESDA Provincial Office with the assessment center and assessor are
-Now as again for candidates who were declared competent, I have to greet them once again
Mr./Mrs./Ms. So and so CONGRATULATIONS!
-For those who were declared not yet competent, I may say the following words:
Mr./Ms./Mrs. ____________________ you are not yet competent enough in this competency but I
suggest that you have to improve and learn more ,as soon as you think that youre ready and acquired
the competence on the unit/s of competencies you were found NOT YET COMPETENT, feel free to
submit yourself for reassessment.
-Ok, so thats all. Thank you for your time and again Congratulations!