Sundered Isles Assets Sheets
Sundered Isles Assets Sheets
Sundered Isles Assets Sheets
This file includes print-and-play asset cards for Sundered Isles, an expansion
for the Ironsworn: Starforged tabletop roleplaying game.
Writing and game design by Shawn Tomkin
Icon design by Nathen Græy
The text of this work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
International license. For license details, visit
3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0
● Your longboat transports crew, passengers, ● When you Strike using a vehicle’s weapons, ● You are a machine. You do not eat, drink,
and cargo to and from your flagship. and hold your fire for maximum effect, or breathe, and are immune to toxins and
When you (or a landing party under your decide the amount of momentum you risk (1, poisons. You Endure Harm as normal, but
command) use the craft to haul provisions as 2, or 3) and add +that amount. On a strong restore health only when you Repair (spend 1
you Resupply, you may roll +integrity. If you hit, mark progress. On a weak hit or miss, repair point to take +1 health, and 2 points to
do, take +1 supply or +1 momentum on a hit. Lose Momentum equal to 1 + the amount clear the wounded impact).
● Your longboat is reinforced to endure storm, risked (in addition to any other cost). ● You have a kinship with other machines. When
shoals, and cannon fire. When you Withstand ● When make a move by firing or directing you make a move to build, repair, or study a
Damage and score a miss, you may reroll any the fire of a vehicle’s weapons, and burn mechanical device, or question or convince
dice. When you Repair a battered longboat, momentum to improve your result, roll a mechanical being, you may roll +spirit. On
clear the impact for 1 repair point (instead of 2). your action die. On a 5 or 6, do not reset a match, you build new understanding or
● Your crew is trained for a stealthy approach. momentum. Otherwise, take +1 momentum affinity; mark 1 tick on your bonds legacy track.
When you Face Danger or Gain Ground after you reset. ● You may purchase paths (except AUGMENTED)
using your longboat to board an enemy
vessel or land on hostile shores, add +1 and
● When you Secure an Advantage or Gain Ground to reflect an aspect of your mechanical nature
by preparing or loading special ammunition for 1 less experience. When you Pay the Price,
take +1 momentum on a hit. for a vehicle’s weapons, roll +supply. On a hit, you may suffer the cost by marking one of
take +1 momentum. Then, when you first make these assets as broken. Spend 2 repair points
4 3 2 1 0 a move to fire this ammunition, reroll any dice. to return a broken asset to working condition.
● When you Repair, take 1 extra repair point or ● When you make a move using using charm, ● When you Secure an Advantage or Gain Ground
+1 momentum on a hit. When you Resupply flattery, or seduction, or by navigating elite by creating a minor mystical effect, roll +spirit.
by scavenging parts or materials from a ship social circles, add +1. On a strong hit, take +1 momentum. On a weak
or wreck, take +1 supply or +1 momentum ● When you first make an appearance at a hit, take the standard benefits of the move,
on a strong hit. social event, you may attempt a grand or but first Endure Stress (-1). On a match, you
● When you Enter the Fray (+wits), you memorable entrace. If you do, roll +heart. learn something of magic’s nature through
an unexpected boon or harrowing backlash;
may study an enemy vessel to pointpoint On a strong hit, mark one tick on your bonds
weakneses and strengths in its construction legacy track and take +3 momentum. On a mark 1 tick on your discoveries legacy track.
or configuration. On a strong hit, you spot a weak hit, take +2 momentum. On a miss, ● You may purchase assets of a supernatural
vulnerability or devise a means of overcoming choose one and Endure Stress (-2). nature for 1 experience (instead of 3).
its advantages; envision what you learn and ✴ You spot an unwelcome rival, authority, or ● When you Swear an Iron Vow (extreme or
take +2 momentum. One time only, you or former beau. greater) to gather the components and lore of
an ally may reroll any dice when using this ✴ You commit an embarrassing faux pas. a complex and powerful ritual, reroll any dice.
insight to make a move. ✴ You are upstaged by another’s entrance. When you Reach a Milestone on this quest,
● When you Advance by conducting a refit at ● When you Hearten while attending an take +2 momentum. When you enact the ritual
port, you may purchase or upgrade module exclusive social event, reroll any dice. On a to Fulfill Your Vow, you may reroll any challenge
assets for 1 less experience. strong hit, you and any allies in your company dice to draw on unknowable powers at the risk
take +1 momentum. of your soul. If you do, Face Desolation.
