LP Observe Sisc
LP Observe Sisc
LP Observe Sisc
English Language
34 Monday 7/9/2020 4 Amanah 60 minutes
Year 4
Lesson delivery
2. Prepare some questions cards using main question words (who/what/when, etc) based on the pictures on the
whiteboard. ‘What is the celebration? Who celebrate it? What are the foods you eat on that day? Where do
you pray?’ etc.
3. The pupils will ask these questions to their friends. Draw pupils’ attention to main question words
(who/what/when, etc) when answering the questions. A person from the group will write their answers on the
Think Board. Fan & Pick (Group Work)
4. Teacher will call out some groups to say their answers. Pupils will check their friends’ answer using Share-
Your-View technique.
5. Distribute the Wh- Table and jumbled up words to the pupils. Pupils will stick the words in the correct
Differentiation: Average pupils- 3 sentences. Advanced pupils – 5 sentences, adding conjunctions.
5. Ask pupils in pairs to think about their experience in celebrating Hari Raya Then, pupils write about the
celebration in the answer sheet, individually. Remind pupils to use the correct punctuations when writing their
answers. Differentiation: Weak pupils – 3 simple sentences, Advanced pupils – at least 5 simple and
compound sentences.
6. Ask pupils to paste their answers on the wall. Offer guidance for pupils to give feedback on the writing,
both language and content, with a particular focus on punctuation and use of capitals. Monitor and offer
feedback as well. (Peer correction: Gallery Walk)
7. Pupils list out other celebrations . (Graphic organizer)
Civic Education: Appreciate and respect different cultures.