Exploration Moves: Undertake An Expedition Make A Discovery
Exploration Moves: Undertake An Expedition Make A Discovery
Exploration Moves: Undertake An Expedition Make A Discovery
EXPLORATION MOVES When your exploration uncovers something wondrous, roll on the table
UNDERTAKE AN EXPEDITION below. Then, envision the nature of the discovery and how it is revealed. When
When you trailblaze a route through perilous space, journey over unexplored you first experience or engage with the discovery, you and your allies may mark
terrain, or survey a mysterious site, give the expedition a name and rank. two ticks on your discoveries legacy track.
Then, for each segment of the expedition, envision your approach. If you... 1-4 Advanced technology waiting to be harnessed or salvaged
✴ Move at speed: Roll +edge 5-8 Ancient archive or message
✴ Keep under the radar: Roll +shadow 9-10 Artificial consciousness evolved to a higher state
✴ Stay vigilant: Roll +wits 11-12 Clues to a crucial resource or uncharted domain
On a strong hit, you reach a waypoint. Envision it (Ask the Oracle if unsure) and 13-14 Envoy from another time or reality
mark progress per the rank of your expedition. 15-22 Extraordinary natural phenomenon
On a weak hit, reach a waypoint and mark progress, but must also choose one. 23-24 First contact with intelligent life
✴ Suffer costs en route: Make a suffer move (-2), or two suffer moves (-1). 25-26 Gateway to another time or alternate reality
✴ Face a risky situation at the waypoint: Envision what you encounter (Ask the 27-28 Key to unlocking a language or method of communication
Oracle if unsure). 29-34 Lost or hidden people
On a miss, you are waylaid by a crisis, or arrive at a waypoint to confront a dire 35-42 Majestic or unusual lifeforms
threat. Do not mark progress, and Pay the Price. 43-46 Marvel of ancient engineering
47-50 Miraculously preserved artifact or specimen
51-56 Monumental architecture or artistry of an ancient civilization
57-62 Mysterious device or artifact of potential value
When you divert from your expedition to scout a notable location, roll +wits.
63-66 New understanding of an enduring mystery
On a strong hit, choose one. On a strong hit with a match, you may instead
67-68 Pathway or means of travel to a distant location
Make a Discovery.
69-70 Person or lifeform with phenomenal abilities
✴ Find an opportunity: Envision a favorable situation, resource, or encounter
71-78 Place of awe-inspiring beauty
(Ask the Oracle if unsure), and take +2 momentum.
✴ Gain exploration data: Mark progress on your expedition, per its rank. 79-86 Rare and valuable resource
87-88 Safeguarded or idyllic location
On a weak hit, you uncover something interesting, but it is bound up in a risky
89-90 Visions or prophesies of the future
situation or reveals an ominous aspect of this place. Take +1 momentum and
envision what you encounter (Ask the Oracle if unsure). 91-100 Roll Twice
On a miss, you encounter a hardship, danger, or complication, and must Pay the
Price. On a miss with a match, you must Confront Chaos. CONFRONT CHAOS
When your exploration uncovers something dreadful, decide the number of
FINISH AN EXPEDITION aspects: one, two, or three. Roll that number of times on the table below. If you
Progress Move roll the same aspect twice, roll again. Then, envision how the encounter begins.
When your expedition comes to an end, roll the challenge dice and compare to For each aspect, when you first confront that element within the scope of the
your progress. Momentum is ignored on this roll. encounter, you and your allies may mark one tick on your discoveries legacy track.
On a strong hit, you reach your destination or complete your survey. You and your
1-4 Baneful weapon of mass destruction
allies may mark a number of ticks on your discoveries legacy track equal to the
rank of the expedition (troublesome=1; dangerous=2; formidable=3; extreme=4; 5-9 Cataclysmic environmental effects
epic=5). 10-12 Dead given unnatural life
On a weak hit, as above, but mark one fewer ticks. Also, the end of your 13-17 Destructive lifeform of monstrous proportion
expedition introduces an unforeseen complication or danger. Envision what you 18-20 Dread hallucinations or illusions
find (Ask the Oracle if unsure). 21-24 Harbingers of an imminent invasion
On a miss, your destination is lost to you, or you come to understand the true 25-27 Horde of insatiable hunger or fury
nature or cost of the expedition. Pay the Price. If you recommit to the expedition, 28-32 Horrific lifeforms of inscrutable purpose
clear all but one filled progress, and raise the rank by one (if not already epic). 33-36 Imposters in human form
37-41 Machines made enemy
42-45 Malignant contagion or parasite
46-50 Messenger or signal with a dire warning
When you follow a known route through perilous space or across hazardous
terrain, roll +supply. 51-53 Passage to a grim alternate reality
54-58 People corrupted by chaos
On a strong hit, you reach your destination and the situation there favors you.
Take +1 momentum. 59-63 Powerful distortions of time or space
64-68 Signs of an impending catastrophe
On a weak hit, you arrive, but face a cost or complication. Choose one.
69-72 Site of a baffling disappearance
✴ Suffer costs en route: Make a suffer move (-2), or two suffer moves (-1).
73-77 Site of a horrible disaster
✴ Face a risky situation at the destination: Envision what you encounter (Ask
78-82 Site of terrible carnage
the Oracle if unsure).
83-87 Technology nullified or made unstable
On a miss, you are waylaid by a threat along the way, and must Pay the 88-92 Technology warped for dark purpose
Price. If you survive, you may push on safely to your destination. 93-96 Vault of dread technology or power
97-100 Worshipers of great and malevolent powers
Ironsworn: Starforged – Moves | Work in progress. Not for distribution. Copyright ©2020 Shawn Tomkin | ironswornrpg.com