● When you make a move to covertly observe ● When you make a move with outrageous ● You are unnoticed and underestimated.
a target, infiltrate a protected location, or style, and do not roll a 1 on your action When you make a move to sneak, hide, or
uncover or decipher secret information, add die, you may reroll that die. If you burn pilfer, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.
+1 and take +1 momentum on a hit. momentum to improve your result on this When you make a move to defy expectations
● When you Face Danger or Secure an move, roll your action die again; on a 5 or 6, (decide before rolling) add +1 and reroll any
Advantage to establish a false identity or do not reset momentum. dice, but count a weak hit as a miss.
adopt a disguise, add +1. On a hit, add +1 when ● When you Enter the Fray in personal ● Name a connection as your mentor. When you
using that identity to deceive or influence combat, or when an ongoing fight transitions Develop Your Relationship with them, take
others. If you score a miss with a match to personal combat, you may envision up to +2 momentum. When you successfully Fulfill
when using a false identity, your deception three useful aspects of your surroundings. Your Vow in their service or to their benefit,
is completely and dramatically undone. Take +1 momentum for each. Then, when also mark two ticks on your bonds legacy
● When you Forge a Bond for a relationship you make a daring or unexpected move track. When you Forge a Bond with them
founded on deception, choose one. incorporating one of those aspects (once per and score a hit, make the legacy reward one
✴ Keep the secret: You may reroll one aspect), add +1. rank higher (1 extra box if already epic).
challenge die. ● When you React Under Fire in close quarters ● When you come of age or take on a role
✴ Reveal the truth: On a strong hit, make the by parrying, and score a strong hit, you beyond your years, gain this ability at no cost.
legacy reward one rank higher (1 extra box counter or turn your foe’s attack against Then, discard this asset and take two others
if already epic). them; mark progress. (at no cost) to represent your new status.
● You have an affinity for the depths. You can ● When you bind the winds to your will, roll ● Your albatross companion brings good luck,
spend extended time underwater without +edge. On a strong hit, the winds are fine; you but its fate is tied to your own. When you are
need of a breath, and have 5 air. When you and your allies take +2 momentum, and may at sea, increase your momentum reset by 1.
exert yourself to make a move underwater, add +1 when you make a move to navigate or If the albatross is killed, discard this asset
you may suffer -1 air and add +1. When your maneuver. On a weak hit, the winds are fair; and suffer a permanent impact.
air is 0, you must Endure Harm (-2) before take +2 momentum. On a miss, the winds are
foul; you and your allies Lose Momentum (-2),
● When the albatross flies ahead of your ship
making any move involving physical action. or perches on the ship’s mast as you Finish
When you return to the surface or an air- and should face weather-related hazards and an Expedition, its luck is on your side. You
filled environment, set your air to 5. costs as appropriate. No matter the outcome, may reroll one challenge die.
● Once per foray into an underwater environ, set the winds to fair after a few hours.
● When you Secure an Advantage at sea by
you may trade air for momentum, or vice- ● As above, and add +1 when you bind the winds. asking the spirit embodied by the albatross
versa. Suffer -2 air and take +2 momentum, ● Once per situation, you may summon a mighty for a favorable boon, you may roll +its
or Lose Momentum (-2) and take +2 air. cyclone. Take an automatic miss as defined health. If you do, take +1 momentum on a
● When you make a move to maneuver while above, but also wreak havoc on your foes; hit. On a strong hit with a match, also mark
diving or swimming, take +1 momentum on mark progress on a related quest, or mark 1 tick on your bonds legacy track as you
a strong hit. progress twice on related objectives in a fight. deepen your connection to your companion.
● Your jungle cat companion leaps into the ● Your monkey companion finds its own ● Your parrot companion offers random
fight at your side. When you Strike aided by trouble. Once per situation, when you score wisdom. When you seek inspiration, context,
the cat, or if you make a move to intimidate a miss, you may envision a cost involving or direction, use your oracle dice to choose
your foes, add +1. If you Clash, take +1 the monkey causing mischief or getting into a table (1–25: Action, 26–50: Theme, 51–75:
momentum on a hit. danger. If you do, roll +its health. On a strong Descriptor, 76–100: Focus). Then, roll to
● The jungle cat leads the way on treacherous hit, the monkey unwittingly turns the situation learn what your parrot says. If you connect
this prompt to your current situation for new
overland journeys. When you Undertake an to your favor; take +2 momentum. On a weak
Expedition through wilderness, add +1. On a hit, it provides a distraction or mild boon; take insight, take +1 momentum.
strong hit with a match, the cat guides you to +1 momentum. On a miss, it faces its own cost ● Once per fight, when you score a miss, you
an otherwise unseen opportunity; envision or makes the situation worse. may envision how the companion appears
what you find and take +2 momentum. ● When you make a move by sending the on the scene to cause a timely distraction. If
● When you Endure Stress in the company monkey to complete a task involving theft, you do, make it a strong hit instead.
of the jungle cat, or if you Hearten in their infiltration, or sabotage, roll +its health. On a ● The parrot squawks a warning when danger
company, add +1. On a strong hit with a hit, take +1 momentum. is near. When you Face Danger to detect a
match, you find inspiration or solace; take ● When you Resupply by asking the monkey to threat, or if you Enter the Fray against an
+momentum equal to their health. search or scavenge, add +1. ambush, add +its health.
4 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 2 1 0
NAME While it is your companion, Once you Make a Connection
the Kraken cannot be harmed. and accept them as a crewmate...
● Your rat companion shows the way. When ● When you summon the Kraken, fill one ● You gain a specialist. The specialist is part
you make a move to flee a danger aboard segment of a four-segment clock. The Kraken of your crew, but is tracked as a connection
a ship or within a confined site, and let your will heed a single command to destroy or and provides benefits to you and your allies
rat take the lead, add +its health. overcome any foe or obstacle. If you are in a per their role. When you Withstand Damage
● When you make a move by setting loose fight, Take Decisive Action with an automatic and score a miss, or if you Pay the Price, you
the rat to cause a distraction or commotion strong hit. When the clock is filled, Ask the may suffer the cost by noting the specialist
among a crowd or in a public space, add +1 Oracle (using the yes/no table) if the Kraken as out of action. An out of action specialist
and take +1 momentum on a hit. On a strong turns against you, making it 50/50. On a yes, provides no benefit. To restore a specialist to
hit with a match, it creates unexpected discard this asset; the Kraken is duty, resolve the situation as appropriate to
chaos; take +1 momentum more. now an epic foe. On a no, clear the nature of the injury, trauma, or dispute.
● You may Explore a Waypoint (even if not on one segment of the clock. ● Gain additional specialists by spending 1
an expedition) by sending the rat to search
a promising confined area for something of
● When you make a move using a experience to add a connection to your crew
threat to call the Kraken as leverage, add +2. as a specialist. Specialist bonuses may not be
interest or value. If you do, roll +its health.
On a miss, its instincts have you forewarned; ● One time only, when you Fulfill Your Vow stacked for a single action.
you may reroll one challenge die. (formidable or greater) in service to the ● When you Secure an Advantage by
Kraken and score a hit, choose one: clear gathering your specialists to strategize or
2 1 0 all clock segments, or discard this asset and problem-solve, you may reroll one die for
OUT OF ACTION mark three boxes on your bonds legacy track. each participating specialist.
Once you die or are cursed
with undeath...
● This is not your end. Envision your undead
form and nature. This asset counts as a
permanent impact, but you are now resistant
to mortal harm. When you Endure Harm, you
may first Lose Momentum (-1, -2, or -3) to
offset an equal amount of harm. If potential
harm remains, and you choose to resist the
harm, roll +spirit.
● When you make a move using your undead
aspect to intimidate, scare, or confound,
reroll any dice; on a hit, take +2 momentum.
● You may move at-will between the mortal
world and the realm of the dead, can take
others with you, and may navigate those
paths to bypass or hasten a mortal journey.
When you Undertake an Expedition within
the realms of the dead, roll +spirit. On a
strong hit, mark progress.